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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4982782 No.4982782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The "tumors in rats" anti-GMO paper has been retracted.


>The publisher of a controversial and much-criticised study suggesting genetically modified corn caused tumours in rats has withdrawn the paper after a yearlong investigation found it did not meet scientific standards.

What will the leftards latch on to next?

>> No.4982791
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Golly, why are they going after it so fucking hard and defaming everyone involved?

>> No.4982792
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The paper was filled with problems from the begining, it was a matter of time.

fuck gmo's tho

>> No.4982804

ive had pet rats and one once got a golf ball sized tumor on its neck and it wasnt fed exclusively GMO corn or anything
my anecdotal evidence i post on the internet totally invalidates that study

>> No.4982809

Do we really need a thread about GMOs this often?

At the end of the day its always the same thing
-Monsanto is kind of a shit company
-People against GMOs have no idea what they're talking about

To these points, Monsanto is kind of shit but get over it, pretty much all companies are out to make a profit; if you're going to complain about them you might as well complain about all companies and go live out in the middle of no where off the grid.
To the people who are against GMOs, please take at least one 2nd year genetics course from a decent university before continuing to spew your bullshit. If you knew anything about mutations, genetic engineering and the like you would see how ridiculous your claims are.

>> No.4982845
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GMO's literally trashed my lower digestive tract. Monsanto and the USDA operate under the premise that these foods are harmless.

>Conservative crones like you are no better than the "leftards" you cry about.

>> No.4982850

>If I spout stupid shit without the slightest bit of evidence maybe someone will believe me

>> No.4982852

No doctor has ever substantiated your junk science medical claim.

>> No.4982854


>something counters claim
>must be a shill!

God, I love conspiritards

>> No.4982870

The sad thing is that someone probably will believe him

>> No.4982873


I went to a gastroenterologist, its trashed.

> kill yourself now before you suffer a slow gmo death induced by cancer.

>> No.4982876

Alright then, you have a damaged digestive tract. What evidence do you have to show to suggest GMOs did it?

>> No.4982877

>only liberals are against GMOs

I'm a liberal and I couldn't give a shit about GMOs until there's actual proof that they're harmful, but my Fox Noise-watching conservitard uncle is up in arms over GMOs and how dangerous they are.

>> No.4982903


I'm a conservative and I am worried about GMO's. Over 90% of our corn crop is GM and there is no way to get that out of the food chain now if something ever goes wrong with it.

I just am not a fan of the "prove something is wrong" model for our food and pharma system. I mean there have been no immediately obvious effects yet, but it's still too soon to be going over 90% with this stuff. I mean it's really too late now either way so fuck it.

>> No.4982910

I had a normal digestive tract.
Then I ate some GMO food.
Now I have a damaged digestive tract.
Therefore, the GMOs are to blame. Quod erat demonstrandum, bitch.

>> No.4982911
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>> No.4982912


>> No.4982915

GMO good (or at least, no different in theory), Monsanto bad. That's the conclusion of every thread after five million posts, can't we please reach it already so we can all go home?

>> No.4982917

no i think that i want to talk about how much i dislike monsanto some more.

I don't like eating food made by them. it makes me feel unhealthy and unsafe.

>> No.4982921

Are you really this stupid?

>> No.4982924

>needing to belong to a specific political party to dislike something for a good reason

>> No.4982925

This, leftists haven't been environmentalists for at least a decade.

On another note, I think people confuse 'actually looking into new options and evaluating them and their possible effects on the environment properly and accurately' with 'blindly accepting anything without giving a shit, disregarding the risks, and overall having a high stakes attitude'. Understanding how risky something actually is is objectively better than talking about it without understanding it. But where you choose to go from there is a different matter. It's perfectly alright to research and understand this stuff, and still take a risk-averse, assume-the-worst stance on it.

>> No.4982926

I'm a centrist and i know nothing about GMOs

>> No.4982931

didn't understand at all.

>> No.4982933

Well gee golly!
I suggest you start a law suit about htis one?
You might even be the first actual proof that GMO is bad for people! I suggest that you will be studied by alot of medical professionals so we can find out how this happened! Afterall if this happens alot, can you say "Class Action Lawsuit"

>> No.4982936
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Oh look, people who know about their field found positions in government
It's a fucking conspiracy, da gubmint's corrupt, etc.

Fucking organic farm shills at it again

>> No.4982940
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>people that know things are smart

are you sure

>> No.4982965

can we still be against GMOs because of shitty business practices and the huge increase in pollution they cause?

>> No.4982970

we sure have the right to feel the way we do, thats for sure.

>> No.4982972

[citation needed]

>> No.4982985

Good lord, the sheer amount of misinfo in this picture is staggering. I'd seriously expect to see this on /x or something.
>artificial flavors
>artificial colors
I wonder if the creator of this picture knows that artificial & natural flavors are literally the EXACT SAME FUCKING COMPUND and the only difference is in how it's obtained (extraction vs. creation).

>> No.4982987

Those are safe if you don't drink pure versions of the stuff or improperly use them. Fresh milk actually does have risks involved with even minor doses.

>> No.4983000


Dow and Monsanto are the primary provider of GMO seed. The seeds they sell are engineered to be resistant to the pesticides and herbacides they sell. So you buy the seeds from them and then you can use tons of bug and weed killer. So your yield is high, because no losses due to bug and weed. Of course you are a monocropping industrial farmer. So you have depleted soil. So you then have to buy the special synthetic fertilizer that Dow and Monsanto make. All this huge use of pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizer causes it to wash away into the streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. All this stuff in the water kills plants and animals directly. Then causes algae blooms which sucks all the oxygen out of the water, killing more life. The stuff also lingers in the air and kills good bugs like bees. You can be in Chicago and you are breathing in weed killer sprayed on a corn field in Iowa. In such amounts that some people report allergy like symptoms.

Then of course the business practices. They hold patents on these seeds. So you have to pay them to use the seed. So farmers can't save some seed from each harvest to plant next year. The seed produced by GMO can also be sterile so you can't grow from it anyways. The GMO crops can cross pollinate with non GMO crops. Dow and Monsanto find GMO genes in your crop, even if it is by there by accident of wind and bee. They will sue you for using their patented product with out paying.

Then of course there is the problem that dozens of foreign countries have banned GMO products. So GMO farmers loose potential markets. Non GMO farmers loose out too because accidental cross pollination. Farmers in Oregon growing non GMO wheat for export to Japan have lost millions because Monsanto had illegally planted GMO wheat in the state and it cross pollinated.

>> No.4983059

they'll latch onto the conspiracy to bury the truth about gmo

>> No.4983069

I don't have any problem with actual GMO food, there's a lot of potential to use it to do great things and realistically there's no reason why it should cause any health issues, but god damn the issues that go with GMO stuff because of who makes it and how it's used are ridiculous. Lawsuits against farmers, huge reduction in crop diversity (which is a big potential problem for food security, to say nothing of the fact that one kind of a plant is kind of boring), patents on seeds, you name it, there's a whole slew of really serious problems there.

Tl;dr GMO food in and of itself is fine and potentially great but because Monsanto is almost cartoonishly evil and other corporations along with them are generally being dicks and going about their dickishness unchecked, there are problems in other areas.

>> No.4983087


>> No.4983093

>implying that it wasn't all that unsafe buttsex you had

>> No.4983098


>> No.4983349

German Farmer fag reporting in.

It seems like a wonder to me that some people actually believed that study.It was bullshit from a scientific view from beginnig.
The whole study was made to "proof" that gmo
crops are harmfull, cause cancer and it was founded by Greenpeace.If they wanted to do a legit study they would have set another goal (for example feed them all kind of crops and see what it will bring,or dont take rats that tend to get Cancer anyway after a few months.) tl:dr its bullshit.

to get to the general Gmo thing,
I am against Monsanto for their Buisness politics if they continue like that they will sooner or later form a oligopol. that cant be good.
In spite of this I am curios about Gmo in general,It could be a huge opportounity for dry places and difficult environments
Because of this I think the media are about to destroy this change, In germany the public opinion about Gmos is all negative,that had led to the fact that my States Gouvernment cut all the foundings towards a project teaching about positive possibilitys of Gmo in schools. That sickens me because the pupils cannot make up their mind about this topic anymore on a neutral stand.

>> No.4983356

why the fuck do you need a goverment funded project to teach about GMO's !?!?!?!

Should that not be part of a modern sylabus anyways since that is a large part of modern agriculture in large parts of the world ?
If you have to give the subject extra special attention despite it being touched anyways there will always be a more biased opinion making that what could be possible.

In regards to that whole GMO thing. I think its a dangerous game.
Could be hugely beneficial, could be absolutely vital, but watching the whole field does not give me confidence in their application nor am i confident in the effects these GMOs may have.

Also Monsanto should go fuck themselves with a cactus for their business practices.

>> No.4983370

In germany it isnt, agriculture is shown as something thats outdated and farmers are always portrated as cruel or dumb so the Media view on Gmo is negative and so is the public opinion. that is basically the reason because morden agrictultre is always shown as something bad and people get the teaching in that way in school

>> No.4983537

None of my objections towards GMOs stem from concerns about the safety of GMO for human consumption. In fact, that the hippies have latched onto this sole aspect of it is damaging because it associates people with legitimate concerns about the use of GMOs with idiots.

The big issue lies in patent and copyright law that combined with Monsanto's wealth and legal strength allow it to bash down any opposition to its monopoly.

That is the issue here; the use of GMOs not to provide better food but to use as a legal cudgel to remove competition and force agriculture to essentially become Monsanto.

>> No.4983540

Who do you think funds schools?

>> No.4983689

>Also Monsanto should go fuck themselves with a cactus for their business practices
Why? They're doing their job, which is making money. There shouldn't be any restrictions on what they do, and people can decide for themselves what they want, that's a free market. Farmers and agrobusinesses obviously prefer Monsanto products to others, so they do well. That's how this shit works.

>> No.4983712


I agreed 100%. But I am curious why you claim that you're "against GMOs" in that case. That is misplacing the blame. The problem is not the GMOs, it's the laws and other government policies regarding IP and gene patents.

>> No.4983735

Leftard here. I had serious doubts about that. I'd rather there not be GMO because who knows what havoc it can wreak, but it causes tumors? Yeah right..

>> No.4984085

don't forget how Monsanto free market bribed a congressman to get something called the "monsanto protection act" amended onto a mandatory spending bill. This law prevents anyone from using the courts to stop monsanto from doing anything. They could release a GMO corn seed that produces toxic clouds and we couldn't do a damn thing about it.

>> No.4984105

>Implying it wasn't completely legal for them to do that
>Implying it didn't get taken out of the bill anyway

More leftard misinfo and general slandering of people who actually work hard and succeed.

>> No.4984265


>> No.4984283

GMO/non-GMO arguments were originally created by marketing firms. You've all been rused hard.

>> No.4984331

its obvious that there will be companies trying to make money from both sides of an argument, but you are completely disregarding the fact that some people really feel the way that they say they feel.

>> No.4984373

>pay company for agent orange
>expect the same company to give you safe and healthy food
>no oversight, no outside testing, doesn't even label GMO products

hahaha, holy shit amerifats.

>> No.4984376

While i do agree that its the peoples free choice to elect to get locked down into a proprietary ecosystem of buying their seeds then buying their herbicides and pesticides and their fertilizer and then being forced to pay royalties on next years crop because you elected to seed out the same plant as before and not the latest model you forgot it was patented, i do not particularly agree with the whole thing.
I also do not agree on attempting on essentially bribing your way to immunity through whatever ways you can find that are barely legal.

Id say just because you have to choice to be a dickish asshole, does not necessarily have to mean you have to be one. I guess that idea is not exactly suited to how the "free" market works.

>> No.4984392


>implying aluminum isn't linked to alzheimer's

>> No.4984402

Why does the media always portray liberals as educated when they are the anti-science party more often than not being against GMO's Vaccines and MSG?

>> No.4984442

I like that all the petty claims get the strongest responses out of pro-gmo people, but this comment gets nothing.

My guts and my body, specifically my joints and athsma, feel loads better that I've started eating organic and non-gmo products. That's reason enough for me to continue to do so.

>> No.4984444

this really has nothing to do with political parties, its just trolls trying to turn it into a party war, to deflect and derail the conversation so that everyone talks less about how they don't like evil corporations and bad practices.

my dislike and disapproval for monsanto has nothing to do with what someone's favorite party is.

>> No.4984448


just thanks. some faith in humanity restored. happy thanksgiving and hanaka

>> No.4984458




>> No.4984461

the most honest post i have experienced on 4chan in a long time.

>> No.4984464

It isn't hard for Monsanto to get that big when they are subsidized by the government. Selling wheat, corn, soy seeds to industrial farmers who get tax money from the government to grow crops for ethanol, HFCS, animal feed, and a bunch of other non food and food like substances.


>> No.4984697

best thing we can do is to get enough popular support to get all current and maybe even future GMO seed patents to be FRAND. Then anyone can use the patent under a decent licensing.

>> No.4984701

>This post brought to you by >>4984459 (TM)

>> No.4984772

I don't think that word means what you think it means

I think the next generation is fucked; they have access to more information than previous generations, at the touch of a button, and they still do this kind of shit.

>> No.4984800

Same here. I had alter my diet. It totally wrecked my lower intestine. That was about a year ago. Once I changed my diet, I've not had a single problem since then.

>> No.4984822
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get out

>> No.4984917

Bush confirmed for least corrupt president

>> No.4984950

he just liked tacos and being shamed for being tricked twice or something

he seemed ok. but i don't really know.

>> No.4985867

>Use strain of lab rats that is prone to cancerous growths
>Ethical concerns
>Data is worthless because of sample size

Took this fucker long enough, fucking cunts bringing int heir political ideals into what is supposed to be impartial unbiased science.

These fucking cunts think that this shit harms nobody, it does, these fucking people should be held responsible for their actions. Like that vaccine asshole. How many fucking deaths did he cause with his shit? How many people died, how many diseases got spread because of this shit?

I hate these cunts so much. And fuck china, and fuck pay to publish and electronic journals, and those small piece of shit journals that publish anyone with an ounce of credentials.

In fact, fuck the whole peer review system, and fuck the journal system. Fuck all of it.

>> No.4986186


>> No.4986416


>> No.4986556


>> No.4986637

I didn't know there were people on this planet who still believed that swearing on the internet makes you sound more impassioned or righteous.

>> No.4986661

>-Monsanto is kind of a shit company
Monsanto has been and is objectively doing bad stuff. It's a very very shit company.
They managed to erode any consumer rights that might have existed in the US in their field and try to keep it that way. Monsanto isn't just some kind of "shit" company that can be neglected, it's a serious threat for us humans.
You don't even get to know if you're buying GMOs, what the fuck? How can someone be okay with this?

>-People against GMOs have no idea what they're talking about
There are lots of people talking about GMOs. Some support it blindly, some argue against it irrationally you'll always find both.

>>4982925 explained very nicely how one can assume a wise stance on the whole topic.
I agree totally: you should research and understand this stuff, and take a risk-averse, assume-the-worst stance on it.
How could one not think that way if the goal is to eventually feed x% of the population with this "new" food.

>>4983000 already said how fucking clear it is that GMOs add to the bad. Whether they are actually super bad for you to eat is more debatable. It hasn't really been researched, has it? All I see is 3 months long studies or at most 1 to 2 years long studies on animals.
How can this possibly show that it should be safe longterm-wise for us humans? Such short studies are basically worthless, you don't need to know anything about genetics to know this.

>> No.4986672


>> No.4986955


>> No.4987293

Are you me?

>> No.4987305

I used to wonder why America was so fucked up...Then I see that they constantly attempt to reduce complex political issues to being either "conservative" or "liberal"...cuz, you know, there's only ever two points of view, ever.

>> No.4987833
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>> No.4987868

I'm pretty far left (I consider American liberals to be right wing) and I think GMOs are fucking awesome.

>> No.4987878

I love the fact that the anti-GMO activists' fearmongering led to ever-increasing regulations on GMO, thus vastly inflating the cost of entering the market, and ensures Monsanto dominance in the industry.

>> No.4987884


"Liberals had a small association with vaccine rejection, and no effect on global warming or GMO. The lack of an association with GMO was surprising to the authors as much of the anti-GMO rhetoric does tend to come from the political left...

The authors hypothesize that it is only the extreme left that rejects the science on GMO, and this was not captured in their study."


It's got nothing to do with liberals, and everything to do with a small faction of extremely vocal, unwashed hippies.

>> No.4987903

I'd just like to point out that being pro GMO, vaccines etc. has nothing to do with the left-right scale.
I'm definitely a leftist, and I support GMO. If anything, you'd think it'd be the "gubernment is mindcontrolling is through water"-type rightist who'd be against vaccines and such. I guess it just goes to show that all kinds of people are retarded.

>> No.4987925
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I knew it wasn't true!