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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5047864 No.5047864[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jew here on Christmas Eve. Anyone else bored and feel shut in? Share your feels and what you eat during these Holidays (those of other religions that aren't xtianity welcome as well, fedoras please stay out).

>> No.5047886

Yeah, like you're gonna find lots of non-fedora wearing non-christians here.

Even though I'm not christian, I still get a day off and there are good prices on standing rib roasts and king crab, so I'm not gonna be bitter and drink cracker water all day or anything.

>> No.5047898

Make a few sandwiches and go to the park, weather permitting, then go out to see Hobbit and/or Frozen with your family. Chinese for dinner.

It's a bretty good day.

>> No.5047914

I have no desire to see either of those two movies and my parents are fighting each other so I want to stay away.

>> No.5048505
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Make borscht and Jewish donuts.

>> No.5048526

Shit everyone knows all you people eat Chinese food on Christmas.

>> No.5048528

Did you ever hear the one about why jews have such a huge nose?

>> No.5048616

I participated in my secular roommates' Christmas celebration guilt-free. HaShem isn't gonna get fussed that I had a fancy meal and exchanged presents under a cool tree.

>> No.5048626

Christmas is a commercial holiday with a Christian name.

Do you refuse to speak to everyone called Mary, Jesus or Joseph too?

Stop shekel-pinching, jewboy

>> No.5048637

If you didn't want to be bored you shouldnt've killed jesus

>> No.5048640

It was Christmas eve and you know that I and my kind were hardly sleeping. There were no presents waiting and no tree for them to be beneath. No, this is the one day of the year my super Jewish powers are for.
All Jews get introduced to The Network at our bar/bat mitzvahs, where we get our codename and numbers. Mine is Schlomo Chaimstein #16761. While the Christians are sitting around the tree and the darkies around that knock-off menorah, they're idle. We're planning. And justice is done. You see, this is the one day of the year when no one else is around to plan the other 364 days of total world domination.
Merry Christmas, buddies.

>> No.5048648

This is the truth. I'm a Jew, grew up in a jew-y neighborhood, and had lots of Jew friends growing up.

I had chinese food last night and will again tonight, and I know for a fact my mother and sister are doing the same.

>> No.5048667

hey OP, care to share with us the knowledge to create our own superior pastrami?

>> No.5048673
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>> No.5048676
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Daily reminder jews worship satan.

>> No.5048692

who let /pol/ in here

>> No.5048696

I prefer corned beef or actually my favorite is sauerbraten.

>> No.5048697

You say this like marxism is a bad thing.
In the Old Testament there is no Satan.

>> No.5048700
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>You say this like marxism is a bad thing.
Marxism, while not only being incredibly wrong and pseudo-scientific IS the worst thing in the world.

The world would be ten times richer and far more peaceful if that piece of shit had not existed.

>> No.5048705

/ck/ did. /ck/ has been the closest to /pol/-lite for the past year and a half.

/ck/ is shit.

>> No.5048709
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Fuck yeah, FREEDOM!!

>> No.5048710

You are a retard.

>> No.5048711

/ck/ is my home board but I wander over to /pol/ to get my laughs.

>> No.5048716

If /pol/ thinks that Moot is a Jew then why does /pol/ post on a Jewish website?

OP, I just took a sufganiyah out of the freezer and shoved her in the toaster. You still have some sufganiyot lying about, right?

>> No.5048720
File: 427 KB, 1764x1612, 1387191202938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If /pol/ thinks that Moot is a Jew
They don't.

It's a joke.

>> No.5048725

> why does /pol/
>If /pol/ thinks

Boards aren't people retard.

>> No.5048726

I wish moot was a qt jew so I could marry him, but he'd have to convert.

>> No.5048727

Muslim living in britain here

Fuck all to do. Shops are closed, streets are empty, people are either busy (most people in my area work in indian restaurants and funny enough the restaurants are busy because christians celebrating christmas can't be arsed to cook) or are enjoying the day off doing fuck all as well. The only good thing is the chicken shops and kebab places are still open, so i might go and get my a dirty kebab and wings. I'll post it here too.

>> No.5048728


I thought Jewish people went to Chinese restaurants for Christmas.

..Or is that just a Northeast/Connecticut thing?

>> No.5048729

For one meal. You don't spend the whole day in restaurants.

>> No.5048731

Can I have some lamb pasanda and a side of raita with onion kulcha and some veggie pakora with tamarind chutney and burfi for desert?
American here.

>> No.5048732

Make gefilte fish.

>> No.5048733

My nigga, you know what tamarind chutney is? I swear it is the best ethnic sauce ever and the britbongs here don't appreciate it.

>> No.5048734

Knowing that feel, bro. Everything's closed where I live, too. I made sure to buy anything I'd want to have before the grocery stores closed, but I just want to GO somewhere.

>> No.5048740

I am jewish and OY VEY my son just announced that he is gay!

That means no pint of Aryan child blood for him!

We will throw out the shiska whore we have cooking in the oven we just need a gentile to come and turn it off!

this is literally like a second shoah!

remember the six gorillion!

>> No.5048750

its because of shitty people like you that i have to work today.

>> No.5048785

Getting ready to go out at noon with a group of folks from the Temple.
Chinese food, and I'll probably order a dish to go and soup too like a fatty.
It's not so bad, I need any excuse to eat Chinese food

>> No.5048790 [DELETED] 


I am not well.

I miss my boyfriend.

>> No.5048793


I am not well.

I miss my boyfriend.
I haven't cooked anything in months because he's not there to eat it, and cooking for other people feels like cheating on him.

Went out yesterday, probably going to go out again tonight. I live in clubs and I eat pretty much whatever.

I am not well at all. I have not been well since I realized how he felt.

>> No.5048814

Its my favorite!

>> No.5048816

I asked in another thread can me and my bf stay with you for winter carnival in Montreal and crash on your couch?

>> No.5048820


I don't have a couch for you to crash onto. I wouldn't mind, but I just don't have one, or the space, really. I just have a studio apartment pending.

You got my phone number and e-mail, though?

>> No.5048837

Eh, I've been working. No co-workers = fewer distractions = more progress. Or so the theory goes.

Did go out to a nice Arab restaurant, though. I have discovered that Mansaf makes for a perfect pre-nap meal.

>> No.5048965

I hate Jews too but Jesus christ calm the fuck down


>> No.5049462

What's allah like?

>> No.5051388

A sack of hippocrital cunt is allah!

Cheers to Isreal from the USA!!!

>> No.5051402

I'm an American, I wouldn't be seen dead in some arab shithole so called halal restaurant.

That's simply not going to happen.
I have no reason to be in one of those shitholes eating halal food so they can use the profits to try to blow up the USA and force their bullshit religion on us.

I have no reason to deal with raghead cunts.

>> No.5051423

>this has happened to me twice now at two supermarket checkouts
>so how was your Christmas!?
>oh it was fine, same stuff...how about you?
>oh great, very relaxing!
>so how was your Christmas!!!???
>same as every year...
>good to hear! oh mine was great too! Thanks!

How else should I have handled this? Just bluntly say, I don't celebrate the holiday or play along to avoid an awkward situation?

>> No.5051435

I don't know any religious people but everyone I know still celebrates xmas by giving gifts and getting drunk and eating too much.

>> No.5051440

religion belongs on /x/
feels belong on /r9gay/

>> No.5051459

My mum was catholic and decided to dump that shit and my father prespreterian whitch hed aslo dump, all we do for the holidys when we do get togethers is shoot the shit, get drunk and watch some mel brooks or whatever is on and have fun, should be the same for you, get food, have fun, get drunk, watch a movie, have fun.