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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4985143 No.4985143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This Thanksgiving, I was grateful for my body not being a graveyard.

The only anatomical difference between a human mammalian brain and all other mammalian brain is:

Human have superior frontal lobe evolution. This gives us the ability to think about the very things we're arguing about.

All other aspects of the brain are there. For all of us.:

The amygdala (part of the limbic system of all complex vertebrates. It is responsible for processing emotional reactions and memory).

Sympathetic and parasympathetic areas of the brain... All complex vertebrates have them. They are responsible for reactions to environmental stress as well as homeostasis after a traumatic event.

Not to mention the fact that we conveniently forget the attachment nearly all mammalian mothers have to their offspring. It would be a pretty shitty species (survival-wise) if there was no emotional motive to protect and feed their young. Ever hear a cow's cries after its calf is stripped away from her and turned into veal?

I have no patience for people who have the ability to look at creatures that resemble us so closely and still ask themselves:

"How could I ever relate to this mammal?"

For fuck's sake. It's nearly identical to your anatomy in every sense. I'm convinced you have to try to not relate to mammals. Arms, legs, bones, livebirth, milk from mothers, hair, central nervous systems, the capacity to learn, etc.

If you're a semblance of a morally inclined person, there is no moral question about eating meat. You simply do not eat flesh and blood.

>> No.4985150

You share a vast majority of your genomes with houseflies. I bet you still kill them.

Seriously, why do you vegan fags even try? This is a board based around cooking. Meat has been a part of our cooking literally since we've been humans, before even. Cooked meat gave us the calories for us to develop larger brains.

For someone spouting so much shit about biology, you certainly don't understand it.

>> No.4985152

>Implying other animals are self aware
>Implying the run on anything but instinct

>> No.4985154


>Cooked meat gave us the calories for us to develop larger brains

This is actually a pretty baseless myth. It wasn't "extra calories" that did it, it was starch sources like underground tubers that gave us extra glucose to fuel our brains. We developed large concentrations of amylase specifically for this

>> No.4985171


So long as other animals kill to eat, we are permitted to do so as fellow animals.

End of story.

Also troll threads like this amuse me to no end. Please come back after your ban.

>> No.4985172
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Plan on it. Probably tonight again

>> No.4985179
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>> No.4985180


>So long as other animals kill to eat, we are permitted to do so as fellow animals.
>End of story.

The problem with that kind of logic is that it justifies literally anything, and actually implies you also think stuff like "as long as other animals rape each other, we are permitted to do so as fellow animals" or else you're cherry-picking

If you want to use the old "life's a bitch" style logic, be prepared to accept everything that accompanies it

>> No.4985185

u don't even know how hard I am boss
dontt even ask me to tell u what Im ready to accept

>> No.4985186

I would have no moral qualms with eating a human though.

>> No.4985187


Nice strawman. It most certainly does not require me to admit to or accept that.

If rape were okay then the female animals having it done to them would not have evolved defenses against it. Female ducks, for example. They fight, flee, or otherwise evolve to thwart rape as best they can.

Try again.

>> No.4985188

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy

>> No.4985189


>Nice strawman

It actually isn't a strawman though, that's the full view of what you said. You can't say say "bad things happen, so bad things are okay" and then use it to only apply to things that you benefit from or are convient for you.

>If rape were okay then the female animals having it done to them would not have evolved defenses against it.

What are you, retarded? Animals don't evolve to better avoid being killed?

>> No.4985190

I can relate to them. I have a pet dog, and a pet duck, and used to have a cat. My friend loves her horse. They are cool, and I wouldn't kill or eat them.

But other animals are not those and I DONT GIVE A FUCK YOU CUNT

>> No.4985191
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real food dump? real food dump

>> No.4985203
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>> No.4985205
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>> No.4985209

that's a smart horse

>> No.4985210

Imagine. You're on your deathbed and your child is there. When your child grows up, he learns that you decided to live your life as kindly as possible. He knows that you lived as cleanly and morally as possible (even though meat is tasty and primal as fuck).

Can you imagine the respect you could illicit from your kids/family/relatives? You're leaving pretty big moral shoes to fill.

>> No.4985211
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>> No.4985212
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Imagine never eating something that looked like this

>> No.4985214

Damn. When the meat is that marbled is it even necessary to have the fat on the side like that?

>> No.4985217
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imagine not lying to yourself about your basic anatomy.

>> No.4985222
File: 77 KB, 608x415, factory-farming-slaughtered-newborn-male-calf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imagine never having to fight with yourself over the morality of eating sentient mammals, or any animal for that matter

>> No.4985223
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imagine eating stuff like this 100% of your life, instead of it being a secondary thought next to your murdered flesh

>> No.4985224
File: 73 KB, 469x360, TED_Stunner_Captive_Bolt_Technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew how cow slaughter worked until now. I guess these bolt guns don't kill the cow, they just make it unconscious so its heart keeps beating so that all its blood runs out. Kind of interesting.

>> No.4985227

By the way, go to your grocery store right now and stock up on chicken and turkey. It's sooooo cheap right now since everyone is eating their Thanksgiving leftovers.

>> No.4985229


Yes, and with properly killed Halal beef they simply slice the cow's neck and let the blood drain out; much more respectful to the cow!

>> No.4985231
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"they're only cows"

>> No.4985234
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"I guess this is it for me."

>> No.4985235

I can only hope my death is so swift and painless.

>> No.4985238
File: 141 KB, 960x540, Eric-prepares-a-goat-stun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"this man seems so friendly. no danger is being presented by my senses. he's petting my head."

>> No.4985241

tumblr pls go

>> No.4985243
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unless you get caught in a war zone, you will die in a hospital bed pumped full of painkillers. You won't feel a thing.

>> No.4985251

I watched my grandfather ebb between excruciating pain and paranoid delusions brought about by painkillers for hours until the cancer finally took his life. He lived with it for 10 years of chemotherepy and castration after a life of military service and entrepreneurship that was rewarded by the IRS taking almost everything he owned.

>> No.4985259
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sorry about that man. Honestly, that fucking sucks. Here's to your pa

>> No.4985279


Oh my god you have to be a troll, else you are just too retarded to live.

Why don't you read up on these animals which you seem to love so dearly so you can talk about them with some semblance of authority first.

>> No.4985283


Being offended and upset isn't a counter-argument

>> No.4985284


Pointing out someone being too uninformed to debate with is, however.

I don't think it's worth it though, if you can't even see the point of that post.

>> No.4985287

>This Thanksgiving, I was grateful for my body not being a graveyard.

Does nobody care about the cruel fate of the millions of sentient bacteria?!

>> No.4985288


>Pointing out someone being too uninformed to debate with is

Only if you actually make a case for why I'm uninformed

>> No.4985290


You just look desperate.

>> No.4985300
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>> No.4985314


I'm kind of curious why you're bringing up mammalian brains in a THANKSGIVING shitpost. We were graveyards for birds not mammals. Get your shit straight.

And go wash off that patchouli, it's fucking rank.

>> No.4985315



>> No.4985318


If they don't feel it, they don't feel it.

I'm ready to give my life so that these savages don't make it off this rock.

Let them turn-up the heat.

>> No.4985339

>arguing only about mammals
Fine. I'll eat poultry.