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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5064625 No.5064625[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

namefagetry is taken over /ck/
you may have noticed in the last weeks there has been name fags popping up all over /ck/ NOC comes to mind his name fagetry is a disgrace for /ck
how can we stop this name fagetry

>> No.5064635

What's worse is the blogging; not every post needs to be proceeded with "SO MY GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND"

>> No.5064639

>implying this is new
>implying /ck/ was ever good

Sceak and BBQ King would be upset at you two

>> No.5064640

NOC is Sceak

>> No.5064637

Preceded. Fuck.

>> No.5064644

how can we put the cooking first and skip all the ego and self-important masturbatory practices this isn't /ck anymore this starts to look like a hybrid between /pol /adv and /feel

>> No.5064671

Sceak/NOC needs to be permabanned. And flayed alive.

>> No.5064673

can't we get a petition to have remove any blogging and name fagetry by directive of the moot?

>> No.5064683


You can start by not posting with a username

>> No.5064684

I've always thought there should be no namefags or tripfags at all, but an OP recognition code for each thread

>> No.5064694

oh shit, sorry didn't see this thread. now I know why this guy was so upset.


I apologize, I do my best to only post with the name in 4chan Cup related threads. Which only come about when I make them.

but yeah, fuck sceak. Trips wouldn't be so bad if they actually read the thread.

>> No.5064708
File: 15 KB, 1304x296, anonymity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can we stop this name fagetry
use the filters with inline extension (or a third-party script) to hide their posts.

>> No.5064721

mods are fucking stupid.
fuck the catalog.
I browse page 0 and nothing else.
fucking pansy ass bitches all of you.

>> No.5064729

Theres more than one page?

>> No.5064738

tripfagging has its pros and cons. for instance, when i see the butcher post, i always read what he has to say because its helpful. when borneo posts, i read hers too because its usually funny or helpful. same for fuck flour. for all the other new tripfags, i like it too because the moment i see their trip, i immediately ignore their post and move on to reading the next one

>> No.5064740

I know right??

>> No.5064741

I happen to like Sceak, but I can't stand BBQ KING. He's a fucking tool.

>> No.5064746

I hate Sceaks pathetic psychotic rambling blog posts.

>> No.5064760

Dafuk is wrong with them. Let them be or gtfo.

>> No.5064770
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And they can end. I'm just asking for a human sacrifice, jeez.

>> No.5064787
File: 25 KB, 300x400, sex_mcdonalds1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfagging is fun


And it's not going anywhere. Filter who you don't want to see. Report off-topic threads. Post high-quality content yourself. Crying like a bitch isn't going to change anything.

>> No.5064791

I'm considering making a permanent trip for /ck/ because it makes faggots like you mad :)

>> No.5064798

So am I: You.

>> No.5064813

sceak seems like fun times can be had for a happy meal. this makes sceak number one in my book

>> No.5064817


fuck you
fuck this thread

>> No.5064828


Thanks, I needed that.

>> No.5064835

sceak, show us your tits. your whole body. we miss it. or at least your face. a new one. plz.

>> No.5064842

>speak for yourself

>> No.5064869

i have total respect for working skanks hahaha i mean sceaks. they know what makes people happy

>> No.5064867

show us the face you have before going to kill somebody

>> No.5064876

I used to be a name/tripfag in ck. I was known as panda something, but I have long since forgotten the stupid trip. Plus I haven't lurked the site in many many years.

tl;dr: namefags have been around since the dawn of time. It's not a recent or a new thing. Maybe your'e just new.

>> No.5064884
File: 763 KB, 1944x1944, 1388615648236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Namefag reporting in.

>> No.5064887

Apostrophe police here. Good try, but no.

>> No.5064905 [DELETED] 

International Apostrophe Agency, I'll take it from here local. Don't give me any shit about "jurisdiction" or I'll have you demoted.


Is a valid use of an apostrophe to form a contraction of the words

>have not

>> No.5064910

Eh, I have a trip, but I haven't used it in six months or so. I only use it when there's a real reason to be able to identify myself.

>> No.5064913 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 1600x1200, SSPX1034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I realize you guys never saw me dressed before.

I guess this one could be a twofer.

>> No.5064916

>Marilyn Manson with love handles and melting salami nipples

>> No.5064921
File: 51 KB, 506x337, econoline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

that must be your killer face

Do you even have a non killer face?

What the fuck.

>> No.5064925 [DELETED] 


I realize you guys never saw me dressed before.

I guess this one could be a twofer.

>> No.5064929
File: 368 KB, 1600x1200, SSPX1040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I realize you guys never saw me dressed before.

I guess this one could be a twofer.

>> No.5064930

claesix is not bad as well and remember /ck/ as well.

>> No.5064932

did you cut yourself? o_O
and stop looking at me like that, i did not fuck your mom.

>> No.5064941

you don't a more recent where you are actually happy? you know, smiling won't make your dick explode.

>> No.5064946

would buy hamburger as payment for hiding my shame after happy meal fun time.

>> No.5064950

you fucking emo fagget

>> No.5064954
File: 116 KB, 2625x2473, 903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. My neck actually hurts now because I think it stretched that far away from my screen

>> No.5064958


What makes you say that?

>> No.5064956

So are you a metal-head or a trap, you're walking that thin line.

>> No.5064961

Thanks for making me laugh so much I almost puked my meal.

>> No.5064964

Just a regular psychotic neurotic faggot with abandonment issues.

>> No.5064966

you cut yourself and look at you

>> No.5064975
File: 954 KB, 500x275, tumblr_mk75lylPq31qevgy8o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like some people spend their free time being cowards on 4 chan.

>> No.5064984


Because you really do look like a gay prostitute. Also, you might be making friends with the newfags, but I will always remember you as a low content faggot that can't cook for shit. That pizza you made, along with that fried rice, was the most pig disgusting thing I've seen on here.

>> No.5064985


I don't classify myself.

The fishnet shirt is just because it's comfy. I don't like wearing clothes. Long hair is actually just laziness that turned into "it's more aesthetically pleasing", and it also makes me look a lot less severe.

In time I managed to understand that my brain worked like a girl's brain, and my body chemistry was different. It became important for me for others to be able to look at me in the eye, so I started wearing make-up and dressing more feminine.

I realized that I was extremely girly in boys clothes, and it just looked ridiculous. So I started doing that.

The guy who said he wanted to be my boyfriend also dresses ... alternatively, and since I'm sort of an alternative life sciences girl (indie student), it's just me...

I guess I'm an emo trap. I like metal, but I'm not driven to it. It's a fun sound, anyway, but I do have a few albums that are of the "emo" genre.

>> No.5064986

Leave Britney alone?

>> No.5064989
File: 23 KB, 320x533, hitleratmcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't classify myself

"Degenerate" is a nice catch-all.

>> No.5064991

You are pathetic. I love how your trips keep getting banned and you can't stay away.

>> No.5064993


We don't abandon people.

>> No.5064995


I need 4chan. I like to be here.

>> No.5064997
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 1323130331282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indie student

>> No.5065002



>> No.5065008

What does that even mean?

>> No.5065014


>being a trip fag in a thread criticizing trip fags
>being so new that this is the first time you've seen sceak's pics

You are what exactly what OP was complaining about. Sceak is pretty bad, but he's much better than all the recent trip fags who always trip for no reason.

>> No.5065021
File: 40 KB, 727x466, daffywb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, fuck off, I didn't start on this board.

OP can suck my cock btw, that's what i came into this thread to say.

Tripcodes are going nowhere, tripfags are going nowhere. Get used to it.

>> No.5065024

My name amuses me. Is it really that bad?

>> No.5065042

>persistent tripfag
>on an anonymous image board

You should just go fuck yourselves attention whores. That being said, this thread is cancer. Hidden.

>> No.5065059


>get used to it

Tripfags have their place. The problem is that almost all of the good trips on /ck/ have left, or seldom post.

Just because you came from a shit board doesn't mean your shit will be tolerated here. Not long ago this was a pretty decent board.

>> No.5065065

or pseudonymous. See youtube video here
tripfagging has always been part of 4chan, not to mention it's obviously a feature purposefully built into the site.

>implying your "tolerance" of me has any bearing on anything

I don't give a shit, I come here to talk about food & cooking. This off-topic shit thread is an exceptpion.

>> No.5065091

>The guy who said he wanted to be my boyfriend also dresses ... alternatively, and since I'm sort of an alternative life sciences girl (indie student), it's just me...
OP here what you classify as or what not is nobodies business this is solely about name fagetry

nothing wrong with you dressing how you want and what not even the make up
but why be a name fag?

>> No.5065095

Not really.

>> No.5065103

>getting this butthurt

>> No.5065114

I know that anyone can use it, but seeing it attached to my posts is fun, and I try to back up the name by being helpful. It's a bit of the pun on the obvious, combined with my rules-lawyering and math skills.

>> No.5065120

*its happy meal time again hahaha

>> No.5065124
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>> No.5065125
File: 30 KB, 434x394, peesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sceak would you like to make a 4chan babby with me?
I'm a gril but I like your eyes and dramatic cheeks.
I promise not to speak of disgusting girly things and be gentle with your feelings
I like how your tummy looks like a smile
. .


>> No.5065133

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5065164

Not really disgusting. Just a little scary. Scaek observes us all with simmering hatred and dark secrets.

>> No.5065168

