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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5053403 No.5053403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jon Stewart's rant against Chicago-style pizza is probably the best argument I've heard against it.

If you are eating Chicago pizza, you are eating a bastardized, perverted version of an already perverted Italian delicacy. You may as well have thrown a bunch of cheese and marinara sauce on a plate simultaneously and then popped that shit in the microwave.

>> No.5053406

deep-dish pizza is good. i always enjoy it.

but it's a whole nother beast compared to typical pizza. i agree with it being called a "casserole."

>> No.5053410
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>> No.5053412
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>> No.5053413

Why do you care what other people eat?

>> No.5053414
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>> No.5053415

Never tried chicago pizza but I recon it looks pretty good.

Why would you care what Jon Stewart thinks about a type of pizza?
Opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one.

>> No.5053416

Does OP really care about that, or does he think its hilarious to start up a fight /ck/ cannot resist?

>> No.5053422

While I barely consider Chicago's crazier deep dishes barely pizza, a Jew Yorker is the last person I'd listen to when it comes to talking about pizza.

>> No.5053441

>of an already perverted Italian delicacy
Not true. Pizza is an american dish, it is now made in Italy because of all the tourists expecting it, but it is a very american dish

>> No.5053444
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I just watched the rant, I was really amused until Jon Stewart chomped on that newspaper with some cheese on top you americans call New York pizza.

Get some crust for Christ's sake, why would anyone want to bite something so floppy and dripping, ugh.

>> No.5053449

No. It's not. Dear me, it's like you've no idea of history.

>> No.5053451

No one cares how Iberians and their rapefolk make pizzas.

>> No.5053462

It was invented by Italian immigrants in america. Loosely inspired by Italian tradition, but very american none the less

>> No.5053472

that's sort of a relief, though the thought those stinky hairy small dicked wops had any impact on anything at all seems like blasphemy

>> No.5053479

Are you somebodies grandpa.

>> No.5053483

>a bunch of cheese and marinara sauce on a plate simultaneously and then popped that shit in the microwave.

that sounds pretty good

>> No.5053486


fuck you're making me hungray

>> No.5053499

Why do I give a shit what a Jew thinks about pizza? He can't even have pepperoni on it, his opinion is automatically invalid.

>> No.5053530

no, just think that thanking wops for putting cheese on bread and thereby 'creating' pizza seems pretty wopcentric

>> No.5053543
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>yfw people consider this pizza

>> No.5053544

This is what Amerilards actually believe.

The word 'pizza' didn't even enter into English-speaking print until 1905, a good 40 years after the word had already been in use in Naples to describe a flat bread with tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and olive oil. While the 1889 origin store of pizza margherita being so-named after the queen is almost certainly false, an 1865 book titled 'Usi e costumi di Napoli' clearly describes a 'flat dough upon which is placed crushed tomatoes which are then adorned with slices of fresh cheese and kisses of basil before being baked to doneness.'
Not only was basil a rarity in the US until the interwar period and mozzarella completely unknown to the US until the middle of the 20th century (as well as mostly unknown outside of southern Italy) as it is a fresh dairy product and impossible to have transported without quick, refrigerated travel, but the "pizza" available in the US at the time was of the 'schiacciata' variety, a Calabrian/Sicilian variant made from more highly-risen dough than the Neapolitan original. Schiacciate of the time were generally sauced only, no dairy of any kind, and were flavoured with oregano since basil is not much used in Calabria or Sicily (and wasn't commonly available in the US at the time).

>> No.5053548

Go away Italian
The only things you guys are know for are making carb string dishes, mobsters/highly corrupt governments, and contributing nothing in WW2 except helping lose it for the Axis.

>> No.5053549

>Calabrian/Sicilian variant made from more highly-risen dough than the Neapolitan original.
So modern style pizza?

>> No.5053560

No. American-style pizza. Neapolitan/original pizza is not like that.

>> No.5053562

Which is what he means by modern since it's more popular.

>> No.5053590

>americans seriously believe they created pizza
god the ego is bigger than anyone could have imagined

>> No.5053592

We may not have invented pizza, but we did put pineapple on it. Faggot.

>> No.5053596

wow such an achievement give yourselves a clap

>> No.5053599

I'm not saying that American-style pizza is bad, but to say that pizza has its origins in the US when it already existed in Italy over 40 years prior to its introduction to America is just wrong.
Neapolitan pizza (with both tomato and dairy) is at least 40 years older than when the pizza schiacciata was brought to the US and pizza schiacciata is already considerably older than the tomato and dairy combo that originated in Naples.

America originated lots of foods. The hamburger sandwich. Fajitas. Gumbo. Potato crisps/chips. And others.
Pizza, no matter how large a role the US took in popularising it internationally, however, is not one of them.

>> No.5053604

I like pineapple on pizza with cooked ham and raw onions. I am from Italy. Does this make me a bad person?

>> No.5053606

True true

>> No.5053616

No son, it makes you an real American patriot. Semper Fi.

>> No.5053637

You filthy eye-tais may have invented pizza, but the Americans perfected it.

>> No.5053645

Giordano's is my favorite Chicago deep dish.

>> No.5053652

>If you are complaining about the tastes of others, you are an autist, crybaby version of a regular human being. You may as well throw yourself and your computer under a bus simultaneously and then popped a cap in your skull.

>> No.5053662

I can neither confirm nor deny. I like both. I'm a little biased because I'm pretty sure I prefer ours, but I quite enjoy yours, too.
Ever have a pizza in Georgia (not the state; the country)? They make one that's very similar to naan but topped with a sauce made of sour plums flavoured with pennyroyal and a Georgian type of kashkaval/caciocavallo. That one is repugnant. As is the ketchup-topped scone sold as "pizza" in Vietnam. Most other types of pizza are fine.

>> No.5053677

Probably better than that shit Jimmy Kimmel pulled with Imo's Pizza.

That dick.

>> No.5053700

It wasn't an argument at all, and you clearly didn't get the joke.

>> No.5053729

You mad someone badmouthed your precious garbage on the tele?

>> No.5053748
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>> No.5053749

I don't think you know what that means.
Isn't it only bastardized because you don't like it? If it was called something else would that be okay?

>> No.5053754

So it's okay if it's only kind of perverted? Where is this perversion rating scale?

>> No.5053824


I have had your filthy processed cheese pizza, and your entire city should be ashamed for having invented it.

>> No.5053870

>the food is known as "pizza pie"
>getting mad at the one version of pizza that is actually a pie

>> No.5053918

chicago pizza is delicious

your argument is invalid

>> No.5053955

>Your pizza is like sex with a corpse made of sandpaper.

Top kek.

I've never been to New York or Chicago, so I can't say I've had 'Authentic' style of either, but New York pizza looks more appetizing to me. It at least has toppings. I haven't seen a picture of chicago style that looks like it isn't almost entirely sauce and cheese.

That said, I'm sure both are actually quite good and people are just acting pissy because they want to feel like their version is superior.

>> No.5054013


Sometimes I feel bad for eurotrash who get trolled all day like you. Like, how fucking dumb can you be? Baited all day. And I'm not even the person you're replying to, I just find it hilarious is all.

>> No.5054038

The toppings are usually put on top of the cheese.
So it's crust, cheese, toppings, then pizza sauce.
It's pretty good.

>> No.5054055

John Stewart is such a fucking faggot. I hate that jew so much. He's not funny, his fucking face sucks, and after every video he has that same stupid blank expression reaction to everything. I cannot express how much I hate that kike. Just look at him. Whatever negative jew shit he had to say about a type of food would just make me want it, in spite. (always do the opposite of what jews say)

>> No.5054059

just looked it up

I have never seen a shittier-looking pizza

>> No.5054063

it's past your bedtime, /pol/

>> No.5054075

>there is no way anyone else would name the jew

Whatever, Sheckelstein, I'll sleep when the Fuhrer returns.

>> No.5054083

say all the bad you want about a deepdish, either way it still taste good and youre still a whiney bitch

>> No.5054099 [DELETED] 

I dont care what that kike jew says, I love me some deep dish pizza. Plus, I seem to agree with a lot of his food peeves. That bacon mayo he was ranting about for a while sounded pretty good to me. Would definitely put on a sandwich

>> No.5054101

I dont care what that kike jew says, I love me some deep dish pizza. Plus, I seem to disagree with a lot of his food peeves. That bacon mayo he was ranting about for a while sounded pretty good to me. Would definitely put on a sandwich

>> No.5054115

>255 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.5054135
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>You may as well have thrown a bunch of cheese and marinara sauce on a plate simultaneously and then popped that shit in the microwave.

That sounds heavenly.

>> No.5054182
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> ITT : Fatties

>> No.5054205

I've been to all the major deep dish chicago pizza places

Gino's, Gino's East, Giordanos, Uno, Due, Lou Malnati's, and a couple small ones i dont remember the names of

Chicago deep dish pizza is just really thick really expensive pizza, no where I have had it has made it actually memorable or notable beyond being full of stuff. It accomplishes nothing normal pizza can't, other than being extra messy.

If I never had it again I wouldn't miss a thing.

>> No.5054228

You are a bunch of fuckwits. I am Italian, so during my brief life I've had neapolitan pizza, and thicker more doughy pizza styles. I went to amurika, to both NY and Chicago, and guess what. I liked both Chicago pizza and NY pizza.
Just staph. Put food in mouth. Does it taste good? Fucken nice. Does it taste like shit? Then it's shit.

>> No.5054268

Them amerifats acting like they invented the dish and that their opinion is relevant.

>> No.5054279

Pizza was not "invented" per se. Pizza is basically a flatbread (Or a bread not leavened as much as normal bread) with toppings. As such it is present in basically all mediterranean cuisines. Neapolitans invented "Pizza margherita" and codyfied the dish by saying you shall use mozzarella di bufala and certain tomatoes for sauce and certain basil and olive oil. But claming that pizza was "invented" is bullshite.

>> No.5054282

>italians invented pizza
>but since they're not americans we'll just say they didn't
>besides, we invented hamburgers! fuck italy and their cheesy bread.

>> No.5054319

Pizza Hut > Chicago > New York


>> No.5054355

NY Pizza isn't even a pizza.

It's a fucking cardboard with low quality high fat ingrediends on top

>> No.5054361

in Europe we call it NY style pizza to distinguish it from proper pizzas.

>> No.5054482

to me that is like the perfect pizza. could add a bit of proscuitto/pancetta and some mozzarella, i'd be in heaven. There are so many good pizzarias like that in Sydney,

But im very interested in trying these chicaco pizzas. NY too but honestly they look kinda shitty

>> No.5054569


John Stewart probably has a given amount of time where he must speak, and get people to watch his show, so advertisers can showcase products.

He doesn't feel strongly about it. It's just an age-old rant people have when they don't have anything to talk about. It's like when you're with distant family at the kitchen table, and you have nothing to talk about, you can just call the olde Chicago pizza and people will bite.

It's an asinine argumentation to have.

>> No.5054585


>> No.5054620

How many liters of tomato sauce (?) or whatever, is on a Chicago-style pizza? Looks like it's drowning in it, like the crust forms a cup that holds tomato sauce

>> No.5054644
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>> No.5054689

There's actually only a think layer of tomato sauce at the top. The structure of a Chicago style stuffed pizza is crust, cheese and toppings, crust then tomato sauce over the top crust.

>> No.5054700

The segment was about New Yorkers and Chicagoans holding rivalries over stupid, meaningless bullshit and because it was done tongue-in-cheek and Americans are generally stupid they failed to grasp the joke.

>> No.5054772

Jews can't into pizza.

>> No.5054789


I fucking laughed HARD at this

cuz its true

>> No.5054847
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>Jon Stewart's rant against Chicago-style pizza

Truly, Quiches are the work of the devil and are enjoyed by muslim terrorists whenever they have successfully infiltrated the USA.

I guess??!??!

>> No.5054940

There's two kinds of Chicago pizza.

The first is the deep-dish most people think about when they think "Chicago pizza." This stuff is lame.

The second is how "regular" pizza is generally made around that area of the Midwest: thin, extremely crispy, almost burnt crust which snaps like a cracker when you bite into it, and toppings UNDER the cheese. THIS is the God-tier shit and the best way to make pizza.

>> No.5054958

I guess you have brain problems.

>> No.5054962

The best kind of pizza is free pizza.

>> No.5055079

You srsly don't see the difference between a Quiche and a slab of molten crap cheese with tomato sauce ?

>> No.5055099


Other than the latter being a really awful Quiche using a yeast dough, you mean?

>> No.5055118

Ranting about food is the dumbest shit ever, if you don't like something don't fucking eat it

>> No.5055260

They're literally not even similar except the basic shape

>> No.5055270
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chitown, is done with your ass bitch, just figure out a way to deal with it.

>> No.5055311

NY pizza tastes amazing.

>> No.5055313

>NY pizza tastes amazing.

"...ly bad"

>> No.5055349


That quiche looks pretty great. Usually I hate them because they're so creamy and congealed, but the texture there looks good and the casing seems fully baked.

>> No.5055365

Deep Dish pizza isn't an everyday thing in Chicago. You get it like once a year, if at all.

People don't fucking get this.

>> No.5055463

Every pizza has something to bring to the table.
Except NY pizza, which is hard, stale, and bland dry enough to function as the table.

>> No.5055477


This makes some pretty good pizza.

>> No.5055497

>Neapolitans invented "Pizza margherita" and codyfied the dish by saying you shall use mozzarella di bufala and certain tomatoes for sauce and certain basil and olive oil.
They also do it MUCH better and cheaper than anyone else. I've tried it in Naples. I've tried it in 5 other Italian cities. I've tried it in many other places in Europe and the US (including both NY and Chicago). I've even looked at it in Japan (and thought "nope!")

Neapolitan is a lot better than the rest. Even the rest of Italy agrees, and they're the world's most parochial country when it comes to food. The only downside is that it made pizza everywhere else seem less good...

>> No.5055513

then you're an idiot, its a pie, cassaroles do not have crust.

>> No.5055558

Alright so of the different american styles of pizzas, what's the best?

the correct answer is St Louis, by the way

>> No.5055578

Fresno, California, may be a shithole, but they got Me N Ed's and that is the best damn pizza I have ever had

>> No.5055583

>claiming to have pizza knowledge
>doesn't like the most popular style of pizza

>> No.5056249
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>giving a fuck what some neo-liberal kike thinks about pizza

>> No.5056252

You have no idea what no-liberal means.

>> No.5056254


>> No.5056256

But deep dish is more of a pie than an actual "pizza pie" is.

Plus, you can get more whole and fresh ingredients inside it without worry of the oven burning them to a crisp.

Sounds like SOMEBODY is butt-flustered.

>> No.5056261

fuck aye! if john stewart loves italy so much maybe he should marry it!

>> No.5056280
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>tfw i like every kind of pizza even pic related

>> No.5056282

School pizza is elder god tier.
Shitcago and Jew York can suck a cock compared to its rectangular glory

>> No.5056459

haven't scrolled below this... waiting for every single Italian ever to disagree, spew some bs about authentic then go cry about how no one cares about PDO/PGI/TSG.

>> No.5056531
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>this entire thread

Want some ranch dressing with your cheese 'n' tomato dough trough?

>> No.5056779

>word Search
>7 results for jew
>2 for kike

top kek

If he was a neo-liberal he wouldn't get on Obama's case every now and then.

>> No.5056783

>you are eating a bastardized, perverted version of an already perverted Italian delicacy.

i don't see how this has anything to do with taste, texture and my overall satisfaction with the food i'm putting in my mouth.

>> No.5056787
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>> No.5056792

>tfw eating "Mexican" Pizza

>> No.5056796
File: 26 KB, 500x375, mexican pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.5056800

I remember the first time I went to an anime convention, I flew to Anime Central in Chicago and had deep-dish at Uno. It was my first time having deep-dish, I thought it was great.

So when I get back to the office the following week, everyone asks me how it was, I give a brief summary of some stuff I did, I tell them I had deep-dish. A coworker who looked like a real hipster douchenozzle, flannel shirt, horn-rimmed glasses, snorts and says "Sure, if you call that pizza."

I nearly hit him. Seriously fuck him for shitting on my parade like that. You can bitch about pizza all you fucking want when YOU go on vacation.

You remind me of him. Who the fuck cares? It's a fucking tub of cheese and tomatoes. I'm a fat piece of shit and I like it. Fuck you.

>> No.5056815


i swear i am the only person on the internet whose school got pizza hut, papa john's and domino's

>> No.5056858

The pizza he chomped on looked equally unappetizing.

>> No.5056897

Well it's much better, but other pizzas are still pizzas. Maybe worse, maybe (Possibly) better. I had my best pizza not in Naples, but in central Italy. So meh.

>> No.5056915

Authentic New York style pizza is shit. I'm not defending Chicago style, since I've never tried it, but seriously fuck ketchup crackers.

>> No.5056945

who cares. BBQ chicken pizza is the best anyway.

>> No.5057118

>everyone's got one
and they usually smell.

>> No.5057125

When we want your opinion, we'll invade your country again,

and catch the clap from your unclean women.

>> No.5057162

>read this thread
>WTF, his last name is Stewart
>look him up in Wikipedia
Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz;
>fuck, he really is a yid

All my people, I declare jihad against this Yid who dares to denigrate Chicago pizza. Who are with me?!

>> No.5058375


Invented at one of the World's Fairs, yes?

>> No.5058424

Did they have a World's Fair in 1865 in Naples, Italy? Looking it up, it seems that the only fair referring to itself as a world's fair or international fair that year was in Dublin.

>> No.5059127

>this just in
>apparently people still think Jon Stewart is funny and or insightful
>our experts are skeptical about these people
>deciding factors seem to be those underage, or mentally challenged individuals
>these appear to be his target audience

>> No.5059323

>jon screwfart