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4998401 No.4998401[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some general questions you might want to answer to get the discussion rolling:

>What you drinking?
>What you thinking of drinking?
>Whats your favourite beer?
>What local beers are in your area?
>What beers have you had lately that you enjoyed?

you get the idea

>pic related is what i'm currently drinking and yes i realise that makes me a degenerate

>> No.4998425
File: 435 KB, 750x2000, 1386256703772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ile start the ball rolling

>What you drinking?
Yeah i'm just having a middie to tide me over tonight its beer that my dad drinks i just needed to have a beer but didn't want a full strenght beer.

I've got a carton of bitburger which is nothing flash but its $30 so why not. Its just a plain old draft but i like to drink german beers on the regular because of the purity law and i dont get massive paralysing hang overs the next day.

>What you thinking of drinking?
I really would love to have some croatian beer again, name Ožujsko. That shit was fantastic when i was travelling.

>Whats your favourite beer?
I'ts hard to say theirs different beers for different scenarios but for me franziskaner those fucking monks really did know what they are doing. Man dunkels fucking amazing beers such a shame they aren't popular over hear. As far as aussie beers go james boags premiums are the best australian beers.

>What local beers are in your area?
being a westie we have emu export (sports, red can, walking bird, running bird, boong eggs, boong grenades), emu bitters, fat yak, little creatures, gage roads and a few other micro breweries.

Little creatures makes some decent beers and fat yak is a great beer as well but it feels like you've eaten a whole loaf of bread after a few yaks.

>What beers have you had lately that you enjoyed?
Lately i've had lowenbrau's, bitburgers, budvars, pilsner erqual, kronebourgs to name a few.

The budvars are by far the best, the cech's make a good beer. The pils is awesome as well. The rest are pretty mediocre.

>> No.4998436
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My roomies and I are currently working our way through the beerventscalendar.

Personally I like Münchner Helles for drinking against thirst and Weißbier for enjoying.

>> No.4998444
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>what you drinking?
pic related, but 2013. Going to save a bottle to age though
>what you thinking of drinking?
The Abyss I just bought yesterday, but once again, gotta let that shit age
>whats your favorite beer?
Surly Furious or Bell's Two Hearted
>what local beers are in your area?
Surly, Indeed, Schell's, Fulton, the list could go on...
>what beers have you had lately that you enjoyed?
Odell's Mercenary was pretty good, and once again this Narwhal is delicious.

>> No.4998451

thats a pretty sick concept

like tasting random beers

i can only say i've had paulaner and guiness out of that lot

dont mind weissbier but yeah i prefer dunkels just because they have a bit more of a richer taste

gernally if i pick up some german beers ile get a couple of weissbiers and maybe 3 or 4 dunkels

>> No.4998458
File: 221 KB, 950x1393, franziskaner_weissbier_dunkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there are dunkle Weißbiere right? Delicious.

>> No.4998464
File: 72 KB, 497x640, paulaner original urtyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The paulaner in our calendar is the "Münchner Urtyp", a sort of Lager with 5,5% and a nice spicyness.

>> No.4998474

yeah m8 dont mind em at all

>The Abyss

sounds like an interesting beer licorice and molasses very different almost like they brewed shisha tobacco into a beer

wish i could get stuff like that over hear like in the states

obviously not something you'd smash a carton of in one day

>Surly Furious

definitely something i'd be interested in drinking

fuck yeah love me a good larger

>> No.4998476



not sure if they are stocked in west australia though

>> No.4998479

has the craft beer industry just exploded in the US?

>> No.4998483

Yeah I'm excited to try it when I decide to open that shit. Going to save it for a special occasion though.
If you like IPA's, Furious is one of the best. Not overwhelming, and deliciously piney.

>> No.4998484

It's been exploding for the past 10 years.

>> No.4998486


Yeah in the last 15 years or so the old "micro" breweries became multinationals and the hipsters keep abandoning beers and going with more obscure things.

It's too bad the emphasis is still on HURR EXTREME, but we're going through our awkward teenage years when it comes to beer. Sort of like the 90s when American wine became popular/died.

>> No.4998495
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Have any of you guys tried okanagan 1516?

Man thats a good beer.

>> No.4998497

Yeah i dont mind the odd IPA i was reading the description and furious sounded like something i'd enjoy.

Yeah it seems like its gotten real like

>and this one is a lemon, cinamon beer aged in port casks...

>the hipsters keep abandoning beers and going with more obscure things

what do you mean by this going for different drinks or making more obscure beers?

>> No.4998498
File: 21 KB, 144x210, chocolatestout[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this recently. Pretty good, tastes like black coffee and chocolate. I think I like stouts more than other beers.

>> No.4998506

Stouts are great. James Boags over hear did a honey stout and that was a fantastic beer

>> No.4998509

>what do you mean by this going for different drinks or making more obscure beers?

Both, for example where I live (a food conscious large city) wine is now a big thing among the 25-35 set, along with spirits.

But when it comes to beer aficionados, it's fashionable to "out" beer companies as having larger corporate backers or having taken VC money. Once this happens the brand is tainted and you can gain major hipster cred by shitting all over it and saying you haven't drunk that product since (select corruptiondate from brands where corruptiondate is not null)

>> No.4998515


thankfully this bullshit doesn't fly in western australia

cunts still drink export every weekend

even the hipsters drink export

on the one hand its kind of good because that would force brewers to make new beers but on the other hand perfectly good beers go shunned because they received some sound investment

>> No.4998518

I love the Bison choc stout. One of my favorites. Sam Smith makes a great chocolate stout too. Stouts, in general, are my favorite beers and I always gravitate to them, although I enjoy other beers too.

>> No.4998540

just made my Christmas order yesterday on alesbymail
all stouts and porters and lovely dark things, tis the season after all
I'll dig out the list incase anyone has any opinions:
Anarchy: Smoke Bomb
Atlantic: Blue
BeaverTown: Black Yeti
Bristol Beer Factory: Milk Stout
Diskworld: Hix's Darkside
Hitachino Nest: Extra High XH
Partizan: Foreign Export Stout & 7 Grain Porter
Rogue: Mocha Porter & Hazelnut Brown
Ska: Vernal Minthe Stout
Summer Wine : Barista Espresso Stout


>> No.4998550

t-thats not the entire list anon?

>> No.4998553

yeah, 2 of each

>> No.4998564

saying that I might also go to Brewdog before Xmas and pick up a few of their Christmas beers

>> No.4998567

I don't know one person who gives a shit about where the beer comes from. As long as it's good they'll drink it.

>> No.4998572

>What you drinking?
Rekorderlig winter cider. Not a cider drinker, but this stuff is maximum comfy on a winter's night
>What you thinking of drinking?
Might have a Talkiser 10, got to leave the Lagvulin for Christmas.
>Whats your favourite beer?
God knows. Too many to choose. I'll go with what I drink most often at the pub, which is Abbot Ale.
>What local beers are in your area?
Loads. Adhams is one of the more well known ones but there are local beers everywhere.
>What beers have you had lately that you enjoyed?
Essex Beast was nice.

>> No.4998586

why is it in english liqour stores there is fuck all beers to choose from?

i was in england for a while and it was just all kronenbourg and that shitty english beer forget the name in all the like convenience stores

>> No.4998596

Surly Bitter Brewer

Flemish Sour Ale

I like most kinds of beer, and usually buy IPA when I'm not drinking a large bottle of something really nice.

There's several, but I really don't know them. I just pick whatever looks good at the time.

Nah, I've spent a ton of time with my family. Got some of the last pumpkin ales and they were mediocre this year.

Had a cider that wasn't bad. Iceman by Angry Orchard. Expensive though.

>> No.4998626

fuck i just had my beer and now i'd love another


>> No.4998644

There's higher demand for shit lager so that's what you get in smaller shops you have to got to a big supermarket, order online or go to a specialist shop. It's annoying.
The wine available in small supermarkets is atrocious too.

>> No.4999959
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Trying this for the first time, actually tastes decent.

I'm white, by the way.

>> No.5000626

oh dear

>> No.5000630

>What you drinking?
Bud Ice - 2x 32oz shitbeers for $2.99

>What you thinking of drinking?
A nice belgian style wheat beer

>Whats your favourite beer?
A nice belgian style wheat beer

>What local beers are in your area?
I don't do craft brew tasting anymore. I used to do it but I always ended up with some banana flavored syruppy beers (I'm in California) that tasted like shit. I'll stick to my imported Lagers.

>What beers have you had lately that you enjoyed?
A nice belgian style wheat beer

>> No.5000631


yeah, you know the only way to listen to this beer is to drink this song!


>> No.5000632

>I'll stick to my imported Lagers.
pretty safe bet m8

what are some belgian style wheat beers you enjoy?

>> No.5000633

>to listen to this beer


>> No.5000637
File: 28 KB, 247x321, owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do i have to elaborate it to you, plebeian?
> (did you even know how to spell that word?)

You have to listen to the beer. You have to hear it calling your name. Only then will you attain drunklightenment. And you have to drink the music... by that I mean consume it with your very essence, as if it was the water that you are 70% made of.

>> No.5000657
File: 29 KB, 635x357, Snapshot2010-08-2816-31-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to hear it calling your name.

I hear ya m8, i hear ya.

It sings to me its sweet seductive siren.

>> No.5000666
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lol @ that image

>> No.5000668
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nice tirps m8

>> No.5000669

Neat, a beer thread. I've got a question for you guys. But first:
>More Hoegaarden
>Probably 1554
>Schell's/Grainbelt, Summit, Surly
>Schell's Framboise du Nord (think I liked their first one better)

Question: Why does it seem all Pints in America are in cans? Seems like the only bottles here are 12oz or 750mL, whereas Yurop has 500mL bottles

>> No.5000671
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>> No.5000672

yeah its a pain

in oz we have king browns i think they are 700ml but most beers come in small yuropoor 330ml or standard australian 375ml

i miss 500ml bottles it was like the perfect amount of beer per drink

>> No.5000673


i like hoogarden. that shit is bomb! my nigga.

>> No.5000676

Yea, I love it. I normally don't get any imports since domestic stuff is almost always cheaper, but I really wanted some today.

>> No.5000687
File: 26 KB, 294x400, EB_can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hoogarden is for poofs

>> No.5000688

Fuck you

>> No.5000693
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what'd you say to me cunt?

>> No.5000698
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>> No.5000703
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ile rek you cunt

>> No.5000714

>What you drinking?
>What you thinking of drinking?
>Whats your favourite beer?
Wieselburger Stammbräu
>What local beers are in your area?
Ottakringer, Wieselburger, Schwechater and a ton of micros.
>What beers have you had lately that you enjoyed?
Augustiner Edelstoff

>> No.5000718


You have drinkable burger?
pls annex

>> No.5000788

its weasel meat as well m8

>> No.5000828


>king browns

where do you live?

they're 750ml btw, we call em longnecks in WA

>> No.5000833

>small yuropoor 330ml
here in Austria it's generally in 500ml. We do have 330ml ones too, but there's a saying here:'small beers (330ml) just give you a headache:'

>> No.5001008

i'm from WA you muppet and you call them king browns as well

>> No.5001009

yeah its just a cultural thing for us but 500ml is the GOAT serving per drink

>> No.5001367


Hoegaarden is good. You guys should try Hitachino Nest White Ale. Its a pretty cool Witbeir.

>> No.5001379

Hoegaarden is Babby's First Wheat Beer. It's like the Guiness of wheat beer - watery, bland, but unoffensive enough to drink.

>> No.5001408

I'm not buying the Framboise. They upped it 5$ at my store so I said fuck it.
A lot of breweries are switching to cans because they keep the beer more fresh and less exposure to the sun. I think.
I know a lot of craft breweries are switching to cans now, or just adding a canned variant to their brews.

>> No.5003190


>tfw to hung over to go get more beer

>> No.5003197
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>What you drinking

Imperial Milk Stout I brewed on Halloween, it's pretty good but I think it needs another month to bottle condition, still a little green.

>> No.5003199

why dont i do this shit and brew my own beer

>> No.5003209

It's a fun hobby, you can start for as little as $100. Plus the beer you make can be on par with craft breweries and at ~$20 per 5gal batch it can't be beat.

>> No.5003212


>> No.5003215

Doesn't it suck bottling beer, I bottled 55 bottles of stout last night and about 60 wheat beers.
I'm glad I did it because now I got my shit sorted for new years eve and then some.
Really need to get myself a keg setup.

>> No.5003226

I hear a lot of people say that. I actually quite enjoy it, I find it relaxing. Kegging is easy enough if you don't like it however. Personal preference I suppose.

>> No.5003231
File: 12 KB, 303x480, kegerator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at getting something similar to pic but with 3 taps, three kegs, 1 regulator.

Local homebrew shop wants $1500 for it though so for now I think I'm just going to stick with my bottle collection.

>> No.5003234

Dual regulator I meant.

>> No.5003236

how big are the kegs?

are they inside that fridge box

>> No.5003240

this is what most homebrewers use.


>> No.5003247

ok so about 18 litres

>> No.5003249

I thought I didn't like beer at all but then I happened to try an IPA about 6 months after I turned 21 and it was just shocking to me that it was actually beer that tasted gooooood - really fresh and nice! Like grapefruit rinds, almost. From then on I just order ipas and I really, really enjoy beer now.

My favorites I've had so far are Lagunitas, Dogfish Head 60, 90, and 120 ( I love having a big bowl of very sweet strawberries with the 60 minute. Mmmmm!) and the first one I had was called Brooklyn Blast or something and it was really lovely, grapefruit rindy, like I said. I wanna try it again sometime...

I recently tried the Shiner Cheer and it was actually kind of delicious - which surprised me. It tasted like dessert and was really lovely. Until that one, I've really only enjoyed ipas.

I would love suggestions on what. Beers I might enjoy - I would really love to branch out - only likeing ipas makes me feel really pretentious and terrible... Are any other varieties of beer so clean tasting and fresh? I do not like it when they taste skunky, or musty, or feel all muddy and weird, or if they taste like straight-up urine.

>> No.5003252

Now I really want to go on a beer tasting date.

Shit, that sounds idyllic.

>> No.5003256

Yeah fits 3 kegs, about 19 liters per keg.
I guess if I were doing 23 liter batches I'd keg most of it and bottle a few for future reference.

I've heard other people having dregs kegs where they put the leftovers of every beer into one keg until it fills up and drink it. hit or miss I think.
The way I drink I'd need some back up kegs ready to put in the fridge as soon as I finish the previous one.
With bottles I can easily stash a few away in my safe and not touch them for a few months, not sure how kegs go in this instance.

>> No.5003258

>I thought I didn't like beer at all
> after I turned 21

ladies and gentlemen your typical american male

>> No.5003261

>idk I'm jus drinking my SO's beer atm cos I ran out of goon

>> No.5003270

Asahi is ok for what it is, plain Jap beer.

Japs are known for there clean taste like sushi, there beers are the same. Good but not exiting.

>> No.5003271

like i said in the cric thread you fagget sapporo is better

>> No.5003306

update, went round to liquorland n got more goon

>> No.5003314

sounds complicated

>> No.5003321

Yeah well put some yeast in a bottle of apple juice and let me know how that works for you.

>> No.5003325

no need to get flustered fagget

>> No.5003328

Why would I be flustered by someone unable to pour liquid from one vessel to another?

>> No.5003338
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Also drinking my Halloween brew. Made up a 5gal batch of my own recipe for pumpkin oatmeal stout. Drank one of the few bottles tonight that I added cold brew coffee to. Going to have to tone it back a tad next time.

>> No.5003341

i dunno you tell me m8

>> No.5003346

Can you share a recipe?
I have heard of coffee being to prominent in home brew.

>> No.5003355

I'll have to check my logbook tomorrow as I'm just going to bed after some finals studying, however off the top of my head I believe it was 1 cup of water with about 1/2 cup beans that I ground fresh. Steeped overnight. Added to last 6 bottles of the bottling bucket

>> No.5003409

I've really enjoyed all the sours I've had lately, especially Duchesse de Bourgogne. However, all of it seems to be fairly expensive. The cheapest I've had is Rodenbach, but I'd like to find cheaper. I also like lambics, but I've only had Lindemans. Any suggestions?

>> No.5003425

WA bro here too. Fuck Fat Yak, can't stand it.

>> No.5003430


i dont mind it but i'd only ever have max 3-4 in one sitting

>> No.5003448

I once put a fat yak bottle in my bum

>> No.5003462

what did it feel like

>> No.5003466
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>I once took a fat yak up the arse

>> No.5003484

>>What you drinking?
Some of my homebrew American wheat beer.
Came out really well with one exception, I used a no rinse sanitizer. This ruined head retention. So next time I will clean with it but rinse it out with distilled water.

>>What you thinking of drinking?
My pumpkin ale one day from complete bottle conditioning.

>>Whats your favourite beer?
celebrator doppelbock

>>What local beers are in your area?
I have around 10 microbrewers in my area. They all have an astounding range of beers.

>>What beers have you had lately that you enjoyed?
My own brew and some Lambic beer.

>> No.5003508

I'm drinking Sailor Jerry's... or more precisely I;m looking at a glass of Sailor Jerry's and about to drink it.
I'd like to be drinking Pomona Queen, my absolute favorite local beer. Second favorite is Golden Road Hefeweizen. I live in LA county, so there's a lot of beer here, but lately it's nothing but IPA all over the damn, place. I'm sick of it.

>> No.5003514


what is it with america and IPA it seems like its your favourite beer or some shit or favourite beer with craft brewers

>> No.5003518

It's just really popular right now, like wheat beers in Germany or whatever.
In the winter I pretty much stick with stouts though.

>> No.5003531

Unless American's go abroad they will never taste real beer, but then again I don't want then ruining festivals like Oktoberfest

Seriously guys, light beer?

>> No.5003535


>> No.5006001


had some chang's last night

>> No.5006008


>> No.5006017

As an American who never truly appreciated the majesty of beer until I moved abroad, you underestimate people.
The difference Between Germany and USA beer-wise is that in Germany every town has been producing beer for 300-500 years, you're ONLY going to find good craft delicious beer of each and every kind when you stop into a random restaurant/bar in

In the US there's tons of micro brews and delicious beers, but the majority of what you will find in the average restaurant or supermarket is shit like Miller, Bud, Natty Ice, Corona. So it requires more effort to truly appreciate beer in the US, especially since you can buy a 24 pack of Bud Light for $12 ANYWHERE, but if you want decent beer you're paying $14 for a 12 Pack minimum of decent beer. People start drinkgin beer when they're young and poor and never move on.

>> No.5006022

I wish I could tell you anon. I fucking hate them. When I go to a microbrew sometimes upwards of 60 fucking percent are some bullshit ipa.

>> No.5006024

Samefag so hard.

>> No.5006026

I don't get it either.

Sometimes I just get the feeling it's hipsters trying to pretend they like it, simply because IPAs are bitter as hell

>> No.5006352
File: 372 KB, 1884x1713, Tuborg Julebryg_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been binging the fuck out of these the last couple of days because they'e on sale and are hella cheap.

>> No.5006378


i think i've hard tuborg some time in the past

>> No.5006410
File: 947 KB, 1500x999, J-Dag_693080a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuborg Julebryg is always a disappointment.
Fun times because of traditions though, but seriously, it's not a very good beer.

>> No.5006581
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Yeah it's funny, I wouldn't dream of buying it if it weren't for that heavy branding, and even now I only bought it because of how cheap it was.
It's not decidedly terrible, and it's not great either. I do like the traditional aspect tho.

>> No.5008435
File: 294 KB, 500x606, ringnes-julebokk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuborg æsj
pic related, proper christmas beer

>> No.5008613

Sounding a bit heavy.
I like my beers to complement a meal, not be that meal.

>> No.5008626


Oh norwegian beer. How much did you pay for that? Never mind that Tuborgs julebryg is cheaper than yours as is, on the day it gets released it's a fucking holiday and tuborg drives around in big trucks handing them out to everyone above the age of 12.

>> No.5008712
File: 135 KB, 960x1280, 1386596288523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like 45kr. Fairly average price.

>> No.5008733

That's, what, for half a litre of special beer or so?

>> No.5009333


>> No.5009403

Sounds like you're in texas, I'd recommend sculpin ipa, st arnold's christmas ale, karback yule shoot your eye out, and green flash.