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4979592 No.4979592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

With all the cases of abuse documented at the major turkey producers lately I'm suddenly depressed about eating turkey tomorrow.

>> No.4979603

I'll share some of my veal with you.

>> No.4979619

>Not eating newborn puppies like a man

>> No.4979633

>I'll share some of my veal with you.

Oh man.. tell me you have nice thick veal chops which you are going to grill...

>> No.4980144

Then don't eat Turkey. I had a vegetarian Thanksgiving once just to give it a shot, went great.

>> No.4980217
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Kittens are where its at.

>> No.4980230

I feel like shit /ck/. I found out my mother had kept the turkey in the fridge for an entire week. The smell was God awful. There's no way we can eat it. And my stomach is just churning thinking that a bird is dead and it's going to go to waste. I consider wasting food to be sinful, so I'm fairly upset right now. I am just so, so sorry.

>> No.4980239
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They're already all dead, dressed, and frozen. The real shame would be to not eat them.

>> No.4980265

Somebody's got to. Otherwise they suffered for no reason, and that'd be even worse.

>> No.4980269


There's no such thing as waste when it comes to organic matter. If you don't eat it, something else will, be it maggots, bacteria, etc. You're not so amazing of a creature that it would honor the turkey for you to turn it into poop

>> No.4980274

The turkey may not be honored, but at least I can still honor his sacrifice. A maggot can't do that, what with the whole lacking a frontal lobe and whatnot.

>> No.4980280
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>his sacrifice

Did the turkey offer himself to be killed or something so that you could have an industry-influenced holiday meal?

>> No.4980307

Given turkeys are about the dumbest creatures on the planet and have been known to drown in the rain when they turn their head up to look for where the water's coming from but forget to close their mouths... maybe.

>> No.4980354


>have been known to drown in the rain when they turn their head up to look for where the water's coming from but forget to close their mouths

That's a myth


>> No.4980547

What kind of logic is this? They're killed because we eat them. No demand, no supply.

>> No.4980550

OP just recently had his revelation. There's no turning back now.

>> No.4980552

>Given turkeys are about the dumbest creatures on the planet
Says the urban moron who has never hunted wild turkey and would die of starvation, hunger, dehydration, or exposure if left outside on his own for a couple weeks.

>> No.4980556

Give the turkey to a homeless person. Problem solved.

>> No.4980566

There is no problem to solve.

>> No.4980588

The same case could apply to you.

>> No.4980589

>Still believing this bullshit.

>> No.4980591

Abusing and mutilating millions of turkeys because that industry has made it a national pasttime through marketing is definitely a problem.

>> No.4980599


>> No.4980600

Can you really abuse cattle? I mean, we're going to eat them.

Sure, there's probably a better way to treat them so they taste better, but.. still. Food.

Also: Anyone have the figure of small animals killed during soybean harvests? I heard it's a huuuuuge number.

>> No.4980605

>Can you really abuse cattle?
This is like asking if you can abuse someone on death row, or any person for that matter. Everyone is going to die eventually, doesn't make it okay to mistreat others in the mean time.

>> No.4980612

I love how every alternative-to-meat thread there's always one

>> No.4980611

I'm of the opinion that the only proper capital punishment is exhaustion from being worked to death building roads or schools.

>> No.4980614

>The same case could apply to you.
lol no. I hunt, fish, and can identify every edible mushroom and the majority of edible plants in my region. Bushcraft is a hobby of mine. I have taken 2 weeks off work in the middle of October for the past 4 years to go on a solo canoe trip with minimal supplies. I eat what I can find or catch.

You obviously have zero interaction with nature or animals. It's easy to pick your kind up, because they think it is edgy to not respect animals or their environment. It's as if you think complete ignorance of your surroundings is a virtue.

>> No.4980618

>Thinks marketing doesn't heavily influence consumer trends
Please tell us all about it.

>> No.4980619

>Also: Anyone have the figure of small animals killed during soybean harvests? I heard it's a huuuuuge number.
Do you think harvesting hay and fodder for cattle is not similar? No one is disputing soybean farming is completely harmless, it is about harm reduction.

I don't know why people have to oversimplify issues with extreme dualism. It's either kill nothing for your entire life or give up and eat whatever you can get at Taco Bell and never ever think about it.

>> No.4980624

Nah man I know what you mean. You remember that one time when turkey farmers worked alongside the tobacco industry to trick people into wanting turkey on thanksgiving? That shit was crazy.

>> No.4980626

Exactly. All forms of agriculture involve insects/small rodents etc. dying to some extent. But statistically, a vegetarian diet still kills less animals.

Plus, the animal deaths from agriculture are mostly preventable. Just not enough people care for farmers to put in place measures to minimize the animal deaths.

>> No.4980631

You have no idea how marketing works, do you? How do you think KFC made fried chicken the holiday meal for Christmas in Japan? Mass advertising for years.

>> No.4980634

>lol stupid conspiracy theorists, there is no such thing as marketing

Just keep accepting everything at face value. Never think about anything.

>> No.4980642


Nope, there is no correlation between marketing, holidays, and profits.

>> No.4980643

I heard about that. Like when during slavery slave owners would force their slaves to eat Popeye's and Church's due to a billion dollar contract. That was insane.

I always think twice, like how misogynistic sturgeons forced their women into slavery, and marketed their roe as "luxurious". Never mind the time they teamed up with Apple.

>> No.4980649

I'm willing to bet that they're in cahoots with the eggnog and apple cider merchants. The fiends.

>> No.4980661

But what about the plant deaths?

>> No.4980668

I'm smart and special. Marketing does not affect my consumer choices. Brb while I blow my nose with a Kleenex, wash my dishes with Dawns before I get ready for bed and brush my teeth with Colgate.

>> No.4980675

Anon, don't you see? Every action you make is influenced by muh corporations media gubmint.
The only way to save yourself is to go against the grain!

>> No.4980690

>Every action you make is influenced by muh corporations media gubmint.
If you don't understand that this is true, you are retarded.

>> No.4980696

It's worse than that anon! Every farmer in America is learned in neuropsychology! They're literally CONTROLLING YOUR ACTIONS RIGHT NOW!

>> No.4980707


The turkey spills his blood so the sun will rise again.

>> No.4980720
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They exist because there exists a demand for them to be grown and harvested. Not eating turkey this thanksgiving is condemning countless turkeys to nonexistence, to never experience life. Some people are just heartless, I suppose.

>> No.4980723

>What are wild turkeys

>> No.4980724


>> No.4980725
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>spend billions of dollars every year advertising your products
>people buy into the advertising because they don't know better
>enough people buy things with no research of their own put into the decision that it becomes a normal part of society
>children henceforth are raised to accept these things as correct and never question anything, only thinking of whatever slogan the commercials on TV stick in their head

Whether you want to believe it or not, marketing has a massive effect on everything. YOU don't need to be swayed by it directly to fall under its effects. If everyone else is swayed by it, you can just as easily be swayed by those people. We still have people who think olive oil is a health food

>> No.4980740
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As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.


>> No.4980981


kill yourself

>> No.4981026

doctors do not tell people eating a shit load of meat is healthy, get fucked.

>> No.4981036

Good thing we are omnivores then I guess.

>> No.4981117


Are you kidding? Every respectable doctor in the world tells you to limit your meat consumption, especially red meat.

>> No.4981130

Meat isn't bad for you. Stop spreading vegan propaganda.

>> No.4981134


>doctors are propaganda
>industry marketing is fact

>> No.4981137

>people saying limiting meat consumption automatically means its bad for you

If as a society we were drinking too much water and they told you to cut back it doesn't suddenly mean water is bad. And yes too much water can kill you like with most things.

>> No.4981148


The difference is "too much water" is gallons a day and "too much meat" is still within the bounds of a normal caloric intake

>> No.4981151

Gonna need a citation that meat is bad for you. An up-to-date citation, mind, not some shit from the 50s where it was based on "common sense" instead of science. Eating fat does not make you fat. Nor does it cause cholesterol.

>> No.4981152


>it isn't bad for you, it's just the less you eat the healthier you'll be
>not because it's bad for you though

Yeah, ice cream and soda are also healthy, just not when you eat TOO much.

>> No.4981153



Top 15 leading causes of death in the US directly caused by meat and dairy

>> No.4981157

I used to drink two gallons of water a day and I was just fine(back in high school, playing football). Water won't kill you unless you don't piss it out, which incidentally, I did about 8 times a day.

>> No.4981159
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>Eating fat does not make you fat. Nor does it cause cholesterol.

A-are you one of those paleo cultists?

>> No.4981162

Turns out, Atkins was right. Carbohydrates are extremely bad for you.

>> No.4981165

Got to 2 minutes. Couldn't go on. Eggs are not bad for you. This guy is an idiot for failing to distinguish between high density lipocholestorol(the good kind that eggs are very high in) and low density lipocholesterol, the bad kind that eggs reduce.


>> No.4981164


>> No.4981169


First link talks about short-term weight loss, which doesn't indicate healthiness anymore than contracting AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy to lose weight does. Second link talks about diabetes, for which the most effective diet is a high carb low fat diet developed by Dr. Neal Barnard, which can actually reverse diabetes rather than "treat" it. Third link is another short-term study which means it can easily be affected by anything, including the sudden change of diet given to patients.

It's ridiculous to even suggest that carbohydrates are bad for humans. We evolved from fruit-eating apes and we developed amylase in our saliva and gut specifically to digest starch. We didn't descend from tigers and wolves.




>> No.4981181


You realize the egg industry pays groups to perform studies that put eggs in a positive light, right? You have to wade through a lot of bias and misinformation when it comes to products of giant industries like the egg industry.


>Recent media reports reflect the remarkable effectiveness of the sustained propaganda campaign of the egg producers’ lobby
>Diet is not just about fasting cholesterol; it is mainly about the postprandial effects of cholesterol, saturated fats, oxidative stress and inflammation. A misplaced focus on fasting lipids obscures three key issues. Dietary cholesterol increases the susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein to oxidation, increases postprandial lipemia and potentiates the adverse effects of dietary saturated fat. Dietary cholesterol, including egg yolks, is harmful to the arteries.

The guys who wrote this article are John David Spence, known as "the father of carotid plaque measurement," Richard Jenkins who invented the glycemic index, and Jean Davignon who's the head of arteriosclerosis prevention in Montreal. All bear the title "FRCPC," which basically means they're top shit in their fields. What you see a lot in egg industry influenced studies is they'll pull some bullshit like doing a short-term study measuring the effects of a single egg a day on a population of young people with otherwise great diets and daily exercise routines, and then act like the egg is benign or even beneficial to these already healthy people. I also see lutein and zeaxanthin referenced in those studies, which is also a marketing ploy as a single tablespoon of spinach has as much of those nutrients as 9 eggs, and you'd need to eat 40+ eggs a day to meet the minimum daily allowance of them

>> No.4981379

Isn't sugar a carbohydrate?

>> No.4981386

He probably means complex carbohydrate, but yes sugar is a carbohydrate.

>> No.4981401

What about Durianrider

>> No.4981425

>All of these people saying eating meat is wrong.

I'm sure most of you guys are rusing, but don't judge people for what they want to eat.

>> No.4981451

For a board based on food, it sure is strange how often threads come up on excluding foods.

>> No.4981534

>Don't judge people for what they want to do
>People can do whatever they want and we shouldn't judge them for it, or take any action against it
I now want to eat non-consenting humans. In fact, give me your address, so I can come over and eat you, seeing as you won't judge me for it.

I suspect you would support the idea that people generally should be prevented from eating you. Thus, an inconsistency arises, and your point is irrelevant.
I realize that you're probably a troll, but in the chance that you're not, you need to think your shit through.

Whether or not this is relevant to the eating of non-communicative conscious animals is another issue. The fact that the animals themselves are incapable of changing the situation, and the strictly beneficial nature, to humans, of continuing to farm and eat meat, rather than to cease, brings into question why we should do what the animals cannot, for them, and lose out, out of a neurologically imposed social duty to the animals, rather than a systematic choice to benefit our development.

Simultaneously, the farming system is a manipulation of the natural environment in the which can bring about all kinds of biological fuckery, and inevitably will at some point in time, due to statistical genetics.
Natural biomes are slowly being destroyed, to be replaced with a human-centric, human-controlled system of biological development, permeated by a strictly uncontrollable microbial mass operating probabilistically to fuck our shit up. Our culture is strictly non-adaptive, based on our psychology and our unified society and politics, meaning many probabilistic changes have an enhanced ability to do damage.