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File: 20 KB, 298x550, Diet_coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5028121 No.5028121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Theories aside, how bad for you is aspartame? I've been on a diet for 3 months now and lost a ton of weight, (190 pounds down to 160, i'm pretty much at my target weight) and i'm having no problem maintaining it at all. But ive started drinking loads of diet coke due to it having 0 calories or sugar. It keeps me feel and stops me craving sugary things. It's sort of my miracle drink. I'm also yet to notice any negative effects from it, i'm not sure why people say they feel 'so much better' when they stop drinking it.

>> No.5028129


It's not a food product. It should never have been introduced.

>> No.5028132

Seems strange that diet coke makes you feel full and keeps the cravings away, but if it works for you then that's great. Apparently aspartame is supposed to give you headaches or something, but I imagine you'd have to be drinking a shit ton of diet coke for that to happen.

>> No.5028136

Nobody knows
I know what the long term effects of sugar are on my body
I have no idea about aspartame though so I'd rather not mess with it
Artificial sweeteners are bad Imo
There was never anything wrong with sugar. It was unjustly demonized

>> No.5028135

It does contradict what i read about it, it apparently makes you hungry. But whenever i feel like a snack at night i just have a can and i'm good until the next day then.

>> No.5028138

been drinking it for 10 or more years and still alive but I don't have health insurance or a doctor so who knows what's wrong with me

also you will never go back to regular soda because it tastes disgustingly sweet after a couple years of drinking diet

>> No.5028141

I see your point, but if my choice is between knowingly guzzeling down a load of sugar/calories or taking a risk with a sweetener, i'll take the risk any day. The amount of foods you read about 'newly discovered potential health risks' these days is ridiculous

>> No.5028142

>how bad for you is aspartame?
not at all

it has no proven negative effects on the body

>> No.5028147

Just drink water

>> No.5028149

Drink what you want OP.

I'm sticking with sugar purely based off taste, but there really is nothing wrong with aspartame.

>> No.5028151

Why would i want to drink my life limited to just water

I dont live in a third world country, fuck that.

I actually prefer the taste of diet coke, maybe i'm weird

>> No.5028156

I prefer the taste of Diet Coke also. Well, actually, my favorite is Coke Zero but yeah I prefer artificial sweetener taste to sugar when it comes to soft drinks.

>> No.5028161

Because I can't think of anything more healthy or just plain neutral to drink than water. It's not all I drink, I love some good whiskey or fresh ground coffee but I understand the importance of staying hydrayed

>> No.5028163

I drink 2 litres of water a day though, i'm fine on that score

>> No.5028168

>theories aside
Well in that case it's perfectly fine

>> No.5028173

Cool, theories arent of much interest to me. Living life on the edge, and all that.

>> No.5028175

>why would I just drink water instead of chemicals
>do I look like I'm poor or something?

>> No.5028183

you're just asking for someone to say "water is a chemical too fucktard"

>> No.5028218


It's fine.

>> No.5028268

welcome mr. Coca Cola company employer

>> No.5028292

what is something that you like

>> No.5028303

the bread I bake every day

>> No.5028316

welcome mr. flour shill

>> No.5028338

yeah I work for that company that produces all the flour in the world

>> No.5028343

case in point

>> No.5028348
File: 22 KB, 412x424, chemistrydipolescicx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do it!

>Why would I drink water instead of chemicals
>Thinking just because something is manmade its bad for some reason

>> No.5028349

Soda is pure poison for your body, diet is even worse.
> I'm also yet to notice any negative effects from it
Don't drink any for a day. I guarantee you'll get headaches since your body is addicted to it now. Your best option is to stop drinking soda altogether. Phase out a can a day, and don't buy anymore. Opt for fruit juices instead, they have plenty of sugar to give you energy.

>> No.5028353

Anybody else tried diet mountain dew? It actually tastes really good and I don't even drink diet drinks normally . It is also good with a bit of Everclear.

>> No.5028358

Headache would be from caffeine, dumbass.

>> No.5028363

Yes, I know.
Doesn't change the fact that your body is addicted to it.

>> No.5028366

1. you make it sound like i have an addiction, which is amusing
2. i go plenty of days without it, and havent got a single headache or 'craving'

>> No.5028369

OK, but caffeine doesn't have anything to do with aspartame/other artificial sweeteners.

>> No.5028515
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1387243464327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5028673

>All this broscience

I'll stick with my Coke Zero.

>> No.5028702

>pure poison
citation needed

OT, I remember reading legitimate studies that said artificial sweeteners triggered the release of insulin just like real sugar, but because there isn't any actual caloric content, there's nothing for the insulin to do. Therefore your body craves sugar and you're hungry.

My other reason for avoiding artificial sweetener is just that your palate adjusts (quickly, too) to lowered levels of sweetness. Keeping the diet coke in your diet means stuff like a snickers bar would still taste good, whereas if you cut sweet beverages our altogether (and similar things) that candy bar is very quickly going to be in the "what the fuck that's so sweet it's nasty" category.

>> No.5028761

This is a good thing. Snickers ARE ridiculously sweet, WAAAAY too sweet. Nothing in nature has that much sugar and is so calorie dense and with so little nutritional value. We should not be eating snickers.
Having said that, after having your taste buds affected this way will allow you to enjoy fruits and vegetables much more.

>> No.5031566


extracted, refined sugar is literally poison. And yes, I know the definition of literally.

Fructose needs to be paired with dietary fiber. If not, it is a poison in every sense of the word. Metabolically, extracted, refined sugar is treated the same way ethanol is. You know what ethanol is? FERMENTED SUGAR.

>> No.5031609


>Why would i want to drink my life limited to just water

I assumed you were an adult. Quit bitching about your tasty sugar drinks and drink the essence of fucking life instead.