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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4988838 No.4988838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some things that, in your opinion, are better to buy pre-made rather than make yourself?

I hear phyllo dough is a bitch to make.

>> No.4988852

Frozen peas > self-shelled peas

Unless you grow them yourself and they are REALLY fresh.

>> No.4988854

Phyllo dough isn't hard at all, just takes a fair bit of time. I heard it was challenging to make and one day just decided to give it a shot, turned out very good.

>> No.4988856

I only like canned green beans.

>> No.4988868

baklava. It isn't hard, but it takes for ever

>> No.4988871


OP here, I've only made it twice and used storebought phyllo dough both times.

>> No.4988872
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>> No.4988874

Vegetable oils

>> No.4988875

You aren't alone, friend. I grew up eating them, and while I now eat every other vegetable fresh/frozen, I just can't get used to fresh green beans. They just aren't the same.

>> No.4988881

Why the massive advertisement for tylenol?
Are american supermarkets really like this?

>> No.4988896

Probably the pharmacy section. Shit like Tylenol, Benadryl, NyQuil, etc has become a somewhat generic term for their respective active compounds. The manufacturers probably get nice little perks like eye-level shelving and shit for letting the store use the name.

>> No.4988897


>> No.4988904

Yes. And the produce section is usually an area barely larger than a public washroom. They don't eat produce.

>> No.4988921


Also you can only leave if you commit your life to Christ and register as a republican.

>> No.4988930


Did you know that there are meters of processed 'cheese' types by a variety of generic and brand names, from slices to paste to canned (!!!) yet the only real cheese is an inbentory of less than ten item in a small reach in near the deli, mostly expired with age and disuse?

>> No.4988942


>> No.4988944

I remember on holiday in Florida they were selling moldy food out of the butcher counter in a Wal-Mart. americans have no standards for hygiene

>> No.4988946

God Bless America

>> No.4989078


None. Phyllo dough is very long and tedious to make by hand, however it's still being done.

>> No.4989090

Mein neggar

>> No.4989097

>not knowing many cheeses use mold to flavor
>not knowing molds impart flavor
>didn't know bleu cheese chunks are mold

>> No.4989098

That store looks super clean.

>> No.4989124

>implying I said cheese

It was on the meat and breads brah

>> No.4989146

sourdough bread, I don't like dealing with the starter.

>> No.4989157

>puff pastry
seriously, even most chefs agree that a giant factory just straight up makes more consistent dough that's fucking just as good as the backbreaking labor that goes into making that shit from scratch.

>> No.4989403

Unless you want to have a pipeline of sourdoughs in your house once every week, I'd agree

Except store bought is nowhere in the neighborhood, nay, area code of what you can make at home. And the longer a starter runs, the more complex, interesting and local yeast strain characteristics come out.

I have a 25lb bag of flour next to my starter culture that I feed often. It's like a pet to me. And when I go out of town, I park it in the fridge for up to a week or freezer for 2 and reestablish a colony with a 90% feed/ 10% culture ratio

Good practice for eukaryotic cell culture in the lab, all considered

>> No.4989432

This is sort of a weird question since I can get an entire already cooked meal at QFC and all I have to do is heat it up.

Admittedly the chicken would taste better if cooked it myself, but not by much since I would just buy frozen chicken breasts anyway.

>> No.4989438


Hahaha, this.


I would definitely agree here.

I will not relent on making my own stock. For whatever reason, I tend to buy sandwiches. Not to keep in the fridge or something, it's just that I never buy the fixins for sandwiches to keep at home.

>> No.4989441

I'm sure there's countless items, but one has always been ice cream. Especially Walmart's peanut butter cup ice cream. I don't know why, but that stuff's fucking amazing.

>> No.4989453

Soy sauce
Siriacha (chili sauce)
Oyster sauce
Hoison sauce

As much as the quality snob I am and muh homemadez, I just buy this shit instead of trying to make it myself.

>> No.4989679

puff pastry is dead easy, most "chefs" are tossers who can't bake
phyllo now...

>> No.4989755


I would argue its cheaper both price and time wise to buy puff pastry, but the effect is better if you make your own.

The one product I cant believe sells so much would be any sort of pasta sauce, literally the easiest thing to whip together, and cost effective making your own.

>> No.4989838

Frozen peas > shelling your own peas
Frozen broad beans > shelling your own broad beans
Butter > making your own butter
Puff pastry and phyllo > making your own puff pasty and phyllo
Cooking sauces (soy, oyster, fish, worcestershire etc) > making your own cooking sauces
Most other things are better homemade. Some things I don't understand why they're sold at all:

Chicken "stock" is one such thing. That stuff they sell in stores? It's not "stock." It's barely even broth (the US has no laws differentiating the terms 'stock' and 'broth' and indicates that a 'stock' or 'broth' need be only 1/128 the main ingredient in question, be it beef, chicken or otherwise). Broth is made from meat. Stock is a type of broth made from bone. Broth remains solid in cool temperatures. Stock gels at cool temperature. But the US does not differentiate between the two nor does it have high standards of what constitutes a broth or stock. Trying to find a good broth or stock to buy is like herding cats.

>> No.4989856


Easy, yes but still time consuming.
Why don't you go and mill your own flour while your at it you pretentious fuck.

>> No.4989885

>broth remains solid
Derp meant
>broth remains LIQUID

>> No.4989916

>The manufacturers probably get nice little perks like eye-level shelving and shit for letting the store use the name.

That sounds backwards to me. If its a large enough store I wouldn't be surprised if the store is getting a discount or being to advertise the product

>> No.4989921

obvious shit like >>4988874 >>4989453


all that straining...
make a nice salsa if you want something selfmade to dip your shit in.

>> No.4989925

I've made ketchup. No straining. It was fine. Easy, really.

>> No.4989952

Product manufacturers compensate large companies like Wal-Mart and Target for prime shelf placement. Campbells soup and Chunky soup for many years was almost free to a few chains because they featured it prominently on shelves. I know CVS does this too since my ex-girlfriend would have to do "stock shuffling" every quarter.

>> No.4989954

My greek grandmother makes it from scratch. Do you even cook?

>> No.4989963

if you think phyllo dough is hard to make than you clearly live in your own protected little world.

one word of advice people are idiots don't pay attention to what you hear! but keep in mine idiots are people so try and be nice

>> No.4990171

I don't know where you picked up the herding cats thing but keep using the expression if you want to sound like an early 2000s tech executive.

no one says that anymore

>> No.4991068

bump to combat the recent barrage of shitposting on /ck/

>> No.4992067

Except, you know, executives who hire people...

>> No.4992114
File: 79 KB, 654x663, breakfast-badass-makes-eggs-scrambled-and-hard-boiled-without-cracking-shell.w654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hens are too much work and if you aren't careful the eggs will be fucked

>> No.4992123


>making dough

>own protected little world

lol, logic jump and projection.

>> No.4992124

are you for real

>> No.4992147

I buy eggs as I have had no luck with hens

I am almost too lazy for captcha, so how do you expect me to check the nest every fucking day

>> No.4992162

If you keep your roosters away from your hens your eggs won't get fucked, literally or figuratively.

>> No.4993475
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>> No.4993481

most amphetamines

>> No.4993685


holy shit, what

pretty sure we're talking like frozen pizza shit here, not your neighborhood pizzeria. I'd consider that "made" rather than "premade."

>> No.4995115
