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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5020584 No.5020584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reddit secret santa anon messages me saying he hopes I like cooking
>get excited
>finally receive package


>> No.5020586
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>> No.5020588

his and hers dragon dildos

>> No.5020591

its going to be full of dicks

>> No.5020590
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>> No.5020593
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>> No.5020594
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so cool! Can't wait to try

>> No.5020599

Filthy dumb reddit scum

>> No.5020600
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holy shit i am jealous

where2cop that totoro bento?

>> No.5020604

>jap shit

why am I not surprised

>> No.5020610


>> No.5020643

/a/ told me j-list was dumb one time

i probably shouldn't listen to /a/ though

what should i do?

>> No.5020649

not pinku. fail.

personally, i'd toss the box, but keep the chopsticks. probably toss the cookbook after one read-through as well

>> No.5020670

2 kotoba check, chibi size check,kawaii design check, matching hashi check, plastic construction nope must be ceramic.

>> No.5020671

You could try killing yourself, I guess. Some crises were not meant for mere mortals.

>> No.5020673
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>> No.5020691

master shake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my fayvurite shoh evarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.5020697

Your fat hands look pretty fucking fat. I bet you're fat OP, therefore I hate you.

>> No.5020938
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>> No.5020941

I've had hit and miss with the reddit secret santa. I mean its a great oppertunity to spread some goodwill and _possibly_ get some neat shit. Two years ago I got a god damn $60 video game, last year I got lube.. which was nowhere near any of my interests. Haven't gotten this years yet. I always try to give out a good gift though.

I was talking to somebody I know irl that frequents /ck/ and 4chan as well about maybe trying to push a secret santa program on here. But we quickly decided that was probably a very, very bad idea.

>> No.5020954


Wow, shit tea and French Italian crackers. Almost like that faggot knew your disgusting-to-look-at hamwhale self needs to go on a fucking diet.

>if you killed yourself, no one would miss you

I hope you get raped and killed in a home invasion you miserable twat

>> No.5020955

>got a $5 shit gift that someone put 0 work into
>Other people got $6000 laptops and other fucking bullshit

>> No.5020956
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>> No.5020962


No fuck you
No one cares about what some leddit bumfluff bought your fat ass to try to get into your size 28 pants
Fuck off cunt

>> No.5020964


>guy sends me a package
>stick hand in the way of package to prove i'm a girl
jesus christ do you really need the attention that badly? can you not just take a normal picture of the box without your hands? no one gives a fuck about you

>hey guys OP here btw i'm a grill lol XD yay!

>> No.5020977

holy fat you're fat.

>> No.5020978
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>> No.5020984

>I hope you get raped and killed in a home invasion you miserable twat

getting revved up for the holiday season?

it will be over in a few weeks. keep your doors and windows tightly shut, stay off the internet and avoid tv and radio, and you should make it ok.

>> No.5020988


wow. please settle down. OP was covering the address to keep weirdos like you from stalking her.

and for the love of god please try not to panic at the sight of a female. we are pretty much harmless if you don't show any signs of fear :)

>> No.5020992

/a/ is fucking terrible. try it

>> No.5020993

>implying that's a grill
>implying that's not a fat ass neckbeard who painted his nails to match his MLP fleshlight

>> No.5020996


btw i'm a grill too :)

>your face when hamwhale OP could've crossed out the address with a marker

>> No.5021042

holy fat fat fat

I'm not getting anything for christmas because it's a shitty human holiday.

>> No.5021057

It's like a pig grew fingers on it's trotter and painted the nails.

>> No.5021058
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as opposed to an awesome Martian holiday?

>> No.5021066

>I'm not getting anything for christmas because it's a shitty human holiday.
no, thats why you arent getting anyone anything. you arent getting anything probably because you dont have friends or family or they hate you

>> No.5021069


lol look at dat landwahle

>> No.5021072



>> No.5021079

gtfo of my /ck/, reddot hambeast

>> No.5021081

It's okay OP.

>> No.5021124
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>> No.5021155

It looks like a man's hand with painted nails to me.

>> No.5021178

Couldn't you just have out tape or marked out the address with soime sort of ink or marker.
>I'm gonna show all these people I'm a girl with my hand, that way I get replies and attention

Fuck off at cunt

>> No.5021182


>> No.5021206
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When did /ck/ turn into /r9k/?

>> No.5021209


>> No.5021224

Oh dang that's cute, OP. I'm kinda jelly.

>> No.5021226
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>> No.5021231

i wish a reddit user would send me something nice in order to overcompensate for his unfulfilling life :(

>> No.5021237


every board nowadays is just /r9k/ with a theme

>> No.5021692

For a second there I thought your hand was chopped off because your sweater matches the color of your counter
Took me like five seconds to get it

>> No.5021710

Thats the floor dopey.

>> No.5021813

Nice op! If you enjoy the book you should check out the authors blog, at least her old posts. She's been having medical issues for quite some time now and so she rarely posts about food now, which is a shame.

>> No.5022092

I honestly feel you've just insulted 4chan. Of all the boards, /r9k/ needs a solid purging.

>> No.5022155

>not covering up the tracking number

>> No.5022780
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I'm laughing way more than I should.

>> No.5022793


>> No.5022944

if you look kinda cross eyed, her sweater is the same color as the carpet, somewhat making it look like a loose arm

>> No.5022964

Come on, we all know OP is a fat neckbeard that paints his nails.

>> No.5022966
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What could be in the box?

>> No.5022987

>Implying some faggot like you from da 4chanzzzz is better.

>> No.5023003

Feeling lonely?

I thought the people who freaked out at the mention of women or significant others were bad. This is a new level - people who get upset at the mention of friendship, good will, or positive emotions/experiences.

>> No.5023005

>Sewing material

>> No.5023146

Fein Pickeled Dicks?

>> No.5023168

at first I thought that said
>the house of fine feels Ltd.

>> No.5023772
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Food maybe?

>> No.5023812

I appreciate that OP keeps posting pictures despite fucklords like >>5020954 >>5020962

Jesus titty fuckin Christ, some people

>> No.5023818

Suck it, fatty.

>> No.5023825

>tfw grills only like bad boys cooking
>tfw i cooked for a girl and she wouldnt sleep with me
>tfw no gf to cook with

>> No.5023883

I was wondering why OP was getting shit on so much, but then I found out OP was a female. Maybe next time, grill.

>> No.5023889

>getting this irrationally angry because you finally have a chance to talk so some cunt.

It's you faggots always sperging out about m-muh gender what always end up giving them attention. Kill yourself.

>> No.5023983

>jesus christ do you really need the attention that badly?

OP mentioned Reddit. Their userbase CRAVES attention.

>> No.5024021
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Why the fuck do you hold your arm in such a weird way? Fuck this.

>> No.5024026

>left hand covering address so no one creeps
>right hand holding the photo
op is a fat sack but I can sort of see the logic behind the pose almost

>> No.5024033

hope you like cooking!

>hope you'reva weeaboo faggot

>> No.5024037

how that "santa" got your mailing address to send you that package? huh?

>> No.5024038

She's trying to angle it in a way that doesn't make her look like a fat fucking tub of shit, but completely fails because it still looks like a hogs foot.

>> No.5024107

Do...do you understand how Secret Santa works?

Also, go back to Reddit, shitcunt OP.

>> No.5024187
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>still being poor

>> No.5024196

Yay. You're female. And fat.

>> No.5024199

fucking LOL'D

>> No.5024224
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Every hand posted ITT has been larger than my foot

>> No.5024228

her beta orbiter weeabo bf sent it and hes probably masturbating to the thought of her eating food with the chopsticks

>> No.5024235

>I hope you get raped and killed in a home invasion
>implying even the most desperate weeaboo 4chan kiddie would hit that

>> No.5024236

>OP was covering the address to keep weirdos like you from stalking her.

Unlike every male who just blurs it out in ms paint, right? ;)

>> No.5024246

>mfw attending my town's annual bake off
>try my hardest, scouring the net for the best recipes and tricks, putting my heart into every little detail of my cake
>mfw day of the bake off
>chad thunderpasta takes home every medal
>that feel when you'll never be that naturally talented at cooking

I might as well kill myself

>> No.5024247


The ability to use tools and use them to solve problems in a straightforward pragmatic fashion is a uniquely male trait. Females do not analyze scenarios in the same way. They see a variety of possible social advantages that they can gain by behaving in variously manipulative ways.

This is why the female must not be trusted. Saudi Arabia has the right idea, keep them locked up indoors and don't, under any circumstances, allow them to drive cars. Women drivers are the worst.

>but he just came out of nowhere!


>> No.5024249


> i like cooking

you like eating you fat slob, do not confuse those

>> No.5024253


> white sturgeon
> not for the poor

pick one

>> No.5024403

/k/ runs a great Se/k/ret Santa program, but they are one of the most bro boards.

>> No.5024426

I semi-regularly exchange snacks with a girl I met on /ck/. It's fun, I find /ck/ goers to be more stable than most other boards.

>> No.5024440

I'm probably one of /ck's/ oldestfags and I'd make a dress out of your skin in a new york second.

>> No.5024453
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>> No.5024498


Another chubby hand

>> No.5024502

pls go