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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5031708 No.5031708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So co/ck/collectors, who would you say is your spicefu if you had to choose one and only?

Mine would either be black pepper-chan, or cayenne-sama.

How about you?

>> No.5031720

Just me then?

>> No.5031719

paprika is my fav, specially when i make blackened chicken linguini alfredo
the paprika crust on that chicken so good.

>> No.5031723

I would say that my spicefu is takethisbullcrapbackto/a/-chan

>> No.5031725
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pic related

>> No.5031726

Togarashi if we are being weeaboo about it.

>> No.5031729

Anon you'll never get a spicefu with an attitude like that

>> No.5031739

Have you eaten breakfast with your spicefu yet today?

>> No.5031742

4 cups potatoes, diced
1 cup chopped onions
4 tablespoons butter
paprika, to taste
salt and pepper, to taste
Cook diced potatoes in boiling water for about 4 minutes, until just a bit tender but not cooked. Drain potatoes and toss with onions. Heat butter medium heat in a heavy skillet; add potatoes and onions. Fry, bringing potatoes up from bottom of pan with a spatula occasionally for even cooking and browning. Season to taste with paprika, salt and pepper.
Serves 4.

better than mcdonalds fried shitbrowns

>> No.5031757

Mine is definitely chilli powder-chan :3

>> No.5031865

So paprika-dan?

>> No.5031874


>> No.5031881


Normal, not shit-for-brains folks on /ck/ don't anthropomorphize the stuff they work with just to relieve their fantasies and devote their loneliness-stemmed psychosis.

I, for one, rather cook something tasty and spend time nicely with my close ones, instead of making them up.

>> No.5031894

Why not both?

>> No.5031898

salt-kun and mulato pepper-sama

>> No.5031958


>> No.5031964

>what is board culture?
>what is 4chan?

>> No.5031967

My heart can't decide. On one hand, Cumin-chan's bright recognizable qualities help me make my cultural heritage matter through food, but Bay leaf sempai's more serious attitude and somber tone makes sure that anythings serious I make is complete. And then there's the bombshell cayenne-sama.

>> No.5031970

dude beef stew, never look back

>> No.5031968

oh rosemary-san you make cooking lamb a pleasure like no other

>> No.5031971

As much as you'd like to find solace in thinking that seriously antropomorphizing different objects as partners is part of board culture, it's not. Aside from weeaboo, people either use it as a joke or think of it as some sort of messed up behavior.

And while 'to each their own', treating objects as dear love because of social retardation or lost touch with reality IS a messed up behavior.

>> No.5031974
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This is the worst thread I've seen on /ck/

>> No.5031977

Dude shut the fuck up we're only doing this for one thread

>> No.5031980
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>people either use it as a joke

hey i think you figured it out, faggot.

Jesus could you sperg out any more? I know it's hurled around too much here, but seriously you're just broadcasting how socially maladjusted you are yourself by giving so many fucks and not just skimming past the thread. 4chan is for jap culture nerds, aka WEABOOS. boil your head.

>> No.5031985

Point in case, many of us are not jap culture nerds. Hell, many of us want weeaboos to stay in their boards.

That's why some people here go rage-overboard when waifu stuff happens, I guess.

>> No.5031987


>> No.5031991

Case in point* is what you're looking for.
if you are not a jap culture nerd then you belong on the reddit. it's that fucking simple. Its not that 4chan's my internet club, it's just the entire site is designed by and populated with weebs. Granted every board shouldn't be a big anime shitshow, because there's /a/, /m/, and etc. for that, but look at the other boards and use that tiny little rock you call a brain. Why are ALL of our ads for J-list? Why are 85% of the banners anime-related instead of just being le maymay army? go fuck yourself man you'll never get it.

>> No.5032000

>stop having fun!!! stop it you dumb weab fags!!!!1111

>> No.5032058
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Without a doubt, Smoked paprika-chan goes in almost everything i make, i've had the same bottle of it for years.

>> No.5032064

based picture

>> No.5032065

I prefer regular paprika-dono

>> No.5032093

Did anon's use of the words solace and anthropomorphizing threaten you?

>> No.5032096

>go fuck yourself man you'll never get it.
lol thank god

It's like spraying yourself with sex repellent and guaranteeing your family will be disappointed in you and you will not have IRL friends.

>> No.5032109

Yeah but they'll never know the love of a good spicefu.

A fair price.

>> No.5032120 [DELETED] 


>like tears in the raid

>> No.5032121

I can't pick favorite spices. You could say I am a gigolo-san hee hee hee.

I use blacker pepper-chan the most, although I don't like to think of our relationship as me "using her".

Cumin-sama and oregano-chan are also favorite waifus of mine.

Do not get me started on garlic salt-kouha!!!

>> No.5032273

black pepperbachan

>> No.5032289

Is Mrs's dash an answer here

>> No.5032360

oregano <3

>> No.5032404

Does garlic count? Garlic counts. Garlic-san

>> No.5032506

*tips chef hat*

>> No.5032575 [DELETED] 

Reminder to everyone to report for non-cooking related.

>> No.5032583

Are you telling us you reported this thread?

Why? It's funny.

>> No.5032590

Reminder to you that clicking the minimize button is much easier than reporting the thread, writing a post that said you reported the thread, and then sniffing your own farts because of how superior you smell to yourself.

>> No.5032636

Stating that you reported a thread is against the rules.

>> No.5032635
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MFW despite watching anime, playing vidja and channing as my main source of entertainment for the last 7 years I've probably gotten laid more times than you ever will

>> No.5032647

I've had sex on average 3-7 times a week for the past 7 years.

>> No.5032640

this is cooking related, fuckwit. it's just a goofy way to talk about your favorite spices. I swear every fucking school break

>> No.5032657

aha, but did you settle on one plain looking girl 7 years ago or have you been able to nail pretty much whoever you want like I have?

>> No.5032693

i don't know about that guy, but i'm hapilly married and we're both freaks, shes beutiful and i've been fucking almost every day for the past 5 years. the only times we dont fuck is when we're sick or too tired, and even then i sometimes get a bj. yeah she falls asleep with my dick in her mouth, like that one furry comic(sweet dreams i think it's called) sometimes my dick wakes u sore from all the suckling but it's SO worth it.

>> No.5032796

Who's your favorite spicefu though?

>> No.5032823

i already replied, it was paprika, it was the second post in this shit thread

>> No.5032850

You realise they're not serious, right?

>> No.5032854

>4chan is for jap culture nerds
you're both a little wrong

>> No.5032858

I find that it's more of an ironic thing
While there are many weaboos and 4chan, most users are not weaboos. That's just the reputation it has.

>> No.5032859


>> No.5032861

No, it's just that it seems that he's making very basic assumptions about our intentions, the way a pseudo-intelligent and oblivious psych-student would.

>> No.5032864

>spices have NOTHING to do with cooking
well your foods must be boring

>> No.5032893

If you have that waifu complex it is easy to make valid assumption about you. Just saying.

>> No.5032900

>Point in case
For all intensive purposes, lol wut?

>> No.5032907

From 18-22 I had a period of intense sexual activity with the idea that more sexual partners was the key to satisfaction.

Since then, I've been with the same woman for 7 years and am far happier. Everyone should go through that exploratory phase when they are younger, but eventually you outgrow it and look for more.

>> No.5032919

read his post and tell me seriously that he isn't taking the concept of a waifu way too far

>> No.5032921

No spicefu because they would all burn my dick

>> No.5032925
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take it easy

>> No.5032927
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No-spicefu faggot detected

>> No.5032941

hope she enjoys her throat cancer

>> No.5033014

The problem is that you assume we have a waifu complex in the first place, and that we're not just poking fun of waifuism while we discuss spices
and THAT'S what makes that guy pompus

>> No.5033018

>For all intensive purposes
I see what you did there

>> No.5033031

Favourite spices are tumeric and ginger, favourite herb is basil.

>> No.5033032


So, since spicefu as a blanket term only covers so much, can we have alliumistresses too?
>Leek-chan you're so modest uguuu~

>> No.5033082

No need to be cold anon donosamakumeiji

>> No.5033087

Don't talk shit about leek-chan unless you fittin to get hit player.

>> No.5033177

Leek-chan is a beautiful modest girl but so sorry she is not a spicefu.

Black pepper-sama and the mercurial but sexy cinnamon-sama are my waifus!!!!

>> No.5033329

>can we have alliumistresses too?

No one else can have Garlic-sama, she belongs to me. I love her even more than Cumin-tan.

>> No.5033364
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>> No.5033373

forgot to add why

1. I can eat it raw
2. you can't over spice
3. easy to grow
4. lots of flavor

>> No.5033374

Sounds like garlic to me, but I would wager a lot of people would disagree. I eat her raw while I'm cooking though.

Sir, I challenge you to a duel.

>> No.5033417

no love for saffron-chan?

>> No.5033423

No matter how far you go from /a/ and /b/, this is still 4chan.

Anyway, cumin-kun is best waifu. She may not be everything, but she's the one I love most.
I had a fling with tabasco-san way back when, though.

>> No.5033427

>no love for pricey, metallic-tasting poop-spice
No. None at all.
You know how some people hate coriander leaf/cilantro? I think I'm missing something on saffron. It tastes like chewing on tin foil.

>> No.5033435

1. I can eat it raw
2. you can't over spice
3. easy to grow
4. lots of flavor

>> No.5033486
File: 37 KB, 300x300, IMG_8335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too poor to reliably afford any spices besides Salt and Pepper for my daily rice and beans and oatmeal
>Every time I go to the store to get my 50lb bags of grains I go to the spice rack
>It's like an entire high school full of girls I'll never meet or spend time with
>Every day I feel older and further away from my childhood and ever having dreams
>But Salt and Pepper will always be there for me
>They're all I really need

>> No.5033520

Hell no.
You're Spice-fu is a tease and a gold digger

>> No.5033550

OP I generally hate weeabos but this thread is fucking golden.
All these butthurt fags are just mad they can't generate laughs or happiness from their fellow man and resort to dick waving on an anonymous message board. In order to compensate for the deep emotional pain they feel everyday.
Even though her pedigree is questionable to say the least LemonPepper-Tan just has that zest I need. She really gets me guys

>> No.5033589

I grow my own cilantro since the ready to use stuff at the store (sold as Korriander) in Germany is weak. I think they grow it next to celery. I love cilantro, and growing my own spicefu, raising it to meet my exact needs, and taking it whenever I want...adds a whole new level of creep.

>> No.5033681

>tfw your long-time waifu has been Oregano-chan but you're starting to develop feelings for her cousin Marjoram-chan