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File: 356 KB, 3531x1200, Five-Guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5036037 No.5036037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we agree that Five Guys is so overrated and overpriced?

The burgers are OKAY, they are not amazing by any means, I like a rare burger, they are all well done, no exceptions, but considering that, they are still alright, definitely not 7$ good though.

I hate how they just haphazardly dump the over salted, bland, flaccid fries into the paper bag, making it look greasy ad disgusting. I realize that fries are greasy and disgusting, but do you have to make them look like shit too?

And peanut shells, fucking peanut shells, everywhere. All over the floor and tables, looks like a fucking zoo.

I've never gone here electively. Only time I've ever gone here is because I was either meeting friends who were deadset on eating there and I'm too nice to tell them I fucking hate it or I was already out with friends and they outvoted me to go there.

Only redeeming quality is the one near me has Mr. Pibb. But that hardly makes up for how terrible everything else is.

Anyone else have similar opinions/experiences with Five Guys?

>> No.5036063

THANK YOU! Five guys is expensive. I got a drink and a burger and it was something around 10 bucks. I didn't get fries cause who gives a shit about the fries? I don't think I even got a large drink. To be fair I did get a double burger. I think I might have gotten bacon on it too cause I'm not eating a puny single burger. I'm going all out with this bitch. Burger was pretty good but all I could think about was being FUCKING 10 BUCKS POORER!

>> No.5036069

Ya dude, I got everything on that fucker. I don't eat burgers very often so when I do, I want to go all out, even still, I'm a huge faggot (or just not a slob) so I had to eat all the shit that fell out of this poorly assembled meat vesicle with a knife and fork.

>> No.5036075

Surprised by the costs as well since I thought it would be like in and out burger. One burger was the same price of a combo meal at in and out. I was so shocked i paid for two meals for just one combo

>> No.5036080

It's not BAD, but it's not GREAT.

The burger is juicy and pretty filling though.
I enjoy their fries a lot too.

It's overrated though.

>> No.5036109

> I like a rare burger, they are all well done
Okay, so...you admit that you know they provide a product that you do not like and yet you buy it anyways and then complain?

Just what kind of retarded is that?

>> No.5036117

They're all right if you just get the burger. Neither the fries nor the soda are worth it IMHO. The burger itself isn't a bad deal compared to, for example, the double burger at Wendy's, but they nick you hard on the soda and fries.

Also, it's best if you eat in. If you eat it right away, it's still got some crust from the grill and the veggies are still crisp; because they wrap it in foil like that, by the time you drive home, it's just a big melted grease ball.

>> No.5036122

Yeah I'll admit it's kind of dumb of me to expect to fall in love with the burger with it being well done.

But, my dad's from an old Irish family, and they love everything fucking cremated, but he still makes a great burger, so with that in mind, I thought that there might have been hope, especially since the patties are so thin.

>> No.5036126

Old Irish meaning, he's from Ireland.

>> No.5036130
File: 58 KB, 1024x768, 1387516879175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had Five Guys and probably never will. Seems like over-priced trendy hipster garbage. If I ever do go in there it will definitely be while wearing a bright read Sriracha "cock sauce" t-shirt just to get hot chicks or weed hookups.

>> No.5036132
File: 66 KB, 977x566, 5 dudes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5036133

A genuine kek was had

>> No.5036158

nice b8 m8

>> No.5036371

Five Guys is garbage, why does everyone like it?

>tips fedora

>> No.5036393

This is fantastic.

>> No.5036509

legit anon

the part about it being a pretty good burger came up short for me would have thought would stop by again

>> No.5036607

Five Guys = Wendy's

Except you're limited to one menu item and they charge by the condiment

>> No.5037056

Are you me?
Fuck their bland ass, greasy bag fries.
Burger was decent for being a fast(ish) food joint.
Soda was expensive, but ehh, whatever, they had the fancy coke machine with lime coke, so I had to get a drink.
Peanut shells were pretty clean though, not all over the place like you said.

>> No.5037078

Five Gays is a better option than pretty much any other fast food burgers (with the exception of the Habit), but it's certainly not the best burger out there. I'd rather go to one of the various local places here that make a great burger, and there's quite a few of those around here. As far as chain places, I used to love the Counter, but the one close to me closed. But they had great burgers. Also, on a odd note, I had to go eat at Sizzler a few weeks ago (it was a business lunch), and I ordered their burger, which was actually very good. I had a medium-rare burger, with their salad bar, for like, $10. I was really surprised at how nicely it was done. Delicious, would order again (if I happen to be there, lol.)

>> No.5037083
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>> No.5037084

The five guys where we live is pretty clean. People seem to keep their peanut shells in a little paper tray and then throw them out when they are done in the garbage. The burgers are good, not dried out or anything,but I prefer a medium rare burger too. I haven't ever paid more than about five bucks on their burgers, so I don't have a problem with that. they have cherry coke, which is a positive too. I like their fries.

I like in-n-out better, but settle for five guys.

>> No.5037105


It's kinda funny, I pretty much agree with OP about Five Guys, but it's way better than any local specialty burger places. They all seem to think that superdry pucks are the way to go.

Walk into any bar that serves food, now there's a tasty burger.

>> No.5037132

Would rather go to Red Robin and get a better meal for about half the price.

>> No.5037146
File: 24 KB, 500x327, 1372203006374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5037153

I have been to it 3 times at 3 different locations. It is okay. Not too expensive unless you are very frugal.


I am not getting out of my car for a burger.

>> No.5037155

Well a NORMAL burger from them is 4.99 with unlimited toppings. The double is extra for obvious reasons. Fast food-wise, I'll gladly hit up Five Guys over most places. Culvers is one of the few exceptions, but Five Guys also has malt vinegar on the ready for their fries which is a win in my book.
Controversial fast food statement: Culver's chicken sandwich is better than anything at Chick-fil-a

>> No.5037160

Wendy's homestyle chicken is the best fried chicken sandwich money can buy.

>> No.5037178

that is controversial.

that's just wrong.

>> No.5037185


The popeye's poboy is just 2 of their chicken strips in a fake baguette and it's still way better than anything any other fast food chicken sandwich.

>> No.5037194

Popeye's quality varies so much that I can't trust it anymore.

>> No.5037197

Those are terrible. Almost inedible. Popeyes is terrible. Fuck you.

>> No.5037222

the condiments are free dipshit

unless you concider bacon a condiment

>> No.5037385

I have to agree, they're a bit over-priced and while the burgers were good, they weren't OH GOD I WANT TO FUCK THE COOK good

But to a nation raised on Fast food soy patties, it's like ambrosia.

>> No.5037389

You are the cancer.

Seriously I hate drive thru faggots.

I always get out of my car and walk into the goddamn place. THE DRIVE THRU ISN'T ANY FASTER.

>> No.5037393

For real though try Churches it is the shit

>> No.5037407

Seriously it's a semi-fast food place.
Not fucking burger king.
However, unless I'm with someone I typically go through the drive through cause I'd rather be back home.

>> No.5037416

Fast foods with drive thrus give preference to the drive thru so it is faster.

>> No.5037424

>I am not getting out of my car for a burger.

How do you even get in to your car, does somebody have to help push?

>> No.5037431

I find it amazing that people say their burgers are juicy. They are well known for cooking burgers well done.

>> No.5037439

I've had some steaks well done come out really nice.

>> No.5037442

Five guys burgers are the best from any chain, the fries are delicious, and you get free fries/peanuts just for ordering a single burger.

Maybe you're just a nigger.

>> No.5037443

I've tasted better burgers than five guys when I lived in the country, and a fucking hell of a lot cheaper, too. $2 for a better burger. I miss living in the country side, $4 breakfast every morning of eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, toast, potatoes, and a coffee. Perfect fucking food, so much better than it is in this city. $15 for a fucking omelet some potatoes and toast. Fucking pathetic. And the game meat, oh my fucking god asidfhasdf

So cheap, so delicious

>> No.5037450

>Well-done burgers can't be juicy

They can if you cook them right. I cook my own burgers, rarely have any pink and are jewcy.

>> No.5037456


>you get free fries

What the hell, no you don't

>> No.5037458

If you are fuckable you probably do :/

>> No.5037460

They throw them in the damn top of every bag every time I've been there.

Wish they'd do it with the cajun fries though...

>> No.5037461

Nigger I've been out in the country. Their prices aren't unaffected by dwindling resources and a shit economy

>> No.5037466


I don't live in americlapiburgerstan, but I thought it would be the same, guess not. How's your shithole country, faggot?

>> No.5037468

The same as the rest of the world? Are you fucking dumb?

>> No.5037613

It's not a fucking steak, dumbass. Cooking ground meat well done won't ruin it like it will a steak.

>> No.5037617

This. People who use drive-thrus are either anti-social or unbelievably fat.

>> No.5037621

Or they don't want to shut off their car since they have somewhere else to go.

>> No.5037624

There is no reason to hate Five Guys besides being an edgy douchebag. Is it the best tasting, best priced burger I've ever had? No. Is is way better than mass-produced shit from McDick's and the like? Yes.

>> No.5037627

I'm both of those and I still don't use the Drive Thru

>> No.5037629

No one is that fucking busy. Not having time for real food is something that the fast food companies brainwashed Americans into believing.

>> No.5037633

Good, you're a step above those morons that can't even be bothered to get out of their SUVs.

>> No.5037637

Well the other day I went through the drive through before work since I didn't want to take my break so I could leave 30 minutes early to potentially say goodnight to my kid. But you're right. Sorry anon.

>> No.5037654

If enough people are willing to buy something at that price it's not 'overpriced,' it's correctly priced.

>> No.5037732

Yes, there are always apologists here though

>> No.5037743

bareburger is better.

>> No.5037749

Apologies, I'm calling out the asswipes that do it frequently. There are some times when it's convenient, but fuckers that say "I never have time to cook" and think they mean literally never drive me crazy.

>> No.5037759

As someone from Europe, they're pretty fucking godly compared to any fast food we have here.

In-n-Out are much better than Five Guys though, but they're only West Coast.