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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5000490 No.5000490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop cooking steak like a fucking pleb piece of shit?

How do I cook my steaks so that when they're done they don't come out smelling like nasty pieces of ammonia meat? I always buy high quality steaks btw so I don't know why they always smell weird when I cook them, but here's my method

>turn broiler on
>give a min to get ready
>take steak out of fridge, season w/ salt and pepper
>put in metal pan close under broiler for 5 mins one sie
>after 5 min, flip, cook another 5 minutes

and yet they always come out meh. never good. never bad. just meh.
how do I stop being such a fucking pleb? The only other way I know how to cook steaks is to grill them but it's the goddamn winter time

I want my shit to look like this

>> No.5000502

You need more patience and waiting in your process

Let your steak come up to room temperature before you cook it.

Cook less for more flavor, 5min per side is too much

Let steaks rest 5 mins or so before cutting

>> No.5000504

>Air dry steak in the fridge at least 72-hrs beforehand.
>Take steaks out one hour beforehand to bring up to room temperature.
>Season with fine kosher salt (kosher is the best but sea salt work.)
>Fuck the broiler, get a heavy pan over high heat. Bit of butter, bit of high-smoke point oil.
>Sear them one minute per side, spooning fat over until desire doneness is achieved (this is up to you.)
>Let them rest under foil for 5-7mins.
>Season with fresh pepper.

>> No.5000531

Ik its winter but steaks are best grilled under high charcoal heat.

>> No.5000534

Like the other ones said, set it out sooner to bring it up to room temperature. Do you not like that it doesn't taste like ones in restaurants? They will often add more salt than you think you should, and more importantly, many finish it with butter on top.

You didn't mention how you liked your steak done. You posted a what, rare/medium rare picture, but 10 minutes under the broiler would make it well done, eh? So, how do you like your steak?

>> No.5000547

WTF a fridge is a horrible place to "dry age" steak

>> No.5000551
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>> No.5000558

Who's aging anything?

Also where are you supposed to dry age beef?

>> No.5000559
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You need to let your meat rest and come up to room temperature before putting it on the broiler.

What do you consider a "good cut"?

If you want it to taste better, lower the heat and lengthen the time you're cooking it.

Make sure to put it on the pan AFTER the pan is very hot and oil is boiling, not before.

you want to brown/sear the meat and lock the juices in.

But most likely, you're just over cooking the meat. You don't want it to be gray in the middle, you want it to be a bright pink. (see pic)

captcha: brown ratihtt

>> No.5000566

>get it to room temperature first
I never come to /ck/ but you fellas just saved me a lot of trouble. I try to mimic my dads steaks and what I end up with is something that looks the same and is cold inside, figured I was just doing it wrong when in the pan.

>> No.5000574


oh, well if that was the problem - then the second half of this is

you have to let it rest for 8 minutes after you cook it before you cut it. The juices have to "calm down" and get balanced out in the steak.

if you cut into it right after taking it off, the juices will all run out and escape onto the plate.

Im so fucking hungry now

>> No.5000577

>Let them rest under foil for 5-7mins.

I lost you after you seared them

you mean put them in the oven?

>> No.5000580

>Sear them one minute per side, spooning fat over until desire doneness is achieved (this is up to you.)
>Sear them one minute per side
>until desire doneness is achieved

>> No.5000581

I didn't do that either, thanks. Just leave it in the pan (not still on the hot stove) for a while then?
My god I even stopped buying steaks because I made them so shit, time to change that

>> No.5000583

lel sorry I just woke up from a nap and my mind is still waking up

>> No.5000585

>spooning fat over
Where do you just get fat from? You mean butter?.. Also wouldn't you have to turn the heat down after the initial searing? I heard something about after you sear you are supposed to turn the heat down or else you don't fully cook the inside

>> No.5000586

i garnish my steaks with a little squirt of fresh lemon juice, salt, pepper & a little olive oil

>> No.5000587
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>not clean burning propane

i don't have the hour and a half it requires to light a charcoal grill. i also don't like cancer

>> No.5000590


Don't even leave it in the pan, because if you have a nice pan it retains heat for a long time. Take the steak out and put it on a plate, and cover it if you have a thing, and just serve it 8 minutes late.

The juices will cool down and become flavor instead of running out.

But what this guy was kind of going for, is the classic "sear it on high heat first" and then cook it on low-to-medium heat for a little while. That's a really good method.

you sear the steak for a minute on each side, and then you pop it into the oven on low-medium heat that way it cooks through to the middle but doesnt have too much effect on the outside. If the heat is too high in the oven, the outside will dry out.

But yeah, try your own way first with the resting. That's important. What you have to realise is cooking isn't about changing food, but enhancing it. You want a raw piece of meat. BUT you want it to taste good and be warm. So you want to have the Mallard Reaction which browns meat and creates flavor. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maillard_reaction))

So, essentially - you want to brown the outside, and then do your best to cook the insides to barely start breaking down the fibers of the meat, to make it mallable, but not over cooking it to the point of leaking all the juices out and leaving just mussle fiber.

Think like a scientist

>> No.5000591


smoke = flavor, pleb. Cancer is a myth - look at Magic Johnson.

>> No.5000593
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also, dude.. it takes at MOST five minutes to start a huge batch of charcoal if you have one of these ($8)

>> No.5000595

What would be a good temp to set the oven to cook the rest of the steak after I'm done searing the outside?

>> No.5000598

Thanks again. Two questions.
First, what heat do I want my stove on? Always been maxing it which really doesn't work out with fridge temp meat but maybe it's the way to go. Believe it was how it was done at home but not entirely sure.
Going to try the sear on high, cook in oven thing as well because why the fuck not. About how long should it be in the oven?

>> No.5000597


depends on the oven, but I would say about 300... if you want it to really be tender, but then you'd have to cook it for maybe 20 minutes.

or 350 for like 10-15.

It also depends on your idea of "done"... for me it's medium rare master race, but maybe you're a well-done with ketchup kind of guy.

Try it out. Just remember- if its undercooked, you can always pop it back in. You can't uncook shit. (although biting into a steak you expect to be done to have the cold bite you back isn't a pleasant experience)

>> No.5000602

oh and for reference I like very rare/rare depending on country. A very rare in Sweden but a Belgian "we just pretended to cook it" very rare can go fuck itself

>> No.5000603

20 minutes? are you fucking joking? unless the cut is 2" thick, even then you wouldn't leave it in there for more than 8 minutes tops. average grocery store cut is practically done once you've seared it. 4-5 minutes in the oven tops

>> No.5000604


maxing it? oh hell nah... that's a big no-no right there.

You should never ever max out your stove unless you're just doing it for a 1-2 minutes to heat it up. Like if its 1-10 .... then 8 is your "High" setting, 5-6 is your medium, and 2-3 is your low.

Setting things to 10 burns them... everything.

But again - it depends on your stove. Maybe your stove is shit and maxing it out is only a 6. Who knows.

yeah, try the sear and oven thing. See times here in my samefag post: >>5000597

>> No.5000610

1-6 stove, will try setting it on 5 instead then. Trying a steak for lunch today.
Feel like I've learned something this morning, now I have a midterm to catch.

>> No.5000612
File: 273 KB, 600x450, ago-ribeye-rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, im just really bad at estimating. You're absolutely right (i tend to get 2 inch thick ribeyes muahahaha)

it should be closer to 10 minutes. But i did say 300 degrees, and on my oven that is shit.

You guys don't realize that ovens are fucking liars, do you?

Very rare? That's interesting. In America that is banned usually for stupid lawyer reasons. You can get shit "black and blue" i believe.. which is basically raw in the middle.

maybe im full of shit though, because you can have raw meat in a "steak tartare" dish.

Either way.. my preference of "medium rare, closer to rare" means its tender, and red on the inside.... definitely a little blood in the juice, but mostly juice. And also - its PAST the point of being "chewy" from being raw. You know? it's already defintiely cooked.

See pic is how i like my USDA Prime Ribeye on mosquite wood coals.

>> No.5000617

was that steak cooked on charcoal? i assume that charcoal is the same thing as wood coals?

>> No.5000625
File: 435 KB, 1166x1166, mesquire_wood_charcoal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes, charcoal means wood coals OR nasty store bought briquettes.

That steak was most defintely cooked on some mesquite wood coals. Like whole trees.

pic very related

>> No.5000639


that's cool

>> No.5000651

som etimes when I'm driving out in the country I get a hankering and run down a cow in a field and just take a big ol' hunk out of it's neck with my teeth.

>> No.5000660


i don't mind. sounds pretty convenient. And - it's still warm.

>> No.5000679

>not pan searing all your steaks

>> No.5000798

either turn down the heat or put it in a heated oven for X minutes

>> No.5000812

> lock the juices in.
I thought /ck/ actually knows stuff...

>> No.5000821

>resting 8 minutes
jesus fuck what's up with that horrible advice.
yes, let your meat rest, but not for 8 minutes
give it a minute or two, or do you like cold steak?
A normal sized cut doesn't need that long.
Yeah, if you grill a whole beef fillet, yes, let it rest for 8-10 minutes before your cut it.

>> No.5000846


many chefs will tell you that its a good idea to let any piece of meat rest for about as much time as it took to cook it.

>> No.5000847

many chefs also still believe >>5000812 doesn't make them correct

>> No.5000849

What the fuck is a broiler?

>> No.5000872

I haven't even had breakfast yet, and at this point I'm considering buying stakes and cook them for lunch.

>> No.5000875

marinate in soy sauce and fresh minced garlic. good tier steaks every time. well or rare.

>> No.5000881

of course I meant god tier
captcha: mmzeat formula

>> No.5000893


>> No.5000926


steak is pretty pleb. intelligent, successful people of the elite don't eat meat anymore.

we have the technology.

>> No.5000961

intelligent, successful people cook steaks sous-vide and sear them with blowtorch, vegetarian pleb.

>> No.5000970

>olive oil

>> No.5000974

refined olive oil (aka extra light) has a smoking point of 240°C, which is about the same as something like ghee/clarified butter and can be used for frying your steak.
just don't use extra virgin

>> No.5000979

Just so you know you should never just get rid of the juices that are left in the pan. That stuff is the most glorious fat you'll ever taste.

Take a shallot and some herbs, chop em up fine and deglaze that shit. Also if it burned at all you gotta deglaze that stuff with any cooking wine.

Throw in your Roux or just any thickening agent really and you'll have the most delicious sauce.

You can pour it on top of the steak (fuck that gross sweet Steak Sauce) or if your steak never needs it put it on top of your baked potato.

Wherever it goes it will be heavenly.

>> No.5001004


Hi, Hank.

>> No.5001005

Thank you for clarifying that.

>> No.5001020

I am doing this now, let's see

>> No.5001021

>I see what you did there

>> No.5001030

that video is the complete opposite of the one where he insists to only turn the steak ONCE otherwise you ruin the sear

>> No.5001034

How long on each side for a 2cm~ thick steak? Rare

>> No.5001035

It was an unintentional pun.

>> No.5001050

How many times did he turn the steak in the video?

>> No.5001085

ITT: Retards.

How to cook a good fucking steak.
Leave it to get to room temperature. You do this so you can cook it more evenly. That way the outer doesn't overcook while the inside is under...
Once its reached room temp. heat your pan up on high (preferably cast iron) until that shit is smoking. Add a small amount of oil, something with a high smoking point. Don't use butter, EVOO or anything like that. Season you steak heavily, sea salt and cracked black pepper is all you need. Dont do this to far in advance otherwise the salt will draw moisture to the surface of the steak, which means it won't caramelize as well as it should.
Put steak in pan.
This is where there are so many theory's on cooking your steak. Some say turn every 15 secs, every 1 min, only turn your steak once etc. It doesn't really matter.
Personally, I like to put it in and leave it for a 2-3 mins. Provided your pan was hot enough this will create an amazing caramelized/slightly charred surface. Turn and cook for another 2 mins or so. Obviously time depends on the thickness and cut of beef but for a med rare you want it to feel quite soft and a slight spring back when you press it with your finger. Transfer to a warm plate, cover lightly with foil and rest for about half the cooking time.

>> No.5001094

Worked well, only turned once though. Always just fried with butter but really liked this one, also waited for room temp which I have never done before.
1min30 on each side, bit too much for my taste so think 1min or 1min15 will work better.

>> No.5001095


How thin are the steaks your cooking. Fuck me.

>> No.5001102

2cmish, bit less probably

>> No.5001363

Let them come to room temperature before you cook them. Second, I use a charcoal grill and I only buy new york strip or ribeyes. The only thing I put on them is Montreal steak seasoning which is mostly coarse salt and pepper.

>> No.5001364

>Montreal steak seasoning
Why do you hate steak?

>> No.5002322


This guy actually knows what he's talking about. Only thing I do differently is add the pepper at the end. Tastes slightly "fresher" for lack of a better way to describe it.

>> No.5002570

Student chef here, this advice is legit. Only thing I do different is pat the steaks dry with paper towels, I find it gives the steak a better sear because of less moisture.

>> No.5002842
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Simpy things.
Cook at a LOWER HEAT for LONGER.
Add more spices if poss, or a nice sauce.

>> No.5002899

Taste the meat, no the heat.

>> No.5003062
File: 182 KB, 1500x988, 7181XKgFx8L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are grill pans? If I get one should I get a square or a circular one?

>> No.5003070

Could it possibly be ammonia smelling from something you cleaned your cook surface with?

>> No.5003076


I do the exact same just forgot it in the post.

Good tip nonetheless...

>> No.5003080

Always be sure to use a grill/oven safe cleaner. You can get get them from a variety of stores, marked as such.
You do NOT want to be burning possibly-toxic chemicals into your foods.

>> No.5003088


TBH I dont see the point in them.
Sure they will get the grill marks but whatever.
Its obviously not like an actual char-grill with the steak over open flames, you wont get any extra charred flavour than what you would get from a flat pan. Infact, you'd probably get less as there is less contact with the meat.

A flat pan will be better in almost all circumstances except presentation of the meat. Your choice...

>> No.5003090

Are the lodge flat iron cast pans a good choice then?

>> No.5003095


Sure. I have one I use at home quite abit. Its great.
Im not too into the upkeep of the cast iron unlike half the board. I seasoned it once and its been fine for probably 12+ months now. It gets a quick wash it in soap etc. and its retained its coating fine. Highly recommend.

>> No.5003099

I have one of them and it works great.
Mine is square and I never really thought about that until you mentioned it. I guess I'd recommend a circle one because most hot plates are circle shape and sometimes if my steak is too long I have to put it in the pan diagonal and I guess with a round pan it would not be an issue.
If you have a glass cook top I would suggest that you get one that has ceramic coating on the outside or else you will scratch your glass cook top. I learned this in my old rental unit.

>> No.5003117

Aluminum foil is an amazing invention. I've let my steaks rest on a Pyrex pie plate covered with foil for over 10 minutes when waiting on a side I mis-timed and they were all hot.

I thought you fuckers on here were smart. It takes over 4 hours for the center of meat to come to room temperature. Also, there is no "sealing in the juices." Stop feeding him old wives tales.

>> No.5003119

The only thing I don't look forward to is the upkeep.
Thanks though!
I kind of want one of the circular ones since they have the things on the sides to pour shit out, I like pouring out grease and shit when I cook with beef.
Would it be safe to steam a burger on one?

>> No.5003140


Sealing in juices, bullshit yes. Juices evaporate at same rate etc. etc.
Bringing a steak to room temp. Semi-true.
Whilst it may take 4 hours or whatever you say, any time out of the fridge is going to be better. Whats going to cook more evenly. A steak straight out of the fridge, or a steak thats been sitting on the counter for an hour or two (lets say 20 degree Celsius internal temp, rather than the 27.5 or whatever room temp is classified as.)

Whilst the statement isn't 100% true, the method certainly improves the cooking.

>> No.5003148

But if you had bothered to read the articles, the authors /chefs did actual experiments.

After 1hr 50 minutes, the internal temperature of the steak only increased by 1 or 2 degrees Fahrenheit. If you leave non frozen meat out for longer than 2 hrs 30 mins to 3 hrs, the potential of bacteria development in the lukewarm, not even room temp meat increases tremendously.

>> No.5003157

Like I said mine is square but it does have the spout thing for pouring out oil but I always just use the corner of the pan anyway because it's easier to get it closer to where you want it.

Not sure what you mean by steam a burger but you can cook a burger no worries.

>> No.5003162

As for upkeep I just fill mine with hot water and put it back on the hot plate and let it boil for a while while my steak rests and then it just wipes clean when its cold and dry.

>> No.5003168

steaming a burger while frying it, pour a little water in the pan and cover it.
thanks anon

>> No.5003176 [DELETED] 


You read an article written on the internet and you become a fucking genius. No this isn't true. I read part of the first article on the room temp. subject and its already so fucking stupid its not funny. They're trying to bring a steak to room temp. in a 20degree Celsius room. There is no rule saying it must be bought up to temp in a cold room. Leave it in a warm environment and its must faster.

Just for the record, lukewarm is actually hotter than room temp aswell. Just so you know

Just so you know aswell, lukewarm is actually hotter than room temperature.....

>> No.5003184

So the question is, do you partially cook the cold meat, hoping that the bacteria hasn't developed between slaughter, packaging, the store, and your house

Or do you bring it up to room temp and hope that you're cooking it to 160f internally

>> No.5003228

That is such a fucking eyesore, why didn't the jackass use a normal font?