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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 533x400, this here is fucking delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5038988 No.5038988[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's late Friday night /ck/ -- whatcha drinkin??

pic related

>> No.5038991

sierra nevada hoptimum

it's quite bitter

>> No.5039005

So what exactly is that OP? I just finished a Guinness Black Lager

>> No.5039007

There's already a thread that's been on page one all night, retard.

>> No.5039017

what else? Guinness Draught. aye, just thinking of that creamy head makes my mouth water

>> No.5040368
File: 73 KB, 308x437, fd016-lowenbrau-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the best.

>> No.5040379
File: 23 KB, 200x300, Lagunitas_Hairy_Eyeball_200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting another hour to start.

Will probably have a couple homebrews, a rampant IIPA and one of these guys

>> No.5040383
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>> No.5040389
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only the best

>> No.5040394

Trying to clear out some of the random liquor bottles in the pantry.

Drinking bourbon sours right now.

>> No.5040399
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bought a 12 pack of blue moon from walgreens

was on sale for $15...

>> No.5040403
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Just picked up some of this. 4 cans for $12.

Pretty good stuff.

>> No.5040409
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This bad boy right here.

I also picked up a six pack of their Sculpin IPA, and Green Flash's Palate Wrecker, which I may crack into later.

>> No.5040412
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>> No.5040426
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Dark beers always look like Neapolitan iced coffee to me.

>> No.5040427
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>> No.5040429
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alcoholic parents did a grocery shop for me and this came with it (bar the vodka)

i'm on the glenlivet right now, its good
not my favourite whisky but i guess it was on offer or something

>> No.5040440
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>> No.5040476

Drinking some pu-erh tea that I have no idea how to seperate from this cake without cutting it into dust

>> No.5040516
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>> No.5040517

>First World Problems

>> No.5040534

black russians - with a bit of guiness thrown in to make them extra tasty
sam adams

(pints of black russains cos i wanna get fucked)

>> No.5040558
File: 38 KB, 453x348, large_moscowmule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna drink some Moscow Mules at a Christmas party tonight, hell yeah

>> No.5040571

Drinking some black cherry soda. It's not my favorite. It's a little bit cough syrupy.

>> No.5040575
File: 2.17 MB, 2448x3264, 2013-12-13_15-04-21_248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these bad boys

>> No.5040600
File: 38 KB, 537x460, CPgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeaaaaa... cheap this weekend.

>> No.5040606

One day I'll find copper mugs that aren't incredibly expensive, one day...

>> No.5040611
File: 1.71 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20131221_133138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one (first), /ck/?

>> No.5040612


right then left

>> No.5040613

Obviously the one the man suggests.

>> No.5040614

Let's just throw away that Yellow Tail bullshit and stick with the hard stuff.

>> No.5040617

Wine first for the buzz, then finish eith rhe liquor.

>> No.5040619

Tommy drinks Irish whisky, which is terrible shit.

>> No.5040626
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Drank one of those warm one time on a lost bet.

Can't even look at it now without shuddering

>> No.5040631
File: 96 KB, 1024x681, Old-Fashioned-1024x681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to make a decent old fashioned?

>> No.5040649

I've always wanted to go to Ireland and try the Guinness that they have there. Guinness here in the states is mediocre at best...

>> No.5040706

Burmp. Finally getting drunk, lets get this thread going.

>> No.5040712

why isn't there more drunk people? can't just be me

>> No.5040723

not currently, but if i were, it would be sierra nevada's celebration ipa. i love it, wish they made it year round.

>> No.5040733

Very much so (Crystal Palace Gin) How goes it, /b/ro.

>> No.5040741




>> No.5040745

George Dickel !!!

>> No.5040751

Don't give me that. We're family on every board.

>> No.5040760
File: 105 KB, 600x591, 1387681006523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not making the same mistake I did last time and drinking three of these on an empty stomach before realizing that they were 10% ABV.

>> No.5040761


idk, not been on /b/ for years and years. feels weird identifying myself with that y'know?

anyway, nicely drunk. trying to stop smoking so had a couple of fags and then stood on the rest and now i regret it cos im pissed and i want to smoke stood on cigs.

only got heinken and vodka left though.

>> No.5040768

I woke up at 8 p.m.

I'm thinking of just getting some beer and some food and just sitting in bed all night. Last weekend I had some gin and got obliterated, so I really don't want to go down that road again.

>> No.5040772


It's not Friday you retarded motherfucker.

>> No.5040776
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More specifically, this is my go to but I'll probably try something else instead.

>> No.5040787

It's all good. We're all Co/ck/ suckers here. I'm with another half of a liter of gin. Drinkin some problems away or what?

>> No.5040797


nah, i've always liked a drink

grew up in a small post industrial town in the north of england. so all anyone did aged 14+ was get pissed.

i have a nice, comfortable life now, so I just get drunk cos I enjoy it. my girlfriend has gone out and staying at her mate's. so I have a free flat. so getting pissed and listening to music. It's what I enjoy doing. It is better with friends, but sometimes it is nice with just the internet, music and football manager.

what about you?

fyi, i am normally one of these craft ale hipsters, but nothing gets you pissed like vodka. when i was single and a bit depressed i used to drink a bottle of vodka a night - sainsburys basic - but i'd put it in the freezer so it was dead cold and you couldn't taste it so I could neck it. happy/sad/.weird times.

>> No.5040808
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Drinking this for the first time, I think I'm in love.

>> No.5040810

I hear ya.

I'm in the dreary old north east part of New York in America. I'm here with a nice government job and a nice steady girlfriend that just bought me an Xbox One and is planning on moving in after Christmas.

Was it weird to move in with the girl?

P.S. I have a drinking problem (most nights I'm having a half of a liter and going to work the next morning) but I'm hoping her moving in will help me.

P.P.S. I love craft ale/IPA/lager hipster beer :p

>> No.5040819

>Craft Brewing Company

>> No.5040821


depends how long you've been going out with the girl?

i'm rather old - far too old for 4chan, but it is what i've been doing for the past x amount of years - I'm 27, so living with a girl is normal. i guess as long as you feel comfortable then it doesn't really matter.

half a litre of what per night is your drinking problem?

all the hi[pster beers are so much fun. I am spoilt where i live as there are loads of good pubs which have a wide varitey of beers, and they change them on a regular basis. I've gpot a few of my mates into it, so we like sampling something different every tinme.

but from everything i have read, USA is best for it, particularly NW USA - anything you can recommend?

>> No.5040837

I've been with this girl for 2 years now I'm hoping she's the one (I'm 23.)

Half of a liter of vodka, rum, whiskey, anything really to help me sleep. It's also made me bigger with the added calories.

North West? Maybe some Sierra Nevada, Blue Moon, Shock Top. Anything local in the USA with IPA as the label is good.

So what makes you so dreary on a Saturday night besides the woman?

>> No.5040840
File: 398 KB, 905x683, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for everything /ck/ hates - mexican beer, IPA, and a mason jar.

>> No.5040847


nah man, opposite of dreary, I'm singing along to some good music. playing football manager. getting pissed. chilling on 4chan. It is pretty good really. When you've lived with someone for a few years you ;learn to enjpoy these nights to yourself

2 years if fair enough really. if you like the bird then why not move in with her? the worst that can happen is you get sick of her and bin her off.

there's an awful lot of good US beers - some of my faves include: Stones, Cigar City Brewing, Lagunitas, Three Floyds Brewing and Odells.

>> No.5040856

Very nice choices.

And I hear ya about the 2 years.

Thanks for the advice :D

>> No.5040874

Use real maple syrup instead of sugar. Use the same amount of bitters you would as if you were saturating sugar. Muddle, (it's much easier with maple syrup), add ice, bourbon (I prefer rye) and sweet vermouth. Garnish as you please.

>> No.5040877

You lucky mungle funker. I wish I could find that in my area.

>> No.5040880

Was drinking some Irish cream, but I can only drink so much due to sweetness. Now I'm onto the rum. Old Monk.. So cheap, so delicious.

>> No.5040883

long shot

anyone live in manchester UK?

and shop at beermoth?

>> No.5040897

What do you do with the amaretto? I've got a bottle of Disaronno I picked up to cook some shit with, but I dunno what to do with the rest of it.

>> No.5040900

That is one sexy fucking mug.

>> No.5040928

Buchanan's Master whisky, 18 yo

>> No.5040948

drink it
have it in hot chocolate or coffee
use it in desserts

its fucking delicious, whats wrong with you
its good in basically anything

>> No.5041020

It's just so damn sweet.

>> No.5041035

Sam Adams White Christmas, with Old Fezziwig Ale on deck

>> No.5041038

>tfw no copper mug

>> No.5041052

I see somebody else got the variety pack.

>> No.5041169

mix it with Ice coffee or use it in eggnog or milk drinks

>> No.5041198
File: 120 KB, 711x1429, chivas12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend gave me a bottle yesterday. Fuck the single malt snobs, I'm not complaining about this one bit. Yes, I could be sipping on some Tali 18 instead, and no, I don't regret this one bit. Damn fine whisky for the price.

You should have grabbed the bottled-in-bond. OGD 86-proof ain't bad, but the 100-proof BiB is so much better.

>> No.5041209

They didn't have the BiB, sadly.

>> No.5041214

Chivas was Hunter S. Thompson's drink of choice

>> No.5041256

I'd mail ya one friend if i wasn't so broke. I think this the first time they've shipped out of oklahoma.

>> No.5041263

>OGD 86-proof ain't bad, but the 100-proof BiB is so much better.

True fucking facts.

>> No.5041266

Famous Grouse is a great choice!
One of the best values you can get for a scotch. Tastes the same as almost all the other speysides.

>> No.5041270

I'll give ya a nod for the Arrogant Bastard Ale.
Strong and solid choice bro.

>> No.5041271

I'm already drunk on rum and some Cabernet wines. Should I hope on one of these? Or many?