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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 293x428, medicaltabl5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4991274 No.4991274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

psych ward food thread

anyone been in one? whats the food like

my psych and parents want me to check into one tomorrow

>> No.4991288 [DELETED] 

You'll get more attention for your ego on /adv/

>> No.4991296

i want to know what the food is like

I already know im pretty much stuck going

>> No.4991303 [DELETED] 

You could have just said hospital food, but you wanted to make it clear that you have "problems". Fuck off

>> No.4991311

It's hospital food. Remember high school cafeteria? Like that. Not good, but it'll keep you fed.

What you going in for? They catch you fucking horses or something?

>> No.4991319

suicidal thoughts/schizophrenia I dont want to talk about it

>> No.4991328

Welcome to like 75% of America. Everyone is pretty much a miserable wretch. Get used to it or learn to swallow the feel good candy.

>> No.4991332 [DELETED] 
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then why did you mention it

>> No.4991337

Maybe you should kill yourself then.

Probably twice to make sure.

>> No.4991345
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>I don't want to talk about it
Sure you don't honey.

>> No.4991347

it all depends on your age OP.
if you're going to a place that serves relatively younger people (and i mean young can even be up to the age of 25) you're going to get desserts and shit. the meals are supposed to be balanced and healthy and your parents can probably bring you food that you like anyway during visiting hours.

feel better; i had to go through one of these too and the food was the least worries.

>> No.4991354 [DELETED] 

Go psycho killer on them all!
They deserved it after all!

Talking Heads - Live in Rome 1980 - 01 Psycho Killer

>> No.4991375
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>I dont want to talk about it

>> No.4991402

You get a paper cup full of pills and some water.

>> No.4991406

Ever been to a hospital, prison, or school?

Yeah, that's what it's like.

>> No.4991411 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4991456

DO it concentually. You'll be able to get out when you've found your marbles, and not them fuckin' around.

>> No.4991470

I was in one of these places in high school for being an attention whore about my depression. Food was bretty gud, and we had a PS2 with Tony Hawk Underground and Guitar Hero. Not too bad overall. Still in contact with my roomate from there

>> No.4991486 [DELETED] 

That blows, in high school we could either eat there and the food was bizarre, but I've still left a strange place in my heart for those high school pizzas, or just leave and go eat lunch outside the place. Usually I left, smoked a jbar got some chips and played video games for the hour or 45 minutes then went back.

Stuyvesant in NYC was pretty cool before the place moved into shitzone by the old twin towers. There's shit in that neighborhood, literally.

Cute girls for the casting couches of the monkies there.

>> No.4991488


OP first of all LISTEN:

i have very good advice i have BEEN THERE.

besides everything, on our side, please don't kill yourself.

don't admit to ANYTHING.

they will just keep you longer and inject you with more drugs.

no matter what, do not sign anything.
do not admit anything.
just keep repeating "i wouldn't ever hurt myself or others"


>"anon why are you here"
>"i don't know, my parents wanted me to go"
>"i don't know"
>"it looks like your suicidal in our book here"
>"i wouldn't ever hurt myself or others"
>"you little sh*T tell the truth"
>"i am telling the truth"


I am not a doctor. Ask your doctor and therapist before doing anything.

>> No.4991490


ConAgra foods supply all of these places.

>> No.4991492

gave me mad constipation. also mite have salt peter in it because I didn't even have a slight sexual twinge when I was there

>> No.4991494



>> No.4991497 [DELETED] 

wot? He never said he wanted to kill himself.
Don't be goofy and project.

>> No.4991499


>> No.4991501

I admitted myself once during a bipolar episode. I found the food agreeable. The meds they put me on increased my appetite. Also while manic I was eating a shit load of food. They kept giving me more food when I asked for it. Kind of like airplane food though they had legit burgers in the place I stayed. Tons of snacks around too. They let my friends bring in carry out from my favorite places. It was alright.

>> No.4991508 [DELETED] 

Ok, where was it written that he wanted to kill him or herself By the way OP, we're arguing because though this is 4chan, we do care. It doesn't seem like it at times, and through bans and stuff, it comes through.

>> No.4991528 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with the "We care" bullshit. OP wants attention from mommy and daddy and now he's getting it from 4chan as well. Work in a mental health ward for 7 years and you'll see too that about 2/3rds of the "patients" are attention starved emotional children. The real looney toons don't check themselves in, the state does it for the rest of us.

>> No.4991535 [DELETED] 

Condoelces, I work with normal people so am more clearly able to judge that than you are. Get over yourself.

>> No.4991545
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>attention whoring thread disguised as question about food

>> No.4991552 [DELETED] 
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Mongo liek f00d

>> No.4991553

given that manics cannot stay in one place for too long and are constantly moving, finger foods are the best way to feed them

>> No.4991556

I made a new fucking thread what more do you assholes want?

>> No.4991557

dude i ate so many fucking bags of crackers

>> No.4991566 [DELETED] 

sounds more like someone coming off a drug addiction than a crazed maniac.


>> No.4991567 [DELETED] 

Grow up become a member of society instead of a "Woe is me, nobody knows my pain" bitch.

>> No.4991579


I like cafeteria food and what I ate at the hospital my wife was committed to for a while wasn't bad at all.

Why do your parents want to put you in there? Are you of age? I wouldn't want to stay there. All the staff looked as crazy or crazier than the patients.

>> No.4991581
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I dunno OP if you've never been in a psych ward before you'll see it's not that bad. And idk what the fuck people mean by attention whoring, it's kind of fucked up. Being insane is not that fun. I've been there, it's fucked up. Your reality is erased.

>> No.4991589 [DELETED] 
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Here's a good book that everyone here should read.

Manufacture of Madness, Thomas Szasz

>> No.4991585

so .. is it fucked up?

>> No.4991592


Fuck off kike

>> No.4991600

Been to four different ones. Lots of juice, lots of pb&j in one, decent hot meals if you ask for salt and pepper. Two of the others were ok. Tasted kinda like hometown buffet. The last one was absolute shit. I got held 3 extra days because they thought I was doing some Hunger strike bullshit.

>> No.4991601

You don't actually have schizophrenia. Do you?

Also, how fucking old are you if you're parents are still going to take you to the doctors for you?

>> No.4991605 [DELETED] 

Almost 40% of the 6th grade class this year is on anti-depressants or tranquilizers and another 20% is on ADHD/ODD medication. Administration said the incoming class next year has a higher percentage already. They're building people like OP from the ground up these days.

>> No.4991613

my doctors say I do im a 22 yo neet with no license so they drive me

>> No.4991615

haha three sqares, a nice padded room and someone to tell you what to do all the time.

Thanks and NO!

I've never been in prison fuck all being stupid enough to land there, and am very happy to be out of school and living on my own without anyone telling me what the fuck to do.

That's called being a normal human being and a ward of the state.

why you delete bro?

>> No.4991618 [DELETED] 

haha three sqares, a nice padded room and someone to tell you what to do all the time.

Thanks and NO!

I've never been in prison fuck all being stupid enough to land there, and am very happy to be out of school and living on my own without anyone telling me what the fuck to do.

That's called being a normal human being and NOR a ward of the state.

Don't be a poofter, find something that your good at and make money, then tell everyone to fuck off. Your life is your own, not some commie bitch government's.

>> No.4991619 [DELETED] 
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kill yourself. You can end your suffering and relieve us of your burden.


>> No.4991621
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If you have already been diagnosed then what is the point in going back? What else can they do, if you're 22 and schizophrenic you're probably already on meds.

>> No.4991623

I hated it. The hospital brings you food which has to be checked, they constantly monitor you. During visits they are allowed to bring food in from the outside but it has to be checked. They have to watch you brush your teeth, they check in on you every 15 minutes while you sleep.

I got worse off inside a psyc ward than I was on the outside. Took me 10 days of faking I was better till they let me out.

>> No.4991630

I refuse to take meds my parents probably sneak them into my food though

>> No.4991632

You're on /ck/, make your own med free food.

>> No.4991635 [DELETED] 

you are your own problem then. You should be committed for life

>> No.4991646

That's a lethal injection chamber in ops pic.

I found hospital eating to be a pain in the ass.

- lady comes in to give you the menu, returns to take your order, returns to deliver food, returns to pick up the dishes. That's 12 interruptions per day just for meals
-3 other docs making rounds
-nurse taking BP 4x a day
-3 visits from the nurse to give meds -assistant bringing me a plastic tub + toiletries
-minister stopped in once a day to pray.

I just wanted to sleep.

Because I had high blood pressure I was on a sodium restricted diet. They don't cook with spices, especially not salt. That made the food bland. On the menu you could pick one item from each category (entree, vege side, a fruit, dessert, a bread). For a few meals an item was missing and they put in a little saying "you have exceeded your sodium allowance so item xyz was omitted". They don't bother substituting something else, you just get less. One meal they left out my damn entree. Wouldn't have been so bad but because of nonstop interruptions I didn't sleep for 4 days. Meal time was the only diversion I got... That and wondering if I was going to croak.

>> No.4991655

It was actually better than normal bedside hospital food at the one I was in. They would come by with menus at the beginning of everyday and you would chech what you wanted for each meal the next day. I just got chicken strips and some fruit for lunch and dinner, best to stick with simple things, less chance for them to fuck it up if all they have to do is stick it in a fryer.

Breakfast was the best though, I would get eggs, sausage, and biscuits and gravy. So fucking good for psychward food, it was on like IHOP-tier in my book.

Actually breakfast was the only reason I don't say it totally sucked.

Oh also, the food will make it impossible for you to shit.

>> No.4991656

dont listen to them OP, they are the real crazy ones. not kidding, swear on me mum.

>> No.4991658


>> No.4991662 [DELETED] 

Is it? Thanks captain obvious.

>> No.4991670 [DELETED] 
File: 618 KB, 1840x1550, 2013-12-02 20.21.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mom started to worry when she found my earwax collection. dad got real mad too and said maybe i should go back in

>> No.4991671 [DELETED] 

He just needs a proper wank to the hotties on /s. That or maybe just buy a hooker for a weekend.

>> No.4991676
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And a note about the food... I thought it was unique. It was simpler than airplane food but similar quality. Better than jail chow. Nothing like school food.. Its more "grown up" selections like piece of meat with a sauce. No pizza or burgers or any of that shit.

Pic related. Presentation is a little better, but portion/variety are pretty close.

>> No.4991685 [DELETED] 

Could be worse you could be fashioning them into little ponies then posting recipies about them on /ck.

>> No.4991686 [DELETED] 

Grown up is choosing for yourself without any interjection from anyone else. End of story.

>> No.4991711
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>that meat
Could you just ask for double veggies or something?

>> No.4991734

The meat doesn't look bad... The Lipton tea on the other hand.

>> No.4991820


>> No.4991826


>> No.4991836

I work in a hospital, the psych ward food is the same as for any inpatient bed except for plastic utensils instead of medal. They keep a fridge on the floor that patients can graze from with ice cream cups, milk (including chocolate), pudding, applesauce etc.

>> No.4991839

Agreed. Smallish ham steak, I'd hit that.

You'll grow out of junk food, maybe

>> No.4991930

What the fuck are you going off about faggot? I don't see how anyone on 4chan has the perfect record and background to crucify anyone else.

>> No.4991955


Hospital food is the best, but psych ward food is hit or miss. Sometimes it's frozen entrées.

My boyfriend periodically goes to the psych ward because the science monkeys tell him he might "recover" if he does so. I actually think I'm going to fake my suicide this year.

Worth a shot.

>> No.4991969 [DELETED] 

I didn't I deleted one to add a word which of course I didn't spell properly, but that word changed the meaning of the post. I think faster than I type and leave out words sometimes.

>> No.4991994
File: 173 KB, 418x279, Cafeteria-Food-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's cafeteria food.


>> No.4992020

It was pretty good. I went to one that also treated eating disorders, so they would make anything off-menu that you asked for.

I got lots of fruit salads and cheeseburgers.

>> No.4992037

school should make eating a serving of healthy veggies part of a grade in health class

>> No.4992044

the food was great at the one i was in for awhile. delicious sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast with a bunch of sides. fucking amazing subs and homemade chips for lunch and hamburgers for dinner with fries etc and cake and the best jello ive ever had. ah i miss that place and all those crazy little sex addicted lolis that were in there with me.

>> No.4992053


That's why I got ceramic fillings.

>> No.4992063


the only people who work themselves up and accuse others of normal "attention seeking" behaviors, which are perfectly natural parts of human expression (and usually innocently incidental), rather than ignoring what they perceive to be desperate cries for "ego feeding" are people with martyr complexes not fundamentally unlike the same innocent behaviors they condemn.

whoa, run-on sentences.

>> No.4992102

Nutraloaf and water

>> No.4992153

top kek
my roommate got hooked to mommy's pain medicine & street drugs. he decided to climb the train tracks behind our apartment and we dragged him into the psych ward
u should save us some time ( and your parents money) OP and just kill yourself
crazy people are the worst to deal with

>> No.4992157

on topic, food is limited to vending machines and high-school cafeteria-tier food:
some white bread
bland pasta
probably some white meat protein

>> No.4992177

The food at FMC in Calgary was mediocre.

>> No.4992183

>6th grade

What the fuck?

>> No.4992185

That sucks bro, at my hospital they have a low sodium menu.

>> No.4992192

I'm no doctor but doesn't depression normally not hit most people until adolescence, if not adulthood?

>> No.4992197

take your meds you fucking idiot
so many misconceptions about anti-depressants

>> No.4992205

late teens/ early twenties are when mental issues tend to come up
mine started at 19
imo meds are good but should only be used if your problems are impacting your daily life (mine definitely do)

>> No.4992277

I went to a private one 3 times in Austin and the food wasn't half bad. Usually something like burgers on Friday (actually delicious), salisbury steak, chicken, barbeque, etc...just basic foods. And you always started off on a "watch list" to where you couldn't leave the unit for anything. Be that gym, outdoor time, or going to the cafeteria for your own food. So they would take your order for you and send somebody to pick it up for you and then you eat with the other patients. And once you get off the watch list you can use the vending machines for snacks and soda and go and pick out all your own food which is nice. The only annoying thing is you only get plastic sparks to use.

I've also been to one state run hospital and that place was batshit crazy but way Kore relaxed and fun with the group of people I was with. We actually had TV, our own personal radios, and lots of conversation time and the staff didn't give a fuck what we did unless somebody started fighting.

The only downside was the food. It was shit...but I was there around the holidays so we had one good day of "Christmas food".

>> No.4992332 [DELETED] 

Psych meds are used at a younger and younger age. My wife is a school teacher and was telling me how the KINDERGARTEN teachers are now required to receive training on common psych meds their students will be on. It's fucking insane.

>> No.4992529

It's hospital food but as far as I could tell it seemed slightly better than the stuff I got served when I was in a normal hospital. A lot of patients have issues with appetite so they weren't all stringent about salt and condiments and such. You don't get to eat alone though, in my experience. Most of the places I got 72 hours in also had little kitchenettes where the staff would prepare snacks throughout the day and there was usually fresh fruit and things like cookies and crackers served throughout the day. If you don't eat then you have to chug an Ensure, which isn't all that bad. Also, some of them had milk in bags. Like Canada. It always made me uncomfortable because some of the motherfuckers shouldn't have been allowed straws.

If you enroll in one of those out-patient intensive therapy / medication monitoring programs where you get dropped off every morning you usually get to eat in the cafeteria where the staff eat, and it tends to be pretty decent since they're also feeding the doctors. They've even had veal a few times.

Honestly, the food should be the least of your worries. Have fun sharing a bathroom with no locks with a complete stranger who may or may not have issues with psychosis. Last time I was there I got to share a room with a middle-aged terminally ill and blind gay guy who kept pissing next to the toilet and they'd just transferred in a mute brain-deformed woman who will never leave psychiatric care from a University hospital where she was being studied. She had hair down to her waist, no knees (like that guy on King of the Hill) and she would waddle into people's rooms at night to watch them sleep. Then if you woke up she'd freak out, fall over sideways, and scream like a banshee.

>> No.4992533

>they'd just transferred in a mute brain-deformed woman who will never leave psychiatric care from a University hospital where she was being studied. She had hair down to her waist, no knees (like that guy on King of the Hill) and she would waddle into people's rooms at night to watch them sleep. Then if you woke up she'd freak out, fall over sideways, and scream like a banshee.


Where the fuck were you staying? Where I was it was just schizophrenics, some suicidal teenage girls and the occasional super quiet person. Mind you it was a temporary only ward...

>> No.4992579

surely they put you with people with a similar condition?

>> No.4992683

Not that guy, but they don't always.
Once I was in with the "general crazies" who were funny as fuck (unintentionally).
The other was more "my" scene- people with drug problems. They were a bunch of spoiled assholes.
I was involuntarily committed both times.

OP the food isn't bad. Pretty much standard shit.

>> No.4992694

the "normalish" wards tend to fill up fast with suicidal people and people with typical depression, anxiety, and drug addicts. i have been stuck with some awfully crazy fucks before.
not him btw. just been there, done that, didn't even wanna keep the t-shirt

>> No.4992713

are there qt's there

>> No.4992727 [DELETED] 

When I was a kid a friend of mine lived within sight of Creedmore, that's the crazy place for the crazies in NYC, or it was. Just seeing that place made me not want to have anything to do it. She was a crazy girl that friend, a really cool chick. We were all a bit crazy back then.

At least none of us as far as I know, became crack heads, meth heads, junkies or bath salt freaks, and now, crocodil freaks.

>> No.4993598


>> No.4993634

Nothing says sane louder than trying to suck daddy's love out of a stranger's cock.

But don't stick your dick in the crazy, man.

>> No.4993666


This. I work with adults who are mentally disabled, they are fed well and very well taken care of. Patients that don't take their meds are still well taken care of, only they don't enjoy it.

>> No.4993777

>I don't want to talk about it


>> No.4994270

what do you mean by that?

>> No.4994283

He means they don't enjoy it. The meds are there to help treat their fucking craziness. If they don't take the meds, they're just straight up fucking crazy.

It's not rocket surgery.

>> No.4994303

For the first two or three days you'll get to pick greasy food for dinner/lunch but breakfast will be surprisingly good pancakes/french toast/biscuits and gravy. When you're good enough to go to the cafeteria there's a salad bar, more greasy food, and a special of the day. If you're in there for harming yourself or thinking of harming yourself you're not allowed to have hot drinks (tea/coffee) but that might just be for the adolescents.

>> No.4994305

then why did you post?

let me rephrase that: what happened?

>> No.4994312

Depends on the hospital. I've had amazing food and cafeteria dogshit. The nicer the hospital, the better the food.

>> No.4994325

expect school cafeteria food

the pizza pockets are dank

>> No.4994334

Depends. Been to some with great food, and some with prison food. Pick a nice one out in the country and not some urban prison.

>> No.4994336

If you are well enough to post this, um why do you need to go?

>> No.4994339

op posted this yesterday
im pretty sure hes already checked in

>> No.4994357

a little better than cafeteria food... because it's like buffet style LOL

>> No.4994360

read the fucking thread

>> No.4994365

it's not. you get menus. you order. 3 square meals a day. portions measured. certain amounts allowed. no exceeding or underachieving. no binge eating.

>> No.4994373

Bye hudson

>> No.4994383

Is it bad that I'm craving this?

>> No.4994695

I was in one in redmond wa last summer.
It'll vary from place to place I imagine but I was surprised. It's not great but it's better than school cafeteria food, and once you get privileges to leave the ward and actually go to the cafeteria it's pretty ok. The one I went to even had a salad bar.

>> No.4994700

I actually stayed in one in september

The food was delicious

>> No.4994936

its all terrible

enjoy your terrible time

>> No.4994969

It took a few days for my body to adjust to the food, and a few days to adjust back to regular food once they released me. But the food tasted pretty good.

>> No.4994973

Another vegan thread? Christ

>> No.4994975

i loled

>> No.4994986


Realistically, this probably is a vegan thread since I doubt they would serve food that's linked to mental illness/degeneration like meat and dairy at a psych ward

>> No.4994988


good job vegan, you totally saved that one with your hilarious comeback

>> No.4995207


>> No.4996009

If you try to cut yourself in a mental hospital they can put you on an all finger foods diet. The array of diets in a crazy house is insane. They were out of room at the local one, one time when I drank too much, and they had to send me to the state hospital and I looked through the diet book and it was everything. BTW kekiest thread I've read in some time.

>> No.4996012

I've been in three different psych wards and none of them ever let the patients leave the ward and go to the cafeteria or anywhere else unattended.

>> No.4996021

Imagine. You try overdose on pills because of rampant cyberbullying but you can't get the cap off. You find yourself soon in a strange hospital next to a nerdish male in his mid-20's who introduces himself as moot. You notice his meal contains only fish and yours contains meat. What do you say to him /ck/?

>> No.4996027

Now they have fucking wifi at the good hospitals here and you can bring your laptop and iPhone. Its expensive as fuck but you can just sit there and Skype with your friends and pretty much ignore what is going on except for meals and sleep and medication time until they let you out.

>> No.4996031

Question for OP.
You have the following five food items.
>non-euclidean hamburger
>squid ink
>fungi from yuggoth
What line of the Seoul Subway are you on?
Answer correctly and you don't have to go to the hospital.

>> No.4996035

Baruch shem, k'vod malchuto, l'olam, va'ed. AMEN

>> No.4996040

I was in a hospital where this guy was banned from all pointy things so he cut himself with plastic draws. They made gauze casts for both of his arms that were removable and made him sit next to the nurses station so they could watch him. We all called him mittens. He said he had already met Jesus and was ready to go. We really need a /med/ board.

>> No.4996049

My favorite was a tie between the jehovah's witness lady who legally changed her name to "Jesudaughter Appleseed" and screamed at staff that they were trying to get her so much she got court-ordered to stay for a while and the other woman who after evening medications for some reason would run through the hall (it was a circle) buck naked and we nicknamed her "butterball" cuz she was slippery and the staff would chase after her with a cotton sheet to try to cover her.

>> No.4996056

I knew this board was as crazy as me! This is what happens when they get you really hooked on pills. Its been like 12-14 visits for me and I'm essentially guaranteed disability now by the end of next year because of how often I've gone. Always for overdoses or withdrawal of downers, or whacky behavior resulting from the former. They just assume u are suicidal when in reality u just loveeeee pills.

>> No.4996060

If you've never had sex in a mental hospital you haven't lived. Its way too off topic but I could tell stories about that alone for days.

>> No.4996063

If only they had delicious Chipotle burritos with new sofritas, we could pretty much all live together with moot at a happy hospital with happy candy and cook to our heart's content while cameras and burly dudes watch our every move.

>> No.4996079 [DELETED] 

>describing murika in 2040

I think you're pretty close

>> No.4996086

Just imagine the next time you take a pill you will wake up in an asylum with moot, sceak, angie, bbq king, the guy who starts vegan threads, the official chipotle twitter/viral media dude/chick, and an other kin who only eats ramen and is a poor college student.

>> No.4996093

As long as the guy with 40 bottles of scotch is there

>> No.4996104

He is, but obviously, he is in severe alcohol withdrawal and has a nasty habit of puking in the middle of asking you if you know where to get some alcohol and trying to drink the hand sanitizer.

>> No.4996116

I've been in 3 different ones. One was small, had pure shit food. No choices. You ate it or you didn't eat.
One was big and full of druggies. Had a few choices, you could only have one bread, one meat, 2 veggies. Portions were tiny. You couldn't get extra unless you got doctor's orders. Food blew anyway.
3rd was a big uni hospital. Swanky. Had a swimming pool. Food was great, could have as much as you want, had soda, had cake and pie and cookies. Had the best fucking fried chicken ever.

>> No.4996118

I stayed in one for 3 weeks and their food was actually really good.
It was a shitty place, pretty small, but their cafeteria had lots to pick from and I really enjoyed it. It was real food, made by staff hired just to cook.

They usually make an honest effort to improve your health there, pharmaceutical and physically, and food you want to eat is important. You have to remember many people are there for eating issues too.

Jail food on the other hand is so fucking bad.

>> No.4996121

He's supposed to have the liquor with him

>> No.4996139

Swimming pool? Where u at OP? I've been to lots of places but never had one with an indoor pool. Rehab once had a supervised pool (Where women were only permitted to wear one piece bathing suits or two pieces with shirts on, srsly) outdoors, but man that sounds swanky.

>> No.4996145

In a mental hospital? U wot m8? One time we all told the staff that we were convinced there was something in the water/someone had subbed out vodka while we were playing cards and laughing a lot and we all got drug tested :(

>> No.4996157

Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital. Heated indoor pool and a gym. They have good snacks too. Nice staff. As far as psych wards go, it's pretty good. They put the druggies in a separate unit so you don't have to deal with detoxing tweakers.

>> No.4996191

BOOK ME THE NEXT FLIGHT TO NASHVILLE plz! Me and my waifu, inflatable mootykins, have found our next home!

>> No.4996783

hey guys op here
they are letting me out to sleep in my own house but I have to return during the day

the food was alright I guess
I had a ham sandwich for lunch meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner and pancakes for breakfast this morning

>> No.4996787

Bring vodka in a water bottle to your PHP/IOP. That's what I did for the lulz and made it through 6 weeks that way before they caught on.

>> No.4996912 [DELETED] 

You're thinking of a summer camp, psychiatric institutions are anything but that. Just lots of tranqs, SSRIs, and curtains for the bathroom door.

>> No.4996923

If they give you benzos and ambien its essentially vacation. DO NOT TAKE DAT OTHER SHIT. Cheek it mofos!

>> No.4996969

It really depends. Maybe in American high priced places where people go to get over coke addiction.

>> No.4996981 [DELETED] 


I don't consider institutional white walls and slit windows "cozy and relaxing". The benzos are handed out on a needs only basis, otherwise it's shitty tranqs that just make you drowsy and content being bored with the bonus side effect of not being able to get an erection.

>> No.4997049

Um they will take you for any reason. So much as dialing 911 and saying "I am suicidal" will land you an involuntary 3 day stay.

>> No.4997055

Depends where you go. The key is to tell them you have been drinking SUPER heavy for years and they will load you up good on benzos and it will all seem like a deranged cocktail party. Especially at rich white people hospitals. I was getting three different kinds of benzos three times a day as well as ambien in exchange for agreeing to take some antidepressant for a week. Well worth it, had my laptop, had my iPhone, food was passable, people had college degrees from fancy schools, could be much worse.

>> No.4997087 [DELETED] 

that isn't a typical mental health facility. It sounds more like a rehab that specializes in substance abuse. Most hospitals don't allow cellphones or internet access through your private devices. Then only thing they allowed you to have electronics wise where I worked was stuff like Gameboys and little pocket devices that didn't have wifi in it.

>> No.4997197

Huh? No this was just a local hospital acute psychiatric unit. Dats what you get when you live near rich whitie.

>> No.4997241

it's a notch above school cafeteria food

>> No.4997253 [DELETED] 

>live near rich whitie

So I was right. It's just substance abuse basically, and boohooing teenage girls.

>> No.4997287

No fucking way. I was there in late 2009. The pool was shut down though.

>> No.4997289

If they try to give you/change your antidepressants search them online before taking them.

There are antidepressants like Effexor that can take you from 'I kind of want to kill myself' to 'I want to stab my entire family to death and shit on their corpses and kill myself via decapitation'. Those tend to cause perminant brain damage and wicked long withdrawal periods too (like a year and a half of withdrawal). Be careful.

Good luck and be safe, OP. And enjoy your cafeteria food.

>> No.4997629

i know those feels zoloft makes me want to kill myself

>> No.4999468

zoloft is terrible

>> No.5000683
File: 78 KB, 520x347, Esalen-Institute-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey op, you might want to check this out


therapeutic community with amazing food. a lot of cool peeps going through similar struggles. Just try a work study month ( could get kitchen staff so awesome) its really life changing.

>> No.5000691
File: 31 KB, 640x425, esaleen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriously though op, i have same issues. am 22 and was there two months - i think it did more for me then a ward could - and you can speak freely and not have to deny stuff like >>4991488
says to - send link to your parents the place is heaven on earth

>> No.5000705

If you're concerned about the food in a psych ward, you deserve to be in a psych ward.

"Hey I just found out I'm insane. Anyway, how's the food in the nut house?"

You're fucked, OP.

>> No.5000721


Not at all, if you feed people the right food their behavior/mindset drastically changes. Its what esalen does. Seen in work first hand.

I know im sad when i eat shit food, like my gi fails - my mind gets foggy - low energy and grumpy. I would not want to be stuck in a place eating food that will make me more sad.

>> No.5000750

>my mind gets foggy

Are you celiac/gluten intolerant or something? I only get a foggy mind when I have too much gluten

>> No.5000810


>> No.5000857

It's hospital food, unless your mom is cool like mine and brings a pizza pie for the whole Psych Ward every time she visits.

>> No.5000959

the foods ok in the crazy house

>> No.5000996

I've been in three. TBH I wasn't really thinking about the food much I was just freaking out and trying to think of ways to escape. Eh, two of them had their own little kitchenettes and the other one they just came around with a cart of snacks in between meals.

>> No.5001006

I suffer from clinical depression and anxiety but have never had to go into clinic because of it.
There were times where I lost my shit and had massive panic attacks out in public.
My family was pretty shit about the whole thing with me, didn't under stand that I thought about suicide constantly for years but at the same time have a massive fear of dying.
Man I still don't get it.
I think I'm better now.. From the outside I look normal I think at least, have a decent job, own a home, car, boat ect. can't find a girl though....

>> No.5001055

Mother was.
Food was normal. Upper end of standard hospital fare.
Utensils though: only plastic spoons. No forks, no knives.

One day they got steaks.

Cutting a steak with a plastic spoon.
They started protesting. Finally the staff yielded, brought one terribly dull knife, and passing it one to another under careful watch they could cut their steaks into edible bits.

>> No.5001065

why not just cut it before serving?

>> No.5001098

I think the cooks didn't exactly realize the effects. It was a fairly new hospital, and I guess they were all learning the ropes, I think this was the first steak they ever served there.

>> No.5002253

Been to one.

Food is cafeteria.

Usually staffed by condescending white trash and minorities.

Just say you're feeling fine and they will let you out eventually.

>> No.5002261

lol nuthouse dining

>> No.5002508

It's not like the hospital has a separate cafeteria for nutjobs.

>> No.5002584

Its primarily depressed middle aged professionals actually, nothing too exciting, with a small handful of severely schizophrenic people who stopped taking their medication.

>> No.5002664

takes a bit more than "im feeling fine"
so many people told me that there was no way i was getting out of the hospital i was at in under 30 days after a serious suicide attempt. it honestly takes a little bit of social engineering. you just have to bull shit a fuck load and most people can't do it well enough to fool a trained doctor.
not bragging about being good at bullshiting, probably should have stayed in longer a few times.

>> No.5002666

I was only kept 4 days after a suicide attempt.

food was shit by the way. We had to ask permission to drink the milk and juices instead of water. Depended on if they were low on drinks or not.

>> No.5002670


This. They're not there to help you, they're there to make you a patient so they make $. Do not admit to wanting to kill yourself / wanting to hurt others.

>> No.5002676

been in and out a few times and it wasn't so bad. It was tied to the hospital though so got the same food. The soup was the bomb though, the mushroom soup is the bestest I've ever had. Somehow got it two days in a row when I was ordered to go back the last time. (hit another girl over the head with a can of peaches while working at dairy queen)

>> No.5002686

The trick to getting out fast is to have good insurance and sign the paperwork switching you from an involuntary to a voluntary hospitalization ASAP (the hospital will make more money that way). Then you can leave Against Medical Advice any time you want, but the hospital will usually let you go ASAP anyway because again, money. Then it's just a matter of the bullshit "I understand that because I was involuntary hospitalized I'm no longer allowed to possess firearms blahblahblah" autographs and you're back to standing outside your ex's driveway in no time.

>> No.5003042

mmm that is a big nope. i was unable to leave ama. i tried. there was a court order keeping me there. after 72 hours the doctors can talk to the judge to extend it to 7 days or indefinitely. where you go impacts whether or not they do that.

>> No.5003058

I've been in two. The eating disorder facility had really nice food, ironically.

The other place had fucking terrible food.

>> No.5003060

>and you're back to standing outside your ex's driveway in no time.

Good lord you have some serious issues to endorse all that for the sake of hurting someone.

>> No.5003159

>The trick to getting out fast is to have good insurance and sign the paperwork switching you from an involuntary to a voluntary hospitalization ASAP (the hospital will make more money that way)

>sign the paperwork switching you from an involuntary to a voluntary hospitalization

If you're still there on an involuntary 72 hour hold or extension then you obviously haven't been converted over to a voluntary stay.

If you've got decent insurance and you're at least putting up a pretense of sanity they ask you if you'd be willing to commit yourself voluntarily because your insurance is going to pay more than the government.

Once you're committed voluntarily you can leave against medical advice and, because of quotas, if you verbalize your intent to leave AMA and you're not not some kind of shit flinger or complete drama queen (in which case they wouldn't have let you to sign the voluntary admission papers in the first place) who gives them reason to think you're a legal liablity they're going to expedite your discharge because they don't want DAMAs.

>> No.5003191 [DELETED] 

We weren't unatended. We were escorted. By leave the ward I don't mean leave the hospital. I mean you get to go to the caffeteria, art room, gym, and to the caged in "outside" area. If you're a risk to yourself you're not allowed anywhere other than your room, or the activity room.

>> No.5003193 [DELETED] 

meant for

>> No.5003202

We weren't unatended. We were escorted. By leave the ward I don't mean leave the hospital. I mean you get to go to the caffeteria, art room, gym, and to the caged in "outside" area. If you're a risk to yourself you're not allowed anywhere other than your room, or the activity room.

>> No.5003203

That's the 'ward' I mean. The activity room, the bed rooms, and the hallway that connect them all.

>> No.5003206 [DELETED] 

Don't you freaks think that you should learn something and let this thread die already?

Nobody cares about your psych ward shenanigans.

>> No.5003207

government doesn't pay for it just because its involuntary... private insurance pays for either voluntary or involuntary... i've worked in the health care field and been a patient.

>> No.5003214

I care
its better than fast food thread #785854

>> No.5003224

Its a prison sentence without habeus corpus if involuntary and thus, theoretically, should be strictly temporary under rule of law. In reality, its just expensive to keep people inpatient for any long period of time and most modern psych hospitals have an acute ward with a length of stay avg of 3-5 days. Even that is insanely expensive, so there tend to be very few beds available.

>> No.5003248 [DELETED] 

Government pays for it because they have a guilt thing like a lot of people, not me. If you want to be a fucking freak job, fine, do it in a nice padded room somewhere. I'm not bothering you, but some of you are really freak jobs and I don't want you around my family. If it was me personally, I'd fucking shoot you dead and not think twice about it, but how about not be assholes?

>> No.5003255 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 194x259, 1386400809131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You psych jobs have a real job if you can get past Pat Garrison! Then you might get to deal with me.

verif: ycweof game

Just game to us.

>> No.5003275 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying that it's right or wrong but when someone is behaving really strangly compared to people that aren't attacking others and such, maybe a few day lockdown isn't too bad.

I bet you'd agree if some freak in NYC was throwing bricks at your daughters head or any random person's head. If you think that doesn't happen in NYC or any place, then you're a obama moron, clearly stupified.

>> No.5003318


>> No.5003322

fuck off with the fast food hate already, at least its better than the shit most of you fucks try to cook

>> No.5003385

no. they do not pay for it. if you are put in a state hospital, yes. private hospital stays are never paid for by the state unless you count medicaid/medicare. jesus, you are an idiot

>> No.5004961

if you have good insurance you stay longer

>> No.5004973

The vast majority of mentally ill people are not violent. Often drugs are involved with violent behavior. Someone throwing bricks is assault + battery and they go to jail until a bond hearing in that cast.

>> No.5005338

yfw 80% of prisoners have mental illness

>> No.5005358

That's because mental illness treatment in America is imprisonment.

>> No.5005361
File: 195 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw link

>> No.5005364

It's actually 80% with mental illness also have a substance problem

>> No.5005366

>having a bookmark for the 4chan bans page
lol wut

>> No.5005373

I dunno, man. It's always good to have a reminder of what not to do. Plus sometimes theyre funny. There were a bunch of dildos deleteled from /mlp/ earlier due to intra 4chan invasion and it gave me a chuckle

>> No.5005377

pretty sure he's joking

>> No.5005378

I slept with the son of the lead singer of Bad Religion. Noticed that on your tabs.

>> No.5005380

It's like you are a celebrity by proxy.

>> No.5005383

That's pretty cool if true.
Theyre doing an advent calendar-y thing where they either give away a cover of a christmas song or donate money to charity each day

>> No.5005391

The son is pretty hot. Basically we all got pretty loaded on morphine and fooled around on cam. Did you know the son was captain of his swim team? I now do, lol.

>> No.5005393

I was involuntarily committed and never did anything violent or agressive towards anyone.

>> No.5005401

I.. can't imagine someone would make up something like that.

>> No.5005416

Which part? I'm sure you can google the son's name and it shows the he was on the swim team. All I remember is that he looked good in a speedo. Food sure is yummy, isn't it?

>> No.5005509
File: 26 KB, 741x599, 1283148135778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear OP,

There are many people that can relate to how you're feeling and what's happening in your life. I know I can.
But the best advice I've received yet is:
1. The only validation you will ever need is your own. You don't need to make anyone else proud and happy except yourself.
2. Everyone is lost and scared in their life at one point or another. Sometimes we don't know if were on the right path, and we want to give up and lay down - take the easy road because this damn life is just so tiring and useless. But you have to find your purpose. And that leads into 3.
3. Find a purpose or goal. Don't live for someone else, you shouldn't ever feel guilted into being alive by a friend or family member, or animal. Your purpose or goal should be involved with something that makes you the happiest.
Sometimes things are grey and disappointing constantly - they're useless in a pointless world. But those silly things you happily (and like a secret pleasure) daydream, think, and wonder about aren't so silly - they're what make you who you are.

Most Sincerely,

>> No.5005683

attention whore detected

>> No.5005686

I was being serious.
I do have to ask, though:
>on cam

>> No.5005688 [DELETED] 

No shit, check this bullshit out

That one needs some self justification and some drugs.

>> No.5005690

Well, he was bicurious, and the other two of us were out so we had to ease him into things so were like yeah, lets go on cam so girls can see us do stuff! I dunno, we were injecting morphine (son is a former h-addict) and it made sense at the time.

>> No.5005693
File: 113 KB, 960x800, goat, see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh u meant camwhoring, not being recorded.

>> No.5005696 [DELETED] 

English is the way we usually express ourselves here you fucking beta sack of shit. I'm not decoding your lame greentext, if you want to ask a question, just ask it.

Don't be a cunt!

>> No.5005699 [DELETED] 

You're making a lot of excuses, did you often suck each other's cocks as well?

>> No.5005709

It was a gay threesome, so um yes?

>> No.5005940

The one in Houston, Harris County Psychiatry Center, had an all black staff in the cafeteria and they pretty much just cooked soul food. I'd much rather be in there than in jail because you get to hang out with girls and stuff.

>> No.5005956

its way better than jail
you dont have to worry about niggers beating the shit out of you and you get to be high all day

>> No.5006032

so many crazys on ck

>> No.5006099

Pyschohospitals/rehab centers usually have amazing food. I've been in about 3.

Peachford had the best out of the 3

>> No.5007433

ck is so full of the nuts

>> No.5007612

I've been to three different hospitals. The best food was at Banner Behavioral I could order a freshly grilled burger and onion rings for lunch and dinner.You could only do that once per meal. They served a variety of food like one night we had hot wings. Breakfast was always good oatmeal and a donut. I put on 15 pounds in a 20 day stay.

Valley Hospital was alright they had a decent meals.

The worst was St Luke's they don't have a cafeteria you eat in the community room. It's dry or mush. I could not stay long.there the food depressed me so I was only there for six days. Did meet a cute girl there we ate together.

>> No.5008191

your all nutlords but its better than fastfood threads

>> No.5008257

I would start a psychiatric hospital where every meal began with a complementary bowl of warm, mixed, nuts (for those not allergic, of course).

>> No.5008431

just leave nuts everywhere as reminders

>> No.5008446

That sounds nice but I think some of the patients might take it the wrong way.

>> No.5008482


>> No.5008503

Some movie or TV taught me that if you commit yourself willingly, you can leave at anytime. I have no idea if that helps.

And when did /ck/ become /b/, this thread is fucked.

>> No.5008512

its not true
your doctor can turn you from voluntary to involuntary with the stroke of a pen if the doctor wants you to stay

>> No.5008620

not even surprised so many nuts on /ck/

>> No.5008647

>sex addicted lolis
welp time to become schizophrenic

>> No.5009772

you already are

>> No.5009777

In most states doctors will have to attend a hearing in 3-7 days which is a pain. Also their pay and the hospitals upkeep is directly dependent on the percentage of voluntary discharges (more = better). >>5008647
Yeah there's a lot of sex addicts in a nuthouse.

>> No.5009815

the last time I was in a psych ward
i ate my roommate
he was sweet and tender

>> No.5010367

I bet he was tasty

>> No.5010379

I hear vegans are the sweetest meat of all.

>> No.5010382

>Livin' on the EDGE

>> No.5010835

livin in edge ville

>> No.5011010

they will still go through it if your a danger or you pissed them off

>> No.5011105

wow help i think i've been rekt

>> No.5011192

u got reked son

>> No.5011197

I haven't been rekt in months. God I need a man :(

>> No.5012325

you're right but he's not going to be able to understand that, haha

>> No.5012940

fucking crazys

>> No.5013074

>228 replies
Well done, OP. That's some old-school /b/-tier trolling you've pulled.

>> No.5013485

its not trolling its about the food