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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5055511 No.5055511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's no cooking rage thread, or family cant cook threads... so..

>be me right now waiting for dinner
>mom is making ragu spaghetti because family doesnt like mine
>her noodles have been boiling for over 30 minutes
>boiling water looks like its 1/4 olive oil, also, tons of oregano in it as if to flavor the noodles...
>still waiting 15 more mins for neighbor and sister to arrive
>refuses to take noodles off the burner because "theyll get cold"

>> No.5055517

One day you'll grow up into a big boy and be able to move out.

>> No.5055543

>... so..

My family can cook.

My mum used to teach cooking classes, my dad usually just prepares four-course meals for guests and even my brother can cook a decent meal.

>> No.5055547

living with one's parents doesn't indicate a lack of maturity, independence, or social/financial success. in fact there are twice as many 18-25 year olds living with their families today than there were 20 years ago. you can go ahead and fuck yourself.

>> No.5055550


>implying all of those 18-25 year olds don't lack maturity independence and social/financial success

>> No.5055554

It sure indicates all those things to most people. Im 24 and when i meet people my own age still living at home, I think they are lacking one or more of those things. The only other reason would be if you are looking after them, like if your mum is blind or something.

>> No.5055602

Im moving out in 10 days

>> No.5055604

also, aside from college, how on earth could an average 18 year old support him or herself in an apartment or home alone?

>> No.5055609


A job?

>> No.5055611

Sounds like it's time for a paper route.

>> No.5055614


My parents gave me a choice when I turned 18: I could either pay rent, or move out and get my own place. I figured fuck this, if I'm going to pay rent, I might as well get my own place so I don't have to deal with their bullshit.

So I moved out, got a job and haven't had to rely on them for anything since.

>> No.5055615

I guess that anon means income-wise. At 18 you would already have to have studied a trade to earn enough to afford your own place

>> No.5055620


My brother is 25 and a full time manager at some store. he still lives at home because my parents dont want an empty nest yet and are doing everything they can to keep him at home. i feel sad for my parents

>> No.5055622

Not necessarily. There are plenty of cheap apartments and entry level jobs around that require little to no experience. You just need to get off your ass and find them.

>> No.5055625

It costs anywhere between 600-900 a month just a rent a room here. There's no way you would get an apartment for that much here

>> No.5055628

Sucks I can't contribute much, both my parents were great cooks. My dad has been in the restaurant business pretty much all his life, and he taught my mom everything he knows.

>High school
>Go to gf's house for dinner
>Her mom made steak with rice and veggies
>Steak is cooked until it's well done and completely charred on the outside
>Frozen brocolli microwaved into this gray-green mush covered with jarred cheese sauce
>Minute rice with soy sauce
>And of course, ketchup, A1 and BBQ sauce for the steak
>Ate it anyway because I'm not an impolite asshole

>> No.5055636

I rent a 2 person, 1 bedroom apartment for $650 a month, with heat and hot water included. Friend rents a single person unit for under $500 a month. You must live in a big city?

>> No.5055638

wow, hot water?
really pulling out the stops there

>> No.5055644

My mother did this. What sucked was that she was charging me practically my entire monthly income, leaving me no money to save up for a security deposit on my own place. She would then take all of my cash and spend it on booze, none of the bills got paid and shit was constantly getting shut off. I said "fuck this" and moved into my friend's dorm suite until I saved up enough to get my own place. My mom still hits me up for cash and now has my younger brother and sister stuck in the same, endless cycle.

>> No.5055641

>all these people saying 18 year olds are usually employed with a good enough job to pay for an apartment alone

mustve been swell growing up in the 70s

>> No.5055642

>real estate prices are the same across the board

>> No.5055647

I'm not saying that, I'm saying the opposite, that's why I asked if >>5055625 lived in the city.

>> No.5055649

>You must live in a big city?

>> No.5055653

I will probably sound like an autist but...

>be at Italian restaurant w/friends
>order eggplant parmesan
>taste great, not really hungry-had a large lunch
>about 1/3 left
>everyone is done, I call for check
>sir would you like me to bag that for you
>No thanks
>was something wrong with it sir?
>no it was great.
>are you sure?
>Yes, thank you
>pay and tip well (15% is good right?)

Waitress walks away like I'd slapped her.

Anyone else not like the idea of doggie bagging things?

It feels...poor.

>> No.5055655

I live in a small city and close to a suburb, there is no way a kid can afford his own place on a minimum wage job without getting a few roommates, and even then it would be difficult.

Everyone I know who lived on their own at 18 had financial aid from their parents. It may be possible some places, but not here.

>> No.5055658

On min wage ($8.25 in Chicago) you can afford $700 a month rent.

But I guess everyplace is different.

>> No.5055660


try $1000 minimum for places like san francisco, san diego, and los angeles

>> No.5055662

My friend rents this 230 sq foot studio for 1400 a month in SF. Rent is fucking crazy.

>> No.5055667

Most places around here have you pay for your own heating, sewage and electricity and will still charge you up the ass.

If you've ever taken a tour of a prospective apartment, you'll know the kind of shit some landlords will try to get away with.

>Looking for my first apartment
>Tour a studio apartment
>Room was a little bigger than a storage garage
>Against the far wall was the fridge, stove, sink, one cupboard, and then BAM THE FUCKING TOILET
>Two outlets in the entire room
>Lady wanted over $1000 a month for this PLUS utilities, and the place was in an absolute shit location

Another place
>Landlord advertised it as a 1Bath, 2BR
>Tour the place
>Second bedroom is actually more of an office
>With no door
>And the front door was in it, meaning if it were someone's bedroom, people would be coming and going through there
>The bathroom was located in the other bedroom (which of course would be extremely awkward for people who weren't going to be sharing a bedroom)

Why that guy didn't just advertise it as a 1BR with a den/office, I'll never know.

>> No.5055670

Ah, yeah. That makes sense. I've seen some tiny ass apartments go for ridiculous prices in NYC.

>> No.5055673

You are right, you do sound autistic

>> No.5055676

Why wouldn't you want to take home food that you paid for?

>> No.5055679

When I was younger I was poor.

Doggie bag reminds me of being poor.

Never again.

>> No.5055691

But you'd have some leftovers for the next day. If you're paying for a decent meal, might as well get the full worth instead of throwing it away

>> No.5055694

>surprise, you're still poor!

The majority of rich people who worked for their money are extremely frivolous.

>> No.5055696

I think they're raising the minimum wage here to $8. But it sounds like you'd either have to work FT and go to school FT/PT - hard, but it can be done

>> No.5055700

That doesn't even fucking make sense.

>> No.5055708

Two reasons.

1. Don't eat leftovers. Reminds me of my childhood and being poor.

2. The way I think of it, I didn't pay money for the eggplant. I had a fun night out with friends with good food and a nice environment. I paid money for that. I was full, physically and mentally, when I left.

Jesus, as I type this I realize how autistic this sounds.

I'm not them. Poor means not being able to buy what you want. If I can't spend my money freely, then I'm poor. (obviously this isn't the real definition)

Poor people are always scrapping for the remains. That's how I felt.

Here's some more autism

>supermarket for staples (flour, sugar, eggs, 2% milk)
>nice day, warm and sunny, feel good
>woman catches my eye
>excuse me sir, would you like a free sample
>notice that she has a tray of dip and nachos or something- can't remember

I don't eat free samples either- reminds me of being poor but the lady is pretty and I don't want to be rude.

>try to think of a polite way to decline- guess that it might have cheese
>"Sure, I'd love one-"
>she offers one but I hesitate
>"wait does this have chedder cheese?"
>Uh huh
>Oh darn, I'm allergic, thanks anyway.
>hurry away and hope she doesn't notice the cheese in my cart.

>> No.5055713

>paying over 50% of your take-home on rent

Lol, nope.

I feel like I'm being financially irresponsible when I'm spending about 1/3 of my income on rent just because I want to live in a cool neighborhood. Couldn't imagine spending a whole fucking paycheck and then some.

>> No.5055714

That truly is autistic.

>> No.5055719

you're just a product of an acutely capitalist society where waste is not only normal but requisite in order for the system to continue functioning. you've been well-assimilated into the dominant culture.

>> No.5055720

Rich people eat leftovers too.

>> No.5055725

do you live in a hodunk town?

>> No.5055726

No, I live in a small village outside a large city.

>> No.5055728

>only poor people eat left overs

>> No.5055730


Wasting food is a sin when so many go hungry or live on inadequate nutrition. It is the sin of gluttony. Committing a sin like that because your psyche is weak is a poor way to marshal your personal resources.

You don't have to go nuts; you know the kitchen can't use the food and the waitress certainly isn't eating the scraps. Ask the table if anyone's dog wants a treat. or take it home and later decide it's nt enough for a meal or a snack and then chuck it. But you ordered that food- don't waste it, its a wrong action.

>> No.5055737

You have issues.

>> No.5055739

That's kind of hodunk.

>> No.5055741

>small village


>> No.5055748

I understand. But it makes me feel poor.

>so many go hungry

I get your point but I really really don't want the doggie bag. Like really. Makes my skin crawl

>it gets in my car and emits an odor
>maybe grease drips for some reason and now my car is damaged and I have to replace the seat
>I place it in my fridge and it emits an odor
>i wake up the next morning and find it there, sitting. Mocking me.
>so I throw it away
>now its in my garbage bag, making that odorous
>I have to throw that away into the dumpster then clean my house and car and body a second time.

But at least I'm no longer poor.

rich and crazy > poor and sane

>> No.5055752


Yep. Strong autism with this one.

>> No.5055764

autism guy again.

This is just a general cooking fail story, less autism.

>Christmas several years ago
>go to parents house/ranch-farm thing
>siblings are there
>greetings, catching up
>I'm wired up from coffee and travel
>can't sleep
>time passes, do other shit
>8pm - haven't slept for 36 hours or so
>head feels hazy b/c coffee+no sleep+Jet lag
>decide to make peanut butter cookies
DING! They're done
>put on china, serve for desert
>brother takes a bite as I watch, waiting for praise of my work
>he coughs and spits

Turns out I put in 3/4 cup of salt instead of sugar.

I've yet to live that one down.

Last time I cook without sleep.

>> No.5055778

I do it, i work at trader joes for 12.50 an hour and live in Berkeley about 1500 bucks a month and rent is 600 and that doesn't include electricity and internet and water and everything. I eat good and don't get any help from my family, it's called managing your money
>learn to manage your money, shop smart faggot.

>> No.5055813


take it with you and chunk it at a homeless guy or leave it on the corner. Don't act like an asshole in fronmt of the waitress, your friends, God and everybody.

Social courtesy is pretty simple yo. hide your unpleasant habits in clever ways. the end, you're welcome, that will be $90

>> No.5055820

>rent is 600
>in California

Do you live in a fucking closet?

>> No.5055823

I was very polite about it.

But perhaps it was rude of me, if not socially awkward...

Next time I'll throw it at the homeless man.

>> No.5055962

Man, I just can't get away from the autism on 4chan. When I go to /r9k/, /tv/, /g/ and a few others I'm fulling expecting autism but when I come to /ck/ for a break it doesn't end.
>Do you know where you are?

>> No.5056100

why didn't you greentext that one line?

>> No.5056165


To leave countless
in question

and wondering
for the reason

to realize

>> No.5056170

you couldn't have been that poor if you were eating out at places that had doggie bags.

>> No.5056174

I didn't mean doggie bags, I meant leftovers in general.

Said doggie bags to help explain.

>> No.5056184
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>> No.5056199

umm ok, I guess. Not having been poor until recently I wouldn't understand your logic. My family was affluent when I was growing up and we enjoyed leftovers, especially when mom's roast beef became beef hash and beef stew.

Now I have to be creative with the food we have and really stretch the meals, but not for much longer since my spouse has gotten another job.

sorry you have a bad association with leftovers.

>> No.5056200

>>be me


>> No.5056202


Wrong. A job. And welfare. No way you can support yourself on minimum wage without living in a cockroach invested shit hole.

>> No.5056231

>be me helping prep friend's x-mas party
>spend day before researching recipes/cooking methods to ensure deliciousness
>Offer to make a bunch of things "oh no worries anon i'm making a casserole but maybe you can help with the roast" ok.jpg
>happily chopping veggies and fresh herbs for roast beef dinner + making horseradish sauce
>Get so hyped for this roast beef it'll be amazing i swear
>Get to friends house
>Set up perfect bed for roast
>Beef is placed a top almost cream from anticipation
>Reach for seasoning
>"oh anon, i'll do it I found a recipe online" wellokay.jpg
>she puts pepper brown sugar premixed chicken seasoning. wut.jpg
>she reaches for fork and knife and starts stabbing the beef
>stand there paralyzed jaw locked every nerve twitching
> gather basic speech
> "w-what are you doing ?" whisper in distant voice
>" Oh just tenderizing the meat! "
> grab nearest bottle of alcohol to drown sorrow

I pretty much just stuck to the gin that night

>> No.5056258
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I love how you can tell how people are unemployed by how much they parrot this.
You can live by yourself just fine as long as you don't live in some overpriced, overpopulated, polluted shithole like most major cities in the US are.
Also it helps if you don't eat out every single day, or spend $100 on a pair of shoes or a new wardrobe every week.

I live comfortably off just a bit above minimum wage, and don't have to work myself to death or get foodstamps.
Just me on my own in my cozy little apartment, surrounded by my pc monitors and chest-deep in vidya.
Gas? Fuck that shit. I ride my bike.
Stay mad and unemployed, NEETs.

>> No.5056264


Sorry that your family is poor and kicked you out of your house.

Uni student here, just turned 21, still live at home because I go to school out of state and it makes no fucking sense to have an apartment to stay in like 2/5ths out of the year.

>> No.5056267

>Gas? Fuck that shit. I ride my bike.

Confirmed for living in cushy suburb or bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.5056273

8x8=64 thats about 49 dollars a day after taxes. how the fuck can you not survive on minimum wage? stop wearing armonie to you fuckin burger flipping job faggot!

>> No.5056277

>there are 8 days in a week

Trolled softly

>> No.5056278

A cushy suburb in bumfuck nowhere, actually.

I do feel for people who live in large cities though, also people who live 10-20 miles away from anywhere with employment.
I guess i'm just used to living a nomadic sort of life, just packing up and moving somewhere else whenever a better job opportunity pops up.
(One of the best tricks of living on your own is to 'know a guy' with a truck)
I've moved 3 times in the past 3 years. I suppose I just forget that its harder for some people to just... get up and go.

Also no offense to the NEETs. I lived with my brother till I was in my 20's. I know your pain.

>> No.5056285

Or you can live at home until you've saved up a decent amount of money for investments, treat yourself occasionally and maybe even travel? My friends get by on minimum wage but they barely have any savings and are fucked if anything unseen for happens. Saves you a lot of stress in the long run to be patient about moving out.

>> No.5056290

This is very true!
But I think that 'trial by fire' is necessary to give people a taste of the real world.
The first year or so of being on your own is supposed to suck ass and be hard. Hopefully teaching about finances and budgeting along the way.
That way all the stress and bullshit you go through just feels that much sweeter when you succeed. :)

>> No.5056373

Theres a 3 bed room 2 bath house up for sale where I live and it's fucking 1200 a month I hope it's still there by the time my lease is up but it probably won't

>> No.5056458

I moved out of home when I was 18, was good fun at the time. Made heaps of friends and heaps of enemies experimenting with different substances and trying to pull women every weekend. Moving house and changing room mates every 6 months.
When I was about 28 I moved back in with my mother which was as depressing as it sounds.
About a year later bought my own home and have been living happily on my own for about 2 years now.

>> No.5056476


in Australia doggie bags tend to be looked down upon and even banned in a lot of restaurants. All of the ones i have worked at disallow them for health and safety reasons

>> No.5056485

Health and safety is just code for the management not being arsed. You Aussies are such savages. No doggie bags is the thin end of the wedge. So much for good service

>> No.5056513
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Naperville here, I work as a sales person in a computer store, I make 45k a year (commission based) and im going to community college, soon to transfer

Such is life

>> No.5056518

he was saying $8/hr times by an 8 hour work day you illiterate fuck

>> No.5056523

Assuming he gets paid for lunch and that he gets an actual hour for lunch

>> No.5056524

australia is just a legitimately wealthy country unlike the us toting their 'USA BEST COUNTRY' off the back of their bloated military

>> No.5056526

>assuming he gets paid for lunch
8am - 5pm is a 9 hour day, minus an hour for lunch = 8 hour work day

your neet lifestyle is showing. have you ever worked a day in your life?

>> No.5056536

moving out of home is not hard. i earnt ~30k last financial year as uni student working part time.

rent in even the most expensive places shouldn't be more than $1500 a month unless you're living a lifestyle above your reality, and if you're not autistic you can share an apartment and drop that to ~$700 a month. if you're working for minimum wage, you shouldnt expect to be living in a good apartment. you are the lowest caste of society and should be living in appropriate housing.

get a job, work hard, live frugally. if you cant find a job, or get paid terribly, that is your problem for not being worthy of decent jobs.

>> No.5057008

Yes it does

>> No.5057022

Not that guy, but not everyone works 8-5. It is typically 9-5 with/without paid lunch.

>> No.5057029

Not having a lunch break is not typical.

>> No.5057046

>live frugally
This is key. I've been self-employed my entire adult life (middle aged Anon), and I've earned over $100k some years, under $30k others. Lived well the entire time, and never went into debt beyond a mortgage on a reasonable place to live.

The trick is not to spend money when you don't have to. When you do go for an indulgence make sure it's something you will really enjoy. It's way too easy to just spend money without getting much pleasure out of it - people mindlessly do that all the time. Don't be one of them, and you'll have enough dough for the things that matter to you even in a weak earnings year. Just keep your overhead low.

>> No.5057104

ITT: Sound and sensible financial advice.

>> No.5057130

>dad dies when i was 9
>mom has abandonment issues
>during my my college app process she finds out i applied for a few colleges out of the city
>starts crying a lot, never seen her cry before this she is tough as nails

So does it make me immature to live with my mother because of her issues? Given it has limited my poon but the ladies who understand are usually much better quality.

>> No.5057131

what the fuck is your mom retarded?

my mom never cooks. ever. she doesn't spend enough time home. how does a retired disabled person spend so much time out of the house is a mystery. she always ends up buying food and wonders why she's broke and can't lose weight. so annoying

>> No.5057136

so what everyone is saying is

it is possible for an 18 year old to eek by if he had a job for a few years before hand and saved wisely, and has also chosen to completely forgo higher education?

this was supposed to be a cooking rage thread anyway

>> No.5057137

they also ban vidya for bad words


>> No.5057141

Yup. People don't realize how much money they can save if they never buy into indulgences (snacks, cigs, alcohol), and spend pretty much nothing on entertainment. I'll admit I'm a boring enough person to not suffer too badly from this, but the extra money is ridiculous.

>> No.5057145

shes not retarded; she just has not idea how to cook. she is great at her job, and has a great amazingly well paid job, but she has no idea how to cook.

>> No.5057147

I spend plenty of dough on indulgences. Wine is a particularly bad habit of mine. But I'm ruthless about not spending money on things I don't give a shit about, so I have plenty left over for good food and wine.

>> No.5057151

>without living in a cockroach invested shit hole.

Shitty wage = shitty living space...and life. Deal with it and save money faggot.

>> No.5057152

i think most people with money problems have it because they spend toooooo much on clothes.

>> No.5057155

I know what you mean, back when I was committed to never being sober I was frugal as fuck in most of my life, but always made sure I had money for cider and weed.
Amazing how much money you can save by thinking through the necessity of every purchase.

>> No.5057156
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>moving out your parents house before graduating college

Not even rich kids move out of their parents house until much later. Be mature enough to co-exist with your family. You save tons of money, you take care of each other, etc

>> No.5057159

rich kids live with parents for longer...

its the poor kids who fight with their parents and have to go get jobs spot welding at 16 that move out early.

20 here. live with rich parents. moving to family's beach house for college in 2 weeks

>> No.5057161

>tfw tuition costs about 300$ where i live and i still live with my parents

>> No.5057164

Depends on the person. Most folks I know with money problems spend too much on the place where they live. They bought a house or apartment that was better suited to their aspirations than their reality. (To a lesser extent people do this with cars as well). When reality fails to match their aspirations they get fucked.

I'm sure some folks fuck themselves buying clothes. I wouldn't know. I can't remember a year when I spent more than $500 on clothes.

>> No.5057167

ive seen people on welfare who spend a couple hundred dollars a week on clothing

>> No.5057171
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>work at restaurant chain
>nab a bag of frozen soup to bring home for thanksgiving
>its a boil in the bag soup, literally impossible to fuck up
>you just put the bag in boiling water for an hour or so
>be at aunts house for dinner, bring pot of water to a boil and drop frozen soup in
>aunt is unusually concerned about this simple soup concept, i told her just not to fuck with it
>every five minutes, "anon, anon!!!! IS IT DONE?"
>fuck woman, no it isn't DONE. just leave it alone its impossible to fuck up or burn it, we keep it boiling for hours at work.
>soups been heating maybe 20 mins, still halfway frozen
>go outside to play with dog
>come back in
>aunt has opened the bag, dumped out partially frozen soup into pot and is burning that shit on the highest setting
>lumps of icy soup sit in a small puddle of soup that is now burning to the bottom of the pot

This soup is literally impossible to fuck up or burn. You boil a fucking bag, you can't mess it up. Or so I thought. She proved me wrong once again.

>> No.5057176

How could you possibly think there is more chance of it burning in a bag than a pan on high?
Has she never boiled an egg?

>> No.5057177

op here

guess that person has same problem as me. family who doesnt understand how cooking works. its applying heat to meats or things in a certain way.

my mom thinks 350 is just the cooking temperature. fish, chicken, beef, everything...

reheating leftover chicken? 350 for an hour

>> No.5057180

She's ummm. How should I say this nicely. She isn't very smart and does a bunch of stupid things. One time she was trying to make 20 gallons of tea for a party. She decided to boil 20 teabags in one gallon of water and then add 19 gallons to it. Needless to say it was awful.

>> No.5057184

>ive seen people on welfare who spend a couple hundred dollars a week on clothing
That's pretty extreme, but it fits a typical bad pattern people fall into: buying stuff to appear like they have more money than they do. Among the poor it's brand name clothing to advertise to the world that they're not really poor. Among the middle class it's the new car or posher house than they need to convey the message that they're really upper middle class. Same shit. Aspirational buying is a good way to fuck yourself.

>> No.5057185

My mom won't turn the oven up past 300. I still don't know why, she thinks it will burn foods. When I go home and turn it up to 450 for a pizza or recipe or whatever she freaks the fuck out like i'm about to burn the house down.

>> No.5057190

I don't drink tea, why wouldn't that work?
I would guess that 1 teabag isn't nearly enough to make 1 gallon of tea, considering my parents used 1 teabag In a small teapot and let it infuse for a decent amount of time.

But that would just make it weak right, not disgusting?

>> No.5057200

Naperville here as well. Fuckin rent anywhere around here is 1200 for a one bedroom shithole. Most minimum wage places are just part time so it pretty much isn't possible to live alone and go to school etc.

On a thread related note my dads wife makes this godawful brussel sprout abomination with mashed up navy beans and shallots cooked until they're a mushy mess. She makes it once a week and keeps trying to give me the recipe. I eat it cause I'm not a dick.

She also washes her cast iron with soap every time she uses it and puts it in a grocery bag while its still wet and ties it up.

>> No.5057224

except if you don't live in a flyover state, average rents are in the 1000s.

Average rent here is 1500 a month, I could say live 3 towns over for 700 rent but spend 2 hours traveling to work and spend all that money I "saved" on commuting, or spend 1500 a month and be able to walk to work.

There are a couple places for rent here that are 800 a month, but they are in the bedbug and cockroach red zones. This whole idea you have about being able to make min wage and have your own apartment only works in shitty tiny cities with no real work.

>> No.5057246

Try hunting for an apartment in Taipei, Taiwan, dude. The Chinks take it to a whole new level.

>be expat
>just hired, just flown in, hotel is ridiculously expensive
>need a place to stay
>start looking on 591.com.tw, the big apartment-hunting site here
>oh, cool, 20 "ping" apartment, near work, five hunnert USD per month!
>a "ping" is about a square meter, so that's plenty of space
>go look at the place
>has about enough room to swing a dead cat
>you supply the cat
Oh, but look, Anon, you can hang your clothing in the stairwell when you do laundry! That space counts as part of your apartment!
>fuck you, bitch, I'm outta here

>> No.5057255

>I'm being held at gunpoint to live in or near this one major city for the rest of my life with no option to move away and start over
Thats gotta suck.

>> No.5057289

sorry, but 20 squaremeters is fucking nothing. thats 5x4 meters .. if you add a kitchen/bathroom theres literraly no space left

>> No.5057290

chicago masterrace here.

it's p easyy to find decent 1 bdrms for about $600. i've usually lived with roommates and for a shared place have payed anything from $270-600.

work just barely above min wage, 23yo just tryin to make it on my own

>> No.5057315

22 year old here who's lived away from home since 19 in a crappy entry level job. you're retarded, much like most of the people in this thread.

>> No.5057318

>what are roommates?

>> No.5057325

more people walk or ride bikes in big cities, dumbass. everything is a lot closer, therefore a car is far less necessary.

>> No.5057392


20 square meters is enough to live in. I used to live in an aparment of that size, which had a small separate kitchen from the main room. I lived in it for couple of years while I was studying because the rent was low, it had free electricity, water and internet and it was near my school.

>> No.5057520

You don't like what your mom cooks then don't fucking eat it, you ungrateful little self-obsessed shit-turd.

>> No.5058183

>20 square meters is enough to live in
One person can do it if they're organized. For years my wife and I lived in 35 square meters. It was small, but that's fine when you live in a major city and all you do at home is sleep, fuck and sometimes eat.

That's the thing about urban living. You don't spend your leisure time moping around your apartment. You go out and do things. And living in a small, cheap apartment gives you the freedom to go out five nights a week as long as you're making decent dough.

If you spend your off hours hanging out at home the size of the place is more important. But for a busy young person in a city with plenty going on 20 square meters may be a challenge, but it's do-able.

>> No.5058193

>living with one's parents doesn't indicate a lack of maturity, independence, or social/financial success.

It does for the last two and the first one is in highly likely

>in fact there are twice as many 18-25 year olds living with their families today than there were 20 years ago. you can go ahead and fuck yourself.

That's even worse.

>> No.5058199

I know quite a few people who didn't move out until later in life. They lived in an expensive city and would rather save their money and live with their parents than live in a shitty apartment and throw money away (instead of putting it towards a mortgage).

I couldn't live with my parents, but it makes sense on paper. The economy is going to make it more common too.

>> No.5058231

36% of 18-31 year olds live with their parents.

It's no longer bad/stigma thing

>> No.5058233


That's a pretty big age bracket for which to make such an all-encompassing statistic. It's probably an average, where 75% of 18 year olds live with their parents, and maybe 5% of 31 year olds do.

>> No.5058238
File: 1011 KB, 400x225, OH NO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sister is attempting to cut a loaf of bread
>holds bread in her left hand, knife in right
>right hand goes under left arm
>starts sawing bread off the left side of the loaf
>cutting board sliding all over the counter
>mom says, "how about I cut the bread"
>mfw I bought my sister a mandolin for Christmas

She is going to lose a finger, I am sure of it.

>> No.5058239

true. The census breakdown, more specifically is

Younger Millennials (ages 18 to 24) are much more likely than older ones (ages 25 to 31) to be living with their parents—56% versus 16%. Since the onset of the 2007-2009 recession, both age groups have experienced a rise in this living arrangement.

The men of the Millennial generation are more likely than the women to be living with their parents—40% versus 32%—continuing a long-term gender gap in the share of young adults who do so.

>> No.5058240


buy her a cut glove.

>> No.5058241

Declining employment. In 2012, 63% of 18- to 31-year-olds had jobs, down from the 70% of their same-aged counterparts who had jobs in 2007. In 2012, unemployed Millennials were much more likely than employed Millennials to be living with their parents (45% versus 29%).

Rising college enrollment. In March 2012, 39% of 18- to 24-year-olds were enrolled in college, up from 35% in March 2007. Among 18 to 24 year olds, those enrolled in college were much more likely than those not in college to be living at home – 66% versus 50%.

Declining marriage. In 2012 just 25% of Millennials were married, down from the 30% of 18- to 31-year-olds who were married in 2007. Today’s unmarried Millennials are much more likely than married Millennials to be living with their parents (47% versus 3%).

>> No.5058243

>i earnt ~30k last financial year as uni student working part time

Your part time job must pay very well. Even working 39 hours a week that averages to around $15 an hour, more than twice the minimum wage.

>> No.5058249


Depressing. I'm 28 and half of my high school buddies have moved back in with their parents.

>> No.5058250

wut, 66% of people in college were living at home? Don't they get one of the points of college is learning to live on your own?

>> No.5058251

A couple decades ago, you could afford house payments with a minimum wage job. Nowadays you can't even pay for a single apartment room's rent on minimum wage.

>> No.5058274

It actually indicates exactly that. People who live at home after they're about 18 or 19 are looked at as complete and utter failures by the vast majority fo the population, and rightly so.

>> No.5058278

That's not true anymore when we're starting to get close to the majority still living at home

>> No.5058286

>the majority
>being "right", "correct", "acceptable", etc
Take a good damned look at the world right now.

You should not strive to be the norm.

>> No.5058293

Guess what then? You're a fucking disgrace. Go be independent and stop leeching off your parents. It's not fucking hard to earn enough money to live on your own, no matter what the lazy NEETs in this thread might say. I've lived by myself in one of the most expensive cities in Canada since I was 18 with no problems- just work hard and don't live beyond your means and you'll be fine. I also paid my own way through university without any student loans, and I've never been on any welfare either.

Tl;dr living at home past about 19 years of age demonstrates that you are a failure at life.

>> No.5058296

The worlds just changing.

It's fine to be living at home forever now

Just like its fine to be fat

just like its fine to be lgbt

get used to it

>> No.5058297

maybe because they aren't dumb enough to go even further in debt so when they graduate they can have their own place that's not a piece of shit?

>> No.5058303

>in one of the most expensive cities in Canada since I was 18 with no problems
>I've never been on any welfare either.

>in Canada
>never been on welfare

Going to guess that most people in this thread are American. From their perspective, you have welfare at your disposal in the form of universal healthcare. Imagine an 18-year-old American living on minimum wage in Chicago with no health insurance who falls off his bike and has to get stitches. ER visits can cost literally thousands of dollars.

inb4 "that's what you get for living in the USA." Most of us didn't choose to be in this situation and leaving isn't always a possibility.

>> No.5058308

my EBT food stamps dropped from $350 to $330 because I got a social security raise, fuckers.

>> No.5058313

Speaking of usa welfare...

>> No.5058363

>fine to be living at home
>fine to be fat
Could be simplified to one line. 'it's fine to not work hard'

>> No.5058372

damn straight it is bro

>> No.5058377

I'd like to introduce you to Jason Greenslate


>> No.5058394

>In a follow-up email, Greenslate lamented that Fox had portrayed him as a beach bum. "I don't feel like a bum," he said. "I pull hot chicks, drive nice cars, dress nice and wear the most baddest jewelry in the world."

He's pretty cool.

>> No.5058429

I came to this thread expecting stories. you've failed me again /ck/

>> No.5058444

Thank God I wasn't born in a white trash family.

>> No.5058459

What the fuck kind of pushover parents do y'all have that actually let you live at home past 20?

I'd love to have no bills for a few years and save a few dozen grand, but they aren't going to let me sit around their house for free when I can make ends meet on my own. I'm sure they'd bail me out of things got dire, but they aren't.

>> No.5058513

it's such an american thing to be so afraid to have family near by.

Why do you feel the need to kick your kids out at 18?

>> No.5058523
File: 38 KB, 630x418, katy perry murrican queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so poor you can't afford to support yourself after being a legal adult? We don't get kicked out at 18, we either go to school or work and buy our own house/condo/apartment.

>> No.5058530

Only white trash feels the need to move out as soon as possible. Are your parents that terrible?

>> No.5058547


you are equally poor or rich whether or not you eat your leftovers mang

in fact you are slightly richer if you eat your leftovers

what should really make you feel poor is that you aren't spending some money on a therapist to clear up your strange class-related compulsive anxiety

>> No.5058555
File: 873 KB, 1000x1502, American Master Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents are fine and I have a good relationship with my immediate family.

There are three reasons why you wouldn't buy your own place upon coming of legal age. Either you are attaining higher education, or you can't work and afford to support yourself, or at worst you are too socially immature and poor to stick your neck out in the world.

>Only white trash feels the need to move out as soon as possible. Are your parents that terrible?

They are fine, and I'm fine. Are you so poor you can't live on your own terms? Are you a Europoor? Or just an run of the mill faggot?

>> No.5058562

>tfw been living in chicago since i was 18 (so almost 6yrs now)
>tfw always been barely making ends meet every week
>tfw kinda happy right now with my 50/hr a week shitty pay job
>tfw my dad who makes 6 figures and lives 6 hrs away asks me to move in with him to help pay the bills and keep his company becauss his wife/my mother is taking all his money
>tfw seriously thinking about this

can any1 feel wit me

>> No.5058565

lmao, in this thread there is 99% broke people trying to give othet broke people advice on why you should gtfo of your parents house because their parents where douche bags and threw them out into the wild world. not everyone has this stupid american culture of 18 and gtfo or pay rent. I agree that some of us that live with mommy and daddy are confortable and sometimes irresponsible people but it doesnt represent everyone. until you can show me your finances are better then mine, which means you have very little or no debt, on trac to retire before never, and have substantial amount of money saved, dont bother telling me what the fuck to do. blind leading blind.

btw if this doesnt make sense to you its because your mediocre average and ordinary douche.

>> No.5058568

Would it not also be an expectable reason t go back home to care for an old or sickly parent ?

>> No.5058572

50 hourly would be god tier where I live but
>the shitty of shitcago
overpriced city is overpriced.

If your dad wants you to sustain his company then do it on your own terms. Make him move to where you want to live. Not sure how you feel about city life but I prefer it, you couldn't pay me enough to move out to the sticks.

Also, kill your mom. But not really, just have a talk with her. Lay down the facts anon.

>> No.5058581

My only debt is the $15,000 I still owe on my car. I've been meaning to pay it off, just lazy and automated payments monthly, I've forgotten. I'll pay it off tomorrow.

>> No.5058617

chicago is ruined by illinois shit corruption. I live in nw suburbs but i wouldnt want to live anywhere but chicagoland area

>> No.5058663

I did not move back in with my parents after college but I just wanted to say: I find the extended household like the Chinese have, with grandparents taking care of the grandchildren and the parents taking care of their parents to probably be the most ideal. Had my parents lived somewhere near the city where I could have found relevant work easily I would have been WAY better off moving in with them. The American dream is a lie and you've all been had. There is no point in every single person becoming a homeowner when their parents have provided you with what you need to start a life.

>> No.5058730

they arent better quality, they are stupid. i had this issue with my ex-husband. he was asked by his mom to move back in after his dad died (she asked at the funeral). he couldn't turn her down (at like 25 years old). now he's 31 and living at home with mommy again. its not that you are a bad person for wanting your mom to be happy at all, but its not normal for a man to stay with his mom that long. it shows that you put her before yourself and will put her before a girlfriend/wife. family is family and should have no impact on your love life aside from wanting you to be happy. your mom should have never put you in that position. it was wrong of her.

>> No.5058747

You sound like an undergrad living on your parents' dime.

>> No.5058756

>The American dream is a lie and you've all been had. There is no point in every single person becoming a homeowner when their parents have provided you with what you need to start a life.
It was easier for a few generations, but now inflation and the economy have caught up and it is becoming harder again.

I would much rather live on my own than a multi-generational household. I don't want to live with my grandparents and parents even if it would make childcare, maintenance, and finances easier.

I live in Canada. There is plenty of land for people to spread out. I'm not going to limit myself to living with my parents in a city unless there is literally no other option.

But yeah, we (N. Americans) aren't as family-oriented and feel the need to disperse. There are definitely many, many more benefits to living with your family than every member striking it on their own.

>> No.5058780

i can tell your butthurt because i pointed out the fact your not as "successful" as you thought. I do still live with parents but im not underage, ive yet to hear a teenager talk about retirement planning hell even people in their 50's arent well versed on the importance of saving money and living below ones means. You mad bro?

>> No.5058800

I consider myself successful. I have by no means attained my goals, but my credentials are decent:

>BSc., MSc., second-year PhD student
>8 peer-review publications, among other accomplishments
>$58k/yr (the majority is tax-free)
>rent a 20 acre property with my girlfriend
>own 2 vehicles
>have over $40k in my savings account
>my parents have a net worth of around $6 million

Just because you haven't been able to cut the umbilical cord and can justify it purely on financial reasons doesn't mean you are on the right path. An important part of maturity is independence. You seem to have missed out on this.

>> No.5058806

this'll be long winded, but this is one of the few arguements i actually get remotely mad about

agreed, everyone else can go fuck themselves.
i live in new york, long island specifically, and shit is ridiculously expensive out here. i only have one friend between the ages of 18-30 who doesnt live with family, and i hardly get to see him anymore cause he has to work 70 hours a week just to get by. no one wants to pay a livable wage, or give enough hours to make ends meet. i work at a target in my town, 9.50 an hour and they purposely give just under 40 hours so forget benefits or overtime. and the shitty part is the schedules for jobs like that change week to week so you cant really commit to another job. anyone outside the 18-30 just cant seem to get it through their heads, my fathers one of these people. hes 55, and apparently he had no trouble moving out or getting a place of his own. keeping in mind this was like 40 fucking years ago. the economy taking a shit hurt everyone in general, but no one got it worse then the 18-30 age group

>> No.5058833

You realize you don't have to live in a city, right?

Too many people stay where they grew up and think that is how you have to live.

>> No.5058835

>cooking fails thread
>discussion about Amerifags who can't afford a $400/m apartment

>> No.5058839

>claims 28
>degrees up the asshole, assumes they gaurantee work (how much you owe in student loans or mommy and daddy paying or you paying if so how much you paid already?)
>nice review publications, no one cares
>$58k/yr "successful" at being mediocre average, plus dont pay taxes, elaborate please.
>rent property (lmao, "successful")
>own 2 vehicles (any loans on those cars?)
>over $40k saved (in bank? if so whats interest rate? do you know what inflation is?)
>parents have net worth over $6million (yeah parents not you right? lel)

you lost me at parents net worth is... and then you claim to talk about how I can't cut off my umbilical cord. Me thinks i smell a phony. Also independence is part of maturity, yes. But just because I live with my parents doesn't mean I am not independent, you made assumption I am living of them. Plus you seem on tract to being pretty mediocre, average and ordinary to me. You mad yet bro?

>> No.5058849

>assuming all amerifags live where you live, which I assume is small town.
>good luck finding $400/month apartment in chicagoland area thats not a box on the corner or with roomates.

>> No.5058851

"Moving out at 18" is something that only developed in America in the last 20-30 years.
In the 60's, 70's, and before you were expected to live with your parents and inherit their house from them.

>> No.5058852

nice job replying to me ameretard

ill do it for you because obviously you need a helping hand for everything you fucking do in life


>> No.5058860


someone is mad, lmao.

>> No.5058864

>Wanting to completely drop everything in your life so you can move far away and prove to the people you left behind that you can be independent.

Yeah, not worth it at all. Not everyone wants to start from scratch like you apparently do.

>> No.5058867

I'm not sure where in my post you interpreted "degrees gaurantee (sic) work". There is a strong correlation between education and income and health, but that isn't the point. I am 28 - I had a BSc. by the age of 22, MSc. by 25, worked for a year and commenced my PhD.

A large proportion of my income is derived from grants which are tax-free. Doing well in school, publishing in reputable journals, having good connections, etc. help with grants.

I literally have no debt and I didn't even include my girlfriend's income in the equation. Renting a large property is a stronger indicator of "success" (according to your superficial definition) than living with your parents. I will buy property when I graduate and find a position in a location I want to live in permanently.

I mentioned my parents' income because I have done all of this on my own but am not a "poorfag" (which I assume would be one of your rebuttals) and have parents that could easily support me if I didn't have dignity or scruples.

In short, I've done more than you have done and have been able to do so on my own (and with my gf) without the help of my parents. Your defense mechanism and need to justify living with your parents is invalid.

And yes, living with your parents indicates some dependence. You can't argue this.

>> No.5058897

I wish I could move out. I really do. But moving anywhere around this area would require a roommate. The people I knew in high school have either all moved away for college, are living with their partners, or are shitty and unreliable. Sure, I could move an hour north and have somewhat affordable rent, but I'm not driving that far every day for the amount of money I'm currently making, it's just not worth it.

I've been saving up since getting my most recent job, and I've got a bit under 10k in the bank, but I can't see myself taking on $800-$900 a month in rent and still being able to save up to move up. I either need to get a new job (which I will soon, current one is "done when the job is finished" so I'm milking it a bit), or find some not shitty people to move in with.

>> No.5058906

>school = success/health. is that so? could you provide sources to your supposed claim? Could you explain why so many people are going back to school but unable to find work? Please provide sources and not what your school mindfucked you into believing.

>please say you either have debt or no debt. If you have debt please describe the amount if your capable of doing that.

>renting large plot of land, let me know its 20 acres, yet im superficial. Seemed like you were gloating at how much land you rent...hmmm????

>your claim your success as your own yet credit your g/f as helping, im confused or did you not explain correctly?

>very good point im not 100% independent, but you failed to answer the questions I posed you which I assume are beyond what you know.

>you assume to have done more then I have ever done.

btw you claim my defense was invalid. Please elaborate why you think it is, oh and assume more please. lol

>> No.5058929

I'm sure you can Google, "Education and Health", "Education and income" and find appropriate sources. I'm not going to provide a literature review for you. There is a lot of information on this; there is a reason an educated population is favorable.

I said I "literally have no debt", which means no debt. I paid for my undergraduate degree via well-paying labor jobs during the summer and scholarships. My grad school tuition was waived for my MSc. and PhD. and my stipend and scholarships/grants paid for my living expenses and allowed me to save money.

My girlfriend works part-time and is also in graduate school. The bulk of our income comes from me but she helped purchase a second vehicle and pays bills when she can. Do I really have to explain what living with a spouse is like to you?

I am not gloating, I am merely provoking you. My concept of success goes beyond income, retirement plans, and possessions, but it is more convenient to use your criteria of "success" in this context. You obviously have an issue with living at home still and feel the need to turn it around and make it seem like a virtue. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with what you are doing, but you don't have to attack others as if moving out of the nest and being independent is bad or stupid.

I understand your peers probably frown upon your living situation and you definitely are more dependent than the average person your age. If you are happy than you don't have to go on the offensive and try to justify your life decisions to people on a food and cooking board. But don't try to make it seem like being "successful" and living with your parents is better than being "successful" and being independent.

>> No.5058972

Here's one that happened to me just now:
>Rewind to Christmas, this year.
>I have an aunt that gives everyone a bag or two of baked goods, usually stuffed with rolls.
>I always have mental note of the horrible shelf life these have, but usually I can give this shit a week before I start seeing spots.
>Contents this year include chocolate no-bakes, peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, and one big ass sugar cookie too big for the bag poorly wrapped and just kind of there in the bottom.
>Welcome to within the last 3 hours.
>I have eaten some of the cookies, no bakes are gone, one peanut butter cookie left, the rest untouched.
>Decide to get out the milk and eat the rest of the cookies.
>Start out with the peanut butter cookie.
>Everything's cool with the peanut butter cookie.
>Snag a sugar cookie from the unopened ziploc bag.
>Notice a pretty green spot on the bottom. About the same shade of the green sugar she probably used on someone else's batch.
>Fuck it, eat it.
>The sudden taste similar to mayo one or two bites in.
>Start gagging my way to trash to spit it out, toss out the rest.
>Look at giant cookie, it's fucking insulin.
No more of that shit.

Anyway, I really want to tell her how awful the shelf life is on her baked goods, but am pretty sure I'm not on good standing with that part of the family. Should I tell them, anyway?

I mean, shit. I was hoping that these cookies would last at least a week, y'know?

>> No.5058974


That's what I did. With about 10k in savings, I said, "Fuck it. I'm getting in my car and moving the fuck outta here." Now I'm starting a new life in my new city

>> No.5058990


I also must add that moving to a completely new city, with almost no support from family, and having literally zero job leads when I got here, really motivated me to get my shit together. Knowing that failing will result in me being broke and homeless really set a fire under my ass to polish my resume/cover letter and practice for hours in front of a mirror on my interviewing techniques. I highly recommend anyone who wants to go from a boy to a man, to do what I did.

>> No.5058999

>Wanting to completely drop everything in your life so you can move far away and prove to the people you left behind that you can be independent.
That has nothing to do with it. Not everyone wants to live where they grew up or where their parents live. Not everyone wants to maintain the status quo and stay in their comfort zone.

"Starting from scratch" means new friends, adventure, ambition, and potential to many people. It isn't a negative thing revolving around running away from the past. It's sad you think this.

There is a real biological need to disperse from your parents. Even plants exhibit this.

>> No.5059003

>education and health does not equal what you first posted about it being wealth as well. Its not, the people with the most wealth in this world don't even have formal education, they have informal educations and run business thats how to get rich in this country not with a degree and getting a job. THATS A FACT

>girlfriend helps yet your independent, seems like your both helping each other out so thats a form of dependency? You dont have to tell me about living with a spouse since you don't have a spouse you have a g/f get it straight boy.

I literally stopped reading after you started to again think Im attacking those who have moved out when infact I am defending those who still live at home from those who claim to be better off cuz they moved out. Also you claim that I have an issue with me living at home, I don't, I don't care who knows it because in my culture its no big deal and there is other reasons why I'm still home.

Success is defined differently by many people, so I'm not going to even get into that point. You never answered any of my first questions so this discussion is worthless.

Point being moving out does not define you as being better. Read my original post and take courses on reading comprehension, I would assume they would be required as a kind of something important.

Enjoy your life, I sure will :)

>> No.5059008

i like where i grew up and want to stay close to my family.
fuck me right

>> No.5059010

>learning how to be obseqious, presenting a shiny facade and being an all around servile sycophant is now "being a man"

what have we become

>> No.5059021

>socializing outside of your family = "obseqious, presenting a shiny facade and being an all around servile sycophant is now "being a man"

Must feel bad.

I bet you haven't actually left your comfort zone for an extended period of time, in which case your purported choice to stay with your family is nothing more than minimizing change and associated anxiety. Pathetic.

>> No.5059031

>the people with the most wealth in this world don't even have formal education
We aren't talking about outliers here. I'm not sure why you think this is a relevant argument. Are you actually unaware of the global studies which consistently show an increase in income and health with level of education? Are you trying to argue against this? Please prove peer-reviewed citations.

This probably indicates your lack of education and sour grapes mentality towards people who are educated and do not live with their parents. It is very transparent.

>there is other reasons
I'm done talking with you.

>> No.5059034

It's called living in the real world and being a social animal. Only special snowflakes think compromise, effort, and appearances are bad.

>> No.5059035


what the fuck? To whom am i being a sycophant to? youre just trying to use fancy words as if i didnt graduate from college and didnt have to use google to look up those words. I stand by my words. be a fucking man and stop relying on mommy and daddy to spoon feed you. i stuck my neck out into the real world and survived from shear willpower. you soft little neckbeards should do the same

>> No.5059042

Nigga I think you berating people about their personal lives on a god damn cooking board is a bit more pathetic than having ties to where you grew up


>> No.5059053

>you have to live with or in proximity to your family to have ties to where you grew up

You sound like you have issues. I'm not even being malicious. You should really try to go outside of your comfort zone, otherwise you will have poorly developed coping skills and may realize, too late, that you simply took the path of least resistance instead of pursuing your passion and taking chances.

>> No.5059056

Oh I'm not even that same guy, just popped in when I saw a dire lack of food in this thread

>> No.5059141

>Everythings cool with the peanut butter cookie.
Can this be a meme?

>> No.5059143

you're a huge ass. I'm really stoked I live almost 100 miles from my mom, but you're a projecting asshole.

>> No.5059187

Americans are so use to eating momma's mushy pasta so they think it's okay. When my mom cooks pasta I tell her to look at the boxer's instructions for Al Dente and she cooked it correctly without argument. All you babies have to do is at least try to help them cook correctly instead of complaining anonymously online.

>> No.5059197

mushy pasta is best pasta you faggot

>> No.5059218

remember when this was about cooking and not about the condition about the modern american household condition?
fucking hell /ck/ i thought you were better.

>> No.5059284
File: 67 KB, 640x425, imagee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I consider myself successful.
>my parents have a net worth of around $6 million

FFS I can't take this thread anymore. Thanks for the few cooking stories.

>> No.5059324

Hell, even /ck/ is becoming more and more like /int/.

>thread starts off normally
>Americans derail it
>anons complain
>Americans start shitposting

Every. Fucking. Day.

>> No.5059329


Get mad, Yuropoor.

>> No.5059335

>americans derail it

Every night a dozen anti american threads pop up. During the day every thread gets derailed by euros pulling amerilard or similar faggotry out of the dictionary.

Go make your own fucking euro 4chan if this one isn't good enough for you

>> No.5059340

>make 2400 every two weeks
>live in a 4 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms. Pay $800/month.
>live by myself, occasionally brother lives here when he's in town.

Such is life. But a lot of friends usually stay here for weeks at a time - of course they pay to live here.

>> No.5059450

you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
your credentials don't mean shit to this thread

>> No.5059692

You realize that most people making minimum wage usually don't get 40hrs a week/eight hour work days, or make eight bucks an hour. It's 7.25$. Most people I know are lucky to get thirty hours a week. You also don't get paid for your half hour lunch if you work more than six hours that day.

>> No.5059704

>live in a 4 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms. Pay $800/month.
Where do you live?

>> No.5059709

>you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
Yet I was able to accomplish everything without financial assistance from my parents. You seem to think people who come from a family with a bit of money are all spoiled and do not know how to work hard. Please stop formulating your beliefs and opinions from Hollywood cliches.

>> No.5059807

My house is 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and on an acre of land with animal rights for about 850/month. Gotta love Utah

>> No.5059816

are you a student? you work 30 hours a week? how much tax do you pay on those 1500?

>> No.5059823
File: 3 KB, 300x57, capga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you or are you not a mor(m)on? do you read the book of Mor(m)on? what about magical underwear?

>> No.5059842

I had an offer to do a PhD in Utah but I turned it down without even visiting the lab. All I thought was Mormons, salt flats, and bad coffee/alcohol selection.

After I learned more about the state, I realize it would have been a cool place to live in a lot of ways.

>> No.5059846

i am not sure why but that made me really really sad

>> No.5059854

this is really an American thing only

>> No.5059893

let tyrone knock you up, then you can pull money from the state, and free housing

>> No.5060012

This is coming from a 19 year old American, and since this thread got detailed I will give some input. My parents have encouraged me to live at home during the duration of college. Their reason was that they moved out when they we're 18 and 19 and they had a hell of a hard time managing their time and money with school. I currently work about 20 hours a week over the weekend and that's not even enough to share an apartment in a decent part of the city, plus food, toiletries, utilities.
>Inb4 work 40 hours a week
Yeah no thanks, I'll live at home and pay off my student loans. Plus my parents don't have the means to support me moving out.

>> No.5060018

moving out as soon as possible because everyone told you it's what you are supposed to do and you don't feel cool if you stay with your parents is not making an informed and intelligent decision.
staying at home means you can contribute to the family, save up money yourself, worry about less stupid shit while in college, not waste money on a shitty apartment, oh right, and actually focus on school instead of working at a shitty entry level job to support yourself. you know how many people get money from their parents for their apartment and expenses while in school? that is way more of a drain and indicator of irresponsibility than staying at home.

>> No.5060086


Yes it does. Yes it fucking does. Four of my best friends from secondary school are on £25,000+ a year and own their own cars, which is a much more impressive achievement in the UK than the states, and they live at home. All they fucking do is vidya and drinking and buy more shit, more useless computer equipment and anime figurines and other such shit. None of them can cook for themselves or clean a house. They're not MEN, they boys who walk talk and act like men. Get over yourself.

>>sperglord detected

>> No.5060103

I couldn't have said this any better myself. I know some people who's parents are doctors, lawyers or whatever and they completely pay for their kids' apartment, food, car, gas, insurance, clothes.

>> No.5060355

Jesus christ all of you fucking faggots bickering about bullshit why don't you go to /adv/ and ask for an easy way to kill yourselves. I just wanted some stories man.

>> No.5060372

Every thread like this gets derailed by some douchebag with the stock phrase "hurr durr move out/get your own apartment if you don't like it manchild".
Stop taking the bait folks, don't let the assholes ruin a good bitchin.

>> No.5060378

>few years ago living with my mom
>pan frys all her meat
>no seasonings
>no oil (just water because it was "healthier" that way)
>everything is grey with a pink center
>to this day I will never each fucking sausage links because hers were always raw on the inside
And yet somehow she never understood why I never liked meat much.

First off, you would need a lot of tea bags. I'm guessing 100 or so. Second off, she should have made each gallon by itself, since the spare 19 gallons she added later wouldn't have turned into tea since there were no teabags left, but it would literally just be extremely watered down shit.

>> No.5060418

>thread that had potential
>gets derailed by a bunch of ameritards and the autist with his doggie bag problem

>everything my mom makes comes from cans/boxes
>one christmas i say we should make a homemade cherry pie
>"great idea anon! i'll go get the ingredients!"
>comes back with a can of cherry pie filling and a box of premade crusts
>but mom what about homemade
>ughh anon that would be too much work!!
thank god i learned how to cook for myself
dropped 10lbs

>> No.5060445

Au contraire, the place I'm in now is actually that. It works out fine for a single person, or even a couple. I can't load up the place with aspirational feel-good purchases, but I don't particularly want to do that any more. BTDT when I was in the U.S., and it was a fucking pain when I moved.

>> No.5060460

I can't tell you how many times I've made a nice meal for my in laws & they just don't get it
Tuna steaks with chard, banana puree & a passion fruit sauce with quinoa
Ribeye steaks with collards, caramelized onions & polenta
Grilled salmon, asparagus & maitake mushrooms
Braised short ribs
Osso bucco with broccoli rabe & baby carrots
The greatest compliment I've gotten from any of that is "it's nice anon"
Make hot dogs & tater tots "oh anon! This is delicious!"
Fucking in laws were raised poor as fuck & spam was a delicacy. ..

>> No.5060480
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>no help from my millionaire parents


>living with one's parents doesn't indicate a lack of maturity, independence, or social/financial success


Here's my story.

>Be me, about 10 years old
>At home with family, because that's where children live
>Mom's scumbag boyfriend is cooking spaghetti
>I am broke white trash so this is my favorite meal
>He sets the whole pot, with the water, on the table
>Puts the spaghetti-fork with it
>I speak up to say this is obviously wrong
>He says this prevents the pasta from sticking
>Mom says to let him do it his way, because she is a cunt divorcee who always puts boyfriends first
>Every scoop of pasta I have to hold it over the pot as water streams off it
>Pasta is overcooked as fuck
>Despite letting each scoop drain a long time, a puddle of pasta water forms in my bowl
>I eat it all anyway because who knows when there will be another meal

Just another reason my parents don't get Christmas presents.

>> No.5060504

Penicillin... not insulin you mongoloid. Bet you live at home and haven't even published 1 peer reviewed article.

>> No.5060508

>no help from my millionaire parents
I made $16-20k each summer as a surveyor and worked part-time during the school year. I always had scholarships and applied for almost any bursary I could find. Students have no idea how much "free money" is floating around.

Bursaries and grants attract one another. The more you get, the better your CV looks, and the better your chances of getting more. It's a case of the rich getting richer. people just aren't aware of it or can't be bothered to spend a bit of time on applications.

My parents paid for my car insurance for 6 months. I can't think of anything else they have contributed to my financial well-being since leaving home at 18.

>> No.5060516

>Penicillin... not insulin you mongoloid. Bet you live at home and haven't even published 1 peer reviewed article.
Penicillium you retard.

>> No.5060521

>btw if this doesnt make sense to you its because your mediocre average and ordinary douche.

No, maybe it's because you can't spell or use punctuation at all.

>> No.5060522

>Dat story

Wow that sucks

>> No.5060523

Penicillium molds you twat. Have you even taken a systematics or micro course?

>> No.5060526
File: 269 KB, 386x316, pajamafag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I said "bullshit", I meant I don't believe you. I will never believe you. Here are the possibilities as far as I'm concerned: You can't recall or recognize the ways your parents helped you because the advantages moneyed family have always been part of your life; You have no idea what non-millionaire parents provide for their kids in comparison; you're a liar (on the Internet? Yes, it happens); You took risks which someone without a huge parental safety net would never take.

But no matter what you say, I will never believe that you have parents worth a holocaust of dollars and yet are entirely self-made. I will also assume that you have many undesirable personality traits.

>> No.5060527

Penicillin =/= Penicillium. Congrats on reading comprehension.

>> No.5060531

>flatmate says he'll buy some food in town cos he owes e some money
>ask him for some various shit, but make sure to say butter and mayo
>brings back supermarket own brand margarine and low fat mayo
>"lol there's no difference in taste and these r cheaper anyway"
>he means cheaper for him because he'll use them too
>mfw i have no face

>> No.5060536

Penecillium is a genus name. Penecillium molds are what was on his bread. Nice grammar richy rich.

>> No.5060542

$6 million isn't a "holocaust of dollars". It really isn't that much, it isn't like they are leaving a legacy guaranteeing the success of multiple future generations.

It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, that isn't the point of the discussion. It is about the merits of striking it out on your own versus living with your parents and being unable to move forward.

It is obvious that the people who live at home have issues and feel the need to rabidly defend their odd lifestyle.

Yes, bringing home girls for the night to your parents' home, having mommy make your meals and do your laundry, not paying bills or utilities, etc. sound like great normal things for anyone over the age of 20. Wish I could still live like I did when I was 16 and not grow up.

>> No.5060544

Penicillium is a genus name, Penicillin is not.

You seem confused.

>> No.5060553

Human's have lived in large inter-generational families for the majority of history. Your insistence on the abnormality of living with your family is enormously shortsighted.

-A debt free guy with an advanced degree in anthropology.

>> No.5060557

>my anecdotes are data! Really!

Get out.

>> No.5060561

That boyfriend was a man who added table salt to his spaghetti and jarred-sauce, drank blackberry-flavored brandy, and made scrambled eggs in the microwave. I would never allow such a person in my own house now that I'm grown.

>6 million
Are you normally this dense? You seriously don't understand the connection between that word, and that number? This is basic cultural literacy. My ass-burgers senses are tingling with every post you make.

>It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, that isn't the point of the discussion

The point of my comments is whatever I decide to say. Sure, living at home with your parents as an adult is pathetic. We're on the same page with respect to that. But $6,000,000 is in fact a lot of money, and you are an asshole both for pretending you have even found your bootstraps, and for mentioning the wealth of your family at all.

>> No.5060566

>Human's have lived in large inter-generational families for the majority of history. Your insistence on the abnormality of living with your family is enormously shortsighted.
I don't devalue the importance of kin selection, but part of success is the dissemination of your kin and their subsequent diversification.

>with an advanced degree in anthropology.
I lol'd.

>> No.5060574


And for the majority of human history we've had to deal with things like whooping cough, small pox, and cholera. Not everything that was in history is good. If you're going to make an argument on whether something is good or not, you have to present it's benefits and merits and prove they are greater than their downsides. It doesn't matter if it's normal or abnormal, it matters if it's more positive than negative or more negative than positive.

- A debt free guy with no degree

>> No.5060580

>part of success is the dissemination of your kin and their subsequent diversification.
This is not a self evident fact. You either have to argue for it or give me the citation of paper or book that does.

>I lol'd.
Good luck in academia devaluing the social sciences. I'm sure you will make lots of friends.

>> No.5060581

Holocaust has more than one meaning and I chose to dismiss your pathetic "witticism". I bet you get excited by 4chan gets too.

$6 million is not that much divide between 4 people, especially when a good portion of that money is in real estate.

I'm not sure why you think people who are financially successful inherently ruin their offspring's work ethic or are bad people. I can only imagine your views on well-educated people. I'm assuming you react positively to superficial populism?

>> No.5060587

>This is not a self evident fact. You either have to argue for it or give me the citation of paper or book that does.
I don't believe I have to provide a literature review or citations to an anthropology student in order to prove the importance of kin dispersion. Your education failed you.

>Good luck in academia devaluing the social sciences. I'm sure you will make lots of friends.
I'm already adept with statistics, I have no use for people in social sciences.

>> No.5060591

what makes this asian?

anyway, i personally think the whole concept of american independence in family is stupid. you're family for a reason - why the urgent rush to be independent when you come of age? what are you trying to prove exactly, to who?

unless you're literally a neet hikikomori leeching off your parents for years well past adulthood, or unless you have really bad living conditions at home, i don't see the immediate reason to become independent and move out. during my undergrad years i lived with my parents, ended up helping a lot with bills/cooking/household stuff in return (even though they never asked, and even told me not to bother until i insisted). i had a decent job and could move out at any time i wanted; parents were against it, and even wanted me to stay (on the principal that i'd be wasting money by staying in an apartment, hah)

i moved out of state for a career opportunity and im still functioning perfectly fine living at my new apartment with a roommate. maybe i was just lucky to have bearable parents and a livable home, but i never really felt a need to be independent; it just came on its own eventually anyway.

>> No.5060594
File: 58 KB, 500x372, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really opening my eyes to what down-to-earth, honest, likable people the rich and educated can be, Anon.

Lord knows when I was but a boy, pulling rutabagas back on the farm, Pa would get to cussin' somethin' awful 'bout how the rich man wore out sharecroppers like us.

I was dead-set on a downright un-Christian attitude toward you fancy moneyed folks, what with your book-learnin' and wearin' shoes every day like you was goin' to church. Truth be told, whenever I crossed paths with someone of the better class, I was right skeered by all that high falutin talk about "vaccinations", and "truancy".

Now you've shown me how truly endearing the rich are, and with such patience too! When I think of how just yesterday I was the type who considered six million dollars a lot of money.. Well it shames me. Thank you anon, thank you for showing me the truth.

>> No.5060595

>kin dispersion
No primate does this

>I have no use for people in social sciences
or idea of what the social sciences actually are.

>> No.5060659

Humans do many things that other primates don't do. Should we be throwing shit at eachother in the trees lol?

>> No.5060665

>social sciences
subjective data and weak correlative conclusions?

>> No.5060672

>typing your accent

>> No.5060736

Those folks are just posing poor. They all have far, far too much meat on them to be eating less than 3 meals a day at least 5 days a week. Back to the fucking factory with them, I need my Nike Airs.

>> No.5060752

My family stole my money for two years so I couldn't save up and bloodied me up when I tried to leave. The cops showed up and I was able to get my stuff out. That's when my life actually started.

Poor people have more issues. mental and physical.

>> No.5060759

OP here

wow, lold a lot at all these amazing cooking fail stories

nearly 250 :D

>> No.5060795

Kill yourself.

>> No.5060814
File: 219 KB, 637x480, 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family eats out of boxes too, shit sucks, which is why I'm cooking for myself now.
>dad serves dinner
>fried meat, green beans cooked in bacon grease, kraft mac'n'cheese
>my sister eats a box of the kraft all by herself
>make myself a simple salad
>over dinner I tell my dad I want to eat better with no processed foods
>he tells me even vegetables are "technically" processed since people touch and sort them which is a type of processing
>says there's nothing wrong with boxed foods
>in his exact words "I mean look at mac'n'cheese for example, what's so bad about that?"
>mfw anytime discussing nutrition with either of my parents

>> No.5060822

>eating salad
>whining about processed foods
>muh nutrition
>weaboo pic

Let me bring you in on a little secret, anon: Your father is disappoint.

>> No.5060830

I made salad because it was quick, and eating fresh foods is better than boxed shit. There is a reason my dad is overweight and has no circulation in his fingers, and that reason is his diet. Sorry if that's too complex for your tripfaggot mind to comprehend.

>> No.5060839

Wow, pretty testy. Could it be you're hungry?

>> No.5060850

No, I just can't stand people like you that try to ruin threads for no reason. If you want to be some sort of troll or think you're being funny you should go back to /b/ or reddit where you belong, or alternatively, get a life and learn to act your age.

>> No.5060868
File: 232 KB, 1600x1200, Zimception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think I'm a troll, or derailing the thread, perhaps a long rage-fueled response is not advisable.

>> No.5060895
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>complaining about Kraft

>> No.5060957


Best way to enjoy Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.

>cook normally
>mix in a pinch of pepper, about a quarter cup of ketchup, and a long dash of Tabasco

Delicious. Chop up some piping hot hot-dog in there and you have my favorite childhood dish.

>> No.5060976

>Junior in Engineering
>parents have a liquidity of over 1 million
>still live at home, parents pay for everything
I pay them back by cooking for them, mowing the lawn, taking care of the pets, etc.
Lolling at all the faggots getting buttdevestated because some of us are being financially smart and making the most of free money

>> No.5061008

I've never understood the ketchup thing. The hotdogs, we can agree upon, however. That, and/or a shitton of pepper and some yellow mustard (just on my personal serving) is absolutely heavenly.

>> No.5061012
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>> No.5061058

wim an ausfag and ive rented my own place since i was 19. house is 400/week and i share a house with my partner. i work an entry level job and still have 500 a week to spend on what i want. sure is comfy.

>> No.5061139


Are you a lawyer or crime-fighter.

>> No.5061150

Jewel thief.

>> No.5061168

>Make chili for my family
>Everybody pours ranch in it without tasting it first

>> No.5061188


>> No.5061190

Yeah, I was confused as well.

>> No.5061663

>this faggot who thinks because he has rich parents and peer reviewed articles he is a gift to this board
>he is insisting if you don't move out by the time you turn 12 you are a waste of a human


Max kek.

>> No.5061665


Never in my life have I heard of anybody putting ranch in chili.

Purge your entire family.

>> No.5061695

Mfw a one bedroom apartment costs about a month, because fuck yeah, Northern Alberta.

>> No.5061702

I rent a 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 800 ft^2 duplex unit w/ 900 ft^2 yard and 300 ft^2 detached garage with water included for $750, 4 miles from the beach, in San Diego.

Some people are bad at negotiation.

>> No.5061709

if you ever look for a roommate my nigga, you got a ck friend who is totes willing to go in on that shit. For that price fuck, I would pay the whole rent

>> No.5061724


>> No.5061754


>> No.5061770

>$455/mo for 1 bdrm

>> No.5061782

I know. 8 months ago, when my roommate moved out, I'd have taken you up on that. The place was looking shabby, hadn't seen much work since the early 90s. Had a burst pipe in September, had to move out for a few weeks, but I got a completely remodeled place. My landlord felt bad, because he'd been negligent and I lost a suede couch to water damage, so he lowered my rent $50.

>> No.5061784
File: 18 KB, 400x299, 1322784597002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 60 miles away from you here
>$500/mo 1 bedroom
>central air
>dishwashing machine
>all white community
(I think i've seen one black out here, but hes like a rich Wayne Brady looking black, so he doesn't count)
Feels pretty good to be able to leave stuff outside without worrying about assholes or kids stealing it or cutting your tires.
The rent is just high enough to keep the 'undesirables' out and on the other side of town.
I love it. So quiet and cozy. Close to work too!

>> No.5061788

Where at?

>> No.5061789

A couple towns south of Muncie

>> No.5061794

you could not pay me to live in a all white neighborhood.

>> No.5061796

>outside of downtown
>near a college town
Of course you're finding cheap, all white housing.

>> No.5061797

Fuck...I wish rent was that cheap here. To live in an area that's nice enough to keep the "undesirables" out, I'm paying $1450 a month for a two bedroom two bath cottage style apartment. (NorCal reporting)

>> No.5061801

>keep the "undesirables" out
>in Indianapolis

>> No.5061809

I don't think you're reply to the right person. I don't live in Indianapolis.

>> No.5061825

I'm 20 and have been living alone for 2 years... I got a job at a grocery store and bought an apartment right behind it. Sure beats the shit out of being homeless.

>> No.5061839

>6 million dollars isn't a lot of money for a family of 4

what planet do you people live on?

the median household income, world-wide, is 10kUSD/yr.

that means living by the median world HDI, you can support a family of 4 for 600 years with 6 million dollars!

>> No.5061845

>Be 10.
>Mom's shit boyfriend gets out of prison.
>Demands fried fish and potatoes for dinner.
>Mom can't cook, tells me to do it or else.
>Serving them food.
>They start eating it.
>Suddenly, boyfriend says it's terrible and I don't deserve to eat.
>Mom just quietly eats.
>I eat nothing while they both keep eating.
My mom never learned to cook and things only got worse.
>One year later, boyfriend is back in jail for good.
>Mom takes out frustration on me.
>Brings home fresh food and demands I cook it.
>Doesn't get enough for me or my siblings.
>Always getting round steak for herself and demeaning it be well done with ketchup.
>Tells me, 'only good kids get food'
>Have to steal from my mom and secretly buy food for my hungry siblings.

I have a weird problem with food now. I just can't say no to free food, even if its something I don't like

>> No.5061851

>I bought my mum a probe thermometer last christmas, its one you leave in while cooking,
>She still insists on blindly following the cooking instructions instead of cooking to an internal temperature.
>Dry tasteless meat ensues

I think she's just worried about under cooking shit and people getting ill.

>> No.5061857

Jesus Christ, I'm sorry you had such a shit mom, anon. Fuck. Stories like this make me want to go hug my kid and mother the shit out of him. Goddamn...I want to kick your mom's ass.

>> No.5061858
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>wife can't have kids
>sees people treat their kids like shit

>> No.5061859

Oh man, you have to get her to stop that and use the damn thermometer. A thermometer will always, always be more accurate than the cook time given in a recipe. Holy fuck.

>> No.5061860

Actually, the most accurate time tracker is grandma.

>> No.5061863

Aw, sorry your wife can't have kids. Adopt? There's a lot of kids who need love out there. (Obviously, just look at that damn post.) I had one kid and then (to make a long story short) my body said "no more or I kill you". I'd always wanted to have at least 2. I feel bad at times that my son will never have a sibling. I make up for it by mothering the shit out of his friends, too., LOL.

>> No.5061893

My stepmother would do that shit with the spaghetti, the only thing that bitch was good for was having kids.

>> No.5061910

>>5055550 >>5055554 >>5057008 >>5058193 >>5058274 >>5058806 >>5060086 >>5060480

>Mother and father are ill and require constant medical attention

I hate you people.

>> No.5061925

I have a couple more messed up food stories like this if anyone wants to hear 'em.

>> No.5061969

>I have a weird problem with food now. I just can't say no to free food, even if its something I don't like

I have something like this now too. Never had any explicit denial of food, you win the fucked-up-mother award. But many times when there was just no food left in the house, my mom was anorexic for several years. She'd have "her food" like rice and peas that I couldn't touch. Her scumbag BF's would have "their food" like steak (well done with ketchup of course) or restaurant leftovers, that I couldn't touch. And they just wouldn't buy any other food sometimes.

>Gorge myself whenever there is free food
>save the last of food and ration it slowly even though I can just buy more
>Get nervous about eating the better food in the fridge by myself, even though it's just me and the wife and she doesn't mind
>Steal food occasionally from work, on impulse

>> No.5062240

>putting your girlfriend above or equal to your mother

I would be ok with equal to you wife, but like this nope nope nope

>> No.5062899

hey, go fuck urself

>> No.5062908
File: 12 KB, 213x240, corneliuscompangry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you too.

>> No.5062909

so you're mad at the "successful" dude who had everything handed to him and at the dude who defends living at home, demonstrating filial piety, and being frugal? what's your fucking problem, shitbag?

>> No.5062914
File: 34 KB, 948x711, cornel west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not typin' yer acksent

>> No.5062915

I'm not mad, you're mad.

I think that living at home with parents as an adult is usually not voluntary, but rather a failure. Also, I hate people from rich families and don't believe that their children are self-made.

>> No.5062919

naw u

>> No.5062923

I will settle for both of us fucking ourselves, but that's all I'm willing to compromise on this.

>> No.5063110


Those are two relatively nice places that are affordable.

>> No.5064077

Ive been subbing half and half for the milk
bretty gud

>> No.5064082

Yassam massa