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4984212 No.4984212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> mfw yankees will never eat Church'es
> mfw yankees will never eat Chick-Fil-A
> mfw yankees will never eat Waffle House
> mfw yankees

>> No.4984218

Church's is easily the shitty fast food fired chicken joint. It's god fucking awful.

>> No.4984220

all three are in indiana, and I imagine, kentucky, illinois, and ohio. all union states you southern trash.

>> No.4984223

This, Church's is fucking disgusting. Same with Waffle House, good lord what a hideous troll.

>> No.4984226


>> No.4984228

The only Church's here is in Niggertown and the drive-thru window is literally a box made of bulletproof glass.

>> No.4984230
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>Waffle house

>> No.4984233


>mfw living in Memphis
>mfw going to Chickophile
>ordering fries and getting this fucking inedible waffle shit
>christian music over the speakers
>everyone has a confederate flag tramp stamp

Good thing I live in Oregon now.

>> No.4984240

1 Yankee refers to people from the north, largely those who fought for the regions in the Union side of the American Civil War

2 Indiana fought on the Union side of the American Civil War

3 Therefore, Hoosiers are Yankees.

>> No.4984243

Waffle Houses are the standard to which I hold the shittiness of other restaurants to and for damn good reason. Every one I had the misfortune of visiting - every goddamned one- was absolutely filthy. The staff had never seen a sanitation video in their fucking lives, holy Jesus this one kid was picking his fucking nose while making my "waffle" then a fucking roach ran across the griddle before he slammed it shut. Immediately walked out, never been again.

>> No.4984247

Fedora-donning cultural marxist detected.

>> No.4984248

This. Sometimes late at night its hard to tell what the neighborhood really looks like. A Church's Chicken with a line of cars into the street is the clearest indicator that you're at the epicenter of Niggertown and need to turn the fuck around while you still can.

>> No.4984264


>implying I own a fedora
>implying I'm an atheist
>implying I believe in marxism

>B-but my strawmen
>b-but my ad hominem
>I have not arguments left anymore ;_;

>> No.4984270

fedora detected

>> No.4984277


Chicken Fuckers still makes shitty food ya dirty boony ;^)

>> No.4984315

>B-but my strawmen
>b-but my ad hominem
>I have not arguments left anymore ;_;
Congrats, you read the Wiki entry on logic and arguments.

You should have completed the fedora triangle by telling him he was projecting.

>> No.4984316

I guess yankees will have to stick to eating fruits and vegetables and being healthy, happy people

>> No.4984326


Trying sooo soo hard xDDD

>> No.4984428
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>people still using Yankee as an insult

>> No.4984432

You know, northerners aren't as poor as you and can afford to travel

>> No.4984437

>Indiana fought on the Union side of the American Civil War
kind of

Southern Indiana has always been fairly culturally southern, those rednecks even start having full blow southern accents once you get south of Indy

>> No.4984451

I think it's also the same with Illinois anything south of Chicago and its suburbs are a bunch of fuckin hicks

>tfw start to go to school in southern illinois
>townies have southern accents
>chick-fil-a in the student dining center
>am I in the same state?

>> No.4984456

Yeah, I think the Chicago area has much more in common with the upper midwest like Wisconsin and Minnesota culturally than it does with the southern 2/3 of Illinois

>> No.4984457

waffle house? oh yeah, the shit version of ihop

>> No.4984468

Jew York City has Chick Fil A and Church's. Have to go to Pennsylvania for the nearest Waffle House.

>> No.4984471

ihop has nothing that compares to waffle houses hashbrown menu

instead they have gfc tier aps and frozen stuffed french toast.

>> No.4984487

lol no. IHOP is awful. So is Waffle House, but theres something endearing about the dirty smoke filled small diner where the methed out cook is out there for everyone to see and converse with, and the overtime paid cop who sits in the corner is patiently waiting for the drunken brawl to break out while diligently scratching off some $1 lottery tickets he bought with his overtime check. Even if its a chain, it gets pretty real at Waffle House late at night.

The hashbrowns are really tasty. The coffee is some of the best low rung restaurant coffee I've had.

>> No.4984529

Chicago in general is very different from the Midwest. It is it's own thing culturally, demographically, etc.

>> No.4984541

Also Bojangles

>> No.4984582

I don't think Chicago is very different from the upper midwest. The white people in Chicago are hardly different than the white people in Milwaukee or Minneapolis

>> No.4984599
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>mfw all of those are a ~30 minute drive or less from me
>mfw living in the NYC area my entire life and get to 'enjoy' these 'restaurants' and never having to live in the shithole that is the south
>mfw never go to these shitholes to give them my money because they're inferior pleb nigra/redneck food
>mfw being a yankee and the south thinks they have anything of value and tries to brag

>> No.4984613

I sutdied in the University of Minnesota as an exchange, and there was a chick-Fil-a on campus

>> No.4984629
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PA-fag here. I don't know what the OP is talking about. I have seen Churches and Chick Fil A in my glorious common wealth. I haven't seen a waffle house but I did spot one in New Jersey.

I'm Pennsylvanian first, then American

>> No.4984644


my nigga...
from nyc too, every year i visit my family in the south and wow... wow.... what a bunch of barbarians

>> No.4984648

717-fag here, we've got a Waffle House in Carlisle off 76 (da turnpike), I hit dat shit anytime I head west (live right outside Harrisburg)

>> No.4984649
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>I'm Pennsylvanian first, then American

my fucking sides. MY FUCKING SIDES.

>> No.4984650

>tfw american
you will never know this feel

>> No.4984656

>mfw we call all americans yanks in australia
>mfw i have no face

>> No.4984684

And the white people in Milwaukee and Minneapolis really aren't that different from the white people in Arizona. Trust me. My job makes me live in extended stay hotels all over the fucking place for weeks at a time. Most white people are only superficially different from each other. Blame mass media and instant communications.

But it is demographically completely different which makes the local culture in Chicago feel more like LA than Des Moines, which is where I grew up.

>> No.4984710

I can look out of my window and see Canada, and we have all three of those establishments in my state.

Also they're all shit. Especially Chick-fil-A. Way overpriced garbage chicken made of 50% grease, and in order to get it you have to step over shitty retarded Christian homeschoolers who are so glad they can get heart disease from a company that hates gays and closes on the Lord's Day.

>> No.4984717

>shitty retarded Christian homeschoolers who are so glad they can get heart disease from a company that hates gays


>> No.4984754

i live in chicago and churchs is my favorite fried chicken place (inb4 harolds, it's good but a little pricey). we have way more popeyes than churchs, so i have to go deep into the ghetto just to find one. and yes, all transactions and exchanges are taken throughis this lazy suzan they slide back and forth that's encased in bullet proof glass

man, if they gotta put the fried chicken behind 3/4 in of bulletproof plexiglass you know its gotta be good

>> No.4984815
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I guess when you don't have an argument.

>> No.4984818

Quarter dark special on weekdays, what the fuck are you talking about Harold's is too pricy. That shit is, like, 3.50.

Harold's forever

>> No.4984833

>gah i hate chick-fil-a because muh gay marriage
>an argument, let alone an argument worthy of any response other than more shitposting

If you're gonna shit on Chick-fil-a, shit on it's price per food ratio, not stupid shit like that.

>> No.4985012

>George and Harold
I used to love those books

>> No.4985018

we have Cuhrch's here in NJ
its connected to White Castle so that right there indicates the shit quality
dont give 2 shits about Chik-Fil-A although someone told me theres one nearby
Been to a waffle house in florida & it was nothing but greasy shit food run by fat jigaboos
no thanks, i'll keep my NJ diners run by the greeks
still greasy food but they cook better than porch monkeys

>> No.4985023

I don't eat at Chik-Fil-A anymore cause the gay thing. I wasn't too too angry about it (the redneck Chik-Fil-A appreciation was way more jimmy rustling), but I wanted to see if I had the willpower to give it up and, surprisingly, I did it.
As for Churches, never had it. How much have I missed out on? Not a big Popeyes fan.

>> No.4985029

>The hashbrowns are really tasty.
>The "noodle product" is really tasty.

Fuck you, that's not a hashbrown.

>> No.4985045

Oh shit son. Is that some Captain Underpants I'm seeing?

>> No.4985105

Funny how Kentucky only gets mentioned in a southern thread when someone wants you to belive that THEYRE TOTALLY NOT A SOUTHERN STATE LOL also we created fried chicken you faggots and you shouldn't go outside if you want ot live anyway since people outside want to kill you regardless of race and they follow you anywhere you go it's not like people actually care abouity ou go fuck yourself DONT MONITOR ME

>> No.4985109

Churches does really good okra, corn on the cob on a stick and sweet tea, but their chicken is shit.
Normally I love crispy breading, but thier chicken is like 3/4 breading and 1/4 super greasy, undercooked meat

>> No.4985110

We have them in Illinois and we eat them. You're not special and they're not really that rare north of the border.

>> No.4985165
File: 59 KB, 992x558, lolsrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nigger necks from the carolinas have never tried whataburger

>> No.4985167

speaking of Churches Chicken (or Texas Chicken as it is known overseas), I went there once and the biscuits were fucking amazing. Today I made (i mean added water) Betty Crocker's complete buttermilk biscuits and they were lame as fuck. Was it the biscuit, or the awesome chicken/mash/gravy/coleslaw that I loved so much?

How do I make Churches biscuits?

>> No.4985242


Anyhow Ale-8 if you like ginger ale is the best shit ever. Most online soda shops sell it.

>> No.4985305

>tfw the closest whataburger is nearly 2 hours away
They're so fucking good though.

>> No.4985310

>live in new york
>can go to all 3 of those places
>our baseball team is even called the yankees

>> No.4985341

I'd say out of the cheap fast food fried chicken chains that any thing from the grocery store is actually better.
If you ask me though church's chicken is hands down the best fastfood fried chicken.

>> No.4985344

nyc is literally the most filthy disgusting and depressing place I've ever been, I had to stay there for a week and I wanted to die by the end, even the greasy floppy pizza is overrated, I don't really understand how new yorkers actually think they are better than anyone, I've had better times in 3rd world countries living with no power for weeks, better food, better conversations, better scenery etc.

>> No.4985350

>being from the south
>eating at these fucking pleb chains
>not eating Roscos Chicken and Waffles or any of the many other much more delicious family owned restaurants, soul food kitchens, food trucks

>> No.4985352

>implying Church's or Waffle House are good
I'll give you Chick-Fil-A but not those two

>> No.4985363

>live in PA
>Have all three in my area
>Along with a sheetz
>mfw I can get a footlong Italian sub any time of the day
>mfw i have no face

>> No.4985365
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>living in germany
>only four fast food chains available, one of those not in reasonable driving distance
>burger king
>mfw this thread

>> No.4985380

Roscoe's sucks. Every time someone comes in from out of town they beg me to take them there. And every time we're disappointed.

>> No.4985986


>mfw I live within 5 miles of all 3 of these chains
>in an isolated northern suburb

>> No.4985995

There are three Church's that I know of here in Philadelphia.

There are innumerable Chick-fil-A.
The nearest Waffle House I'm aware of is 30-40 minutes away but WH sucks anyway.

>> No.4986000

I don't believe you. Which isolated northern suburb?

>> No.4986055

>didn't happen.

>> No.4986064

>mfw southerners will never have a decent standard of living


>> No.4986075

I've only been to WH once but I remember it being pretty good.

Anyway, Southerners are villainous backstabbing scum who betrayed their country because they couldn't bear the thought of maybe possibly having to stop literally owning human beings, General Sherman was a hero, and we should have hung Jeff Davis, Robert E Lee, and every other Confederate politician and general.

>> No.4986082

Jokes on you. I lived in the south for 13 years and had all of those

>> No.4986088

I hear WH quality varies considerably location to location much like Church's. The WH in Elkton MD is horrid and the one in Middleton DE is meh. Neither are worth the drive.

>> No.4986093

Church's sucks
Waffle House is just like any other diner ever except franchised
Chick-Fil-A is pretty fucking great though. Wish there were more of them up north.

>> No.4986309

>I don't eat at Chik-Fil-A anymore cause the gay thing.

>popular opinion sways my decision where I eat fast food
>I wanted to see if I had the willpower

what a tool

>> No.4986353

>I don't eat at Chik-Fil-A anymore cause the gay thing.
This is pretty idiotic. You do realize that the bigwigs of pretty much every fast food corporation are shitty people, right? Better be prepared to give up a lot more than Chick-fil-A.

I simply don't go to Chick-fil-A because of the clientele who support it BECAUSE they think they're taking a stand against the gays and the liberals. They're shitty people and I can't stand to be around them. Also, they're pretty creepy. More than once I've been inside that restaurant during a homeschooling meetup. Creepy as hell. Also their chicken is shit and way overpriced. And god help you if you want some other ingredients or sides with your overpriced sandwich. You get none, or you get wallet-raped for asking.

>> No.4986358

>have gf from the south
>make her take me to those places when I visit

That was the best part of that relationship aside from the sex

>> No.4986361

Quit posturing. Food is ALWYAS > sex.

>> No.4987588
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pls respond

>> No.4987598

wow shes fucking cute

>> No.4987599

>claims to boycott chik-fil-a because of clientele
>goes on to describe shitty food
>food being overpriced
>overcharging for extras

So are you saying that you're not smart enough to keep from buying overpriced, shitty food with poor customer service, but you're sooo much more enlightened than the clientele that hates "the gays and the liberals?"

>> No.4987604

global rule 2


>> No.4987610
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>mfw we don't have to worry about the Knock out game down south because our nignogs are fairly well behaved

>> No.4987612


I love how fellow Americans don't give a shit about NSA spying and constant liberties being trampled, but if it's a social justice issue, the best they'll do is protest a fast food restaurant

>> No.4987621

You're honestly no better than the "rednecks".

>> No.4987626

>Southerners are villainous backstabbing scum who betrayed their country

Is that how they're teaching it in college nowadays? Or is that just your smug internet "social justice" talking?

>> No.4987628

I've been to two Waffle Houses in OH and they were both beyond terrible. I'm sure at least part of that has to do with being within a half hour of the cesspool that is Cleveland.

The Waffle Houses I've been to in NM, VA, KY and TN have all been decent. It seems like the more rural the area, the better they are.

>> No.4987638

I spent a week outside of Birmingham, Alabama for work and beg to differ. The nogs down there are particularly savage, desperate and violent.

>> No.4987641

Explain Kentucky then

>> No.4987654

Not him, but from what I recall from my Alabama public school education, South Carolina basically decided that a state had the ability to ignore a federal law, and got so severely buttmad when the federal government told them they had to obey federal law that they succeeded. The other agricultural states followed suit. I don't remember what the law was, but I think it was some sort of tax that would have fucked over the Southern agricultural states. Or something to do with slavery.

What I took away from it at like,age fucking 12 or however I was old the last time I covered the Civil War in school, was that the South was given a raw deal when it came down to it, but acted like fucking children instead of working toward a fucking compromise.

>> No.4987667

>working towards a compromise

No way you're going to compromise with a federal government that is trying to maintain more power over the states.

Lincoln and Hamilton were major federalists. There was a complete disagreement over states rights. It was inevitably going to end in war.

>> No.4987668

That's because it's Birmingham. The rich white people fled to the mountains and left the poor block residents in the valley. They can literally look down from their multimillion dollar homes and laugh at the poor. Anyone would get pissy in that situation. Also, Birmingham is one of the most racially tense cities in the South. Shit went down there.

Source: just came back from Birmingham visiting family in said mountain dwelling. Birmingham BBQ doesn't have shit on Memphis.

>> No.4987672

To be fair, a federal government should have more power than the states. Why have a federal government at all if the states can ignore their rulings.

We've tried having a confederacy twice. It doesn't work.

>> No.4987682


Considering the entire federal government basically rested in the North, I think there was more to the Civil War than just manufacturing vs. agriculture bias. The South had much stronger ties to GB anyway.

>> No.4987700
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>mfw im not black.

>> No.4987702


Those ties were purely economic though. I don't recall Great Britain delivering military aid to the Confederate Army. But like I stated, I make no claims to be a historian and am going off things I last really studied in elementary school. Do you mean the interests of the federal government rested in the North? I could see that. But sustained growth of a nation always relied on industry and technology. Outside of conquest anyway. While the agricultural center should not have been steamrolled by any imagination, to call it quits and try to make your own failure of a decentralized nation only proves the point of federalists. Though, they didn't know going into it that it would have been a failure. However there had already been an American attempt at a confederation and it failed quite spectacularly.

>> No.4987749


Boy, you're asking to be murdered.

>> No.4987804
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>Implying that that's the best the South has to offer

Fuck You

>> No.4988430

>claims to boycott chik-fil-a because of clientele
No I didn't. The only thing I claim is that I don't go there anymore. Personal choice.

>So are you saying that you're not smart enough to keep from buying overpriced, shitty food with poor customer service, but you're sooo much more enlightened than the clientele that hates "the gays and the liberals?"
Poor inference. The only thing you can infer is that I've been to the restaurant before (and I have, two or three times, due to being in the company of people who wanted chicken sandwiches and not wanting to be a dick about it). I never made any claims about their customer service. I only expressed disdain for their clientele.

Are you through making strawmen to look the fool at?

>> No.4988482

Nigga, if you are gonna talk about damnyankees, do it right.

Yankees will never eat good ass nigger BBQ. A black church on Sunday, BBQ joint the other 6 days. Holy shit I still havent found a place like that in Texas yet. Probably because Texas isn't the real south.

Yankees don't even eat gator tail, grits, chicken gizzards, etc.
Yankees don't even know what Brunswick stew is, when done right, it's seriously the shit.

Also for the record here is an official list of southern states, all others are evil, no good, yankee carpet baggin coon lovers.
South Carolina
North Carolina

Fuck Florida up the ass, they get nothing.
Texas is a stand alone state, not even part of the west.

>> No.4988505
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>tfw West Coast In-N-Out master race
Enjoy your shitty "hamburgers", every other part of the US.

>> No.4988600

>doesn't mention homeplace of KFC, bluegrass music, or bourbon

we may have fought for the union, but that's only because the top brass in the northern parts of the state were so adamant about it

>> No.4988629

You know Brunswick Stew is the Queen's favourite, yeah? Or one of them, at least.
>tfw euro but love southern food
>tfw american southerners are nicer than northerners
>tfw you realise it's super fake nice and they're talking shit about you behind your back because southerners are cowards
Why are you like that, Southerners? I liked you until I woke up and understood how fake the majority of you are. You're so fake, you might as well be Swedes (they're super fake; Danes will tell you to fuck right off but then invite you out to the pub because they're gruff, but sociable; Swedes will be friendly to your face then say awful things when you're not around).

>> No.4988630

He didn't include florida or arkansas for some reason. these states legitimately fought for the south.

>> No.4988636

You're implying that KFC is a big deal. You can get better fried chicken almost anywhere or just make it yourself, it's easy.
Nobody cares about bluegrass music plus we are talking about food.
The bourbon thing isn't important enough to consider Kentucky part of the south.

We disowned those states long ago. Florida is full of faggots and New Yorkers. Arkansas is just a bastard cousin of the south.

>> No.4988637

Pennsylvania's got all of that nigga.

>> No.4988639

What's good, 717-bro? Small Internet huh.

>> No.4988642
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As a southerner, I would like to apologize for OP. None of those places are worth eating at.

>> No.4988643

You are thinking of southern women. Men don't typically do that. I don't. How you could compare us to Swedes is beyond me. A rowdy sandnigger would last maybe 5 minutes in a small southern town, but just look at what they get away with over there.

>> No.4988653

Having grown up in Boston, I had all of those things.

>> No.4988680

>tfw west coast
>tfw having both In-N-Out and Five Guys to choose from for fast food
>tfw having all kinds of great local places all over

>> No.4988684

in n out tastes like wendys. we got 5 guys, but they're shit too.

>> No.4988686
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>mfw you chucklefucks will never eat anything that has a flavor profile outside of "salt" because you think everything else is liberal propaganda or hipster

>> No.4988760

I live in New York my whole life and I've never seen a Chikfila here. I've eaten at Church's once, though, and it's not nearly as good as Popeye's. Speaking of which, there's a Popeye's on like every other block in Chinatown here, but only one KFC.
Take a biscuit from any other fried chicken chain and cover it in honey.

>> No.4988789

This must be a nice troll. Church's Chicken called Texas Chicken oversease?

Bullshit you fucking nigger. aND the biscuits are horrible, Popeyes actually is in charge of making good biscuits. As well as chicken. I wouldn't eat chicken from either Church's or KFC

>> No.4988797

It's called Texas Chicken in Mohammedan countries so as to not confuse said Mohammedans.

>> No.4988815

It's also entirely owned by mudslimes now

>> No.4988924

fuckin seriously
>mfw people try to use the fact that my state is richer, more educated, and all around better as an insult

>> No.4988962

mfw my state is not dependant on the tax revenue of others.
mfw when i don't have to deal with people that talk like retards
mfw the literacy rate in my state is actually consistent with the rest of the developed world.

It's okay, I'm sure the shitty chain food more than makes up for it. I mean, all I have are hundreds of restaurants spanning the cuisines of the globe. Sigh...

>> No.4988972

I used to date a Filipena. She said they had "Texas chicken" over there but it was still from small chickens.

>> No.4989076

Is Kentucky a union state?

>> No.4989426

>grow up on the west coast and in the Midwest
>move to Florida
>everyone raves about and eats the hell out of Chick-Fil-A
>never heard of it
>when in Rome...
>get a bland deep fried chicken breast on shit bun with pickles on it
>the waffle fries are ok but nothing special
>wtf is this shit?

Chick-Fil-A has got to be the most over-rated garbage there is. Why the fuck are people lining up for this shit?

>> No.4989436

enjoy your intolerant food

>> No.4989504

We have Church's and Chick-fil-A in California.

>> No.4989506

I do and will. I hate faggots.

>> No.4989520

I just wish the fag tears could be baked into the buns and the waffle fries served an atheists fedora for the perfect Chick-Fil-A experience.

>> No.4989545

The free sauces.
Try the Chik-Fil-A sauce

>> No.4989554

I don't give a fuck about any of these places.

I just want a fucking Cici's Pizza.

>> No.4989557
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OP confirmed for retard.

Chik-Fil-A is all over the Chicago area, as is Church's.

Waffle House is, sadly, still a Southern thing. Hopefully some day they'll expand north and west.

>> No.4989563

I lined up for that shit during an opening of one of their restaurants, because they gave me 52 free meals.
After eating chick-fil-a 52 times, I will never eat chick-fil-a again.

>> No.4989564

>not being black
>any year

>> No.4989566

They'll never have whataburger, plebs lel.

>> No.4990317


Mah niggas (Though I'm sadly moving right outside allentown in a couple of days)

That's the waffle house near the Chuck E. Cheeses and Rita's, right? If not, there's one there as well.

>> No.4990355
File: 434 KB, 480x480, It's trashed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw peckerwoods will never eat Al's Italian Beef
>mfw peckerwoods will never eat Giordano's
>mfw peckerwoods will never eat Maggiano's
>mfw peckerwoods will never eat Portillo's/Barnelli's
>mfw peckerwoods

>> No.4990368

The way I heard it, Kentucky was trying to stay neutral and both North and South were planning on invading. The South invaded first, so Kentucky sided with the Union against the filthy Rebs.

>> No.4990453

Kentucky split as a state during the Civil War.

>> No.4990500

>roach walked across griddle before he slammed it shut
>griddle before he slammed it shut
>slammed it shut
Confirmed for never having been inside a Waffle House.

>> No.4990523

I don't think you know what that means

>> No.4990527

It's just another one of the advantages of widespread gun ownership: we don't have to worry too much about random nigger attacks.
You yankees ought to try using your Constitution some time: the crime rate goes down and if you're lucky you might just end up having fun in the process.

>> No.4990528

Went to rehab in texas. They took us to all those places to bribe us to go to 12-step meetings. I miss Taco Cabana.

>> No.4990535

They didn't secede, but had members who fought on both sides, so it's a tie. As a tiebreaker, we look at the history
>once part of Virginia
and local libations
>bourbon, official drink of college football
to make our decision
>yep, they're in

>> No.4990555


I live in NJ and we have church's and chick-fil-a and both are fucking shit.

>> No.4991507

>hates faggots
>goes to Chick-fil-A to stuff mouth full of cock

>> No.4991539

California here.

I've seen all three here.
I'm more bummed about not having a white castle.

>> No.4991548
File: 187 KB, 800x488, wafflehouseoutside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of anything better in the world than piling into a motor vehicle, driving halfway across the great USA, having one wild mother fucking time of your life, and then some hours later after cruising down the blackness of the interstate into the early hours of the morning, before finally pulling in and seeing that golden glowing light and joining all weary travelers, strangers, loners, freaks, stones, and everyone else putting their journey on pause for those few precious minutes before returning to the mundane drudgery of "life".

>> No.4991549
File: 317 KB, 555x560, 1381627277794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking retarded. All three of those are within driving distance of my house, and certainly most anywhere else in the USA. OP trolls poorly and I hate him. 0/10

>> No.4992359

>Being this mad about living in a cultural wasteland.
I like the part where you decry marxism. remind me again which part of the union sucks up the most tax revenue? It's okay, at least you can drown your sorrows in grease.

>> No.4992388

And instead they get to have tons of locally owned and operated businesses of varying quality.

What a damn shame.

I miss living in towns that didn't have fast food.

>> No.4992527

>fried chicken
>breakfast food

Go local or go the fuck home. If you want comfort food, you'd better be going to a family-owned hole in the wall diner where they know your name. No one else can do "classic American" like your own neighbors.

>> No.4992528

Is this suddenly /pol/? GTFO KKK

>> No.4992530

Because it's the only fast food that comes with a side of bigotry and ignorance!

>> No.4992534

>crime rates go down
Um, no try again. The states with the highest rate of crime are all down south. I'd heard that your schools were pretty bad too, but i had no idea. Also, there's more to the bill of rights than the second amendment, but I know that reading isn't your strong suit down there. Are you really such a bad shot that you need a 50 rd magazine to actually hit something? You should hit the range more.

>> No.4992756

>Birmingham is one of the most racially tense cities
It didnt get the name "Bombingham" during the civil rights for no reason

>> No.4992763

You sure havent visited East Texas or North Florida. Plenty of rednecks and southern accents

>> No.4992770

America, FUCK YEAH!

>> No.4992778

I boycott Chik Fil A now and yes, I know LOTS of large corps are run shittily. So I try to avoid them in general, and this is one of the ones I avoid.

>> No.4992781

Huh? We eat brunswick stew up here in dc, or at least did growing up. People forget that those living in dc for 30+ years moved to a rather small provincial southern town that only recently got huge due to pork and military/industrial. We have a LOT of southern food traditions. That and western and southern md are much closer to the south than say, northern virginia in so many ways.

>> No.4992786

This. There are lots of states where parts of them are more southern and parts are northern, especially when dealing with rural vs urban. And plenty of places have differing culinary and political traditions in rural vs urban areas as well as (east coast) tidewater vs piedmont. You have to go pretty far north to get piedmont that isn't kinda southern.