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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4991991 No.4991991[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much do you spend on groceries /ck/?

How often do you shop for groceries?

I spend about $20 a week. Is that alot?

>> No.4991993

Every 2-3 weeks.
$50-70$ each trip, so like $20 a week.
I buy in bulk. Pasta, rice, sauce, etc. then stock up on staples when needed.

>> No.4991996

1-2 times/week


I live in Canada

>> No.4992012

Alright, here I thought I was spending too much

how many mouths do you feed if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.4992027

I spend around $300 a week.

Go to the store 4-5 times a week

Feeding 3 people in western canada.

>> No.4992047

is canada generally an expensive place to live in? Or are you guys getting organic/high quality foods?

>> No.4992062

I spend about the same and am also in Canada though I can pretty much buy what I want due to having a not shit job. I'm not buying organic.

>> No.4992065

I spend 100-150 a week on food.
Hawaii is expensive as fuck, especially for my Haole ass.

>> No.4992066

I usually shop once every week or two. I'll spend anywhere from $300-400/month

>> No.4992085

I get some organic, some not. Canada is much more expensive than the US for food (and most other things).

>> No.4992103


I live in Newfoundland, and the fact that everything has to get shipped over here on a ferry really hikes the prices up another notch.

>> No.4992110

Nothing, work at a restaurant.

>> No.4992366
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Is this a grocery thread or a fucking Canada thread? Fucking Canadians.

~100$ per week for me. I go about twice a week. I live alone.

I'm in Central Canada.

>> No.4992403

I spend around $100 a week, but that includes my expensive booze habit, and shit I buy on special and throw in the back of the freezer indefinitely. I probably only go through $25 worth of staples/meat/veg, and maybe $10 worth of junk food. Probably have enough shit in my cabinets and freezer to last a good two months if I was desperate.

How often? Usually around twice a week. I cook a lot on my weekends, so I'll shop then, and I'll get a small refill halfway through the work week.

I also eat out every day for "lunch," fwiw. I work at place with a tip jar, so that usually covers it.

Live in the midwestern US.

>> No.4992404

Shilling often?

>> No.4992425

About $50/week to feed two people. $200/mo is not too terrible of a grocery bill.

>> No.4992434

what am I advertising? you seem to be mistaken

>> No.4992445

I'm working with this same budget.
Eating like kings isn't hard when you know what you're doing in the kitchen.

>> No.4992468
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I live in a house with three other dudes in it. I and two other of my roommates are on food stamps each with $180~ a month. I get mine before either of them at the first of the month so I usually have to spend it all at once so they don't starve.

I don't have a job, but my rent payment is doing all of the yardwork /out/side, house cleaning and cooking when I feel like it. When I first moved in with them, all of them had jobs and were helping to get groceries for the whole house but now only one of them has a job and the two others with stamps spend it all on either junk food, energy drinks (yes really) or things like sandwiches from the deli so they usually blow all of it in less than two weeks. Our Roommate/landlord has said if they don't find jobs by the end of the year they have to leave.

I say all this because I need help on what I should get/make. For the most part I try to buy things in bulk that will last, can be used to make meals and is cheap. I usually make spaghetti, stew, chilli but I'm wondering what else I can make on a budget that will fill four people up for a while? Anything I don't know how to make I use Google for so I can make just about anything given I have the ingredients.

Halp me make a grocery list

>> No.4992471

inb4 food stamp thread

>> No.4992564

Exactly. I feel like we eat extremely well for how much we spend.

If we really wanted to scrimp I suppose we could eat rice and beans for like $5 a week but I actually like enjoying life.

>> No.4992728


When I have money and am at uni: about £30 every two weeks; but I do a big shop every couple of months in which I buy stuff in bulk.

When I am skint: about £10 a month

When I am at home from uni: my parents spend about £60 a week (for 7 people, 1 cat and 1 rabbit; in London)

This doesn't include alcohol or fags as people buy them for themselves, and stuff like cat litter/ hay, straw and wood shavings for the pets.

>> No.4992750

>I spend around $100 a week, but that includes my expensive booze habit
I hear you. For me and my wife the grocery bill is about $40, but we both work from home most of the time, so that's for breakfast, lunch and dinner five or six days a week. I shop 3-4 times a week, because I live in a city, and most of the little shops I hit are within walking distance of home. I hit the supermarket once or twice a month.

But the booze bill is another thing entirely. The wife and I like wine in the evening, and we don't like cheap wine. The wine budget is embarrassing. It works out to about $20-$40 a day...

>> No.4992760
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>tfw I eat almost entirely fast food
>tfw the only food I spend money on at the grocer is fruit/veg and snacks
>tfw I come to /ck/ for fast food threads

>> No.4993524 [DELETED] 


Varies for me. $20/week isn't a lot.

>> No.4993572

Anywhere from 500-600 a month to feed a family of 5.

>> No.4993974

> $20 a week

Holy shit, Amerika truly is the cheapest country in the world

>> No.4994311

about 70pln (a bit over 22$) but it's pretty difficult. Meat and fruits cost a lot, staying in the limit would probably also be easier if I got rid of the junk food.

>> No.4994323

Average $150 to $200 if I'm buying alcohol per week. I live alone. I mostly shop at my local organic co-op.

>> No.4994368

Most of the time $20 will go a long way for me. Every so often though, I'll have to spend more to restock up on the bulk items like rice and such. So... lets settle with $25-$30 a week.

Don't start drinking beer too... shit adds up quickly.

>> No.4994384

This, for a family of 4

>> No.4994391

I spend about $60 per week on food.
More if I eat out at a restaurant or get some takeaway.

>> No.4994402

$54/1 person

>> No.4994407

Best step up third world countries.

>> No.4994417

$350 every two weeks for 3 in Hawaii.

>> No.4994425

150-200 every week and a half to two weeks, for two people + entertaining.

>> No.4994431

>+ entertaining

My nigga. Too dwell knee deep in cheap prostitutes.

>> No.4994480

how fat r u

>> No.4994487


How about you save your goddamned money, say fuck those deadbeats, feed your landlord and wait for them to GTFO.

Make zero meals for them. make chicken and steak with rice and veggies for you and the other non deadbeat and make them watch you eat it until they get jobs.

>> No.4995041

6' 170lb

>> No.4995063

Maybe $40 a week

>> No.4995064

I used to be this height and weight until I hit 28, after that I could no longer eat what I wanted without getting fat