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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5018667 No.5018667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So my dear co/ck/s what does Dr. Pepper taste like?

Also cola general.

>> No.5018673

it's cola, but with a hint of cherry.

and some kind of spice, perhaps? could it be cinnamon? nutmeg? allspice? there's some kinda spicy warmth going on.

>> No.5018678


>> No.5018684

It tastes delicious.

though some people have said it tastes like >>5018678 or cough syrup. And after thinking about it, it sorta does, mainly when warm.

>> No.5019042

Coca Cola>Cherry Coke>Dr. Pepper> ice cold orange Fanta on a warm day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pepsi

>> No.5019061

It's pretty bland. Don't hate it, but I consider it terrible to most other sodas.

>> No.5019062

It tastes like cola with toothpaste in it.

>> No.5019064

Dr. Pepper, A&W cream, and vanilla coke are my favorites, but I'd rather beer than soda

>> No.5019071

water > beer > wine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>feces and urine fermented together >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>....>>>>>>>soda

>> No.5019077

>So my dear co/ck/s what does Dr. Pepper taste like?

people actually respond to a thread like this?

people actually make threads like this?

>> No.5019084
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>le water is better than everythingXD fags

>> No.5019086

Let me guess, you drink soda throughout the day?

Post a pic of your gut.

>> No.5019097

Oh god, shut up.
You are worse than vegans.

>> No.5019101

You really hate people who aren't fat and don't have the same eating habits as you.

Not everyone had retard parents who taught their children to drink sugar water all day as a means of hydration.

>> No.5019108
File: 68 KB, 301x450, tmp_rc_cola-1274715329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon me, best cola coming through

>> No.5019109

I drink water a lot, I'm anything but fat.

There's nothing more obnoxious than some prat who comes into any thread about drinks and just HAS TO TELL EVERYONE that water is the superior drink. Even if it isn't a competition of drinks, you just have to tell everyone that you drink water and you are the better person.

>> No.5019112

>you just have to tell everyone that you drink water and you are the better person.
Not sure how you got that from my post. Care to talk about it? Need to get something off your chest?

>> No.5019114
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>I'm so heeeeelty look mum :D
>If you are not reject who acts like an elitist over water than you are fat and drink soda every day.
Fucking kill yourself, you inbred mongoloid faggot. YOU ARE worse than vegans.

>> No.5019116

>not trailer trash-tier

You probably still eat lunchables don't you

>> No.5019117

>a-a-a-and don't make fun of fast food!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5019120

I don't need to, I've seen enough of your kind to know what you're thinking.

I don't eat fast food.

>> No.5019121

>Putting Fantastic anywhere but first place.

Get out you sicken me.

>> No.5019124

What the fuck. Dr Pepper is nothing like coca cola. It's fucking carbonated cherry syrup. I tried it once fron a vending machine in tokyo, never again, way too sweet.

>> No.5019126

This is the final defense of people threatened by literate, healthy, fit people.

Yes, your ignorance and poor choices are a positive attribute. It keeps you "real" and makes you a salt-of-the-earth red-blooded American, not one of those sissy ivory tower elitists.

>> No.5019127
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>Mommy I only drink your milk. Can i put my dick in you ?

>> No.5019128

Fuck you those things are awesome

>> No.5019139
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>> No.5019143

As somebody who is actually healthy, soda is fine in moderation and you're a fucking idiot who constantly needs to feed his ego by bragging about your sense of superiority on anonymous image boards. Your entire arguments have been strawmen and nothing more.

>> No.5019145

>you're a fucking idiot who constantly needs to feed his ego by bragging about your sense of superiority on anonymous image boards
Saying water is better than artificially flavored sugar water is feeding my ego?

How defensive.

>> No.5019150

I cant find this vode.

>> No.5019151

>Saying water is better than artificially flavored sugar water

Nobody said otherwise you illiterate shitstain.

But I guess it's easier to yell shit like "LOL DEFENSIVE/UR FAT" than forming a proper argument. This thread is about soda, not for egotistical attention whores to brag about their lifestyle choices that nobody gives 0.0023 shits about.

>> No.5019152

Yes, you're not a saint for drinking water.
Every fucking thread about drinks, someone like you comes in with a similar post.
If anyone dares to argue with you it's always the same response. Something about weight.

>> No.5019153

>literate, healthy, fit
Oh god.

>Implying I'm American

>sugar water

>> No.5019158

Post a picture of your body if you're so healthy.

>> No.5019167

>This thread is about soda, not for egotistical attention whores

in that case why don't you stop derailing the thread with pointless arguing?

You're the biggest attention whore here

>> No.5019170

>Telling attention whores to fuck off and stop ruining threads makes me a bigger attention whore

You should try real gymnastics, it's probably better for you than the mental variant.

>> No.5019181

>"This thread is for soda discussion only!"
>doesn't discuss soda at all

>> No.5019183

>Try to encourage the discussion of it by getting rid of attention whores
>Makes me an attention whore


>> No.5019186

There is no need to "form a proper argument" when discussing the merits of water over artificially flavored sugar water.

It is quite telling if you think there is a debate over this. Your attitude is what cause the surge in diabetes and obesity.

>Something about weight.
The majority of Americans are fat and drink sugar water. Of course it has something to do with weight.

If you have more refined tastes, you wouldn't even consider drinking sugar water as a form of "refreshment". It would be a pretty sad excuse for a dessert, but that is how it should be taken (if you actually like the stuff).

It must be a result of upbringing. I'm sure all of you pro-soda, anti-health-consciousness people grew up in households where guzzling soda throughout the day was a common occurrence. I bet you thought of soda before water when you felt thirsty.

Sad. You never even had a chance. I would say it is a form of child abuse, but it is so rampant it is almost the norm.

>> No.5019192


If you don't want variety or taste, why are you on a cooking board?

If your logic is "hurr durr it keeps you hydrated not like trailer trash sugar sewage", why not just eat a grey tasteless paste that fulfills your daily nutritional needs?

God you're like those fucking people who brag about not owning a TV

>> No.5019196

I don't drink soda ever. I drink water 90% of the time.

That doesn't make me a pissy cunt who whines in every thread about soda.

I never ever said I drink soda in this argument.

>> No.5019197

>There is no need to "form a proper argument" when discussing the merits of water over artificially flavored sugar water.

That's not what this is about and you know it. Nobody's advocating soda being healthy, you're just being an attention whore and derailing threads that are none of your concern.

>It is quite telling if you think there is a debate over this. Your attitude is what cause the surge in diabetes and obesity.

If you would stop calling people illiterate and read other posts, there's a thing called m moderation.

Not even going to bother responding to the rest of that, dear god the the fucking fallacies.

>> No.5019199

I eat extremely well and enjoy an incredibly diverse diet. Just because I eschew sugar water and fast food doesn't mean I "miss out on the good things in life".

I'm not sure why you associate mass-produced, cheap, unhealthy junk food with taste and variety. Or why you thought television was relevant to this discussion.

But it seems low forms of entertainment, a poor diet, and thinking anything different is elitist is your thing.

It's like you are a caricature. The archetypal slob with the strong defense reaction that justifies his poor tastes, low income, and meager education through mindless populism.

>> No.5019202
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tl;dr version for you kind folk.

>> No.5019203

Go back to /int/ please... I don't like the big words you use :(

>> No.5019206

Inbred hick please stop. This is really embarrassing.

>> No.5019207
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Not him but as somebody who's advocating soda is okay with moderation, here you go.

Let's see you.

>> No.5019209

>still not discussing soda

>> No.5019211

Because you are.

>> No.5019216

All soda tastes like syrup to me. I like sweets every now and then, but that shit is way too sweet for me. When something is so sweet that it leaves me feeling thirsty after drinking it that's more than I can handle.

>> No.5019217

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.5019224

You're welcome. Anytime.

>> No.5019226


>> No.5019232

so they all taste the same to you?
I get that they are overly sweet....and that you dont like them.. fair enough..... but they all taste the same?
do you have some sort of neurological problem? did you get hit on the head really hard when you were a kid.... why are you on a food+cooking board if you palette is terminaly fucked?

>> No.5019235

>Inbred hick
Too many polysyllabic words for you?

>> No.5019238

On average, how long do you spend in a thesaurus when typing these?

>> No.5019241

People who read a lot and had a private school education typically have a larger and more complex vocabulary.

>> No.5019244
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>private school education

>> No.5019250

>so they all taste the same to you?
Of course not, it's just that the first thing I notice when I drink soda is that it's so cloyingly sweet it's hard to notice much else. I get the acid added to try to cut the sugar and make it refreshing, but it's not nearly enough acid to cut that much sugar.
>but they all taste the same?
Am I supposed to wax eloquent over the slight prune taste of Dr Pepper, the more pointed bite of Pepsi and the general insipid syrupyness of Coke? Yeah, there's that. But you know how over salted food ends up tasting mostly of salt? For me over sweet things end up tasting mostly of sugar.

>> No.5019252

I think you've got it backwards. Pepsi doesn't have any pointed bite; I would consider it the insipid, syrupy cola.

>> No.5019253

Please tell me you don't think public schools result in a good education and and all-round responsible and abstract thinking young adult.

While you spent your time preparing for standardized tests I was learning about responsibility (personal and social), traveling, and being educated by well-paid and passionate instructors with a minimum of a Masters degree.

>> No.5019254

*tips fedora*

>> No.5019258 [DELETED] 

Responding within the parameters of memes and catchphrases is indicative of poor abstract thinking and education.

Please construct a thesis elucidating the merits of sugar water and submit it for review in Science or the the Lancet.

>> No.5019259

Responding within the parameters of memes and catchphrases is indicative of poor abstract thinking and education.

Please construct a thesis elucidating the merits of sugar water and submit it for review in Science or the Lancet.

>> No.5019268

I'm basing my comment on experience from 20 years ago. Never was a fan of cola, and haven't had any in at least that long. But I will have an Italian lemon soda, Mexican grapefruit soda or a ginger beer once in a while. Those flavors seem to stand up to tons of sugar better than cola, for some reason.

>> No.5019269
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>> No.5019270

For somebody circle-jerking about their own intelligence, your reading skills are sub-par.

>> No.5019273

You were being taught to be a 9-5 drone with your bullshit businessmen jobs like the fucking self-righteous little cunt that you are. In reality, you are being taught by faggots with double digit IQs and triple digit incomes. Have fun doing the same thing for the next 20 years and telling yourself that you enjoy it. Fucking faggot.

>> No.5019276

>You were being taught to be a 9-5 drone
Did you miss the part where I said I wasn't a part of the public education system?

>> No.5019278

>triple digit incomes
$999/year is pretty good for a teacher?

>> No.5019279

I guess you could say you're enlightened by your own intelligence.

>> No.5019281

>implying public schools teach people to be elitist faggots who constantly suck cock.

We are talking about the faggot who went to private school.

>> No.5019285

I'm not sure why you think private schools (as if they are one entity) teach students to be corporate sheep. Perhaps you have watched too many Hollywood movies?

Public schools teach students to not second-guess anything, to regurgitate material for standardized tests, and to aim for abject materialism and mediocrity as life goals.

The majority of the population is obese and easily swayed by populist buzzwords and slogans. This is a result of the failures of the public education system.

>> No.5019293

Really? When i was in school i was taught to question just about everything i read. If it was an important question, i would research it. I was never taught or told to aim for mediocrity. You obviously have a completely distorted view of public schooling, and i might have a distorted view of private schooling. Either way this argument is pointless i like soda.

>> No.5019295
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>this entire fucking thread

>> No.5019309

I'd say this has been the worst thread all month.

>> No.5019315
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Curiosity Cola is so far beyond anything else it's ridiculous.

>> No.5019322

I am ashamed to admit this to ck, but diet dr pepper, is my name soda of choice. some generic are close, and nice but mostly drink water or unsweet tea. but that or cheerwine. or coke zero cherry. but I will drink most any soda except( shut up, you got no dog in this fight) very sweet, diet or not. mtn dew or mellow yellow if it's brown, flush it it down, if is yellow let it mellow. and mr pib is a poor aproxiimation of dr.pepper. I really don't drink much sodas but beware soda lines are entrenched. and difficult to cross and if someone was to stand up an say hey. time out flag on the play, RC wins. stop. shot down from duke and carolina everybody knows ecu wns and state don't matter. in my dreams. wake up in reality, soda does not mean that much.mostly water. and some beer. that is the tale. some of it is true
() mark twain, aka Samuel Clemmons

>> No.5019324


my god the autism is strong with this one

>> No.5019327

I see RoG is on.

>> No.5019337
File: 56 KB, 602x402, avenger_JS_Afri-Cola_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise, what's going on in this thread?

>> No.5019343

Muh Nigga! Afri-cola confirmed as best cola!
Fritz Cola is good too too.

>> No.5019360

Yeah, though a bit gimmicky, Fritz-Cola is really a lot tastier than all the big-name-colas out there.

It's a darn shame that you can't get Afri-Cola in glass bottles anymore, shit was so cash. If it wasn't for the caffeine and sugar, I could drink it all day alone for the taste.

>> No.5019369

Spiced cherry cola

>> No.5019379

Wasn't afri-cola the shitty stuff they sold to folks in soviet controlled east germany? My mom mentioned that stuff to me before, she said it tasted like ass.

>> No.5019390

Nah, that'd be either Vita-Cola or Club-Cola. Afri-Cola contains a shitload of caffeine and less sugar than regular cola. I think that it's supposed to be closer to the original Coca-Cola recipe, which used to be pretty bitter compared to what's bottled today, from what I've read.

And your mom is right, Vita-Cola tastes like shit.

>> No.5019409
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It tastes like fizzy Benolyn!

>> No.5019425

I've tasted grape, cherry, cinnamon and vanilla in it.

>> No.5019429

hipster cola faggots

>> No.5019448
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They have both been pretty popular, Fritz-Kola more recently. A true hipster would more likely drink Pepsi or pic related.

>> No.5019466

pepsi isn't that bad

>> No.5019475

Didn't say that, it is however less popular than Afri-Cola and Fritz-Cola in my country, making it the more obvious choice for a hipster. Well, whatever.

>> No.5019476
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>this thread

>> No.5019477

So tell me please, what DOES dr. pepper taste like?

>> No.5019484

It tastes like win.

>> No.5019488

no one really knows, whatever it is it's delicious

>> No.5019497

cherry and vanilla, mostly super sweet intense cherry flavored pepsi

>> No.5019528

More like drinking superior cola from a superior country.

>> No.5019548

Tastes like the blood of virgins.

>> No.5019618

Plum and cherry.

>> No.5019813

>my god the autism is strong with this one
You are a fucking dolt. Rambling Old Guy is an appreciated member of /ck/.

You are just a faggot who says "hurrrr autism guys durrr autism" at every turn.

>> No.5019855

i don't care that you have a different opinion of soda than i do and im not mad like all those other nerds but this is obvs a soda thread

why do you have to be that guy


>> No.5019856

Pretty much.

>> No.5019901

Hey this one is understandable. He must have been sober this time.