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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5012806 No.5012806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that smell when walking into a cafe with a female friend on a chilly winter night and all you smell is the fresh coffee beans and the light scent of her conditioner because you are standing right behind her and you smell her hair because you're in love with her but you lie to yourself and say you aren't and you both sit down and enjoy a nice cup of coffee while you chat about stuff and the conversation turns to fun stuff she does with her boyfriend and at least the coffee is good

Man I love drinking coffee. Shit I am drinking some right now.


>> No.5012819


post your meme faces there, sperg

>> No.5012821

the smell of freshly ground and freshly roasted coffee is possibly one of the best olfactory pleasures that we can experience

>> No.5012823

>putting up with a woman's bullshit
>not having sex with her

that feel is not a good feel. it is not even bittersweet. its just pathetic. forget about her, she knows what she is doing but likes the attention. you are not something to be used at her convenience. you are a human being. now have some self respect and spend your time with people who aren't using you as an emotional tampon.

>> No.5012829

>tfw you can't care for other people at all, you've tried but everyone bores you after a few weeks
>tfw you've never really felt the love of another and when people show you affection you can't stop doubting that it's genuine
>tfw you make a bomb ass chili

>> No.5012834

shut up. this is a feel thread

>> No.5012841

the feels guy has cancer and posts like that are chemotherapy

>> No.5012845

Feels thread don't belong on /ck/

>> No.5012847

>being friends with girls who are taken
>being friends with girls, who aren't directly connected with a good friend(male)

Co-workers are the only exceptions I can think of, and even then I would never grab a coffee with one of them unless, maybe, it was during a work break. Don't you have some bro's to help keep your mind off of these ho's? She has to know that you want her, and enjoys the power she has over you. Doesnt that piss you off?

>> No.5012852

I agree

B-but what if she bought me coffee. at least she bought me coffee


This is a coffee thread, m8

>She has to know that you want her, and enjoys the power she has over you.

She doesn't. I actively be mean to her just to keep her off the trail.

>> No.5012857

>She has to know that you want her, and enjoys the power she has over you.
This is kind of my fetish.
What scent was her conditioner OP?

>> No.5012861
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>What scent was her conditioner OP?

I don't even remember. Worse was when she was drinking some drink and she goes "here try this" and I could taste her chapstick all over the cup. I wanted to jump out a window.

>> No.5012860

>I actively be mean to her just to keep her off the trail
>be mean to her

That still sounds like flirting. How do you know her?

>> No.5012864

>How do you know her?

We've been friends for like 10 years. We have a pretty complicated history.

It's not even flirting. Just being a cold jerk. It's much easier that way.

But to keep this thread on topic, at least drinking coffee can console us for that one brief moment, right?

Something about coffee...not just the taste and smell but the atmosphere of a coffeehouse. It's just like the happiest place to be for me.


>> No.5012867

why don't you stop being gay and ask to bone her
>but she has a bf
Who fucking cares, she'll probably drop him without a second thought

>> No.5012870

>We've been friends for like 10 years.

Beta. Friendzone. Loser.

Call yourself what you truly are, faggot.

>> No.5012876

>Who fucking cares, she'll probably drop him without a second thought

Nah they've been together for a really long time.

Even if she did do that, then why would I want a girl that would do that? She's happy with him anyway, why would I mess up their happiness for mine?

I never said I wasn't. She can be a legitimately good friend though, so it's not all bad....


>> No.5012881

>why would I mess up their happiness for mine?
Because you're a selfish asshole that doesn't really believe what they're saying
Why the fuck do you think she wouldn't want to know how you felt about her if you knew her for ten fucking years

>> No.5012888

Right now, sounds like she's put you on the bench, or even reserve, for her bang squad. You gotta get another gf just to bang so you can match the stories she tells about her and her bf. She'll respect you more and then you'll have a better chance with her once things inevitably dont work out with her current relationship.

>> No.5012891

>Why the fuck do you think she wouldn't want to know how you felt about her if you knew her for ten fucking years

What's the point?

Look, we both know where this scenario will end up. It won't be

>"Hey anonette I have feelings for you but they're mixed and I want you but I have no clue if we'd even make a good couple"

>"Thank god, let me leave my long term boyfriend who makes me happy for a shot at ambiguous passion due to sexual tension between two heterosexual friends of the opposite sex!"

It's more likely it would be

>"That's nice anon. Maybe if I wasn't with my bf we'd be together. But I am and we are happy. Thanks for letting me know though"

>> No.5012893

>once things inevitably dont work out with her current relationship.

I don't think that will happen and honestly if I found a gf I'd just stay with that girl. Why would I get a gf just as prop to get to some other girl? She's not worth the effort.

>> No.5012895

It's okay anon. Food and cooking are hugely social things we share with one another. Feels can be a part of that. After all, the secret ingredient in the best of cooking is love.

>> No.5012901

It is at this point that I begin to doubt that you are being genuine an hope that you drown naked in a puddle so your qt girl can find you with your bare ass hanging out, sloppy and used from the homeless people that happened to pass by

>> No.5012903

>It is at this point that I begin to doubt that you are being genuine

How so? I've said nothing but the truth...

>an hope that you drown naked in a puddle so your qt girl can find you with your bare ass hanging out, sloppy and used from the homeless people that happened to pass by

Wait what why

>> No.5012908
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OK Op here again let's forget I said anything about a girl and just talk about coffee.

Post pictures of cafes and stuff

Do you have a favorite cafe you go to?


>> No.5012909

Because if you are being truthful, you are shit. Absolute shit. You are everything that's wrong with being a man, and I don't mean in a machismo way, I mean self wallowing and doubting gets you fucking nowhere and your fear of rejection is fucking pathetic

Or, if you're just being a ruseman, then i just hate you for wasting my time

>> No.5012914

>You are everything that's wrong with being a man, and I don't mean in a machismo way, I mean self wallowing and doubting gets you fucking nowhere and your fear of rejection is fucking pathetic

I guess so. It's not like I wouldn't date another girl or something. I'm not "waiting" for her.

But making advances on her would be retarded at this point. I don't even think I want her as a long term partner, it's just a passion thing.

>> No.5012916

Just report his posts and hide the thread. There's no woth in trying to talk to fools like him.

>> No.5012919

I also wanted to talk about coffee though


>> No.5012918


>> No.5012921

Consider this: if I don't tell her, we just continue being friends, she continues being happy with her bf and no one's feathers are rustled.

It's easier for everyone to just push it down inside and kill it.

>> No.5012927

Or you tell her and she rejects you and he continues being with her bf and you get closure

I'm done after this post, I don't get why people bother talking about their problems if they don't want advice

>> No.5012929

>and you get closure

I already have closure, she admitted she had feelings for me one time.

>> No.5012942

Don't be so clueless. If she told you that:
1. She still does, even though she has her current bf.
2. She never did and wanted to make you feel better.

Tell me which one is true. Make an assessment.

>> No.5012950

I always get hot chocolate and around this time of year I get the minty kind

>> No.5012963

You're completely right.
>push it down inside and kill it
forget about this chick. She seems cool but it's not healthy for you to care enough to start threads about it.

Best Case Scenario: your friendship is strained over the next few years as a result of you following my advice. However, after years of distance (and you working out regularly) you bump into each other and nostalgically arrange to meet and get coffee. She explains how she feels lonely after breaking up with her bf of 3 years, while you explain how you never felt a real connection with your current gf. You both move from coffee to wine as you express your love for each other. Eventually you bang and get married.

The first step is getting a different gf.

>> No.5012964

are you woody allen

>> No.5012971
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No just a guy hoping to re-bang his hs gf

>> No.5012994

its definitely number 1

but again, so what? She's just going to stay with her bf

And if she leaves him for me I'd think she's a retard and would lose all respect for her. He's a great guy and she loves him.

>> No.5012997

>her bf of 3 years
lol theyve been together much longer than that

>> No.5012998

So just fuck her, she doesn't have to leave him for that.
Chase your passions. Experience all the love in the world you can, forbidden or not. Life really does come down to that quest.

>> No.5013001

muh ethics
her ethics

>> No.5013004

You'd be surprised just how much the first part happens.

>> No.5013006

'Ethics' in relationships and love that defy lust are the result of people shunning the human quest for passion. It's really disappointing, but a fair enough reason to ditch on trying to bang someone you lust for.

>> No.5013020


Well I personally can't justify emotionally tricking someone into like 2 weeks of passion and then basically ruin their entire social life because of it.

Better than I just die somewhere and be forgotten about

>> No.5013023

I was in a similar situation some years ago, down to the coffee and everything. We went to that coffee shop every day pretty much. I did some pretty silly things because of how I felt, had no respect for myself at all.
In the end I told her how I felt, and she said some pretty nasty things that she must have been thinking all along, which made me feel pretty foolish.
It's a good thing the coffee there was lousy and always had grounds at the bottom, because I would be too embarrassed to go there alone and have them wonder where she was. But it worked out in the end, because I am with someone who actually cares about me, which was inconceivable to me back then. Still searching for a good coffee shop, though.
Now it's only the smell of coffee as it sits approaching room temperature that brings the feels back on occasion.
Don't let someone have power over you. Find a better coffee shop.

>> No.5013027

so damn poetic

you tied it all together

the coffee
the love
the metaphors

>> No.5013034

How is it tricking? And how does it ruin their social life?

Secrecy and mutual desire, brother.

>> No.5013039
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Dear OP,
If she told you she loved or liked oyu in that way at one point in time, she may have. But she may have grown up or changed over time, and feelings change towards friends depending on interactions we have with them.

I think maybe you love her. Maybe you're actually in love with her. But very likely, she only loves you as someone dear to her.

Don't lie to yourself, instead figure out your feelings wholly and then decide if you think you could really make her happy. Not if you are worthy - because only you showing how willing you are to be happy with her and make her happy will you show your worthiness.

Good luck.

>> No.5013046

>go to get coffee with female friend
>add whiskey to mine from a flask
>get drunk eventually after like 4 refills
>she tells me she has feelings for another guy
>get sad but dont say anything
>leave and offer to walk her home
>alcohol affects me and i decide to rape her
>start raping her
>finish raping her
>leave her in the snow

gadman coffee

>> No.5013047

>How is it tricking?

OK emotionally manipulating

If I wanted to I could have really made her life hell and fucked up their relationship, even if temporary. I didn't. Because I try not to be a piece of shit.

>Secrecy and mutual desire, brother.

That sounds very fun in theory but when you realize you could be on the other end of that and that you are also fucking over someone else it's not very fun or cool.

I think she thinks the same way. Maybe she doesn't and she wanted that scenario to play out. Either way I would have found it disgusting and wouldn't have participated...so you see for me, no matter what happens, I am miserable.

Which is why I say nothing.

>> No.5013051

>>alcohol affects me and i decide to rape her
>>start raping her
>>finish raping her
>>leave her in the snow
>gadman coffee


>> No.5013088

>gadman coffee

>> No.5013215

>tfw you don't even like food very much
>tfw i would be happy eating the same bland food everyday
>tfw lurking and funposting on /ck/ for 4 years