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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5069394 No.5069394 [Reply] [Original]

When is fast food going to start delivering?

Some shit like that better start soon, I'm getting restless and it's outrageous they don't already

>> No.5069395

when your fat mama starts delivering it

>> No.5069396

I know some BK's and MC'D's already are in some areas.

I know in NYC there's like a messenger service that does it out of certain stores. Not sure if it's a MCD's thing or if someone just offered to deliver for pay

>> No.5069397

>suddenly America got even fatter

>> No.5069399

with as cheap as the food is, it wouldn't really make sense to deliver, pizza hut gets away with it because even for fast food, their stuff isn't on the same level of cheap as something like mcdonalds or burger king, of course as prices go up it might be a possibility.

>> No.5069400

Burger King has started testing delivery. I shit you not. I live in one of the test markets. I think Jimmy Johns was hurting them here.


>> No.5069405

They've had it forever in the UK, as much as they call Americans fat asses.

>> No.5069406

holy shit

>> No.5069407
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A swedish burger chain called MAX has started a delivery service with the help from a website called just-eat in Copenhagen. Haven't tried it though and their burgers aren't really that good. There's lettuce in the cheeseburger which isn't bad, kinda weird though.

>> No.5069408

KFC delivers in some parts of the Caribbean

>> No.5069414

>Lettuce in the cheeseburger
that's pretty common.

>> No.5069419
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Thank you Based God.
>mfw soon there will be nationwide fast food delivery in America
Time to reclaim our #1 obesity

>> No.5069421

McDonalds in S. Korea delivers in many locations. 24 Hrs too at my old employer's office location in Yongin-suji.

>> No.5069431


Not around these parts at those prices. You either get no salad at all or a salad disguised as a burger.

>> No.5069435

Mc Donalds delivers in Shanghai, along with pretty much all other fast food chains.

>> No.5069443


isnt 4chan banned in china?

>> No.5069447

I was only on holiday there, and not while I was there.. I could get to 4chan but not google...

>> No.5069449

I would eat burgers and fried chicken if they did home deliveries.

>> No.5069484

holy shit how fat are you OP?

>> No.5069500

get out europoor

>> No.5069518

Try ordering McDonald's or KFC and letting your greasy heavily processed food sit in a paper bag for 15 minutes.

Now imagine this with a delivery surcharge a third the price of the meal itself (in any developed country that doesn't rely on tips to skim off its expenses).

Places like Thailand and SKorea get away with it because of the population density but if you still think delivering fast food in a Western country is sustainable then you're retarded.

>> No.5069520

Uhh, nope, son. No place in the UK delivers fast food like BK or KFC. We get deliveries from Chinese food, Indian food, kebabs etc and pizza. Not the big companies though.

>> No.5069527

BK and KFC deliver in Mexico

>> No.5069535

Just go and buy a butter burger

>> No.5069552


>> No.5069574



>> No.5069610

Depending on the area they do. I know there are a few resort towns where places like Burger King will deliver to your hotel or the beach.

>> No.5069650

God that looks delicious.

>> No.5069664

The demand would be too high for them to deliver. They'd have more delivery guys than all other employees combined

>> No.5069722

Americunts don't have immigrants making them awesome greasy food and have them deliver said awesome greasy food to their doorstep?
>Land of the free

>> No.5069723

I like butter on stuff, on burgers? sure. But THAT much? fucks sake it's too much, even for an over the top american burger.

>> No.5069730

why don't you just move to a country where mcdonalds does deliver?

>> No.5069734
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forgot pic

>> No.5069740

I just love butter. When I was little I'd eat slices of it plain. Now I've obviously controlled the intake of butter in my life, but I still love that shit.

>> No.5069763

Fat asses already use the fucking drive thru because they dont want to drag out their fatty scooter wagons to go inside, you seriously want to devoid these people their vital exercise of walking to the damn car for the comfort of their sagging sofa??

>> No.5069770

Because it stops being fresh too quickly.
Unlike fresh baked pizzas with hotboxes and whatnot, if you ever had to work in one of these greaseholes you'll know that pissy little 5 foot+ tall 10 year olds called customers complain when their burger or fries is more than 5 minutes old and demand refunds,

>> No.5069774


>> No.5069972

Bad idea.

The walk from the car to the counter is the only exercise most murricans get.

>> No.5070007

We have Drive-throughs

>> No.5070025

then the walk from the sofa to the car
compared to
the walk from the sofa to the door

>> No.5070033
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Not true. Lifting groceries from the store to their car, then from their car to their homes counts as well.
I hear people bitching about that constantly. I shit you not. They look at all their food and shit they're purchasing, then up at me with an accusing stare before beginnning the rant
"Do you know how many times I have to lift this? I have to get it off the shelf, into the cart, then back out of the cart onto this conveyor, then BACK into my cart, then into my car, then I gotta lift it AGAIN to get it into my home!!! My arms are killing me!"

I hear this 2-3 times a week on average.
Its all I can do to keep my mouth shut so I don't get fired.

>> No.5070036

This. those extra few feet add up over the years.

>> No.5070047

I have invented an automobile that has an automatic deep oil fryer built into it. Using this incredible piece of technology, I will be able to deliver fresh fried potatoe sticks to any address in the world automatically at the push of a button.

>> No.5070060

The won't start delivering. They'll roll out a fleet of food trucks and drive around your neighborhood like ice cream vans.

>tfw a McDonalds food trailer slowly drives past your house and you chase after it like you did the ice cream van when you were a kid

>> No.5070067


>yfw it's the only physical activity anyone gets

>> No.5070101

McDonald's has delivered in NYC since the early 1990s.

They'd probably do it everywhere if it weren't for the fact that most of the nation can actually afford to own and drive cars.