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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 400x333, BaconWave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4969425 No.4969425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, do you love bacon but hate having all that disgusting grease left over? Well worry no more! With "Bacon Wave" you can microwave your bacon in a jiff and dump all that nasty grease down the drain when your done! And the best part is that your bacon will be straight as an arrow! No annoying waves. Isn't that great?

>> No.4969448
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>No annoying waves

>> No.4969449
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>nasty grease down the drain
9/10 I'm furious

>> No.4969450

If there is a hell, they have circle set aside for people who microwave bacon.

>> No.4969453
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nigga, they serious?

>> No.4969456
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I went through my hard drive for 20 minutes just to find this picture. That should explain everything. Thank you.

>> No.4969457

A friend of mine's dad once tried to steam bacon.

>> No.4969458

I'm sure they have a shortbus circle in hell too.

>> No.4969459

I can forgive and understand why people do certain things.
I can forgive people for creating faux vegan bacon.
I can understand why people would want to emulate jersey shore.

But there is a place, a dark place, where people go when they microwave bacon and dump the grease down the drain. It is a place inhabited by baby-killers and people who talk at the theater.

I hope this is buried somewhere far and deep from the prying eyes of humanity. May we never, ever need to have something like this ever again.

>> No.4969466

>That should explain everything.
That you're retarted, yes?

>> No.4969489

nigger what if I cut bacon strips in half
doesn't work now

>> No.4969490
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>> No.4969537

I buy the pre cooked bacon that only takes 30s in the microwave, so no grease

>> No.4969543

You're going to hell, anon.

>> No.4969547
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its really not that bad. has a bit of a microwave aftertaste but tastes like bacon

>> No.4969550

>its really not that bad
That's not how you prepare bacon, simple as. Same thing with the liquid smoke shit they pass off as bacon in the stores today.

>> No.4969555

but..I use that. (not sure about the bacon part) but I have a bottle of some liquid stuff I put on my BBQ in the summer thats called liquid smoke

>> No.4969560

It's a fucking abomination. Bacon should be dry cured then smoked, not soaked in water that smoke has passed through.

>> No.4969562


Microwaved bacon is awful, though.

>> No.4969568

If you have some way of absorbing/draining the fat, I'd say it's one of the best ways to cook bacon.

>> No.4969580

Liquid smoke has it's place, just not as welcoming. Liquid smoke 1/2 tsp last bit of cooking but damn use real smoke if you're serious.

I use liquid smoke in pulled pork shoulder if i don't sear it.

>> No.4969606

>grease ANYWHERE near the drain

>> No.4969696

I remember this thing
I saw it on some TV shop thing

>> No.4969707

So what's the verdict on broiled or roasted bacon?

>> No.4970577

How am I supposed to dispose of grease then?

>> No.4970594

Just make sure to run hot water down the drain

>> No.4970599

Why would you waste grease, ever? Jar that shit and make gravy later, bitch.

>> No.4970675

Line the drainhole with tin foil and dump it in there. Wait for the grease to solidify and then crumple it up and throw it away. But >>4970599 is a superior alternative. If you must throw it away, put it outside in the grass.

Captcha: Lord herompe

>> No.4970685

>our bacon in a jiff and dump all that nasty grease down the drain

>not filtering the grease
>not saving to cook with other dishes

a-am I still on /ck/?

>> No.4970701

When i was in highschool i thought the bacon wave was the hypest shit ever, my group of friends all pitched in so we can get it together.

Once we used it we realized it tasted like shit.
We then continued to use it out of guilt until one day where we microwaved the bacon way too long and the grease warped the device, rendering it useless.

That was the day we were saved, thank you based god for ridding us of a terrible purchase

>> No.4970702

Stop taking the bait, holy shit.

>> No.4970715

Pan or oven frying bacon takes way too fucking long, and its messy as fuck. Also, the oil in pan frying covers up some of the bacony flavor. Microwaved bacon is best bacon.

>> No.4970720

> grease
> rendering


> 2013 and not baking bacon in the iven at 250* F for the clearest bacon dripping ever!

>> No.4970726

>>not filtering the grease
>>not saving to cook with other dishes

People who microwave bacon with a plastic bacon rack they bought on TV don't cook any other dishes.

>> No.4970731

>Using oil to fry bacon
That's what the fat is for.

>> No.4970732

Baking bacon is the way to go. 350 for like 10 minutes, you don't even need to turn it.

>> No.4970754

ever had chicken-fried bacon?

That shit is amazing.

>> No.4970772

HNNNNGG my heart

Don't do that to me all at once! Start with chicken, then bacon, then off-handedly mention that "fried" goes in between the two.

>> No.4970844

It's terrible for your body, I'll grant you that but god damn death never tasted so good.

>> No.4970888
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Can we make this an As Seen on TV thread? I loved those infomercials.

>> No.4970975
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>> No.4971065

You guys are retarded and if there's a hell, then I'd rather go there for microwaving my bacon every once and a while because even the freshest hell would have to be better than sitting around talking to you fucks.

At least this guy understands it's an opinion.>>4969562
I can't believe people still put grease down drains. It's really bad for your pipes anon, definite no-no even if you don't want to save it.

>> No.4971072


I'm going to pour some melted duck fat down the drain later. I might post some pictures just for you.

>> No.4971167
File: 890 KB, 295x225, I dunno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you assume that what you do with your grease on purpose would make me mad. I don't give a flying fuck what you do. The guy I was responding to seemed like he had no idea that it was bad for his plumbing, which is what surprised me.

Seriously bro, knock yourself out. I'd be pretty hypocritical if I made fun of people for caring about bacon cooking methods and then found a similar thing to get pissy about, wouldn't I?

>> No.4971397
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