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File: 38 KB, 648x350, bobdiversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.49955[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50047

>literally claims to be intellectually superior to every single Trump voter
>you're product

>> No.50128

This is the most right about something Bob's ever been, but only sort of right.

The direct market is cancer, but not because of the "fanboys."

>> No.50146

This nigga thinks Nintendo is an alternate universe and he can contact them in his dreams.

>> No.50154

I wish I was in the land of cotton.

Old times there are not forgotten.

>> No.50190

Says the 40 y/o lifelong fanboy.

>> No.50241

Who the fuck cares about this guy in current year

>> No.50316

>still not being a product

>> No.50327


>> No.50362

This. That fat fuck has no goddamn self awareness what so ever.

>> No.50422

Honestly comics in general don't sell because they are too expensive and very isolated.

But diversity comics don't sell because they are usually written by bad authors, and the one time that they have a good writer and the comic works, the editorial ruins it by mixing it up with events and other bullshit (talking about Kamala here, of course).

Also moviebob is just dumb in general.

>> No.50430

>Is moviebob right?
The answer is no by default

>> No.50450

Ahh, yes. Because all comic book stores lynch minorities before they enter the store. That is why normies and minor IRS aren't going in there. It's not like they never gave a shit about comics in the first place.

>> No.50516

The clerks of my LCS are far warmer and more welcoming than Movieblob has ever been.

>> No.50520

He's not wrong in that all conceivable ideas are, by virtue of the infinite universe theory, realities outside of our own plane of existence, and the prevailing theory is that through dreams our brains take can in fact take us to those alternate realities.

Now, the real falsity is the idea that they would want to talk with MovieBob for any length of time longer than fifty-two seconds.

>> No.50600

>you're product

How can Amerifats not know the difference between you're and your?

>> No.50612

No one cares if it's diverse or monogamous. People buy comics to be ENTERTAINED, not whatever Marvel is doing telling caucasian males, for some reason, are responsible for everything that's horrible in the world with every turn.

I hope people don't forget who was on the roll for America; in the future, I hope to spam all those involved in the credits page until they commit suicide for giving that atrocity of a comic.

>> No.50669


There are infinite amounts of universes, this does not mean that every possible universe is one of them. There are infinite amounts of numbers, but that doesn't mean "shoe" is any of those numbers.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.50673

Mario was his self-admitted best and only friend for the entirety of his childhood, and I don't see him having any friends now, so I'm not convinced that it's changed.

Nobody should publish their self-written psychiatric notes under the guise of a SMB3 fanbook.

>> No.50704

Prove it.

Pro-tip: your a idiot

>> No.50768

Wait so you're saying it's not normal to have a comicbook shop ball feeler to test if you actually have testicles and a mein kampf exam every time you want to enter?

>> No.50825

>right about anything
pick one

>> No.50886

>Casuals and Tumblr refuse to buy diversity comics
>this is somehow the fault of the fans
>fans have to buy books they don't want to or else
Amazing logic there.

>> No.50914

>what is Amazon

>> No.50981

That's because we don't have one named shoe.

Infinite outcomes does equal infinite possibilities though. It's like throwing an endless supply of darts randomly at a wall. Eventually one is going to hit a target.

>> No.51096
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>Is moviebob right?

>> No.51159


It's not an America-exclusive thing, buy anyway: in the case of this generation, a lifetime of non-reading has produced people who are unable to notice these kinds of mistakes in their writing, versus when they speak. This is only exacerbated by the prevalence of spellcheckers, resulting in people who quickly type stuff out and don't bother looking it over, expecting it to be automatically corrected (which works for misspellings, but not homonyms).

>> No.51273

If you strip away his impotent rage he's not strictly wrong. Comics not being sold in supermarkets and cornerstores mean they have a hard time selling outside enthusiasts who are willing to go out of their way. The last time I bought comics was when the book+music store I liked to go to stocked them for a while. There's no way I would have gone across town to buy them, though.

That said, comic shops aren't dens of evil and they are awkward at worst to go into. And, of course, there are always digital issues, TPBs, and just buying things online.

>> No.51433

>Comic+forced diversity=low sales
>Comic-forced diversity=average to good sales

>Hmmm. No no no, it's the comic shops fault! It's not like there is some magic service that people can personally subscribe to get comics. Like something online? It's definitely the comic shop for being so toxic as it's the only way people can ever buy comics.

>> No.51510

If they had enough mainstream demand, Walmart would be carrying them. It's all shelf space vs value to retailers.

Obvious diversityshit that isn't even good doesn't sell to comic fans, and it obviously isn't increasing the market, so what's the point?

>> No.51557

>Walk into LCS
>Nazi Symbols and Pepe the Frog everywhere
>Store owner is a 7ft tall Male with Blond hair and Blue eyes.
>Two KKK members are in the corner reading New Super-Man and Green Lanterns
>walk up and ask for latest issue of Sam Wilson Captain America
>owner hands me Steve Rogers instead
>says he only carries the Nazi version.
>ask for Ms America and Unstoppable Wasp
>he tells me he doesn't stock Chuck comics
>laughs at me while calling me a nigger
>the KKK members join in
>I run out of the store crying
>never read comics again

>> No.51592

>Comic+forced diversity=low sales

Explain Ms. Marvel until it got caught in the typical Marvel cycle of shitty team-ups and diluting of the book.

>> No.51647

says the 40 year old fanboy

>> No.51652
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Yes it should be sold to sanitation companies instead

>> No.51742

I just don't understand the stigma against comic shops. It's like someone wanting to read books but refusing to because libraries are too intimidating. What, are old white neckbeards scary now? One minute they're ridiculed and told to "get used to" others and now they're some kind of boogeyman?

>> No.51783

Damn you, Fanboys! Stop being racist/sexist/Trump and buy our shitty Diversity books!!!

>> No.51823

I feel ashamed for once liking Bob.

>> No.51861


>Walk into LCS

>It smells like the sort of people who hang out at an LCS
>Leave for fear of lung tumors

>> No.51888

Keep thinking like that and you will sell even less.
It's time for Marvel to stop listening to these idiots. It was a nice little experiment they had going but the results speak for themselves and they can no longer afford it.

>> No.51922

Sure but it's a chicken and egg thing. If they had access to walmart then they could (theoretically) reach different markets but they don't have access to walmart because they don't already have those markets that they can only get if they had access to walmart. You know?

Or: Did they ever try stocking comics at starbucks?

>> No.51930

Is there anything more viscerally revolting than a disrespectful, annoying, dipshit demanding taxpayer money to subsidize his vile behavior?

>> No.51931

barnes and noble is normal as hell i don't know what he's on about

>> No.51990

remember when Walmart carried some of the Image books? Spawn, the Maxx, some others.
I used to hang out near the front of the grocery store my mom shopped at, looking at comics and shit. That was back when X-force came in 3 different foil colors.
I thought something with the way comics were distributed changed and made it a huge pain in the ass for places that aren't comic shops to get books.

>> No.52022

Shit, my comic book store is actually full of helpful people. I know not every store is as good, but to paint them all as racist and blaming them for the lack of sales for diversity sales is lame. Especially since it's the comic shops that NEED these books to sell to make a profit and live. Hell, Marvel's been screwing then over by forcing them to pay for extra copies of books they didn't want. And they are the bad guys?!!!! Really?!!! Goddamn, LCSs had been shit on by everyone this year. It's really tragic.

>> No.52023
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I gradually lost interest in Bob as time wore on but he died and I spit in his grave after Other M

>> No.52060

They don't sell because they're being MARKETED AS diverse, and keep replacing established characters instead of just being marketed as the character they are and/or being a well-written new character.

>> No.52097

Nope, it's Nazis and Pepe the Frog.

>> No.52099

You guys should just accept that mainstream cape comics are over, the SJWs won.

Start putting your money to alternatives every time you can.

>> No.52107

Not just Ms. Marvel, either.

Black Panther was one of the best selling titles in the whole industry last year.

America #1, /co/'s new favorite book, sold out and will now get multiple printings.

And female Thor still sells better than male Thor, even after they gave him his own title again.

It's almost like diverse books sometimes sell and sometimes don't, just like non-diverse ones.

>> No.52212

>(which works for misspellings, but not homonyms).
It's homophones. Not homonyms. Homonyms are a different thing.

>> No.52257
File: 57 KB, 482x549, tmp_14628-14842059628181872655367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, yes. Comics are for the most part a dying medium, being held up almost solely by aging fans who buy a book out of brand loyalty, and companies who keep it alive do they can milk the IP's. Diversity has little to do with anything here. Unless your comic is an A-list superhero, it isn't going to sell. The Dark Age of comics ruined any chance of regular people and kids normally buying them because the entire industry placed a stigma on itself, alienating anyone that isn't a die-hard fanboy.

>> No.52263

That's not true either. To go back to the number analogy there are infinitely many integers but there is no integer that you can multiply by 2 and get one.

>> No.52270

>America #1, /co/'s new favorite book, sold out and will now get multiple printings
Anon i remember almost every store saying America was dead on arrival?

>> No.52272

Books don't even sell well at Walmart. You go there, and they're pretty much just going to have assorted Bibles, Grisham, King, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and assorted young adult novels.

You can't carve out a larger audience selling print media. It's impossible. Comic distribution has taken way too long to come up with a good digital model, and it might be disastrous long term. They have bigger concerns than diversity.

>> No.52324

Here's why they don't sell:

>create diverse comic
>new readers are curious, buy the first issue
>it ties into some retarded event they never heard of and don't care about
>instead of being a story about the hero on the cover, it's Part 6709826 of Civil Secret Invasion Empire III: Phase Alpha.
>new readers never buy another issue

>> No.52328

>Marvel Employee admits Diversity characters aren't doing very well now and for some reason prefer Spider-Man RYV and Venom
>SJW won
You're right in that some of the legacy people are leaving (Miles, Sam, and Kampala are safe). But Marvel is learning not to bet all their eggs in one basket.

>> No.52334


A standard Marvel or DC comic is like 3-4 bucks nowadays?

But Gunnerkrigg Court and Paranatural and Ava's Demon and Kill 6 Billion Demons and Sleepless Domain and Kiwi Blitz the Skin Horse and The Meek and Mare Internum and Mokepon and Camp Weedonwantcha are all free, and I probably like at least a few of those.

There are literally hundreds of high-quality webcomics, and thousands of mediocre ones that still have their fans, and they're free.

>> No.52363
File: 1007 KB, 1200x1220, moviebobmassivebutthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that moviebob reached the pinnacle of butthurt on election day

>> No.52369

Ms. Marvel was one of the first ones wasn't it? And it took the right approach: B (or lower) tier hero reimagined to try and fill a gap in the market.

>> No.52401


They will never ever go back to good comics, ever. left doesn't allow that.

>> No.52454
File: 72 KB, 1110x542, bob chipman hates women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the people so pathetic that he actually lost his job for sperging about gamergate.

>> No.52458

They used to have them. Only people like you and me bought it. The real fact is that normal people do not want comic books.

>> No.52512
File: 74 KB, 640x510, 1451265165967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh...sometimes you need to just know your market.

middle aged single fanboys have nothing but money to blow on your tie-ins and statues.

People with wives, girlfriends and children are not buying maquettes or action figures. And little kids cannot afford them. So who does that leave?

>> No.52532
File: 124 KB, 900x1200, superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that pic related is Superior to all you Trump-voting, straight, cis, white male Christian jocks who have sex with women.