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5009397 No.5009397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Jameson Irish whiskey a shit, /ck/?

I got a bottle for a friends birthday, it was pretty much my price limit. I've heard it was good. Did I do well /ck/? Would you be happy with a bottle of Jameson on your birthday /ck/?

>> No.5009401

Fucking Catholics...

>> No.5009405


It's drinkable, but nothing special.

>> No.5009408

It's a drinking whiskey, not a sipping whiskey. It's alright I guess

>> No.5009409

5/10 bretty gud whiskey would mix it with coke

>> No.5009410
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Beats the hell out of what I got for my birthday.

>> No.5009411

If he complains about this he's a dickhead and don't deserve to be friend with anyone.

Seriously alcohol ellitist go fuck yourselves

>> No.5009413

>please validate me, /ck/

Are you really that fucking insecure?

>> No.5009415

It's pretty shit. There's better for less.

>> No.5009429


Irish whiskey has nothing on Scottish whisky. I mean that Irish crap tastes like rubbing alcohol with a drop of liquid smoke.

>> No.5009444
File: 31 KB, 259x300, mccormick-259x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, that sucks.

One time this sweet girl I knew bought me a bottle of Mccormick whiskey for my birthday because she knew I liked to drink whiskey. She didn't drink, not even beer so she didn't know what the fuck she was doing. She said it was her first time to go to a liquor store.

It was horrible, the gesture made me happy though. Not many people even remembered my birthday that year and it was one of the only gifts I got.

>> No.5009467
File: 20 KB, 260x390, HEAVENHILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that feeling bro, although I kind of brought this shitty whiskey on myself.

My roommate and I are both big bourbon/Scotch drinkers, so I told him jokingly to get me the cheapest bourbon he could find. Needless to say, he succeeded.

It's not half bad as a mint julep, but on it's own it's like drinking alcohol flavored piss

>> No.5009481

Jameson's a good middle ground whiskey to drink. Used to take too many shots of the stuff so I don't drink it often anymore.

>> No.5009554

If your friend is a booze snob, it's shit.

If your friend likes booze, it's good.

>> No.5009574

I don't think hes a booze snob, I always see bottles of Jack, Crown, Jim, Jose Quervo etc over there. I'm not sure he's had Jameson, at least I've never seen him drink it. I bought a bottle for myself too, about to crack it open and tell yal what I think.

I'm definitely not a booze snob, it costed more than what I usually get. I'll probably like it compared to my Old Crow and cheap tequila.

>> No.5009587

Then it's good. Ignore any whiskey elitist who tells you otherwise.

>> No.5009606

Jameson goes down smooth while not being too typicaly irish (not too much grain bitterness) and even has a light sweet fruity note. If you like hard alc you will like Jameson. It doesn't have real complexity in smell and taste but if that's not what you're looking for you'll be fine.

>> No.5009629
File: 130 KB, 800x600, 1835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I just opened my bottle and had a shot of it. My verdict is the whiskey is good, I think my friend will like it. Its very smooth and has a nice taste, a distinct sweetish flavor thats different from my usual bourbon. This is actually my first Irish whiskey, are they typically smoother and sweeter than bourbon or do I just drink shitty bourbon? It almost went down as easily as a strong wine. My usual whiskey for sipping is 1835, if I'm binging or its a weekend I go Old Crow all the way.

>> No.5009642

Agree with you. It was one of the smoothest hard liquors I've had and there was a distinct sweetish flavor that I havent tasted in other whiskeys.

As for liking hard alcohol, I like to get drunk as cheaply and as painlessly as possible. This costs more than I usually spend on hard liquor but it tasted alot better too. My hard liquor tier is the top of the bottom shelf (old crow). I'm not a liquor snob or even appreciator, I like to get drunk.

Ironically I am one of those hated beer snobs. I don't usually drink beer to get drunk though, I treat them like sodas and have 1-3 throughout the day instead of soda. Good beer is my favorite drink.

>> No.5009682

It's my go-to for getting shit faced.

>> No.5009684

nothing is sweeter than bourbon.

>> No.5009695

bourbon doesn't really taste that sweet to me though. the Jameson seemed sweeter. about to go in and have another taste to make sure....

>> No.5009729


I've only had Jameson once or twice, but what stood out to me about it was that it was quite a bit sweeter than any other bourbon or whiskey I've had. I haven't had much experience with Irish whiskey either (bourbon is my go-to drink), but I had Bushmill's once and can say it did not taste nearly as sweet as either Jameson or any bourbon I've had. Based on my experience, Jameson is just unique in that regard.

>> No.5010089

Dude that girl likes if you she went out of her way to get you alcohol even when she doesnt drink

>> No.5010303

All I'm sayin' is do a side-by-side against Bushmills and make your choice.

I can drink the hell out of Bushmills and do, but find Jameison not as smooth.

>> No.5010313

Jameson is adequate. It is meant to be a mostly smooth accessible whiskey that the average person can enjoy and it does that job well. The serious whiskey person will enjoy it, but will prefer other stuff with more complexity.

>> No.5010484

Jameson is fine for an Irish Whiskey.
Personally, I prefer Kilbeggan, though they've jacked the price on it recently.
I've taken to drinking Colcannon lately.
It's all pretty smooth.

>> No.5011132

Of course I'd be happy. It's tasty moderately priced whiskey. If your friend wasn't happy he's a fucking faggot.

>> No.5011652

I personally enjoy jameson, it may taste similar to water but still... Jameson 12 year is super delicious and 18 year is quite nice as well

>> No.5011671


>Bushmills okay?
>That's protestant whiskey
>The price is right, ain't it?
>make it neat

>> No.5011705


>you will never drink and puke as much as Jimmy and Bunk

>> No.5011770

I'm okay with that

>> No.5011791

Explain to me the difference between Irish and whisky please. I've only tried a couple of scotch single malts and a bourbon.

>> No.5011798

Tastes best at the distillery. Neat tour if you ever get to Dublin and its better than the Guinness storehouse in my opinion because you actually learn something on a guided tour. Of course the storehouse has the view at the end...trade offs i guess.

but yeah, good job OP

>> No.5011803


Basically, Jameson's labels you as a Catholic and Bushmills is protestant. That's important, since you don't want to make the faux pas of ordering the wrong one, lest you want the troubles to start all over again. Ordering Jameson's in a Protestant area is about the same as screaming "bikers are faggots" at a Hell's Angels club meeting.