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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 530x700, caipirinha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5066877 No.5066877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite drink.
Caipirinha Master race

>> No.5066880 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5066887
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>> No.5066898

amber moon: tobasco sauce, raw egg, whiskey. add worchestershire sauce to taste

>> No.5066902 [DELETED] 


>diet coke

how fat are you?

>> No.5066906

>*tips fedora, twirls cane, flourishes cape*

>> No.5066920

/fit/ actually. I prefer to eat my calories (apart from alcohol). Enjoy your liquid sugar faggot

>> No.5066954
File: 150 KB, 463x700, lr_london_bar_b8dn457_8564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gin & Tonic, preferably Beefeater

also about to try a bottle of cheap-o New Amsterdam to see if it's as good for its price as reviews say

>> No.5066956

Gorden's is king of cheap gin.

>> No.5066974
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>> No.5066977
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singapore sling, masterrace. you bitches should get on my level

>> No.5067073

>drinks diet soda
enjoy cancer

>> No.5067100

>drinks hfcs-laden drinks

Enjoy diabetes and your eventual myocardial infarction

>> No.5067112

Change the diet to Zero and Crown for Jack and we are good.

>> No.5067126

>Crown and Zero
jack and diet guy here, I'll give it a shot

>> No.5067128


There is no evidence showing aspartame causes cancer in humans. If this was the case, we would be more concerned about the plague of aspartame-caused cancers instead of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancers positively associated with certain lifestyles.

>> No.5067159

>thinks diet soda is actually healthy
this is what autists actually believe

>> No.5067173

>can't read a fucking sentence

Please quote where I said it was healthy. I'll wait.

>> No.5067227
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>> No.5067236

>There is no evidence showing aspartame causes cancer in humans. If this was the case, we would be more concerned about the plague of aspartame-caused cancers instead of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancers positively associated with certain lifestyles.

Snort. Not a food product. And they'll happily sell you ANYTHING as long as cash changes hands. They do not give half a fuck if it's rat poison as long as they make money. TRUTH.

>> No.5067243
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pimm's cup

>> No.5067261

>Snort. Not a food product. And they'll happily sell you ANYTHING as long as cash changes hands. They do not give half a fuck if it's rat poison as long as they make money. TRUTH.
Again, there is no evidence showing diet soda causes cancer. Saying, "well the truth would be hidden because of a conspiracy" is all well and good, but it doesn't actually address anything.

>> No.5067290
File: 510 KB, 1224x1632, newyrfun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently taken a liking to whisky - it tastes great and is relatively low-calorie.

Pic related - how I spent my new years.

>> No.5067315
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>rolling papers
>whisky on the rocks

>> No.5067331

Whiskey sours are my favorite cocktail.

Laphroaig is my favorite drink.

>> No.5067336


Any chance I can get that in a pimp's cup?

>> No.5067466

Where2cop in the US?

>> No.5067489


You MIGHT be able to get cachaca at a liquor store, but if not, you can make something similar with rum.

>> No.5068265

Is that mint?

>> No.5068269
File: 103 KB, 826x1106, marge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just can't beat a good Margarita. You just can't.

>> No.5068272

Call me a little girl if you want, but I love Cosmos.

>> No.5068277

Seagrams and warm tap water.

>> No.5068405

If you're going to try to be classy fucking clean up your desk you autist

>> No.5068416

A local bar has a fancy $8 cocktail that is just amazing.

It's cucumber vodka, habanero agave syrup, St. Germain, lime, and ginger beer.

Its like drinking a cucumber face mask, in the best kind of way.

>> No.5068622
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My favorite is probably Gin & Tonic

Tonight I'm having Meyer Lemon whiskey sours.

>> No.5068713

a person after my own heart. cheers.

>> No.5068735

Sambuca and coffee.

>> No.5068750

mojito with gin in place of rum

>> No.5068957

you seriously should read more.
pretty sure aspartame was briefly illegal until one of bush's friends started throwing money at the problem and suddenly it wasn't even remotely harmful anymore

>> No.5068967


>> No.5069026

my favorite is gin and tonic but i'm currentyl drinking jack and coke.

>> No.5069051

Tom Collins or Bourbon and Coke

>> No.5069057

what is this shit. it looks delic

>> No.5069121
File: 115 KB, 590x590, thumb_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm partial to Bloody Marys, since it's the only thing I can truly drink all day. Pic related, it's from Hash Hash A Go Go in Las Vegas. It's gimmicky as fuck and pricy, but goddamn it's great for a hungover breakfast blowout.

Anyone have any favorite Bloody Mary recipes?

>> No.5069124
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So good and refreshment

>> No.5069126

Cherry Vodka Sour
or Cream Soda and Captain Morgan Private Stock

>> No.5069128
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You think that's gimicky?

>> No.5069145

Holy cow. I cringed at the burger but I'd try it for shits and giggles anyway. Where's that from?

>> No.5069147

Nevermind, my dumbass didn't see the bottom corner of the photo.

>> No.5069157


I worked in a gimmicky upscale bar and grill a few years back. The bartenders (WAIT I MEAN MIXOLOGISTS) were given a blank check for their bloody marys, and they would fucking raid the pantry on Sunday morning. They would stuff six dollars worth of pancetta, house-made mozzarella and $7/lb heirloom carrots into an $8 bloody mary. I thought the chef was going to murder someone when they stole the black truffles we had just received.

>> No.5069161

Holy fucking shit.

What retard owner was allowing this!?

>> No.5069164

>black truffles
>free reign over kitchen ingredients

I hope they got fired.

>> No.5069166
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I wish I could've seen the face of your chef and the restaurant owners.

>> No.5069167


He was some trust fund douchebag who was more concerned about image than quality. The bartenders all had great haircuts, so they were allowed to do whatever the fuck they wanted.

>> No.5069173

>Anyone have any favorite Bloody Mary recipes?

Yeh a Caeser

>> No.5069737

Wut? I like the nicotine and flavour. Fuck class. I can't even smoke my pipe in public because people assume I'm attempting 'class'

>> No.5069753

If someone handed this to me, I'd be fucking upset.

>> No.5069816
File: 30 KB, 618x412, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love a good dry martini. The drier they are the better imo, but a good vermouth can do wonders too. They just taste so clean.

It's also hilarious seeing grown men try to order them like Jamed Bond does and ask for it to be shaken and not stirred (which ruins the drink) just to pretend to be suave.

>Dat grimace and acting like a big fairy when it tastes nothing like they expected
>mfw when they ask the bartender to take it back and order mojitos instead

>> No.5069825

>shaken and not stirred (which ruins the drink)
It really doesn't. The whole "bruising the gin" thing is for morons to squawk over.

>> No.5069830

>I'm such a Classy Man's Man when I drink my martinis
Great post, I think you dropped your fedora though.

>> No.5069836

>I'm such a manly burly macho man when I only order brown drinks

Great post, I'm sure if you keep on overcompensating all those homosexuals will stop hitting on you.

>> No.5069841


Oh really? So what was the reasoning behind thinking gin bruising is a real thing?

I've heard that another reason you shouldn't shake a martini is because it cracks the ice too much so you end up straining small chunks of ice into your drink and dilutes it too much.

>> No.5069844

I love a good dry vodka martini.

>inb4 its not really a martini hurrr

It still has the ingredient the martini was named after, so fuck you.

>> No.5069850


But it's not a martini, it's a vodka martini, or better, a vodkatini. It's as much a martini as a veggie burger is a burger, or herbal tea is tea.

>> No.5069852

looks like a white russian, with a sugar rim, and frozen chocolate ice cubes?

>> No.5069853

hey masao

>> No.5069855

You should get a third grade science education. Aspartame has been tested over and over again and it doesn't cause cancer


>> No.5069856

>So what was the reasoning behind thinking gin bruising is a real thing?

Aspergers. The same as the idiots who parrot nonsense about winston churchill and waving at the vermouth from across the room. These are generally the types of people who think that Sapphire is top shelf primo shit. Their opinions are invalid.

And if you're THAT hung up about diluting the drink you can freeze the gin bottle, or use overproof gin (protip: many gins come in two strengths for this reason).

>> No.5069864
File: 10 KB, 250x323, martini_rossi_dry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it's not a martini, it's a vodka martini

no shit, really? maybe that's why I called it a...vodka martini.

>It's as much a martini as a veggie burger is a burger, or herbal tea is tea.

Let's look at the components of a martini shall we?
Now lets look at a vodka martini

What does both of these things have in common? (I'll give you a hint, it has the word martini in it)

>> No.5069865

I've always liked a moscow mule.

>> No.5069873


>favourite drink thread
>posts favourite drink
>accused of being euphoric

Good post, retard. You showed me.

>> No.5069878

>maybe that's why I called it a...vodka martini.

Exactly, and not just a "martini"

Let's use an analogy because you're apparently feeling insecure about your choice of gay girl drinks:

>Order a burger
>Get a veggie burger, complain
>But you ordered a burger, "veggie burger" contains the word "burger" therefore I gave you a burger

Then again the kind of people who drink vodkatinis and insist on calling them martinis have the same psychological disorder as vegetarians who try to recreate proper meat dishes with TVP and bean paste instead of just accepting reality and using the ingredients in a way that brings out their innate goodness instead of making a pale knockoff of something good and saying "oh oh me too me too", to the consternation and horror of everyone around.

>> No.5069889

>thinks getting a stemmed glass drink is any manlier because it uses gin instead of vodka

wow someone sure is projecting a bit.

>> No.5069901


ad hominem, also straw man

>> No.5069905
File: 41 KB, 450x550, james-bond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you referring to what you wrote in your post previously? I would agree. Attacking someone's mental state because they prefer vodka and vermouth as opposed to gin and vermouth is a very childish and immature thing to do.

>> No.5069908

No, you didn't just post your favorite drink. You added douchey euphoric anecdotes and you sound like a bitter lonely faggot.

>> No.5069909


now you're moving the goalposts. you're a stupid baby.

>> No.5069914
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>reverts to name calling
>getting this buttmad that there are different types of martini's

epic tip, bro

>> No.5069926

>baww baww I'm a stupid baby and I mistook myself for a movie character

This is all I can see. The burden of proof rests on you.

>> No.5069929

The point was that i don't get why you'd make a big scene of buying a drink you saw in spy films and then not at least try to finish it. I don't like martinis to look cool, I drink them because i like gin, go figure.

But there's nothing like taking the easy way out with a LE FEDORA shitpost, is there?

>> No.5069940

What burden of proof? That vodka martini's exist?

Let's do an experiment. Step outside of your house (probably for the first time in months), go to your closest bar. Order a martini. 9/10 the bartender will ask "gin or vodka?".

Breaking News: Words and names can change in meaning over time. Your lexicon, much like your fedora, appears to be stuck in the 40's.

>> No.5069943


That word doesn't mean what you think it means. Go consult a reference book. They're found in libraries. There may be one near you, I suggest google.

>> No.5069959
File: 8 KB, 282x179, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know original martini's were mostly vermouth with some gin? Unless you get your martini's that specific way, you are not ordering a martini.

Do you see how stupid this argument sounds? This is the same argument you are trying to make, albeit poorly. The origin of martini recipes varied widely, and while it originally started with gin as the liquor component it didn't stay there.

>The modern definition of a classic martini is gin or vodka, a splash of dry vermouth (French-white) and an olive or a lemon twist garnish.


>Traditionally, a Martini is made with gin and dry white vermouth, although, recently the Vodka Martini has become much more popular.

>Martini purists are upset that vodka is now the liquor of choice when people order a martini. They insist it should be called a 'Vodka Martini' or if they are really picky a 'Bradford.'

You can whine and wail about your gin martini all you want, the fact is the word "martini" know means a cocktail drink made with either gin or vodka and vermouth. Deal with it, faggot.

>yfw you realize you're stuck in the past
Consult a reference book? Library? Holy shit am I talking to my grandpa on 4chan?

Let me ask you a serious question: have you even BEEN to a bar?

>> No.5069962


The general nature of your posts so far lead me to believe I am speaking to a child role playing as an adult. I recommend you consult the global rules before you post again.

>> No.5069968

You don't ever just ask for a martini. You specify the damn you want gin when you order one.

Bombay Sapphire martini, dry, two olives. Do you even drink?

>> No.5069975
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>> No.5069977

epic image bro. do you have the bacon one?

>> No.5069979

>being in charge of reading comprehension
Jesus christ I was making a point. If you did just order a "Martini" the first thing a bartender would ask you is gin or vodka. Of course you should know what you want that's how would order dumbass.

Great way to avoid every single point I brought up while not providing any sort of argument for yourself.

The fact that you refuse to even address anything suggests that you are either underage or have never actually been to a bar in your life.

>> No.5069981

Bacon what?
Cocktails like Martinis are for women, or men so masculine it doesn't matter what they do.

>> No.5069983


Your wild generalizations about bar culture confirms that everything you know about drinking came from watching james bond films on late night TV when your single parent was out waiting tables to put food on the table.

>> No.5069984

I didn't even make the original reply calling you euphoric. I just saw you being retarded and felt like commenting on how you are retarded.

>> No.5069991

>implying I'm not a drunk who is at a different bar 3 nights a week

Your observations are very astute, sherlock.

Gin martini purists can keep sucking their grandpa's dick, meanwhile I'm going to step into the 21st century and enjoy the better martini. A vodka martini. Preferably with some good ol' USA made Tito's

>> No.5069995
File: 54 KB, 380x285, Tito's Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic :3

>> No.5070001

>actually reading mainstream wine magazines

Enjoy your oak infused fruit bombs. A fat 60 year old golfer said it was good so that means it's ok to like!

>> No.5070014

You must be that faggot from the other day that thinks all american wine uses oak.

That's so cute.

>confusing vodka with wine

Wow it's like you really are a special needs child

>> No.5070021


This is my first day on /ck/ in about a month, so apparently I'm not the only one who hates parkerized garbage.

>confusing wine enthusiast with letting a drink speak for itself

Everyone knows Tito's is good, you don't need to embarrass yourself with your choice of reading material. Have fun putting vermouth in your vodka, thus demonstrating your failure to grasp the point of the beverage in the first place.

>> No.5070030


it's alright

>> No.5070040
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>Nobody has posted the true master race drink yet

>> No.5070043

>my choice of reading material
>he actually thinks I subscribe to this magazine, cut out the ratings, scan the image to my computer, and upload it to 4chan
>implying tito's hasn't won numerous awards from other prestigious spirits compeitions

>thus demonstrating your failure to grasp the point of the beverage in the first place.

tell me wise wizard, what is the point of the beverage, and please explain how it isn't your own fucking opinion

>> No.5070059

Is that some clear liquor in a water bottle? That's my favorite way of sneaking in a quick drink during the day. 10/10 well done sir

>> No.5070086
File: 6 KB, 184x274, midori-sour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midori sour.

>> No.5070096

Never had it, always imagined it would make my lips pucker. Is just Midori and Sour mix? Seems sweet.

Whiskey sour is breddy gud if done right

>> No.5070104


The point of vodka is that it's a neutral flavorless spirit. It's perfect for a refreshing end to a night of hard drinking, or for drinks where the flavor isn't meant to come from the spirit, such as a bloody mary. It doesn't belong in a cocktail glass with a splash of vermouth, that's the worst of both worlds. Like TVP meatloaf.

And once again, people with taste buds let the flavors testify on their own behalf. People without taste buds appeal to authority because good taste and bad taste aren't self-evident to them. Have fun with your wine enthusiast.

>> No.5070121
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Just recently started drinking and shehad that at a Christmas party it's pretty nice it sometimes tasted like a sour apple jolly rancher. I don't know what the whisky sour would taste like but i am sure it's awesome. The only alcoholic beverages I've had are sweet sugary things I will have to spread out and try new things.

>> No.5070126

>he thinks vodka has no taste

the truest of plebs.

Like I said before, you postulate all you want but that fact is the vodka martini is an accepted, and even more popular, form of the martini. You're personal beliefs does not change reality. Deal with it.

>> No.5070129


Oh, you're that guy who thinks you can taste the difference between tito's and svedka after a bunch of shit is dumped into it and it's agitated with a fuckload of ice.

No, no you can't. You're (sic) personal beliefs does (sic) not change reality. The reason vodka means a neutral spirit is because it's neutral relative to all other spirits, with the possible exception of shochu which is essentially vodka with a lower alcohol content. The fact that you heard some people (obviously not you) can tell the difference when drinking it neat side by side with other vodkas doesn't make you a supertaster. Have fun googling furiously to try to prove me wrong (save you some time: you can't because you're a stupid baby and you're wrong also you can't spell).

>> No.5070150

>being this upset
>thinking I dump a punch of shit into my martinis
I drink mine practically straight, without a fuckton of ice because its already cold, and just the smallest amount of gin (dry). And yes, I can tell the difference between different types if you put them side by side.

>it's neutral because other spirits have more taste!

Wow what a convincing and well written argument. It's still your own opinion, though. Simply because something is more subtle in flavor =/= it has none. But of course you would be too dense to notice, which is why you prefer gin martinis.

Stay buttmad. I'm going to be enjoying my superior martini in a few hours.

>> No.5070157


Anyone can taste the difference between different brands of water, but water is still considered to have a neutral taste. How is this mystery possible? Someone call the pope!

>making vodkatinis without ice
>still calling it a martini

You're not just a stupid baby, you're also confused.

>> No.5070161

Moskovskaya Vodka with Coke.
I drink but i sort of stick to the same stuff so have not tried much, Always prefered vodka over the other shit, This one is just my favorite Vodka. Has a distinct taste i feel that other vodka's i have tried do not have. Can /ck/ Suggest any other vodka? Or what to mix this stuff with? I work at a bar so have most types of drink that i want, but i usually stink to the clear drinks and avoid brownish alcohol.

>> No.5070172

>thinking the only way to have a martini is to water it down first

wow you really are a faggot.

>comparing water to vodka

you are really bad at this.

btw, if you aren't drinking a martini that is at least 50/50 gin and vermouth it's not really a martini. Because that was the original. And recipes can never change.

>> No.5070202

>implying I would have a problem with martinis mixed at 50/50 with the right gin and vermouth
>implying I don't drink martinezes too

Martinis are mixed with ice and strained, by definition. They contain gin and no vodka, by definition. But since you're so used to saying "english is a living language" to excuse your terrible writing, I'm sure it's a phrase that would also come naturally in defending your weak grasp of food and drink concepts.

>> No.5071834
File: 28 KB, 290x290, bulleit-bourbon-290x290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's tough to find near me but god damn it's good

>> No.5072861
File: 17 KB, 225x493, campari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-my favorite mixed drink is a Negroni.

I like bourbon by itself.

P-please no one be mad at me.

>> No.5072873


>> No.5072880



shit's dope, bro. nice choice.

>> No.5072892
File: 65 KB, 500x718, 1363446365275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Negroni, spatchcock, and Momofuku-style pork buns are in for 2014. Rye, deep frying, and hand pulled noodles went out at the end of 2013.

>> No.5072904
File: 31 KB, 300x500, kraken-rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since OP already posted my favorite, i shall post my second favorite: Rum.
Which unfortunately, i don't know a whole lot about. What are good brands, /ck/?

>> No.5072909

mah nigga

>> No.5072910

El Dorado 21
Ron Millonario XO or 15
Ron Zacapa XO

>> No.5072914
File: 79 KB, 553x369, sidecar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For cocktails I go with a Sidecar. Otherwise, good 100 proof bourbon with a splash of water

>> No.5072917

das a good drink, a lot more bitter than i expected considering it's supposed to come with a sugar rimmed glass

>> No.5072918
File: 105 KB, 480x323, bob-harris1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm no hipstard but as a world traveler and longtime enjoyer or Campari, I look forward to Negroni's being in. Maybe we can finally begin to move away from the redbull and vodka culture.

Still, I have trouble for some reason order a negroni from a black bartender.

>> No.5072919

Even Zacapa 23 would be a huge step up from Kraken.

>> No.5072920

my personal favorite is Cruzan Black Strap
shit tastes like coffee ice cream and goes amazing in hurricanes

>> No.5072922

It's a lot of citrus elements so the bitterness would make sense

>> No.5072935

so wait, a negroni's just a manhattan but made with gin?
might be tasty

>> No.5072938

> Maybe we can finally begin to move away from the redbull and vodka culture.

There is no reason to put up with this kind of bar, and if you're annoyed by this kind of culture, you have only yourself to blame.

Perhaps you should use your world traveler powers and travel yourself to somewhere that has real bars.

>> No.5072941

Thanks, the bottles also look beautiful, as a bonus.
That seems to be delicious indeed, I'll get it when i can.

>> No.5072944

i personally like bars that serve those because sometimes i get sleepy so i need a red bull to wake me up, but i'll get a jagerbomb if anything

but then again i'm the kind of fucking trash that goes to a swanky jazz bar where the bartender's wearing a three piece suit minus the jacket and wingtips and i'm in a beat up leather jacket ordering a sidecar

>> No.5073021


>There is no reason to put up with this kind of bar, and if you're annoyed by this kind of culture, you have only yourself to blame.

Actually, I entirely blame you and you entirely.

See, as an adult, I do go to non red-bull and vodka bars. I am largely absent from this culture. However it still exists. Why have YOU not changed it?

>> No.5073022
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>not blaming Obongo for red bull bars

Reverse racism is still racism.

>> No.5073074
File: 247 KB, 1000x1000, boulevardier_close_sma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Negroni is equal parts gin, sweet vermouth and Campari.

A Boulevardier is equal parts bourbon, sweet vermouth and Campari.

They're both great drinks. The three-equal-parts thing can be fun to explore with all the different recipes out there. Substituting Aperol for Campari and Dolin blanc vermouth for sweet is also good, but i can't remember what that's called.

Recently I've been mixing equal parts bourbon, sweet vermouth and Cynar. Good stuff.

>> No.5073103

You can replace cachaça with vodka. But the flavor changes a bit. In my personal experiencie Absolut Acai Berry is what looks like cachaça the most when used in caipirinhas.

>> No.5073110

>You can replace cachaça with vodka

Are you retarded? The nearest substitution is rhum agricole. But cachaca 51 is close to being the single most consumed spirit in the world, it shouldn't be hard to find.

>> No.5073116

>51 is close to being the single most consumed spirit in the world
You gotta be kidding me

>> No.5073125


A brand of Soju (it's Korean, look it up) is #1

Anyway, white rum of the molasses based variety is also a reasonable substitute if agricole or actual cachaca are somehow unavailable (I don't see how this is possible)

>> No.5073132

Actually, yes you can substitute cachaça with vodka.
It's called a Caipirosca.

>> No.5073141


Ok perhaps English is not your first language, since "can" is ambiguous let's clarify this:

If the goal is to create something like a capirinha with something as close to cachaca as possible, but there is no cachaca, vodka is a bad option.

Of course, anything with a fuck ton of sugar and lime in a glass is going to taste reasonably good, whatever you want to call it.

>> No.5073162

Crown royal(or Johnnie Walker Red or Jack Daniels) and ginger ale.

>> No.5073214

Once I ordered a caipirinha at an upscale bar in the summer, but I've never had it before and I didn't know how to pronounce it. Anyway, the waitress came out with a cappuccino, I was so confused, but it was my fault for being so fucking stupid. So I ordered it again, this time the right way. Holy shit. It is fucking god tier. Perfect for a hot summer day.

Also, my favorite drink is an old fashioned made with bourbon. But I've also taken a liking to my favorite bar's bourbon margaritas.

>> No.5073217

Okay, grandma.

>> No.5073271


oh god Zacapa; my erection knows no bounds.

>> No.5073495

i can't even find soju anywhere, let alone cachaca. damn, i wish a lived near a big city

>> No.5074034
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grapefruit + bourbon will change your life, pic related

>> No.5074048
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>> No.5074460


Oh man, I fucking love their products.

Their limonata, aranciata rossa and chinotto in particular.

>> No.5074699

How does it taste? Never had one but intrigued.
Any other good drinks made with campari?

>> No.5074751
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>mixing bourbon with anything.

KY fag here. You yankees fucking disgust me.

>> No.5074753

The Negroni has very strong flavors. It is at once both very sweet and very bitter. It might be a bit of an acquired taste.

I like having a Negroni before dinner. The flavors activate all of your taste buds and it really primes your pallet for good food.

The only other thing I think I ever really drink with Campari in it is a boulvardier.

>> No.5074769

Campari an soda, and campari and orange juice are both good.

>> No.5074786

I'd order it for $8. That looks like just enough food for a meal for me.

Were they any good?

captcha: made atcoste
...apparently not, Captcha.

>> No.5074850


>I bought Campari once to have neat or on the rocks now and then just because.

>Takes hours to drink because it's the most bitter shit in the world.

Seriously, I'd rather drink straight gin, tequila, even fucking absinthe than Campari. Even cutting it with a glassful of OJ, soda, or other spirits doesn't help that much.

>> No.5075735

peppermint liquor(I got that Kahlua peppermint mocha shit), Fruit punch soda, some vodka, fireball whisky.

Stuff to drink before action. And sex.

>> No.5075771

this is why I order my martinis stirred, the little flecks of ice in there are so annoying

>> No.5075775

white whiskey, neat

or a greatful dead

>> No.5075786

this was my favorite until I discovered Buffalo Trace, if you have occasion to try it, do!

>> No.5075882

Moscow mule:

Bundaberg ginger beer, ginger vodka, lime juice, orange bitters.

>> No.5075887

Just finished one. Best bourbon at that price.

>> No.5075890

I love moscow mules but I feel like it's not the same when it's not in the copper mug. I should invest in one but I'm too cheap.

I love spicy/bitter/citrusy drinks like gin and tonic with lime, and the above mentioned moscow mule. Sometimes I even get a good quality ginger beer and mix vodka or gin with that

>> No.5075899

ginger vodka?!
that sounds delightful

>> No.5075932

My nigga

>> No.5075964

Fucking Grand Marnier on the rocks. Its really magnificent stuff, has a lot of depth of flavor.

>> No.5075970

You dont think fat 60 year old golfers know a lot about booze?

>> No.5075971
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It dépends.

>> No.5075999
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>> No.5076002
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>> No.5076004
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>> No.5076008
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>> No.5076041

I just drink straight whiskey but I feel like such a tryhard. Honestly like it better than other shit though.

>> No.5076123
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2014 not believing jagermeister and red bull is the best thing that ever happened to your life

>> No.5076133

how's your freshman year of high school going so far?

>> No.5076159
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Gin gimlets are my go-to when outside the house.

At home I just drink wine or vodka.

>> No.5076176

Try a slice of cucumber in your next G&T.
It smooths it out incredibly.

>> No.5076214


I got a bottle of Jaegermeister for Christmas, can you guys recommend anything to mix it with other than Red Bull?

>> No.5076239

hot coffee from any given coffee shop in Dalat, Vietnam
will fellate for return ticket

>> No.5076286

Cherry Pepsi and Evan Williams green label

>> No.5076341

What's something I can order at any social events?

Something simple.

I get beer and people look at me weird when they have their whatever and whatever.

>> No.5076348


Gin and tonic.

>> No.5076379

good god, this is why people fucking hate hipsters. You manage to take the fun out of drinking. You're wrong, snowflake, the Caipirosca is a recognized cocktail and is in fact quite tasty. Is your identity really so fragile you seek definition by what you fucking consume?

>> No.5076380


...says the guy on a food and cooking board.

>> No.5076382

do you not know what a campari-soda or an americano are? Why the fuck did you buy campari? Shit, next time just get becherovka. It's forgiving.

>> No.5076384

whisky coffee or gin and squirt

>> No.5076386

did you just start drinking? Cuz that's a recipe for vomit and nothing else.

>> No.5076389
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>says everyone that's never had this shit. Or the 12 yo single barrel evan williams. Or elijah craig for that matter...Does your liquor store not into whiskey or something?

>> No.5076396

water, as you pour it down the sink.

>> No.5076443

what can I drink that's not too bitter but won't have douchebags call me out for drinking girl cocktails? I thought something brown but not made with a lot of aromatics would be good but there's so much to try and I'm poor.

>> No.5076448


gin and tonic.

>> No.5076459

I tried gin and it tasted like the time I tried to lick pine sap off my hands. that's why I said something not made with a lot of aromatics.

>> No.5076467

In all seriousness, tho: Do you drink to impress people or because you enjoy it?

>> No.5076468

Try rum, then. I'd start with pyrat and work your way up and around.

>> No.5076470

if I just wanted to drink what I like I would have beer or lemonade. I'm trying to expand my tastes here.

>> No.5076473


nut up. did you try it with tonic? the two flavors complement each other quite nicely. I never drink gin on its own, and i would never drink a straight glass of tonic, but a gin and tonic is a rare treat, a cocktail that takes you back to Colonial times, as you kick back in your duck cloth tent, the balmy Indian heat collecting as heavy, lazy drops of sweat on your lower back. The brown Indian servant boy is drawing pictures in the dirt outside with a branch from the fallen mango tree on the edge of camp, and you cluck your tongue at him in disapproval and tell him to fetch more tonic from the camp's doctor, Sir Galloway. You close tight the mosquito net and pull your ink and quill from your footlocker. Damnable country, you mutter to yourself, so damned hot.

>> No.5076474

Some folks just aren't meant to drink spirits...not necessarily a bad thing. How do you feel about craft brews? Try styles of beer with flavor elements to them that you may not be familiar with.

>> No.5076478

As it turns out, a lotta folks ain't too fond of gin. The only thing it takes them back to is the time they chewed pine needles as a kid. It has it's uses in a cocktail, but i'd hardly recommend it to someone just starting out with spirits.

>> No.5076485

>chewed pine needles as a kid

Is this a regular thing? I've never put pine needles in my mouth.

>> No.5076504

apparently, because I hear it a lot when I serve gin.

>> No.5076514

KYfag here, you disgust me for not knowing bourbon is perfect for mixed cocktails.

>> No.5076538

I tried a martini and a gimlet but all I could taste was pine

I like bourbon barrel stouts so I bought one of those tiny bottles of wild turkey american honey. it was ok but a little sugary. is there anything I can drink that still has the flavor of what it was distilled from?

I would always get pine sap on my hands climbing trees and it tasted awful trying to lick it off

>> No.5076550

I imagine Greeks like gin, retsina tastes like turpentine.

>> No.5076612

MicheladaS will change your life. They can be a bloddy mary, a hearty drink, or a refreshing summer drink.

>> No.5076861
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Jagermeister and redbull

>> No.5077062

I have and that really depends on the gin. I like lime with smoother ones and cucumber with dryer.

>> No.5077065

>implying there is more than one kind of gin

Next you'll be telling me that different beers taste different

>> No.5077069

jaeger goes with monster
vodka goes with redbull

Get it right!

>> No.5077081

>used in anything

What are you 16

>> No.5077085
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>> No.5077086
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why is scotch so expensive ;_;

>> No.5077102

To keep out the plebs

>> No.5077104

limited production

>> No.5077107

drink blended scotch

>> No.5077299

>tfw enjoy drinking whisky neat but always make a face afterwards like i don't

can't seem to shake this habit

>> No.5077302


Cognitive dissonance at its finest, ladies and gents. I bet you "love" IPA and 96% dark chocolate and rage at people who drink pilsners and eat milk chocolate.

>> No.5077306

>actually believing this

>> No.5077310
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fuck you, i love bourbons. never acquired a taste for IPAs though, and never tried chocolate that dark.

i do have the same problem with sour foods i like

>> No.5077313

>people can't like things I don't like

>> No.5077390

>dat defensiveness

confirmed cognitive dissonance

>> No.5077404

I bet you say projecting a lot too.

>> No.5077437

A little girly but I enjoy Amaretto with cherry juice a lot. Other than that I like to drink Cuba Libre and Whiskey Sour.

>> No.5077489
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>> No.5077503
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BC represent

not my favourite but it's what I drink the most, cheap as shit and it tastes pretty good

>> No.5077510

Price. Buffalo Trace is $25 per 750ml, Evan Williams Single Barrel and Elijah Craig are closer to $35.

I agree on the Ezra B though. Their 12-year is excellent, but it's getting hard to find. And again, it's closer to $40. Nobody thinks Buffalo Trace is the best bourbon in the world, but I'd argue it's certainly one of the best for $25.

>> No.5077514

I didn't know people still drank Monster.

>> No.5077602

I think I know who you are, Vancouver?

>> No.5077612

>elijah craig
What? it's 25$ in my area.

>> No.5077705

1 part jager, 1 part peach tree, 1 part cranberry juice

1 part jager, 1 part rumpleminze

>> No.5077899

I was thinking of the 18-year when I wrote that. I don't know that I've ever had the 12-year.

>> No.5078748

If I can find it I'll definitely get some

No liquor stores near me really have a good bourbon selection though

>> No.5078756

I had an Old Fashioned made with fig-infused bourbon this weekend. It was awesome.

>> No.5078760

I don't get the cult of scotch.

>> No.5078772


It's like the drink version of steak. Even people with no taste or class need SOMETHING to be a snob about.

>> No.5078791

Never had a Moscow mule in a copper mug, didn't know they were served that way. Though, I've never had one at a bar either. Cock and Bull may be the original, but it's a step down from Bundaberg.

>> No.5078863

Acidic things in a copper mug...

I uhh... bet it gets you intoxicated...

>> No.5078957


not the guy you're talking to but here's s funny story

>my friend has a liquor cabinet
>asks me what I want
>ask him what he has
>he says verbatim "scotch, whiskey, and bourbon"

>> No.5079006

It's the only alcohol where I can taste significant flavours. I like wine but after two I'll just drink the bottle and it all tastes of wine. II'll taste three different whiskeys and they will all be different and I feel like I went to the dentist and got novociane.

>> No.5079047

Vodka martini, dry, garnished with a lemon peel

>> No.5079102


Mah niggaz.

>> No.5079116

I have one of those exact tumblers. I used to have more but they break so easily!

>> No.5079204
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Gin rickeys. G&Ts are okay but I don't like sweet stuff and even the good tonics have too much sugar.

>> No.5079229

Um, where the hell do you live where booze is so expensive? I guess state liquor monopolies are a good thing after all; craig is a bout 25 a bottle, as is the ezra, as is the buffalo trace, as is the evan...have you considered moving?

>> No.5079233

It's for people that are much to special of a snowflake to admit that the irish make a better whiskey. Yes, whiskey. suck my 'e'.

>> No.5079237

sounds like you've wrecked your taste buds.

>> No.5079261

It's ok, I like getting a Long Island. We can be little girls together.

On the other hand, I like getting Irish ale from the tap. I wish I could remember the name of the specific brand though.

>> No.5079360
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Just made a sidecar with apple brandy. I didn't like this stuff when I first got the bottle tried it neat, but you can actually taste the apple character in cocktails.

Are there any good cocktail books? Most of them I've seen are dry reference books, or marketed towards housewives with all the measurements in tsp or some shit.

>> No.5079518
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7&7 garnished with lime is by far my favorite drink I've found. It's easy to mix yourself and very refreshing. It also makes it very easy to down a handle of Seagram's whisky between some friends in a night.

>> No.5081421

I forgot where I got them but they haven't broken yet. May have been Garden Ridge.

>> No.5081537


>Long Island
>girly drink

Nigga, you get straight fucked off those

My favourite drink is CC and ginger

>> No.5081871

Gin is an aromatic. Essentially if you shake it it gets way too cold and loses its flavor so all you taste is the bitterness. Rather than tasting the juniper berries and fruitiness it just tastes harsh.

>> No.5081897
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Lately I've been loving Gin Fizzes. Otherwise known as a Tom Collins. It can become pretty diluted between shaking it and topping with club soda, so I generally do:
2 parts gin
1 1/2 parts lemon juice
1 part simple syrup
<1 part club soda
Garnish with orange wheel if you'd like

>> No.5081903

Not an experienced drinker, the only things I've had is stuff that I've been bothered to prepare myself. That said, green tea and whiskey is my shieeet, it's also pretty nice sweetened too, if I feel like it.

>> No.5081914


Long Island Iced Teas are like 90% alcohol

>> No.5082045
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Authentic Raffles Singapore Sling

>> No.5082089


>> No.5082118

>spatchcock chicken or duck and a negroni, sounds delicious
why think of what hipsters like during such a heavenly meal

>> No.5082189

anything other than straight Everclear is for pussies

>> No.5082209


I must admit that I enjoy pina coladas and chocolate wine quite a bit for some damn reason.

>> No.5082229

My fallback cocktail is always a Gimlet. My only real pet peeve at a bar is when the bartender has to ask what that is.

The gin/vodka Martini debate is pretty childish. Just accept someone happens to like vodka over gin and move on.

>> No.5082560 [DELETED] 
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Then I must have a high tolerance. I don't even go drinking, out or otherwise.

I've just assumed that they were fairly girly because anyone I know who've ordered them are female and they're sweet tasting, unlike something considered "masculine" like a Guinness which I also happen to enjoy, especially during the colder months.

>> No.5082568
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Then I must have a high tolerance level.
I dunno. I don't go drinking often, going out or otherwise.

I've just assumed that they were fairly girly because anyone I know who've ordered them are female and they're sweet tasting, unlike something considered "masculine" like a Guinness which I also happen to enjoy, especially during the colder months.

Would a dessert beer like Kasteel Rouge be considered girly, then? I really like that and I've been meaning to try Donker.

>> No.5082721
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Pic related, the pricey sake. The best tasting is the unpasteurized, but it's quite hard to get a hold of outside Japan.

>> No.5082727

That cloudy as fuck shit that has sediment at the bottom? Yeah no, that isn't hard to find outside the US. Masu has several bottle even up here in the frozen north called Minnesota.

>> No.5082731
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Shit in your pic is tasty. Wish I could find it outside restaurants in Canada.

I think I live in one of the only towns yuppie enough where a artisan sake maker could keep their doors open.

>> No.5082804


I think you are referring to nigori. Pasteurization has nothing to do with that. Sorry Minnesota you will remain backwards for now.

>> No.5082868
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Cream Sherry Flip

I really love sweet drinks, I never developed a stomach for anything dry. It a bit old school but its egg-nog like and delicious.

>> No.5082871

>drinking flips
>after 1960

>> No.5082877

pretty sure sherry flips are more like 1860, so I really don't care if its out of fashion

>> No.5082881

I must try this, I do love Sherry.

>> No.5082884


the problem with trying this at home is that it involves purchasing cream sherry which is basically an atrocity worse than the holocaust, the holodomor, the rape of nanking, and california wine combined

>> No.5082911

there's that £10 Aldi gin which is meant to be better than hendrics

>> No.5082950

Campari and soda.

>> No.5082954

>california wine

oh come on, including that isn't fair to the holocaust

>> No.5082961

>california wine
Too soon.

>> No.5082967
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i like my whiskey strong, smoky and bordering on painful to swallow. this one is particularly delicious to drink right after you have chewed on something spicy.

>> No.5082988

what exactly is wrong with california wine? american here new to the stuff, and it makes up a giant chunk of my local store's selection

>> No.5082999

If cocktail: Black Russian

If mixer: Gin & orange juice

If straight: Gin on the rocks.

>> No.5083006

>and it makes up a giant chunk of my local store's selection
Of course it does. "Buy American" and all that.

>> No.5083009

>If straight: Gin on the rocks.
That's not straight though

>> No.5083014


the inexpensive stuff (<$20) is horrible fruit punch high alcohol over oaked garbage made to appeal to people with childish tastes

the stuff that's actually decent is wildly overpriced

if I was making hedge fund money, I wouldn't mind a corison cab or a classic ridge montebello every so often.

for normal people there is no reason to settle for so-so bottles of $45 wine when there are so many great wines from italy, france, germany, and spain for $15-30

inb4 california butthurt and pretending it's still the 80s. nope. the 90s happened, and everyone else moved on. it's PNW now, you blew it california.

>> No.5083019

I drink gin straight. I just prefer it cooler.

>> No.5083026

Ice cubes add water to the gin, therefore it is not straight.

Would you think a vodka and water is straight?

>> No.5083029

>the inexpensive stuff (<$20) is horrible fruit punch high alcohol over oaked garbage made to appeal to people with childish tastes
I had the whole "let's toss oak chips in" thing.

>> No.5083032

What would you suggest when ordered a gin at a bar then? They generally don't keep that shit chilled.

>> No.5083079
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Ribena + tonic water + ice + vodka

>> No.5083083
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what can I say? I'm a pleb

>> No.5083751

are there any decent liquor or beer review sites? other than /ck/ of course

>> No.5083780

Just order Gin on the rocks. He's just nit-picking over the fact that it has ice in it

>> No.5083904
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Man, caipirinhas are GOAT.

I once had this bottle of incredible cachaça that tasted like honey. I loved drinking it neat or in caipirinhas. It's probably my favorite cocktail.
..I have to get another bottle once I'm back in Austria.

>> No.5083938

proof66 for liquor
beeradvocate for beer

both are mostly shitty, but there aren't many alternatives

>> No.5083973

"Straight up" is stirred with ice and strained. There are no spirits I prefer straight up to neat, personally. "Straight" as the other guy uses it I guess means "neat" which is just poured in a glass.

You could use whiskey stones but not at a bar obviously (unless you live in Ginza or something).

The straight vs straight up vs rocks vs neat shit is beyond most modern bartenders though so I'd specify what you want.

>> No.5084530

at least you don't drink a macro

>> No.5084571
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If you haven't tried it, and it's locally available, this gets my highest recommendation. You've never had anything more smooth. $40

>> No.5084572

I don't think so?

>> No.5084582

If you can get it in restaurants you can probably order it from the LCBO. Go to the custumer service desk and they will order in whatever you want if they carry it.

>> No.5084737
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Currently I'm drinking a boulevardier, my favorite drink ever (pic related, but not mine)

1.75oz Bourbon (Elmer T. Lee)
1oz Campari
1oz Sweet Vermouth (Dolin Rouge)
2d Peychaud's Bitters (because it's my drink and I do what I want, bitch)

>> No.5084746

man the boulevardier is the it cocktail for winter 2013-2014 it seems. I only started noticing them last spring.

>> No.5084754

I don't drink alcohol
Not a moral choice
My body just can't handle it

>> No.5084777

makes sense since negronis had a surge of popularity recently

I'm predicting a caiparinha craze for summer 2014, World Cup and cahaca becoming more and more mainstream

>> No.5084788


might be too soon after the capirinha micro-fad from 2007-2009 but then again this is bigger so you're probably right

>> No.5084800

It's definitely been around for a while- it was in Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails, and that was published in '06, IIRC. It would be nice if they're getting more attention- it's a wonderful drink, although it can be really finicky regarding the amount of bourbon

I find my local grocery store's liquor section to be a pretty good indicator of what's becoming mainstream. They started stocking cachaca about 9 months ago. I'd wager money that a caipirinha craze is on the horizon.

>> No.5085247

Mmmm, master race indeed. My favorite drink of all time. Second place is American Honey with ginger beer.

>> No.5085271

why? You have a great drink and a plate of stuff to eat with it. Stop being a bitch.

>> No.5085274

I like my martinis extra dirty.

>> No.5085275

go fuck yourself useless cunt

>> No.5085277

That's the whole point of shaking something. So that the ice gets into the drink that way.

>> No.5085281

what fucking plate?

>> No.5085285

I don't have to, bitches do it for me 'cause my dick is that solid. Not only that, but I'm not enough of a pussy to complain about snacks arranged in my drink.

>> No.5085288

Ask for a plate or use a napkin. Are you 10 and incapable of critical thinking? Shit, you could even just pop it right into the drink, except for the burger.

>> No.5085294

classic bartender here, you never shake a cocktail that only contains spirits.

hence: you never shake a martini

When I make a martini I pour 15ml of vermouth into a boston tin with ice.
Stir it, then pour away the vermouth, we only want a slight bit of vermouth which is now coating the ice.
Add your gin, and then stir, strain, serve and garnish with an olive or lemon peel.

>> No.5085301

>classic bartender here
>we only want a slight bit of vermouth

>still making shitty "Churchill" martinis
learn to refrigerate your vermouth, bro

>> No.5085305

>asking for a plate at a bar
Confirmed for never going to a bar.

>> No.5085307

What kind of retarded food service require the customer to ask for a place to put their food on?

if one decides to eat it without the plate now there's gonna be grease and a mess everywhere from a burger that has a fucking hole through it.

Are you 9 and incapable of basic logic?

>> No.5085316

Bruising the gin is kind of like searing in the juices when cooking meat. The phrasing is blatantly incorrect, but the advice is still legitimate. Shaking your martini doesn't "bruise" the gin, but it overdilutes it, leading to an inferior, watered down drink

>> No.5085322

Moonshine aged on toasted oak.

>> No.5085336

tom collins =/= gin fizz

gin fizz has more soda. less lemon.

tom collins has more lemon juice less soda.

>> No.5085338

From what I understand, that particular one was from a pub, where they also serve food. Suck a dick.

God, your autism is too strong. Just go die.

>> No.5085346

well aren't you a fucking retard,

since they were created, the ratio of gin to vermouth in a martini has been on the increase. it went from 1:1, to 8:1, right up to 50:1

churchill drank gin, you cant remove a component of a cocktail and still call it by the same name.

>> No.5085347

choke on a dick and die retard

>> No.5085352

>churchill drank gin, you cant remove a component of a cocktail and still call it by the same name.
I completely agree, which is why I was berating the guy for calling himself a classic bartender while calling watered down gin a martini

>> No.5085356

>same anon

try my method and tell me it isn't nice.

>> No.5085368

Already have, still think it sucks compared to a 4:1 or 5:1 martini made with fresh, decent quality vermouth

>> No.5085381

>regurgitating exact same insult from person he is trying to insult


>> No.5085397

your mom.

Do you like it better now you dipshit?

>> No.5085401

thats cool, im sure there is a drink out there that we both enjoy the same

>> No.5085476

Yeah, what kind of a bar sells food and has plates?

>> No.5085838

reverse osmosis filtered water

>> No.5085872

Black Russian but with other darks in whatevers-left-in-the bottle ratios

>> No.5087369

goodbye great thread