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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5017304 No.5017304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Food related fat people logic

Just happened this morning

>Be me
>making breakfast, peanut butter on toasts.
>Mother: Anonette thats too much. Youre going to get diabetes
>but there is barely any sugar in peanut butter
>"Its still too sweet, for that amount you should have another piece of bread"
>You mean add more carbohydrates/sugar to battle sugar
>"why are you so rude?" (then has a big plate of left over pasta with 2 slices of white heavily buttered bread)

Also another one from my mother who is fat

>Sees oats 'lowers cholesterol' on the label
>Proceeds to have it with a whole lot of sugar dumped in it thinking its going to help her lose weight and lower cholesterol

>> No.5017322

>"Its still too sweet, for that amount you should have another piece of bread"
>you should try to eat less calorie dense food so you can put more shit in your body
The worst part of fatthink.

>> No.5017326

Move out of your moms place you fat fuck.

>> No.5017338

>>Be me
>image macro
Why are you even here?

>> No.5017373
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This is the average build of a woman in Australia, 163cm tall and 70kg.

Fat people logic: If thats the average, it means its not fat.

So if the average became 100kg 163cm tall that means they still wouldnt be fat?

>> No.5017382

That's horrible. She oughtta be ashamed.

>> No.5017407


Thats what bothers me the most about fat logic.

Why cant they just accept that they are indeed fat and could lose a few pounds.

I used to be fat but i honestly didnt care about associating myself with being fat. My wife (who is thin) would laugh whenever i go on my fat antics of how when we go to my parents house I would overeat until my stomach hurt. She would then jokingly threaten me saying stuff like 'babe stop it, if you complain about an upset stomach when we get home im going to bash you'

Or we used to tease each other and call each other fattasses when we did something fat like eat icecream and stuff.

>> No.5017423

"I'm going to start eating healthy!"

>Iceberg lettuce, shredded cheese, easily 3/4 cup of ranch dressing
>Loads it with peanut butter
>Gets massive tub of full fat whipped cream.
Cutting soda
>Gets canned fruit drinks which are pure sugar water and have more calories per can than coke
Cutting candy
>Gets fun-sized candy bars instead of full size. Eats handfulls of them in one sitting
>Can't run, walks instead, out of breath two blocks in, gives up and goes home
Going to the gym
>Go with him, he buys a year's membership. Doesn't want to lift that day. Doesn't want to lift the next day. Goes around once a month
Acceptable cheat meals
>Has one three or four times a week

Fatties gonna fat.

>> No.5017426

When I was a chunker I did that shit

>Have barely any knowledge on how to treat my body
>Hear that berries help you lose weight
>Ask dad to buy some strawberries and blueberries
>Eat the whole pint of blueberries in one day
>Eat the whole pint of strawberries the next day
>Brother who lost 100+ pounds scolds me for it

And the classic of all classics

>Sneak to the school's vending machine
>Coke zero
>0 calories
>Now I can eat more!

>> No.5017432

>i'll have a supersized meal
>with a diet coke
>i'll have an ice cream float
>with diet soda

>> No.5017442

To be fair, some people aren't trying to be "healthy" with the diet coke, they just get it because it tastes better than regular.

>> No.5017452

It was the opposite for me. I knew I was fat, hated it and everyone said I was fine and that I didn't need to lose weight. Mom would put more food on my plate and tell me not to waste it. I'd eat 3 bowls of cereal instead of one. As a kid, I'd eat dinner at my friend's house then come home and eat dinner again. I'd look in the mirror, see myself as fat and have someone tell me I look great which made me see myself as fine. After a while I didn't see how big I was, since I was told I looked normal.

>Weigh self for the first time in years
>250 pounds
>That embarrassment and guilt of abusing myself since childhood

It took a long time to lose and looking back at progress pictures, I can't believe I was that big. I never saw myself as that back then.

>> No.5017461

I know how you feel. There really is nothing worse than "fat acceptance". It stops people from realising that they have a problem, and it's especially bad for young kids.

>> No.5017464

How much have you lost? 60 pounds this year for me, I can't believe I let myself get like that. It happened so slowly I barely noticed or maybe pretended not to notice my weight gain.

>> No.5017471

There isn't anything with not lifting. I rarely lift, but then again I have to lift shit all day at work. Cardio is beater for losing weight anyway. I regularly toss on my bunker coat and go jogging up any hill I can find and it got rid of my fatassitis.

>> No.5017473


I'm fat, and can understand all of these except this.

I always order diet sodas, I prefer them to regular. But you aren't gonna tell me that cutting out 300+ calories from a meal by getting a diet as opposed to a regular soda isn't good.

Never drink your calories.

>> No.5017507

same here
was 330lbs last November
now 195 and still going down
had to delete old photos of me because I couldn't reconcile the fact that I allowed myself to get that way

>> No.5017554

I never get why people bitch about this.

I like drinking coke from time to time, but since I don't like drinking calories I always choose diet.

If on the rare occasion I'll end up in a fast food I will always order diet.

I can eat 1200kcal or 1600 kcal. that's not hard math, is it.

>> No.5017582
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This post contains

>btw I'm a grill
>why are people so fat!? xD I'm skinny! Please validate me.
>I hate my mom! Although I still live at her house like a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.5017598

I do both those things. Obviously it doesn't make it healthy. It's about damage control. If you're trying to lose/maintain weight, 1100 calories IS objectively better than 1350. I don't eat fast food regularly, though. I guess that's the difference

>> No.5017604

>this is why i pretend to be a boy online

>> No.5017614


way to crowbar that shit in, cunt

>> No.5017616

i would say this belongs to /fit/ but ironically even they have a healthier relationship to food than this schizophrenic board

and tbh i wouldn't proselytize about healthy eating when you're having peanut butter toast for breakfast

>> No.5017622

what kind of completely sedentary 80 y/o 4'9'' japanese woman are you to be maintaining on 1100 (or even 1350) calories........

>> No.5017629

>>what kind of completely sedentary 80 y/o 4'9'' japanese woman are you to be maintaining on 1100 (or even 1350) calories........
just shit mysides to orbit anon. Ty

>> No.5017645

I think this is pretty relevant to a food and cooking board, but I can see how jimmies could get ruslted.

If anything, I'd expect people here to have some pretty interesting stories about fat people and food.

I work at a coffee shop, for instance, and giggle inside every time someone orders a nonfat drink but insists on having whip cream on top.

>> No.5017649

He meant for one typical fast-food meal, idiot.

>> No.5017650
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Some weird shit. Im asian

My grandma who lived here in australia was built similar to this old lady in this pic.. Not fat or anything but compared to her siblings overseas, they were rail thin.

I dont understand why either. I dont recall my grandma eating that much. She always ate small portions and whenever I saw her siblings when we went overseas or when they came over here as tourists they used to eat a shit ton of food.

Could it be the weather or something where constnat hot weather keeps you thinner?

>> No.5017669

...Proselytize..., now that's a cool new word I've learned today

>> No.5017683

I actually find it funny how angry and irrational these autists get whenever there's a pussy around. It's probably for the best, my gf is a boy online as well.

Girls in FPS threads are truly the worst

>> No.5017689

I've been on 1000 every day for a year except for this month in which I've been living perfectly fine on 500. /fa/ Manorexic fuccbois get all the ladies, and girls actually like me now. Highly suggest.

>> No.5017822

enjoy your metabolic damage, idiot

>> No.5017866
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whats ur twitter acct bbe? u should trip so we can all see ur posts xD

>> No.5017867

I can imagine hugging a manorexic is like hugging my thin as fuck dog. Except not as fluffy. And not as warm. It feels like bones rubbing against my cheek. It doesn't feel good. I don't get how women like that.

>> No.5017871
File: 30 KB, 369x325, daaaang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow ur so original and funnehhh xDxDxD

>> No.5017878


You tell him girl. You should get with a real man like me instaed I'll protect you from dicks like that. Cyberbullying is NOT cool especially on 4chan of all places.

>> No.5017881
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>Cardio is beater for losing weight anyway.

>> No.5017916

>implying I'm a girl

>> No.5017939

>"I'm going to start eating healthy!"
>stops eating except for water and a bowl of grape nuts in the morning
>loses 50 pounds

but then this was the same person who quit smoking cold turkey like it wasn't an issue

>> No.5017943

Peanuts are good for diabetics

>> No.5017944

But that's wrong, you fucking faggot.

>> No.5017946

Diet soda fucks with your brain and makes you hungrier, leading to more calories consumed. Sweet taste without the calories is a bad thing.
I limit myself to a nice kosher Coke or a throwback Pepsi once a week.

>> No.5017952

>Diet soda fucks with your brain and makes you hungrier, leading to more calories consumed.
lol no

>> No.5017960

I think you missed his point. And his sarcasm.

Anon is sufficient, adding 'ette' to it is pointless, unless you want extra special attention cause youre a grill on the interwebs.

>> No.5018013

How did it feel when taking a poop?

>> No.5018023

>implying anyone cares if you start with Be me
>implying havent been used here for close to a decade


who cares?

>> No.5018034

Type 1 or 2? Because fuck people with type 2.
Where my type 1 bros at?

>> No.5018089

Why not educate these people instead of laugh at them?

A lot of people were poorly taught about nutrition, if at all.

>> No.5018097

I wish I could get fat. Then I could go on disability and eat myself to death.

Being born with a slim athletic frame with a full head of hair is a curse. Woe is me.

>> No.5018099
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A lot of fat people are delusional. I blame the fat acceptance thing for a lot of it.

>> No.5018101

My bro-in-law is a type 1. He actually started a petition to get type 2 changes to something different because people think they are the same thing.

We like to call type 2 "Fat-a-betes

>> No.5018103

The only diabetics I know are type 1. One of the ones I know is a cute mousy chick with a fucking cyborg attachment that monitors her blood sugar constantly and beeps if it's too high or too low.
Are type 2 rare or is it just a fat people disease? I don't know many fat people.

>> No.5018107

The sad part is most of them were fat before they were 10 thanks to shitty parents. It just perpetuates it.

But at a certain point these people have to take responsibility for themselves.

>> No.5018114

You don't "have" to be fat to get type 2, but it's become the common diagnoses for getting it. A lot of obese people are diabetic and don't even know it.

>> No.5018115

It's true.

Wen you drink a diet soda, your body senses something sweet and expects to get a lot of calories from it. So when the calories don't come, your body tells you to eat more.

>> No.5018127

>i'll have a supersized meal
>with a diet coke

Haha, I used to do this. I drank diet soda because it was better for my teeth, not because I thought it was better for my weight. I'd feel like an asshole ordering a calorie-laden meal and then asking for a diet drink. Thankfully I've pretty much given up soda altogether. I only have one or two a week now.

>> No.5018135

That is NOT eating healthy. Losing weight isn't the same as being healthy.

>> No.5018144

You don't have to be fat to be diagnosed with type 2. My dad was diagnosed with type 2 when he collapsed at work, hes been in construction for his whole like and was in fantastic shape, it was his diet that did it to him. Typical lunch for him was Nutter Butters, Reeses Cups, PB&J Sandwich, Oreos with peanut butter, etc.

Most people that are diagnosed with it currently have it as a side effect of having a similar diet with zero exercise. Probably what staved it off for my dad for so long, he was working off all the fat and sugar he was taking in, though it did take its toll.

>> No.5018151

That made me crack up, she sounds good for you anon

>> No.5018155

God brings me back to my old flatmate
>I'm going to start eating healthy and loosing weight!
>goes out and buys a tub of low fat ice cream and skim milk

My partner and I laughed about it for weeks
It's been a few yrs since she lived here and we still have a giggle about it
She was a real cunt, skipped out on rent in her last two weeks and had the worse personal hygiene you've ever seen
>eats it all in two days

>> No.5018164
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>be me with health issue (mastocytosis)
>histamine, serotonin, insulin levels wacked
>electrical rhythm of smooth muscle erratic
>is lucky to be able to eat half a meal let alone more than once a day
>take antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers to try to fix disease
>easier time with liquid based foods
>accused of being anorexic by fatties in the office because of eating habits
>fat people related food logic

>> No.5018202

I guess you are young. Type 1 is hereditary, so young people have it, often kids. Type 2 develops later, as it is lifestyle associated (It does have some hereditary components, but diet is a much more important factor.) If you know a lot of young people and not many old ones, you are likely to know type 1 diabetics, but not type 2

>> No.5018206

get out, or tits, but just leave I can see those anywhere

>> No.5018210

Does the treatment seem to be working?
Good luck, anon.

>> No.5018214

Fuck that mate, it's ok for fatties to call you sick or anorexic all the time but if you were to bite back and call them walking heart attacks it would be a shitstorm.
I can't tell you how much this shit fucks me off

>> No.5018219
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>be in high school
>be heading back to school after a field trip
>small charter school, so the teachers would drive us to places in their own cars as opposed to in a school bus
>been a long day and teacher is feeling generous, so he offers to treat us to some Steak and Shake
>makes it clear that he's making a fucking teacher's salary, so we shouldn't buy too much
>decide to something relatively cheap like a patty melt or some shit
>friend at the time orders a full combo meal with a milkshake
>tries justifies it by saying he was "really hungry"
I fucking hate that excuse so much and yet everyone uses it. Fuck people who try to justify their shitty behavior by stating their mildly inconveniencing pain (I left that shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot because I've had a long day and am tired, I bitched at that waiter because my son got a bad grade on his mid-terms and I'm upset, etc.). So many toxic behaviors could be fixed if people just learned to harden the fuck up!

>> No.5018220

Define "young."
I know plenty of old people. My country has one of the highest percentages of centenarians in the world.
Maybe people where I'm from don't make shitty, American-like food choices and don't generally develop type 2 diabetes. Did you consider that?
Fatties gonna fat, I guess.

>> No.5018248

It's a temporary fix. And it's a genetic mutation, but apparently I'm the "first" in my family. Guess that means I'm part of natural selection.
I'm starting allergy shots soon to try and lessen the day-to-day levels of histamine in my system. They think it will help me a lot, but are worried about how the reactions to the shots will go when I start because I can react so severely.
But thanks, Anon.

Yup. But HR said they'd speak with them about it, so I hope it will stop. I don't look very underweight (smoking pot helps the appetite a bit thank god), but my weight still rapidly fluctuates from ok to not ok.
In a way the condition is a blessing in disguise since I have an office cubicle job - ultimate way to a fat body.

>> No.5018253

Most of the people I know that have type 2 diabetes were diagnosed at the age of around 45-50. So "young" would mean below, say, 30 (I think 15 years is enough of a generation gap). And truly old people are unlikely to have diabetes - they wouldn't have lived long if they weren't healthy.
Though I must agree with you, different countries do have different numbers of diabetes cases, and America leads.

>> No.5018260

>medical marijuana
Wow, I bet you get a lot of intelligent comments from your coworkers about that too
>Hey, anon. If you ever have to much of your "prescriptions" on hand, then I can take some off your hands HUE HUE HUE

>> No.5018277

I think the public shame of fat should end, as fat people can also be people who are in the process of recovering from their "fatness". However, that's not to say healthy eating shouldn't be promoted alongside of body positive messages.

>> No.5018283

>fat person asks what food to eat to be healthy
>give them a list of the healthiest foods in the world
>"I can't eat those, those have CARBS!"
>okay, what do you usually eat?
>"bacon, eggs, cheese, chicken, beef, etc"
>and is that diet working for you?
>"it's GOING to work, I saw a documentary where some guy lost a bunch of weight eating this food"

I don't know why every fat person thinks carbohydrates, especially from healthy whole food sources like brown rice, legumes, and fruit will make you fat. Take it from skinny people, it's the cheese and oil you throw on top of everything you eat that's making you fat

>> No.5018291

>be me
>making dinner, fried chicken and waffles
>Mother: Anonigger thats too many eggos
>but there was only an entire box's worth
>"i'ma beat yo ass if you don't put some of them back"
>you mean refreeze already heated waffles
>"fuck yo shit nigga" (then has a jenga of french toast sticks)

>> No.5018301

The more we shame fatties, the more motivation they have to lose weight.

>> No.5018303

I'm pretty sure it causes them to turn to food even more for comfort.

>> No.5018310

That's stupid and so are you.
>"Lose some weight, fatty!"
>"I'm down 30 pounds from my starting weight, actually!"
>"Oh hey congratulations, good for you!"

>> No.5018316

>shaming anyone
Why bother? You're no paragon

>> No.5018330


If you don't shame people for doing shitty things, society itself turns shitty. People start accepting the worst traits and nobody bothers to better themself

>> No.5018339

You don't have to be perfect in order to point out other people's bullshit. If I don't study for a test and flunk it, I don't expect them to say that it okay and that they understand how hard it is to dedicate yourself to boring things in a world with so much suffering. What I DO expect is people to call me out on my lazy behaviors and be told to fulfill my responsibilities like a god damned mentally capable adult.

>> No.5018369
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>watching fat people eat
>instantly thinking of the calories they're shoveling into their mouths and comparing it to the amount you're eating

It's pretty bad, especially with women. Everytime I see a fat girl eat the same or a greater amount of food, I cringe internally.

>"What are you looking at, Anon?"
>".... oh nothing, I was just thinking"

>> No.5018378

Then we should shame people for actual shame-able things, such as having bratty children, being shitty drivers, etc. If you consider how stupid people are, and how stupid their progeny are allowed to be on a day-to-day basis, all of a sudden 20 lbs doesn't seem like such an issue. 100 lbs, yes, sure, but even slightly overweight people are shamed.

>> No.5018458


>Then we should shame people for actual shame-able things

Like being a lazy blob of gluttony?

>> No.5018488

>"oh, I'm having something light for lunch today"
>"oh, what is that?"
>"just two jumbo hot dogs on white buns slathered in ketchup"

Guy wasn't even fat, but FFS, most people haven't the slightest idea how calorie-dense a lot of common foods are.

>work at place that serves funnel cake fries as a app or desert or whatever
>every other order of it we send out gets sent back with a request for 'moar powdered sugar"

It's not like we're trying to be cheap; we're trying to not give you diabetes. Fucking disgusting

>> No.5018614
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>> No.5018647

Don't forget slut-shaming. Hopefully, the next abortion wrecks my co-worker's uterus.

>> No.5018666

I'm Indian and I live in NZ, and I find that when I go to India I eat a lot less than I do at home. I think you're right and it might be to do with the heat.

>> No.5018663


Diabetics usually have to order diet soda to prevent a sugar spike.

Also there is really nothing wrong with cutting out 200-500 empty soda calories from a fast food meal. Your logic is "fuck it, I'm eating badly anyway, might as well go all out with it." It's shitty logic, fast food doesnt have to be that bad for you if you make wise decisions like ordering less food or taking a diet soda over a regular one.

>> No.5018669


What's the point of being so ashamed of the fatty you used to be? We all make bad decisions, point is you did something about. You were going through some shit mentally, you got over it, no need to judge your past self so hard.

>> No.5018670
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>fried chicken and waffles


>> No.5018676

>indian in NZ

fuck off back home you shitskin

>> No.5018679
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not the poster you're responding to but it's true. i have a friend who eats all day but gets diet coke because he likes it. i cant stand the taste.

>> No.5018681

Being fat gives you diabetes. You could eat honey covered fruit for a year and not develop diabetes.

>> No.5018682


>> No.5018683


I have a good fat logic story.

>be reading greentext stories on a message board
>attention-whoring tub of lard cunt posts story to project her insecurities
>fatty boombalatty acts like it is perfectly healthy and normal to eat a breakfast that easily exceeds 700 calories
>claims that there is hardly any sugar in a food that is loaded with high fructose corn syrup
>hamplanet's mother points out her obscene amounts of peanut butter
>hambeast disregards and disrespects mother who only wants her daughter to be healthy and not make the same mistakes she made
>the landwhale rejects an extra piece of bread while continuing to pile on globs of 100kcal/tbsp peanut butter
>fatty is actually proud that she did not consume an extra 60 calories

>> No.5018690

>peanut butter on toast
>700 calories
160 for bread, maybe 200/250 for PB. lolwut?

And even if it was 700 calories, that would fit in with the RDI of 2000 calories if she had 3 roughly even meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

nice projection, fatass

>> No.5018697

Just checked since I was making breakfast myself, it's 80 per tablespoon out of this jar.

>> No.5018701

exactly, so how is her breakfast 700 calories?

>> No.5018702


There is no reason for breakfast to ever exceed 500 calories. Eat some fucking fruit or oats like a civilized human being. Peanut butter is a ticking time bomb of fat and HFCS, and there is no way you put any less than 4 tablespoons on each slice considering your fatass mother called you out on eating too much PB for the amount of bread you took ("toasts", so at least 2 slices).

Nice try though whore. Maybe you wouldn't be such a fat fuck if you learned how to count calories.

>> No.5018703

Nigga what even is this math, you doing algebra or some shit, variable amounts of toast and assumed amounts of peanute butter, charting quadrants of slutfood with that dick in your mouth.

Man, ain't nobody got time to solve for Mom, what the shit.

>> No.5018705


>>fatty boombalatty acts like it is perfectly healthy and normal to eat a breakfast that easily exceeds 700 calories

I'm 5'9, 130 pounds, and my ideal breakfast is atleast 1000 calories. When you're not already obese, calories aren't something you avoid, they sustain life, especially if you're at all physically active

>> No.5018707

I'm not OP you autistic freak. Peanut butter has no HCFS, unless you're eating hydrogenated processed shit. Get natty PB, it's peanuts and oil, an awesome source of fats.

An no reason for breakfast to exceed 500 calories? fuck, i'm laughing my ass off right now. I'm maintaining on 2800 calories at the moment, so if I only eat 500 for breakfast I find it pretty tough to eat enough to reach 2800 throughout the day. my breakfasts range from 800 to 1200

>> No.5018711


>i can't be bothered to do basic arithmetic
>i have no idea why i'm fat, stop fat-shaming me


>maintaining on 2800 calories

confirmed for either a fat tub of shit or Shaquille O'Neal.

>> No.5018715


nice whiteknighting, faggot

>> No.5018716

Man, now look what you doing Jamal.

Shit, man, get it together.

>> No.5018718

>confirmed for either a fat tub of shit or Shaquille O'Neal

is it so amazing that some people have a large amount of muscle mass and are somewhat active? 6'0 181lbs

>> No.5018722


fuk u i'm 6'3 200lbs ill kik ur ass in real life say that 2 my face

>> No.5018724


But your moms right, having 4 pieces of toast with less spread / toast and not being hungry for 4-5 hours is better then having 2 pieces of toast with more spread / toast and being hungry again within 2-3 hours.

>> No.5018725

>6'3 200lbs


>> No.5018728


>muscle mass
>at all relevant to TDEE

>defending 1200 calorie breakfasts

We've got ourselves a professional broscientist here.

>> No.5018732


fuking come at me bro im pure muscle mass more muscle mass than u i didnt make up my stats i bet u did

u wouldnt dare say that too my face pusy faget

>> No.5018735

not even gonna bother, peace out

>> No.5018736
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Are you trying to make the claim here that having extra mass, be it fat or muscle, doesn't increase caloric demands to maintain? A 90 pound woman needs the same calories as Ronnie Coleman?

>> No.5018737

don't even bother dude, the guy's beyond help

>> No.5018738


No. Are you retarded? Do you have difficulty reading? Ronnie Coleman is a male who is significantly larger than a 90 pound woman. Therefore he needs more calories.

Ronnie Coleman also does not need to bother having his BF% measured in order to calculate his TDEE. Such a measurement would have little to no impact on the resulting figure.

>> No.5018739

>tfw you are fat
>tfw you don't care

I always thought about losing weight, but i wouldn't exercise. I can cook healthy meals that taste good but i just don't have the mindset of trying to get healthy.

Feels good though not having to worry about what i eat or how much, i guess that is why i don't care, i just like to eat more then be healthy

>> No.5018742

you don't have to exercise to lose weight, i never did

>> No.5018744


good god this is sad.

Go on walks or something. Find anything you like that will get you off your ass, it doesnt need to be hard exercise as long as you're moving.

>> No.5018745

Nigger where do you even think you are?
>>>/fit/ before someone posts meatbread and ruins your gains or somethin.

>> No.5018746

I don't see it is as sad, i enjoy my lifestyle and that is all i care about, of course if i was to ever have kids in the next 5-10 years i would get healthy before it is too late

>> No.5018749


did you find a fat gf and give up on life together? Or have you just accepted that you're going to die a virgin?

>> No.5018755

I don't have a gf, i don't even want one at the moment but if by chance i met a woman of which we clicked together and what not, i would reconsider my lifestyle most likely.

I could get a gf i truly wanted one, i am not obese just overweight and i am not a virgin, haven't been for like 4-5 years.

But i have i given up on life so that is why i don't bother and eat and drink my self to a early death

>> No.5018757


>Feels good though not having to worry about what i eat or how much

You have to do that too, you just don't. It's not like everyone else worries about what they eat because it affects them but not you. You're going to die fat and alone at the age of 40 while everyone else enjoys every other aspect of life that isn't stuffing their face with bacon every hour of the day

>> No.5018759

>Not putting bacon on everything
>Not bathing in bacon
>Not sleeping in bacon
>Not breathing bacon

Jesus Christ I want /fit/ to leave

>> No.5018761


>if by chance i met a woman of which we clicked together and what not, i would reconsider my lifestyle most likely.

You've got it backwards, you're not going to meet a woman until you reconsider your lifestyle.

Your 3DPD waifu is out there but you need to get your shit together before you can attract her. Women are immediately turned off by men who don't take care of themselves.

>> No.5018764

m8 i know that, but i know a few chicks who aren't like that, rare to find but the other aspects of themselves wasn't to my liking so i tend to keep them at arms-length.

And like i said not looking for one anyway, i work and if i somehow click with a woman i meet during work, like i said i might reconsider. It isn't even my looks that woman turn away from though most of the time when i meet them when i do, it is my repulsive personality, i am not the most pleasant person to be around, i can be pretty aggressive and abusive as well as controlling, and i even appear to be a bit crazy in the head sometimes because i have the tendency to laugh at a lot of things for no real reason

>> No.5018766


Damn, that's cool. Do you wear a fedora too?

>> No.5018768

I wish, that way i could tip my fedora to people, but those reasons i listed is why i am not looking for a gf, i am not that cruel to put someone through having to put up with me for any length of time longer then a week

>> No.5018769
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she didn't miss the sarcasm fatty mcautism

>> No.5018770

Are you me?

>> No.5018779

I've been drinking date and banana smoothies for two years, every day. I get blood tests monthly due to medication I am on needing it. I'm healthier than ever

>> No.5018780

I grew up with diet coke cause fatty family trying to lose weight. To me normal soda is just way too sugary and leaves that sour slimy taste in your mouth.

>> No.5018788

Using shame as a motivator is an extrinsic (outside) motivation source. If you want a person that owns up to their responsibilities, does what they need to do, and doesn't get weighed down in the quagmire of other people's shit opinions, then you want someone that has intrinsic motivation. Because you know what extrinsically motivated people do? BLAME EVERYONE ELSE. You know what fat people who don't understand why they are fat do? Blame everything else.

Shame is a pathetic motivator, and I hate people who come from families that use it as a driving force. Ya'll usually really fucked up competitive psychopaths or beat down fatties, and all parts of that spectrum are obsessed with others.

Because you know what? There was a study showing that 'fat shaming' actually increases risk of becoming or staying obese. Google the study. Do it. Shaming doesn't work. Do you know what a great majority of fat people that have lost weight say does work? You have to do it for yourself when you are ready. Meaning when you are INTRINSICALLY motivated to do it.

Nurture that intrinsic motivation. Nurture reality (fat acceptance is not healthy; know what is healthy). Realize that what has been done (misinformation and shame) isn't working, and only makes the acceptance (and ignorance) movement stronger.

>> No.5018790

[citation needed]

>> No.5018792

My grandmother is the worst for gimmicky shit like this, and bullshit weight loss logic. She's the kind of person who will take a hand full of diet pills, diuretics, and laxatives in a desperate attempt to lose weight, yet wouldn't dream of just getting up and taking a walk. Anyway, she caught on to the fact that protein can help with weight loss and flew off the hook with it. She subsists entirely on Mountain Dew (diet, of course), peanut butter, and pounds upon pounds of greasy deli meat. Not much else. Protein "flushes out the fat", according to her understanding.

>> No.5018807


> peanut butter, and pounds upon pounds of greasy deli meat. Not much else. Protein "flushes out the fat", according to her understanding.

But peanut butter and meat also have a bunch of fat. They're more fat than protein

>> No.5018827

There was a study that everyone heard in the news and misunderstood. They think Diet Coke "rewires your brain" and "makes you fat".

It's retarded.

>> No.5018831
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not the op you were arguing with but it's partially true. It still doesn't excuse fat people who drink diet soda from being fat though.

"a number of studies suggest people who regularly consume ASB are at increased risk compared with those that do not consume ASB; with the magnitude of the increasedrisks similar to those associated with SSB [6,10,18–30]. In a number of cases, these effects cannot be attributed to baseline characteristics such as family history or BMI... This somewhat counterintuitive result may reflect negative consequences of interfering with learned relationships between sweet tastes and typical post-ingestive outcomes, which may result in impaired ability to compensate for energy provided when caloric sweeteners are consumed.

>see pic related from same study it, command+c wasn't working didn't want to type it

>> No.5018837

The studies everyone thinks of don't actually show or suggest any causal link between obesity and artificial sugar consumption.

The idea that fatties are eating more because they drink Diet Coke and think they can eat more is simply fatties between fat and stupid.

>> No.5018852

no it does show a link between people who eat artificial sweeteners are more likely to be overweight, but it doesn't really show if people are eating diet because they're fat, or if that's what causing it, it's like the chicken and the egg conundrum.

Personally I think the chemicals in diet soda will fuck a person up just because of how unhealthy they are but that won't necessarily make a person fat. Basically fatties gonna fat, diet soda may aggravate their cravings a little but if someone has that little willpower to loose weight, diet soda isn't going to make them fatter so much as their shitty eating. Agreeing with you tho.

>> No.5018855

More people die from diabetes than artificial sugars.

And yeah, people already dealing with weight issues and drinking diet soda don't make good subjects for this kind of study.

>> No.5018860


The diet works, but probably not in the way they think.

My room mates girlfriend does it, but fails to realize the mechanism.

basically, protein is the most efficient calorie you can get. Medium calorie/g, makes you feel full for longer, and protein for muh gainz during lifting.

The idea is that you eat protein > dark leafy greens > fibrous vegetables > vegetables > fats, in tat order. This makes you feel more full, so while you eat a decent amount of calories, they make you feel fuller, longer, so you eat less.

However my room mates girlfriend uses that as an excuse to eat half a brick of cheese, and eat beef, onions, peppers, and cheese for every single meal. Then she just melts cheese in the microwave for a snack.

>> No.5018862
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Holy shit, you have no muscle.

I'm 5'9, 180 lbs.

Hit the weights hunnie.

>> No.5018865

>implying that's muscle

I don't care how much you can bench. If you have a belly, that's just gross. Yes, you do. Fat fuck. You disgust me.

>> No.5018866

Alright, its a bad example because its a personal sample size, but the fat people I've seen just lie and claim they have a healthy diet, and its genetics that make them fat. When we eat out with them they order 3x the food of everyone else.

When they got shamed, they got sick of it and just lost weight so they could feel included.

It's only pathetic beta fags who reject the idea of tribes and inclusiveness who crumple under the weight of shaming

>> No.5018868

Not anon, but having a gut and being muscular is fine.

>> No.5018869

>When we eat out with them they order 3x the food of everyone else.

Ding ding ding. And if you want to a restaurant that serves quality food with normal people portions, they get mad and say it's too expensive. It's the same damm price you moron, except instead of a giant heap of slop that comes up to my chin, it's actually food that tastes good.

Fuck fat people.

>> No.5018874


No belly, you can see my ribs.

Also it's less about raw numbers, its about ratios.

I play around on gymnastic rings, stopped doing heavy lifting

>> No.5018877

>No belly, you can see my ribs.

the two are not mutually exclusive. so the trainer showed you how to use the rings, that's cute. what size pants do you wear?

>> No.5018888

You don't have to be mad at the guy because you are fat.

>> No.5018894
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Self taught on the rings, I wear a 32, but its getting looser.

>paying for physical training, HAHAHA

>> No.5018895


But I'm 5'9" and 149#, 30 inch waist. Try again?

>> No.5018904

Oh, a defensive manlet. My bad.

>> No.5018910

That's my point. She ignores every other nutritional factor, and gorges on it because "lol protein fat flush" yet can't understand why she doesn't lose weight. No diet adjustment, just more laxatives.

>> No.5018980

>If you don't shame people for doing shitty things, society itself turns shitty.
English-speaking countries (other than glorious Canada and Kiwiland) in a nutshell.

>> No.5018996

Please google ketosis and find out why ketogenic (aka low-carb) diets scientifically work.

>> No.5019115

Nice sample size faggot.

>> No.5019131

I usually conduct 10-year, double blind, n=10,000 studies before I decide whether or not a change to my lifestyle was positive or not.

>> No.5019132

Maintaining long-term ketosis is not healthy.

>> No.5019133

Except you're defending your general statement that "You could eat honey covered fruit for a year and not develop diabetes." With anedcotal evidence.

>> No.5019135

Shhhh... the logic is not strong in this thread.

>> No.5019136

Do you think eating sugar makes you diabetic? It is well known that being overweight and having a lot of abdominal fat contributes more to diabetes.

>> No.5019138

I never said that I think your statement was wrong, just that you were using faulty logic to support it.

>> No.5019142

>dat backpedaling

>> No.5019146

Show me where I said that his statement was incorrect.

>> No.5019175

When did "-1/10" and "nice sample size" amount to an argument about logic?

>> No.5019263

It's not that it tastes better, it's that diet sodas tend to have a higher carbonation than full-sugar sodas.

>dat fukken Diet Cheerwine in the bottle
>hurts so good

>> No.5019275

"-1/10" wasn't me and "nice sample size" was a comment on how he was making a general statement based on anecdotal evidence.

>> No.5019280

>he was making a general statement based on anecdotal evidence.
Welcome to 4chan. Why not spend your time on Google Scholar if you want to conduct lit reviews instead?

If you are interested in what people say you can always do a search yourself. This is 4chan not a fucking peer-reviewed forum.

>> No.5019296

I haven't had soda in like over 2 years now, just went cold turkey one day because i felt like it/to see if i could. It was easy as shit, i used to drink like 4-6 cans a day or some shit like that. Just started drinking water instead.
Occasionally I will have a coke or something like every 6 months or something, other than that i only drink it if there's liquor in it.

>> No.5019328

Oh yeah, I love how anything time you'll see even a remotely thin model in a movie, video or anything that can be "commented on" literally out the fucking woodwork you'll see insecure fat bitches flood


It really is disturbing how these fat asses today feel so free to insult and criticize underweight, or shit, even normal weight people over their own insecurities, but the other way around and you're a monster.

>> No.5019341

So much something

>> No.5019797

>fuck people with type 2.
I've got type two, but both sides of the family are at risk for the beetus (and my parents decided to never tell me this or I would've monitored my sugar/carb intake from the start).

I'm lucky that I'm not on any shots or anything, just some medication. Ever since I found out, though, I've watched my intake. I'm not perfect, I do occasionally have high-sugar desserts like if I'm out with the family, but generally I'm good.

>But at a certain point these people have to take responsibility for themselves.
If only I could actually get myself to exercise, though...every day, I tell myself I'll start simple, walk around the block, and I never do it because I'm lazy as fuck. I know I need to, I just lack energy.

>> No.5019854



>> No.5019876

Is the whole "don't do cardio while lifting" a myth? I've been steadily losing weight through excercise and better eating habits, but now I'm thinking I wanna lift before I turn into some scrawny faggot.

>> No.5019886

What's you guy's opinion on intermittent fasting?

>> No.5019890

>be me

Who else would you fucking be

>> No.5019894

So I can't really into fitness very much and I'd like some advice or whatever.

I'm sort of close to being underweight. I eat about two meals per day (size of said meals vary). I very rarely exercise, though and I drink about 1.5L of soda per week (usually all of it in one or two days).

Is this feasible or will I eventually become a fattard?

>> No.5019906

Are you me?
Am I you?
Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a man? Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi?

>> No.5019926

>I left that shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot because I've had a long day and am tired

You have no idea how much this pisses me off. I weigh 240 and even I'm not that lazy. I've seen carts abandoned literally ten feet from the cart drop-off. People can be so lazy and inconsiderate it's astounding.

>> No.5019935

You're you.

>> No.5019940

fat and proud

>> No.5019951

But... you're you, too! So we're both us, right?

>> No.5020003

They resent fat people that won't help themselves, but if you're serious they offer bro tier support. You'll make it anon.

>> No.5020017

Sure, I suppose I'l give it a go.

>> No.5020029


>Is the whole "don't do cardio while lifting" a myth?

It's the philosophy of bodybuilders like those you see on /fit/. The reasoning is that when doing cardio, you burn extra calories, which would then not be available to become extra muscle mass. If you want to be a bodybuilder, skip the cardio, just eat a lot and lift weights. If you want to be healthy, do lots of cardio and some modest weight-lifting to preserve what muscle you already have

>> No.5020087

btw track me on twitter at snowfire. I'm a online brony with a gf thats really a dude and i'm going to blow her penis

>> No.5020135

Impressive sir

>> No.5020143

>to preserve what muscle you already have

chances are that amount of muscle is pretty pathetic.
I'd do it the other way around: lift a lot, eat healthy, and then do enough cardio to keep your bodyfat low.