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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4995526 No.4995526[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>buy jar of peanut butter
>let people I live with have some
>go to use it
>full of stale fucking crumbs and swirls of other condiments like butter and jam

ITT: Roommate rage thread.

>> No.4995533

>housemate makes spaghetti bolognase
>pours the sauce on the mince in the frying pan
>shit sticks to the pan
>doesn't soak the pan straight away
>after he's done leaves the plate out in the open without soaking it either
But the kicker:
>rather than rinsing that shit when he washes it, he just grabs the sponge and starts rubbing it all over the plates and pans
>every single sponge we have is covered in tomato sauce and essentially ruined

>> No.4995536

Jesus christ, I seriously don't understand people who don't soak shit. It makes your life 100 times easier.

>> No.4995537

I live with my parent and her boyfriend and his children.

>Buy lots of food with the money I worked for.
>About to cook it for my girl
>Missing the bread
>Missing the cheese
>Missing the garlic

Where did it go?
>Young step bro eats some of the bread throws the rest in the trash, even though he could have fucking cut it.
>He eats the cheese and throws it out because he complains that there's mold on it, which there's not.
>Mom throws the garlic out because it was making a weird smell


>> No.4995538


>> No.4995541

feels good having two clean and quiet roommates. I was fully prepared to deal with the shit you'd find ITT but things turned out better than way expected.

>> No.4995543

>rich roomate buys a cast iron pan
>cooks fish on the stove with it
wow what a waste of money; but it gets better
>other roommate uses the pan to make eggs

>cast iron
>scrambled eggs

>washes it off and doesnt dry it
>pan rusts

>> No.4995552

You are in the minority. I wish it were easier to find quiet, awesome roommates. Why is it so hard for people to be decent human beings?

>> No.4995554

>roommate wants to fry something
>starts heating up oil in pot
>forgets about it
>it catches fire
>he runes to the kitchen when the fire alarm goes off
>turns tap to maximum and puts the burning oil under the tap
>drops to the floor as explosion consumes half of our kitchen

Fucker only singed the hair on his forearms.

The fire alarm was directly above the tap and got a direct hit from the column of flame, melting completely.

>> No.4995555
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>> No.4995556

I wouldn't say it's that bad. It can be annoying sometimes, but I'm just glad that not knowing how to clean shit is the biggest issue I have with any of my housemates.
So many of my friends have lived with random people and had some of the worst experiences I've ever heard. (English guy living with some racists, my lesbian friend living with a homophobe who refused to even acknowledge her)

>> No.4995562

>my lesbian friend living with a homophobe who refused to even acknowledge her

>still being a homophobe

>> No.4995563 [DELETED] 


>> No.4995565


>rather than rinsing that shit when he washes it, he just grabs the sponge and starts rubbing it all over the plates and pans

My first year roommates at college did this, but they'd not only do it with things like tomato sauce but in general just scrubbing solidified fat from frying out of pans.

I'd buy a pack of disposable sponges and keep two for my own personal use and leave the rest for everyone else, of course once they used the sponge once on some kind of fat it was completely unuseable, they'd go through 8 sponges before I even used one.

>> No.4995567

Also, it was a shared kitchen in a dorm and he ended up only having to re-paint the place, he didn't have to pay for all the shit that was destroyed.

>> No.4995568

Do you live in a country where garlic is not a common ingridient? If not, your mother is literally mentally challenged and should get help.

>don't really cook much
>buy some salmon and decide to cook it in the oven
>relatives see me doing it
>I-I'm really not, this is easy as fuck to make and
>it doesn't require salt, though. This recipe is
>Th-thanks mom
>dish comes out perfect, tasty as hell (even though my presentation sucks)
I fucking hate people

>> No.4995569

>be sitting at home comfy watching a movie
>housemate comes in and decides to make popcorn
>he makes it in a pot making a huge racket during an important part of the movie
>this goes in for 10 minutes
>smell of burned popcorn fills the room

>> No.4995570

It was an American transfer student. From the South I think.

>> No.4995576

>Do dishes right after I cook, or right after I'm done eating
>Leave small things, or things we have lots of like utensils or cups pile up occsionally

>Roomates literally never, not even once, clean anything after they've used it
>Even days later they don't clean shit
>When they do, all they do if fill the sink with water (only sometimes hot water) and just let it sit there for hours and hours

The dishes don't get cleaned that way you fuck faces, even if they did, there's no way they'd get as clean as actually taking initiative and just cleaning them yourself! Fuck!

>At girlfriends college house
>All her roommates do is stick the dishes in the sink, with food still on them
>The dishes sit in the sink getting dry and crusty and gross for almost weeks
>They do the most minimal effort possible to clean them

Why do these people exist

>> No.4995577

Where do you live?

>> No.4995578
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>other two roommates decide on some system where we switch off on dishes
>I didn't actually agree with it, but okay
>they throw some huge dinner party while I'm out a few days later
>"it's your turn to do the dishes, anon ;)"
>assume they were just trolling me, like fuck I was washing all that shit that I had nothing to do away with
>"lol, no", walk away, go fuck around in my room
>knock on my door, douchier of the two roommates there
>"seriously man, you need to start pulling your weight around here. I did the dishes when it was my turn (nothing that was actually mine because I was at gf's for like two days) and now it's yours. fucking do them."

I think we ended up tag teaming them as a "compromise", but I was still cleaning up from some shit I wasn't even involved with. Roommates, not even once.

>> No.4995579

>makes a big ass bowl of muesli
>barely eats any of it
>leaves it in the sink
>says it will wash down
Are you some kind of fucking child?

>> No.4995581

I don't get why people do this. Why let shit pile up in the sink when it's easy to just quickly wash 2 or 3 dishes when you're finished? I also clean while I'm cooking, there's always time in between whatever you're making to do up a few dishes. It's really not that fucking complicated.

>> No.4995582

Exactly! If people are living together, then it's it's in everyone's best interest to get along. Now the only thing left is making sure neither of my roommates move out to be replaced by some filthy slob.

>> No.4995583


Could be worse

>make spaghetti bolognese
>expecting everyone to be eating it that day
>mother announces suddenly she's going out with a friend
>stepdad decides to take his kids out a day early and they get pizza hut instead yet i made enough
>put it in the fridge
>2 days pass
>see stepdad eating some of it
>doesnt smell at all like how i cooked it to smell
>realise he's covered the entire thing in chili sauce so thats all he can taste

There wasn't any salt in the house until I came back from college.

>> No.4995584

Ireland. The girl I mentioned was in a house full of American transfers even though she was Irish herself. At the time I was in a place with 2 other Irish lads and 3 foreign girls. I think it's to do with integration or some shit.

>> No.4995585

That is so fucked up. Jesus christ what.

>> No.4995586

>Room mate doesn't do dishes.
>Room mate decides that he'll be a good guy and wash up, puts my good carbon steel knife in the dishwasher.

>Roommate fries slice of oscar meyer bologna in my cat iron skillet, leaves perfectly round layer of carbonized assholes and lips stuck to said pan.

>Room mate washes hands at kitchen sink, slings water all over kitchen.

>Room mate does not respect my things, ask why I keep them in my room. tfw you don't know how to not fuck my stuff up.

>> No.4995589

You should put him out of his misery.

>> No.4995595

you guys all sound really boring. jesus pull the stick out of your ass

>> No.4995597

>Dorm kitchen
>Someone takes my only ceramic plate without asking
>Reappears the next day covered in some horrific purple shit
>What the fuck were you doing that stains a plate fucking purple
>What the shit
>Fucker won't even clean it up
>It's still sitting there
>Wash my plate you fuck

>> No.4995600

>roomates finish meal with food still on the plate
>instead of scraping the leftovers into the bin they leave the plate on the counter to solidify and crust over

fucking why, it takes 30 seconds compared to the 5 minutes you'll spend cleaning it off later

>> No.4995602

I'm not telling you to pay a hooker to shit on his toothbrush, but I'm not telling you not to, either.

>> No.4995603

Literally none of these posts have anything to do with how they entertain themselves or others.

>"Y-you sound boring for having simple and understandable complaints about how people mistreat your belongings or exploit you in order to do a metric fuckton of dishes."

>> No.4995605

>Flatmate puts eggs on the stove to boil
>Tiny pan on the highest heat
>Goes off and leaves them boiling for 20 minutes until the pan is almost dry
>Comes back, peels off the shells straight into the saucepan
>Leaves the pan full of egg shells and dirty water in the sink

>> No.4995609

>Have an aunt, who's actually pretty good at cooking
>Washes her plates after eating, never lets anything just lie in the sink for days
>Cooks godlike meat, absolutely great
>Never saw her fuck a dish up
>One day she's over at our house and I get a call from her while at my classes
>Hey, anon, I'm making some fries with some chicken for you. When will you be back?
>Oh, I'm just going to the bus stop, be there in about 20 minutes
>Okay, the food is waiting for you, dear
>Get home in 20 minutes, just like I promised
>The food is not on the table
>Umm, aunt? Where are the fries and meat?
>Oh, I put them in the fridge so they wouldn't spoil and get stale since you were away for so long
>So now I have to microwave the meal, which was hot and just off the pan 20 minutes ago
>It tastes like absolute shit

I still don't know what the fuck happened the day, how did her mind manage to tell her that was the smart thing to do?

>> No.4995613

My bf does the instafridge thing. I'm like no, this isn't foodservice. You don't have to throw hot food straight into a fridge to get it down below 40F.

>> No.4995617

You sound like you're probably one of the lazy shit heads people are complaining about here.

>> No.4995620

I've never had to deal with a roommate, but I lived in residence at the university my first year and I have some stories about the shared kitchen.

>someone decides to cook some bacon
>puts a large dutch oven on the stove, heat on full blast, puts bacon in, leaves for a while
>Everyone has to leave the building while the fire department comes
The kitchen smelled like smoke for about a week, and the pot he was using was ruined.

>Asian exchange student
>for some reason only ever tries to cook western food but clearly doesn't really know wtf is going on in that regard
>one particularly memorable dish: pasta boiled in unsalted water, then a jar of premade alfredo sauce dumped in without draining it (!), followed by adding some sliced up squid and boiling it until the squid was cooked. I kid you not.

>> No.4995621


similar story happened to me

>roommates go back to their parents for a few weeks over the summer
>just me in the house during this time, feels good
>suddenly two of them come back
>"hey man I know we didnt call you or tell you we were coming back but yeah we're having a sort of party tonight if thats cool"
>nothing I can do about it
>suddenly 40+ people in the house that night
>barracade anything valuable I had in the house in my room
>block the door from the inside so no one can get in
>climb out my bedroom window and sleep round a friends house
>come back the next day and everything is trashed, bottles everywhere, sofas are ruined and missing the custions, front door is wide open when i arrive and everything smells of stale cigarette smoke
>roommates nowhere to be seen, don't answer their phones

>> No.4995631

>dumped in without draining it

>> No.4995636
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I hate people.

>> No.4995641

>It's really not that fucking complicated.

I know highly educated people well in their forties who still do that shit.
They can tell you everything about their field of research or complex technicalities about their jobs but they remain utterly dependent when it comes to simple shit like cooking a meal, personal hygiene and cleaning up after themselves.
It boggles the mind.

>> No.4995642

Dumped the sauce into the pot with the pasta without draining the pasta first. I have no idea how people didn't know you had to do that, or why, if she had no clue what was going on, she didn't read the pasta box's instructions, or find a recipe online or something.

>> No.4995645

They were total bros to party with, and were totally chill about everything other than the kitchen. They ruined like half my pans in the time that I lived there and always mooched off of the meals me and gf cooked, but still felt totally justified in flipping shit when I borrowed some honey for my tea or a teaspoon of some spice that I needed.

Whatever. Live alone now. Might have my sister moving in soon, but she can handle it when I call her out on her bullshit.

>> No.4995649

>be supervising my younger brother and his friend
>they are making cakes or some shit
>leave fucking bowls everywhere, even a mixing bowl full of oil or something on the floor and on chairs
>put cakes in the oven with drips of mixture burning on the outsides of the tin
>fuck off to play minecraft
>I end up finishing the cakes

Fuck this.

>> No.4995650

Sister moving in.
>I like where this is going :)

>> No.4995657

>pasta boiled in unsalted water

I never salt the water.
It really doesn't need it imo as long as the sauce is good.
Never had any complaints either.

>> No.4995661


>> No.4995662

It's all personal preference.

>> No.4995663

>Avoiding drunk roommates using the common area
>OK well I guess I need to wash this dish in the kitchen
>Go to kitchen, roommate is next to sink
>Go to put the dish next to the sink so I can wash it when he's done
>There's a dong in the sink
"Uh dude I'm taking a piss here"

>> No.4995667

Why the shit didn't you stay, sounds like a once in a lifetime partey.

>> No.4995668

please stop

>> No.4995669
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This so much.

>Roomate always complains about the dishes and insists on cleaning because she has "OCD"
>She uses the sponge to scrub off grease, sauces
>She wipes the floor and counters/stove top with same sponge
>Caught her using the same sponge to scrub the carpet after the dog pissed on it
>I rage
>"It's not like the germs stay in the sponge, anon. They get rinsed out!"
>mfw I've been cleaning my dishes with piss soaked sponges

>> No.4995670

Not allowed to teach children about consequence, responsibility and compromise anymore.

Now it's child abuse to say "eat what's served", "clean up or no dinner", "share or go without".

>> No.4995674

Can't argue with that.

>> No.4995675

No. You're literally allowed to do that.

No. It's not child abuse.

>> No.4995676

Yet people still don't anymore. Kids are growing up to be spoiled retards.

>> No.4995680

No. Some people don't do that anymore. Some people do.

Some shitheads were raised fine. Some great folks were raised badly. It's how the individual chooses to behave based on past mistakes and helpful criticisms from their peers and seniors.

>> No.4995681

I'd watch it if it was a comedy.

>> No.4995684

Not according to the petit bourgeois courts and their over the hedge sentences.
Hell a child crying for any reason is worse then murder, "at least killers are considerate of the noise".

>> No.4995685


>don't have anything in common with roommates
>roommates having a party of people the same as them

Its like asking me why I don't go with my aunt to her bingo nights, why would I hang out with people I have nothing in common with?

>> No.4995686

>roommate making burrito on a plastic cutting board
>minutes later i smell melting plastic
>find burrito and cutting board melting inside oven

>> No.4995689
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>> No.4995691

One guy I knew would often sit on the couch eating toast with cheese and sausage.
He would have the block of cheese and sausage next to him on the side table and he would let the cat nible on the meat and use the cheese like a salt lick.
I would often find the cheese in the fridge with several round craters licked into it.
When I rebuked him for it he would just claim that cat saliva was clean and I was making a fuss over nothing every time.
What the fuck...
I had my own cheese stored seperately.

>> No.4995693

What the fuck kind of place are you living in?

>> No.4995696

Nobody has ever been sentenced in a court for instilling morality and the ability to recognize mistakes and the drive to be a charitable and fair in a child.

People have been sentenced for using abuse to do these things. Abuse does not mean spanking a child or scolding a child in the presence of errors.

Please, you're really not understanding how raising a child honestly hasn't changed all that much.

>> No.4995697

no, i don't even know. this kid is really challenged.

>> No.4995698

aimed at

>> No.4995699

Keep them coming.
My sides are all over the place.

>> No.4995701

Same thing happened to me with a wooden cutting board, man. Several people do not understand the difference between a cutting board and baking tray.

>> No.4995702

I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

>> No.4995711

Spanking is actually considered abuse now. Spanking as in a slap on the bottom, not being belted until welts appear. It's claimed to cause ~psychological problems~. There's quite a few reports of parents being arrested for abuse after putting their child over the knee. It's pretty ridiculous.

>> No.4995733

Suburbia, a place where neighbours will spend hundred of thousands on court cases to have a driveway expansed half a foot rather than ask the neighbour before submitting the petition.

>> No.4995772


Pasta isn't a platform for sauce to travel on, the pasta itself should taste good hence why it must be seasoned and you season the water you cook it in

>> No.4995778

Well, yeah, but salt isn't the only way to achieve this. Not everyone uses salt, some people do. Oh well.

>> No.4995785

>I don't go with my aunt to her bingo nights

>Almost 2014
>Not going to Bingo nights to get "lucky" gumjobs from octogenarians

>> No.4995793
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I had three really shitty roommates in my two years of university. One of them was a 350lb girl who claimed she was anorexic.

>never cleaned herself properly
>never brushed her teeth
>her body stench was so bad it made neighbors sick
>left bloody and soiled underwear all over the place
>claimed to be anorexic, yet stole my food and left the remains in bowls for a week
>had to clean moldy bowls full of congealed, stinking ramen soup
>poured pizza grease and sauce into our unlined recycle bin
>ate incredibly stale chips she found buried in her mess
>dumped these chips in my bed when she moved out
>found bottles of unused diet pills under the bed

She was the worst. Last I heard she got evicted out of her apartment for "reasons" and was living in the library.

>> No.4995796

Oh god why would you even TRY to live with that, you couldn't fucking pay me to.

>> No.4995802

>Not everyone uses salt
If they are cooking food at an acceptable level they use salt.

>> No.4995806

I meant when boiling the water. Obviously everyone has used salt in some dish before.

I've boiled pasta with and without salt and there is literally no difference to me. I don't taste it. I've heard nobody complain. I know people who do and don't add salt while cooking pasta.

>> No.4995808

When I was majoring in Culinology I failed at making three omelettes because I didn't know not to use one. That was fun.

>> No.4995810

You must not be adding very much salt then, because the flavor definitely changes.

>> No.4995825

> come back from class, dishwasher full but clean. Unload it
> few hours later full again from roommates cooking
> load, wash. Expect roomate to unload
> Wake up for breakfast, bowl in dishwasher, door open. I unload
> same shit for a week now, fuck it I will wash my plates
Now her pots and pans are handwashed and all over the counter space, she didn't even bother to put them back in storage
I might blow up anytime soon.

>> No.4995836
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I endured for three months. Finally flipped the fuck out and tried to move, but she moved instead. Then tried to tell everyone I was a monster and drove her out.

>tfw no one believed her and came to celebrate her leaving with me

>> No.4995845

I don't know how you lasted 3 months. I would have lost it way sooner.

>> No.4995934

holy fuck are people this stupid?

>> No.4995975

>first use of nonstick pan
>raped by steel scour

>first time using brand new coffee maker
>uses instant coffee instead of gourmet ground coffee I bought

>uses brand new knife set knife to stab open a can of beans

yeah he fucking sucked dick.

>> No.4995982


>scrambled eggs in cast iron pan

so what faget?? If your pan is properly seasoned it is no problem at all. In a cast iron pan you can make them like they are supposed to be made, a paper thin layer of egg in a searing hot pan, left in for just a few seconds.

>> No.4995986

>uses brand new knife set knife to stab open a can of beans
That's a good way to lose a finger.

>> No.4995991

>roommates are 3 immigrant Chinese girls
>disgustjng animals
>counters never wiped
>always crusted with bacon or some shit
>never wipe down microwave after they accidently explode something
>stove is charred
>pots burned
>leave food out in the open
>saw trail of ants despite it being the third floor

I'm very glad I don't use the kitchen often.

>> No.4995997

fuck that shit, one of my roommates tried to pull something similar. Pisses me off to no end.

>> No.4996002

don't leave your shit in a common area like that unless you want it to get taken advantage of and fucked up.

>> No.4996026

not really rage but:

>move into bigass house, big enough to have seperate water heaters
>the heater on the kitchen side is gas powered
>don't get gas filled for like 6 months because reasons
>roommates all doing dishes by hand and bitching
>I'm the only one who knew that the dishwasher machine heats its own water
>mfw its my turn to do the dishes

too bad everything else about living with them sucked.

>> No.4996038

Congrats, you're the first person in history who likes his/her roommates.

Although that might mean that you're the bad one.

>> No.4996044

>stove is charred.
This, and:
>bottom of pans fucking covered in burnt on grease from no one rinsing properly.

I've given up scraping that shit off anymore, it's a fool's errand.

>> No.4996101

My mother.

>Wants to thaw out ham
>Takes it from the freezer
>Dumps it in a pot of water
>Leaves ham to absorb water overnight
>Disgusting pink water
>Takes soggy ham and puts it in sandwhiches

Same for chicken. She takes chicken, leaves it overnight in a water bath and we end up throwing it out. We told her not to do it, but she continued doing it.

>doesn't like the smell of garlic
>tells the school that my brother cannot eat garlic
>throws out garlic
>throws out garlic bread

>kitchen is a bit smoky
>opens all the windows in the house in the middle of December
>even ones in rooms without smoke, or upstairs
>says she doesn't like the smell
>we have to close all the windows, and lock them.

My dad can't divorce her because she's refusing to sign the divorce papers and in the UK people are expected to come to some sort of agreement. Fucking mental.

>> No.4996103

My room mates are pretty great, make that two.

Only complaints I have is that my room mates girlfriend is a fatass who cooks massive amounts of food and fills the sink every day while claiming she is "dieting". Their food in the fridge is packed in front of mine so I have to move it out of the way to get to mine.

>> No.4996111

She sounds like a nut case.

>> No.4996124

Sounds like me on a tidily bit too much stillnox/ambien.

>> No.4996126

>roommate rage thread

>people complaining about their parents


>> No.4997386

My brother, who apparently can't read, put one of those gross KD bowls in the microwave for 30 minutes instead of 3 once.
I noticed the burning smell later and looked in the microwave to see the bottom of the bowl melted off and stuck to the plate. I only found out what he did when I saw the rest of the bowl in the garbage

>> No.4997437

Have you considered the fact your cooking is awful, and your family is just slating your feelings?

>> No.4997446

>not being averse to sick freaks

>> No.4997451

I had that situation this semester
i threw it all away

>> No.4997459


if those noodles aren't delicious as fuck plain, then you fucked up

>> No.4997460



>> No.4997466

>father preparing some fish to be fried for a party
>at the last second I come in to check for bones
>there are bones in a large amount of them that people are going to be eating like chicken nuggets
>"oh it'll be fine"
>my father could have killed or seriously injured any unsuspecting people that decided to carelessly eat thinking they were all totally boneless and thinks there's no problem because he's lazy.

>> No.4997467

>only boned fish I eat are salmon
>eat the bones anyway, they are soft as fuck

>> No.4997469

it was striped bass, the bones were longer and very hard. Not tiny edible when soft bones.

>> No.4997480

>find out
>hes a REPUBLICAN!!!

fuck /ck/ wat i do

>> No.4997489


grow up and stop voting for welfare kiddies

>> No.4997497

>share apartment with two people and a cat
>roommate 1 lets dishes in the sink pile up
>one time he cooked something really garlicky
>left garlic dishes in sink without washing
>entire living room smelled of garlic
>roommate #2 is a health nut
>she makes fun of us for eating unhealthy shit
>also leaves passive-aggresive notes for both me and roommate #1 about our dishes
>I'm actually good about doing dishes, but one time she got mad at me for leaving like one crumb on a baking sheet
>cat tries to eat everything that's not in his food bowl

>> No.4997498


>share or go without

Nah, this one doesn't apply. When I had roommates, I had my own food, they had theirs. They also had the distinct impression that if they touched mine I would get drunk and stab them.

Never would have happened, not ACTUALLY being crazy, but fear is also an effective way of avoiding the shit ITT.

>> No.4997502

It just doesn't occur to them. Other things may seem more important. I have a few friends like that, and you're right. Any sort of question you can have about some kind of math or physics or engineering or what have you can be talked about for hours... but it'll smell bad 'cause they haven't showered for two days and have on a crooked sweater.

>> No.4997562


the problem isnt my cooking

other people, my friends included all enjoy it and i reguarly cook for them

>> No.4997648

I have a weird roommate. Awkward, gives off that going-to-rape-and-murder-you-in-the-night vibe, asks weird questions (what were you doing in the bathroom, etc.)

So I'm preparing for my shameful meal of instant ramen. I have to wash a bowl and fork for myself because no one ever does dishes. Weird roommate is sitting at the kitchen bar thingie. "Did you wash that bowl?" He asks as I put my ramen into the bowl I just washed literally infront of him.
Use a fork (that I just washed) to drain the water out of the bowl. "Did you wash that fork?"
I blew up at him and all of my other roommates and the 20 friends who somehow also live here laughed.
He pulled his usual closing line out again: "Yeah...I don't know why I ask those things..."

That's all I got.

>> No.4997664

>tfw mentally ill roomie

>> No.4997685

>roommate decides to throw a party for one of his friend's birthday
>he and his idiot friends decide to do "flaming body shots" while a couple of us walked to the store for snacks/drinks/cigarettes
>3rd degree burns all over roommate's torso when we get back

fuck me, how can you be that stupid?

>> No.4997692

>he tells a roomie that he used to get homicidal and suicidal thoughts and had to take medicine for it
>and he no longer takes it because "he's not like that anymore"
>goes around telling random guys they're hot but denies being gay or bi

I dont want to feel this feel

>> No.4997693 [DELETED] 


I don't think anyone is mentally ill.

I see it as differences, individuality. I don't see it as illness.

My boyfriend says he's mentally ill, but I don't see it that way.

>> No.4997705

How did you not die from food poisoning while growing up?

>> No.4997712

As a mentally ill person, this pisses me off. I became ill after I became an adult and I can feel the difference and it is a terrible, awful thing to be stuck this way.

>> No.4997769

I think I have a few

>Old roommate first year at Uni dorms
>whenever I'd leave anything in fridge, next day it would either be half eaten or completely gone
>one day have party
>pull out different dips I had bought/made
>all of them are half eaten and have like, bits of chips and mozzarella sticks in them
>bang on roommates door and demand she goes and buys me more dip for my party
>"Anon, why would I do that? It's my food, I ate it, I shouldn't have to pay for anything."
>She literally thought anything she touched food-wise was hers
>Stop cooking completely and let my groceries run out
>She starts hovering in kitchen kind of lost as if waiting for me to cook
>She eventally asks me to make her dinner
>I say no and continue to just eat out or make dinner at other peoples dorms for the rest of the year
Fuck the RA for telling me that that wasn't a 'big enough issue' to get a room change.

Second year, moved out into a house with 3 other roommates.
>Finally can start cooking again
>Within first week, notice that whenever I have leftover in fridge or whenever I leave something cooking for a bit, when I come back to it it's inexplicably changed in some way, like an egg added to some rice I was making, or curry powder to a soup
>Ask roommates
>One speaks up and says "Oh, yeah, I was just adding some stuff to make your food better. You're welcome"
>Tell him to stop
>A month or so later he starts up again
>Ask roommates about it
>They say his additions aren't even that good
>He added raw eggs and milk into a stew once
>He put raisins in a meatloaf
>We all tell him to stop
>Turns out he didn't even know how to cook and never once cooked in the house, he would sneakily steal form our leftovers in a way that we wouldn't notice
It was pretty weird.

>> No.4997772


And one story that isn't roommate related;
>have house party
>we run out of plastic cups so we just start using mugs and cups I have
>slowly they start piling up in sink
>one guy asks if he should wash dishes
>tell him it's no big deal I have a dishwasher
>he gets really pushy and keeps asking
>I tell him to just leave it alone
>Go into kitchen an hour later and the guy is washing my dishes
>Tell him he really didn't have to, I have a dishwasher
>Tells me that he had to do it and proceeds to hang around sink and just washes any dish or cup that ends up being dirty the whole night
>He doesn't talk to anyone or drink anything, just washes dishes
>Crashes on couch
>Next day wake up to find him staring at clean dishes
It was weird as fuck.

>> No.4997781


Assuming she uses antibacterial soap, it shouldn't matter.

>> No.4997791

why the hell would you complain about that?

>> No.4997797


b o i
s m s
e p o
s u r
s l d
i s e
v i r
e v

Fuck it bugs me when the words are of differernt lenghts and the letters don't line up vertically

>> No.4997806


This is usually the kind of thing a shithead roommate says.

>> No.4997809

It was just weird as shit. And the guy wasn't socializing at all. He was just standing there washing my dishes. Popping them into the dishwasher takes less than half the time.

Nah he wasn't OCD. I asked people about it and they said he had never done that before. Went to his house like two weeks later and there were dirty dishes in his sink and he didn't do shit about them.

>> No.4997816

>yfw he took your food scraps into the bathroom and masturbated with them in his hand

>> No.4997850

Please don't let this thread die. ):

>> No.4997862

We're still allowed to spank our children in Canada.

>> No.4997877

>always the guacamole guy for my family
>cousins are over one day
>want me to make guac
>i say sure why not, as long as you help
>get things ready, chop up my onions, tomatoes, cilantro, and lime
>they're doing the avocados
>everything's ready
>tell them to start mashing the avocados
>get distracted by something, have to leave them for some reason
>get back, everything was in the blender
>what the fucking fuck
>guacamole pudding
>"but anon, this way is way faster"
>almost inedible, fucking ruined
>"this is just as good as every other time"
>no face

>> No.4997897

blending it doesn't change the taste m8

not everyone likes huge chunks of vegetable in their dip

>> No.4997913

Not that anon, but don't heavily pulp something with oil content (Avocado, for example) causes the fat to ... I don't know. But isn't there an legit reason why you shouldn't?

I am just honestly curious.

>> No.4997933

oh, you're THAT guacamole guy. I know your kind. I always leave you guys alone to do whatever, then smile and nod when you ask if it's good. It is good, of course, but Jesus fuck it's just guacamole you potato cuntwad.

>> No.4997937

I don't normally indulge 4chans autistic rages but that is pretty fucking inconsiderate.

>> No.4997948

well i was actually talking about blending for a few seconds, not turning it into a smoothie, which he was probably saying

just wanted to get a rise out of him because he seems like an elitist cunt, but i'm sure there's some emulsification bullshit if you blend it for too long

>> No.4997965

roommate put his feet on the table
roommate's barefoot brother puts his feet on the table
>dogs in the house
same roommate feeds his dogs from our cookware
ciggarette ashes in cups and plates
dishes stack up slowly over here

everyone uses the fucking jars and tupperware as cups and bowls so i have nothing to store shit in
same roomie eats out of my stored food, dipping bread and shit into my sauces

we have people crashing on our couch and they dont cook or clean

>> No.4997984

dog saliva kills bacteria son

>> No.4997985

oh god,
avacado + pace + sour cream in the blender.
"but its a lot easier this way"

>> No.4997992

all of that sounds shitty except feeding dogs with the cookware.

but I'm one of those people who puts his plate down after eating for the dogs to lick clean, then throw em in the dishwasher. (the plates, not the dogs.)

>> No.4997993

i have one ceramic bowl i use to cook with as well, fuckers will swip that right off the drying rack

>> No.4997999

My dad is like all of these people. Some offenses he has committed:

1) We bought a big ass gas grill with a burner because we have a shitty electric stovetop. The entire side of the grill is now covered in a permanent layer of grease, with it becoming my responsibility to scrape it when it gets too bad. Same with the grill interior and the drip pan and everything else.

2) He inherited heirloom cast iron from his grandmother who was a proper Southern cook. It was well used and well seasoned. Here's how he treats cast iron: after cooking, he leaves the fry oil or the burnt bits in the bottom of the pan until next use, which could be weeks at a time. He pours the grease into a container, fills the pan halfway with water, and boils it on max. Then he pours the grease water in the yard. He leaves them outside in this condition. Every single one of those cast irons is rusted.

I bought my own set and keep them in my room, and he honestly wonders why.

3) When he cooks, the kitchen becomes a war zone. Chunks of scraps end up on, under, and around everything from his prep work. Starch and sauce and gravy splatter from boiling too hard with no lid, the aforementioned grease from when he fries indoors.

I've never seen him wipe anything.

4) Cleaning up after. This seems to be a common thing in this thread. When he cooks, "cleaning is YOUR problem." I can see that, sure. However, when someone else cooks, "cleaning is OUR problem."

5) Tangentially related, but he does the grocery shopping 3/4 of the time. When there's a sale on stupid shit, he makes sure to buy 10 of them. We throw away piles of worthless and awful tasting shit that was on clearance for a reason. He still can't / won't comprehend that $5 worth of discount trash isn't saving money, since he should have spent NOTHING.

This man has a PhD in chemistry and manages an entire laboratory. I guess he comes home from a day spent worrying about decimal places and federal audits and gives up, at least in the kitchen.

>> No.4998003

>poured pizza grease
How the fuck much pizza did she eat to have enough to pour on its own?

>> No.4998006


>butter in the peanut butter

When do cow butter and peanut butter go together?

>> No.4998009

He was probably feeling kinda awkward at the party and looking for something to do.

>> No.4998026


there you go, I guess. I keep in touch with about 5 guys I went to school with, all of whom have a PhD in comp science or something, and only one of them can cook anything that resembles food.

incidentally, my dad is a mad scientist in the kitchen. he once took a whole fresh grouper, cracked some of our chicken's eggs into it and baked the whole thing. he made eggfish. It was pretty good, too. Shame he sucks at grilling, but then again we were so poor growing up that our "grill" was two cinder blocks and an oven rack.

>> No.4998036

>>full of stale fucking crumbs and swirls of other condiments like butter and jam

It's even worse when people do that with butter. I don't care if it is the cheap wax sticks people around where I live refer to as butter or if it's some good-ass fucking actual butter. You don't use one goddamn knife for both obtaining and disseminating butter. Fucking troglodytes. Growing up my parents and siblings did that shit. In college my goddamn room mates did that shit. Living now with my girlfriend and it's the same bullshit. How fucking hard is it?

Now I know how jews feel about the holocaust.

>> No.4998041
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have shitty immune system, and sickly std ridden roommates

my diet is restricted to mostly fruits - so yogurt , peanut butter, and juice are my only treats

went shopping tonight

Organic 100 % Valencia orange juice - haven't even tasted yet , and two sips are missing - people drinking like piggies *^*

Whole foods fresh ground peanut butter - went out of my way to hide behind rice on a top shelf , already fingered *^*

Lastly my favorite thing ever, cabot greek yogurt ( as seen in pic ) I get a big carton and put on my fruits, nuts, and granola/cereal, and omg its so good. I go to special store to get -- haven't even gotten a taste and it was open with a spoon inside. Worked out three times today and was going to be my big treat *^*

enjoy this yogurt for me please ,_,

>> No.4998046

or he was on some stimulants

>> No.4998052


>> No.4998054

Dude. Get a mini fridge with a lock and put it in your room. You can't have that shit going on, especially if you have to have a special diet. I'm assuming you've already tried telling them to stay out of your stuff.

>> No.4998060

Those same feels
I has them
So much anger

>> No.4998066

I am q.q working on it tho


Dunno my parents always told me If I got a minifridge I would become a fatass q.q

but yeah strongly considering, that yogurt really rustled my jimbobs, itsss so good now I cant even eat. Like I was thinking about scraping off as deep as the spoon went down, but I don't want to see any of it go to waste.

>> No.4998070


Dude. You need to move the fuck out of there. Or, failing that, you need to poison whoever is dicking with your food. And I don't mean like "lol brownies: i got you good you fucker" that have this person running to the toilet to shit water every 25 minutes. I mean seriously poison them. These things you have described are beyond despicable. I read your post and what-ed so hard that I feel like I got the wind knocked out of me.

TLDR murder is the answer.

>> No.4998082

yea, im working on moving out. As for murder I can't , I'm a squishie loveball t^t

oh also that feel when you know other peoples fingers have been feeling your olives ~.~

>> No.4998085

Don't worry about becoming a fatass (a mini fridge won't cause that, lol), worry about those diseased fuckers tainting your freshly bought food. That's a huge no-no, unless you've specifically told them they can have some. Get yo'self a locking mini fridge.

>> No.4998087

>that feel when you know other peoples fingers have been feeling your olives

This makes me uncomfortable

>> No.4998092

lol I don't trust myself with a minifridge - I love food soo much. Like browsing ck - at 4am would be so tempted to omnomnom along with the pics.
Nawh I didn't say they could have some, but be the girl of the house and occasionally bake so maybe they think my foods are theirs ( like mama's kitchen). Also my foods are super tasty :3 I would steal too - but in a clean way -__-

>> No.4998094


Watch out with putting yogurt on fruit. Dairy deactivites the phytonutrient content in plant foods, like berries/fruits

>> No.4998098

It makes me uncomfortable too q_q

I know they don't wash their hands so their finger juices just swirl into the olive juice. Its always an uncomfortable amount missing, like 3 ,where you know they didn't extract them in a clean way.

>> No.4998100

stop with your LOL EMOTICONS XD XD, or go get infected with some shit

>> No.4998103
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Wow, really thank you! I did not know this.

Now I am wondering if there is any reason to but blueberries in with whey protein shake - besides flavor of course.

>> No.4998104
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>> No.4998106

Do you even need that many emotes?

>> No.4998107


>> No.4998111


Berries in yogurt/cream/milk smoothie is pure flavor. Tastes good, but it's healthier to just eat the blueberries by themselves

>> No.4998116

There is no such thing as a non-antibacterial soap. The essential property of soap is that it kills bacteria; without that it isn't fucking soap.

Adding antibiotics to your soap just encourages hospital-eating super bugs to evolve so why would you ever fucking do that?

>> No.4998121


looked at this video - would you have to wait 4 hours after eating dairy to get the nutrients out of a berry?

>> No.4998122

[citation needed]

>> No.4998126

lol nvm

>> No.4998128




It's also part of the reason dark chocolate has antioxidant benefits while milk chocolate is shitty for you

>> No.4998132


I would wait atleast 2 since that's when the absorption of the berry phytonutrients peaks

>> No.4998135

Ah fuck me, I think I married her. The diet must have worked a bit... She's only a deuce, deuce-and-a-half now.

>> No.4998137
File: 38 KB, 275x183, berry love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I saw that in the video. Thank you though. I came here with rage, and I shall leave here with knowledge! Still curious though how long you must fast off of dairy to get the full blown effect of a berry.

>> No.4998139

ahh kk thanks

how do you know these things by the way?

>> No.4998150


I'm a nutritionfacts junkie. Dr. Gregor pumps out video after video pretty much daily with a bunch of information you rarely see anywhere else. Some about the benefits of certain foods, others about the hazards of certain foods. Now I know that the gas that forms during digestion of beans and legumes can not only lower the glycemic response from foods eaten WITH them (like white rice), but also your next meal hours later, and that artificial butter flavor used on microwave popcorn contains chemicals that were used as a weapon in World War 1


>> No.4998160
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>> No.4998162
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>> No.4998165


> the essential property of soap is that it kills bacteria

looks like someone needs to take wee peek at their freshman chemistry notes again...

>> No.4998166
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>> No.4998167
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>> No.4998168
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On a side note, interesting video. My dad is a nonsmoker microwave popcorn eater and has chronic lung problems. I'll have to send him link.

>> No.4998174
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>reminding me of the series finale of Breaking Bad

>> No.4998178
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I just wanted be be friends *sniffle*

>> No.4998181
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Only way we can be friends is if you play video games and have a Steam account

>> No.4998187
File: 11 KB, 382x284, cutte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do

What is your steams?

>> No.4998189 [DELETED] 
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Mr. Brojangles. My avatar is a blastoise wearing a top hat

>> No.4998196


uncleC00n. Add me if you aren't a nigger.

>> No.4998197

>Why do these people exist

They will be as cattle, my child.

>> No.4998204

>buy 1kg bags of Callebaut dark every few weeks since I don't use much of it
>finish making shortbread, clean up and then temper 100g of it over a bain marie from a new bag
>dip the shortbread in and leave it to set
>clean up the bowls and put the 900g back in the fridge

>come back from visiting family the weekend after
>all the chocolate has been eaten
>ask where it went
>roommates deny it ever existed

>after this happens several times I fix a camera inside the broken burglar alarm
>first roommate comes into the kitchen
>opens the bag and pours the callets into his fat face
>second one comes in with her dog in her arms a day later
>starts feeding them to the dog

I had it out with them and explicitly told her she shouldn't feed chocolate to her dog but she kept doing so so I had to contact the RSPCA.

Also neither of them reimbursed me for the chocolate.

>> No.4998211

>have recently acquired two roommates who don't know how to clean stuff properly
>want to start cooking dinner the other day
>can't find any frying pans
>check dish washer (which is a luxury in Dutch student dorms)
>dish washer instantly full
>take pans out
>take about one minute washing and drying them

>different day, same kind of shit
>fellow clean roommate asks other roommate to get rid of the dirty dishes he left in the kitchen the night before (via whatsapp)
>roommate says 'okay, I'll do it in a minute'
>I add 'could you take care of the stuff you left there a week ago too?'
>he says 'I only have stuff there from yesterday evening'
>WHICH IS ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT because I literally saw him making dinner the other day and leaving those things lying around
>roommate procedes to only clean up half of his stuff

there's too much other stuff to mention, of which a few are:
>rinsing out pans with chunks of food still in them, clogging the drain
>using literally any cup, glass, or bowl they can find as an ash tray
>not cleaning the kitchen counter top after you've done the dishes

>> No.4998212


Sure it does.

>> No.4998218

>1) We bought a big ass gas grill with a burner because we have a shitty electric stovetop. The entire side of the grill is now covered in a permanent layer of grease, with it becoming my responsibility to scrape it when it gets too bad. Same with the grill interior and the drip pan and everything else.

get the gas blowtorch. scratch all shit. burn the rest with gas. paint over with oil when still hot. cover all shit against rain.

>> No.4998222

(puke) I bet you serve the sauce on the pasta without mixing it

>> No.4998223

boil two pots, one unsalted the other with a tbsp of salt - note the difference in the pasta flavour

>> No.4998229

>be in navy
>white guy, black guy, mexican guy, and asian guy living in the same barracks room
>we all clean after ourselves


>> No.4998231

>move back to mom's house for a short time
>go to Italian deli to get the right ingredients for carbonara as Italian gf described
>came out pretty nicely, cooked more than we needed pm purpose
>day later mom says she's gonna re-heat some for lunch
>o-oh ok
>she doesn't eat much so hope I can eat the rest with some garlic bread and have a decent dinner
>she reheated it all
>in a pan
>it's burnt
>but hey, she only took a small portion

>> No.4998276

be grateful you have at least one other clean roommate. An ally against filthy disgusting lazy roommates is essential.

>> No.4998277

Think that's bad?
I lived with my older sister for a short time and her husband made his lunch at 5 every morning.
He liked spam and cheese sandwiches and he always used the same knife for bread, then spam, then cheese.

>> No.4998283

>flaming body shots
top kek

>> No.4998285

I can tell you right fucking now why I leave them in the sink. Because I get home from 9 fucking hours at work and am then tasked with cooking because the people I live with can't comprehend options outside of Mi Goreng.

So I get home, and I get started in the fucking kitchen. Cos it's already 6:30pm, going on 7, and I haven't eaten since fucking noon.

I make a meal, and there it is. I sit down for the first time all fucking afternoon or evening, and enjoy a nice prepared dinner.

I am not going to be in any fucking mood-- EVER -- to wash dishes after that.

So take your japanese-knives and exclusively-organic /ck/ pomp bullshit elsewhere. Like the mainstream media, because that's what everybody is hopped up on now; celebrity chefs and fucking quinoa.

>> No.4998299

>wash dishes and utensils/pans I use after I have eaten
>housmates don't
>assume I don't either
>ask me to help doing the washing after a fucking great pile has accumulated
>get mad at me and say I never do anything
>explain I never do anything because I never leave a mess
>becomes a sore topic in our house
>decide to do a little bit every now and then even though its not mine just to make sure we dont all fall out

>> No.4998304

are you me

>> No.4998307

When you go to university you can always tell who had parents that could cook well. I'm lucky in that my mum and dad are excellent cooks.

>> No.4998318
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>grabs milk or cream from fridge
>leaves out after using
>their excuse is that they might need it again
>fridge is literally and I mean literally one step away from the counter
>the milk gets left out for hours or even the whole day if I don't stop by the kitchen

>> No.4998322

>be me
>sophmore year
>finally move out of dorms and into real place
>roomates seem cool, not bothered by my roomate agreement or having to get it notarized, since i was bringing in my internet and paying for it myself
>one is a regular guy, the other is the son of some pastor or whatnot for a big local church
>regular stuff like no eating my labeled food containers, everyone cleans up their own dishes, etc etc
>also super paranoid, I put up webcams for MUH SEKURITY in all the common areas and my bedroom

>what do you know, pastordad roomate is eating my food, constantly
>also stole shit from my room
>on camera

So I sued him for the food and shit- His family hired a lawyer but balked when I showed them the tape. They settled with me for 5k, which was a semesters rent.

I used it to take summer/intermission classes and graduated early.

>> No.4998328

>roommate's parents retire and move far, far away
>roommate helps them move
>they give roommate half a freezer of frozen vegetables in bags
>roommate stuffs them into shared freezer/refrigerator
>stupid shithead roommate forgets that they're his
>starts getting really passive-aggressive about my fridge use
>finally confronts me about taking up too much space
>dude, all of those vegetables that have been sitting in there for months are YOURS

>> No.4998331

>Eating other peoples labelled food

Is this an American phenomenon? I've never seen or heard this happen in bongland.

>> No.4998334

lol damn, I didn't know you could actually sue someone for stealing food in a shared apartment. That may sound retarded, but yeah. Learn something new everyday.

>> No.4998337
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Did you ever tell him that? What did he say?

>> No.4998340

>also stole shit from my room

>> No.4998341

I'm sure it was more of the stealing shit from his bedroom and the food thing was just an extra kick to the balls.

>> No.4998342

I had a Chinese roommate in my dorm. He was afraid of another guy stealing his food so he kept the majority of it in a closet. Stuff that needed to be kept in a fridge.

Left these nasty minnow looking fish in the freezer and somehow, they stunk up the place so badly that people walking by were looking for the smell

>> No.4998361

Oh yeah. My eyes somehow skimmed over that. Fuck mornings.

>> No.4998363

Try working 12 hours every day you big baby

>> No.4998364

> Mother always complains my food is too spicy.
> Prepare lentils with mint-spicy sauce. Make sure the sauce is not too spicy, keep separate.
> Serve plate of lentils and pitcher of sauce. Instruct: "The sauce is spicy, the lentils are mild, add sauce to taste."
> Doesn't listen, rants about unrelated shit.
> Pours shitloads of sauce.
> rants the dish is too spicy and I always make too spicy food.

I fucking shouted at her at that point.

Also: Made a batch of absinthe. Real thing, 20 herbs, distillation, even printed colorful custom etiquettes on bottles. I gave her a bottle.

> mixes with coca-cola.

>> No.4998372

>Roommate works late
>Pretty much never cooks here except pizza rolls and pot pies
>Uses my baking sheet for pizza without cleaning it but that's not a big deal since it's the only thing of mine he uses
>However he leaves half empty, nearly full, flat pop everywhere in the kitchen.

Not really mad since it's his own pop he bought but shit damn I dumped about 6 cleaning the kitchen yesterday.

>> No.4998386

>>He put raisins in a meatloaf

That's actually an interesting idea. Was it any good.

>> No.4998391

>giving retards good quality stuff
That was your first mistake

>> No.4998397
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>open dishwasher
>roommate has no idea how to load it properly
>no organization
>bowls on bottom drawer
>cups on bottom drawer
>have to reorganize to get everything to fit
>when he unloads it he puts shit in just random drawers and cabinets so i have to hunt for stuff later
>found the lid to my le creuset jammed in a cabinet, the pot under the range

>> No.4998404

Holy shit, I wish you could mail me a bottle of absinthe. I would fucking love to try a home made batch.

>> No.4998406

don't think so. Smoked plums on the other hand...

>> No.4998408

>buy teabags in turns
>always make sure to get some asap when it's my turn
>wake up one morning
>run out of teabags
>"oh anon its your turn to get teabags mate" I say to one of my housemates
>Corner shop is literally around the corner
>"i'm alright for tea at the moment mate."
>I leave it, go to uni for the day
>get back, fancy a cuppa
>no teabags
>"I didnt fancy tea that much"
>blatantly just putting it off
>I cave in and get them myself


They do the same thing with milk and butter.

>> No.4998410

nope, won't pass through local mail and customs. (also, ran out by now. Need to make another batch some day. )

>> No.4998412
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My roommate isn't that bad, but still
>jams glasses in the top rack regardless if they'll fit or not
>random cracks in glasses now
>stacks the glass glasses on top of each other in the cupboard
>no organization to it
>doesn't even fill the bottom rack while doing this shit

>> No.4998414

Thats why I said wish. I wonder what would happen if you packed it in a nonconventional container, you know, not bottle shaped. I figure during x-ray they would think nothing of it.

I learned about the fact you cant ship liquids while on a homebrew forum, and a guy was offering to give samples of his bitter cherry mead.

>> No.4998415
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>roommate buys bottle of red wine
>puts it in the fridge

>> No.4998420


> Lives alone

> HAPPY!!!

(although living in dorm had its pluses. Specifically, cleaning ladies cleaning up the stove and the floor no matter how badly I messed - I'd try not to mess too badly, but accidents happen. Nowadays gotta do all myself.)

>> No.4998422
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>come home from work
>amped to cook something, fucking starving
>dirty pots and bowls everywhere, all filled with water, pans in the sink also filled with water
>"roommate, what the hell is this?"
>"oh bro i had to let that stuff soak for a while"

>> No.4998424
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>mfw there's a bottle of rum in my fridge right now

>> No.4998426

>roommate buys nice vodka
>does not put in freezer

>> No.4998430


We had a bunch of sliced limes which I had the bright idea of freezing so we could pop them into drinks. When I suggested it, it was met with high suspicion by my housemates.

>you can do that???

>> No.4998447

Protip: If someone doesn't like spices, don't be a dick and put spices in their food.

>> No.4998448

>friend used to work in restaurant, has acquired lots of nice cooking utensils
>lives with two other dudes who can't cook
>somehow manage to dull all of his knives, burn the bottom of all of his pots, break his favorite dishes
>leave kitchen so dirty that he refuses to cook in it
poor dude, I tried to help out and do the dishes whenever I was over but the roomies got used to that so now they don't do them at all

>> No.4998450

Protip: learn to read.
He put the spiced sauce on the side.

>> No.4998452

Missed the part about "add to taste yourself"?

>> No.4998455

I brought shampoo and shit over the Canada/US border with me and they wouldn't let it through the luggage check. I'd have to have gone through all this bullshit just for shampoo and I was already running late for my flight so I told them to fucking keep it. Retarded shit.

>> No.4998459

Like how someone with an infectious disease is just a different biosystem?
The disorders truly classified as mental illnesses are the destructive ones. The ones that cause emotional pain to an individual, or render them unable to operate safely and independendly.
Social disorders are questionable.

>> No.4998460

>prevents hijackings and suicide bombers
>retarded shit
What a bunch of fuckers.

>> No.4998462

I guess the biggest bummer is that I live in Maine. So if you're on the east coast we're neighbors. There are however multiple ways to skip border checks in Maine.

>> No.4998463

there was a news article recently about a guy making guns and explosives out of stuff he bought after getting through airport security checks.

If they want to do it, its gonna happen

>> No.4998465

It was fucking commercial brand shampoo.

Amercunts are seriously retarded, I don't even give a fuck.

>> No.4998466

Just waiting for some terrorists blow up the waiting queue. Would be much more victims than blowing up a plane.

>> No.4998470

not nearly as dramatic though. remember that shooting inside the airport of a TSA agent and injury to others?

Nobody does.

>> No.4998475

No one remembers the Boston bombing either. We're a nation distracted by screens.

>> No.4998491


Are you my roommate OP? I've been fucking up my room mates pb for weeks

>> No.4998501
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>> No.4998528

Who is the qt 3.14 in the pic? Moar?

>> No.4998531

property is property. his dad was more concerned with the food part because
>muh reputashun

>> No.4998536

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

>> No.4998541
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He is, isn't he. Too bad he allegedly got convicted for bombing Boston.

>> No.4998559

>a guy

He was a security expert whose goal was to show that the security measures in airports are reactionary and half-assed.

>> No.4998570

You better hope not, you son of a bitch.

>> No.4998616
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>housemates are usually pretty bad with dishes
>I almost always end up cleaning everything
>number of dishes starts shrinking
>notice decrease in silverware count
>other housemates asking where all the plates and shit are
>"How the hell should I know?"
>winter break comes along, decide to do a big cleaning session before leaving
>one of my housemates had left town with 18 pieces of dirty silver, 9 moldy stuck together bowls, and 12 disgusting plates in his room
>most horrid dishwashing session imaginable
>call him out on it
>"What's the big deal, anon? I was going to clean the one ones I didn't throw away"
>mother fucker THREW AWAY plates and bowls because the got too gross from sitting in his room

>> No.4998622

>there are actually people who live like this

>> No.4998670

There are, I'm about to willingly room with one for a year due to financial necessity. God help me.

>> No.4998679

I would rather live by myself in a slum than have ANY roommate. Why do you guys put up eith this?

>> No.4998692

Riiight.... you havent met my step brother who shadowboxes the tv because he thinks theyre talking directly to him

>> No.4998695
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>> No.4998703

Jesus this thread is horrifying. Never had a roommate but shared a kitchen in a building for a few years, here's how it went for me:
>Everybody's reasonably courteous
>No mess ever, kitchen is almost never dirty except the odd time someone leaves dishes in the sink
>Nobody eats each other's food

Such is life in the socialist hellhole that is Canada.

>> No.4998705

Feels good, man.

>> No.4998708

i am 28 and i let a 53 year old woman rent the other room in my apartment. HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE. if someone is that old and needs a roommate (she lied to me about her situation), theya re a fucked up person. she's a hoarder and never pays her bills less than 3 weeks late. i hate her.

>> No.4998710

Use her for sex, nasty hairy older gal sex.

>> No.4998711

>be me
>get new roommate off of craigslist
>we discuss how the food situation will work
>split grocery bill down the middle
>she cooks/i do dishes (i wash'em as they become available, usually just sneakily rinse'em)
>one day as she cooking dinner, i casually mention i wouldnt get mad if she used more onions
>the next of night she used SLIGHTLY more onions than normal
>i rage hard and tell her its better she move out

>> No.4998715

Did I mention the financial necessity?

>> No.4998727

Is this a ruse?

If not, either grow up or go back to reddit.

>> No.4998728


>> No.4998749

Stop with the fucking emotes you 12 year old shitface god damn it this is an imageboard not yahoo chatroom. We all hate you

>> No.4998750

>about five years ago
>sister and I are living with our parents
>parents are going on a little vacation for the week and leave us home alone
>she invites over her ugly, deadbeat boyfriend for the week
>I seclude myself in my room for the entirety of the experience, only coming down to cook my own food and then wash and put away each dish or utensil I use
>as the week goes by the house gets more and more messy
>they are constantly inviting people over and making awful or weird shit (my sister can't cook) and completely smoking up the house
>come downstairs on like the foruth day and the sink is literally overflowing with dishes
>dishware and utensils caked with uneaten food, plates of food just left out on tables for days, left to congeal
>a fucking pot of mac and cheese which has been sitting on the stovetop for four days, completely rock hard
>grunt with disgust and leave
>the day before my parents come home arrives
>sister is panicking
>kitchen is somehow two times as worse as previously described
>sister says: hey anon, we're going to clean downstairs, you do all the dishes and clean the kitchen okay ;)?
>just say: I didn't do any of this shit, you can go fuck yourself.
>go back to my room hearing her scream at me
>she finally caves and cleans everything herself

What an awful fucking week. At least she didn't manage to wrap me up in her bullshit.

>> No.4998753

>not living on the street until you've saved up enough

>> No.4998754

Stop that shit

>> No.4998775

I have two gay roommates. I live every night in fear. Not trying to be a homophobe, but I just feel uncomfortable around them.

>> No.4998780


Just report em for shitposting, mods actually care about /ck/ (sometimes).

>> No.4998787


I bet you would feel better if you all just sat down together and fucked each other's asses already.

>> No.4998799

If I was gay, maybe. It would either be way better, or way worse than it is now. We are all friends and shit, but they make these remarks every now and then that worry me.

>> No.4998802


>> No.4998809
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>> No.4998810

Dumb it down homie
your posting on an american website
plus its one less letter

>> No.4998811

>No. No. No. No. I'm gonna tell you how it is.

how's autism treating you m8?

>> No.4998813

>Staying home for a week or so to see family
>Dad cooks as mom works pretty late
>He asks what I want so I suggest simple scrambled eggs.
>Dumps eggs, salt and pepper in pan.
>He has clearly never made this before. Or not often enough to know how to do it properly.
>Offer to help
>"Oh Anon, you're just a college student! You can't cook. Leave it to your dad"
>Get served what seems like small rubbery balls of egg. Nothing else, just these peppery little egg balls
>Smile and eat it anyway.

Why can't they trust me to cook for them? They let me bake for them. But as soon as it comes to a main meal I have to deal with there often awful cooking.

>> No.4998820

Not my room mate... Shit.
Ah well, I was living with them at the time.

>> No.4998836

you sound like a humongous cunt. the other dude is a dick, too, but you are just a shithead.

10/10 I'm mad

>> No.4998856

I see you love words with a thousand meanings. Ambiguity ftw.

>> No.4998868


>filming people without their knowledge in shared rooms

you're an asshole

>> No.4998870

Its hard to watch tv when hes five feet away from the tv throwing punches. Hes 65 btw. The other day we were watching tv and he randomly starts squeezing my arm (hard) and saying "youre getting big bro!", even tho ive never lifted or told him ive lifted. He then told me to feel his arm muscles and i did, but he kept saying "harder, Harder!" Umm... im good bro. "I can take it!"
He got a good heart tho

>> No.4998877

this, and with butter. use a clean knife, take a piece off and that is it. no going back with your crumb knife.

i hate it when people leave just a piece of leftover left in a container, or like half a water bottle. most of the time, they never go back to finish the water bottle. like 24 bottles in my fridge.

>> No.4998888

Can understand you.
Homophobia is a phobia as all other phobias. Irrational but still bad. You realize it's irrational but you still feel it. Could just as well lived with two clowns and be scared of clowns - same thing. Problem is asshole homophobes give all homophobes a bad name.

>> No.4998900

I bought a couple of pizzas recently thinking I would have leftovers for a few days, but then all of my housemates came home and I told them they could help themselves. I trusted them to be somewhat respectful, but this was not the case.

>Housemate 1 eats 2 slices. Okay, whatever.
>Housemate 2 eats 2 slices. Alright, no biggie.
>Housemate 3 eats 2 slices, then goes back for 2 more, decides he's not hungry and throws remaining 1.5 slices out, like, right in front of me.
>Housemate 4, the fucking vegetarian, picks all of the meat off of 3 pieces of my everything pizza with her gross fingers and just makes a finger-tainted pile of discarded toppings on top of the remaining slices.

No one said thank you ;_;

>> No.4998904

>let friend live with me temporarily
>she insists we buy separate groceries
>okay fine
>fridge is even separated (left is her side, right is mine)
>one day she comes home from work pissed off
>took a tupperware container from the back of the fridge (on my side) thinking it was leftover pasta
>opened it at lunch
>mold, mold everywhere
>has no money for lunch
>tells me I need to clean the fridge more often
why the fuck are you taking MY food?

>> No.4998912

a guy i let in the other day didnt wave either

Why do we continue to do these things?
Because were good people anon
continue, and so will i

>> No.4998939

Sure people like Jeffrey Dahmer aren't ill, just different.
Celebrate diversity I say!

>> No.4998959

For the first one, just soak everything in oven degreaser.

>> No.4998974


>just picks meat off

she's not really vegetarian...

>> No.4998991

>What... what's that noise... it sounds like someone is plunging a toilet... and squeezing a nearly empty bottle of mustard...

>> No.4999031

Peta had an announcement a while ago stating that if you were with your family for dinner and the only thing that they had was cooked with or by meat, (beef stew) the veggies that were cooked with it were okay to eat. As long as you didn't eat meat. Same for the pizza. As long as she got all of it off.

>> No.4999042

I've had so many shitty roommates over the years. Not that I needed roommates, I make enough welding to pay for rent and food and utilities, but I don't have much leftover cash doing that.
I always have the rent down in my name, and just have them give me $400/month to live with me. Anyways, I had a roommate who would always eat my food, leave dirty dishes, track mud through the house, et cetera. The fuckface would usually gamble his part of the rent at the casino, trying to get ahead. The third or fourth time he did that, I told him he could give the rent to me, or be gone by the end of the day. He took a fuck ton of laxatives and shat ALL OVER my house, then tried to burn it down.

>> No.4999043

Didn't mean to reply to

>> No.4999047

Breathed out with slightly more force than normal

>> No.4999081

>vegetarian logic

>> No.4999098

My friend stuck her ex-roommates toothbrush up her ass when she was moving out

>> No.4999100


i'd personally rather just not eat... cuz there's meat juices in there and it's really about the same... i don't really care what peta said though, they're a bunch of assholes...


it really isn't... i guess it depends on the person but i'd never eat food meat touched...

>> No.4999101

I have had gay friends before when growing up, and I am friends with these two. I accept them and told them if they ever want to reserve the room, go ahead. I just always get the feeling that sometimes they like me more than friends. Then again, I can never really tell, even with girls when someone likes me that way. Others always make the first move.

>> No.4999102

Maybe Dahmer is actually completely sane, and everyone else is the crazy one.

The standards of mental health are drawn from "this is what 'most people' think or feel" which isn't an objective standard the way healthy bodies are

>> No.4999129

Maybe he was like Christian Bale in Equilibrium and a quirk in his genetics canceled out the pacification drugs that are being pumped into our atmosphere by our alien overlords.

>> No.4999174

Could you post your recipe?

>> No.4999229

I can't even believe a non troll thread hit bump limit in a day. This is a record for /ck/.

>> No.4999232
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Pulled right out of the dish drainer after my room mate finished doing dishes. This was a couple months after we moved in together but all the pots, pans, silverware and dishes were mine. He kept reassuring me that he was going to buy his own set but he kept on using mine and not cleaning it. I got so sick of his shit I took everything and put it in my room.

And its not like I didnt give him any warning. I asked him 3 times nicely to make sure things were completely clean. Then 3 more times of bitching about it.

>> No.4999277

It's the most entertaining /ck/ thread I've seen in a long while.

>> No.4999280


>> No.4999394
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>> No.4999470

Best kind of peanut butter?
Laura scudders nutty for me

>> No.4999731

>lived in dorm
>stay at home during Christmas holiday
>come back two weeks into January
>enter dorm kitchen
>girl sitting there, shaking her head
>ask what's up
>two guys are known as slobs
>New Year's Eve
>they make fondue in a wok
>she points at the wok
>it's filled to the brim with half-congealed fat, mold and bits and pieces of meat and cigarette ash

It took them three more days to clean that shit thing. Fuck those fuckers. Fuck them. We all insisted they should fucking clean it and they didn't do fuckall, for fuck's sake. Maybe we should've just poured that shit all over their room doors or something.

>> No.4999735

>smells of stale cigarette smoke

People who smoke inside should just, I don't know, go outside. Guess that would be a drastic enough measure.

>> No.4999740


HAH. Oh right, because taking away the fucking competition for the little 0.01% of bacteria that can fucking withstand antibiotics and shit is a fucking brilliant idea. You should get all the Nobels, not the prices, no, the entire family.

>> No.4999752

>Leaves ham to absorb water overnight
>Disgusting pink water

This kind of sounds like this episode of Arrested Development where Lindsay made "Hot Ham Water" and "Chicken".

>> No.4999757


Natural selection always finds its way, man. Always.

>> No.4999791

hope her dog got taken from her

>> No.4999858

Nah. Discard the garbage. Just throw the wok with contents in the garbage bin. It's perfectly justified: someone left it and it's been stinking up the kitchen. If the owner didn't show up in 3-4 days, you assumed they no longer want it.

>> No.4999874

Don't really remember it currently, I was buying a kit of herbs. 7 days macerating 16 of them (I don't remember which, but I'm sure *not* mint, saving up a bit of wormwood) in spirit. Then distilling the spirit with the substances (spirit in, spirit out, don't forget broken porcelain or you risk fire, almost set kitchen on fire!) then add a little water and macerate with remaining 4 herbs (mint for color, a little wormwood for bitterness (distillation removes it), some lemon skin I think...) - and then bottling that.

>> No.5000207

That's correct his name was Jayson and he had also really smelly hair and was always rubbing it with his pubic hair onto the kitchen's table.

>> No.5000479

no, i'm a female. and i can't imagine anyone would ever fuck her, she is a filthy slag.
i rub her silverware on my ass. like in my asscrack. lol she is such a bitch

>> No.5000809

Thats hot wanna fuck?

>> No.5001026

Oh, I told him when he confronted me about taking up all the space in the freezer. He didn't reply at all.

He was the house owner, renting out rooms to me and some chick when we were in grad school. She was a conniving bitch, and he was a complete fucktard who (despite proclaiming neutrality) hung out with her constantly and just barely refused to screw her because of dat landlord-tenant relationship professionalism.

I'm pretty sure she was screwing his dog, though. Seriously. Whenever he went out of town for a night and she "dogsat", she'd lock the dog in her room the whole night and there was quite a lot of . . . unusual . . . noise. And one time I went to her room to yell at her for making so much noise while I was trying to sleep, and she was rolling on the floor with the dog wearing not much.

>> No.5001044

It was rehomed after a week.