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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4970551 No.4970551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Chicago dogs have too much shit on them that doesn't belong together. How do people eat theses things?

>> No.4970571

In the usual manner.

>> No.4970597

Sorry to burst your bubble, OP, but you're a faggot

>> No.4970602

>no ketchup

>> No.4970607

"Today I'm going to go on /ck/ and try and start shit."

>> No.4970609

>wanting sugarsauce

Get bent.

>> No.4970611


>plain hot dog with ketchup eating faggot

kill yourself

>> No.4970626

What do you think the tomatoes are for, cockgoblin? Ketchup is worse in every way.

>> No.4970627
File: 297 KB, 1280x960, get in my belly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isn't the GOAT

chitown here, I've got a baseball bat that going to take s a selfie of you.

>> No.4970634


WAT...explain this shit?

>> No.4970631

God damn, look at that relish. I fucking love bright green relish.

>> No.4970635

Ketchup is shit and sugar and garbage and it tastes like ass compared to a tomato. If you disagree you're wrong.

>> No.4970643


yeah, well fggt. I agree with you and fuck off you sissy dicked dress wearing cluck.

>> No.4970648
File: 25 KB, 216x338, TheJungleSinclair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Chicagofags so defensive about their food?
It's not like you guys don't have anything else to be proud of-
Oh wait.

>> No.4970653

Why would you not be defensive of some of the best hot dogs to grace this planet?

>> No.4970661
File: 169 KB, 500x375, beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



shiggity chi to choochoo townz have the best food.

>> No.4970674

According to the South, they have the best food.
>hurrrr mah briskit an' bbbq ribs wit' gravy no beans in chili hyuck hyuck
According to the West Coast, they have the best food.
>hurrrrr muh organic grass fed vegan tofu cow fish taco from a food truck run by lesbian minorities
According to Wop Greaseballs, you have the best food.
>hurrrr muh pizza that's 90% marinara sauce and hotdog with a bunch a stupid crap in it and beef with peppers and sausag
According to East Coast, they have the best food.
>hurrrr muh pizza thats better than chicago because magic water fairies and jew pastrami made from goyims foreskin
An entire continent arguing about food..you are why Europe and Asia hate you faggots. Can't you at least argue about sports teams?

>> No.4970678

Nigger I mentioned hot dogs and hot dogs alone. I never said all of Chicago's food was superior.

And by the way? Different locales have perfected different foods, and for the most part there isn't an argument about who does what best.

And we do argue about sports teams. But this isn't /sp/. And Europe and Asia argue about who does what food better too. And they hate us because America tries to fix the entire world based on their idea of right while not actually having a working country most of the time. So no, they don't hate America because of food.

How wrong can you even be in one post? Holy shit m8.

>> No.4970680

Now I want a Bari Beef, you're killing me over here.

>> No.4970690

Is this a copypasta? If not, it should be.
>magic water fairies
holy fuck I'm dying

>> No.4970697


>not mentioning Chicago

sit and spin on muh cawk with your whore ass you limp dicked bottom faggot

>> No.4970698
File: 149 KB, 960x770, 1369722851641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite thing on a hotdog is nuts. Particularly cashews. It's something everyone should try.

>> No.4970699

He did in the part with the "wop greaseballs" you ignoramus.

>> No.4970721

>Likes nuts with his hotdogs

Come on man, you're making this too easy.

>> No.4970722



I was saying that he should have acknowledged Chicago as a regional delicacy, proud and proper in it's rightful place; you mother fucking pubic school drop out, welfare collecting section 8 drain on society.

>> No.4970739

Gettin' awfully mad. Chicago is mentioned. See: Wop Greaseballs.

>> No.4970820



>I was saying that he should have acknowledged Chicago as a regional delicacy, proud and proper in it's rightful place; you mother fucking pubic school drop out, welfare collecting section 8 drain on society.

READ IT you fucking illiterate, can't get no GED LIVIN' IN A TRAILER WITH YA MAMMA MOTHER FUCKER.

>> No.4970828
File: 1004 KB, 3264x2448, WP_000958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modified Chicago-style I get at a place in the suburbs (Downers Grove, specifically)

Sour pickle, no sweet relish, and the bun doesn't have poppy seeds. Pretty good.

>> No.4970839

Looks like vinegar: hot dog edition

>> No.4970845


you seem like a pretty cool guy, maybe I'll suck your dick if you're into that or whatever.

>> No.4970853
File: 115 KB, 500x376, familyguypuke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any food with a "Chicago" label

>> No.4970862

where in dg?

>> No.4970870


Teddy's. 63rd and Main.

>> No.4970871
File: 56 KB, 508x381, cn_image.size.giordanos-pizza-deep-dish-chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga wat?

also obligatory deep mother fucking dish

>> No.4970872

chi dogs are great when done right which is not usually the case

>> No.4970878


unite NW subfags

>> No.4970881

Small world. I worked at the Laser Quest in dg for four years. Maybe we met if you ever came in there

>> No.4970884

>mfw bratwurst in a pretzel bun with saurkraut.

>> No.4970891

>Let me help your point by posting a picture of pizza cake!

>> No.4970893

Only in Chicago would someone put salt on a pickle

>> No.4970897


not that other fag, but I've got a house on chicago ave in dg about four miles away from rt83.

OK so now requesting BLACKup our position has been over run by non-chitown haters.

>> No.4970908


pick 1

>> No.4970910


>pickling without salt

nigga wat?

>> No.4970914


All pickling is is salt and vinegar

>> No.4970920


>broken arrow


>> No.4970924

>Plain ass hotdog
Gotta make sure the bar remains low

Exactly what a hot dog needs, tomato water

>Yellow mustard
Good thing they didnt splurge on money on decent deli mustard

>Neon relish
Confirmed cancer causing radiation

>Poppy seed bun
Since the only people who eats these things are junkies, nothing to worry about

>Sport peppers
Come on folks are you going out of your way to be shit? Get some jalapenos or pepperoncinis at the very least

>Kosher pickle spear
On top of all that other crap you are loading on a giant pickle?

>Celery salt
Oh now you are trying to be fancy. Look even if you put some parsley next to a shit sandwich its still shit

>> No.4970931

>All pickling is is salt and vinegar
Not true. Lacto fermented veggies are considered a type of pickle, and no vinegar is used.

>> No.4970939


DAFAQ..we're about to reopen rolling thunder on your stone age living azn ass; how the fuck did you even get on the web with your banboo bullshit?

>> No.4970950


>we have identified a primary target

give me eyes on the drone..launch code alpha, 22938 omega delta.

>> No.4970955

Only on 4chan would people be this autist. Pickle = after a cucumber has been pickled = the pickle is fucking loaded with salt. Why on earth would someone add more salt to a pickle?

The question wasn't why would someone add salt to a cucumber to pickle it.

>> No.4970983


nigga wat?

mine negro, clearly you don't understand how to into salt let alone pickle, read or type and good luck trying to get your free bama care/buck and housing.

>> No.4971001

No, you don't understand.

I asked why someone would put salt on a PICKLE.

A pickle is a cucumber that was already been soaked in vinegar/salt and gone through the process of pickling. Your dumbass somehow thought "Why would someone put salt on a PICKLE" was "Why would someone add salt to the pickling process"?

>> No.4971041



after reading that I now know you need some serious help; as far as I can diagnose you are a high functioning individual impaired whit a serious mental disability that can be handled with institutionalization and partial Lobotomy coupled with heavy medication. Dude, don't worry IMMA get you right.

>> No.4971055

>I don't know what I am talking about

Keep coming with them ad hominems bro

>> No.4971075


It's art.

>> No.4971118

Some people really, really like salt.

Pickles are not really pickled in brine so much as put in jars of vinegar. Modern commercial pickles are not as salty as they might have been traditionally.

But yeah, adding salt to really salty foods is a little insane.