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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4995090 No.4995090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how does /ck/ handle the booze?

I'm always drunk these days. It's expensive as fuck.

I just can't stand life right now...

>> No.4995173

I used to drink a lot, whiskey in the morning before uni and after, and thought nothing of a few cans of Guinness whilst writing assignments. It didn't help that I worked in a pub and guys would always buy me drinks.

Stopped drinking for about two years (I had a partner that didn't like me drinking) and now I can barely have a double Baileys without feeling light-headed.

Only ever really been drunk once, though.

>> No.4995209


I've only been really, really drunk once. I fell in a snowbank and started crying.

It's not a real problem thus far, besides the energy and appetite and inhibition deregulation (getting fat), and the cost.

There is also the neurotoxicity and emotional factors, which are my major concerns right now.

>> No.4995282

been on a binge for the last few weeks
didn't really care much about anything that went to shit because of it, until last weekend
where I couldn't get it up while in bed with a girl. fuck me. life is cruel and shameful.

>> No.4995334
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I feel like crap when I drink now
But that could just be hanging around my BF.
He can be a jerk when he's had a couple and it makes me really blue.
I think I may be just getting older, too. Anything more than 2 drinks equals blackout guaranteed

>> No.4995340

I consume as much alcohol as I can without being late for work or feeling like shit every day. It distracts from the bad feelings when I'm not completely occupied with something, and it helps me get to sleep and stay asleep.

>> No.4995350

Like many people, I drank heavily for periods of my youth. I was drunk throughout grade 11 (drinking before class, at lunch, etc.). Then I was drank a lot from year 1-3 in university.

Now I drink almost solely for the taste. I really do not like being hungover or even being that drunk (unless it is for a good reason).

I'll usually have a beer a night or so. Sometimes more, but it all depends on my mood. I'd rather drink one good beer than 6 mediocre ones.

>> No.4995384

If you are referring to a time period that ended last year, calling it "my youth" makes you sound like a trenchcoat wearing fedora type.

Just refer to it as "the past" if that is what you mean. You are not allowed to say "my youth" to refer to your early 20s until you are at least 30 and it's still kind of questionable until 40 or so. Unless of course you live in sub saharan Africa in which case you can refer to your early teens as "my youth" once you reach 20.

>> No.4995395

A crying drunk is the worst kind of drunk

Its why I try not to drink anymore, all my friends are happy drunks and I do not wish to ruin things.

My dad is really inappropriate and silly when he's drunk, he goes from 55 to 15 in a few pints of carling.

>> No.4995426

Is everyone on /ck/ female and European?

Anyway, I'm young and in college sp of course I drink as much as I can, when I do. Only on the weekends usually though. I guess I've got my shit together at least that much. Usually I get hammered in the comfort of my own apartment with my friends, we smoke, and then we stumble around looking for a party, or something to eat, or whatever. I guess we're pretty lame.

I hate piss-tasting "lite" beer, but none of my friends like ales, so I'm trying to get into wine. I don't have quite enough money to make good on that yet, but at least I can try to figure out the grapes and such. I mean like, which I like best etc.

In terms of liquor, I prefer anything clear to anything brown (gives me a massive hangover). Cheap vodka is what I buy when it's up to me.

>> No.4995440

i prefer weed, but i do really like whisky and beer.

also protip, if you eat yoghurt before a bender youre less likely to have vodka stomach the next day
and powerade is legitimate hangover tonic

>> No.4995450

>and European
>American actually thinks he could out drink a European

>> No.4995454

I could and have drank circles around you eurotrash metrosexual pussies.

>> No.4995456

Ah, I think you misunderstood. I was referring to people's language choices, not the amount they drink.

I understand how it came across as a "challenge" though.

>> No.4995458

I discovered that I only drink too much when I don't like the people I'm drinking with, so I no longer drink with people I don't like,

>> No.4995462

>Is everyone on /ck/ female and European?

No, most are young and live in flyover land and have retarded ideas about alcohol, much like yourself.

>> No.4995478
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I drink pretty fucking often, but I hardly ever get properly drunk anymore. Like my bloodstream and brain's tolerance for alcohol has gone way up since I first started drinking as a teenager, but my ability to chug beer and do shots is just as horrible as ever.

No big loss though, I guess. A good buzz helps numb the pain and make stupid shit on the internet and TV that much funnier. The few times I've been able to get proper wasted recently, I just kinda end up going to bed. Don't understand how people have the urge to actually do stuff when they're blacked out.

>> No.4995499

>So how does /ck/ handle the booze?

I find that a couple bottles of red wine a night keeps me pretty happy.

>> No.4995513

I never want to drink again.

Whenever alcohol was presented to me, I downed it with the speed of a hundred baboons. People said that they look away for a minute and then they see my bottle half-empty. It makes me more emotional, in the way that if I'm happy, I'm /really/ happy. If I'm sad about small things, I cry. Mostly it makes me giggly. And really horny.

I'm usually beta with my boyfriend but after a bottle or two I'm tearing off his clothes. He loved it, I loved it, alcohol's awesome. Two poisonings and a couple of cryings later, I avoid it like the plague. It doesn't help that it tastes worse the further I get into the glass.

Also, it isn't really expensive, mate. I got a 12-case of delicious apple ale for $30.

>> No.4995521


>> No.4995564

Learn to moonshine. Die tending a still, the way your LORD GOD JEHOVA intended.

Assuming you live in New Zealand, where it's explicitly legal to do so, or somewhere in Europe where it's tolerated.

>> No.4995575

>getting drunk off of 12 bottles of ale for 30 dollars

Not everyone is a teetotaller. It's easier to get a gallon of charcoal-filtered off brand vodka on the cheap and have enough booze to get you and someone else shitfaced.

>> No.4995643

Btw im a grill. Did I mention? :) : D

>> No.4995654

Drink for a while. Detox over Christmas with delicious librium. -winterlude- resume drinking when trees bud their leaves. Peak drinking season is summer. PREPARE YOUR GI

>> No.4995659

Recipes or GTFO

>> No.4995658

I got a headache reading that ridiculousness.
Your poor boyfriend and everyone around you must want to burn their own eardrums out.

>> No.4995688

I'd be drunk every day if alcohol didn't have so many calories and inhibit muscle gains.

>> No.4995708


I chuckled a little.

>> No.4995720

I guess my problem is that I'm usually pretty bored. I know that I could be doing something, but lack the motivation when I actually have a day off. So a few shots makes the internet/tv/hanging out more interesting.

Oh. And my area has been totally dry of weed for an ungodly length of time.

I'd just get stoned in my free time if it weren't for that. I think alcohol really sort of depresses me in ways I'm not aware of, though, because at least with weed I still want to get up and do things or get into little odd hobbies.

>> No.4995723


I'm an ex-pat who has spent the last three years in Europe (first in the UK and now Italy) and I can tell you there is no noticeable difference in tolerance.

I do wonder why yurops on 4chan are so eternally butthurt over the US. You guys aren't like that in real life at all.

>> No.4995735

>I do wonder why yurops on 4chan are so eternally butthurt over the US. You guys aren't like that in real life at all.
They're afraid to say all that shit to an American's face because of the asskicking they'd receive.

>> No.4996428

I drink about a 40oz day. Its a bit much but I get bored at night and I cant watch tv without being a bit buzzed.

>> No.4996433

whiskey dick is a bitch

>> No.4996455

19 y/o college student here. I only drink to get drunk; it's a shame wasting good alcohol on me. I don't get drunk often though (<1/month), and I never go black-out drunk. I'm the cheerful drunk. I've found that alcohol makes me really restless. If I'm getting smashed, chances are I won't be sleeping that night. Also,

>tfw Asian and half a drink is enough to turn your cheeks red

>> No.4996456

same here. I can't get drunk anymore, just very sleepy.

>> No.4996470

>They're afraid to say all that shit to an American's face because of the asslicking they'd receive.

>> No.4996482

germanfag here, you can get a bottle of hard booze for 4 €. so everyone who wants to get drunk is drunk.

>> No.4996595

I drink every day, about half a fifth of bourbon. It used to get me shitfaced and I'd wake up hungover, not anymore though. I get a nice relaxing buzz and get really sleepy so that I'd rather sleep than stay up drinking. I stopped getting hangovers a few months ago and have been going to bed around 11, I used to stay up til 2.

I think I've finally become an dependant alcohol, things have sort of balanced out. Oh well, I don't miss hangovers and sleep deprivation. I wonder how I'll cope though if I have to go a few days without a drink.....

>> No.4996605

>I do wonder why yurops on 4chan are so eternally butthurt over the US. You guys aren't like that in real life at all.

Same reason everyone here is racist, homphobic, and constantly calls each other a nigger and a faggot. Anonymous. Nobody says nigger and faggot in real life.

>> No.4996606
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I'm pretty much the same as you (same age, too). The only time I've ever been blackout drunk was at a buddy's house - apparently I ended up chugging all of said buddy's "pussy liquor" (a liter of kinky vodka he was saving to get into my slutty ex's pants) right in front of him. Good times.

>> No.4996697


>Is everyone on /ck/ female and European?

Obviously not everyone is female here; people who like to cook are typically older and aren't as prone to throw a hissy fit every time someone admits they're a grill, compared to most other boards.

The nationality of who posts mostly has to do with the time of day. It's not even an hour after cocktail hour, moot time, and Europe is already drunk.

When I wake up tomorrow half of the threads I'm watching on /ck/ right now will have been shat all over by Australia.

>> No.4996789

I love drinking and it usually puts me in a happy-nothing-bothers-me mood but I really hate that butt tingling sensation.

>> No.4997603


Will you please just come back to me?

>> No.4997620

I drink too much all the time.

After my 8-5 shift gets done, I usually do shit for an hour or three (errands, paperwork, online bills, cooking hobbeys like messing with guns, guitar, drawing, messing with friends), then I drink probably a good 15 beers before I pass out and do it again.

It feels like I'm not progressing and the cycle keeps repeating itself. Not to horrible, unless I consider my health and lack of life advancement...

>> No.4997633

Same issue only a later shift. I've been cutting back on the booze so I can buy a small house. I need something to keep my occupied and looking forward to the next day, and life as is just doesn't cut it.

>> No.4997634

I don't drink on a regular basis, and only then it's something girly like hard cider, although occasionally I'll do a shot or two if I'm hanging out with a buddy of mine.

The only time I've ever been drunk was my 21st birthday. My friends threw a bunch or different drinks in my face, mixed drinks, shots, beer, mead, you name it. I didn't really enjoy it since I felt completely normal in my head, but I had tunnel vision and it took ten times more effort than normal to do anything with my arms or legs. I threw up all over the sidewalk as soon as a buddy drove me home.