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5016971 No.5016971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5016989

The joke's on you for drinking in the first place.

>> No.5016990

People tip when they drink?

>> No.5016992


Depends on how drunk they get.

>> No.5016994
File: 44 KB, 520x775, Wheres My Tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Driver here. Tipping is not an obligation, it's a standard. Either tip me or suffer the consequences

>> No.5016997

I'll tip a dollar for the first and then 1 every two or three beers after. Seriously, handing me an overpriced beer is not worth a tip at all.

>> No.5016998

either form a union or get a real job, slacker.

>> No.5017002

a happy bartender is a good bartender

>> No.5017003


>that feel when i tipped the Papa John's guy 38 cents on Thanksgiving

suck my dick madfags

>> No.5017005

Well then I put you at the bottom of my delivery list bitch nigga, even though you live two minutes away. If you don't want to tip, order the meal for pick up.

>> No.5017013

I didn't know this was even a thing. Nevertheless I think it's retarded. If they want I'll walk behind the bar and get my own beer, a 8 year old could do it with ease

>> No.5017015

>give me extra money or i'll ignore your patronage

>> No.5017016
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>If you don't want to tip, order the meal for pick up.

>mfw I order pick-up at a local place where the register is run by one of the servers, so I usually tip around 5 bucks anyway
>She's started recognizing me and slipping a free brownie or fresh-baked cookie dessert in with my order.

>> No.5017017


>tipping more than a dollar a drink

>> No.5017029

I only tip when the bar is really packed, now when its empty, fuck that shit

>> No.5017032

>mfw I order pick-up at a local place where the register is run by one of the servers, so I usually tip around 5 bucks anyway

What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.5017045

>mfw Ive always tipped $5 by default, no matter how much I was charged
>mfw the bartender allowed me to masturbate at the bar as long as I washed my hands afterwards

Living in Kentucky was quite cool, actually.

>> No.5017048


>> No.5017051


typical kentucky behavior, I live in Lexington and have masturbated into the sink of every bar downtown, and at all of the olive gardens though this had nothing to do with me leaving large tips

>> No.5017053

>Tipping for someone to pour a drink or open a bottle on top of the already ridiculous beer price


>> No.5017055

>5 dollar tip on one drink
>2 dollar tip on one drink
Thats easily a 40% tip on a good beer.

>> No.5017059

Shit, son. Don't you know that tipping a bartender big up front pretty much guarantees double-strength drinks all night?

>> No.5017061

can someone explain to me why this tipping shit is acceptable?

>> No.5017062

Not on beer it don't.

>> No.5017063

>Implying you can get double strength beers
>Implying anyone would ever buy hard alcohol at a bar instead of pregaming

It's like you've never drunk before.

>> No.5017064


American entitlement.

See: McDonald's workers striking for $15/h wage increase.

Poor people think they deserve what rich people have, without having to put the work in.

>> No.5017068

Because the majority of Americans work in the service industry. Muh entitlement.

>> No.5017087

>she starts giving me an item on the menu equal to the value of the 'tip' I give her

>> No.5017083

I don't really understand this shit about tipping bartenders. They get entirely overtipped for the service they provide.

>> No.5017107

I'm so glad this isn't a thing in the UK, that's absolutely laughable. Imagine tipping someone just for pulling a pint, absolutely retarded.

>> No.5017129

>tip for a drink
you fuckin wot mate!

I've never tipped for a drink in my life, do not know anyone who tips for drinks, and have never heard of anyone tipping for drinks.

>> No.5017132

I don't go tO bars much because I can buy my own beer and liquor at liquor stores. I dont see a point in buying drinks I can make myself, and I know how a bottle opener works.

I do have a friend in a band, and I go see them play in bars about once a month. I tip the bartenders mostly because they have to put up with the singer's drunken political or religious rants that typically start halfway through the show.

>> No.5017148

>Paid to pour drinks
>Expect extra tips for it

I don't get it either. Bartenders can suck my dick.

>> No.5017217

>tipping at all

The most I do is just say I don't want the small change and I only (although I never have because fuck that) tip bartenders properly if they give great service

>> No.5017223

I'll put a dollar or two in the tip jar after I'm done drinking.

They can get fucked if they think they deserve more.

>> No.5017230

The purpose is to go out and socialize and such.

>> No.5017244

Do people actually tip more than $1 for a drink?

>> No.5017251

I tip 2 dollars for a more complicated cocktail. But per beer I only tip a dollar.

>> No.5017253

>tipping drivers

>> No.5017254

I've never seen people tip per drink. At most I see is a few dollars after dropping at least 25-50 dollars in a night.

I never tip.

Don't care.

>> No.5017256

>TFW tipping is illegal in my country and if you are caught tipping you get your tipping hand cut off and the server fired.
Feels good to be free.

>> No.5017257

I normally do $1 if i am just getting one drink, or $2 for 2, but if I am buying more than that I would not go up to 1$/drink

>> No.5017258

What blessed land do you live in, friend?

>> No.5017259


>> No.5017262

>and the server fired

>not being stoned to death.
Nice 'free' country, m8

>> No.5017263

>beers are already insanely marked up
>pay what you could get a six-pack for, for one drink

>> No.5017267
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>tipping for anything other than a mixed drink
>tipping more than a dollar

>> No.5017271

I used to think the same way, until I found a local bar I like.
Now, I tip when I get my first drink, and after my last drink if I stay there for a while.

>> No.5017282

>spending as much on tips for a drink

I hate this country

>> No.5017285

That's not so bad then

>> No.5018477


I tip 1 dollar per drink. period.

If the bartender is kind with the alcohol i might tip $2 but since I work in the club the drinks they give me are already strong.


It will get you so many perks later

>> No.5018480

What are you tipping for? They already earn a wage from the profit margin on the alcohol..

>> No.5018484

my go to drink is a tom collins, I have had exactly 2 people make and garnish it correctly and they are the only two that got a tip from me.

it especially butters my ass when they dont even put it in the right glass. its called a fucking collins glass, are you retarded? what are you even doing back there?

one time a guy gave me a glass of vodka and lime juice because doesnt that sound wonderful...he caught himself and said "oh wait, Im sorry. I made you a kamikaze by accident"
no idiot, you didn't even do that you just gave me a glass of shit.

>> No.5018519

>tip generously in hopes of perks

What perks? You've just paid for them.

>> No.5018522

i don't even eat at restaurants but this is such a big annoying issue that i want people to stop having wars over it.

i always feel like its unfair how waiters and other tippable-type jobs get paid, just because the boss thinks that these poor f****rs get enough and should earn the rest from people who just wanted to eat a sandwich, and are not expecting to give up even more money than the price of the food.

what a retarded paradoxical system.

waiters should get paid FULL wages, not a penny and "earn the rest if your so good" they are already working a job, they should get paid for it.

as for the people eating at a restaurant, they shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything other than the price of food, people go to restaurants to sit down and relax and pay the restaurant to prepare and cook the food and bring it to them, and they already pay much more than it would have costed them to buy all the ingredients and make it themselves at home, so for the pressure of needing to pay some poor kid tips to be there, it kind of screws everyone over, the waiter, the customer, etc.

imagine if you could just walk in, sit down, pay for your meal, eat it, go home.

imagine if you could go to work, get paid for working, and go home.

>> No.5018525

What consequences? You've already given me my food you stupid faggot. And since I'm not some fatass that gorges on pizza weekly you'll never even remember it was me.

>> No.5018524

supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on Google somewhere) which showed that if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage that food prices at restaurants would go up by about ten cents at most. At restaurants the smallest expense which owners pay is the wages of their staff, and they are already so low that it won't make much difference. Additionally, there's this thing called balancing your budget and an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages, which would result in little or no change of food prices.

The whole "your food will become super expensive!" argument is perpetuated by the greedy chain-restaurants who want to get away with paying their staff next to nothing. They want customers to pay staff wages instead (which you do in the form of tips) and they have fixed the minimum wage for waiters and waitresses at a very low price.

>> No.5018530

Fuck you

>> No.5018539

Owners on the franchise level would be hurt by wage increases. That's not to say that wages shouldn't increase. The money should come from the top rather than the middle. Trickle-down economics is and always has been bullshit.

>> No.5018542

>Trickle-down economics is and always has been bullshit.
because its a made up strawman by the left that nobody has ever suggested as an economic theory ever once in history

>> No.5018548

Obviously, you're too young to remember the roaring 80's.

>> No.5018553

>bartenders can afford to tip more than double the average

This is why we should tip less

>> No.5018560

I'm not tipping 100% of the cost of a beer when I've had to stand at the bar and being ignored for 5 minutes while the bartender ignores me to serve the sluts with their tits hanging out.

>> No.5018566
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>> No.5018567

>if you want to be remembered

well in that case the correct answer for all four would be 0.

>> No.5018575

Such a wicked burn. Think of me when you're holding your girlfriend's "I need feminism because..." sign. I'll be drinking cheap booze at home.

>> No.5018578

The fuck? I lived in KY for 4 years for college and never saw shit like this. I missed out.

>> No.5018585

You should be talking to them.

>> No.5018589

Oh wow, Americlaps actually tip for drinks? You literally tip everybody who's working a job.

>> No.5018590
File: 149 KB, 960x770, corgiswordfight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Well, the joke's on you because I've been drinking cheap booze all night at home myself, I'm just not a complete tool like you. And what the fuck does feminism have to do with this? Don't you belong on /pol/ or /r9k/? You seem out of your element.

>> No.5018594

Everyone knows the fedora is the flag of MRAs.

>> No.5018598

I was oblivious to tipping bartenders until my very normie friend said its customary. 2 dollars a drink
It kind of blows ass though because after 3 or so drinks could of gotten another drink.
Fuck that shit
Bartenders get paid already don't they?
Plus the young dudes only give a shit about pretty girls
its a pay to be second place contest

>> No.5018599

See, I think the fedora has just become the flag of anyone who's a ridiculous ass about normal stuff. Everyone who's like "I gotta make a statement". Hey, guess what, no one gives a shit.

>> No.5018604

Found it for you:


What it discusses is a proposal to increase tipped minimum wage to $4.68 (which is still below the federal non-tipped minimum, but you can roughly estimate what that'd be like).

Costs passed to the consumer are infinitesimal. If I understand it correctly, paying your servers the minimum wage costs consumers a lot less than tipping them.

>> No.5018603

using fedoras as a counter to a decently thought out argument is just as bad as the bait pictures. its such fucking nonsense.

>> No.5018608

How the FUCK was that post a decently thought out argument? It was a borish, juvenile, uncouth, rash statement from someone who has less class than than my cat does in his deformed back paw.

>> No.5018611

was that an attempt at being witty?
If you are talking about how bartenders will serve tits regardless than you haven't been to enough bars/places with bars (they are kinda shit anywho)

>> No.5018621


Okay, then here's the argument in plain terms.

The markup on a decent beer is 50% or more of what it can be obtained from a retailer.
The service at a bar is horrible. Customers are expected to file in like pigs at trough where the pushiest people are served first.
If you are an attractive female, you will almost invariably be served with priority by male bartenders.
Tipping even a dollar on a decent beer is well above the the industry standard of 20%.

>> No.5018625

Your response is a perfect example of borish, uncouth, juvenile behavior. I think it IS better you stay home and drink alone.

>> No.5018628

>borish, uncouth, juvenile behavior
Welcome to American bars where drinking is done only to facilitate drunken anonymous hookups.

>> No.5018634

A. Go to better bars. Your problem is solved.
B. Of course attractive females get priority. (Unless you are in a gay bar.) Bars need to retain the patronage of attractive females in order to lure more men into the bar. I doubt you've ever said to your friends, "Hey! Let's go to that bar where all the mediocre, homely girls hang out!" It simple economics and marketing.
Now, on the tipping end, I feel it's best to tip conservatively at the beginning, and then if you get good service throughout, tip well at the end.

>> No.5018665

Down's Syndrome hits some harder than others.

>> No.5018696

honestly, it varies country to much less county to county it's really difficult. in'merrica, at least my corner, wait staff are paid next to nothing like farm hands. a good one can make big. a llot under the table there are ways. wasn't born yesterday.I tip about 15% if average. 20% if great. if you have a party of 8 and request tables be pulled together leave at least a twenty. and that is for no alcohol places. at a bar, a buck a drink. run a tab.. tittie bars, sup toyopu. my humble experience is keep a 50 to get home trust me while i get some cash. no. a dollar or two per night for motel housekeeping .not required. but nice. places like mcky de or bk. none unless you want to. itis certainly not expected. Mail people... expressly forbiden in the us from recieving gifts need not be great, but a note and somthing would be nice. hair. round up if it costs15 for a cut. give them 20. a tip of the fedora. but not always. sub standard is 5% and be aware, it might not be the servers fault. maybe they had a bad day, the server r the kitchen. shit happens. but if you have been there three times, and bad, time to go elsewhere. the ultimate insult? leave a penny for a tip. I would not would not advise that. you might get chased into the parking lot. with a knife or gun. everyone has a bad day. best thing to do is not go there. hey big spender, it's 2014 not 1976. a a five buck tip for a party of 4don't cut it. it is very touchy . the one thing i hate is when people expect a tip, for doing nothing. here is a tip, plant your corn early, and hope it grows.

>> No.5018805
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Holy fuck i'm glad I don't live in Tipistan. The whole self-important "eye for an eye" entitlement mentality makes me sick.

>> No.5018812
File: 151 KB, 817x1000, 1386939542450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slipping a free brownie

You need to slip her something too.

>> No.5018817
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>> No.5018820

>implying bartenders don't get paid under the minimum wage and that performance-based tips aren't the bulk of their income.
>implying a $31,200/yr income makes you "rich".
>implying the majority of rich Americans have ever worked a day in their life and haven't just had their income-generating nest-egg handed down to them for generations.

Are you a moron or just European?

>> No.5018823

>Holy fuck i'm glad I don't live in Tipistan. The whole self-important "eye for an eye" entitlement mentality makes me sick.

>> No.5018824

>implying the majority of rich Americans have ever worked a day in their life
Poor American being mad at kowtowing to the rich his entire life detected.

>> No.5018853

yes. they get ten ft tall and bulletproof. depending on their personalities, they get really nice, orrealloy mean. and really mean. if you are going to drink or smoke. try and keep one foot on the floor. and or have an alternate. because some get really ugly quick. with tragic consequences.

>> No.5019361

We do have the "and one for yourself" tipping method though.

I only use it in my local though.

>> No.5019368


>> No.5019387

An obviously unhappy bartender is a bad bartender, regardless of tips

Being a bartender is not difficult and you'll either make on volume or on quality, unless you both a.) suck AND b.) work somewhere shitty

>> No.5020815

You always round up to 50% for waiters/bartenders. It is just common courtesy.

>> No.5020819

>paying a guy to poison you

Alcoholic logic

>> No.5020839


My Chinese food lady used to do this with me too. Every time I went to pick up my order after work, she'd include a free side of something with my usual meal. Nice lady.

Delivery drivers are just a dregg on society who don't deserve any tip because it just lines up their pockets so they can spend it on iTunes downloads or whatever the fuck else.

>> No.5021086

Hey,I work in restaurant and whenever I order something off the menu while I'm at work I usually just have a server ring it in. Should I tip the server if I made the food myself? All they're doing is punching the thing into the computer and swiping my card.

>> No.5021112

They still have a tip line for pick up orders. Drew Brees got some shit for giving like $3 for a tip on a pick up order.

>> No.5021143

It always makes me laugh how the only argument Amerifats have for the tipping system is "all the amazing extra perks.
> wow you guys! I gave someone some money, and then (and this is the really amazing part) I got something in return for it.

Well done, retard. You figured out what a transaction is.

>> No.5021147


So she's pocketing the cash and giving you something at the cost of the restaurant to keep your fatass happy. She's a clever one

>> No.5021156

>"I would like to personally apologize to Mr. Brees, my staff, and anyone else offended by the posting of this image," the restaurant's managing partner Daniel Shalom Schreiber wrote.
>Daniel Shalom Schreiber

Moral of this story: don't go to a restaurant run by the Jew.

>> No.5021158

Good thing I only get carry-out.

>> No.5021159

you're forgetting how it saves everyone money, bro.

Wages are taxed. Tips are usually not. Therefore both the customer and the waitron makes more money via tipping than by paying the same amount of money in direct wages.

Yes, I realize that servers are supposed to report tips for tax purposes but in practice that doesn't happen. Even if they do, it stills saves money equal to the employer's side of social security/medicare/etc. It's pretty simple math bro.

Though I agree the whole system is silly, it's being willfully ignorant to deny the cost savings.

>> No.5021185

I'm not paying $10 for a fucking drink

Fuck you

>> No.5021202


No one is forcing you to drink at bars.

>> No.5021223

>get a $2 brownie for every $5 tip you spend
> not even including all the tips you spent becoming a "regular who tips well"
> "no seriously you guys, this works out cheaper. Taxes are all ebul. Haven't you heard about the 300% tax on cookies. Down with taxes lol."

>> No.5021227

ive never tipped anyone, living in australia

except indians

cos they drive taxis

>> No.5021228

I just tipped the Best Buy delivery monkeys $10 each for delivering my new clothes dryer.
u mad?

>> No.5021261


by that i mean

the 3 taxis ive ever been taken have been driven by indians so im just assuming as i do not look into taxis

>> No.5021333

I've always wondered: why do people even drink in bars or at clubs?

The drinks are marked up for like... literally 400% the price. For 1 drink (lets say a whiskey) at one of my local bars it's 5 fucking dollars. If you pay 20-30 bucks at the liquor store you can get atleast 10-20 drinks out the bottle. Why they fuck do they charge so much?

>> No.5021347

Because there aren't any trashy whores around when I drink in the garage.

>> No.5021348

Seriously just a dollar a beer isn't good enough? I'm not fucking made of money.

>> No.5021351
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I agree. Who the fuck wants to be drunk around other people anyway? Also every time I order my favorite Imperial IPA by name, the bartender acts rude and says something like we don't have that here. Then they offer me some pleb beer like Blue Moon. I try to explain to them about how it's owned by Coors but they start serving other people. And then to expect me to give them a tip after all that!

Bars are stupid, and only exist because of marketing.

>> No.5021357

Because some people aren't anti-social shut ins and so are willing to subsidize the costs associated with running a club—rent, power, staff, cleaning, etc.—in order to drink around other people, particularly people of the opposite sex who they later go on to have sex with since they aren't fedora wearing aspies. But continue to laugh at all those people buying overpriced drinks at the club while you cry into your single malt alone at home, you fedora wearing aspie.

>> No.5021361

Taxes, upkeep, labor cost, liquor license, liquor cost, rent or mortgage on the property itself etc.

Same reasons food is more than three times as expensive in a restaurant, only with more government thrown in.

>> No.5021365
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My sides. The devastation.

>> No.5021373

I too enjoy people of the opposite sex who I go on to have sex with

>> No.5021462

amen. I was at a mall restaurant/ bar waiting for some others who were still shopping( I hate "mall crawling" at thatr point about 4 hours in) whtil you have. a double gin and tonic. Like to have saphire? whats the well drink? gordons. that will be fine, thanks. here ya rre. maybe 2 oz of gin. that will be 14. please.; shocked, I said okay and handed a 10 and a five. well>? well what? were is my dollar change. here it is ya cheap mf.. I would have left the dollar tip had he not been an ass. I could have walked across the road and bought a 5th ( 750 ml) of gordons gin for < 9 bucks. I guess it is well I don't drink much when out. if i am gonna get f'd i'd at least like a kiss. to top it off, the lady
I was with said she ordered a beer in the food court with the kids eating lunch. six bucks for a 12 oz cup of draft beer I know you pay a bit extra,but even the damn airlines or cruse ships don't charge that much, and expect a tip? fo. I am a nice guy and tip well but 100% with this person

>> No.5021469

This thread is hilarious.

>> No.5021471

>$2 a drink
>$2 a fucking drink
i tip a dollar every drink and i feel like a sucker and every bartender that serves me loves me
$2 is just

>> No.5021493

weell you gotta be careful with that. can be a dangerous thing. first thing ya know, you got a house full

>> No.5021506

>Live in a college town
>Tip $1/drink cause im not poor
>Get remembered

Literally its the greatest thing. The other night the guy realized the bottle of rum was almost empty. So he poured the whole thing into my glass. It filled about 60% of the cup. So he then poured a normal serving a rum in from the new bottle, added a splash of coke, got me a little cup of coke, and told me "this one might be kinda stiff".

I tipped $2 on that one though cause I knew I would be done. I will say, you pretty much make your money back tipping $1/drink on mixed drinks cause they always make them stronger.

>> No.5021516

Thisthisthis. I tip $1 for shots/easy drinks, $2 if it's something more complicated. The bartenders at the place I frequent make damn good money off me. I can't count how many times I've gotten free shots or doubles. And zero charge for whatever non alcoholic drink I ask for. Large glass of juice? Comp'd. Faggy crushed fruit iced tea because I'm queer? No problem. No cost.

>> No.5021519

I honestly had no idea you should tip your bartender. All they do is pour you a drink, wow so difficult. Obviously the ones who make a show out of it and do fancy things might deserve a tip, but why should I pay an extra few dollars for someone to pour me a shot of whiskey?

>> No.5021521

Run a tab then tip well at the end. Works better than cash.

>> No.5021527

Not always. Tipping as you go clues the bartender in to what kind of customer you are. Tip well and you're likely to get a little something extra, or faster/better service. If you wait to tip at the end, for all they know you might leave them 2 bucks on a 75 dollar tab.

Just stuff I've noticed in my experience with both methods. I get more bang for my buck when I tip em as they go.

>> No.5021530

because they get paid $0 and they're giving you the greatest gift of all: booze
>but i could just drink at home for less
then do that

>> No.5021533

No, they are paid. In America at least, they are required to make at least minimum wage, and to be honest it's a minimum wage worthy job.

>> No.5021535

>minimum wage
wow so much money

>> No.5021540

also while i'm at it, they're getting paid shit money for dealing with drunk people for a living
do you even understand how shitty it has to be to cut someone off

>> No.5021541


In America at least, if someone makes more than you, unless they are extraordinarily wealthy, you are supposed to turn on them and attempt to undermine them in every way possible.

In this fashion you can impress the oligarch class and they will make you one of their own out of gratitude.

>this is what republicunts actually believe

>> No.5021542

It's more than $0 you exaggerating baby. If you want to get paid more, do something worth being paid more.

>> No.5021543

Lel I lived off minimum wage for 4 years while in uni.

Its not hard
>Get a cheap apartment
>Don't get cable
>Get mediocure internet

Rent: $200
Utilities: $60
Other Bills $100
Total: $360
Made: $560

>> No.5021548

>rent: $200
what the FUCK
literally the cheapest i ever heard here in CT is above a bar (heh) split between three people for $350 a month
average is $900 a month
i currently make $2 an hour more than minimum wage and i can't even move out of my parent's house

>> No.5021550

>rent: $200

maybe if you live in Jesusville WV

>> No.5021555

I mean I lived in a 2 room apartment in a complex aptly named "The Crack Den"

>> No.5021573

yeah the problem with cheap apartments in the northeast is if you're white, not only do the ghetto hood people want you dead, the cops want to arrest you because the only reason you're around those apartments is because you're buying drugs

god bless america

>> No.5021577 [DELETED] 

But im a fat white male who lives in PA.

It would like you think everyones out to get you, and have the old fashioned THE PIGS ARE EVIL FUK COPS KILL DER FAMILES >XD!!!!!! thought process.

>> No.5021586

Pennsylvania's the south of the north
Last time I was there they were hanging fucking confederate flags loud and proud

>> No.5021616

In south central pa and the backwoods near philly, yeah.

I still don't know if anyone actually lives in that huge piece of land north of Pittsburgh and south of Erie. Hill people live there probably.

>> No.5021637

What about buying a van and living out of it?

You won't have a fine kitchen, but you will save money.

>> No.5021646

Why would I want to be rembered?

>> No.5021716


Do you live in fucking mexico or something? Here it's $1000+ for a one bedroom.

>> No.5021837
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>> No.5021841

Are you bragging?

>> No.5021883

I don't understand why people give such a shit about tipping. You're already overpaying if you're eating/ordering out, another couple bucks won't break the bank, and it's a nice gesture.

>> No.5021950

>I don't understand why people give such a shit about welfare. You're already overpaying if you're paying taxes, another couple bucks won't break the bank, and it's a nice gesture.

>> No.5021978

Anyone who goes out to eat often and appreciates good restaurants and bars understands and embraces the tipping system. All the griping autists in this thread likely don't go out often due to a lack of friends and agoraphobia.

>> No.5021985

This. 100% this. If you think you should be making like 15-20 dollars an hour for working a near zero training, zero education job...

>> No.5021988

Bartenders can get you laid and make you look cool in front of sexy ladies. They can also do the opposite if you're a cheap prick

>> No.5022009


The drinks are already expensive enough. It's like tip is already included.

>> No.5022018

>Bartenders can get you laid
Making a show of having a significant disposable income is what gets you laid, not the bartender.

>> No.5022021

$1 per drink

Unless it's some fancy fucking cocktail, but I am not a woman

>> No.5022025

What reason is there to tip your bartender? Is he making $2 an hour?

>> No.5022031


Actually, yes.

>> No.5022034

Land of the free to screw your employees over.

>> No.5022079

I tip based on the speed at which i get the drink, quality of said drink, and if I'm at the bar, any sort of banter or conversation I get.

Also, who the hell pays per drink? I'll open up a tab and tip on the total

>> No.5022091

The only bartenders I ever tip are the ones from the high end gastropubs and bars that actually server complicated drinks... You know the ones with good whisky, bitters, and in-house ingredients like syrups, and spices...

If I'm going to a fucking shitty bar that basically gives me a beer and opens it for me then in my eyes you really don't deserve a tip... Because I could have easily reached around and done it myself.

>> No.5022124

They often don't mind you giving a reach around in lieu of a tip, actually.

>> No.5022163

I like how they conveniently left out that servers are compensated if they make less than minimum wage, and how they rarely pay taxes on tips meaning they make more than the average minimum wage earner.

>> No.5022222
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>don't approve of tipping system
>don't want to be an ass though
>never go out to eat or drink
>stay at home alone and sad
>because tipping exists

>> No.5022263

Britfag here. No need for tips. You want to be paid for serving me stick it on my bill.

>> No.5022292

I have plenty of friends and can meet women just fine.

I'll go to a club and hang out, but not order drinks, that's just fucking stupid. It's such a waste of money.

>> No.5022316

I agree. I don't believe in tipping when they are getting shit on tap for you. However if you ask them to mix a drink, especially a more complicated one, then tipping IMO is acceptable.

>> No.5022329


The point of tipping is: A reward good service.

If you pay as you go, as to not be ignored/spit on, then you're not tipping, you're paying protection money to a one person mafia.

If the bartender treats you like shit because they're paranoid you might stiff them, then they earn what they receive.

"Assuming you're a douchebag that stiffs hard working folks" is part of "Doing a bad job".

If the bartender actually does their job above and beyond the call, (i.e. earns a tip) then they get one.

In short"
>So much nicer to reward good people for being good, than bribe bad people to be good.

>> No.5022335

So many cheap asses itt. I bet you wonder why the service always sucks.

>> No.5022375


i thought us americans all loved and worshipped the rich and thats why we wont 'overthrow capitalism'

so which is it, because you people cant make up your mind

>> No.5022398


>let me know i should treat you like shit

>> No.5022416

>encouraging employee theft

>> No.5022428

you sound like a big douche.

>> No.5022429


Service sucks because the staff usually is the lowest level of society composed of all the people that never 'got it'. They think you, the customer, owe them some sort of compensation for them being unskilled, and/or unmotivated.

The kinds of people that don't really know how to 'work'. Instead they feel a sense of entitlement based on the fact they have a shit life (of their own doing), and someone (other than them) needs to pay for it. God forbid they EARN their money.

It's an easy job, and it's paid accordingly.

The price is set at a point to include everything you're getting. You're getting edibles, and deferring cleanup. You're paying 5x - 20x as much for atmosphere, and so you don't have to cook or clean.

If the service is good, it's optional to reward the persons responsible. If the service sucks, there should be no obligation.

Tipping for the sake of tipping, or "social norms" spits in the face of the people that actually DO do a good job. Reward bad behavior, you'll just foster more shitty service from someone incapable of 'getting it'. Reward good work, you enable someone that's good and 'gets it' to get out and move up.

So please tip, but only tip those that deserve it.

>> No.5022438

Are you being facetious or are you really this retarded?

>> No.5022497

I have to say based off of what >>5021516 said, tipping $1 on simple drinks is a great thing if you dont always order draft beer. That being said, 2$ for all drinks is crazy fucked, and unless there are more than 2 types of alcohol involved in making the drink i think it makes sense to stick with 1$

>> No.5022565

Ooh I'm scared of a loser with a dead end job

>> No.5022597

No one is forcing him to tip either

>> No.5022601
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>be British
>tip nothing
>only "keep the change" kind of deal

>> No.5022607

Man your shit is hard to understand. You should green text or shut up

>> No.5022611

>pay higher base food costs dining out to cover higher wages
>not able to reward good service or punish bad service
>pay just as much to get worse service
The Muslims can't Sharia your retarded asses soon enough.

>> No.5022616

You've obviously never done the job. It's not easy, standing up for eight hours alone is a bitch. Add to that assholes like you and so many others in this thread and you have a job that sucks. I did it for six years while in school and made enough money I only had to work two days a week and still had time to study and go out. Plus it got me laid like no ones business. You are the worst king of customer, one that thinks that you need to be the center of someone's universe before you deem them worthy of your $0.25 "tip". And that's why you wait, and that's why your drinks suck. Why don't you try going to a bar and not thinking you're superior to everyone working there?

>> No.5022618

At least our waiters/resses aren't entitled as fuck.

>> No.5022661


See there's where you're wrong.
It's the very fact that I worked those jobs that I know what I'm talking about. All those pissant little kids saying their job is hard 'cause they have to STAND for 8 hours.


8 hours of "hanging out"... Free or severely discounted meal, most of the time free drinks. Guaranteed breaks. Busy, meet new people every day. Easy to get hours covered, as easy to pick up extra hours. Overtime. As you said, get laid. And you threw that last part in an argument trying to refute what I said. (Lrn2argue)

I've also worked demolition: STANDING Back-breaking work, shit pay, long hours (i.e. 'til the job's done). No tips. But I don't have to put up with assholes, and I get my exercise. (to be honest though I'm sure some of them were assholes, but it's hard to be a dick to a 6'3" sweaty man with a pickaxe. Still no tips though.) No sex... Covered in harmful materials all the time. Probably have cancer I don't know about yet. But it was fun. Hell of a lot harder than being a server/prep/cook.

I've done database cleanup and maintenance.
No social interaction, sterile/static environment. Had to think all the time. I got to talk to people that actually think. When they weren't busy, and they were always busy. No job security, no overtime. Working 10-18 hours a day, getting paid for 8. Thx salary... I got paid MORE working at a coffee shop. And had a fuckton more fun in my life. Even though I had to STAND for 8 hours and deal with assholes.

I've been a machinist. Pupping zits that end up being metal shards that worked their way into my skin... Going deaf from machines... STANDING for 8-9 hours, covered in grease terrified of the guy next to me that doesn't understand a thing about safety, or he's Clint fucking Eastwood, with the machines.

I've done a lot more. But saying I've never done the job? No my dear,you've never had a job.

That's the self-entitlement I'm talking about. >"It's hard"
No. No it's not.

>> No.5022865

>standing up for eight hours alone is a bitch
Welcome to most unskilled jobs, do the huys in warehouses who pick and package stuff moan about not getting a tip? Do the people who pack boxes of food items in a factory for 12 hours standing get a fucking tip?
Stop your self entitled bullshit, you have no idea what a hard fucking job is.

>> No.5022868

>It's not easy, standing up for eight hours alone is a bitch. Add to that assholes like you and so many others in this thread and you have a job that sucks.
>I did it for six years while in school and made enough money I only had to work two days a week and still had time to study and go out. Plus it got me laid like no ones business

lol @ these two sentiments being literally right next to each other

>> No.5022891

>I'm capable of something so everybody is.

Man, I would love to have never gotten my knee destroyed by a truck running a red light.

You obviously have no idea how hard it is to get a job when you can only stand for few hours and only with a hinged brace.

>> No.5023108

>5 dollars for a cookie or brownie
that's considered theft in some countries

>> No.5023116

i think i love you. in a manly kind of way. i'd buy you a fuckin beer for that post

>> No.5023129

it never ceases to amaze me how angry blue collar types get when another blue collar type threatens to make as much money as them.

why don't you fags stop fighting and try to collaborate instead?

>> No.5023132


>dem dollars

One drink? Like a complicated drink requiring years of study in an alcoholic monastery... or they just handed you a beer or poured a shot in a glass?

>> No.5023134

Union communist detected.

>> No.5023141

>tipping someone for giving you an overpriced beer

>> No.5023203


Quite the blanket statement you got there chief.

Care to tell us what to collaborate on? Mayhaps a course of action?
An idea or two?
At the least, state the problem?

Or are you happy saying empty things that might sound like they're smart?

As to be neither ironic nor hypocritical, I'll start.

The problem is as simple as believing there's a "them". There isn't. The problem is us; and that we think there's a "them". Now we need to work on that. What can "you" do?

Not some hippy shit on a 'change the world' level. No, just something simple. Are you possibly spending a little less time bettering yourself? Spending too much time making yourself 'feel happy' rather than making yourself actually happy?

You call these customers "assholes". And they drive you crazy, when they should be sources of amusement. Markers of what you're not. They're not a "them". That's giving them too much credit. Do you even remember the FIRST asshole you had to deal with? Or the next? Any from a month ago? They're not even there.

But that anger?
>That's you.

Your stories should start with "Me and my friend(s)....", not "Some asshole(s) at work....".

It's a shit life concentrating on the negative all the time. Trust me.

>> No.5023229


>> No.5023419


And yet there's people with no legs at all that do so much more than you.

Not trying to be callous, but come on. You were the one that weaponized your weakness.

Of course it's going to be hard to get a job when you bring that with you.

>> No.5023509

>tipping someone more than 2 dollars to pour beer from a spout into a mug

>> No.5023544

Don't go out if you can't afford it.

>> No.5023553

>Friends like to go to bars and buy $4 budlights
>Watch the game and shit, cmon and join us
>I have a bigger tv at home and have better beer cold and cheap
>You'll never meet a girl at home
>I don't want to meet a girl who goes to bars often and all the girls at the bar you go to are shitty
Why is it so hard for people to understand?

>> No.5024287

screencapping for future tipping threads

>> No.5024330

>$2 tip for one drink
>not $5 for a few or $10 after getting sloshed
the fuck? if i did $2 per drink i would be out like $20. fuck that, i might if they were getting me drinks constantly but most bars i go to they just go off and do their own thing for 15 minutes and then get me another

>> No.5024334

>Pupping zits that end up being metal shards that worked their way into my skin
yeesh never thought of that happening. When I worked in the bush I would pop zits that ended up being rose thorns or entire spruce or juniper needles that somehow got entirely into my body.

It's funny how people think being a server is back-breaking and can't fathom what other jobs people have done. Self-absorbed people don't have the capacity for outward thinking.

>> No.5024339

>being an antisocial autist
whatever man

>> No.5024351

I know what you mean, but if you are a young man you should make an effort to go out sometimes. Otherwise the day will come when your friends may stop inviting you to anything.

It's more of a change of scenery and people than anything. I don't go to bars anymore, but that was the only good thing about it. Loud music, drunk retards, overpriced alcohol, etc. sucks, but sometimes the night could be fun.

>> No.5024356

So that's all bars are to you? Sports and picking up girls? Good to see you buy into stereotypes so easily.

It's a social experience that transcends gender. You can make new buddies there. Male or female. You can learn new things from the people around you.

If that's not your cup of tea, fine. But there are far more reasons to hang out at a bar than overpriced beer.

>> No.5024361

>You can make new buddies there. Male or female.
lol. this is pathetic. I'd bet my last dollar you're a woman.

>> No.5024363

>implying girls on internet

There's literally nothing in that post to imply female.

>> No.5024385


This here is the smartest post in this fucking thread and no one even caught it.

>> No.5024387


Samefag as fuck

>> No.5024411

I was a cook at a bowling ally. If I was a really a "cook" op\r not is up to you but, I remeber that we'd be swamped.And the bar would sell food without telling us. Essentially making a VERY upset customer. They also would take the money the customer would give as a tip for the person who slaved away to make their fuckin party platter. We never would get it. Ever. They never cleaned up after themselves, that was "our job" at the end of the night. And WE not THEM were in charge of moving the booze from the truck to the cooler. So. In my experience, bartenders are total cunts. I will not tip someone who just pours me a drink. They make a wage AND most go home with 100plus bucks in their pocket. You can pour me a drink or hand me a bottle without bitching.

>> No.5024417

Why wouldn't you be a bartender then? The cook job sounds like a shit deal. Your bartenders obviously had a cushy job that paid way more. Logic dictates you would want that job instead. What is it about bartending you don't like, that kept you from pursuing that position?

I'm genuinely curious, because clearly you believe there are negatives associated with the job. Perhaps those negatives are what make a bartender's job worthy of more tips than a cook.

>> No.5024422

I was 17 at the time. It was my first job.

>> No.5024430

That was probably the least pathetic post I've ever read with regards to bars/clubs on 4chan.

>> No.5024468

except for all the points about gender. You never ever see a man making those points(unless he is either a closet homosexual or an actual homosexual)

>> No.5024471
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>two days apart
>samefag as fuck

stupid as fuck

>> No.5024481

I went to a bar in DC where they had 25 cent drafts one night. We all paid with quarters for each drink and after 3-4 he got buttmad and wouldnt pour us anymore because he said we werent going to tip him. We actually were at the end because it made no sense to tip after each 25 cent beer but after his hissy fit we all just left. There were like 6 of us and we were gonna tip like 3-4 dollars each.

top kek

>> No.5024489


>implying you don't post every day

>> No.5024535

>implying I'm me

>> No.5024539

WHERE? dcfag here.

>> No.5024548


some goth bar in adams morgan. this was in 2009 though

>> No.5024552


I bet you all looked like poorfag students. Kids get treated like shit by default in restaurants and bars because 9 times out of 10 they don't tip. It's the same with blacks.

>> No.5024554


Probably, we were all 21-22 at the time, but werent poorfags. Jokes on him for judging us all as such.

>> No.5024563


was Asylum. Looks like its closed

>> No.5024596
File: 46 KB, 458x305, bar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He shouldn't have thrown the hissy fit, just moved you to the bottom of the "wait on asap" list. And there's no joke on him - he's playing the percentages. College students, some minorities, old people, etc., get waited on more poorly b/c they often shit tippers. You give your A-game to the types that tip better. Yeah, you miss out on the few exceptions, and occasionally the supposed good tippers don't pan out, but what are you gonna do? ComEd doesn't give a rat's ass that you hustled some beers to be nice, they want cash.

>> No.5024895

>mfw cosy pubs where you meet your neighbours and friends, the beer is reasonably priced and you can just stay and chat to whoever wanders in

Why can't your Bar Culture emulate this Murrica, it seems like the way to go

>> No.5024901

Fuck off.

In high school and into college, I worked as a Dishwasher/Pizza Chef and later as a Deli Clerk at a nearby supermarket. That's food service. I'm still dealing with plenty of assholes and entitled customers. And you know what? I made minimum wage and never felt like anybody should tip me. I was in the kitchen making platters for catering, making their sandwiches in the deli, and making them pizzas from scratch. On top of that, I was doing all kinds of shit which waiters never have to deal with, like trash duties, skewering raw chicken, and degreasing the fucking rotisserie. No tips.

Then, my summer job in college was doing manual labor on a farm. Almost 50 hours a week outside doing literally backbreaking work in unsafe conditions for a boss who was actually insane for minimum wage. Getting sunburned, eaten by mosquitoes, whatever. But you know what? I enjoyed that job for what it was and made friends with my coworkers to make it bearable.

Not trying to outwhine anybody, but why waiters think they're entitled to tips is beyond me. I'm not totally against tipping, either, but when it's expected because "Oh my God, think of the poor waiters," they can fuck off.

>> No.5024923

that doesn't sound that far off. Obviously college bars which most people on 4chan frequent aren't really like that, but there are a lot of places in america just like that

>> No.5025174

>implying that any waiter/waitress only makes minimum wage from their tips
>implying that any waiter/waitress would bother showing up for work if they only made minimum wage and got no tips

>> No.5025218

being this beta

>> No.5025313


>> No.5025344

>tipping $5 for one drink

Nigro please. You stand there and pour a few liquids into a glass. You get $1 for your 30 seconds of work.

>> No.5025359

if you'd bother reading a book. the majority of **wealthy** Americans make their own money, through personal businesses.

what none of the retards who want to raise minimum wage realize, is that businesses will just not hire as many workers, OVERWORK, the ones they keep, small, local businesses will be impossible to start up with now tremendously increased wages to pay.

it isn't anyone elses fault you didn't think to get training for something actually in demand instead of "following ur draemsz"

>> No.5025373

>calls out samefags posting 2 days apart

I bet you are the guy that says "copypasta! copypasta" in every thread consisting of 100+ words.

>> No.5026709

as a Kentuckian this concerns me

>> No.5026909

I completely disagree. As a frequent traveler, expat, and someone who's generally bad at keeping long-term friends, I'd say the non-sexual company I've found in bars and other drinking venues is fantastic. I've met a lot of people from other countries this way, all who have a story to tell and will let it loose freely due to their inebriation. Similarly, I feel welcome to tell my stories, and I have an open audience for that shit. Meeting strangers while drunk for the purpose of camaraderie has always been one of my favorite pastimes, and it has far more value than your average one-night stand.

>> No.5026973

>nearly 2014
>STILL not giving your server the helpful tip that they are legally obliged to be paid minimum wage, and if they don't make up to that from tips then their employer must add on the difference

Tip if you want to get better service, tip if you thought the service was excellent, tip if you're hoping it will make the server suck your dick, whatever. However, "the poor servers get under minimum wage without tips!" is factually incorrect, and anyone tipping because they think it's true is wasting their money.

>> No.5027107

Most jobs where tipping is the norm, people are paid significantly less than minimum wage. For example, where I live minimum wage is about $11/h but serveres get paid about $8/h

>> No.5027227

That even seems a bit high. When I worked as a waiter my base salary was $2/hr and on a busy night I'd make anywhere from $10-20/hr. Mind you this is at a hibachi grill, where I didn't even have to bring entrees out and the cheapest dish was about $16.

>> No.5027229


I used to deliver for a summer in college. Drivers talk, and addresses stand out. Especially when you're stiffed on a tip.

You can pay the listed price and go to the store your own fucking self, or order delivery and give the driver a few bucks. Otherwise you're a fuckhead and I wouldn't blame the driver for keying your car or shitting in your mailbox or something.

>> No.5027239


You don't tip for the drink, you tip so the bartender remembers you and serves you first when there's a pack of thirsty douchebros around the bar.

Or because you're a decent human being and not someone who takes some principled stance over not tipping a dollar or two.

>> No.5027256
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I'm a bartender at an Irish Pub in Germany. To me, tipping definitely is not an obligation since I get paid relatively well (8€/h). However, if you're a regular at a place, I would still recommend you to tip the bartender and just be a nice guy, as in show basic manners.

Little things like saying please and thanks, looking into the other person's eyes when you talk to them, no snipping fingers or whistling. Sure, you would still get served if you did all these things, but when the bar gets super busy, you will more than likely be the last one being served.

>> No.5027262
File: 20 KB, 151x210, 1363106105933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordering pizza on thanksgiving
You tell me who's worse in that situation. At least he was working.

>> No.5027312

>businesses will hire fewer Americans
>will overwork their existing employees
>the market will become dominated by large corporations as local businesses fail

Gee, I sure am glad nothing like this has been happening over the last several decades!

>> No.5027336

>looking into the other person's eyes when you talk to them, no snipping fingers or whistling

Oh god, I have a coworker who acts like this at restaurants. It's so embarrassing.

>> No.5027341

Cheers, I always tip the Irish bartender, not only because it's the right thing to do, but you Irish like blowing things up more than us Americans do and I prefer not to be blown up!

verif: engleyn scenes

>> No.5027345

I work in a kitchen but rarely go into the bar or have time to talk to waiters, what is a polite way to get attention, can you raise your hand or is looking at them enough?

>> No.5027373

exactly, we should really be trying to decrease the cost of being productive in america, not increase it

>> No.5027395

What kind of world are we living in where if you don't tip 50% or more of the cost of an alcoholic beverage your a dick? Because bartenders have it so hard? Plenty of people have it hard and they don't get tips. Tip the fucking mexican mcdonalds workers if you're going to tip bartenders.

>> No.5027396

Cheers, I'm German though.

Yeah, if it's a good bartender, he should notice you looking or raising your hand quickly. On a busy night, especially when you're standing behind people sitting at the bar, it can happen that the bartender doesn't see you right away. Then I would recommend to say something to get his attention but still act friendly.

>> No.5027405

>get charged $4 for a $0.80 beer
>feel you need to spend MORE

no, fuck you.

>> No.5027425

I think she thinks you are a health inspector.

She wants a D rating.

>> No.5027428

GTFO! Life's not about being a productive little battery for the government. Go back to North Korea and commie land you freak job!

>> No.5027431


>> No.5027450

you misunderstood my point. I was just commenting on how fucking dumb it would be to raise minimum when the economy is having such a hard time as it is. Liberals have a really tough time understanding economics due to their tendency to be emotional rather than logical

>> No.5027482

I got so much better service in Korea from waiters not expecting a tip than I ever did in the states where they a tip is expected for them doing the bare minimum in their job

>> No.5027519

Well, I'd rather tip a bartender than people who just transport what I'm consuming.

>> No.5027528

>show up to bar shitfaced drunk
>get denied entry by doorman

>> No.5027535

tipping started as rewarding the server for going beyond expectations
now it's expected and factored into your pay and even taxed, which is complete bullshit

I was a pizza delivery driver and the only way I made money was from the tips
if you didnt tip me I would remember the address
I wouldnt fuck with your food I'd either let someone else take the order or I'd deliver to you last, and eat some of your fries or calamari

>> No.5027540

>Tipping for drinks
WHAT. Does this really happen in America?

>> No.5027564

It's not even economic policy, it's also basic human nature they fail to understand.

Companies have been formed and molded to operate with the #1 goal being "secure a large profit margin for shareholders" (if a publicly traded company). How they go about this is irrelevant, and often short term gains are seen as more beneficial than long-term.

If you raise minimum wage, you can't expect this level of trained and ingrained "greed" to suddenly flip to altruism. Companies will figure out how to pinch their pennies. They've done it before. When minimum was raised (incrementally) from $5.15 to $7.25, the company I worked for (A chain of specialty clothing) had their accounting dept working non stop until they figured that slightly more employees, working at severely reduced hours would pay out less than keeping a steady number of employees with an increased wage and full-time benefits. It happened then, and it will happen again if the minimum is increased, especially by such a huge margin as McJobbers are asking for.

Less hours, coupled with a quickly reacting market price, means you will actually get LESS for your dollar than you already are.

>> No.5027614

yes, but I have never heard of tipping more than $1 for a drink

>> No.5029544

>everyone who doesn't tip 2 bucks or more is kept on a list among the store
>there are that few people that don't tip you "reasonably"
>earn as much as you do and still are angry at customers for not paying an unlisted delivery fee

how about you key your boss's car for not paying you to use your own car and gas?

>> No.5029556

>Or because you're a decent human being
You're assuring someone who does very little work and reaps many benefits for untrained work gets paid for providing a luxury that leads often to health problems, bad behavior and crime gets paid more than people in the same level of work who provide necessary services, and you're doing this by exercising either your sense of economic elitism above others or financial frivolity among people of comparable incomes, and you're doing this in order to get put in priority, meaning that people with less money or better financial priorities get screwed. Please tell me where the "decent human being" aspect comes into play.

>> No.5029568


Sure thing chief

>> No.5029572

that is the truth. if you're talking hotel staff, classy shit, alright, those guys know how to turn a glass. most bartenders are hired just because they know the right people or otherwise have the personality. for the four years I lived in New Orleans, I never once was served by a bartender who could mix an IBA without a handbook, and if it required any intricacy at all they fucked it up. the only training they get is experience, because there are very few customers who desire very few cocktails anywhere that require any intricacy; most people are in a bar for a beer, shot, or jack and coke

>> No.5029590

Wtf are you ordering that a bartender had to look it up? In NOLA none the less. Every bar I've ever worked at quizzes you on drinks as part of the hiring process. Let me guess, you pick some obscure cocktail with out of the ordinary ingredients and then pitch a "wow duh untrained bartender is a idiot" fit when they have to look it up or tell you they can't make it.

>> No.5029594

I'm not that guy but that was my experience as well.

went to new Orleans looking forward to cocktails. was shocked by the poor excuse for cocktail culture.

in after a sazerac is an obscure fedora drink. it's like you people never drank anything other than cranberry and vodka juice.

>> No.5029595

yes, the b-52 is such a hipster drink

>> No.5029641
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>Having to bribe people so they don't spit on your food
>Having to bribe people so they serve you a decent amount of liquor
>Having to bribe people so they even keep acknowledging you
>Having to constantly consider the subtle social nuances you communicate to the server through the arbitrarily established bribe percentages that differ for each seperate type of service
>Finaly succumb to the social pressure and start bribing. Now I keep getting extra "free" shit I never asked for like cookies added to my order

Man I am glad that I live in a country that doesn't have so much circuitous bullshit surrounding simple services.

>> No.5030802

dat tipscience. see:

>> No.5030829

Jobs like bartenders, waitresses, delivery drivers, and similar do not pay minimum wage in most places because customers are expected to give a tip. The tip is seen as a motivator for the employee to work harder and impress the customer.

>> No.5030960

>don't tip your lawyer
>he's welcome to sleep through your case and ensure your guilt
>don't tip your teacher
>he will never try to teach you anything
>don't tip your doctor
>say goodbye to your heart

>> No.5030991

I tip $1 for every couple drinks and I get preferential treatment from all the bartenders at the bar I frequent, your picture is shit.

>> No.5031002

which college town do you live in?

>> No.5031013

>this shit
>literally the post after I explained why this is bullshit

see >>5026973

>> No.5031020

>Jobs like bartenders, waitresses, delivery drivers, and similar do not pay minimum wage


>> No.5031366


Your jobs sound easy actually, especially if all those jobs don't involve interacting with the actual customer.

>Easy to get hours covered


>I've done a lot more. But saying I've never done the job? No my dear,you've never had a job.

Not that anon, but have you ever been a server?

>> No.5031395

>That's the self-entitlement I'm talking about. >"It's hard"
>No. No it's not.

It's not hard. It's stressful, especially if you serve in a busy restaurant. It's a job that relies on customer interaction. Not alot of workers would put up with being yelled at or publicly insulted. You're getting paid $3.25 per hour, and since tipping is a gratuity thing, you have to serve over the guest plus some. It is an easy job for people with extroverted personalities, not so much for the quiet college students. If anything, their preferred job would be anything outside of customer interaction.

Jobs don't have to be physically demanding to be hard. If your dealing with people its going to be a bit difficult.

>> No.5031401

Should I have tipped?

-Went to a burger diner, paid and ordered at the cashier after waiting in line. Seated self.
-Waitress delivered our meal and milkshake
-I stood up and walked to the topping bar to dress burger
-I poured my own water from the fountain dispenser
-Left baskets on table

I didn't tip, didn't seem like a tipping situation.

>> No.5031417
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>> No.5031427

Are you asking if you should tip for eating inside a fast food joint?

Even Taco Bell delivers the food to my table if I eat inside.

>> No.5031434

It was a regular style burger joint, not fast food.

>> No.5031447

This isn't entirely true. It may be, for large corporate chains who have contracts for very low prices from producers or providers.
For smaller, mom and pop, or independent/local chains, getting such a contract is impossible. A restaurant I work as a manager in spends easily 35-40% of all sales directly into labor costs (meals had by staff included). Then another 25-30% goes to the food costs and another 30% or so goes to maintenance, equipment, utilities, and leasing. The restaurants that charge more than $12.00 for an average meal are making a ton of money.

Also: if you were to have a server not get tipped at all while working, he would still be given minimum wage, of $7.25/hr here in Texas. This raises costs quite drastically and the money you paid, meal and tip, would just be put together if server wages were raised to minimum, no tips.

tl;dr: Small restaurants in America need tips to keep costs to consumers low. If you want to raise minimum wage on servers and eliminate tips, expect massive increase in the price of your meal. Non-alcoholic rinks, however, will not change.

>> No.5031476


where is their profit margin?

>> No.5031569


>Asks if he's been a server.

First line says he's done that job and and then some.

Now. I could understand if it was buried in a wall of text. But... Yeah.

When you're the kind of person defending a point. I hope you realize you do more damage than good.

>> No.5031584



Let me put it to you like this. If there's no customers. As in Zero, the symbol for null and void, do you know the minimum amount you're legally allowed to be paid per hour in any and all states in the United States of America?

Here's a hint:

It starts with MINIMUM
and ends with WAGE

Give up? It's called the Minimum Wage.
It's quite the coincidence considering, IT'S THE MINIMUM FUCKING WAGE.

Carry on.

>> No.5031600

>tips keep costs low
>implying the amount of tipping that gives waitresses 10-30 bucks an hour less than offsets the cost of raising wage 4-5 bucks an hour
you could not be dumber

>> No.5031604

...servers have a different (lower) minimum wage

>> No.5031610

When i was younger, i worked as a childcarer during summer. We had at least 8 young children/person to take care of, all between 3-5 years, from 7:00 to 18:00, with very few pause time (30 min ?), being treated as shit, paid minimum, no tip, and parents don't care if you have a lot of kids, they only care about their own child. And i wouldn't even expect a tip.

>> No.5031618


And if they do not meet that wage via tips. Do you know what they get paid?

No matter what, they end up with the minimum wage.

>> No.5031621

Depends entirely on the bartender. If I like the way I am treated, I tip generously. If I'm treated just like an hobo, which deserves alot of respect himself, I will tip jack shit.

I actually got angry when I was in Venice, at some cafe, and the waiter had the nerve to add the tip to the bill, after making me wait for 15 minutes, in order to take my order. A 5 euro tip, on a 21 euro order.

On the other end of the scale, I went one night at some modest pizza place, but great place nonetheless. The waitress was so nice to me and my gf, we ended up tipping 30% of the bill...

Greatest tip I took part at ? 20 euro tip, on a 45 euro bill. May not sound much, but a coffee is about 1.10 eurocents, same for soda, and tea costs more, at a great 1.40 eurocents.

It was quite an order...

The conclusion : Treat the customer well, and you shall be tipped. Treat the costumer like shit, and you shall not be tipped.

>> No.5031628


It's shit like this (coupled with all the morons in this thread) that makes me wish teachers were both paid as much as doctors, and received as much training.

Fuck tips.
The people in charge of shaping the brains of children? Yeah, we pay them shit. They need a little bit more than a tip.

>> No.5031645

You get what you pay for, dumbass. If the parents wanted to pay more they could have done so, and probably would have gotten someone who took better care of the kids. As it was, they had someone to keep the kids from setting each other on fire for most of the day, usually.

>> No.5031651


Thank you so much for illustrating my point.