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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 220x332, brittlebone_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4974013 No.4974013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy your crumbling bones, milkfags

>> No.4974022

forgot the article

>> No.4974059

sorry bucko, millenia of human experience isn't gonna get debunked by a few biased whiny pants

>> No.4974062
File: 104 KB, 360x479, kevintrudeau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking medical advice from some random bitch on the internet who doesn't even have a PhD and is peddling a "program" with scare tactics like "shocking statistics ignored by mainstream medicine" and "what the big pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know"

I hate people as gullible as you because you keep making these assholes rich

>> No.4974066

>didn't read the article

is the weight of your eyes making your skull fracture yet? is that why?

>> No.4974070

Your overwhelming defensiveness ain't helping your case nancy.

>> No.4974071


>dat image
I can't explain my hatred for kevin trudeau

>> No.4974074

That's not OP mang.

>> No.4974075

who is he?

>> No.4974076
File: 64 KB, 630x473, doggu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, another one of these threads.

OP seems less aggressive than the other vegan cuntlords.

>> No.4974078

Seriously though, why even bother drinking or using milk when soy milk is just as good, if not better? It's got less calories, tastes better, metabolized easier, shits good.

>> No.4974079

I haven't had dairy in 6 years, have had blood tests taken every 3 months for everything (Type 1 diabetic since 9), including calcium and I have never ever had any protein, calcium or vitamin problems. I believe more in what those tests are showing than any nutritionist tells me. So far, my impression of dairy is that it is nothing but a novelty item for the body. I am pretty sure that is becoming common knowledge as well.

>> No.4974081

Uh oh, sounds like you forgot to wear your magnetic power bracelet and got covered in thetans.

>> No.4974082

>who is he

Confirmed for new
Confirmed being on this board for less than 1 month
Confirmed reddit

Go back to elsewhere

>> No.4974086

enjoy your giant fucking man tits and sterility

>> No.4974088

Almond milk is full of fat, Soy milk is full of estrogen, coconut milk is full of fat. Plus, none of them taste good in cereal. They suck. End of story.

>> No.4974089

The guy sells books through infomercials talking about how corrupt the medical industry is and how he's traveled into the deepest shit holes of africa and found tribal remedies for all kind of shit and how you can cure your cancer with table salt mixed with other common house hold spices.

His books are horseshit and basically read
"To gain access to the REAL impressive shit, just sign up for my $100 a month newsletter"

My grandma bought into him a few years ago. I fucking hate this wade of slime.

>> No.4974092

So i assume OP is so easily swayed that he'll believe a biased, exaggerated internet page that wants you to buy a book, rather than the cumulative research of thousands of biologists.

Objectivity, where art thou?

>> No.4974096

OP is all around you

>> No.4974097

>novelty item

dairy is an exceedingly important food for humans all through history, the globe over. here are few, if any cultures without cultural diary products.

>> No.4974098

Because I prefer the taste of cows milk.

>> No.4974102

sorry for not joining your super sekret circlejerk

gotta love the homeopathic community
>here put this poison in your body, it will get rid of the other poisons!
>oh shit your nose fell off
>i am not responsible for that, you should have consulted a doctor before beginning any health regimen.

>> No.4974103
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Jokes on you, nerd.
I don't know who he is either.
But you thought I did.

>> No.4974104
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>> No.4974105

I'm not sure history is such an important factor in contemporary nutritional science as you're making it.

>> No.4974106

only because it's available as an extra source of calories and fat if you have any domesticated mammal, not because it's done anything important for human development

I mean most of the human population is lactose intolerant for fucks sake

>> No.4974108

got any more?

>> No.4974111

Actually, I do have man-tits to some degree. However, I got them way back, before I stopped eating dairy. So for all i care dairy was what did it. Come again. Also, 9/10.

>> No.4974116
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>tfw started this thread solely to prod /ck/ into squabbling, so I would have something to watch while I eat

>> No.4974117


Humans and domestic animals have evolved together for thousands of years. All of a sudden, "animal protein" in milk is causing osteoperosis, despite the benefits of vitamin d and calcium. In regard to the "scienrific evidence" mentioned in the article: correlation=/=causation. A survey is not a scientific experiment.

Try to stay objective people. Or buy snake oil, i dont care.

>> No.4974121

Shh, he is on to us.

>> No.4974124

I can dig it.

>> No.4974133
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>native americans

>> No.4974137

Ur mom

>> No.4974139


>crumbling bones

lol reversed

>> No.4974144

a long tradition of dairy
countless tribes devouring milk
super fucking important when you live in a dry savannah unfit for farming
>northern amerindians
you got me there, but then they are asian descended.

>> No.4974160

Continued lactase production through adulthood is predominant in Eurasians (and I'm not not entirely sure but I think the mongols drank horse milk didn't they?) but uncommon outside of that range.

Which is fine as far as I'm concerned, because Eurasians have basically conquered the world. The asians, blacks, native americans, whateverthefucks who can digest lactose probably inherited it when their great great grandma got dicked by their genetic superiors.

You're welcome.

>> No.4974193

Dairy consumption is a north and northeast African thing. West Africa, where the majority of black slaves used the world over originated, does not natively consume much dairy.

>> No.4974199

>drank horse milk didn't they
>implying mongols don't still exist today
>implying mongols don't still drink mare's milk
>implying mongols don't ferment mare's milk into milk liquor

>> No.4974202

I've enjoyed milk my whole life and haven't so much as fractured or broken a bone at all, despite a lifetime of playing sports. I think I'll be ok if I continue to drink milk.

>> No.4974224

the Japanese exist today and consume large quantities of milk and yogurt but that doesn't mean they did so historically

>> No.4974234
File: 36 KB, 443x517, nigra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are north africans not black?
i was talking in international terms.
and most black slaves came from north and east africa. arabia has a much longer and storied history of slavery than any white man could ever aspire to

>my classmates faces when i tell them to stay away from dairy because they are too black
>their faces when i tell them that cheeseburgers are a white mans food
pic related

>> No.4974248
File: 48 KB, 635x445, libya8n-2-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you asking rhetorically? North Africans are Arabs.

>> No.4974260

not all of them
learn some fucking geography you racist prick

>> No.4974267

I'm glad someone finally fucking said almond milk DOES NOT taste good in cereal. Sometimes I feel like dozens of people are straight up trolling about this and just giggling because they're tricking people into trying it.

>> No.4974271

almond milk is liquid candy
anything beyond drinking plain and cold is terrible

>> No.4974278

No they don't. Consume large quantities of dairy, I mean.
See? Not even in the top 100 nations according to total milk use per capita (this includes domestic production, imported dairy products and industrial uses).
Out of 212 nations of the world, Japan's not even in the top half. Mongolia, in fact, is the only east Asian (by which I mean slant-eyes) nation in the top 25% of dairy use per capita.

>> No.4974285

How is that fucking racist?
People in Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt are mostly Arab.
No one's denying that there are negroes in North Africa.

>> No.4974294

You are now aware that "Arab" refers to the language spoken and nothing more. Suadi's are arab, as are Arab speaking black Sudanese.

>> No.4974292

quite backtracking you fuckshit

>> No.4974299

'Arab' is a distinct ethnic group.
Next you're going to tell me Eminem is an American Black because he raps.

>> No.4974302

So much wrong in one post. The slaves. Came from. West Africa. That's it. If they came from East Africa, they'd look completely different. There are near to no black people in North Africa. Northeast Africa is mixed.
Why would slaves be picked up on the other side of the continent from where the ships are? The Atlantic slave trade took slaves from the west coast of Africa and brought them to the east coast of the Americas.

>> No.4974303

>anal blasted 'muh black culture rewritten by dem whities' monkey detected

>> No.4974310

>sailing completely around the cape of africa to get slaves when you can snag some from the east and north

Why are you so stupid?

>> No.4974312

>arabia has a much longer and storied history of slavery than any white man could ever aspire to
Damn son. Huffin' too much jenkem?

>> No.4974316

Niggers, riceniggers, and chili shitters can eat dairy and yes they love it like all people but they just get the squirts soon afterwards.

Speaking as a person with many nigger, ricenigger, and chili shitter friends.

>> No.4974317

why would they buy slaves from East Africa just so they'd have to sail them around the cape of Africa to deliver them to western Europe and the Americas?

>> No.4974319

>yfw you'll never have south Asian slaves to beat

>> No.4974321

While dairy does use retinol to assimilate the calcium, it isn't enough to fracture bones. Kind of like how your body uses calories to digest. It does take some energy out of you but you will not starve.

>> No.4974324

Jenkem confirmed
Deploying welfare checks and 40's

>> No.4974327

>arabia has a much longer and storied history of slavery than any white man could ever aspire to

>> No.4974334

arabs never had slaves
are you kidding me
only europe and america had slaves

>> No.4974336

this thread isn't about racism or slaves you idiots

>> No.4974339

If that's the case, few in North Africa are Arab at all because they're mostly Berbers.

>> No.4974340
File: 180 KB, 1200x969, African_20slave_20trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...do you not know what East and West mean? Are you confused and think that East Africa borders the Atlantic? Is that the problem here?

>> No.4974342

Don't even fucking try it you trolling cunt.

>> No.4974344
File: 152 KB, 1024x576, Tony Soprano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arabs never had slaves

>> No.4974351

In Arab countries they're not "slaves", they're simply "immigrant laborers".

>> No.4974356

In America they were farm tools, so technically we didn't have any slaves either.

>> No.4974365
File: 17 KB, 407x270, high-five.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm descended from dirt poor potato famine Irish immigrants, French-canadian furriers, and post WWII Japanese immigrants... so I kind of wish my ancestors were lucky enough to have owned slaves.

>> No.4974373

All my ancestors were southern WASPs and my family actually has some verifiable history of slave ownership. Dunno if I should feel guilty or be proud to be of blueblood pedigree.

>> No.4974374

If black people were to find out their ancestors lived in a mansion and had a bunch of subjugated foreigners they could whip or have suck them off at will you know they'd write rap songs bragging about it.

>> No.4974375

>post WWII Japanese immigrants
Same here. Along with a whole bunch of other shit I don't want to think about.

>> No.4974380


You should use your WASP connections to get into an ivy league school and then work for the Southern Poverty Law Center. Then you can have it both ways. Your executive profile page could say "anon is from a southern WASP family that owned many slaves and now he is working hard against racism" or some shit like that. You get the populists on your side, and you get the people who secretly worship aristocrats on your side (because blue blood can do no wrong).

>> No.4974381

stay jelly asianfag

now go see your chinese cartoons

>> No.4974385

Have you tried going to ancestry.com, finding the slaves' descendants, and calling the repo man? I think about it every time I hear talk of "reparations."

>> No.4974386

Dude get your facts straight, they had good old slavery. Why do you think Islam spread so fast? Because it abolished slavery and every slave jumped on the train.

And a famous slave: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilal_ibn_Rabah_al-Habashi

There is no reason to deny.

>> No.4974387
File: 542 KB, 1024x768, lactose-intolerance[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Great-granparents drink whole milk they're entire lives
> Live well into their 90s, by themselves, in good health

> Grandparents drink whole milk
> Still alive and kickin', into their 70s, with no major surgeries, problems, or pills

> Parents drink whole milk their entire lives
> Still very healthy of mind and body, into their late 50s

> I've been drinking whole milk my entire life.
> 28 years old and healthier than most of the people I know

> mfw lactose intolerant fags are so mad

>> No.4974388


It was a good sandwich

>> No.4974393


Funny, I've only had milk once this year, with cereal.

I've also never broken a bone in my life.

>> No.4974394

whole milk is fucking awesome but it's getting harder and harder to find due to healthfaggotry

>> No.4974398

>whole milk is fucking awesome but it's getting harder and harder to find due to healthfaggotry
Dude what

>> No.4974402

have you checked your grocery store?

>> No.4974403

leaving your house would make it easier to find

>> No.4974406
File: 364 KB, 1500x1000, Dubai-man-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were free to leave of their own accord as soon as they managed to locate their passport and round up enough money to pay for the expenses they accumulated during their stay, plus airfare.

Also, those little children greatly enjoy riding the camels.

There is no slavery here.


>> No.4974415

>and round up enough money to pay for the expenses they accumulated during their stay, plus airfare.
So after a few life times?

>> No.4974419


The Middle East still has pretty overt slavery

>> No.4974424

>implying slavery is in the past
>implying all cultures don't just have different forms of slavery with different names to them

>> No.4974429

I believe they call that 'women'

also consumerism/welfare

>> No.4974460

>being proud of redneck southerner heritage
People will just assume you live in a trailer judging by how the south has been during the last 100 or so years

>> No.4974480

No one would think he lived in a trailer if he carried himself in a dignified manner. People wouldn't automatically think redneck trailer trash unless he walked in a plaid shirt without sleeves.

>> No.4974484

as a northeasterner, you would be surprised at the number of half-wits that hear a southern accent and immediately label the person as a retard

>> No.4974491

i'm telling you, i have 2 medium size stores and a fuck hueg one all at 10m walking distance. either there's a lot of people drinking huge quantities of the stuff or they're not stocking it as much due to lack of demand.

>> No.4974537
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Okay, discussion perhaps? Tell me what I am missing. So the correlation between milk and weakened bones is based on the idea that milk acidifies our bodies, and acidity weakens bones. I follow that. And there are studies showing milk drinkers are more likely to have more bone breaks than people who don't drink milk. Okay. But, both of those seem like weak arguments in the whole 'correlation does not always imply causation' reasoning.

This is my first problem: Anti-dairy attacks the acidification, but it doesn't touch soda consumption, juice consumption, and the huge majority of acidic foods we regularly consume, or the hydration (or more likely the lack thereof) of the average American or so. So if the campaign scares off a milk consumer, then what is it doing to address the overreaching problem of acidic drink consumption? Does the quitter still guzzle soda, juice, etc.? Does that matter?

And then the bone breaking thing. Why is that contributed solely to milk and dairy? It's like the fact that vegetarians live longer. Well, is it the absence of meat/milk, or is it due to the overall effect of a more thoughtful diet? Are milk drinkers more likely to consumer other acidic drinks than non-milk drinkers? There are so many questions that are raised and all of this is so loosely tethered together, that while I don't doubt the overall facts, I do doubt the CONCRETE, in-your-face super'fact' of "you drink milk, you break bones." It's... bigger than that, isn't it?

It seems like supermarket pseudoscience magazine connections that need to be examined more deeply. Because while the facts tell us something, it does not tell us something specific enough to react to. That's how I feel. Please give me better sources and correlations that justify this fad.

>> No.4974565

Can't you see we're trying to talk about where our slaves come from and how inferior niggers are?

>> No.4974658

>hating on southerners

I thought this stopped being a thing in the 00's

>> No.4974695

>It's got less calories
Some people don't have a problem with calories. I'm underweight and milk is helping me stay at a healthy weight.

> tastes better

>metabolized easier
Lactose tolerant people don't have trouble digesting milk. Why not just eat porridge and overcooked vegetables? Raw vegetables are harder to digest.

>> No.4974699

I don't care what your studies say, I'm not giving up pizza.

>> No.4974702

You sound like a special snowflake.

>> No.4974715

>thread full of special snowflakes who try to convince others to "stop living their life wrong"

>> No.4974750

OP here, heading to bed, thanks for the show /ck/, stay classy

>> No.4974772

Cow's milk harvesting is one of those things where if it wasn't already a time-honored tradition and was just some new thing companies were trying to sell you, everyone would think "that's fucking nasty"

Can't beat social indoctrination

>> No.4974785

>if you weren't raised with something, it would seem strange to you.
revelation of the century

>> No.4974884

>calling names because you have no argument

>> No.4974943


I wasn't raised on kale and coconut water either, but they don't seem nearly as weird and disgusting as interspecies baby formula

>> No.4974954

I'd rather drink milk than eat duck fetuses, yet that's a delicacy in another culture.

>> No.4974965

why do you idiots think asians dont like milk? when I went to japan, they still had milk fucking delivered to us in the morning.

>> No.4974969


Duck fetus is disgusting too, but the people who eat it probably think "what? it's just duck fetus" because they're used to it, just like we're used to cow's milk here

>> No.4974976

Exactly, that was the point of >>4974785's post

>> No.4975002

nobody said they don't like milk, they said the population lacks the ability to digest lactose.

>> No.4975531

>only the americas have ever had slaves

I hope you are trolling

>> No.4975533

which is not true on average.

>> No.4975551

You don't really know anything about Mongolia do you?

>> No.4975561

No anon what you're talking too is someone who is stupid. There are many stupid people on this world, sadly they have the internet.

>> No.4975570

Of course dairy is a novelty item for the body. Lactase persistence isn't a common thing.

>> No.4975608

Only the Americas ever used black African slaves in high capacity.

You have the internet and are ill-informed. Possibly also stupid, but at the very least quite ill-informed.

>> No.4975620


>> No.4975626

>I've never had real milk

>> No.4975800

>Implying that black slaves were common in the rest of the world

nigga the east enslaved EVERYONE, it was the US that made the whole negro inferiority rationalization

>> No.4975844
File: 150 KB, 1024x768, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people on /fit/ are drinking a gallon of milk a day.

>> No.4975848

I have a natural adrenal disorder that causes my levels of calcium to be very high. I have never broken a bone, even after a 65mph car accident and bunch of other stuff. I drink lactose-free milk and cook with it.

>> No.4975849

Hispanics eat a lot of dairy.

>> No.4975852
File: 11 KB, 501x585, Jew[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes drink your soymilk go-, er, you smart white people it is just as good, if not better? It's got less calories, tastes better, metabolized easier.

>> No.4975857

>Shocking statistics ignored by mainstream medicine
Yeah, no. This sentence is always a good indicator of being smack-dab in the middle of Retard City.

>> No.4975913

The milk lobby taught them well. Too bad milk has so little actual benefits for your fitness.

>> No.4975917

For fuck's sake is there a board on 4chan where you retarded /pol/ fuck's do not exist?

>> No.4975919

it's for bulking nigga, educate yourself.

>> No.4975943

It's got cholesterol, fats, and protein. It has a lot of calories as well. If you can't see why you'd want cholesterol than you have no business talking about nutrition.

GOMAD, more like STAYMAD, skinnyfat.

>> No.4975976

But milk is shit to get protein.
It's way too diluted. They are hurting themselves trying to diggest a gallon of milk per day when they could just eat 100 gram of better protein.

>> No.4976047
File: 810 KB, 638x958, m9h8ex36Ow1rekk0wo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tastes better
Literally rape your own anus with a giant screwdriver.

>> No.4976057

the point is they are already eating as much as they can and then drinking a gallon of whole milk on top of it.
if they were hurting themselves they would have noticed already.

>> No.4976062

But my cholesterol and saturated fats. I need them as part oof a healthy diet.

>> No.4976121

>implying all cholesterol is bad
>implying your body doesn't need certain types to maintain healthy function
>implying you don't suck dicks

>> No.4976178
File: 2.59 MB, 1822x2745, 20131118_140051-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said that. I love my saturated fats and cholesterol. pic related is me

>> No.4976188

What does that fact have anything to do with the fact that Africans were largely used as slaves in the Americas and in Africa and nowhere else? The original, incorrect points implied were:

black African slaves were used in high capacity outside of the Americas/Africa (they weren't)

black, African slaves used in the Americas were from east Africa (they weren't)

west Africans and those descended from them consume dairy in large capacity (they don't)

Mentioning any other groups that have been enslaved (IE every other group on the planet that has ever existed, ever) is not a worthwhile argument to make because it doesn't at all address nor clarify the original points made whatsoever.
Furthermore, slaves of East African origin were used few and far between as they seldom were brought to the orient or elsewhere. Maldives is one notable exception, where slaves from Islamic powers were brought from East Africa and The Horn in 900s to scavenge for cowries and to be harem whores (see below). Islam never had the slave trade organisational skills that the Western European nations had. WE used very few slaves from East Africa in their non-American colonies. Islam used East African slaves, but mostly within the confines of East Africa and Maldives, never moving them elsewhere.
Unlike European slavery, meant for work, Islamic slavery was mostly meant for sex (extramarital sex in Islam is a-okay if a man is raping someone he owns). This is evident by the gender split: for every female slave in European bondage, there were two male slaves as males are larger, more muscular and better suited to labour. For every male slave in Islamic bondage, there were three female slaves as female slaves were meant to be used as literal fucktoys. Islam never brought the slaves anywhere because they didn't need to. You could fuck a woman anywhere, but you can only use hard labour where there's hard labour to do.
So yeah. That.

>> No.4976197

What about white slaves in africa?

>> No.4976201

Don't drink milk?

You're not white. Simple as that.

>> No.4976205
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>> No.4976238
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>> No.4976239

Random anon coming it with some more reasonable article about the whole matter:

Milk may not be as helpful as it seems, but apparently it's still doing body good.

>> No.4976240

Exactly what I was talking about. Arab/Muslim slavers owning fucktoy women. White slavery.

>> No.4976251

Not a camwhore. Just showing that milk does a body good.

>> No.4976256

I bet you hate Trudeau and are a big fan of Harper

>> No.4976255
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>> No.4976260

>oranges stuffed in pants
>sucking it in

>> No.4976261

My father is severely lactose intolerant. There was a period of 3 years where he tried rice milk, almond milk, and soy milk. My dad, brother and I had soy milk for about 8 months until we all got sick of it. Rice milk was was a little better, but we abandoned that pretty quickly. Almond milk was waaay too sweet for us. It didn't take long for dad to stop buying it. After that, he gave up. He doesn't drink anything other than decaf coffee and water. But none of those alternatives went well with cereal. I tried oat milk recently and that is also very sweet. Now a days when I drink soy, almond, or rice milk, they don't taste good anymore. That's my experience.