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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 500x333, bologna and mayonaise sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5046140 No.5046140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: God Tier Sandwiches

Pic related, nothing beats good old bologna, cheddar and mayo on white bread.

>> No.5046161


You mean poor man's meat

>> No.5046165

At first glance I thought you were trying to choke your sandwich with a phone cord.

>> No.5046178
File: 512 KB, 607x455, goqK7.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5046182

more like mexican steak

>> No.5046185

Sceak pls go

>> No.5046186

You have little bologna.

>> No.5046190

season 2 when

>> No.5046206

Who is that guy?!

>> No.5046219
File: 40 KB, 640x480, ham sanwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5046221
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>> No.5046223
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>> No.5046257

Ham isn't food...

>> No.5046266
File: 113 KB, 580x396, Muhammad-cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5046270

dutch crunch
roast beef
thick slice of tomato
a spicy mustard or blue cheese spread

>> No.5046273

Sorry, sliced cold ham that looks like flabby shit isn't food.

>> No.5046280

noun, often attributive \ˈfüd\

: the things that people and animals eat

: a particular kind of food

: substances taken in by plants and used for growth

>> No.5046307

Plants have no teeth.
Checkmate atheists.

>> No.5046320

once I had no cheese so I just fried some salami and ate it with fresh tiger bread and it was fucking great

>> No.5046331

>Honey Wheat
>Ham off the bone
>Swiss cheese
I believe it can be improved upon, but I can't see how yet.

>> No.5046387
File: 16 KB, 251x239, 1353357987615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reuben on Rye

>mfw I live in Texas instead of based New York.

>> No.5046398

Personally, love tuna and chicken salad sandwiches

>> No.5046452

good god op. I agree but my redneck white trailer trash side is showing. really is good. you must use dukes or jfg mayo. maybe add tater chips. if very high class you can fry the balony and sub pimento chesse for the 'merican singles ultra high class is to add some iceberg letuce, use whole wheat bread and pour your beer in a red solo cup. smile.I still like to do that. but some times not so classy just balony, chesse, mayo on dollar bread and beer from the can. ether way is ok. I try not to get above my raising. thanks op

>> No.5046456

I can't do Mayo
I don't know why, I just am not a fan of the taste of it/the taste it adds to the sandwich
For my Sandwich, I enjoy salami and swiss on sourdough
if I feel like doing some work, I'll grill it

>> No.5046489 [DELETED] 


I really like Genoa salami, Hungarian salami, smoked turkey breast.

Smoked turkey breast with genoa salami and swiss cheese is really good.

>> No.5046503


Substitute Bologna for its ancestor. MORTADELLA BOLOGNESE. Swap the cheddar for sum of dat dere Provolone piccate. Mayo can stay I guess.

>> No.5046504

>tfw hungarian salami + pesto genovese + asiago cheese + pickled mushrooms sandwhicch on sourdough bread

>> No.5046513

>swiss cheese
>a pinch of tabasco sauce
>garlic bread

You will never make a better sandwich than this.

>> No.5046520 [DELETED] 


I really don't like pickled mushrooms, but bonus points for the rest.

>> No.5046525

if your not white it makes perfect sense

>> No.5046556

psst don' t tell any one especially any one on ck- they would run me off or stomp me down but - canned chicken 2.50 for a 10 oz can. drain mix with mayo, black pepper. piclke relish and a dash of your favorite hot sauce. two big sammiches feeds two or one very hungry for <4 bucks. not a bad deal. God bless chickens. I am onivore lots of vetgables in season, beef, pork and game. fish. but a lot of chicken and not fried. that is kind of the only way i dislike it. so kill me. stereotypes are often wrong. like the capture dont type wat yopu thoink you type what it asks. exactlly um exactly. and a good thing but canned chicken sandwiches can be good. ande some times the electric power fails as long as two weeks canned chicken is a good thing to have. a pro tip- it really helps to have matches, candles, water. a supply of back up meds if reqired, a few guns and ammo, just kiding but not really. things can get ugly real fast. if just me, i don't care. If defending my family and friends... you better jump back jack. that is why you need to check smoke alarms, fire extinguioshers, first aid kits NOW. once in the midst of a storm, tis kinda LATE to be going to the store to buy a shovel to dig a shelter. just saying. spiritually and phycically. becareful and travel ligh. I live in a home thay was built in the early'70's it has virtually a bomb shelter for tornados or bombs it is there, and i am glad, but i would not live in it. io forget who said it in times of peace prepare for war, but in times of war prepare for peace. pretty wise. you can win a war and lose the peace. ihope everyone on ck has a great holiday. but old enoghto know that is unlikely buy 1 jan 2014 some will die. facts. hope it is not you, and certainly not me, but woulf godand ck]be okjust not yet maybe when110 giomme another 54 years ill try and do better

>> No.5046572

Wow, we get schizophreniacs quite rarely here in /ck/! Thanks for your recipe suggestion, now may I please direct you to

>> No.5046573



>> No.5046582

Oh wait, sorry, I take that back. I didn't realize it was you!
Please stay and keep contributing.

>> No.5046950

This cartoon makes a point; I was under the impression that Muhammad was basically like "Guys, I'm just another guy, don't treat me like anything special".

>> No.5046966

anon is just psyched about the asteroid field headed towards earth.

>> No.5047045

black pepper on the mayo
swiss cheese

>> No.5047060


Except put salt on the tomato.

>> No.5047083

No. You're thinking Isa/Jesus, who never really claimed divinity. Others said he was divine, but he neither confirmed nor denied the stories.
From the very beginning, Muhammad claimed to be a prophet/messenger of Allah (which literally means "the God," implying a single entity, a sharp contrast to the theistic pantheon popular amongst Meccans at the time).
Though non Quranic sources of the life of Muhammad and Muslims state clearly that he personally claimed direct relationship with god and kitabic prophets (Biblical and Jewish propets), the Quran itself continually denies that Muhammad made any such claims, stating that to progess such things would be blasphemous. Paradoxically, the Quran does not itself claim Muhammad to be god's final prophet, but Islam/Muslims do so. Bahá'u'lláh used this loophole to start his own religion, the Bahá'i faith, claiming himself also a prophet/messenger of god in the line of Muhammad and Isa and that nor will he be the last.

>> No.5047129

I like fried bologna, cheddar cheese, and mustard instead of mayo. Then I butter the outside and fry it like a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.5047187

Baguette, pesto/mayo,fresh slices turkey. Gotta grill that shit.

tuna sandwich on white bread with sprouts and cayenne pepper.

Pb&j on wonder bread.

>> No.5047190

Forgot havarti on that grilled turkey sandwich.

>> No.5047372

> once I had no cheese

Many years ago that happened to me, friend made me a burger without cheese or condiments. Just black pepper, dill pickle, and white onion.

> The fuck? Gtfo...

It turned out to be amazing. Out of habit/compulsion I always reached for the ranch when having salad, hot dogs of course required mustard, tuna salad must have onions/celery, etc. I ate those foods as a kid, they had those ingredients, so that's just how it is. It really expands your horizons when you randomize a bit. I know that probably sounds retarded, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. The tuna salad is a good example too.. Tuna, mayo, celery, onion, salt on wheat toast. Or on another occasion tuna, oil, garlic, capers on rye. Completely different sandwich.

>> No.5047414

In order:

> Very thin sliced corned beef or plain turkey (not smoked)
> Darkest rye available, run through the toaster until slightly crisp**
> Sauerkraut
> Provolone or swiss
> 1000 island
> Healthy sprinkle of malt vinegar
> Coated with aabsolute thinnest possible layer of butter, fried over low heat

**toasting before frying in a skimpy amount of butter makes it super-crunchy. Like sandpaper. If your mouth shreds easily I would not advise it or just add more butter.

> Boiled ham
> Mayo
> Tomato
> Kraft single
> Iceburg lettuce
> Wonder bread
> Salt

> Smuckers grape
> Jiff
> Wonder bread
> Giant fuckin glass of Ovaltine using whole milk

> Manwich sloppy joe
> Generic hamburger bun
> Dill pickles
> Salt
> 2% white milk with a few ice cubes tossed in

> Carl Buddig packets of corned beef shredded
> Cream cheese
> White sausage gravy
> Stuffed into a hollowed out loaf of french bread
> Topped with mozerella and baked

>> No.5047903

>toasted bread
>swiss cheese
>nacho Doritos

make the sandwich like you would but with the doritos inside the sandwich.

Your welcome.

>> No.5047916

turkey and tuna? disgusting. this is the worst of them all. go back to /fit/.

>> No.5047922

Pretty sure they were listing 3 different sandwiches.

>> No.5048738

turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, white bread
pour hot gravy on and eat with fork and knife

>> No.5048744
File: 964 KB, 2048x1536, 20131223_125022_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halal turkey, guacamole, and havarti sangwich, mang!

>> No.5048745

you forgot the green bean casserole and cranberry, all on a nice roll. gotta spread the mashed potatoes like mayonaise.

>> No.5048752

I see no havarti...
Also lotion, really?
Also, why use lotion?

>> No.5048755

>processed pre pack ham
>processed pre pack guac
mother of god, people really buy that shit?

>> No.5048760

>has no kitchen

>> No.5048761

It's on top of the yogurt on the left edge of the pic. Got blown out cuz cell phone camera with HDR mode off. That is Purell and not lotion!

I love in an apt building and my kitchen has roaches so I buy stuff that saves me from having to do food prep as often as I can. Also, it's delicious ;-)

>> No.5048772

no excuses. simply unacceptable, you should feel ashamed.
posting pictures of this atrocity no less. ASHAMED!

>> No.5050827

I've been systemically trying all of the meats at the deli where I work just to try new things. Today it's corned beef, horseradish, and white cheddar on oat bread. Pretty delicious.

>> No.5050837
File: 313 KB, 1173x875, tritipspinachcarrots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left over tri tip. spinach, bun. butter.

>> No.5050843

Fish finger sandwich. No point even trying to disagree with me.

>> No.5050858

I love a pot roast hoagie.
Split that roll open, layer it with slices of beef, sprinkle some shredded mozzarella, and toast it.
Use the gravy as dip.

>> No.5050865

that's fucking craft american singles

>> No.5050950


So much grease, even the carrots are glimmering

>> No.5050975


Lightly toast two slices of bread, put a slice of ham on one slice and spread a thin layer of dijon mustard over the ham.
Grate a layer of cheddar over both slices of bread.
Grill both slices until the cheese has melted.
Place the non-ham slice on top of the ham slice. Slice diagonally.

It's sex on a plate.

>> No.5051024

>not eating carrots that have been enhanced with butter
>being a rabbit

>> No.5051357


abosolutely disgusting

>> No.5051611

Bologna is gross

realy gross... lel

haha ops sandwiches tries to be good but fails

i tried frying bologna once it leeched a bunch of salty juice and tasted like ass

>> No.5052672


just because i dont like your shitty yuropoor shit

>> No.5052693


I think that says it all.

>> No.5052704
File: 18 KB, 429x410, 1385291657271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw there are people who actually eat bologna

Bologna is the most pleb thing that ever came out of the US.

>> No.5052707


Bologna is great :)

>> No.5052711

Everyone dreaded bologna day when I was in jail. That's saying something

>> No.5052713


>> No.5052717

I loved fried bologna sandwiches when I was a kid. My mom hated making them since she grew up poor and had to eat it all the time.

>> No.5052723


That just says, that you poor Americans dont know how to make a proer Bologna.

>> No.5052740

I think bologna is nasty.