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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5050464 No.5050464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

On a whim I purchased a 2.57lb bone-in ribeye. The problem? I only have a stovetop. How do I best prepare this? The thing is absurdly thick.

>> No.5050471

put it in a ziplock

suck all the air out with your mouth

put a big pot of water on the stove

heat to 160*F

let cook for six hours

>> No.5050475

No oven?

>> No.5050486

Roast it?

Or make a slow cooked stew (yeah, that's not the same but stews from good meats are good too!)

>eat toxins from boiled plastic
wtf /ck/?

>> No.5050497


I would be a little bit more concerned about sucking in microbes from raw meat, dude.

>How do I best prepare this?

Freeze it and wait until you decide to buy a George Foreman

>> No.5050504



you don't science, do you?

>> No.5050537

>I only have a stovetop.
Why are you buying food you can't cook?

>> No.5050550

Ribeye is good steak. Just treat it like a steak.

>> No.5050555

If no oven, then you got it do it slow enough on the skillet so that the outside doesn't get totally overcooked.
I love the DIY sous-vide idea as well, but whether you do it or not, the warmer that steak is before you cook it, the less OVER done the exterior will be when the interior is at the temp you want.
Don't forget to hit it with enough high heat to get a little crust on it.

>> No.5050560


Sear and broil.

>> No.5050563

Go to a park or apartment complex that has those little grills affixed to the ground, get that shit red fucking hot, grill quickly and bring home

>> No.5050570

Though I like the DIY sous vide idea from OP's reaction it seems like he'd fuck it up big time. Grab a grill pan, slice the rib eye real thin and have it korean bbq style

>> No.5050605

Don't cook it well done. Cook it at Medium or Medium-Rare.

>> No.5050611

>Grab a grill pan, slice the rib eye real thin and have it korean bbq style

This. If you can't grill it properly, then do this.

>> No.5050658
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Sous vide for 3 hours at 135f then sear it.

>> No.5050666

I don't get your problem just sear the god damn steak then turn the temperature down(a bit) and broil it for a few minutes.

>> No.5050976

what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.5050991

Gtfo you fucking pleb

>> No.5050995
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>>5050991 here

Here is mine. Brofist nigga.

>> No.5051096

I'm still waiting on my tub and chamber vacuum to arrive. Xmas was good this year.

>> No.5051106

Do you live in Australia?

>> No.5051141

>On a whim I purchased a 2.57lb bone-in ribeye
>I only have a stovetop
I don't understand the problem... Sear that fucker on a hot iron pan then eat it.

>> No.5051162

are these things really worth getting?

>> No.5051166


>> No.5051169


>> No.5051174

Figured, the machines cost way too much.

>> No.5051344

It depends. Most people here say no because they don't have the money for it. If you do it can be fun and it is way different than other cooking methods.

>> No.5051372

So put it in a hot frying pan with oil. Are you retarded or something?

>> No.5051374

I don't really like taking hours to cook

>> No.5051391

I bet you don't even own a crock pot. Do you think you have to sit there stirring it or something?

>> No.5051426


If you want perfect doneness then yes.

>> No.5051894

It depends. You really have to ask yourself a few questions.

1 do you have enough disposable income to afford the circulator and a vacuum machine?

2 do you treat cooking as a hobby or as a mean of putting food in your stomach cheaply?

3 how much time are u willing to spend in becoming familiar with scientific cooking?

>> No.5051916
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>You must be, to ruin a ribeye with oil, you fucking plep.

Make sure it's at room temp!!
Sear in butter or refined butter, use a spoon to keep coating the other side of the sear, if there's fat on the sides, use tongs to "dip" it into the butter until it carmelizes. After each side is seared, lower to low heat. Use your fingers.
>Touch your thumb to your pinky and feel the ball of your thumb. That is well.
>Pointer finger to thumb is mid-rare.
>Fill in the blank fingers.
This is steak 101, people.

>> No.5051926

Sweet. Blowtorch finish?

>> No.5051928

Water boils at 212F, Yuropoor.
He's describing sous-vide, but doing it on a stovetop would be a terrible idea.
You need a temperature-controlled water bath, either an expensive commercial unit or a DIY unit that's basically a Crock-Pot with a plug-in thermometer.

>> No.5051933
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U bet your ass nigga

>> No.5051934

Get a thick pan, like cast iron or steel. Preheat it on 8/10 or an equivalent for your stove. Put steaks on. Flip every 15-20 seconds, about 5 minutes total, for a 2" ribeye to be medium rare.

>> No.5051950

Hmm, steak 101 you say? Let's see.

>ruin a ribeye with oil, you fucking plep.
Not the guy you were talking to but get knotted, plenty of Michelin-starred chefs use oil when frying steaks.

>Make sure it's at room temp!!
No!! It doesn't make any difference to the cooking you moron. Don't just blindly believe stuff people say without corroboration... so in case it needs to be spelled out, do the comparisons for yourself using two steaks of equal size or two halves of the same steak.

If you're not willing to do that then you're not in a position to preach to others about proper technique.

And anyway, you cannot get a steak to room temp in any reasonable amount of time sitting outside of the fridge. Even for a steak of moderate thickness TWO HOURS is not enough. You want to leave your steak at room temperature for longer than that? Go right ahead, your choice.

>ball-of-thumb method to check doneness
You think this is a reliable indicator do you? With people's hands varying in size and shape, between a guy works with his hands and a lady who types and answers the phone all day? Hmm.

>This is steak 101, people.
So, not so much.

>> No.5051954

Yeah, why not this? Nice and simple, works well.

>> No.5051973

>not doing 1 minute a side at 500f

>> No.5051988

Haha, enjoy your undercooked, over seared steak. >Butter compliments the steak.
YES! If your steak is fresh from the fridge, it is more than likely to overcook on the outside and become undercooked on the inside.
>And let's do a comparison; One steak is 1/4 inch and one is 1 inch, the cooking times will be different given the same temp they are to be cooked at.
Yes, it is. Obviously you are a home cook and have know idea how to read a steak based off of touch. Just a thermometer. Want me to give you temps?
>Med Rare: 130-132
>Medium: 140-144
>Med Well: 150-153
Want times too? :D
I have no problem putting you in your place, scrub. Now GOML, go to culinary school, then talk shit.

>> No.5051990

anyone got a good guide for cooking times by thickness on steak?
I pan sear then finish in the oven, if that matters

>> No.5052001

>YES! If your steak is fresh from the fridge, it is more than likely to overcook on the outside and become undercooked on the inside.

lol wrong

>> No.5052005

If you finish in the oven, use a pocket thermometer and use the guide above your post for proper temp.

>> No.5052007

sounds like a right good way to ruin the steak

>> No.5052012

Buy a bunch of cheap steak and figure it out for yourself.

>> No.5052009

then you have never tasted a never properly cooked steak anon
>+10 inets to >>5051988

>> No.5052013

do u even science?
+10 to >>5051988

>> No.5052015
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This is a good recipe.

You should bake it a little longer if it's extra thick.

>> No.5052017


I'm a chef, I think I've tasted a properly cooked steak.

The "BRING IT UP TO ROOM TEMP" thing is a total myth. You know how long it takes the center of a steak to reach room temp? Do you know how little difference the 25 degrees between 40 and 65 degrees makes when you're cooking the steak to 135 in a 500 degree pan?

>> No.5052019

that is a great idea
gout here i come

>> No.5052025

Prove creds.
Do you know how long it takes for a piece of meat to burn on the outside given it's temp and the time it takes to warm to room temp?
And you're very illiterate for a "chef."
Average steak takes ten minutes.
Do you know how much of a difference between 15 degrees is? Obviously not. You're an idiot posing as a chef. Just go now.

>> No.5052045

>Same person:
But what was I thinking. Posting what I've been doing for the past 8 years on a board full of fucking retards that don't know how to cook an "extra thick ribeye" and post ramen recipes and get all girly over bashing personal opinions based off of biased ideas instead of fact. I'll stick to /b/ for faggots.
>inb4 I'm a faggot
>inb4 umadbro
Stop lying over the net. Especially when someone is asking for guidance and you have no clue about what you're talking about.
>"Sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up.'

>> No.5052062 [DELETED] 


>Do you know how long it takes for a piece of meat to burn on the outside given it's temp and the time it takes to warm to room temp?

lolwut. You call me illiterate and then posting that fucking gibberish? I don't even know what you're trying to say.


Read this shit, and then go fuck yourself.

>> No.5052065


>Do you know how long it takes for a piece of meat to burn on the outside given it's temp and the time it takes to warm to room temp?

lolwut. You call me illiterate and then post that fucking gibberish? I don't even know what you're trying to say.


Read this shit, and then go fuck yourself.

>> No.5052085

>YES! If your steak is fresh from the fridge, it is more than likely to overcook on the outside and become undercooked on the inside.
NOPE. Fridge temp / room temp MAKES NO PRACTICAL DIFFERENCE. Like I said, if you're not willing to do the comparison for yourself then you're in no position to lecture about this.

And anyway like I said, you can't get a steak to room temp in any reasonable time. You think your steak is that temp if you've rested it for half an hour or whatever time you leave it? You're mistaken, it's really as simple as that. You need to take the INTERNAL temperature, which you've clearly never done despite parroting cooked internal temps.

>And let's do a comparison; One steak is 1/4 inch and one is 1 inch, the cooking times will be different given the same temp they are to be cooked at.
Red herring dude? Seriously? That's weak sauce.

>Want times too? :D
>I have no problem putting you in your place, scrub.
You can't give me times because of the variables you twat. Stop the Internet Tough Guy routine, it won't work on me and it just makes you seem pathetic.

>The "BRING IT UP TO ROOM TEMP" thing is a total myth. You know how long it takes the center of a steak to reach room temp? Do you know how little difference the 25 degrees between 40 and 65 degrees makes when you're cooking the steak to 135 in a 500 degree pan?

>> No.5052091

>Do you know how long it takes for a piece of meat to burn on the outside given it's temp and the time it takes to warm to room temp?
>And you're very illiterate for a "chef."
Playing the illiterate card while simultaneously mistaking it's for its... self owned.

You're just making yourself look worse and worse. Ad hominem is never the way to go anyway, it's especially pitiable when it's a default response mode as it appears to be with you.

>> No.5052104

Havn't had a good steak fight on /ck/ in a while .... has anybody already mentioned what a high class steak house would do?

captcha: teyris ovens

>> No.5052115

This is hardly a "fight". More like two endlessly bickering manchildren. And neither will stop until they've been mentally fulfilled by thinking they've gotten "the last word in".

>> No.5052119


You have a strange way of reading the thread. One guy still believed that old steak myth, and was abruptly told by three or four other guys. he has since taken his ball and gone home.

>> No.5052123

This is THE recipe to follow op. Simple. Hard to fuck it up, trust me. Do it now.

>> No.5052595

>sticking a thermometer into your steak, penetrating that amazing surface, and letting all the juices piss out into the pan for it to dry up while you let it rest


>> No.5052633

Im a chef, and I currently work on saucier at a pretty decent restaurant in Aus. Here is how I would cook that steak.

Preheat pan, use a grill plate if you have one. get that thing hot.

Get your steak out and bring it to room temp, season both sides and oil it up (I use canola for searing)

Into the pan about a minute and a half on both sides (Im asuming you have a pretty shitty cook top/pan that will lose heat pretty fast, just keep an eye on it, you want good colour, but not totally black)

sear the sides too, make that fat tasty and crispy

take the pan and throw it in the oven, if you don't have an oven. Rest the steak on its edge and put a lid on the pan, medium heat for 3/4 minutes.

Take it out and feel it, if it feels good rest it, put it back in if it needs more, remembering it can go up half a doneness or so while resting.

rest it well, in a warm spot on the stove top.

before you serve it, if you are REALLY unsure and can't tell from the feel, flip it over an put a little cut on the underside to look and see if its done, It's a little trick i do when im cooking a new cut or with a new oven for the first time just too see. Never been called out even tho its pretty cowboy.

>> No.5052635

You should sear it to seal in all the juices.

>> No.5052637

oh fuck almost forgot
after you rest it, before you server it throw it back in a hot pan, and finish it with a knob of butter, garlic and some woody herbs, This makes the surface really hot to touch, which some people like, and wont make it tough if you do it fast.

>> No.5052653

there is only one way to eat ribeye.

raw with mustard.

>> No.5052677

why are people on /ck/ so fucking stupid today?

>> No.5052681

It's not "today." This is how it always is.

/ck/ is /v/ tier.

>> No.5052684

>preheating your pan before taking your steak out to get up to room temp

Stopped reading there

>> No.5052687


You people realize that steak has long-since been digested by the OP, right?

>> No.5052690

>room temp
Do you know how long that would take, plus how unsanitary that is as well?

>> No.5052700

i've been browsing this board for years, today seems like one of those days /ck/ won some raid roulette shit on /b/

>> No.5052747

It's steak, not chicken.

>> No.5052863

It doesn't matter, leaving meat out increases chance of bacterial growth, and for it to reach room temp it would take hours.

>> No.5052874

>immediately cooks the meat after taking it out of the cooler

good luck doing it wrong

>> No.5052950

Goodluck accomplishing nothing by sitting it out

>> No.5053009


good luck with your reading comprehension.

All that test proves is that it takes longer than 30 minutes for the steak to warm up to room temperature, not that warming it up first doesn't benefit the cooking process. In other words, leaving the steak out for the often-quoted figure of 30 minutes doesn't do much good. The conclusion is that you need to leave the steak out long enough to warm up, not that warming it up is ineffective.

>> No.5053012


>> No.5053016

left me 8.24lb of prime rib out for 2 hours before putting it in the oven. no one got sick.

>> No.5053035

Yeah, I read the article, and he also said you can't tell how well a steak is done by touching it

He sounds like a real pro, which Michelin star restaurant does he run?

>> No.5053039

I work at a HACCP restraunt, and its fine, as long as its out for under an hour and is either cooked or chilled down straight away.

>> No.5053063

This doesn't give a good enough crust. It tastes fine though.

>> No.5053065

>under an hour
Exactly, it won't reach anything near room temp in that time period
ever had a super tender well done steak? I have. Shit didn't feel any different than a normal steak.

>> No.5053074



>> No.5053080


>> No.5053086


>> No.5053093
