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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5013123 No.5013123[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

OK, /ck/. I have a date tonight and I said that I would prepare a meal, to show her that I am good bf material. She has been talking about it all week, and now I have like 6 hours to go. I figure I will lurk here for about 1 1/2 hours to get all my info. Ideally, not alot of cleanup. I have all cooking utensils and cutlery, and housemates have agreed to go out for the night. OK, so here goes /ck/. Can I pull this shit off?

Also, what wine should I get?

>> No.5013128
File: 498 KB, 200x183, dafuxk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you making her banana cookies??

>> No.5013125

also I need to shop quickly. How fucked am I?

>> No.5013133

I intend not to. Do I really need to mention 'pic not related' if it's so obvious?

>> No.5013140
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best banana cookie recipe I've ever had

>> No.5013147

>OK /ck/ I am in no way prepared and haven't planned ahead, I have no idea what I'm making and I need you to pair a wine with my non-existent meal.
Provide more detailed background and yours/her tastes.

>> No.5013148

hahahaa, wow.

>> No.5013149

So what you're saying is you know so little about cooking that you can't even put together a meal in your head. That you had a week to do this, and put it off to the last few hours. That you want to prove that you're 'boyfriend material' and you can't even dedicate yourself enough for a simple meal for her?

You aren't boyfriend material, and should feel terribly guilty that whoever she is thinks you care enough about her to be that.

>> No.5013150

The fuck? It's just a banana. No need to get ridiculous. Isn't going to kill me to eat a fucking banana.

>> No.5013152
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yeah. you do. your post is incoherent and retarded.

are you NOT making her banana cookies? Then what are you making?

>> No.5013158

her tastes- She talks about going to all these different restaurants all the time from different cultures.

Yea, it seems I asked the impossible haha. But I figured if anyone can help it's you guys.
I'll throw in some pics of the process of making and some of my date when she arrives IF I can be sneaky enough about it.
I like steak

>> No.5013164


i like turtles

>> No.5013165

I don't know if sneaking pictures of her eating a banana is the best way to make a good first impression.

>> No.5013166
File: 1.73 MB, 295x211, itcantbe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making her banana cookies?

>fruit + cookies are good

>> No.5013170

I know enough about cooking that I wont fuck up after I know what it is I am cooking. Been busy working odd hours and shit, so I haven't really had it on the top of my mind, kept putting it off day after day, and now I am at this point.

>> No.5013175
File: 52 KB, 540x439, 1321075190954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur welcome op


>> No.5013179

If I'm stuck in a similar situation where I only have a few hours to shop and prepare I usually make stuffed chicken breasts with herb/parika fries and a simple garden salad, or maybe something like rocket, pear and parmesan.
Simple, quick and enough to impress most people.

>> No.5013182


is this a thread about NOT cooking??

you posted like 5 comments using many words and not saying anything.

> What are you planning to cook?

>> No.5013188


If you manage to read the first, the very first post that I made, It's pretty fucking obvious I don't know
I like the sound of that salad, but herb/paprika fries, do you mean potato fries flavored with herbs/paprika or fried herbs?

>> No.5013191
File: 235 KB, 537x327, abandon2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you should cook your girlfriend


>> No.5013193


>> No.5013197

Hey /ck/ what wine should I pair with I don't know

you're a funny guy, I hope your gf gags on your shit food

>> No.5013199

You have given us no list of ingredients you have
You have given us no real knowledge of what she likes 'she talks about going to all these different restaurants from different cultures' is completely unhelpful
We don't know what sort of food you know how to make

I don't know how to help you, as you've given no useful info

>> No.5013202
File: 228 KB, 665x791, FhtUXah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about naked Anthony Bourdaine

>> No.5013205

I have the whole fucking supermarket as I mentioned in>>5013125

Fuck it, I may as well go to some fucking Jamie Oliver fan forum, those old bitches will tell me what gets their juices running if you guys are too clueless

>> No.5013207

so what you're saying is that you know what to make, know how to cook, and are posting here because? If you're looking for a friendly conversation about food, /ck/ is a terrible place to start. We hate food, and we hate you.

>> No.5013211

I know how to cook, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO MAKE. Wow, this is futile. I suppose if you guys can't get a girl, no one can.

Thanks bro, I will most likely use this.

>> No.5013212

Are you one of those people who get mad when asked simple questions, even if they can easily answer? You aren't allowed to ask for help and then not give any context.

Go home OP, you're drunk

>> No.5013213

You're either retarded or pretending to be retarded, but I don't care which because the end result is still the same.

If you aren't trying to rile people up with this thread to get your jollies, then I don't fucking know, make I don't fucking know, why not
An asian pasta salad with peanut sauce
Cook some bok choy as well to go on the side and if you're feeling really brave make cake in a mug or something.

>> No.5013219

Just asking for some help, but if people can't read, how can they help?

>> No.5013221
File: 268 KB, 500x375, 1383364197705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, make this

pair with piss

>> No.5013224
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>> No.5013232


I also think you're a retard.

>> No.5013237
File: 24 KB, 640x379, zimmern_for_winnern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no its about andrew zimmern now

>> No.5013252

>Andrew and Anthony meet by chance in some seedy corner of Indonesia
>Both slightly drunk
>Zimmerman makes the first move, tugs Andrew's pants down
>No objections
>That was the beginning of a long night of passionate, pasty alleyway fucking

>> No.5013253
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>> No.5013258

Damn he'd be a good cuddle.

>> No.5013369


yup. from indonesia to blowjobs in a queen's bathroom
