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[ERROR] No.50274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tfw you lose your timeslot to "Reddit: the animation"

>> No.50356

>blaming it on the reddit boogeyman
>in the year of our lord aku 2017

>> No.50432
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You don't like McNugget Sauce??? You don't like Carls Jr??? What are you a loser?

>> No.50557

I never thought I'd be sick of Rick and Morty. I'm sick of Rick and Morty. This is probably the gap in the episode schedule.

>> No.50618

Honestly, Rick and Morty isn't as good as everyone says, it's just a bandwagon to obsess over the show.

>> No.50780

/co/mbler, you need to learn to deal with sudden changes to your routine, someday mommy will die and you will have to move out into the real world.

>> No.50793

Kinda like how Jack fags slide threads huh

>> No.51270
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>> No.51350
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DeMarco has a statement for Jack fans.

>> No.51409

Someone in another thread complaining about this called it "rick and sjw'y" and the fact that I had to read that combination of letters makes me glad something happened to upset everyone so much.

>> No.51448

If that's how he feels, then he should be muted for telling thousand of people to fuck off in favor of Dick & Shorty.

>> No.51476
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How can you not love reddit's top voted animation of all time?

>> No.51503

What a fag, does something stupid and doesn't even deal with the consequences.

>> No.51520
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>> No.51741

Why did they think delaying something everyone was looking forward to for a week to instead air the same episode ten times in a row would be funny? This "April's Fools' joke" is just an exercise in pissing off their audience. There's nothing cute or amusing about it.

>> No.51771


>> No.51873

I don't even mind Rick & Morty, but showing the same episode 6 times in a row is fucking stupid.

>> No.51926
File: 9 KB, 403x497, ss+(2017-04-02+at+12.24.41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52042

>does something stupid
This is probably raking in money from normies though. /co/ would've liked this if it wasn't fucking over Jack.

At the very least the combination of Jack and RnM's success might spur [as] to pursue more originals and less Sethshit.

>> No.52049

Ya Mcdonalds for how much free promotion they are going to get for the fat faggots at reddit.

>> No.52091

What a semen guzzler.

>> No.52141

even more stupid considering people can just watch it on the stream. They could air the reruns and Sam Jack at the same time easily but they didn't.


>> No.52164


>> No.52296

Pretty sure the attention span of any one who watches this show will prevent that.

>> No.52298
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I just "REEEEEEE'D" something too. I'm fucking angry.

>> No.52352


>> No.52619

Killed any investment that could be made into future plots.

>> No.52674

There's a difference between "a sudden change to your routine" and having something that you were looking forward to delayed for the shittiest fucking reason possible.

>> No.52716

I just filled it out and put Viper's "Kill urself my man" video in the comments.

>> No.52738

I probably wont have next saturday off so yeah.
this isn't funny in the least and they succeeded in making me dislike R&M.
I hadn't turned on the tv in years until jack came back, this is the first time I've felt this exited for a show since I was a kid.
Now it's just famguy tier shock value garbage on repeat.
honestly this is bad for [as], R&M and samurai jack.
not funny, just blatantly bad and on a network with so few good shows these days they decide to lower the number of good shows airing even more.
TTG and R&M with your host seth mcfarlane.

>> No.52868

Yeah it was good before other people I don't like liked it.

>> No.52917

I wonder if everyone else thought of this and actually did it.

>> No.53003


They know you'll come back for jack.
your comments are likely fueling someones wank session at [as].
if you're going to comment, make it something along the lines of switching to a competitor and try to be as serious as possible instead of reeeeee and swearing.
make it real business like

>> No.53012
File: 24 KB, 347x350, 5916592814f35735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna see that Samsung Galaxy commercial a few dozen more times!!!!!

>> No.53030

>was on since 8pm EST
>streaming on their website
>will show all this week at 10pm
>rest of the season not until the summer
>have Demarco play coy then we get that "You didn't miss it! yes you did LOL Toonami bumper

but fuck us right?

>> No.53040
File: 21 KB, 891x114, ss+(2017-04-02+at+12.42.13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53047

It was good before everything else interesting was replaced by the same fucking episode on loop. I honestly just don't give a shit about where the show goes now.

>> No.53073

fuck you tumblr this is a rick and morty board
hoow does it feel to be outstaged by a show that resolver all the plot points in 5 minutes while it took you 20 years to solve one?

>> No.53134

they're just as pissed

>> No.53135

Bait so low quality it doesn't even deserve a reaction image.

>> No.53182

>I'm glad everyone is upset because some random faggot in some other random thread called my favorite show "sjw"
The autism is real.

>> No.53198
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>> No.53446

Itunes might put it up anyway since the schedule was a last minute change, they might not have gotten word.

Happens to other shows

keep an eye on itunes please

>> No.53788

Enjoy your week of waiting bitch
You already waited 13 years after all