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5053075 No.5053075 [Reply] [Original]

KFC appreciation thread

Anyone ever tried to make a homemade double down?

>> No.5053083

The only thing from kfc that is worth anything is the biscuits and macaroni.

>> No.5053084

Their fries are actually really good. And double down was the best eatable thing to ever land on this earth.

>> No.5053100

>And double down was the best eatable thing to ever land on this earth.
Anyone knows what happened to the double down? Why would they take it out of the menu?

>> No.5053111
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I use to work at kfc. I really enjoyed it cause it was a small shop and I was the only cook from 8am - 3pm.
I use to clean or check the oil daily. If I didn't like its colour and it wasn't bringing out that golden colour I would dump it. I would take care in all the things I made. If it wasn't good I wouldn't serve it. Customers use to tell me what great chicken I cooked.
Then new management came in... they were Indian. The oil turned black. The money got tight (We ran out of chicken salt and chicken one day... at 12pm!)
The horror... I quit.

>> No.5053154

>The money got siphoned up to pay for their ridiculously large stinky families.

>> No.5053178

I miss their chicken sandwiches.

>> No.5053244

Was it your first time being a cook at a restaurant?

>> No.5053263

I really hate Indian people. Even more than ghetto blacks. Indian people, in my experience, are extremely racist and overestimate the value of their dollar while trying to swindle you out of yours. One of my friends operate a sandwich shop and told me once some Indians came and ordered subs. They ate most of it and he last inch of it they put dead roaches in all their sandwiches and complained, demanding a refund or they would sue. Little did the stupid fucks know that the shop has small cameras all over and picked up what they did. They threatened to call the cops and the health inspector, he told them to go ahead. When the cops came he showed them the playback of the guys planting the dead roaches in their food and he also lied saying that they threatened to burn his store down. One of the guys flew off the handle and said he would kill him and the cops arrested the lot of them.

>> No.5053268

Cool story bro.

But really, you hate an entire race because they are "extremely racist"? Isn't this a little ironic?

>> No.5053269

He's right. They have a caste system that is literally based on the shade of your skin tone.

>> No.5053294

hey man, Ghandi said the caste system was cool, you think you're smarter than Ghandi?

>> No.5053296


Bojangles master race reporting in

>> No.5053299

KFC is white
Bojangles is black

>> No.5053359
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>> No.5053369


>> No.5053373

Ghandi was a huge fucking racist...

>> No.5053376

misogynistic, racist, and overall a very bad person.
I laugh when I think of all the kids in highschool who put him down as their personal heros

>> No.5053377
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I was doing half way job. In Australia. You get paid $21 AUD to work at kfc. I was making heaps of money... would of stayed. Anyway moved on to work in a restaurant.

>> No.5053381

Fucking pakispots ruin everything.

>> No.5053453

Every time someone says something good about Gandhi, I tell them that Gandhi slept naked with naked underaged girls to "test" himself. Fuck that guy.

>> No.5053474

Indians really are terrible people. My girlfriend worked in retail and actually had a huge thing for Indian guys (I don't know why, I think they're nasty. Think it had something to do with fucking slumdog millionaire) and now she hates Indians. They're the stingiest, greediest, cheapest, smelliest motherfuckers to walk the earth.

>> No.5053478

yeah but their girls are hot.

>> No.5053506

I'm a nigger and I've had KFC twice in my life.
Popeye's is a different story!

>> No.5053654
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No one cares about black people anymore. Its all about hating Indians!

>> No.5053694

Are those pepperoni pizza chicken drumsticks?

>> No.5053733

buddy of mine in college used to go into the cafeteria and make a three chicken slider sandwich with a pair of grilled cheese sandwiches as the bread. my signature meal was chicken sliders sandwiched between sections of waffles and drizzled in syrup

>> No.5053804

I can't believe people still post this picture, I stole it from a reddit post, and made a thread here saying I cooked them and that shit EXPLODED with people saying OMGz so gewd

It was fucking retarded and people still post the pics

>> No.5053813
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I miss their original "chicken littles"

Overall I love Kfc, but I do hate tyson and their practices. I can only imagine how an organic version would taste