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5042655 No.5042655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to quit drinking for a year for personal reasons, right when the new year starts.
It's going to be a huge challenge since I fucking love drinking and some might even say I'm a functioning alcoholic. None of my friends believe I can do it.

What should be the last alcoholic beverage I drink before quitting? Any type of whiskey is my favorite but I've been only drinking the really cheap stuff, I haven't even had single malt. However now I'm willing to spend more.

>> No.5042665

There's ghost in that glass you may want to clean it better before you pour more alcohol into it.

>> No.5042662

>I've been only drinking the really cheap stuff,
Good idea to quit, then. The difference between an alcoholic and someone who enjoys drinking is what they drink. If you drink cheap stuff you are an alcoholic.

Last drink should be Dewars white label, neat.

>> No.5042670

So glad I quit drinking. Fuck alcohol.

>> No.5042672

I find it hard to drink more then a couple of single malts in an evening, single malts are much more full flavor then cheap booze.
problem for me would be buying a whole bottle of nice scotch only drinking a couple of drinks and trying to stash the rest of the bottle away for a year knowing that it's there and trying not to drink it.

>> No.5042679

Can you go to a bar?

>> No.5042681

>trying to stash the rest of the bottle away
This will never work, don't even attempt it. Can a friend hold it for you? Can you buy a flask sized bottle?

>> No.5042754

As a drinker who doesn't always equate price with quality, and also believes very much in a decent bang for buck..... I feel like a bit of a dick when I say Middleton's Very Rare. Great whiskey. Fuck scotch.

>> No.5042813


Or just buy a friend a nice bottle of whisky and have a last glass together on new year's eve.

>> No.5042828
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>> No.5042845

>What should be the last alcoholic beverage I drink before quitting?

Switch to terrible bottom shelf crap for the final week. Will make you miss it less. At least, that worked for me when I quit smoking.

>> No.5042859
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do the Dew

>> No.5042865

e&j xo in a 250ml bottle.

>> No.5042867


>> No.5043482

Yeah, I have to agree.
I wasn't as impressed with it as I thought I'd be.
Hope Powers or Redbreast is better....
[captcha: tremos inaFrap]

>> No.5043492

Drink as much bud lite as you possibly can before you start projectile vomiting, it'll help you get off the stuff.

>> No.5044923

as an alcoholic, here is my advice
start cutting back NOW.
drink as much as you normally would today and measure it.
Take that amount and divide it be 14. (Don't use a stupid date, this is your life, nobody will care if you stop a week later than an arbitrary date).
Step yourself down by each day for two weeks.
Withdrawal makes it a million times harder, cold turkey could kill you, and if you know how much you are actually drinking you will know you always have a little as a security blanket until you are in the clear.

>> No.5045305
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take this up instead and drink a lot of water.

>> No.5045317

Functioning alcohool here too. I'd probably just get a semi nice bottle of Irish whiskey.

I try to do a New Years resolution every year and was considering quitting alcohol this year, I pondered it though and decided I am going to quit smoking instead. I'm trying to rationalize it. Smoking has absolutely no benefits whatsoever other than I'm addicted. At least I enjoy being drunk and its socially acceptable and is a social drug. And I'm very high functioning, it isn't effecting my life there. So no more cigs next year. This year I lost 60 pounds so I know I have the willpower.

>> No.5045397

>new years resolution

If it's worth doing, it's worth doing NOW. I'll give you a month tops.

>> No.5045405

nah, I don't see the hurry. I'm the guy thats quitting smoking next year. I've smoked for years, whats a little while longer going to matter. And no I don't plan on quitting cold turkey when the clock hits midnight on new years. this is a year long project but I know I'll be off of them by next year. I didn't lose 60 pounds overnight, I doubt I'll be off nicotine overnight either.

>> No.5045983

I was most definitely a functioning alcoholic. I used to work at a night club in whistler Vancouver and I picked up the daily habit at about 19. I'm 23 now and I definitely had way more than I should have for too long. I would predrink a bottle of wine by myself before going out, or if people weren't. It didn't matter. I stopped drinking about a week ago and I was severely unable to have a proper conversation with anyone for 2 days and shakes from withdrawl. It has not been fun but I feel better now.

Be careful when it comes to your body. I drank everyday for almost 3 years, at least 5 drinks or more daily.
Do what that other anon said and reduce it slowly. Or maybe even work on your goal for after the new year so it won't cramp your night

Good luck and happy holidays

>> No.5045987

Ive been drinking about 2 40ozs of steel reserve and a few shots of vodka for like 3 years now. I live at home so i really dont do shit but hit bed like 3am wake up like 2 pm. I guess Im "functioning"

>> No.5045996

>The difference between an alcoholic and someone who enjoys drinking is what they drink.

An alcoholic is someone who feels unable to stop drinking even though it's ruining their health, relationships, career, etc. if you want to get clinical.

>> No.5046002

No you're not. Functional alcoholics aren't NEET.

>> No.5046004

Power drinking through withdrawals

>> No.5046006

i still function and not under some fucking bridge desolate so ya i function

>> No.5046009

Sure is enabling at your house.

>> No.5046012

im 27 and been drinking like this for years, guess so. my parents drink too

>> No.5046017

You should consider getting a job, because once your parents die you're going to be blowing dudes to pay for your booze.

>> No.5046019

I get ssi

>> No.5046021

Our tax dollars at work.

>> No.5046025

Perhaps you will end up like a friend of mine who is now 29, lives with his parents, doesn't drive, and works at a movie theater for beer and whiskey money.

>living the dream

>> No.5046067

I drink quite a lot and own 2 houses, hold a job and did it all myself. My family gave me no help at all.
My head hurting at work most days is the only downfall.

>> No.5046086

the worst is that drained feel you get when u wake up lasts like a good 45 mins

>> No.5046112

>Drank about a third of a bottle of cheap whiskey last night
>For half of today it felt like Gabriel Iglasias was sitting on my forehead

I don't know how you alcoholics do it.

>> No.5046133

The worst is that oops I passed out at 7pm feel and woke up at 3am wide awake, start work at 8am finish at 5pm and the cycle repeats.

Loving the holidays at the moment, wake up in the morning and have to check the time and date, love it.

>> No.5046137

you get used to it, or it becomes less of a feel after awhile dunno which one. and I usually get one like huge hangover a month that keeps me in bed a day

>> No.5046168
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What's a hangover?
I drank a quarter bottle of rum and the same of gin last night, I just made sure to drink about a litre of water through the night.
Only felt slightly cloudy headed for about an hour this morning.

>> No.5046175

i get like one once a month dunno, i drink 2 40ozs a night and random shots of whats in here i wake up foggy and thats about it 99% of the time

>> No.5046197

>If you drink cheap stuff you are an alcoholic.

Jesus fuck, get a clue.

>> No.5046209

Only reason I can imagine it, plebeian.

>> No.5046215
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>calling me, Patrick McPatrician, a pleb

>> No.5046226

I cant be bothered to see your plebeian dog image as I enjoy my single malt islay 16 year aged Lagavulin, however feel free to keep taking swigs from that plastic handle fire water

>> No.5046228


I'm drinking whiskey at the moment, pleb.

>> No.5046229

Holy fuck this/10

I'm so glad I am self employed though but I have missed appointments on occasion. Fortunately, those mainly consist of meetings with employees who need me to go over minor details.

My drink of choice is scotch all day with the odd shot of don Julio; wine with dinner, and a monte cristo coffee with an extra shot of grand mariner on the side for dessert.

>> No.5046235

My deepest apologizes redneck, let me allow you to return to your duck dynasty. The adults are speaking

>> No.5046238
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Before, the experience of addiction was entirely subjective, is it messing up your life? Now, it's been objectified, the subject's relationship with the drug is is no longer relevant, it is the fact of the drug that is relevant. The obvious example of this sleight of hand is that there's alcohol use and alcohol abuse, but there's no such category as cocaine use, even though the vast majority of its ingestion has nothing to do with addiction.

The interesting thing about addictions-- include gambling and sex and internet and "dangerous behaviors" and whatever else you want-- is that they all share something in common. Allegedly this thing is dopaminergic pathways to the striatum and etc, but saying that gets you nothing. It's astounding that the layperson chooses to think in these terms which though they are true are utterly meaningless, utterly unactionable, until you remember, oh, of course, in narcissism believing something is preferable to doing something because the former is about you and the latter is about everyone else.

You should memorize this, it is running your life. "I'm constantly thinking about ways to improve myself." No, you're gunning the engine while you're up on blocks. Obsessing and ruminating is a skill at which we are all tremendously accomplished, and admittedly that feels like mental work because it's exhausting and unrewarding, but you can no more ruminate your way through a life crisis than a differential equation.

>> No.5046246
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>duck dynasty

Please stop assuming everyone you speak to on the internet is American.

>> No.5046247


You're missing the part where people physically addicted to alcohol suffer from hallucinations and possibly life threatening seizures when they suddenly stop drinking.

>> No.5046248
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So the thing that addictions-- drugs, internet, sex, etc-- all have in common is that they displace and replace something else. If you think of yourself as containing an amount of stuff, or energy, or emotion, addiction isn't in addition to that, the total amount of emotion and energy stays constant. The nature of the emotions change, but the overall quantity of anger+sadness+happiness+ etc is the same. The addiction replaced something, and you can't get rid of an addiction unless something replaces it.

Broadly speaking, addiction replaces one of two things: human connection or change.

>> No.5046250

>drinking whiskey
>Not American
>hur durr go back to your jack and joke or high class jameson

>> No.5046251

Not an alcoholic, but whenever I binge drink whiskey, I drink lots of water.

>> No.5046252


You're not even making any sense right now.

>> No.5046259

reading comprehension not your strong suit is it, I know single letter mix ups can be hard to understand its okay.

>> No.5046260

You're a retard.

>> No.5046261

Such is the retort of the plebeian.

>> No.5046263


If you expect reading comprehension from an incoherent string of greentext, you thought wrong buddy. Learn to speak in actual sentences.

By the way, >>5046260 is not me, so it's not just myself that thinks you're acting like a dumb piece of shit.

>> No.5046265

Stop being a double plebeian.

>> No.5046269
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>> No.5046276

Thread needs more AA less D.A

>> No.5046285
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>> No.5046281

New poster that green text is how they troll on /b/

>> No.5046290


i've never had a hangover in my life--probably why it was so easy for me to drink every day and all day. i don't get headaches, either. ever. i'm lucky or... something.

anyway, i'm trying my hand at cutting back. not quitting, but limiting myself to drinking only on special occasions, and only those that are social and already involve alcohol (not too common for an asocial person like me). not at home alone. not at work. not on walks.

the reason is simple, and probably not the best one--because if it weren't for this reason, i would still drink loads all the time--but i'm gaining too much weight. my appearance is very important to me. i started running daily a few months ago, but i was drinking daily at the time and wasn't seeing any progress. so i cut back and i definitely lost that booze belly. it's the calories, for one, but the damage that shit does to the liver is real, and it harms the metabolism. the stress and loss of self-esteem from gaining weight is far heavier than the weight of sobriety. looking in the mirror and seeing an physically attractive person is almost as good as being tipsy or drunk, but eventually the alcohol stops making you feel good. it just becomes... normal. with wooziness and a tendency to fall asleep standing up. it no longer closes the floodgates to depression and anxiety; in fact, it beckons them in.

i have to just keep reminding myself that if i drink in excess, or even regularly at this point, alcohol just stops working. that's how addiction works, or more accurately, doesn't ultimately work; excess will numb you to all of the good parts. all you're left with are the motions and the desperation to return to the beginning, never moving forward.

>> No.5046302
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>> No.5046332
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Hey bro, no shit, please for the love of god and all that is holy, or at least for your poor old grandma if nothing else, you should talk to a doctor before you do amateur alcohol detox on your own. You can really blow up your brain. Seizures, brain damage, coma, and failed attempts put you at much higher risk for complication down the road when you finally pull it off.

Seriously, I get a good giggle from the posts around here, but I've been through this and if you've been fuckin around with booze daily for a few years or more, you really need to take this seriously.

Godspeed little dooder, if I can be of assistance let me know.

>> No.5046340


wtf is this shit?

Nigger, just stop drinking. That's what I did. Nothing went wrong, I just felt better and better each morning. More energy, all that gay shit.

And don't tell me it only applies to heavy drinkers... son, you have NO idea how hard I used to hit it.

>> No.5046371


don't be ignorant. there is heavy drinking, and there is alcohol abuse, and then there is alcoholism--when your body can literally go into shock from cutting out the booze. you have no idea. you can't speak for anyone but yourself, especially in potential cases of life or death. alcohol withdrawals are dangerous.

i abused heavily but was never a full-blown alcoholic. for reasons unrelated to drinking i ended up in a behavioral health ward after getting admitted to the hospital, and they forced me to stay for 2 days because i told them how much i drank and they wanted to make sure i was being watched and medicated in case i started going through withdrawals. i didn't, but understand that it's a big deal.

>> No.5046397


If you're serious about stopping then you should absolutely be giving more consideration to how you're going to stop and how you're going to stay dry. Judging by the nature of your post your friends are probably right. But still, seriously stop. If you're even playing with the idea of having a problem then it is past the point at which it should have stopped. Blah blah blah. Also don't listen to friends/family/strangers telling you that the doctor you're going to see about quitting is full of shit.

Also be prepared to lose your friends if they're the kind of people that don't do much besides meet up at the bar.

>> No.5046518


If you fail to obey commands. You may be subject to immediate de-resolution.

>> No.5046541


Interestingly, alcohol withdrawal has a real risk of death, whereas heroin/morphine withdrawal does not (besides the obvious risk of choking on vomit).