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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5002728 No.5002728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Asian Food Recommendations Thread -

Post new shit, old shit, and your favorite ramens if you like.

>> No.5002736

Does anyone know if Coconut Milk in a UHT container is any different to Coconut Milk in a can?

>> No.5002742

My guess, and keep in mind I'm just shooting ideas here, would be that the difference lies in the material of the container.

>> No.5002748 [DELETED] 

Marutai ramen.

>> No.5002750
File: 139 KB, 1020x1028, a308e815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Marutai ramen.

>> No.5002751 [DELETED] 

I don't know scientifically but I know from what I've seen. Every Thai restaurant that I've ever been to where I've had a chance to peek into the kitchen or just ask, uses the cans. I trust the Thai folk before some corporate faggots myself; I've never gotten sick from any food from a Thai restaurant.

>> No.5003458
File: 36 KB, 316x600, soba-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soba Sauce: the better soy-sauce. Basically Soy, Kelp-extract, Dashi, Mirin and sugar. Very mild and complex umami flavour. I rarely use soy-sauce now, this is much better.

>> No.5003459
File: 376 KB, 776x776, XO-Sauce_Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XO Sauce: dried fish, cuttlefish, crabs, sesame oil and chili. Strong octopus flavour. Can be used like pesto.

>> No.5003475


>> No.5003476

So good. Perfect for adding to so many dishes.

>> No.5003507
File: 112 KB, 276x375, spiralfoods-hatchomiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatcho miso. It's the most expensive miso, aged for three years or something, and made out of just soybeans where most other misos are made using some sort of grain like rice or barley to grow the starter culture. It's got a really unique texture and flavour. Some producers make a hatcho-style miso but if it doesn't come from Okazaki, it's not the real deal.

>> No.5003968

yeah its good stuff, upboat

>> No.5003995

>If hatcho miso doesn't come from Okazaki, it's not the real deal
>If wine doesn't come from France, it's not the real deal
>If pizza doesn't come from Italy, it's not the real deal

Oh boy, we're going back to this bullshit again?

>> No.5004014

No, no. You stupidly misunderstand.
It's like saying
>If French wine doesn't come from France, it's not French wine
>If Italian pizza doesn't come from Italy, it's not Italian pizza
>If Swiss chocolate doesn't come from Switzerland, it's not Swiss chocolate

Haatcho miso is made about 900metres from some castle in Jay-Panz. Haa means 'nine.' Cho is a unit of length roughly equal to 110metres. So 'haatcho' literally means 'eight units of length each roughly equaling 110metres.' If it's made elsewhere, it's no longer eight units of length each roughly equaling 110metres away from that castle and therefore cannot be called haatcho, just as wine made in England cannot be French wine and pizza made in Thailand cannot be Italian pizza and chocolate made in Russia cannot be Swiss chocolate. See?

Nonetheless, Japs suffer the same idiocy as Russian-Americans where if something is expensive, it's automatically good and if something is cheap, it's automatically faulty. That's why bargain stores just don't exist in Japan. Walmart tried to open there but met challenges because people would pick up a Sony DVD player or something and say 'This is so much cheaper than the place across the street. What's wrong with it? Why is it not costly? I do not trust this item and would rather spend more money on a perfectly identical item elsewhere because a higher pricetag brings me some sense of security.'

>> No.5004019

>it's automatically good and if something is cheap, it's automatically faulty.

That's pretty much just a human failing in general, and to be fair, it is easy to see why since many cheaper goods are of lesser quality, or do have something wrong with them, perhaps being second-hand or a cheap knock-off.

Caveat emptor.

>> No.5004037

No worries of caveat emptor if it's an identical item from the exact same factory in identical, factory-sealed boxes.
I mean, would you rather pay $50 for a Sony BR player or $40 for it? It's the same machine, either way, you just have the option to pay less for it. Paying more gives you nothing extra, you just pay more for it. Which would you rather?
The only reason Japan is so expensive is because of this aspect of their culture. Everything can be much cheaper, but their culture just won't allow it to be.

>> No.5004061 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 739x587, 1386442354429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This'll make you japs really quake, I take one order of miso soup and one order of chicken noodle and mix them together, add a sliced up habanero and I'm sorted.

pic: A Japanese Nakajima B5N2 "Kate" torpedo bomber takes off from Shokaku.

The Shokaku, sanked after that cowardly sneak attack on 12/7.
That clears up any sniffles or "cold" that I may have. I use what works for me and I don't give a fuck about others think.

This is much more tasteful than a pill with psuedoephedrine.

>> No.5004070 [DELETED] 

Don't forget the USA and allies rebulding them after their allegiance with NAZIs and they're cowardly attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USA.

>> No.5004080

>Everything can be much cheaper, but their culture just won't allow it to be.
Your understanding of global economics is hilariously simplistic.

>> No.5004084

Weird. Maybe it's only for product, but I didn't see that behavior a few months ago with food. Lots of cheap places to eat and 100 yen stores food marts/grossers packed with people.

Izakayas are usually packed with cheap booze and meat cuts on sticks.

>> No.5004085
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>> No.5004090

Where can I find cheap nori? I'm willing to buy in bulk online.

The only place near me that sells it is Whole Foods, and like everything they sell it is absurdly marked-up.

>> No.5004087 [DELETED] 


Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)13:55 No.5004070>>5004037
Don't forget the USA and allies rebulding them after their allegiance with NAZIs and their cowardly attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USA

I didn't side with NAZIs nor did my family at the time, that's good enough for me and fuck your global economics.

I piss on your "global economics." Referenda from citizens really scare the shit out of you people and I like that.

>> No.5004091

Wat the flying fuck are u doing?

>> No.5004093

How would you know? I spoke nothing of global economics, just the final price point in one country.

Perhaps, or perhaps it's also like how McDo in the US has a value menu while Five Guys does not. Did you see a single bargain store during your time in Jay-Panz?

>> No.5004094

>Where can I find cheap nori?

Asian supermarket.

>> No.5004109
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>> No.5004116 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 478x302, 1386443581635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a picture of the Shokaku after we had our way with it, that is after it helped launced that sneak attack on pearl harbor, 12/7.

It's a rememberance day.

>> No.5004120


Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen the same way 9/11/01 was allowed to happen.

>> No.5004134

>I spoke nothing of global economics, just the final price point in one country.
Yes, because the "final price point" in one country has nothing to do with global trading and economics.


>> No.5004143 [DELETED] 
File: 379 KB, 1000x661, 1386444176273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh bullshit, and /ck isn't the place for that.

I'm just stating facts, maybe it was the lizard people you fucking tard!

Pic of USS Arizona Memorial, remember.

>> No.5004147
File: 12 KB, 220x263, 220px-Nagasakibomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5004153 [DELETED] 

That did set things right.

>> No.5004155 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 940x600, hiroshima2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we should've hit them harder.
The whole weabo shit wouldn't exist then.

>> No.5004159

Things are more expensive there largely because they have to import everything.

>> No.5004160 [DELETED] 

Do you often speak with moronic sounding marketing and advertising terms?

>> No.5004165

Great reply.

>> No.5004172 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 740x620, navy_mil-g19930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we did what was necessary.
None of us wanted that, but it was necessary.
One could argue that their emporer should have been targeted, but well what the allied forces did was sucessful and one can't really argue with success.


>> No.5004190

Again, you have no idea what I know and do not know as I (again) said nothing of global economics. Need I repeat this point to you a third time?
And don't use quotes where they don't belong in an attempt to mock. It makes you seem unpleasant, needlessly hostile, rude, ignorant and friendless.

I doubt he speaks much at all. Judging by how quick he is to be needlessly rude, typing is likely to be his only form of social interaction.

>> No.5004218 [DELETED] 

It is 4chan afterall. History, what's that?
I only wish that when I had more time in school I could have learned more.

Here's a decent one however...
Especially this, I grabbed this from /tv interestingly enough.

Hardcore History "Death Throes of the Republic"


Parts 1(first) through 6(last)
wget s3.amazonaws.com/stitcher32.e/3551412.mp3
wget s3.amazonaws.com/stitcher32.e/3603580.mp3
wget s3.amazonaws.com/stitcher32.e/4004688.mp3
wget s3.amazonaws.com/stitcher32.e/4487031.mp3
wget s3.amazonaws.com/stitcher32.e/4965869.mp3
wget s3.amazonaws.com/stitcher32.e/5812743.mp3

>> No.5004237

What does this have to do with what I know and don't know?
What does history have to do with Japanese culture having an deep-seated distrust of bargains?
Why would I visit each (or any) of those links when they don't seem to pertain to the claim made (that you have some omniscience into what I know and don't know)?
I wish you stayed in school, too.

>> No.5004309


Nuclear weapons are a Jewish hoax

Ever notice how the only mideastern countries with nuclear weapons programmes are the two with the largest Jewish population (Israel and Iran)

For more information see


>> No.5004379

thanks /pol/