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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5037598 No.5037598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

im ashamed to say it but I'm a complete pleb when it comes to wine. any good resources out there so I can learn some? I just want to be able to appreciate all forms of alcoholic beverage, but a most wine I've tasted tastes like sour cat piss. (presumably because my friends and parents buy cheap cali and aus shit for parties). any suggestions?

>> No.5037720

pls respond ;_;

>> No.5037740


stop being a fggt and just get the damn bag in a box but take the bag out and cut the top off so you can just shotgun the whole thing and STFU.

>> No.5037782

nty i'd rather drink vodka

>> No.5037816

Many people will just say drink what you like. The problem there is that wine is a rabbit hole. You can really nerd out on it, and when you do drinking what you like may be beyond your budget. That's why it's a good hobby for rich people.

If you are not rich you can still get way into wine. Your chances of learning the ins and outs of Super Tuscans and Grand Cru Burgundies are small. Your benchmark for Chardonnay is not going to be a Chablis from a great year. Most of what you drink will be wine meant to be consumed soon after it's bottled. Because that's what you'll be able to afford.

It's still going to be expensive to educate yourself properly. Say you wanted to taste pedestrian examples of the major French styles. You've already read up on them. You have many bottles to buy now. You might want to get some like minded people together to do this with you, to make it more fun and defray the costs.

I got to try lots of stuff because I have a few wealthy friends who like to show off, and I was in the industry for a bit. (Didn't make much money, but got to taste a fuckton of wine for work).

Now is a great time in America to be a wine drinker. The shit bottles are better than ever, and the $15 a bottle range has some great stuff - you don't HAVE to be rich to enjoy it. But it is gonna put a hurt on some of your disposable income, once you find out that some of the wines you really like are also favorites of rich folks who are willing to pay high dollars to drink them.

>> No.5037878

I mean, I love beer and craft beers are 10-20 a pack so that price range ain't terrible for me. It's just that I have absolutely no idea where to start

>> No.5037904

I was just liike you. I had no clue about wines but wanted to get into it. So this is what I did. I just looked up a bunch of wine types and bought one whenever I could. I started with a cabernet sauvignon and bought a bottle from france. Then I bought one from california. They both tasted good in my book. Ok there we go. I have a few go tos for a sauvignon. Then I moved to boredeauxs, merlots, and pinot noirs. Found out which ones I liked and which ones I didn't. Then I moved to white wines and did the same thing. Although I'm currently only at chardonnays, it's a pretty good start. You can then move down to champagnes, mascottos, etc.


Just buy a bunch of wines and try them till you find one you like

>> No.5038039

Just keep exposing yourself to wine until you know enough about them. It's like any other hobby, there's no shortcuts.

>> No.5038057

yeah but usually every hobby has a generally accepted starting point... I literally have no idea

>> No.5038071


Then start somewhere you faggot. Go to the wine section, close your eyes, spin around, and buy whichever bottle you point at. Did you like it? Good. You got starting point. Did you hate it? Oh well, at least you have a starting point

>> No.5038867

but aren't there guidelines like
Spain is shit tier
France god tier

>> No.5038886
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This might help you out. Try a few from each category for starters, then go from there.

>> No.5038894

anyone who feeds you that country x tier crap has an opinion that can safely be ignored. the only places whose wine should be actively avoided are California and new Zealand.

>> No.5038949

dude there is nothing to it just try like a new one every day and in a year or so you willhave come across a good one..stick to the good one

>> No.5038957

how much money did you make and why are people paying these horrendous sums for spoiled grape juice? why is nobody waking up to this ponzi-scheme?

>> No.5039003

Can I temporarily hijack this thread?

I finally got my father to tell me what he wants for xmas, and what my stepmother wants (her and I don't talk much), and he said red wine.

Okay, cool, wine is a good gift. Problem is that I don't know a damn thing about wine, so I would just be picking blindly. Can I get some suggestions for a decent red wind in the $20-$30 range? Western Washington if that makes a difference.

>> No.5039028


can't speak to California, but NZ has some pretty decent stuff. stay the fuck away from any cheap whites from NZ but mid-range and up stuff from Marlborough and Hawkes Bay are pretty neat

>> No.5039041


>> No.5039044


>> No.5039331


what's your definition of "mid range and up"

I've gone up to $30 for NZ sauv blanc, and it can die in a fire.

the pinot noir is ok but nothing worth buying habitually.

>> No.5039454

Ask what kind of red- there are many kinds and the all taste different. If he won't be specific, get a Chianti or Sangiovese, go for >$25 range.

>> No.5039467
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>> No.5039515
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>anyone who feeds you that country x tier crap has an opinion that can safely be ignored. the only places whose wine should be actively avoided are California and new Zealand.

>anyone who feeds you that country x tier crap has an opinion that can safely be ignored.

>the only places whose wine should be actively avoided are California and new Zealand.

>opinion that can safely be ignored.

oh god. 5 stars anon 5 stars

>> No.5039537

For a ridiculously biased opinion, as an Australian whose lived in NZ most of my life, Aussie whites are laughably bad, there reds (mainly cab sav) is acceptable IF you can get it cheap, otherwise definitely not worth it.

As for NZ, as anyone will tell you, avoid low-mid range whites, it will all taste horribly sour or overpoweringly sweet. Really the only wine we can get right are Pinot Noir in which case I highly reccommend anything from Central Otago (Gibbston Valley is a personal favourite, but hella pricey, even non-export) or the Kapiti Coast

>> No.5039594

Hard cheese, cured meat and a bold red... Pretty much my all time favorite meal. Also what killed my diet lol.

>> No.5039615


fuck off you piece of shit

>> No.5039616

Why not start with France? Long winemaking history, classic styles others copy and easy access to the wines because they export lots of wine. Red Bordeaux is easily obtained, and can be very good. Start there.

You've got three styles. Most of what you'll find is a Cab-Merlot blend. Then there will be pure Cabs on the left bank, pure Merlots on the right. The pure Cabs are big, with a chalky finish. The Merlots are huge but soft - like picking a fight with a pillow. The blends attempt to balance those elements.

The other thing is that for the French wine is not meant to be appreciated in isolation. Drinking it by itself is like just eating the sauce of a dish or just listening to the bass line of a song. Wine styles were crafted to compliment the dishes they would be served with.

>> No.5039620

But why? It's just me pouring a nice red in a cognac glass.

>> No.5039628
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you fucking know I have autism and it would fire every sperg nerve in my brain. now i'll never get to sleep.

you probably didn't even let it breathe, either

>> No.5039630

well thats fucking gay
every other alcohol can be enjoyed by itself but youre telling me wine needs a specific food?

>> No.5039634


there are two kinds of wine drinkers - the kind who see wine as something to go with food, and the kind who see food as something to go with wine.

>> No.5039649

>but youre telling me wine needs a specific food?
Gay? Funny, Anon. Try drinking wine by itself and see how it leaves you feeling. When the ancients did it they would always water it down. The combination of alcohol and acidity is kinda tough on its own. But it compliments food brilliantly. Realizing this winemakers adjusted their styles very deliberately to compliment regional cooking.

This is the kid of shit the French pay attention to. In French cookbooks the recipes are followed with not just the wine to pair with the dish, but the temperature at which the wine ought to be served. It's a huge rabbit hole.

If you just say, "That's fucking gay" like a retard you're never going to wrap your mind around the centuries of work that went into figuring this shit out.

>> No.5039655

does an aerator do anything useful or is it on par with crystal power?

i just got one as a gift and it makes this horrible slurping sound.

>> No.5039660

>when the ancients

Your fedora is showing

>> No.5039664

>Your fedora is showing
I'm far hipper than that. I'm still sad Gruner-Veltliner failed to become the big wine trend on 2008, and I blame the market crash.

>> No.5039671


Oh, you're that guy who was shoving mediocre viognier in my face every day in 2010. Go away.

>> No.5039677

>Oh, you're that guy who was shoving mediocre viognier in my face every day in 2010.
That's because the 2009 vintage for Rhone whites was so fucking good. They're STILL drinking well.

>> No.5039710

>being this euphoric

>> No.5039721

I'm thinking of getting a chianti for Christmas dinner, but also want to buy a sweet. Any recommendations?

>> No.5039744

Come on. It's a rare year when the whites outclass the reds in the Rhone. It's rare one even has the chance to get excited about Rhone whites. I'll take it.

>> No.5040055

I bought my parents a vinturi wine aerator for Christmas. Are these things worth it? My parents aren't super big wine drinkers but they have the occasional glass now and then
didn't feel like this is worth making a new thread over

>> No.5040075


if you're asking whether some wines benefit from aeration, yes.

if you're asking if the vinturi gives you ur munnie's wurth, I guess that's up to you. if you're in a hurry there are a lot of ways to quickly aerate wine.

>> No.5040661

>all this fucking bullshit

OP, grape wine generally tastes the same (unless something else is added) and the quality tops off at 10-15 bux a bottle. It's all fermented grape juice, after all. You could try wines from other fruits (such as cherries or hollander), but beware that wine snobs will shit their frocks when you even mention these kind of wines. Because fermented grape juice is clearly superior compared to fermented cherry juice.

Stay away from faggots who tell you wine is flamboyant, blooming, soft, provocative, dry or anything else that sounds like lifted from Twilight or 50 shades of grey.

>> No.5040664

>It's all fermented grape juice

All cheese is just rotten milk
All bread is just rotten dough
Water is a chemical

Your life is devoid of meaning, why not just off yourself?

>> No.5040674
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>being this butthurt

Nobody said there's anything wrong with drinking fermented grape juice, but the retardness surrounding it is almost as bad as audiophilia.

>> No.5040684


No one said anything was wrong with drinking cherry wine either, but you came in here with an ass ravaged rant about 50 shades of grey.

It's interesting how literally everyone says that wine over X dollars is bullshit, and to the last man they think they're the cleverest man on earth, but X varies per the person's income.

This is what we call rationalization of facts beyond our control. Have fun with that.

>> No.5040690

it's like you don't even care about audio quality.

>> No.5040695

Wendy you ignorant whore.

>> No.5040740

>implying there isn't a huge difference between 128 kbps and 320 kbps
>implying denon ah-d2000 are the same quality as sennheiser 202s

>> No.5040765

with a lot of recordings, especially electronic music, it is virtually impossible to tell 128kbps from 320 or FLAC.

high dynamic range recordings are uncommon and the more picky you get about that stuff, the more shit the selection.

that's why audiophiles end up having a collection of garbage like diana krall and norah jones and east czechestan municipal orchestra playing the world premiere recording of dhokar tsarnaev's symphony no 1. they obsess so much over the technical quality of the recording that they forget to pay attention to the music.

>> No.5040777

>virtually impossible to tell 128 from 320
somebody doesn't have ears
128 always has murky bass and shrieking highs

>> No.5040785


go abx your hatsune miku collection and get back to me. I guarantee it makes no difference on that kind of crap.

>murky bass

that is nonsense, bass is the last thing to go when you use a lossy algorithm. what you are perceiving as "murky bass" is the distortion of percussion instrument impacts which are actually represented in the high frequencies, although in your ignorance they may seem like "part of the bass"

go read up on lossy compression, you have a lot to learn

>> No.5040788

>real instrument impact
u r special

>> No.5040793
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>implying fake sampled drumbeats don't contain a simulated impact

>> No.5040817

Wine is dry and bitter. APPARENTLY THAT MEANS IT'S GOOD.

I like strawberry wine. I've also had apple berry wine that was delish. And this shit costs $5 a bottle, tastes great and gets me drunk. I will take that over nasty "good" expensive wine any day, don't care.

You could always just drink champagne instead. That's what I would do. Appropriate for all occasions, despite what they tell you.

>> No.5040834

>It's all fermented grape juice, after all.
Do you happen to make wine at home? I used to think beer was some magical elixir that takes a special kind of fairy to make, until I made it myself and now I just think 'Oh, it's just fermented grain juice and you change the ingredients to make it different'

>> No.5040842
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>sound quality
excuse me as I laugh at how you think people lose the idea of the importance of music as you listen to your Skillet.

>> No.5040853
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>> No.5040854


I know who that is, but I don't know what he sounds like. Maybe you should take your shit tastes to /g/

>> No.5040857
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>> No.5040862
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the acid is just dropping in you guys.

>> No.5040863
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>> No.5040867
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>> No.5040869
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>> No.5040872
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>> No.5040875
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>> No.5040876
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>> No.5040879
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>> No.5040886
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>> No.5040891
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>> No.5040898
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>> No.5040904
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Thank you for watching "Cooking with Skrillex".

>> No.5040926

Is that guy gay? /pol/ alerted me to gays having feminine eyes, and he def has feminine eyes. /pol/ wouldn't lie to me.

>> No.5040930


Skrillex gets more pussy in a week than you will ever get in your lifetime. Girls will literally fuck him, just to say they fucked him.

>> No.5040945

>/pol/ alerted me
Because gays are an evil to recon with.
Fuck off to /pol/ dumbfuck.

>> No.5040954

Getting pussy is great and all, but that kid really makes some terrible "music" and absolutely destroys anything he remixes.

It really fucks up my Pandora stations.

>> No.5041017

Just curious cause I had never thought about ti before, but it does seem like gays have really effeminate eyes. And damn, dude's got some fucking effeminate eyes.

>> No.5041145

Ha, I've seen someone do this. I was pretty amused.

There are a lot of books out there about being a wine snob. Some are surprisingly helpful in more practical areas, such as how to properly uncork and pour. Everyone will have their own tastes with wine (me: I like off-dry or semi-sweet reds...I love it when alcohol makes me feel warm). Talk to people who run wineries. It's usually a pleasant experience and they're usually passionate enough to guide newcomers.

>> No.5041663

>I find a dude attractive therefore that dude is gay

Homophobe logic, ladies and gentlemen.