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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4969318 No.4969318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to not be a fat fuck anymore, or at least balance my drinking with healthy foods. Been trying green smoothies, damn are they good. HEALTHY THREAD!

Post recipes!
I'll post the smoothie I've been making, its really good.

1 Chard leaf, de-veined
4-5 Kale leaves
1 bunch parsley
1 Banana
1/2 Avacado
1 cup ice cubes
1 cup water

Tastes like a banana smoothie (but green) and is awesome for your health!

>> No.4969332

Or you could cook like a normal person, have the chard and kale in an omlette and have the banana on the side. Juicing/"green smoothies" is the most pants on head retarded fad diet I've seen recently.

>> No.4969336


>in an omelette

Why ruin the healthiness with eggs?

>> No.4969337

Or you could ignore the thread like a non-rude person.

I am interested because I recently had a tooth extracted so chewing is difficult. Can you use lettuce in green smoothies? 'cause I've got a fuckton of green oak.

>> No.4969341
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Ah, didn't realize this was a secret veganfag thread. My bad.

>> No.4969343

OP, you ever use chia seeds in your green smoothies? They thicken the hell out of it, so you might need to water it down more before adding them, but they're a great source of fiber, omega-3s, and antioxidant phytonutrients

>> No.4969346


You don't have to be vegan to disregard egg industry propaganda. Stop being a traditionalist retard.

>> No.4969347

Yes! The more dark greens the better. It's pretty damn good, the banana really makes the base great, or add pear/mango.

Non cooked is a good alternative because there is zero loss of nutrition from heat. The blender blades break cell walls so your body can absorb everything.

>> No.4969349


>> No.4969352

No, I like it smooth, but I'd consider adding a tablespoon of flax/hemp oil or the like.

>> No.4969359


All that article says is supplemented vitamins/antioxidants in pill form don't work.

>> No.4969362
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>The blender blades break cell walls so your body can absorb everything.

You're never going to absorb all the cellulose. Also that's retarded. As if your body has trouble lysing cells.

>> No.4969367

No shit. The majority of cellulose is not digestible. Great source of fiber and nutrients tho from uncooked veg.

>> No.4969370

Throw some ginger in that shit. Apple-carrot-ginger-kale smoothie

>> No.4969380
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Nigga you really think teeth can do what a blender does?

>> No.4969383

Yes, and they actually do it better. They smash and grind.

>> No.4969385

When I eat salad as a main meal I shit whole leaves. Smoothie way is best way.

Yes I chew my food you gargoyle.

>> No.4969386

I see you've never been to /fit/

>> No.4969399


Actually I used to go there a lot. /fit/ isn't a place to discuss health, it's a bodybuilding board. Moot even removed the word "health" from the board title because nobody there gives a shit about their health, just gaining muscle.

>> No.4969405

This isn't /milkshake protein/ board. We talking veg in this here thread. Go elsewhere if you wanna drink eggs.

>> No.4969962
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Not sure if troll or world's worst digestive system...

>> No.4971680

you do realize eggs are one of our best proteinsources, rigth? Not to mention the 6 out of 9 eaa's covered

>> No.4971701

top kek

>> No.4971711

You realize your idea of "healthiness" isn't universal, right?

>> No.4971944


Says who? Plant protein is recognized as the most beneficial, just not the most convenient. But besides that, that doesn't make eggs good for you. Some poisons have vitamins and minerals, that doesn't mean it's good to eat them. There's something like 250-300mg of cholesterol in every egg yolk, which has been found to be almost as bad for you as smoking

>> No.4971962


Eggs are a complete protein and thus contain all essential amino acids.

>> No.4971966

I think you're missing the point.

If you're trying to lose weight, you have to make sure that whatever the fuck you're eating is replacing unhealthier foods and lowering your calorie intake.

If you drink that instead of a milk shake, you're doing something right. If you drink that on top of whatever you ate before, you're not doing it right.

Ugh... it's like 180mg or so, but dietary cholesterol doesn't directly correlate with cholesterol in blood. Even then, if this is a big concern, you could simply not eat the yolk which contains all of the cholesterol, all of the saturated fat and a 1/3 of the protein..

>> No.4971988


>dietary cholesterol doesn't directly correlate with cholesterol in blood

Right, but it's not about cholesterol DOESN'T do, it's about what it does do. It increases the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation (causing plaque build-up in the arteries), increases postprandial lipemia, and worsens the effects of saturated fat

>if this is a big concern, you could simply not eat the yolk which contains all of the cholesterol, all of the saturated fat and a 1/3 of the protein..

And all of the vitamins. At that point, why bother eating it? Just make smoothies like OP wants

>> No.4972034

>It increases the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation (causing plaque build-up in the arteries), increases postprandial lipemia, and worsens the effects of saturated fat

No one is really sure of the effects of cholesterol on individuals of varying ages and diets. Granted, the evidence tends to be against, but the problem tends to be people eating large quantities of cholesteral also tend to eat large quantities of saturated fat.

> And all of the vitamins. At that point, why bother eating it? Just make smoothies like OP wants

Because protein, calories, filling-ness. A cup of egg whites is 1/5-1/3 of your daily protein intake depending on what you're shooting for and only 120 calories. Also, fuck liquid calories. Why not just eat a salad?

>> No.4972048
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>Get told that dietary cholesterol doesn't do what you claim
>Right, but it's not about cholesterol DOESN'T do, it's about what it does do.

>> No.4972053
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Why is "but protein" always the excuse for these kinds of controversies? It's not like protein is some rare, elusive macronutrient that you can only get in a few places. Everything has protein. If you're eating food, you're going to get protein. You don't need to eat the most protein-dense foods you can find and eat all your day's protein in one meal.

>> No.4972057


Link me to the post where I said dietary cholesterol becomes blood cholesterol

>> No.4972094

Because it's a macro-nutrient and very important in diet.

Eggs are not only a good source of complete proteins, but cheap and easy to prepare.

>> No.4972099


>Because it's a macro-nutrient and very important in diet.

And I said everything has it. It's important, but it's not like you're not going to get protein if you don't eat eggs or drink milk or whatever other poison food that has protein in it. If you get sufficient calories, you'd have to go out of your way in order to not get sufficient protein as well

>> No.4972105

not true, easier for the body to metabolize proteins from lean sources.
>>4969318 i wouldnt think these drinks would make you lose weight but they will certainly help alot with getting all the right vitamins and whatnot. you should use some kind of calorie counter, ask fit for one. if you want to lose weight then cutting calories is really the only way to do it. calsin/calsout. never have cheat meals. keep on it good luck bro were all gonna make it

>> No.4972107

It really depends on an argument for how much protein a person should consume. 50g? Sure, pretty easy to hit for 2k calories a day. 100g? More difficult, and a gram per lean pound is even more so.

>Poison food

You throw around that term very lightly. What exactly makes a food poison?

>> No.4972117

I just put in flax seeds in mine just for the taiste of them, I dont know why but even when I have them as is I like them.

>> No.4972130


100g of protein from egg whites is like 2 dozen eggs worth

>that feel when you eat legumes
>all that protein, fiber, minerals, and phytonutrients