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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 677x463, pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4970954 No.4970954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do i make pizza from scratch at home?

I want to pizza everyday forever.

>> No.4970958

But what where there topping on?

>> No.4970961

Get flour, add water, make dough

Roll it flat, add tomato paste, cheese, topping, put into oven at 350 or so, cook until it is pizza. The best thing about this is that you can make healthier pizza. Commercial shit is almost criminally unhealthy with all the fucking salt, fake cheese and fat they use.

It's kinda a lot of work though. I think I've seen premade pizza crusts somewhere before, then, you might as well just buy frozen pizzas.

>> No.4970969

>no yeast
That's not a pizza, it's a flatbread.

>> No.4970984

Yeah it's as easy as that, very simple but it is a bit of work to do the base

Flour and water are the main ingredients but you can add oil, sugar, salt, garlic, cheese, etc. whatever to your liking inside the dough

Just get the flour, put it in a plastic bowl and add some water, not too much otherwise the dough will get too sticky (in which case, add more flour), add all your other ingredients and roll it with a rolling pin

Potentially you could add all your favorite toppings in the dough-making process

>> No.4970995
File: 509 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my method, OP:

I make some pizza dough using this recipe:
You can also look around elsewhere on that site; they have a whole guide. I usually use all the dough because my grill will want a pizza, too.

I, however, buy a big block of cheap store-brand mozzarella. Cut it into smaller, 1.5 oz blocks and freeze. When I want pizza I just thaw it in the microwave, takes like 20 seconds.

I buy some pretty cheap pizza sauce from the store, it's like $2/jar. Brand name is "Mid's."

I put some olive oil in my cast iron skillet, spread the dough out. Add 2 tablespoons of sauce and spread it out. Hit it with a little crushed red pepper I got from the asian market. Spread grated cheese over that. Add whatever toppings I have, usually some cheap pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, spinach. Throw it all in a 500F oven for 8-10 minutes. Take it out and check the bottom. If it's done, slice it up and eat. If not, put the skillet on the stove and cook it a little bit until the bottom is crispy.

It's not fancy or anything, but it is cheap and tastes well enough to me. I plan to start making large batches of my own sauce soon so I can store it and use it whenever.

Pic related is the finished product (which I post on here pretty often)

>> No.4971002

Meh, I like thin crusts better anyways.

But yeah I actually have no idea how to bake leavened breads. It seems like too much work.

>> No.4971067
File: 125 KB, 1298x672, Bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But yeah I actually have no idea how to bake leavened breads. It seems like too much work.

I used to think this too, but it's actually super easy, anon. I started bread baking with this recipe here. I realize now that it's not a good recipe really, but it'll work for a beginner. Just don't use that much yeast if you try it -- you only need 2 teaspoons or so. From there I branched out to other stuff like pita (also super easy) and dinner rolls. He's right, too -- people act like you're a fucking wizard if you can bake bread.

>> No.4971070

>seems like too much work
Exactly. Seems. It's really not that much work at all. You really should try and practise with it. It's pretty simple.

>> No.4971112

any anons know how i could cast iron pan/ pizza stone/ where to find pizza stone/ oven 500degrees method etc?

>> No.4971127

This is the most amazing thing ever

Even if you don't do the toppings do the crust.

>> No.4971151

>any anons know how i could cast iron pan/ pizza stone/ where to find pizza stone/ oven 500degrees method etc?

What are you asking?

>> No.4971189
File: 495 KB, 1024x768, CYMERA_20131123_013808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already posted this picture of pizza I made a few days ago. It's really good. I learned how to make the dough from this Youtube vid.


It's a timely process. But well worth it. It's enough to make two pizzas. You can slice the dough in half and store the other half in the freezer for later. Make sure you have a packet of yeast and plenty of flour.

>> No.4971217
File: 417 KB, 1008x2387, Chicago Deep Dish Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go OP. It's a recipe I got off of yahoo, but it's pretty good. I enjoy the pizza myself. It just takes a while to make it (3 hours, including clean up, and other things)

Either way, it makes a nice pizza.

>> No.4971514

if /ck/ knows how I can use a cast iron pan Or a pizza stone with the 500 degree Fahrenheit oven pizza method, and where i could get a good cast iron pan, and where i could get a good pizza stone that wont be a scam.

requirements for a good pizza stone
>it works
>it doesn't explode
>it doesn't cost too much
>it doesn't poison me or my pizza

>> No.4971518

also how exactly do I do the 500 degree Fahrenheit pizza method?

>> No.4971584

nice lasagna but he requested pizza.

>> No.4971624

why the fuck would you ever need to cook at temps that high?

You aren't at a restaurant or working on the fucking line.

>> No.4971629

Chicago deep dish is still (technically) pizza. Not to mention that it also provides for regular pizza too.

Eh, I gave it a shot.

>> No.4971852

>it's like this guy has never had a good pizza in his life
>it's not delivery, it's delissio

>> No.4971890

high heat != good pizza

Looking for a real answer. This is /ck/ after all.

>> No.4973005


>> No.4973275


>> No.4973675


help me please


>> No.4974161


>> No.4974166

/ck/ is a slower board. Give it at least 12 hours.

>> No.4974191


>> No.4974201


I told you in this post:


What do you need to know specifically?

>> No.4974266

im not OP, and i don't like microwaves.

i remember someone had a recipe and they knew alot about pizza stone and making the oven 500 degrees Fahrenheit or something, but i can't remember clearly or for sure.

i wouldn't try it since i really don't know what to do...

>> No.4974293

turn the oven to 500 degrees.
put your fucking pizza stone in the heated oven with an uncooked pizza on top.
take it out once it's cooked.

DONE. now fuck off.

>> No.4974308


Don't listen to this guy: >>4974293

I use a CI skillet, as I posted earlier. The dough recipe I posted calls for the dough to be chilled, and if you do that it may not cook evenly. Solution is to oil your pan, spread out your dough on the pan, and then place it on the burner for a couple minutes at low heat. Don't leave it on too long, though, just enough to warm it up. Afterward, put it in the oven at 500F and leave it in for 8-10 minutes. It can be scary for beginners who aren't used to cooking at high temperatures, but consider that commercial pizza ovens get to like 900F or some shit.

As far as a stone goes, I have limited experience, but if you do use one you need to preheat your stone along with your oven and leave it in there for a good 10-20 minutes to really get up to heat.

>> No.4974318


Don't help this guy. >>4974191

>> No.4974323


Yeah he's obnoxious for the bumps but maybe he will learn and share. Also there are always lurkers.

>> No.4974335

here op, the crust seems a bit crackery. not sure how much you like that but it tastes amazing
