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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.71 MB, 3264x1952, IMAG2661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5004741 No.5004741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your kitchen.oh yeah I live in a ghetto that's what they all say

>> No.5004754


Looks nice to me, but is that an electric range? And lose the microwave. I hate microwaves.

Nice faucet, nice fridge...

>> No.5004759

Why is your fridge so big and your kitchen so small ?
Just being curious.

>> No.5004793

>knifeblock pls go

>> No.5004797

Your kitchen is how I would imagine a shitty Indiana kitchen to look like.

>> No.5004799

I imagine a few people sitting down for a meal in that kitchen but all at different tables with their back to each other.

>> No.5004802

complete with redundant breakfast bar island thing for good measure

>> No.5004939
File: 2.99 MB, 2592x1936, SKF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OPs kitchen is fine. Always wanted to buy fridge like this but it is hard to get on in Russia, damnit.

Picrelated is mine.

>> No.5005003
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Here's mine

>> No.5005011
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>still living with your parents

Sure is underage b& in here.

>> No.5005038

Didn't know Bill Gates browsed /ck/

>> No.5005047

>fancy ass shit utilities
>ugly as fuck breakfast bar

>> No.5005106

Can anyone open one of these fridges and show what inside looks like?

>> No.5005108
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>please, help me

>> No.5005161

>fancy ass shit utilities

What the fuck does this even mean? Do you mean appliances?

>ugly as fuck breakfast bar

It's not what I would have chosen either, but it's useful prep space.

>> No.5005169

Sit on the floor and sob

>> No.5005836
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>> No.5006045
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Shitty galley kitchen in shared house. The place was filthy last night (after other housemates) so I got started cleaning. Gave up after two hours and am back at it today.

There was a microwave, but it broke somehow
>"anon, you need to give us £40 toward a new microwave"
>'no I fucking don't, I never used it'
>"but its a shared house and so we all share the cost"
>mfw I know full well it was a cheapy Tesco microwave that only cost about £30 in the first place
>mfw no face

Oh well, from Wednesday I'll be back home for Christmas with a much nicer kitchen. If the thread is still up I'll take a pic.

>> No.5006055

>Looks at average upper-middle class kitchen
>Equates with Bill Gates

You must be poor as shit son.

>> No.5006058 [DELETED] 
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pretty much this

>> No.5006063

Why do you hate microwaves?

>> No.5006067
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I like my things being clean.

>> No.5006092
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>> No.5006104

rich white privilege detected, fucking check it

>> No.5006145 [DELETED] 


No you live in white-trashville. Big difference fuckhead.

>> No.5006148

Do those heating table thing work well?

>> No.5006167


Why shouldn't they?

>> No.5006173

I'm just unfamiliar with them, thus asking. I'm used to the old-style electric stove tops with the coils... but do hope, one day, to have money to redo/update the kitchen. So I was curious.

>> No.5007085
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Tiny but I love it.

>> No.5007090

I like the shelving unit on the wall.

>> No.5007145
File: 298 KB, 1078x808, IMG_4593 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fridge and other shit are to the left. Have some venison thawing, the fire feels nice with this cold front we're having.

>> No.5007248

I'm kinda jelly of this kitchen. Except for the animal heads. Those are icky.

>> No.5007266

>Except for the animal heads. Those are icky.

They're perfectly sanitary, unless you're against killing animals I guess, in which case the venison should be as offensive. There's a portrait of one of the two doges on another wall to balance it out.

>> No.5007273

It just bothers me having the heads up there as trophies. I'm fine with eating animals for sustenance.

>> No.5007274

That kitchen looks comfy as fuck.

>> No.5007288

>It just bothers me having the heads up there as trophies

Eh, trophies isn't really the right word, it's more of an appreciation of the beauty of the creature.

>eating animals for sustenance.

In truth, what's worse, buying a cheap as shit burger from McD's or elsewhere that contributes to the destruction of the South American rainforest, or paying tons of money to manage wildlife? I hope you didn't get upset at that lady who shot that lion a couple weeks ago, the anger is really misplaced.

>> No.5007296

>table right in the middle of the kitchen

God this is awesome. Mind if I ask where you are?

>> No.5007328
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SC, USA. The table is admittedly a tad too large but it has no chance of being lit by the fire.

>> No.5007343 [DELETED] 

I wonder how long they had to beat that elephant to make it behave like that

>> No.5007360


Not sure, are you familiar with elephant handling?

>> No.5007366

>Eh, trophies isn't really the right word, it's more of an appreciation of the beauty of the creature.
No, it's a trophy. If you appreciated the beauty of the creature you would have a picture of it you took.

I hunt and wouldn't delude myself into thinking keeping a part of the animal, be it antlers or feathers or the head, is anything but a trophy.

>> No.5007371

>would eat hot venison stew at that table on a cold winter's night with the fire roaring

>> No.5007372

Why would you put the kitchen in a closet

>> No.5007377

I would say a week or two for the baby. An older elephant would be half past caring and stomp the shit out of the handler.
I love this with my very being.
This looks like mine.

>> No.5007381

>I hunt and wouldn't delude myself into thinking keeping a part of the animal, be it antlers or feathers or the head, is anything but a trophy.

So eating the meat you keep after the kill is a trophy? Anyway, this is my last response as it is off-topic and will shit up the thread.

>> No.5007556 [DELETED] 

Yes I am. My parents worked in management of a large circus when I was a child and I saw a lot of the back of the house training they like to keep private. Elephants get it particularly hard.

>> No.5007587

>eating meat = having a stuffed and preserved head in your home

Great comparison.

>> No.5007781

nice except the deer heads

>> No.5007792 [DELETED] 

Very upperclass white trash, you and OP would have much to grunt about over a case of Milwaukees Best..

>> No.5007824

Is that really deer?

>> No.5007839

Seriously needs remodeling. Looks pretty late 80s/early 90s.

>> No.5007843

No, it's antelope.

>> No.5007855


ur rents have a nice kitchen

>> No.5007859

Who likes butterflies?

>> No.5008061

Yikes those decorations...

>> No.5008222

that sink seems like its in a shitty place

>> No.5008276
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Hardly any counter space for substantial prep.

>> No.5008303


I haven't lived with my parents for 7 years, in fact they don't even live in the country anymore.

>> No.5008321

>bill gates
>owning an LG refrig

Top kek. He would at the VERY LEAST own all Viking equipment. LG is like the common mans attempt to look high class

>> No.5008344

Eh depends on which line. If I could custom-create my own kitchen (I literally told my parents what to do when I was 15 though because I had been working in a cooking school) I would just have a commercial kitchen at home, nothing fantastic looking, just practical and some nice high BTU burners and I miss those convection ovens from the cooking school that made shit fast!

>> No.5008631

Do you happen to live in Saratoga?

>> No.5008894

I'm taking a stab in the dark...


>> No.5008903 [DELETED] 

Evansville, Indiana

>> No.5008916
File: 32 KB, 400x377, sadelephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you in favor of animal protesters at circuses knowing how the elephants are treated? I only ask because there was a circus in town this summer. I walked by and took some pictures of the animals that were being fed and washed. A block away there were protesters out with signs showing the abuse they endure.

I personally do not like circuses but I enjoy zoos. A friend of mine said that was hypocritical since all the animals are in captivity.

>> No.5008919

I was gonna say, that kitchen is very Florida condo as fuck.

>> No.5008959

Well, a lot of zoos put on shows too. It really depends on the way the animals are treated. Circuses are perfectly capable of looking after animals and it should be required. Transportation of the animals seems problematic but I'm sure there is a fine way to do it.

>> No.5009041

How's that kitchenaid stand mixer? I want one for the holidays. ;__;

>> No.5009077 [DELETED] 

It's not the captivity that bothers me so much as the hits across the face and genital areas with the bullhook, which were some powerful memories as a child. I haven't been to a circus since my parents left their jobs.
If a zoo provides the highest standard enclosure, good quality food, and meaningful enrichment to the animals then I have no problem. Zoos give "up close" views and access to animals that many people would never be able to see in the wild, and that helps to spread the desire to help conserve and protect those species.

>tl;dr: If you make them dance and perform unnatural behaviors I dislike it. If you let them behave like animals and take care of them so people can appreciate them and maybe help save a wild brother or two, then I support it.

>polite sage for offtopic

>> No.5009084
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>> No.5009088

>not living with parents
>rich white privilege
Lazy nigger.

>> No.5009090


10/10 would smoke meth in

>> No.5009092

>life hard in forbidden zone
>wild dog getting more angry now, is more hungry
>at least there still is vodka and ration can
>that feel when blowout soon

>> No.5009097

Is dat some shrimp cocktail on the counter?

>> No.5009223
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lol, that was when i lived across the street, over here we just smoked weed n drank coors

>> No.5009226
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>> No.5009230
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>> No.5009239

oh man, do you have the rest of the pics from that set?
Fucking White Trash, man.

>> No.5009243


Grow a fucking pair you redditors

>> No.5009247


that word doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.5009262
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>> No.5009268
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my current kitchen is almost as bad, pics inc

>> No.5009271
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>> No.5009273
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nvm, no it's not

>> No.5009276
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>> No.5009278
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my old battlestation

>> No.5009317

i live in a small apartment that i share with a nasty nasty motherfucker. He washes his pot only once a week. His room smells of sweat, since he never opens the window. He used to splash all over the floor when urinating. I think he didn't really realize he does that, but when i told him, he more or less stopped doing it. He was shocked when he saw me washing toilet. I live with him over a year and he has never really helped with cleaning up. The kitchen is a total mess. Once he took out 5 big trash bags. All where his own. He does not throw trash in the same bag as me, so he does not have to take it, once it is full. He just compresses the stuff as much as he can. I deal with all that shit because the apartment is provided for free by company i work and the company also pays absolutely all the bills. So i save tons of money. In a year or 2 i hope i will have enough money to buy my own place. That will be the best day in my life.

>> No.5009358


>> No.5009372

In russia there is no need for fridge.

>> No.5009385

how do you fap without people looking in the window? i hope that isn't ground floor.

>> No.5009396

I wish I had a picture of my old kitchen to post, it was a fucking PIT. We lived in an old house that was built in the 1920s, (of course it was a rental), and our landlord was a goddamn slumlord and wouldn't replace broken appliances, so we had to buy our own. Our stove and was from the thrift store (and was missing all the temp readings, so I always had to guess what the temp was), our sink was reclaimed from a building site, and we had to spray paint and shellac our counter tops because they were so disgusting (that was the cheapest option). The only nice appliance we had was our fridge, which we bought new with our tax return, and it was glorious. I loved that fridge. We sold it, though, when we moved across the country. Now we live in a nice condo with a great kitchen with granite counters, stainless appliances, and built ins, so I don't have anything to complain about, lol. It was like heaven when we moved in here, I felt like I was wallowing in luxury while I cooked.

>> No.5009797

close the curtains, wifi seems to pass throuh them fine

>> No.5009853
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A bit messy. Just moved in 3 weeks ago.

>> No.5009870

>a bit messy

my house is a pig sty, you're shit is clean

>> No.5009899

>you're shit
this is why grammar matters

>> No.5009929 [DELETED] 

Maybe it was an auto-complete error. Windows Phone tends to butcher You/Your/You're, and my Blackberry shits on There/their/They're.

>> No.5010012
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>> No.5010019
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>> No.5010028
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>> No.5010048 [DELETED] 

I dislike undermount sinks, stuff gets caught in that little crease.
Gorgeous kitchen for the rest of it though.

>> No.5010090

as nice as it would be to be able to gaze out the window while doing dishes, I wouldn't think a window would make a good back splash, though
also, so much money and no gas range /cry

>> No.5010102


Your parents have bretty nice kitchen there

>> No.5010121

Interesting, we have the overmount sink right now and I can't stand trying to wipe stuff into the sink. It is always getting stuck on that stupid lip. There is a silicone seal around the whole undermount sink, so you can just wipe away anything that rests there. The silicone the chance anything from getting permanently squished between the sink and counter top.

They are so hard to clean though!? I guess OCD wins out today.

>> No.5010136
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my kitchen has too many weird corners.

>> No.5010158

Sexy kitchen.
>would film a porno in it/10

>> No.5010730

fun fact: it's actually a bunch of shrimps (that were affected by a nuclear explosion) drinking from a fountain of cow blood that he has to refill each night or risk having them eat him while he slumbers.

>> No.5010738

I have my own hand mixer, this is a rental home and its not mine. Never used it before because I'm afraid I have to pay for it if I ruin it...

>> No.5012463
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Yes, I find your hand is the best at whisking and... beating things.

>> No.5012653

I want to drink whiskey in this kitchen