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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5060089 No.5060089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am dating a vegan girl. I like to cook but i know nothing about vegan food. what are some good things i could cook?

>> No.5060093

Falafel will be your best friend

>> No.5060116

poison her and dump the body

>> No.5060123

Remove your penis, cook it, and eat it as your last meat meal since you won't be needing it any more, buttercup.

>> No.5060131

>I am dating a girl
Well la-de-dah look at Mister I'm not a socially retarded shut-in over here rubbing in that he's in a relationship.

>> No.5060136

find a way to sneak meat into every dish without her noticing.

>> No.5060188

i only said that because i wanted something fancy. and because i don;t believe in not eating meat
falafels does not win girls over

>> No.5060191

does that mean she won't give you oral

>> No.5060196

yup she refuse to give me head because i am meat.
captcha: ilechan difficult

>> No.5060198


date someone else

>> No.5060218

>I am dating a vegan girl.

Scuttle the boat and abandone ship.

Don't forget to set the bomb and light it on fire because chances are that you're dating somebody who's going to put up with shit food for reasons of politics.

>> No.5060260

Btw i have a girlfriend.

>> No.5060274

Take her to the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell

>> No.5060281

Ok, I obviously made this thread wrong. I would like a vegan dish that I could cook, that would wow someone for dinner.

>> No.5060296


get big bowl and put a hole in the bottom fill it with all the tasty delights of treeganisim, put the bowl on your lap with your member through the hole....wait for "wow's"

>> No.5060298


>> No.5060313

Look up vegetarian Indian, Chinese and Middle Eastern recipes. Many of them will be vegan. See which of them appeal to you, and make that for her.

Vegan cooking is fucking easy. It's when it comes to going out and socializing that vegans become a pain in the ass.

>> No.5060314

Bacon, vegans are allowed to eat pork products because pigs are closer to plants than to humans.

>> No.5060316

dump her

>> No.5060321


They'd win me over, sorry to hear whatever bitch you're dating is too good for falafel. Maybe you should date somebody who appreciates the fact you're making an effort?

>> No.5060323



>> No.5060326


Depends. If she's into fake meats, try Seitan aka wheat meat. Other than that, cooked or stir fried veggies, mashed sweet potatoes, any number of tofu recipes are around. Lots of Indian dishes are vegan, maybe look there for something more exotic and tasty.

>> No.5060328




>> No.5060333


I disagree as a new vegan. Alcohol is vegan, nothing else really matters when it comes to socializing. Almost anywhere you can either get a salad, or just eat before hand.

>> No.5060335


Trips for truth. So long as you're not a preachy cunt to your pals, socialising is no problem.

>> No.5060336


Hail the dark lord Seitan.

>> No.5060337

>Alcohol is vegan
Yeast is an animal and billions of them die for every bottle. You're a fucking monster as well as a disgusting individual for drinking yeast piss.

>> No.5060341


>alcohol is vegan

Lol no. Some certainly are, but many, many aren't.

>> No.5060353


It's a fungi, different kingdom.

>> No.5060357

Fungi are intelligent, just look at what slime molds can do. Oh, but yeast aren't slime molds? Well, cows aren't humans but it's wrong to eat them?

>> No.5060359


I just made Seitan based burritos with onion, guac, salsa, red bell pepper, wild rice, and red kidney beans. Stuff was devilishly delicious. I'm definitely a convert at this point.

>> No.5060360

How is eating fungi any better than eating animals is the real question

>> No.5060363


I don't want to go into this debate. I don't have the energy for that.

>> No.5060365


Almost all the hard stuff is vegan. That's all I drink anyways when I go out.

>> No.5060366

I understand, I wouldn't want to get into a debate if I knew I were in the wrong too.

>> No.5060369

Fungi are generally not furry and cute.

>> No.5060374
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I'd sooner eat a pig than this cute thing.

>> No.5060379


I'd eat fungi with no care for whether or not it's an "animal" because it's pretty healthy, as long as you cook it. Fungus has unique nutrients called ergothioneine found in all your common edible mushrooms which is supposedly a very high quality antioxidant.

I personally am vegan for health and diet reasons, not because "I wubs cute wittuw animuws".

>> No.5060382

>Fungi are generally not furry

Slime mould are.

>> No.5060388

That looks like Mucor growing on dog shit.

>> No.5060389


But the real question is, can it get you high without killing you?

>> No.5060390

>How is eating fungi any better than eating animals is the real question
...because they are not animals?

Slime moulds aren't actually fungi.

>> No.5060393

I googled and I have an idea I was just coming to ck for their opinion. I'm sorry that I forgot ck went to shit.

>> No.5060394

You can try making a vegan lasagna.
Add whatever veges you want and make a cashew ricotta, add vegan mozzarella on top if you'd like. You can also put tvp in it if you want a ground meat texture.

>> No.5060407

I solve the problem by being vegan at home, but omnivorous when I go out. So I'm an omnivore who eats a 90% vegan diet. Works for me.

>> No.5060416


Slime mold is not a mold, molds are generally fungi, slime "mold" is an archæa, which is closer to a bacteria.

I think I might just starve to death. That would be nice, actually.

>> No.5060417

It would be nice

>> No.5060419


I'm not strict vegan either as I do it for health reasons, but I find as long as I'm a bit selective I have no problems finding some kind of vegan dish to chow down on. Still, I do occasionally have meat and dairy just because that's what they are serving wherever we're going, but my work place is rather considerate when it comes to that stuff. Since I work with almost 100% guys from India, we always go out to some place with one of those options.

Friends are usually the bigger problem, but it won't kill you to have that stuff once in a while.

>> No.5060420

>Yeast is an animal

>It's a fungi
Fungi is plural.

>Fungi are intelligent, just look at what slime molds can do. Oh, but yeast aren't slime molds?
There is no sign of what we would categorize as intelligence in fungi. Slime moulds are not fungi and that Japanese study showing them take the shortest route in a maze is just an example of chemotaxis.

>slime "mold" is an archæa

>> No.5060427


>> No.5060429

Your claims.

>> No.5060428

About what?

>> No.5060431
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>> No.5060450


Like I said, I don't have the energy.

I just want to enjoy my beer and beans in peace.

>> No.5060452

>we always go out to some place with one of those options
Yep. I favor places with vegan/vegetarian options, and Indian is a good choice. Hell, here in NYC most places have something on the menu I could order if I wanted to stick with it. But as another guy doing it for health reasons I have no problem having delicious carnitas if we're out for Mexican, knowing I'm only eating like that a few times a year.

It's the ethical vegans who are the pains in the ass, needing to know the provenance of everything they eat. I'm all for people making their own choices, but don't make your choices other people's headaches.

>> No.5060469

>You can try making a vegan lasagna.

...lasagne without cheese or Béchamel?


Though you could probably try to replace Mozarella with silken tofu or something... and use coconut milk instead of the Béchamel.

>> No.5060472

This is a good idea. Indian food is always good as fuck. You could also make some bad ass soup with noodles and shit. Like Pho! Minus any meat products of course.

>> No.5060475

>Indian food is always good as fuck.

Not debating that. It's just that it tends to look like goo.

Plus they do use a lot of milk and butter.

>> No.5060479

They do, but they also have tons of vegan recipes

>> No.5060532

anyone with poor enough judgement to become a vegan is not grillfriend material

>> No.5060571

>adult babies trolling vegans

>> No.5061499
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Caribbean or/& Southamerican food, there are a lot of food made with potato,sweet potato, fruits, legumes,etc

>> No.5061713


Get out while you still can, OP.

This can and will end horribly for you if you don't take the proper measures.

>> No.5061760
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>i know nothing about vegan food

You ever eat anything that didn't have meat or cheese on it? That's vegan food

Pic related, it's shitty, disgusting HIPPIE f-- excuse me, I almost threw up in my mou-- it's some disgusting HIPPIE FOOD. EW. Why is it all those weird colors? Fucking hippie freaks

>> No.5061776


But settling down with a vegan means she's not going to be fat and gross looking in 10-20 years

>> No.5061777

im allergic to veggies and lack of meat

>> No.5061783

You're making a horrific mistake.if you're a reasonable and self-respecting person, OP. You can't coexist with this idiot/

>> No.5061810


>> No.5061833


Get on my level

>> No.5061838


Honey is made from flower nectar

>> No.5061840

The enslavement of bee's is wrong. The base is flower nectar, but bees regurgitate it, and use their wings to dehydrate it.

Get an education.

>> No.5061841

No, she'll look like an auschwitz survivor, which is much better I imagine.

>> No.5061842
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>The base is flower nectar, but

But nothing else matters. At no point does it become part of a bee. You lose.

>> No.5061846

>implying that without human intervention bees don't form societies in which enslavement of other bees is deemed normal.

>> No.5061847


>the painful feeling when you don't have a sexy Australian fruitarian girlfriend


>> No.5061866

Constantly needing to replenish their disappearing stock works them into their graves.

Milk at no point becomes part of a cow or goat in the same way honey doesn't for a bee.

Double standards much.

>> No.5061870


>Milk at no point becomes part of a cow or goat

It actually does, their body produces the milk. Honey is just flower nectar that was partially digested and then puked back up.

>> No.5061881

... In the same way earwax is part of me.

If you're going to stick adamantly to your argument that honey forms no part of a bee I guess I'll have to direct your attention to the beeswax produced to store honey which is thrown away by the beekeeper. This in itself is an act of wanton aggression towards a species rendered helpless by it's terminal defences.

>> No.5061883
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I don't see no beeswax on that fruit. Maybe next time you should mind your own.

>> No.5061890


Your body makes earwax, dumbass

>> No.5061891

>trees forced to be constantly pregnant with fruit, their graceful branches weighed down until they break by the insatiable appetite of fruitarians.

>> No.5061892
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>> No.5061895

And bees make honey dumbarse.

>> No.5061896

Is this a fetish?
Can I make it mine?

>> No.5061897

The beeswax is discarded to access the honey, both of which are produced by hard working bees. While the honey isn't deemed to be produced by bees the beeswax most certainly is.

>> No.5061898


Okay, what do you put into your ears that become earwax? Personally, mine do that naturally.

>> No.5061900

I put shit in my mouth to make earwax, dumbarse.

>> No.5061902
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You put SHIT in your mouth?

With all the shit that comes OUT of it, I'm not surprised

>> No.5062135

>The enslavement of bee's is wrong
Then you need to stop eating anything grown in a farm, or grown outdoors. You can only eat things that you hand pollinated because we rely on bees to pollinate almost all our crops.

>> No.5062248

Enslaving bees for their honey and letting them be, doing there thing are not the same.

>> No.5062691

Except their hives are kept on trucks and transported around at the whim of evil human handlers who are paid by farms.

>> No.5063405

use soy sauce mixed with mushrooms/mushroom powder and or tomato paste enhance the flavors of food. Soy sauce and tomato paste add glutamate flavors that make animal based foods so tasty.

>> No.5063410

farms kill tons of animals in the production of fruit and vegetables, which are pollinated by bee slaves. the holocaust of life will continue until you understand that life is meaningless.

>> No.5063415

>if something is going to die, might as well not give a fuck and kill as much as you want!

>> No.5063451

Yep. And this is why vegans are generally hypocritical. Veganism involves drawing a line in the sand, and then defending that line like it's set in stone.

>> No.5063485

Your thinking seems a bit confused. I wonder if we can find any differences between the keeping of apiaries and the pollination of crops?

>> No.5063493


It will probably kill you. Whether you go high or low is another question.

>> No.5063496


Earwax is a combination of oil secretions and dirt. If your ears didn't create secretions to move dirt out of the ear canal they'd get clogged with dirt and your ears would be useless.

>> No.5063506


If THAT'S why you consider vegans hypocritical, that's a pretty ridiculous reason

>> No.5063544


Turn back now OP

>> No.5063559


This. If your girl doesn't love hot pockets and mountain dew, she's trash and not worth having in your life

>> No.5063577

>what are some good things i could cook?

>> No.5063599

Ratatouille with baked potato, use some sunflower oil spread instead of butter.

>> No.5063714

Chinese here. You would have better luck finding a Christian atheist.

>> No.5063743

there are a lot of Americanized Chinese vegetarian dishes that happen to be vegan.

>> No.5063761

I meant actual Cantonese cuisine, but source? And don't mention Chow Mein or Fried Rice. Without meat, they aren't even considered Chinese anymore.

>> No.5063763


You realize most of China can't even afford meat, right? What do you think they eat?

>> No.5063773

>peasants can't afford meat
>therefore cuisine isn't really meat-based
You vegans are so fucking retarded.

>> No.5063771

i would pay like 17 dollars to eat a chinese girl's asshole

>> No.5063776


Again, what do you think they eat? "Peasants" make up more than 90% of China. Fat Chinese people with heart disease don't make up the bulk of the country.

>> No.5063778

How would that even change anything? Even if you could find the percentage of vegetarians in China, that wouldn't change the fact that the cuisine there is based on animal protein. Why are you dodging around it by saying the very poor can't afford it? That doesn't change the fact they want to eat it.

>> No.5063779


>Why are you dodging around it by saying the very poor can't afford it?

Because obviously they're eating SOMETHING, and that something doesn't contain meat. That's meatless Chinese food.

>> No.5063781

Yes, now count the dishes that are based off meatless foods. I don't know why you keep dodging it. Chinese cuisine doesn't have a lot of vegan dishes. Unless you want to eat suan cai all day.

>> No.5063789
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>fried rice without meat isn't chinese

>> No.5063790


Wat. Chinese Buddhists are not a thing anymore? Is this what you're telling me? I ain't even vegan, but bro you are full of shit.

>> No.5063794

>Chinese buddhists
They're not even responsible for most of the dishes. Fuck off, m8. One of our most famous dishes is called Buddha Jumps Over the Wall. Try finding me some vegan Chinese dishes.

>> No.5063792
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Monks without weapons aren't Chinese.

>> No.5063798


That's what Buddhists are though, friendly friend. I don't even know the Chinese name of the dish, but Buddha's feast immediately springs to mind as a popular and well-known Chinese vegan dish.

>> No.5063804

wrong, ignorant gwei lo. Buddhists tend to be vegetarian. Your poor diet is causing brain damage, please consider therapy so that you may recover from your eating disorder.

>> No.5063807

You mean Buddha's delight? That's vegetarian, not vegan. And it usually has oyster sauce in it as well as seafood.

>> No.5063810


I'm not a vegan you complete retard. I just know more about Buddhism than you. Buddhists are necessarily vegan unless they are doing it super wrong.

>> No.5063814

But shaolin monks eat meat ...

>> No.5063815

I know Buddhist schools have differing opinions on vegetarianism, but they all still eat eggs, milk, and other animal products.

>> No.5063816


Not sure how it's supposed to be translated, but it's always tagged as vegan in the Chinese restaurants around here. Maybe they're doing it wrong? I dunno.

>> No.5063817

Sure you do...There's only one sect of buddhism, and "they" are incredibly rigid in their beliefs, apparently. Did you just audit a world religions course at a community college or something? I'm sorry i upset you, but ad hominems very rarely work when attempting to convince people of your authority.

>> No.5063824

No really 'wrong' way to do it. It's just that those dishes aren't vegan in China. You can do without the animal bits, but most restaurants still use oyster sauce in it. Usually when people choose the dish in China it's for health-related reasons, not ethical ones.

>> No.5063838

Never mind that there's two very different sects of Buddhism. Never mind that into those those sects, there are tons and tons of varying beliefs.

yeah, nah, ur a cunt

>> No.5063839

Going to add that it's the two main ones, not the only two sects in Buddhism.

I didn't want to act like a twat like >>5063810
did and just make assumptions.

>> No.5063844


but y u so mad tho

>> No.5063892

Does she stink? How does her puss taste?

>> No.5064036
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Has she started a thread like:
>I'm dating an omnivore, but I know nothing about meat. What are some good things I could cook?

If she hasn't then she's not the one.

>> No.5064051

>vegan food discussion
>probably vegan because ethics or something
>point to Chinese food
These are people that snort ground up tiger penis

>> No.5064172

I don't think I saw more than 2 recipes in this thread...
do you guys not know how to cook without animal products ?

pretty sad

>> No.5064175

>make food
>don't use meat
holy shit it's so hard

>> No.5064179

they also skin animals alive for their fur because they believe the pain causes the fur to be better

>> No.5064188

>believing in the idea of the one
>believing that there's one and only one person on this Earth who you are meant to fall in love with and live happily ever after.

You need to watch less hollywood movies mate.

>> No.5064205
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>believing in love

>> No.5064217

Here are a few vegan recipes to get you started, OP.

I made this the other day, it's pretty good. I didn't use the bouillon cubes. Although if you want it really think I would recommend using a lot less water.

You can also check the vegan tag on tumblr, since it has a pretty high number of vegans & vegetarians, it seems.

>> No.5064222

Love exists, there are people who've been together for decades who love and care about each other more than themselves. How common this is, is another matter; although it's certainly not as common as movies and media make it out to be. Just because you've never felt or experienced it does not mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.5064560

Have fun being lonely. She does other things for me. Like makes me hot chocolate and happy

>> No.5064570

Not using meat is fine. Not being able to use fats and sugars and milk is hard.

>> No.5064580

>use them anyway
>tell her to die

>> No.5064603


Meh, the fats part is easy as there's plenty of vegetable fats to work with. I once cooked for a friend who wouldn't eat pork and I had trouble getting that smoky taste that I would usually use bacon drippings for, but I got around that by using a different fat and then using chipotles to get the smoky taste.

What makes it difficult for me is the lack of meat-based stock. Stock is just so critical to the quality of many dishes. Yes, there's veggie stock, which tastes good if properly made, but that doesn't have the texture of a meat-based stock since there's no gelatin in there. And that can be difficult to work around. Veggie stock plus a thickener like starch or roux is nowhere near as good as a meat-based stock.

>> No.5066298
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>> No.5066310

personally I would brush up on indian food, dahl, rahita, blah blah, all curries can be made without meat dairy and eggs and such.

If she doesnt like spice or heat then give that bitch a carrot, idk.

I'm cool with vegans on the most part, vegetarians are the ones that piss me off

>> No.5066333

Pls respond

>> No.5066341

This is the best thread on /ck/ right now.

Clearly 2014 is not going to be any better than the last two here.