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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5039381 No.5039381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So here's something weird.

I went to a local diner around 3 pm - a slow hour for diners apparently - and they had pot roast on the menu.

I ordered it and it was ready in just a few minutes. What the hell? Just how popular is pot roast that they already had a whole roast cooked and ready to serve in the afteroon? Or do they not cook it onsite?

>> No.5039388

They probably have it in a fridge and just reheated it.

>> No.5039401

They could even just keep it warm all day, that even betters the flavour.

>> No.5039419

Get there in the morning, pop it in the pressure cooker with spices and aromatics, it's done by lunch time. If it doesn't get used up, guess what goes into tomorrow's soup of the day?

>> No.5039422

In a pressure cooker a pot roast it done in less than an hour

>> No.5039426

I know Bob Evans post roast (read: Fancy Feast) comes in a bag pre-cooked and it's heated in boiling water and kept in a steam well all day.

>> No.5039425
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Are you stupid or something? Last week I could have made you pot roast at any hour for the whole week in 5 minutes. It's called a microwave. Also, if that shit is what they gave you I would ask for my money back.

Goddamn, yo.

>> No.5039437

It saddens me that anons probably put their roast in a slow cooker without browning it in a pan first

>> No.5039465
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>Thinking that makes a difference

>> No.5039470

It does you fucking idiot.

>> No.5039472
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No it fucking does not, moron. All that searing goes to waste in a slow cooker and the brown adds jack shit compared to the spices.

You are a stupid baby.

>> No.5039475



The only way I can imagine somebody thinks meat browning does nothing is if the only "cooking" they do is assembling raw ingredients into a slow cooker

>> No.5039476

>the spices

Oh you're one of those white people who just tosses random spices into boiling water while praying.

Go post about how looking at a piece of broccoli gave you explosive diarrhea, you fragile weak little girly-man.

>> No.5039477


>All that searing goes to waste in a slow cooker and the brown adds jack shit compared to the spices.

You sound like somebody who doesn't know how to properly caramelize their meat if you're convinced it just "disappears" during cooking

>> No.5039478

>what is maillard reaction
Enjoy your tasteless glob of meat fagget.

>> No.5039479
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fucking christ, this thread.

>> No.5039480

yeah, it does you fucking idiot.

what the fuck do you think man. pot roast takes hours to cook. if they are making it in house, its not like they start braising it for 8 hours when your order it. so they either are heating it up to order or holding it hot. probably the former

this could mean microwave, or they could just be doing it in a saute or another method. i have worked in kitchens that did this by applying pan sauce to saute pan and bringing the braised meat up to temp, or by placing braised meat and sauce into a shallow 6th tightly and fired in a convection.

>> No.5039481

slow cookers keep moisture in by design, no point in having a crust.

Let's say you were going to do this in a roasting pan in the oven, then a quick sear would make sense. The quick sear makes the crust, and then you pop it in the oven at very low heat to cook for hours.

>> No.5039482

I'm with this guy. They used to always say that searing meat "sealed in the juices" or whatever. When that was definitively proved to be false, it changed to "uh, derp, it adds the flavour from the caramelization."

No it doesn't, it does nothing for stewed meat and is a waste of time.

>> No.5039483

Strawman argument.

It's not worth the bother and is unnoticeable.

Look at these stupid babies.

>> No.5039486


The problem is that I can find multiple independent tests that support the counterclaim on the "sealed in juices" argument.

Your anti-maillard nonsense is only supposed by gut feeling and fantasies.

>> No.5039488
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These niggas get it.

>> No.5039491

Goddammit you fucking idiots.
Seared meat =/= "crust" first of all.
But go on, eat your pig disgusting boring shit then, just don't bother with people who really can cook.

>> No.5039492

>I'm a stupid baby

>> No.5039501

Babies shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen. Especially stupid babies. They need the most attention. You are a stupid baby.

>> No.5039502
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>mfw this thread

>> No.5039509

>Your anti-maillard nonsense is only supposed by gut feeling and fantasies.
You have it backwards, broscience is all that supports browning of stewed meat. Any reaction products from the browning would be diluted to nothing in the broth.

>> No.5039516


I think you confused "general consensus among people who cook" with "broscience"

Post one link to a test that supports your claim, just one. I'll give you 5 minutes which should be enough even if you're using bing.

>> No.5039523

The onus is on you, fucktard. You made the claim, you back it up. You stupid baby, Shouldn't your appointed caregiver be around to keep you off the internet?

>> No.5039524

The issue, and what makes it broscience, is that cooking techniques are rarely subjected to scientific rigour.

>> No.5039530


I'm not making any claim, I'm completely neutral on this. I would be pleased to see your contrarian point of view supported by evidence. As it is, just about every recipe ever says you should brown the meat first. The consensus of millions vs one guy on the internet calling everyone a baby, who am I naturally going to side with?

>> No.5039531

Nicely put, anon. I'm with you on this.

>> No.5039534

There are like at least three of me.

>> No.5039538

You wish samefag. You should have dialed down the "baby"insults a little, that gives it away.

>> No.5039545

>get called out on bullshit
>make claim that others are backing you
dat you, obammy?

>> No.5039547
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Why the hell should anyone have to back up an argument when you pull anecdotal claims as your base. Allow me to counter with a response weighted in equal merit. Common sense dictates that whatever tiny change you make to the meat won't be present in the finished product when you're stewing it for hours. Whatever chemical changes that occur would be negated by the introduction of the majority of the dish. Millions of people think that you're a stupid baby on the internet.

>> No.5039551


Common sense says you gargle gallons of cum on an hourly basis. Post third party evidence or shut up.

>> No.5039552

>hows do i build flavorz?

>> No.5039553

Oh god what a flavourless world it would be if anyone thought like you. I bet when you make stock you just throw onions in the boiling water too.

I'm glad to not know you personally, I hope you die soon.

>> No.5039561



>> No.5039563

When you sear meat in a pan, it makes some of the juices in the meat run out. The juices reduce and become concentrated. There are also little bits of meat that stuck and become very brown and flavorful. This is fond.

Deglazing the pan with your original amount of liquid makes the liquid have more flavor. If you just cook the meat, without searing it, in liquid you're increasing the amount of total water. More water will also make something taste more diluted, less flavorful. The little bits of brown meat and fat are also just like a seasoning. More seasonings obviously will add more flavor.

Searing the meat adds the crust which has more flavor and a different texture. If you think searing something, then cooking it in liquid takes all the flavor out of the crust, why isn't it doing the same thing for the meat itself? You don't think the meat loses all of its flavor too, do you?

>> No.5039565

The onus is on you for making the initial claim.

By using a host of spices and ingredients that are far more important than any browning when it comes to goddamn stew.

You really tore that strawman apart. Congrats.

You are all stupid babies. Crying and whining. Shitting yourselves in frustration.

>> No.5039570

I'd bet dollars to donuts you're the guy with the shitty hollandaise in the other thread.
Culinary school dropout, go back to highshoooooolllll

>> No.5039571


>> No.5039573
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Nice try, but simmering stew over hours reduces the overall moisture/dilution substantially. I still contend that the burnt meat or 'flavor' as you put it, is not doing jack shit. You sound like a smart baby though, unlike the mass of mewling snot-nosed brats here.

>> No.5039574
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Lel, thought that too.
Nice Grease reference btw.

>> No.5039577

>I still contend that the burnt meat or 'flavor' as you put it, is not doing jack shit
And you're still a retard.
Oh yeah, your a baby XD

>> No.5039578

No I am not. I don't even know what hollansaise sauce really is and I never went to culinary school. I just worked as a dishwasher and line prep.

Fucker, I have yet to begin posting bullshit. I'm not even drunk.

>> No.5039579
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>god all that disgusting white-ass meat

>> No.5039581

Yeah, if you're simmering uncovered it will reduce the total amount of liquid. The little bits of browned fat and meat have so much flavor, unless you just don't like the way it tastes, I don't see how you can say it doesn't add anything.

It's the same reason why people roast bones to make stock, sometimes.

>> No.5039586
File: 185 KB, 1200x900, 100_1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's wrong. Browned meat in a pot roast does only one fucking thing. Make another dirty pan. That's it.

Now chill as I enjoy my unbrowned pot-roast.

>> No.5039588

>not using the same pan to brown the meat
>not having a glorious staub enameled cast iron pot

Slow cooker loser detected. You sound like a working class chump.

>> No.5039590

>from detroit
>retard gene identified
It's becoming more clear now.

>> No.5039593

I'm not expecting the queen here, pal. I bet you even have coasters, you pretentious little trust fund baby.

>> No.5039597

You fucking kidding me? That was the Eagles game. The snowbowl. Man, fuck detroit.

>> No.5039600

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

>> No.5039601

>I'm a spoiled trust fund baby because I can afford a decent pot

No, it's called having a basic middle class income. Maybe if you didn't spend all your time watching televised team sports franchises bashing each others' brains out for money, you might have some spare change lying around for quality cookware.

>> No.5039605

When the fuck did having a crockpot become a sign in poverty? I'll have you know that I possess a fine variety of cookware and an assortment of matching dishes.

That's too close to home, though. I need to run to the liquor store.

>> No.5039608

We do a thing called par cooking you fucking retard. Essentially, we take the roast, hit it with demi glace and some water, and heat it back up. The veggies will recieve the same treatment, and then we can top it off with hot, tasty gravy. The par cooked meat and veg will last a few days based on volume.

>> No.5040622


If you don't sear meat before slow cooking you're a complete food pleb, seriously this is like food 101 basic shit.

>but it disappears in the pot!

Then you just confirmed to everyone you have absolutely no palate and your slow cooked recipes probably taste of hotsauce.

>> No.5040629

>only rich people use coasters

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.5040644

that 25 or so cents per coaster could buy him a loosie and a 40 though

>> No.5040870

ok I find it weird, that you find it weird, that you got pot-roast at a restaurant quickly.

what, were you willing to wait hours for them to slow-cook one from fucking scratch? jesus

>> No.5040878

Fucking this

>> No.5040906

way too on topic for this thread

>> No.5040979

Good gods of holy cookery. I'm surprised this hasn't descended into which package of onion soup mix is preferred.

>> No.5040995

grow up. lie prime rib. it is very expensive. in case you have noiced. a rpound here a small bone in "prime" ( that means choice) will run about 45 bucks. and you try not to f it up. holiidays are not a time or thyme to inoivate. tried and true. and that goes for new years. whatever. whatevere you or your family like is fine traditions are important. yorrse. it'sok. I cpould cook a chuck roast, borid or ham. but a big prime( usda choice nobody gets priime) dont't worry.; about mid afternoon, (me includeded) gonna wanna say what's playing? chances are, no matter what you have boughty or cooked. it is time for some fresh air. aznd does not mean a stugffy monie theater I do know. whats plying? and actually can type, but people get frazzeled. I love Christmas, but glad when it is over. they are clearing out the shelves for valintiones day. i am no griinch. far from it. but simple is betterbuy for the kids and have a siimple meal. roast beast. thee original feast. not the mugging for the camea latter day jim. juus ok. whho whawo. troyust me. you blow 3-4 k, them bills come hard due in february. better save that hambone. and some beansl you might needit. all I am saying is, don't f up like i'have many times. and for sure not on credit cards. if like me, too late. the horse is done out of the barn have a wondermous Christmas. (could i interest you in a box of valintine candy or a dozen roses? get the f away from me. now. and like every one else, i used to walkuphill in the snow, to school. but curiously. I still belive in santa . st nich. fat old ,man like me. ya never know.

>> No.5041039

I love you, man

>> No.5041523

That's why your stew looks like shit. Probably tastes that way, too. I don't even use broth in my stew, I sear off the meat, then the carrots onions celery, then I removed everything and deglaze the pan, which makes the broth. And that's why my stew looks better than yours.

>> No.5041527

Your pot roast looks like you used premade broth.

>> No.5041533

oh my god what a retarded fucking thread
when you slow cook shit, whatever's in the roast goes into the broth, and if you steam the broth out, it's going to go back into the roast. if you make a broth from smoked meats, you're going to get a broth with a smokey flavor; if you don't believe me then try it. why would maillard be any different? a seared meat has a certain flavor, and that sear goes into the broth that the meat is cooked in, transferring the flavor of the sear into the final stew broth/sauce reduction/meat itself.

>> No.5041534

>'pot roast' made out of leather scraps

I shiggy diggy.

>> No.5041539

I am actually with the no-sear crowd on this. If you were slow roasting it then you could appreciate the sear but I think it just gets lost when you're braising in a huge amount of liquid.

>> No.5041542


What... how does that logic make any fucking sense.

>> No.5041545

Because when you roast it you're not washing away all of the crust in a bunch of liquid.

If you're using the pot you're gonna cook it in you might as well do it, but that's not the case with a crock pot.

>> No.5041548


Sorry, I didn't realize you were calling a crock pot braising.

I thought you meant that if you were say, actually braising pork chops in a pan you wouldn't bother searing.

>> No.5041549

1. you should add the broth to the searing pan and deglaze, adding that to your crock pot, you pot of crock; you don't just toss out the residual matter from your fucking pan after searing you godamn fucking philistine monkey
2. even if you were that fucking pedestrian that's not the entire fucking point jesus you mongel did you even read the post above you before you opened your anus spread wide open like the grand fucking canyon to release that kind of putrid filth you call a miserable undereducated excuse for an opinion on a godamn fucking board about cuisine you piece of smoldering hot shit?

>> No.5041551

Simmering I guess? Do Crock Pots get hot enough to call it a simmer? I think of a simmer as something that's not a rolling boil but is still slowly reducing.

Yeah if its a shallow amount of liquid in a small pan you can definitely taste it. Especially if you reduce the liquid intoto a sauce after cooking the meat.

>> No.5041566

Hey, man. I use coasters.
I have a few pieces of wooden furniture, and I don't like the idea of harming its stain or giving it moisture damage.

Taking care of things doesn't make you pretentious.

>> No.5041572

Wow, this pretty innocent thread became one of the bigger /ck/ fights over principals.

>> No.5041580

I'm also a member of what you'd call the lower class.

>> No.5041612
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So was it good?

>> No.5041919

>mfw this whole thread was a ploy to subconsciously market bing search instead of google (or superior duckduckgo)
>bill gates pls