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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5003006 No.5003006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.5003009

>yahoo news

>> No.5003010

Trollfest commencing in 3...2...1...

>> No.5003011

yes, lets talk about tipping again.

>> No.5003019

This. Yahoo "news" is the worst fucking thing ever.

>> No.5003020


>> No.5003025

Yahoo has a program where it will pay you to write articles. Ever wonder why so many of the articles are about tipping and dumb lists? Also a lot of /ck/ shit would show up on yahoo the last few years

>> No.5003027

>20% tip
Who the fuck goes over 15%

>> No.5003028

What's the problem? I always try to tip as much as I can, when I'm happy with the food and service.

>> No.5003035

I only tip 20% at higher end restaurants where the waitstaff really watches over and tends to your needs. My very broad rule of thumb is that when I sit down and the waiter comes over if they use my name as in, "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Anon. Welcome to XYZ" then it's probably going to be a 20% night.

That's not very often.

>> No.5003037

This seems pretty damned obvious to me.
If you commit a faux pas you get seen as strange. That's why it's called a faux pas.
I'm curious though, how many people who aren't footing the bill actually notice how much the person who is footing the bill is tipping. Would you really pay that much attention?

>> No.5003038

I understand servers need to make money like everyone else, but why do you deserve a bigger tip if someone orders more expensive food? If I order a cheeseburger or a double cheeseburger, why should the tip be bigger because there's more food? The server isn't cooking my food. It's the same amount of work.

>> No.5003045

Servers make more money for far less effort than most food service jobs yet they still have the nerve to whine.

>> No.5003052

I only tip if it's a meal that costs over a certain amount.

Lets say it's $9 lunch. 10% is only like 0.90 which is hardly anything and embarrassing to put down coins. In these cases there isn't really a need. That 0.90 isnt that big a difference.

>> No.5003059

if anything, tips should go directly to the chef. or maybe the cooks deserve it more. hell, the dishwashers deserve it more than the wait staff.

>> No.5003067 [DELETED] 

What I think is funny is that you reference yahoo.

They do nothing? What is yahoo and why would you reference them as a source of information?

Whatever that shit company is, they should divest and make something useful for their shareholders before they all lose money.

It's a pyramid scheme bullshit company.

>> No.5003069

>go to burger place
>has menus where u circle the items
>server picks up my slip and gives me water
>friend says why didn't u leave a tip?
>because i did most of the work
he couldnt reply but said it was wrong

>> No.5003072

If you stop letting the servers accept tips you have to start paying them untipped wages. You probably won't offer enough and your waitstaff will quit and work elsewhere for more money. That's capitalism.

>> No.5003085 [DELETED] 

Works that way with HP now as well. As soon as that bitch took over as CEO, now maybe she's fired but I suspect not.

She was not only spying on her own people as CEO of HP but was paid off by the US government to put little dots on everything printed by an HP printer to tie it a specific HP printer.

If you don't believe me, look that up. I'm not a conspiracy type, but technical facts are there and proven.

Yet another nail in the consititution of the United States of America!

Freedom of the press should be free and not have dots from corporations such as HP be used to track that which citizens of the USA write.


>> No.5003089 [DELETED] 

That HP cunt only got busted because she was so arrogant as to spy on other board members... she and those board members had no compunction about spying on US citizens without warrent.

>> No.5003098

your post has nothing to do with mine?

>> No.5003105 [DELETED] 

My post if you boil it down is wonder what yahoo does? It doesn't seem to do anything, it's a useless holding company holding onto time until people figure out that's it's a ponzi scheme and worthless and it's stock drops through a basement into a botomless bit where only certain executives get golden parachutes.

Please do tell me what yahoo does?

>> No.5003114

god damnit /ck/

>> No.5003118

pay people to write articles

>> No.5003131
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It's about right, those poor waiters deserve even more, how about next time you pass in front of a restaurant, make a quick stop and just give a tip, they are so poor. Thinking about it, make this into a law, instead of fixing your backward tipping system with let's see... maybe proper wages?

>> No.5003133 [DELETED] 

the new new york times
"all the shit that fits, we print"
That was some old shit I played off on some old publishers in NYC when I was a kid and working for a real publishing company.

I used to get away with that because I was pretty good, until I quit to go work for a bigger company.

I was never dishonest, there was a time though when I went for the money. For better or worse.

>> No.5003141 [DELETED] 
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You missed the plot. Yahoo is not a source of anything, if you take it as that, then you die a corporate shill.

>> No.5003147 [DELETED] 

When folk say that $15/hr are proper minimum wages I think that's wrong. It matters upon where you live in the USA. I have no problem with people earning a living wage, they shouldn't just have to earn that, they should have a means to earn more, to make things better for themselves and their families.

There's nothing wrong with that at all, that's awesome.

If you politize that so what. Let's get rid of the tipping system so that everyone makes a living wage in the first place? What is that so strange and inconceivable?

I don't personally mind tipping but I do find it offensive that I have to deal with it especially with other people. And if you chase me out all don't tip maybe 10%, I'll smack you and won't apologize.

>> No.5003154

making nonsensical relationships is a sign of schizophrenia. I like ur posts u made here but we're going from an email/search bar company that writes articles about tipping, getting jobs and celeb fashion to a printer company pyramid scheme to the ny times.

now im not trying to say anything here but I think they're onto you

>> No.5003156 [DELETED] 



If you look at government expense account stuff it's clear that there's a base, then that base is modified by where a person llves or is at the time. So saying $15 nationwade is bloody stupid.

I'll all for every citizen making a living wage, but I'm also for saying that does vary with where a person lives. And fuck all learn some shit so it's not dependent on the fucking lame ass government!!!


>> No.5003163 [DELETED] 

Thinking that the new york times is not nonsensical is stupid. Do you like all the news that fits they print, as long as it fits your bullshit agenda?

That's good for you, not for me. I like facts from a newspaper and the nyt lost that a long time ago. But keep thinking that what you think is good and proper, I bet you'll get a nobel peace award, just like obama.

The longer you go with the nyt programe the higher the chances of you getting a nice fat nobel peace prize award like your hero obama.

>> No.5003167
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Tell us about the reptoids.

>> No.5003174 [DELETED] 
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hahaha the sleestack will get me if I did that, that said, those british lizard people are fun.

The GORN have your addy!

>> No.5003177

Im not even from ny, why are u attacking me? im not the one watching u RIGHT NOW

>> No.5003179 [DELETED] 

But we're always watching you.
It's the lizard people!
They're run by the pod people!

But here's a bit of reality...
SR-71 Blackbird - Eye In The Sky

>> No.5003181

> ordered pizza the other night
> came out to $23.45
> 25 is a great number, but that's only a $1.55 tip
> look all around my house and manage to find $1.25 in quarters and 60cents in pennies
> Was going to give the guy all of it but I realized giving him pennies would be stupid
> He only got a $2.80 tip
> the pizzas cost $20 and the rest was tax/delivery fee
> $2.80 isn't even 15%

Well I can't order from there ever again. They've probably written a note not to make me the best pizzas or to add spit to my pizza sauce if I ever order from there again......

> TFW I'm not joking and I actually believe that because that's what happens when you don't tip 15-20%

>> No.5003185

>Supposedly, a "finance" page
>One would think you'd listen to them for advice on having better personal finances
>"Don't do this"
>"You'll look cheap"
such adsive
wat greace

>> No.5003192 [DELETED] 

Finance is best sometimes, it surpns technological advancement. What would be your way of doing it? The government funding shit? That never seems to work out very well.

>> No.5003200 [DELETED] 

Instead of using the specials you probably customzed stuff. That's happened to me as well and I saw the differnce.

Just don't customize unless it's what's what you're allowed to do with their web program. The website are made for people to violate so they get charged fully.

It's not really deceptive, it just means, pay attention to what you're ordering.

>> No.5003210

>What would be your way of doing it? The government funding shit?
Whatever benefits my finances the moment I'm asking the question.
Fucking idealist.

>> No.5003213

I knew several people who slang pies in high school and just a bit after, their average tips were $2-3, a good tip was $5 and a great tip was weed.

>> No.5003223

I got 2 large 3 topping pizzas for $20. Pretty good deal since it's Toppers.

And I have a thing where I like making orders whole numbers. I literally could not sign that receipt as $26-27 because $25 is the more ideal number.

>> No.5003225

How's that OCD treating you?

>> No.5003239

How would they even know your name at the start? They won't learn it until you hand them your credit card at the end of the meal.

>> No.5003265


high end places that have reservations and such usually tell the server the name of their guest...

>> No.5003267


I tend to do that too, like I'll give someone an extra 2-3 dollars to bump it up to a 0 or 5.

>> No.5003272

It gives me the sense of comfort and structure that religion has never been able to accomplish.

>> No.5003283

I often leave nice tips, but it really depends on service. What I find more annoying are the people who complain about receiving poor tips and make it some big deal that tips are most of their income. No shit, you applied for the fucking job. You should understand what a gratuity is and why you're retarded for working for it.

>> No.5003286
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I agree with Mr.Pink on this one.

>> No.5003428

I'm glad I live in a country where you tip never. Ever.

>> No.5003433

>Paying your employees less than minimum wage will make you seem cheap

>> No.5003449


Yeah, in which case you either increase your wages or hire less skilled workers who can't command a higer wage (teenagers) or install an automated system like tablets at tables.

Where did this entitled waitressing is a career bullshit come from?

>> No.5003451

Fuck this shit.

If you can't survive on your shitty wages, maybe you ought to look into getting a better job. Learn a skill or retrain yourself. Maybe open a business.

Why is it my job to subsidise your retarded career choices?

>> No.5003464

>work in restaurant in an airport
>tons of international customers
>aussies tip, britbongs tip, japs tip, amerifats tip, indians tip, arabs tip, chinese don't lolgofigure
>we have no wait staff
>it's not fast food

Yeah guess what waitstaff, you chucklefucks aren't what's earning the tips. Check your privilege.

>> No.5003472

I love that this is still a hot button issue board-wide on 4chan. You can make this exact thread on any board and it will garner as much, if not more, attention. You'd think everything that needs to be discussed on the topic has been already.

I'd love to meet the people who are so scorned by the image of someone tipping or being tipped. I've never actually met someone who isn't almost entirely indifferent about it. How can this possibly anger people?

>> No.5003474
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He probably thought you were talking about The Olive Garden.

>> No.5003486

The only place I tip at is Five Guys

>> No.5003487

PROTIP, then: campaign for minimum wage laws to apply to ALL sectors.

>> No.5003500

Then I guess I'll seem cheap. Who exactly am I supposed to be impressing with my large tips anyway?

>> No.5003546

Tipping is retarded, I don't really understand why other Americans stand for it. The concept basically allows business owners to shift the cost of labor on to the consumer.

>> No.5003555

The only thing I tip is my fedora.

>> No.5003557

I usually tip 20% because I've been indoctrinated into feeling guilty if I give anything less. I blame my upper middle class parents.

>> No.5003559


The cost of labor is ALWAYS passed on to the consumer.

>> No.5003565

It's true though. It's up to you whether or not you give a fuck about seeming cheap. I know a lot of you don't. But you'll still see cheap.

>> No.5003567

So, just like Huffington Post and cracked.com?

I swear, I'm done with tipping. These "tip shaming" outings that waitstaff are doing has pissed me off.

>> No.5003581


yes, lower prices for the consumer this way

>> No.5003588

It's a good thing I don't give a fuck what other people think of me.

>> No.5003818


Who cares if the Customer gets hated by the Staff?

>> No.5003840

"Tipping" is how the owner class further gets the plebs to subsidize each other, rather than actually pay a living wage to their employees. America would make Ferengi's blush.

>> No.5003841

>business insider

People reposting that content farm should be permabanned from the internet.

>> No.5003932

>Ferengi's blush
Ferengi is already plural you retard.

And they're already satiric representations of turn of the 20th century US businessmen and their philosophies. Like the ones who violently broke up unions and strikes.
If you're trying to be clever in your insults the least you could do would be to make them actually work.

>> No.5006102

for a 20% tip the meal had better end in the waitress giving me a blow under the table.

>> No.5006106

Can we address a REAL issue here?

>be cook
>if the customer likes it, the waiter gets the bigger tip despite the fact they had nothing to do with it

>> No.5006126


oh boo hoo


ferengi are supposed to be jews. even the actors are all jewish. I'm surprised I have to explain this to anyone.

>> No.5006205

I'd go 25% for that.

>implying that Kirk and Spock weren't Jewish
>and that the "live long and prosper" gesture wasn't a Jewish prayer sign

>> No.5006210

>Working as a busser, get like $7.25/h
>See how much each waitress gets per table

You guys know they seriously make like $20+/h right? They do NOT need your help, so never let them guilt trip you. If you let them flaunt their tits and smile for you, so be it. Just remember what you're encouraging.

>> No.5006219
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>Today a waitress tried to flaunt her tits and smile at me.
>I told her what she was: a worthless cunt with milkbags and a victim complex. Told that bitch.
>I hate women so goddamm much ;_;

>> No.5006224

Yep. I tiptoe to your room every night.

>> No.5006223

Are you a candy colored clown they call the sandman?

>> No.5006227

I can't tell if you're mocking my post or being serious, but if you knew what was really going on you would agree. They talk shit about you. They say how gullible people are when they act sweet to them and brag to eachother about the money they're rolling in even on bad nights.

>> No.5006233

10% if they did their job
12% if they tried
15% if they went above and beyond

They should get 0 but if i did that I wouldn't be able to eat at the same restaurant twice.

>> No.5006234
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>> No.5006236

This news is made for rich people who use mney as their only social attribute.

>> No.5006238

Speaking from the back of house, servers are parasites.

>> No.5006240
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>tipping at all

good thing i live in asia

>> No.5006255


I'll pay tips if it means I don't have to carry around a damm pack of napkins everywhere.

You might want to consider not serving scalding hot water with scalding hot food while you're at it, Asia.

>> No.5006324
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>> No.5006382

0% if they did their job
10-15% if they went above and beyond (or it was a high end place)

sure is gr8 living in London m8

>> No.5006414

Murifat here, Agree with this>>5006382

If you do your job, you don't get shit. If you do MORE than your JOB entails, you get something MORE.

That means you check on me frequently, make sure my drink stays filled, don't forget anything(napkins, straws, condiments, silverware, etc) and make me feel like I am welcome there and not just another dollar sign.

>> No.5006433

Who the fuck is going to tip $7 on a $35 meal? be glad if you get a couple bucks.

>> No.5006434

This lol

>> No.5006452

what happens if i stop tipping and pay in cash?

>> No.5006458

I've done that when one of my neighborhood restaurants started going to shit. Used to go there a lot, then service started getting really terrible because they were hiring stoners. Last straw was when the guy took my order, ran away before I could ask for a drink, was nowhere to be found for 30 minutes, and came back while talking on the phone, dropped the food on my table without even a pause, and dashed away again. I left exact change and never went back.

Normally I tip on 20% of the after-tax cost, with rare exceptions.

>> No.5006463

Why isn't this the standard?

>> No.5006479

Who the fuck tips at all? Do you also tip the garbage collector, the lady at the mall, the road worker or the guy who maintains the local green life?

>"But we tip for nice service!"
If they wouldn't have nice service without tips I should seriously reconsider the place you go to to eat. Spend the money you would've wasted on tips to go to a place where the waiters don't get paid minimum wage and where service is a custom.

Tipping is and was always for waiters which would go beyond standard service and really did something extra for the guests. Now it's a social construct for weak willed fools to part them of their money. A lot of restaurants nowadays actually require the waiters to return their tips and they only get a small cut from it.

>> No.5006481
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>Tipping is and was always for waiters which would go beyond standard service and really did something extra for the guests

And don't forget the television.

>not tipping your television

>> No.5006487

I live in EU. No1s obligated to tip here, because we ACTUALLY PAY our waitresses for their job standard wage.

I don't tip at all, unless the service is really THAT good and the food is even better. Happened like 5 times in my life so far.

And no, I don't feel bad. I fell good 'bout myself, because this way I can go to the very same restaurant more often (just cause I got the cash to do it) so not only do I get my food again, they have some1 to service and thus they EARN and not get the money.

>> No.5006499

>scalding hot water

That's the bowl of soup.

>> No.5006505


No it's not, it's a goddamm water glass full of goddamm boiling hot water.

>> No.5006521

there is this mexican take out place I like and just like any other take out place they have a few tables.
you order at the counter, get your own drink, throw away your own garbage, but if you are eating in the person behind the counter will bring the food to you instead of calling you up for it.
I had walked in right as someone else was leaving and I heard one complaining to the other that the people who just left stiffed him and didnt leave a tip.

what the fuck do you deserve a tip for?

>> No.5006528

so when are the self entitled cunts gonna reach this thread and say. If you can't afford to tip you can't afford to eat out

also, some guy said to go
and this fucker says a couple of bucks is fair
a couple of bucks? for a guy putting a meal in a box?
why do waiters and waitresses tend to be the most outspoken obnoxious people on the internet?
why not instead of asking for 15 dollar minimum wage they say something like "if our wages + tips don't at least make it to minimum wage the business should cover the rest?(dont some places already do this(?) and really any business should be like that