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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 563 KB, 722x422, shiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5020138 No.5020138[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys.
The past few years I have LOVED the Shiner Ruby Red Bird. I called it the perfect summer beer. A beer that made me want to go out and get hot and sweaty just to be able to come inside and guzzle one down. I always hunted it down towards the end of the season.
This year I bought a sixer and couldn't finish it. I tried a few more sixers and same shit. There are still two in the back of my fridge by the baking soda.

Same thing with Holiday Cheer. It was my go-to during Winter. I remember telling people "PEACHES!! PECANS!! I CAN TASTE THEM!" It has taken me a week to drink three. And the third is sitting in front of me getting warm.

I came to ask you what the hell happened? Bad year? They change something? I figured you would know /ck/

>> No.5020145

DUDE. I feel your pain.
I grew up relatively close to Shiner, and drank Shiner beers all my life. I, like you, loved the Ruby Red Bird when I first bought it. LOVED IT. Like you said, perfect summer beer, The last six of it I bought sat in the cabinet forever, untouched except for 1, until I had drank all the other beers I had. Same with the Cheer. Same with the Smokehouse. IDK what the deal is, but it seems like they've changed the formulas a bit. Maybe because they are mass-marketing them now. I mean, I can get more varieties of Shiner where I live now (in NorCal), than I did living in Central Texas. I think perhaps that's it.
Anyway, on a brighter note, if you can find Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome, that's a nice Christmastime beer.

>> No.5020155

Ruby Redbird is girly beer. I used to like Shiner OK enough, I haven't had it in awhile though. Saint Arnold is better.

>> No.5020158

At least I know it is not just me! Thank you.
Newkie brown is my favorite beer but I love a Smiths Nut Brown if I'm feeling uppity, I'll have to try their winter beer. Thanks for the recommendation.
I've never had the Smokehouse, but I am not a fan of the Farmhouse, or Black Lager, and I won't drink the Wild Hare.
Shiner Bock was my first brown though and I drank a ton of it before switching to Newcastle.

>> No.5020165

Nothing wrong with a framboise, radler, or fruity beer. We can't all drink Pliny all the time bro.

>> No.5020175
File: 152 KB, 512x600, Dubmaster Class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your bro, shemale. Ruby Redbird is as bad as drinking a Smirnoff Ice.

>> No.5020184
File: 51 KB, 556x278, st.arnolads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking Shiner

>> No.5020186
File: 26 KB, 420x294, dripsarc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful, if your fedora dips down too far, you'll become euphoric.

>> No.5020202

If you grew up in shiner you didn't drink anything but bock. You grew up in Austin and are barely 21 if at all. Go manshees.

>> No.5020214

Let it all out on the internet boys, I'd hate for you to insult the next Busch Light drinking motherfucker you see and get your teeth kicked in.

>> No.5020220
File: 1.63 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meth is a hell of a drug. You should get a hold of your anger.

>> No.5020229

When did I ever say I drank anything but Bock growing up? Who the fuck are you, the beer police? Also, you child, I didn't say I grew up IN Shiner, I grew up close to Shiner, and no, it wasn't in Austin. I was drinking Bock before you were off your mom's tits, you little shit.

>> No.5020265

My bad, Houston is close to Shiner too. You child, see I can do it too.

>> No.5020274

Nope, try again, city boy.

>> No.5020283
File: 1.98 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're trying to pose as >>5020220
Nice try but that us taken on my property about five miles outside of Shiner, TX, where my family has resided since the late 1830s. Stinkadeana?

Go manshees

>> No.5020299

I couldn't give two shits about your property. I own over 400 acres in Gillespie and Blanco counties, inherited from my family, going back just as long as yours. You can stay on your coastal flats, I can still sit on my porch looking at my view and drink your overrated beer all day long.

>> No.5020350
File: 180 KB, 900x675, ffd4b2_2397341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inbred hicks from dumbfuckistan arguing about never leaving their grandgrandgrandpappy's birthplace

You people are funny as hell. Please continue.

>> No.5020357

>implying because we have heritage property we never leave it.

Are you just jealous or are you really that stupid?

>> No.5020363

>jealous of being from Texas

Awesome. I want to know more.

>> No.5020375

Transient hobo status confirmed

>> No.5020376

lol this

It's funny how <200 years is a big deal to you guys too. WOW DAT HISTORY. That wouldn't even be an old tree.

>> No.5020380
File: 491 KB, 906x655, viewgill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? Just what can I tell you?

>> No.5020382

I like shiner bock a lot. Even been to the brewery on a detour to Houston.

I like that its not as try hard as other beers. I dont like beer that has hints of orange or berries, or whatever those hipster snobs from Austin call beer.

I want a beer that tastes like a beer.

>> No.5020383

Only a moron wouldn't understand that this is a long time in the United States. We are not an old country. Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.5020385

So, you're just stupid then. Okay.
Nothing to see here, folks!

>> No.5020384


>> No.5020397

So I've never had a decent beer, just Rolling Rock, Michelob etc. what would be a decent beer to introduce me to te world of beering.

My co-worker talks about Lambic beers quite a bit, they sound pretty interesting.

>> No.5020407

Shiner was bought out but a larger brewing company. Quality has gone down hill ever since.

>> No.5020408
File: 23 KB, 600x450, tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas is best state. I'm about to get a tattoo of Texas on my calf. Pic related, something like this. Enjoy your faggot state and please stop moving here because your economy is non relevant. I swear you impoverished midwest, east coast and west coast faggots are more insufferable than the goddamn Mexicans. Stay the fuck away.

>> No.5020412

dont go for anything too hoppy at first.

budweiser is low tier to most people, but you can enjoyable pound them back all night, and the flavor wont make you sick.

I had a 12pk of sierra nevada and the I can usually kill the whole pack in a night, but the hoppy taste just killed me.

I drink to get drunk though. to each their own.

>> No.5020421

why are texans such assholes?

>> No.5020425

>non relevant
Texas education at its finest, everyone!

>> No.5020429
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I wish you guys would just get around to seceding, but as you like to say you're all hat and no something or whatever. Gun? Who the fuck cares. Just grow some balls and leave.

>> No.5020437

Stop it. YOU are the kind of person giving our state a bad name. I agree there's too many west and east coasters moving here and trying to turn everything into the place they left, but you are not helping. At all. Just STFU and go get back in your trailer. If there's anything that makes me more angry than a loudmouthed auslander, it's a loudmouth Texan who enjoys being ignorant.

>> No.5020439

Your economy is dependent on oil prices.

>> No.5020441

Thank god that dumb son of a bitch isn't running again.

>> No.5020455

I agree whole wholeheartedly with this poster.

>> No.5020573

And health care. Ohhhhh.....nevermind. Obamacare will bring Soviet healthcare to us all.

>> No.5020577

we should be so lucky

>> No.5020579

>healthcare is a controversial topic for Americans

>> No.5020583

I lived in the UK for five years....I would not wish that level of healthcare on even my worst enemy.

>> No.5020612

but they have private hospitals too

>> No.5020615

Yes....so you get taxed 40% on your income and then pay an ass-load for private health care on top of that. Quite a bargain.


>> No.5020621

Health care here is fine really. Only france and the scandi countries have better healthcare.

>> No.5020628

It's fine if you are a wealthy, privileged, white CIS racist male earning unreasonable wealth.

>> No.5020632

In the UK? Not really, it's generally fine.

>> No.5020637

I suppose it depends on your point of view. If you have been in the UK all your life, it WOULD be "fine". They won't let you die on their watch. So that's good. You get a lot more skill and comfort within the US system, though. And the funny thing is, you can get all that for free; with the US government picking up the tab. So long as you aren't a filthy white racist CIS male earning above $65,000 a year. If you are, then you pay for EVERY FUCKING THING.

>> No.5020761
File: 167 KB, 800x600, 1387009037297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to >>5020412 drink Stone beer and enjoy some true liquid arrogance (and a shitton of hops.)

>> No.5020790

just move bro
our healthcare is hella free

>> No.5021972

what are you autists going on about? I'm drinking a Holiday Cheer right now and its easily an 8/10 beer. maybe all the dick sucking has hindered your taste buds.