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5033098 No.5033098 [Reply] [Original]

What's the highest number of pizza slices you've ever consumed in one sitting, or any given night?

>> No.5033104
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>implying pizza slices are uniform

>> No.5033109

And then there was this faggot.

>> No.5033111

I've eaten 2 medium Dominos pan pizzas one Saturday by myself. Just watched college football all day and ate pizza non stop.

>> No.5033123

I had an entire trader joe's margherita pizza a couple days ago. It's under 1000 calories. Sure, it isn't healthy to eat an entire pizza and some other odds and ends throughout the course of a day, but fuck that was a good pizza. I didn't eat all of the crust though. It was bland.

>> No.5033129

Back when I was fatasfatass, I would regularly put away two large thin-crusts in one sitting. Probably something like 35-40 two-inch square slices. Since I lost the weight naturally and still have my original stomach, I could still do this today again easily if I wanted to.

>> No.5033137

I've never had one, but there doesn't really seem to be much to margherita pizza's as it is.

>> No.5033138

entire 18inch pizza in one sitting, on multiple occasions
can anyone beat this?

>> No.5033142

Two extra large pizzas. Total of 8000 calories. Hint: I am not underweight.

>> No.5033157

When I was in depressed alcoholic fat fuck mode I'd sometimes eat almost an entire large pizza WITH an order of hot wings. There might be two slices left the next morning.

Those were some very dark days.

>> No.5033160

Ahh, I think only four slices.... It doesn't take a lot to make me full.

>> No.5033161

done this before, not even close to fat. Everyone suspects I have parasites.

>> No.5033163

Those frozen ones? Thats not so bad bro, I still do this about once a month to get it out of my system. Its less than 900 calories. Not healthy if you eat like that all the time for every meal but when I do that I usually fast most of the day and let it all out on one pizza.

I love pizza too much to quit.

>> No.5033164

It got to the point with me (2 extra large pizza dude here) that they actually TESTED me for parasites, turns out I DID have them from my dog and I had to take deworming meds along with my dog but I was still a fat hungry fuck after that.

>> No.5033169


These threads always make me feel better about binging.

>> No.5033178

>usually only eat two slices in my family because I dont know
>thats what we always did, it made it easier to split it up evenly among the 5 of us
>one night I stay over a friend's house
>anon, you can have more than two slices you know
I had 4, that was a good day.

>> No.5033237

skipped school in high school one day and ordered the dominos 3 medium one topping pizzas for $5 at like 10am and had them finished before the parents got home at 5pm

>> No.5033241

I don't know how some people can sit there eating until they're going to burst. If I feel full i can barely stand it, I've even forced myself to throw up a few times because the feeling is so horrible to me.

>> No.5033247

I feel sick if I don't. I took a medication for a few years that made me gain 100 pounds (used to be very thin) and it permanently altered the way my body uses and processes insulin (quetiapine). I should have just accepted ambien to sleep and not agreed to also take an antipsychotic to make sure I slept like a rock.

>> No.5033248

depression. for me, at least. constantly eating tasty foods and drinking alcohol would distract my mind from bad feels. even the painful stuffed feel felt better than a sober non distracted mind.

>> No.5033254

>What's the highest number of pizza slices you've ever consumed in one sitting, or any given night?


>> No.5033262

I don't feel full until I can't really eat anymore. Then I know its ok to stop eating. Or at least take a break

>> No.5033265

Well I ordered 2 large 3 topping Toppers pizzas the other day. I ate one whole pizza, basically. Pepperoni, sausage and black olive with Blue cheese dressing was all gone. Pineapple, ham, and bacon became breakfast and lunch the next day.

>> No.5033279

I'm on corticosteroids, and I find it very hard to feel satiated so I often eat until it is painful/I can't eat anymore.

>> No.5033280
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>be 7
>parents brought home a Family sized pizza
>it had Pepperoni, Sausage, Jalapenos, and mushrooms
>my family eats only 2, i ate 9.
>later that night i pooped almost pure liquid
>i couldnt get to the bathroom fast enough so there was smelly liquid shit on the floor

And to this day i can only get up to 6

>> No.5033288

Oh and when i mean 2 i only mean 2 a person, there were 3 other people there

>> No.5033290

That's not just an issue with meds. Most people these days think you're SUPPOSED to eat until you feel full when in reality you're only supposed to eat up until you feel satisfied, not bursting our of your pants in pain.

>> No.5033298

Just eat until you're done. Your brain will tell you whether that's when you can't put another morsel in, or just after a single small plate. It can vary

>> No.5033332

i never feel full though

>> No.5033334

It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to communicate to your brain that you're full

>> No.5033343

Well you're not supposed to stuff your face, you're supposed to eat slower than most people do.

>> No.5033347

...Maybe you should get tested for parasites, if you haven't.

>> No.5033358

i have been extensively tested. doctors found nothing wrong

>> No.5033363

Guess you're just a bottomless pit, man.

>> No.5033384

Most I've eaten was maybe 7 pieces of Dion's (used to be an Albuquerque-fag) pizza. But I know guys who can eat between 23-34 pieces of CiCi's pizza...weird.

>> No.5033396
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There is an extra large pizza from a local place, and it comes as a 16 inch. They are fairly large slices, and are quite heavy with multiple toppings. They also have thick crust. I ate it all, and then had bread sticks after with marinara sauce

Weird thing is I'm pretty skinny and get full very quickly most times I eat, but that time I didn't feel full until the bread sticks.

>mfw later on the toilet

>> No.5033400

Something like 36.

>> No.5033404

I've eaten an entire pizza a few times, of varying sizes, just depends on my apetite and if i have the opportunity to pick at it all night.

>> No.5033415

they are if you actually know how to cut a pizza

>> No.5033421

3 or 4 I believe. I'm not a fatass.

>> No.5033422


>> No.5033424

ate an entire costco cheese pizza once. that probably close to 5lb of pizza

>> No.5033425
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What the fuck did that pizza ever do to you?

>> No.5033426

I regularly eat entire Pizza Hut large pan pizzas in one sitting.

>> No.5033431

Is it possible to eat an entire big Chicago pizza with all that filling gloppy cheese in one sitting?

>> No.5033433

I'd agree, but some pizza places have slices that you can have many slices without getting full.
Pizza Hut has become one for me, I don't know if the US has them, but in Canada we have "pizza pizza" where I could probably eat 2 larges without too much difficulty, its like my body doesn't register it was just fed.

>> No.5033436

That's disturbing.

>> No.5033438

>some pizza places have slices that you can have many slices without getting full. Pizza Hut has become one for me

Pizza Hut Pans are crazy thick and heavy. You outta yo damn mind son

>> No.5033439

pizza pizza = lil caesars?

>> No.5033441

about 3, less the crust on the last piece. It was a pepperoni and chive pizza. So it wasn't very heavy on toppings just so you are clear. You are some disgusting, very fat, gross people on here.

>> No.5033442

Similar taglines, but they're not related.

>> No.5033444

>Pan Pizzas
I didn't read the pan part apparently, but when I went to pizza hut recently my brother and I just gorged and felt terrible about it afterwards.
He's a powerlifter, so it doesn't hurt him as much, but I don't exercise nearly as much as I should, and already have a small gut, makes me feel bad.

>> No.5033450

Depends on what toppings are on it and where it's from.

While drinking, I've put away a full Little Caesars peperoni myself, but if I get pizza from pretty much anywhere else, and there's two or more toppings on it, I can't eat more than 3, maybe 4 slices if I'm really hungry.

>> No.5033454

You'd be surprised how much fatties can eat. I knew a morbidly obese couple who would eat an entire large casserole each as a typical dinner. That said, the pizza most people are referring to in this thread is probably not Chicago style.

>> No.5033458

>the pizza most people are referring to in this thread is probably not Chicago style.
Yeah, I know, that's why I asked. But I guess if someone can put away a casserole or a lasagna, Chicago pizza wouldn't be too much different.

>> No.5033468

then you've got a retard for a brain

>> No.5033481

One time I ate an entire large pie by myself at a convention and the next morning I took the hugest shit I think I've ever shat. The fucker was probably about as long as my forearm and about as thick as my wrist.

>> No.5033485

Pizza is pretty much the only thing I gorge myself on, so I've learned to buy smaller pizzas.

>> No.5033497

It's just so easy to fucking pig out on, I don't understand why.

>> No.5033518

So everyone's a retard?

>> No.5033526

No. You just are if it takes 20 minutes to feel full

>> No.5033535

On average, that's how long it takes for the stomach to send the satiety signals to the brain.

>> No.5033539

The most I ever had was an entire large pizza in one sitting. It felt like there was a bowling ball in my stomach.

>> No.5033542

on average if you are a retard

>> No.5033544

Because it's so good and easy to eat a lot of without your stomach telling you enough is enough before it forces you to.

>> No.5033545

>that feel when I'm always self conscious about taking a third slice

I feel like everyone will judge me. Sometimes I do grab it when I think nobody will notice.

>> No.5033547

The studies were performed on average people, and average people aren't retards, so no.

>> No.5033566

If your eating pizza I don't think anyone having it exactly has being healthy in mind anyways, go for it. No one will judge you, unless of course the pizza is for everyone and you just make everyone mad because you eat too much of it leaving hardly any for anyone else.

>> No.5033574

I took a Little Ceasar's pizza, folded it in half, and ate it in less than 5 minutes. I eat so much food, I'm surprised that I'm actually normal weight for my height.

>> No.5033576

obviously they were.

If it takes 20 minutes for you to go
>oh I'm full
You should go die in a fire pls

>> No.5033586

20 slices of 16" pizza or 2.5 pizzas. It was at a pizza buffet in Texas and a friend thought he could eat more than me

>> No.5033592

Was it at least good pizza?

>> No.5033613

The satiety chemical leptin takes a bit of time to synthesize in the stomach and bind to neurons in the brain. While the stretching of the stomach does indicate fullness to some degree, more and more people are failing to recognize that sensation.

>> No.5033620

Whenever I make the journey up to Brooklyn to visit my grandmother, there is a fantastic little pizzeria down there that has been in business for at least 40 years. It is parked in a little, hidden away section of Brooklyn, but it is the only pizzeria in town, so they get enough business to keep their doors open for so long, but thankfully much of the outside world has not discovered them, because I know there would be lines all the way down the block. They genuinely make the best pizza I've ever tasted in my life. This is speaking as someone who has tasted pizza all over Chicago, New York, New Jersey, and Italy. This shit is like crack.

There's no class or elegance to it, just thick, greasy, delicious squares. (I've never tried their slices) Sprinkle on some grated Parmesan, oregano, and garlic powder, and you have the food equivalent to an orgasm. I could easily down five to six squares of a large pie before I even realize what I am doing. I am always afraid to go past that number though, in fear of the coronary bypass I might require afterwards.

Throw those bitches in the oven next day though and they're just as amazing. God I fucking love pizza.

>> No.5033624

I ate an entire large by myself. I'm not proud of that.

>> No.5033625

Different guy here. You're stupid.

There are (in fact, more than) two separate hormonal signals. The first, the hormone ghrelin, is the only hunger-related hormone produced in the stomach. It's also the only hormone that increases hunger. Ghrelin activates NPY and AGRP in the hypothalamus, and is produced in highest concentrations just before feeding. Now, since it's produced in the stomach, it has the luxury of knowing when feeding has begun, and production rapidly declines upon the stomach stretching and detecting early digestion, reducing hunger.

Reduced hunger is not the same as feeling full. Jackass. Reduced hunger means you no longer feel hunger pangs.

Fullness, or satiety, is produced primarily by leptin, which inhibits NPY and AGRP, and instead activates POMC and CART in the same area. Leptin, unlike ghrelin, is produced in the proximal small intestine, mostly in the duodenum. MEANING that satiety doesn't begin until gastic emptying begins, which doesn't begin until 20-30 minutes after initial feeding.

>> No.5033627

god I bet you feel smart. You probably believe calories are real too

>> No.5033634


>> No.5033636

I do feel smart. I'm in medical school, and you're just some schmuck who, of all boards, picked /ck/ to troll on.


>> No.5033641


>> No.5033643

Yeah, I know, I just can't feel satisfied with small quantities of things. I've found big bowls of organic brown rice pasta and sauce make me feel good.

>> No.5033652

I can't imagine a pizza buffet being that good. Just imagining a bunch of trays of various typical buffet style pizza sitting out for hours under heat lamps. I don't even think I have any of those places around where I live.

>> No.5033653
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18 slices

But they it was medium pizzas from cicis pizza buffet

It was after school meal with some friends

>> No.5033683

It was fine, better than CiCi's or something. It was at least fresh because my buddy and I were decimating the pizza as it came out.

As a rule, pizza buffets are not very good.

>> No.5033694

I think 10 is my max. It was really really good pizza.

>> No.5033707

i used to eat an entire medium pizza from pizza hut when i worked there during uni. nowadays i can only eat like three slices before i get full.

>> No.5033871

Can somebody please tell me how Cici's is? I was thinking about going sometime, but the first warning sign is $5 per person.

>> No.5033885

It's pretty bad. It might be worth the $5 just for the experience of it.

I remember the dessert pizza being pretty alright, though. Some sort of apple pie attempt. I think some places do a blueberry one now.

>> No.5033886

Can you guys rate the best pizza chains to the worst?

Little Caesars is usually utter shit, but there was this ONE SINGLE TIME I got it fresh and it was actually decent pizza for a chain.

>> No.5033890

Does it have a cheap taste similar to Domino's? Usually cheap pizza is decent as long as they drown it in garlic and cheese, but goddamn I had godfather's pizza one time and it was fucking inedible.

>> No.5033900

"You're stupid"
>Proceeds to use medical jargon like >NGY and >AGRP without explaining and then brags about being in medical school. This is why my interest in the medical field is going to be finished with a pHD not an MD. Those people are just sociopathic, narcissistic automatons looking for status and money and they never actually do research in graduate school then act like dicks to everyone else for the rest of their lives and people let them get away with it.

>> No.5033916

Back in my bulimic days I'd eat a large pie (16") from this pizzeria near my house in 20 minutes flat. I eat 2 medium slices on a normal night, 3 if I'm super hungry or I know I won't be eating for a while.

>> No.5033925

LC is my favorite fast food pizza place
Dunno why it's just perfect.
in my mind it's
>papa johns
>local shitfuck

>> No.5033932

It's okay if it's fresh, but if you get an older pizza it's just...nah.

>> No.5033933

For the price per amount of pizza, Little Caesars is the shit.
Its gotta be super fresh though, or else you're just getting a mouthful of stale cardboard and plastic cheese.
Pizza hut comes in close second. If only they weren't so goddamn greasy.
Pizza King in solid third. Square pizza and crumbly sausage is god-tier, but they don't deliver. You're forced to sit next to fatties and screaming brats in a dimly lit building
Papa johns comes in last for being so goddamn expensive and shitty sauce that always tastes too sweet. Also thier garlic dip is mostly goddamn oil and tastes like shit, which is an automatic fuck you.

>> No.5033957

about 15 slices of thos little ceasers hot and ready s

>> No.5034000

5 dollars honestly can't complain too much. Their buffalo pizza and macaroni pizza are pretty interesting. They even do requests at my local one, Asked for a mushroom jalapeno pizza and it was under the heatlamps in less than 12 minutes. breatsticks are subpar, brownie is subpar. Not sure what other desserts they have

>> No.5034006

The little ceasers near me is usually OKAY, their breadsticks are pretty good though, but after a couple hours they both don't taste very good.
One time, there was still a PLASTIC COVER on top of the pizza i shit you not. SEMI MELTED PLASTIC, they didn't even fucking remove it before they cooked it

>> No.5034137


>> No.5034147

I hope you didn't buy that, or if you did you took it back.

>> No.5034150

>Pizza hut comes in close second. If only they weren't so goddamn greasy.
PH is only good with stuffed crust. End of story.

>> No.5034164

You don't understand Anon, Cici's isn't LIKE anything.

It's a strange and impossible thing, beyond the ken of mortal men. Some people say they grow over night, when no one watches. they are staffed not by people, for you never see them above the waist. Always they serve the Machine, as it converts nothingness into "pizzas".

It pulls this food, if it can be called that, from the aether, from the dreams of long dead star gods as they ponder what pizza might be, might have been, or may yet become, but never is it pizza.

Enter, if you dare, surround yourself with the overweight lower middle class as they shuffle around, scooping up brownie with low quality sugar into their waiting maws, as the Machine slowly plants its eggs within their gullets. Gaze upon the heretical bounty, carved into grim facsimiles of pizza. Sit amongst the others, just as curious as you, and see which of you succumbs to The Sickness first.

>> No.5034195


This is a startling accurate description of Cici's.

>> No.5034218

i've eaten 6 pizzas in one night so assuming 1 pizza is 6 slices that's about 36?

>> No.5034221

A pizza is 8 slices, tons o' fun

>> No.5034222


those garlic knots doe

apple fanta

>> No.5034311

One time for breakfast I ate 12 pieces of pizza hut pan pepperoni pizza. No regrets.

>> No.5034991

Five full large pepperoni pizzas and two slices of a sixth. I used to have a ridiculously powerful metabolism. I'm still just as hungry as I used to be, a never-ending ache in the pit of my stomach that can never be filled. But now I actually gain weight when I eat.

>> No.5035021

15 or 16 at a cici's so they weren't even real slices

>> No.5035034

>I'm on corticosteroids

Me too bro. However i'm poor and cannot eat constantly as I want to. I also want to maintain my weight and have been mostly for the past 2 months. I gained about 4 lbs. Today is one of those days that I've kinda been eating a lot though (but it's still not much because as I said, I'm poor).

I don't like how "rapid weight gain" is considered a side-effect. It's increased appetite which can LEAD to rapid weight gain. Just telling people they will gain weight is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You don't have to gain weight while on corticosteroids.

>> No.5035118

I ate an 8-slice large pizza last night.
But I order a marinara pizza with only a small amount of cheese so it's not so calorie dense.

>> No.5035127

Half of a Hot n Ready. Felt pretty gross after. But I'm a hungry Skellington with a small stomach.

>> No.5035141


I took a pizza and devided it into 360 slices.
Truly it was a pizza slicing of the highest degree.

But seriously this >>5033104
I'm glad someone pointed it out right away.

>> No.5035290

I denounce thine lies and declare thee a heretic!
Holy scripture states that a pizza must must be devided into a number of slices equal or higher than a quarter of a dozen times three.

>> No.5035301

>I'm glad someone pointed it out right away.
>having to be this anal over a fucking question
Why do you retards do this shit?

>> No.5035326

I thought it was pretty witty.

>highest degree

>> No.5035411


10, but they were like oddly sliced at a buffet, so it was probably closer to like 5 or 6 regular slices.

>> No.5035426

An entire Little Caesars pizza. It wasn't a happy day.

>> No.5035473

> You don't have to gain weight while on corticosteroids.

Not the person you were responding to, but I think it depends on the individual. I'm also on corticosteroids, and I control my eating very well, and eat only healthy foods, and my face and the back of my neck are fatty and bloated. My stomach is very bloated too, but I don't think I've actually gained fat there, I think it's fluid retention, but below my neck on my upper back is definitely FAT. What the ever loving fuck. And my face is constantly puffy and flushed. I look disgusting. (In my own opinion, based on what I looked like before I was put on steroids). I've had a few days (like, 2 or 3) where I've noticed an increased appetite, but I've been very careful to watch it and satisfy myself with fresh veggies and fruit instead of worse food. Last time I had a day like that , I made myself a huge veggie wrap (and I mean huge) with nothing but veg (about 7 or 8 different kinds of vegetables) and just some balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper and herbs as dressing in it, and that sucker filled me up for the whole afternoon.
My point being, that even with me watching everything I put in my mouth, I'm still gaining weight in weird places on my body from this stuff. I think it varies person to person and depends on your other physical factors.

>> No.5035694

That sucks. For anyone who's never been on prednisone, its about as shitty as it gets. Every side effect imaginable, including what they call "unusual dreams". How in the fuck it causes that I will never understand and when you're suffering enough to actually need to take that stuff + the side effects that come with it... Do you really need your sleep fucked with too?

Also, I didn't notice any appetite issues but it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.5035706

Back in muh school days there was an excellent pizza shop that sold what they called a "slice pie". About 14" with just cheese/sauce. It was $4.80 delivered. I pounded those motherfuckers night after night. Woke up every morning with an unimaginable thirst too.

>> No.5035756

Most I've had is maybe 10 slices of a large. Usually I go for 6. Though yesterday I had a medium and had to call it quits after 4. I came back a couple hours later and had 2 more but got sick.

>> No.5035826

I've eaten a large in one sitting while drunk a time or two in years past.

>> No.5035827

>be on prednisone for asthma
>never even have cool dreams, just weird out-of-body experience type ones and the strange fear that someone is in my bedroom

>> No.5035834

Your asthma must be really bad to be on prednisone.

>> No.5035838

Ugh. I'm on prednisone for asthma too. Shit fucking sucks hard. My face looks like a bloated red balloon. And I feel like 100% ass 24/7. I can only sleep like 4 hours at a time, the weird dreams wake me up.

>> No.5035849

I'm not consistently on it, but it's something I've had to use in the past when I have a bad episode. Generally when I have to use prednisone I can't even do things like laugh without coughing, and my lung capacity is completely shot.
>tfw every time you get a cold is terrifying because it almost always leads to that kind of asthma episode

>> No.5035874

I try to limit myself to 6 out of 8 slices from a 16" pie

>> No.5035926

I only do it sometimes, but to help this feeling you lean back, open your pants, and smoke a cigarette. Maybe fart.

>> No.5035930

Only thing I've ever done was a medium Domino's thin crust alone, over a night. Two sittings. So I guess a half a pizza in one?

>> No.5036046

Question: How much does a slice cost at your local joint? Mine has 2.25 a slice 3.00 with toppings.

I was wondering if this is normal now since I remember there used to be a 99 cent place on like every corner and I wanted to know if things changed

>> No.5036281


>> No.5036292

I remember back in the old days Pizza Hut used to do all you can eat pizza and dessert, me and my mates used to get stoned as fuck and then wait until the munchies kicked in and go try put Pizza Hut out of business.

I recon I would've eaten one and a half family sized deep dish pizzas and then had some chocolate moose and soft serve ice-cream to top it off.

>> No.5036298

>chocolate moose

>> No.5036450

I know a place in manhattan that does 99 cent slices, 8 dollar pies. Pretty tasty too.

>> No.5036455
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meet lenny

>> No.5036456
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After eating all that chocolate moose, I bet he'll need a good dental plan.

>> No.5036460


>> No.5036496


>> No.5036498


>> No.5036510
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>> No.5036515



What is the highest number of whole pizzas you have eaten? That's the real question.


>> No.5038016


>> No.5038154
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>> No.5038264

Only ever a whole large pizza from plain chains

>> No.5038303

3 and a half

>> No.5038573

I am: >>5033871 & >>5033890

Went to Cici's tonight with a friend for dinner...jesus christ. It somehow blew my expectations of how shitty it would be completely out of the water. I don't think I've ever eaten pizza this atrociously terrible in my entire life. Everybody was indian and there were little kids fucking everywhere, throwing pizza slices on the ground, everything covered in grease and pizza that varied from edible, to tasteless to horrifying. As I sat there, taking in the scenery and all that was around me, I just felt a slow depression sink in, like I had fallen into this pit of despair and could never pull myself out. I look hard into the faces of the fat indian people around me, each with a dead look in their eye. Nobody fucking wanted to be here. They knew they had to be. I just kept eating slice after slice of different pizzas, wondering how far the rabbit hole of shit could possibly tumble. By the end of the night I felt as if I needed to reconsider my life actions, and my stomach felt as if the inside had coagulated into a hard mass, one which was making breathing nearly impossible.

It was scary how easy it was to throw it all up. It literally came out, like paper, shredded in little strands, like some biologically artificial substance they somehow pasted together to look like pizza. I-I'm so cold and overwhelmed with sadness and existential terror. Somebody please hold me.

>> No.5038575


>> No.5038580

all of them

>> No.5038581

I almost forget to add.

The bbq pizza was by far one of the most depressing things I've ever consumed in my life, like it entirely epitomized my entire experience of the restaurant as a whole with each bite I took.

It wasn't the most inedible pizza there (that goes to the fucking buffalo "chicken" pizza) but its very concept was just something that made me really sad. It just reminded me of something an incredibly poor working class redneck would eat, like one of the most juvenile and base foods my tastebuds have ever come in contact with. Everything about it was just so sad, I couldn't eat past three bites because the feeling kept hitting me with each one.

>> No.5038594

Yeah CiCis is fucking terrible.Words sufficient to describe it don't even exist.

>> No.5038603
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28 slices of an extra-large pizza
Two portions of large fries
And a glass of Diet Coke

God bless the new year celebrations

>> No.5038608

I used to eat there a lot as a kid, and I went there for the first time in about 10 years a few days ago.

I don't know if they've gotten worse or if I was just a dumb kid who didn't know any better, but fuck, it was awful.

I ate about 3 slices and got the fuck out of there.

Now that I think about it, it probably has gotten shittier over the years. I mean, the buffet is the same price as it was in 2000. No way they could manage that without cutting corners.

>> No.5038624

Who the fuck eats fries with pizza?

>> No.5038626

It came with a free side

>> No.5038667

Six, and that only happened once.

I normally only have 3 or 4 if cheese, or 2 or 3 if its some sort of specialty pizza like buffalo chicken

>> No.5038689


the pizza place I frequent does really good fries, so I generally get them. plus they taste great sopping up any extra sauce/cheese.

>> No.5038700
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the entirety of sweden

>> No.5038846

i would have thought that the most popular pizza topping in sweden would be nigger dicks.

>> No.5038857
File: 757 B, 71x53, 1387466051001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already nigger semen on it. If they chopped off the niggerdick, no more semen! Swedes are nothing if not pragmatic.

>> No.5038872

that's blatantly not a pizza, stop believing the lies of your new turkish overlords sweden!

>> No.5038878

3 slices of deep dish

>> No.5038883

Standard order for me is usually
Then wings, chicken tenders or jalapeno poppers

>> No.5038887

When I was 12 I could eat 1.5 16 inch pizzas. Now I'm lucky If I can wolf down 3/4ths of one.

>> No.5038889

i'm not from sweden, but all the blood in me is swedish, and that makes me ashamed.

>> No.5038895


>> No.5039066

i've downed many medium pepperoni pizzas from Little Caesars before, and i'm pretty sure i can down a whole large pepperoni pizza from anywhere in one sitting

>> No.5040004

> No way they could manage that without cutting corners.

You dumbasses... Pizza is as cheap as beans and rice and all that shit. Flour, water, yeast, tomato paste, cheap herbs if you want to get fancy, and anything that will pass for cheese. Toppings? A few dollars extra for each one will get you a small handfull of low grade vegetables (freshness doesn't matter if you are baking it on a slab of greasy cheese) or some low-grade beef/pork. Figure it to be less than $1 for a pizza, I doubt people are eating an average of 5 pizzas each.

> Tl;dr: throw down and make your own pizza from scratch at least one time before you die. I will boggle your mind how simple and cheap it is.

>> No.5040016

I can make the dough for an American large (which is extra large everywhere else) pizza for about 17¢.
If I top it with hand-crushed tomato from a tin (50¢), a few slices of fior di latte (rather than mozzarella; $1) a drizzle of olive oil (negligible amount; let's say 2¢) and a few fresh basil leaves (5¢), I could sell it for $20 and call it 'artisinal.' That's a profit over 1000%. Ridiculous.

>> No.5040033


If it so fucking cheap then why does Cici's taste like dried dog shit?

Shouldn't they be shitting out amazing artisan pizzas that get them all this huge hype for selling them in such vast quantities?

>> No.5040034


nigga, Y U so mad?

>> No.5040047


It might be easy to make but the quality of ingredients still matter. If you make a pizza with shit tier stuff, what really makes you think it's going to taste like anything but shit? There's no magical fucking pizza fairy that secretly appears in your oven and infuses your garbage with flavor.

>> No.5040049

Cici's tastes fine. The problem is YOU, not them.

>> No.5040051

I don't know.
Likely the same reason McDonald's tastes like shit. I can buy fresh beef mince/ground beef for $1.99/lb. Storebought buns cost $1 per eight (and 34¢ for homemade ones). Cheese singles cost $1 for twelve. A homemade (excepting storebought bun) quarter pounder should cost 71¢ and tastes better than McDo, doesn't it?

>> No.5040054
File: 122 KB, 420x297, fat-american[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.5040060

>. A homemade (excepting storebought bun) quarter pounder should cost 71¢ and tastes better than McDo, doesn't it?

The only time I prefer fast food to homemade is with cheeseburgers. Even when restaurants try to make them with that "homemade" taste, it just pales in comparison.

>> No.5040062

Another one?
That other pic of the fat guy on the scooter at the barbecue competition? He's Canadian. The photo was taken in Sarnia.
This kid? He's Georgian (as in the country near Armenia, not the US state). See the sign in the back? It's written in the Georgian alphasquiggles.
There are plenty of pictures of fat Americans. Use those.

>> No.5040066

I never called you American? I'm American, myself. I didn't choose the image name, I didn't have the picture saved.

>> No.5040070

4 slices

>> No.5040071

I'm 5'11, 130 pounds.

So skinny it is ugly.

>> No.5040076

I'm not the poster to whom the picture was directed, just another poster who happened to notice the file name, is all.

>> No.5040102

Only out east. Out west we have Pizza 73. Same parent company. Pizza 73 is good, but it doesn't have the slice by slice kiosks, and doesn't bake them again when you order them.

I love pizza pizza, but I do like the reliability and depth of toppings at pizza 73 as well.

>> No.5040175

It amazes me how 4chan can take even the simplest threads and create trivial arguments.

>> No.5040182

12 slices of pizza, but that was a special case. I had just gotten out of hospital and was finally allowed back on solid foods.
When I got two pizzas to eat, by myself, my family thought I was crazy and being an idiot..... how little they know.

>> No.5040185

five, when i was seven years old or so. then i was a fatass for the better part of a decade so that'll probably be my high score for life.

>> No.5040191

>counting by slices

I ate 3 large Dominos pizzas once when I was in highschool in the 1990s. Now I stick to little homemade pizzas like the size of Totinos/Jenos

>> No.5040939
File: 74 KB, 600x480, this causes me physical pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think THAT'S bad...

>> No.5040942

1 and a half, though they were various meats on those gigantic slices that some pizzerias do when you order by the slice.

I felt god awful after doing it since I normally eat like a rabbit.

>> No.5040972

When I was ~10 and finished up swimming practiced, I downed 6 slices of bacon and chicken

The most I can get nowadays is 3, lol

>> No.5043524

It added up to FOUR large pizzas, all by myself.
A week after my 12th birthday - I'd been tasked to do ALL the yardwork by myself (lawnmowing, hedge trimming, plus cleaning up all the mess after I was done) before the family went out to Shakey's Pizza (RIP) for dinner that night. All that work made my puberty FLAME ON - and lo all these [mumble-mumble] years later, I can still eat most people outta house and home, but I have to be hungry first.

>> No.5044942

>drunk as all hell
>me and a friend each order a large pizza
>he passes out after two slices
>I keep drinking
>I keep eating
>wake up in the morning to a punch in the head
>"where is the pizza?"
>well shit, 14 slices
>the toilet didn't talk to me for a week after that

>> No.5044992

>muh heritage

>> No.5045971

> Never heard of most of those places

Donatos - nice thin crust, actually has flavor. Only pepperoni I can tolerate.

Marcos - jumpin jesus on a pogo stick I only had it once but it was fabtastic. First time I'd experienced feta + white pizza.

Dominos - these guys get a compliment because I'm so tired of feeling like "ah such and such place was awesome, but they've really gone downhill". These guys somehow managed to go uphill when they revamped their menu. Never seen a food place do that. It was essentially a bust-out... Completely different food but continuing to use the name because it was established. Just wish they could get that pan pizza crust crispy, otherwise its all gold.

Pizza hut - they are the opposite of my dominos description. They barrelled full hotass down an 89 degree slope from what they were in the 80's. It was when they broke out in to delivery service they decided to go from niche dine-in (re: expensive but worth it) to mass produce horseshit. I still like their thin crust. I live in the land of mom-n-pop places selling NY style "thin crust". Its just skimpy hand tossed. PH is only place I can get it now.

Godfathers used to be beautiful when it was a dine-in only place. That's gone. Only one I've seen in 20 yrs was some mutation at a gas station in Florida. Frozen horsepussy nonsense that had nothing to do with the place. I did sense a tinge of delicious in the grease on the crust for just a split second, then I thought, "ok, if only thing standing between me and humiliation for getting fucked out of $3 for purchasing this is a greasy taste, I really need to quit doing drugs. Or do harder drugs".

Papa Johns - that place is a joke. Bland, the garlic butter just tastes like corn oil and over the years they started to skimp on the amount of salt they put in the "garlic oil", I mean wtf? How much does salt cost?

>> No.5046018

Forgot to mention CiCis.

If gorging on frozen pizza is your thing, do it up. Just be sure to go in off hours and avoid the kids. The screaming, the germs, one kid headbutted me right square in the nuts when I crossed paths with him. $6 down the drain. Some sawbones a few posts up laid out the borax, but frankly, hormones aside I lose my appetite when my nuts are throbbing.

Neat concept tho, but it seems like a stoner thing. I always prefered to just go to a diner for pancakes.

>> No.5046033

Oh god no.

The last time I went to CiCi's, I had fucking horrible explosive diarrhea the entire next day. It felt like there was a fire hose inside my ass spraying out my insides into the toilet all day. I had to take like 3 showers because I felt so dirty from all the splash back out of the toilet.

CiCi's: never again.

>> No.5046039

I'm the original corticosteroids guy, and I'm on prednisolone for eczema.

Water retention is probably the biggest factor in weight gain. I find I crave salt so much, which makes it even worse for water retention. I've gained less weight than I would on an average diet, because I eat a very low fat diet.

My face is quite red, but the worst is my neck being all bloated and giving me double chins. It makes me look so fat. I've got a lot of stomach bloating, too.

I'm being weened off prednisolone, after being on it since March in varying doses and being moved onto methotrexate, a carcinogenic drug. Wish me luck.

>> No.5046057

went to cici's

saw the mac and cheese pizza

I'd never had mac and cheese pizza.

Yeah I got a little bit of the other stuff, but god damn I must of had 20 slices of mac and cheese pizza

Next day on the toilet I swear I was shitting out whole macaroni pieces like a machine gun.

Still get it every time I go there though

>> No.5046068
File: 266 KB, 1600x1200, stuffed pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember the name of the place or have any pictures, but once I ate about 3/4 of one of these stuffed double pizzas that weight about 6 lb. No regrets.

>> No.5046070

>start new job
>boss takes entire lab out for lunch
>Fancy pizza place
>no one eats much for some reason
>i eat like 8 slices

>> No.5046158

Probably 8 or 10.

>> No.5047524

I think I've eaten like twenty over the course of an evening one time. Now I space out a pizza to a two to three day thing.

>> No.5047526


I have eaten about 10 slices of large pizza.

>> No.5047647

That looks like some potent pizza. Never seen one with whole green olives. Could probably handle 1.5 slices of that.

> These new captchas are fucking impossible. I guess I better throw down and donate.

> Thanks Obama

>> No.5047653
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I ate this whole thing while really drunk after not having any food for like 24 hours

>> No.5047718


onions? yes please

>> No.5048624

onions and extra cheese is my favoite combo from that place

>> No.5048625

I am so fucking hungry right now fuck my life.

>> No.5048904


I am disappoint.

You make nice pizzas usually. Am I a drag to you?

>> No.5049650

Two large dominos worth

I'm 5'11 and 185lbs. 40 inch chest, 32 inch chest, so not a fat fuck or anything.

>> No.5049662

2 large pepperoni pizzas within 1 hour in one sitting while playing World of Warcraft back in 2011. I never could do it again.

>> No.5049691

18 slices at the pizzahut allyoucaneat