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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5053644 No.5053644 [Reply] [Original]

Do people really like it when an obnoxious retard yells at them while they watch him watch food being made and then eat it?

>> No.5053646

Probably not, but he drums up business for them, so they just grit their teeth and bear it.

>> No.5053655

I was talking about the viewers.

>That other show where the guy eats really hot shit
>Shows him eating super hot wings
>You can see his kid in the background cheering him on
>Cut to his kid
>Aged like 6 months at least
>can only see him, the background is similar but not quite the same
>Says something encouraging
>Cut back to wide shot
>he is young again and looks timid/scared
I hate how my parents in law watch the food netwrok 12/3.5

The rest of the time is Pawn Faggots

>> No.5053659

Not really.

I do like watching it for the restaurants, however. The middle seasons were the golden years, when they stopped going to the straight-up greasy spoon diners with frozen chicken fried steak, but before they got all artsy Bourdain-wannabe with their DSLR cinematography and hipster-ass restaurants. During those golden years they went to a lot of interesting spots with weird, idiosyncratic recipes and techniques that you don't see in cookbooks. The food just looked fucking delicious, but it was presented without pretense.

>> No.5053676

Love triple D watching it right now.

You money bro?

>> No.5053679

When they're getting paid massive amounts to let him film there, yeah they love it.

>> No.5053688

They don't get paid, they just get an assload of business for it, Girlfriends Aunt owns Hillbilly Hotdogs, they filmed there that's how I know.

>> No.5053697

This. He has gone to some pretty neat places. But I can't stand the guy, so I've only seen a few episodes.

>> No.5053725

well you pretty clearly don't watch the show. Stupid as Fieri may be, he has nothing but praise and admiration for the places he visits.

>> No.5053738

I wouldn't hate him so much if he had normal hair, didn't put his sunglasses on the back of his head, and his name wasn't "Guy".

>> No.5053800


Guy Fieri is like one of those cokehead loudmouths you see in rehab.

>> No.5053807

I think I'd like Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives even in spite of Guy Fieri hosting if they'd just let the fucking cooks explain their recipes step-by-step without Guy constantly interrupting to make faces at the camera and shout ingredients he recognizes like a fucking 5 year-old.

And it wouldn't hurt if they'd actually visit a Drive-In or two.

>> No.5053816

You're just jealous you're not a super Saiyan.

>> No.5053823

mah Huntington nigga

>> No.5053827
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>> No.5053833

Well, she was sorta, she lived in Hurricane, but moved to me in Florida.

Eat a home wrecker for me.

>> No.5053861

Did you guys see that video of him pulling over and kicking his hairstylist out of his car? He's gay as fuck, he was actually crying (lel)

>> No.5053865

The show is possibly the only one on Food channel anymore that actually showcases food. He's an okay host, sometimes bad sometimes good.

Basically go fuck yourself for trying to drum up some controversy.

>> No.5053880
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>> No.5053890

no I haven't. Link that shit.

>> No.5053903

>drum up some controversy.

lolwut. Mocking Fieri on /ck/ is about as controversial as saying something racist on /pol/.

>> No.5053909
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>> No.5053921

This is fucking hilarious. I don't hate Guy Fieri, but I don't love him either. Either way, this is spot on.

>> No.5053999

enjoy brah

>> No.5055354

In this case trips lie, because there is no way to tell who either of those people are. Plus who ever is saying "fuck you" must be the other person because that's not Guy's voice either.

>> No.5056635


This, so much. I would love the show if it was someone I enjoy watching like Justin Warner, the guy who won FNS and never got his own show because MUH ORIGINALITY. Fieri can die a slow, painful death though, and it couldn't happen soon enough.

>> No.5056641


some of his early seasons of triple D are pretty entertaining and a lot of the recipes featured are pretty good. I've watched some of his recent ones and he's fuuuuuucking annoying and has gotten considerably fat.

Other than that, I don't think he's that bad: he seems pleasant and honest and a lot of his one liners and catch phrases are most likely food network's decision to keep the show going.

I still refuse to watch Guy's big bite: that shit is annoying and all of his recipes are like what a college kid would make if that college kid was loaded.

>> No.5056652


his very first seasons where him just going to "yep. thats a burger." style resturants and he focused on some of the staff in the kitchen: which no one cares about.

but season 3-10 were where you find out how to make raviollis and burger buns, stuffed burgers, pies, etc all of these really cool recipes for Italian and Mexican food. Plus he cracked some jokes that weren't fuckall annoying, and the staff generally liked him because he wasn't physically and marketing wise huge, he was just a normal dude.

Then, there must have been a producer change because now its just him pokin' his fingers in half prepared food, talking about flavortown and he looks fat as fuck. and yeah, those recipes look pretentious as fuck: I saw one episode with pretzel and cheese sauce served at 4 star resturant, and thinks like bean-corn cakes with 15 ingredient reduction, organic infused, consume vinegrete, fruit medley glaze dressing etc.

>> No.5056657

My name is Guy. What's it to you?
Tell me what your name is so I can tell you how much of a faggot you are.

>> No.5056662

You're not the real problem. Your parents are.

>> No.5056663

Can somebody link me a vid of this? Is it like Man vs Food but he only reviews it and is a cunt?

>> No.5056760



Guy's an incredible actor. He stands in Cincinnati with a straight face and tells the natives that their chili is anything other than a boiled meat abortion.

>> No.5056765

guy ledouche

>> No.5056778

That wasn't so bad, I thought he'd be a real cunt .

>> No.5057157

IIT: Fat people calling people fat and stop liking what I don't like.

>> No.5057204
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smh @ this thread.

He's successful. Rich. Doesn't live with his mom...like you lot. Seems like a lot of you types hate him because he's what you will never be. A winner. Also, he DOES cook, just not on Diners. He's developed his own unique, electic pan-Americana style of cooking. I doubt any of you have developed a unique cooking style - since it seems perusing this board all you eat is Taco Bell and ramen. Sorry you won't be successful in your miserable lives. Maybe if you start to accept that others can be successful despite not following your hipster food rules you will be happier.

>> No.5057208

Guy Fieri made cooking look X-TREME

>> No.5057211

Guy is an alright guy. He's an actor, an entertainer. I don't think he's really like that in real life, the Guy on tv is sort of a character he's acting out.

He's sort of a douche but the show is entertaining and its good for bringing business to restaurants and learning about good places to go.

>> No.5057217
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What are you on about mate?

Guy is THE reason I wear sunglasses on the back of my head & eat at dives.

>> No.5057221

>I hate how my parents in law watch the food netwrok 12/3.5

>The rest of the time is Pawn Faggots

Holy shit are you me? The only other thing they watch is the small claims court. Those Pawn Faggots are the biggest jews though.

On topic though, yeah that guy is an asshole. He only ever compliments the food to no end which only makes it sound average after an episode since apparently everything to him is fantastic.

>> No.5057223

>Parks illegally outside restaurants he shills in his ridiculous muscle car
>Wears ridiculous shades to suit his guido hairstyle
>Crappy tattoos everywhere
>Glasses stored on back of his head
>Uses guido mannerisms and fistbumps everyone
I hate everything about him, but I can't stop watching it.

>> No.5057225

Because he only goes to places with fantastic food.

That's what the show is about.

>> No.5057242

I wouldn't mind him so much if he weren't the ONLY thing on the Food Network besides the occasional Rob Irvine yells at poor people with shitty restaurants. I used to love watching Marc Summers with Unwrapped on the weekends or one of their many food game shows. There's almost NOTHING worth watching on there anymore.

>> No.5057267

The Aphrodite / Venus tattoo on his forearm is actually pretty good - I had a similar idea but had to shelve it once I found out Fiery did it. Basically a mix of the painting of the birth of Aphrodite and a tradition Our Lady of Guadalupe.

>> No.5057271


>> No.5057278

He's 'that kid' you knew back in high school, except that he never grew out of it, and someone gave him a shitload of money.

>> No.5057286

He really seems like a potential (probable?) sex offender to me. he always looks greasy / sweaty and the way his facial hair surrounds those baked bean teeth of his just...skeeves me out. He's disgusting.

>> No.5057287

dat pic