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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5049091 No.5049091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>an Executive Chef at the top of his field, in a fine dining restaurant only makes $63,000/yr

i make 74k as a mediocre engineer at small no-name electronics company. lol.

>> No.5049094

That's why you need to really love it or become a celebrity chef/restauranteur.

>> No.5049100
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>almost 2014
>only caring about how much money you make and not doing the things you love

>> No.5049109

Pussy is what you do for love.
Work is what you do for money.

>> No.5049125

but how am i supposed to respect an "executive chef" with such a regal sounding title knowing full well that he makes shit money, lives in a shittty apartment and drives a shitty car? I cant admire someone whoes barely scraping by..they lose all credibility.

>> No.5049129


Have you ever considered the possibility that they might not give a flying fuck whether you "respect" them or not? Are you some insecure 17 yo wannabe thug for whom "respect" is the be all end all? You sound like an utter twat. Somebody's car and aprtment determine how much they are worth in your eyes. Dumbass.

>> No.5049130

You could have a decent home and car with an income of 63k

>> No.5049135

>material possessions are the only things that give someone credibility

>> No.5049140


>mediocre engineer at small no-name electronics

And you live to tell the tale.

>> No.5049158

He probably makes a whole lot on the side from lending his name to food branding, doing stuff on TV etc

>> No.5049172

I make 90k working at a non-profit.

Even if the job paid me 50k, I'd still do it, because I love this job.

>> No.5049275

We are not all workaholics like you.

>> No.5049277

I make 180k fucking off writing C and PL/SQL, that's crap compared to the company's billing rate.

>> No.5049286

I make $250k a year working as a mathematician. And I am only 21.

>> No.5049325


look at me! look at my expensive house and car and clothes and jewelry. look at how abysmally empty a person i am. look at how i have never experienced a single tinge of emotion from a work of art. look at how i never reciprocated any of the love given to me by my parents.

you're either 15 years old or on the fast track to a string of botched suicides until you get it right after you realize that nobody wants to hear your cry for help.

>> No.5049334



If you're barely scraping it by with 63k, you have no sense of budgeting and/or are up to your ears in debt.

My wife and I have a combined income of about 80k, pre tax. House is paid for, cars are paid for, and no student loan debt. I'm 29, she's 26. Our monthly expenses are about 750. That leaves nearly 4k in our monthly budget after tax.

We aren't scraping it by despite making a paltry 80k, hahaha. Unless you're at or near the poverty level, you'll never "scrap it by" if you're debt free and understand how budgeting works.

Sorry mommy and daddy never taught you.

>> No.5049337

just think... in only 20 or 30 years of thrifty living you'll be able to match my trust fund!

>> No.5049341


> Didn't get 300k starting.
> Didn't get whatever job he wanted.

Fucking pleb.

>> No.5049347

That's cool, you should become a quant, 250k per month is more about that rate.

>> No.5049350

I make over $6,000,000 per annum. Also, I own my own spacecraft and an island where my slaves prepare me human flesh to feast on.

>> No.5049353
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>> No.5049366

people seem to be under the impression that your wage is based on how hard you work, that has never been true.
your wage is based on your value as a worker, what do you contribute and how hard are you to replace.

a chef is nothing, chefs contribute nothing of true value to anybody and are easily replaced. becoming good at cooking takes very little effort, its not a super complex science, its not about learning an encyclopedia of history and techniques you will never use.

its about learning the 12 recipes you actually touch and doing the same thing over and over again for months before making any changes and maybe having to learn something new. other than that its about screaming at immigrants what the next order is because you don't actually cook most things yourself.

>> No.5049725

it's also about convincing idiots to pay a premium for it. any jackwagon can copy paste shit they pulled out of escoffier's ass, but it takes a special kind of jackwagon to whip up stale bread, nuts, mushrooms and greens, call it "Edible Earth" and make people pay far, FAR out the ass for it.

>> No.5049760

What did you major in?

>> No.5049773

Ya but an exec that works for a hotel chain, or pub chain, or high-volume seafood/Italian/etc themed place can make 100-300k if he knows his shit. Fine dining is satisfying work, but the pay and conditions are shitballs.

>> No.5049776


don't forget the shitty no life work hours that will lead you to smoking/alcohol/drugs

>> No.5049802

Maybe in your state. I make 60k a year and live in poverty.

>mfw my 60' LED tv doesn't even have 3D

>> No.5049834

Income is not a measure of a persons worth.

>> No.5049857

yes but implying such is a great way to start an internet fight.

>> No.5049882

>ITT: liars

>> No.5049908

Philosophy and womens studies

>> No.5049918

You have no idea how "much" 63,000 a year really is.

>> No.5049934

I only got a bachelors, for the 300k jobs you need a Ph.D. :^(

>> No.5049972

how can you value anyone's opinion here? Posting is free

>> No.5049993

execs that are just paper chefs sure they might only make 60k if they are on the lower end of the pay scale. lots of these guys are partners or partial owners of the restaurants they work at so they are deriving some money if their business is profiting.

also i had a chef that was making 140k a year + they paid for his home and this was in a relatively small boutique hotel/ restaurant.

its all relative. i would say alot of young execs are getting 60k a year to pickle their liver and push paper at some shitty country club. they dont push hard and dont change it up and thats where they stay.

keep learning dont just follow the money work for great chefs for less pay and you will some day make more.

>> No.5050003
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>i make 74k as a mediocre engineer at small no-name electronics company. lol.

Executive chef isnt the top position though for chefs

Owner is

Restaurant owners make well over 100K on average

Also executive chef is over used because there are so many restuarants, actual quaility restaurnts and non shit chefs make more

mfw i own successful food trucks in los angeles and make nearly double your salary a year without having a college degree and working less hours than you do a week

>> No.5050021

Food trucks are a fad. Eventually the good times will end.

>> No.5050036

>All this Murikan

>> No.5050035

Why would I lie about a paltry 60k a year? The cost of living is high here.

>> No.5050065

Commute from the suburbs or xurbs.

>> No.5050072

Average starting salary for a computer programmer is 66k and a .net developer with 6 years of experience makes over 100k.

STEM master race.

>> No.5050112

My head chef makes almost 200 grand

>> No.5050118

ITT: Newfags

>> No.5050119

Ended by what? Food hovercraft? Food helicopters? Food UFO's? Teleporters?

The food truck is a logical step ahead from a brick and mortar diner. They can position themselves near large public works, sports events, nightclubs, movie theatres, et al instead of forcing customers to waste working or rest hours on acquiring a hot meal. Compared to them, the ordinary old-fashioned greasy ass corner diner is obsolete.

>> No.5050121

I make around $50K (before taxes) :D

>> No.5050134

Yeah but the problem is that you then have to pay 13 dollars for three tiny-ass sliders or w/e

seriously though, fuck all modern food trucks, expensive-ass shit that they are. The only reason they work is because people are literally willing to pay a premium so that they can wait forever to buy food out of a truck. It's absurd.

>> No.5050144

I haven't heard of this fad being big outside of SoCal. Definitely not a thing where I am.

>> No.5050150

>13 dollars for three tiny-ass sliders or w/e

If you find the prices wanting, you should shoulder into the business with lower prices and higher volumes. Poor price/quality balance will always be upset by those who are willing to go lower, and that sort of discrepancy of cost and quality is a clear indication of opportunity. Rent a kitchen, buy or build a few trucks, hire a bundle of messicans, and go forth.

>> No.5050157

What if I already have a real job? Couldn't I just not buy from you and make fun of those who do?

>> No.5050181
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Well, then you can bitch on the internet and stay as an average everyman working for someone else's benefit. Nothing to it, just normal. Well, except about the bitching part of course. That's just a fault of personality.

>> No.5050182

It's not about making money, it's about making money doing something that you're proud of.
Chefs are Gods, engineer are slaves, little slaves that are worth nothing, those who work for the business man.
If you are a Chef, you are the boss.

>> No.5050185

Says the dude that works hoping to get a decent girl because of money, yeah, you are working for that. So delusional.

>> No.5050190

It is as if you don't understand how word of mouth works irl.

>> No.5050192

Bosses are answerable to owners or the next level of management.

>> No.5050198

There have to be a lot of middlemen for indirection. That's their purpose and to fill positions, they don't really have to do anything except approve decisions.

You should check out the movie "Head Office" it's more true than more people will ever know.

>> No.5050212

Everyone works for someone else's benefit, shareholders of a company in the end. That's how you make real money, by making a portion of what you make for investors.

Even Roman emporers, consuls, tribuines worked for others.

>> No.5050219

You can't sit down in a food truck on a cold night, around a table with friends, and have a nice old lady called Betty keep your coffee topped up and take your orders.

>> No.5050226

Keep tellin' yourself that. The point is that I am the sole investor, shareholder and owner in my own company.

Ah, of course, you can say that I'm working for the government to pay the taxes, but... you know what they say about the fox and the grapes?

>> No.5050231

Unless you inherited a boat load of money, you have sell some product to customers for instance, therefore you work for them.

Keep telling yourself that you don't have to work for others, because you do whether you think so or not.

>> No.5050235

You do understand you work in a service industry where you work for the benefit of your customers? Eventually the novelty will wear off and the hassles of your business type will annoy them enough to look elsewhere.

>> No.5050247


This. You fucking expect me to stand outside at <60 degree weather (socal here) and devour something hot and greasy while shivering my balls off?

Every foodtruck experience
>fuck it's cold
>my feet hurt
>this panini was really expensive
>why does everything have avocado/pineapple/bacon
>fuck me it's cold
>i wish i could sit down somewhere
>god i just want to finish this sandwich, throw away these shitty condiments and get in my car

>> No.5050250

It's entirely for this reason why you should respect someone in a job that gives little praise.

>> No.5050252

You work for your customers dumbfuck and not realizing that just proves you're a bullshitting jobless retard.

>> No.5050255



>fuck i dont have enough hands for this shit
>where the fuck do i put this bacon flavored soda and my chimichurri fries that cost 6.99
>FUCK my napkins are blowing out of my hand
>goddamn it's windy as fuck
>i wish i was in a restaurant

>> No.5050273

honestly the ability to cook is never going to be outdated. some of the best recipes that I've been taught have been from grandmothers who spend decades perfecting soups and breads. its ridiculous to think that being able to cook is something that has low profitability in the professional world. it just comes to show how ignorant most of you are. gourmet food is always taken for granted and because of its availability society acts like it will always be available but in reality its only manifested through the passion that new chefs bring to the table, both metaphorically and literally. stop being so condescending when it comes to people who create what you eat, especially if its something that you love.

>> No.5050276

Those Santa Ana winds should be enough of a reason to not want to eat outside.

>> No.5051702

I work as a sous chef and make 75k a year.
my wife is an assistant cake decorator and makes 50k.

>> No.5051706

Yo dawg fist bump.
I own a fleet of 5 trucks and a restaurant and I make shit ton of dosh.
but im also the head chef so I work more than you but I just cant let any dickstain touch my menu themselves.
Im very fucking paranoid

>> No.5051716

I like you.

>> No.5051768

I make 1,000,000 a week eating raw stinkless Norwegian pussy. the demand for my expert services is that high.

>> No.5051782

where do you live

>> No.5051786

don't live in fucking new york or in malibu, dipshit