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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 236 KB, 1024x768, thanksgiving-day-dinner-wallpapers-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4967541 No.4967541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where the hell are all the What are you having for Thanksgiving threads.

Well what are you having for thanksgiving?!?!?

>> No.4967560

Ill be at work. So, I dunno. Maybe a noddle bowl or something.

>> No.4967564


Probably not a lethal injection. Anniversary is a week after.

>> No.4967580

I'm roasting a turkey (brined, then slow-roasted overnight) and also making mashed potatoes, sourdough rolls, and curried carrots. Other family members are bringing stuffing, butternut squash, green beans, lefse, a couple of deserts, cranberry sauce, beer and wine will be served.

>> No.4967591

Think I'm gonna splurge and get a Big Mac combo.
I may even get it Large sized.
>'tis the season

>> No.4967595

I'm making some sautéed mushrooms and baked sweet potatoes in brown sugar sauce, need to ask mom how to make it, the sauce if delicious on ham.

Oh, I have cranberry honey. Any kind of sauce I could make for turkey with it? It's a heavy honey with a cranberry aftertaste. I was thinking some sort of cranberry sauce or a chutney?

>> No.4967717

fucking murikans and their made up holidays celebrating genocide

fucking pigs

>> No.4970039

Say wot?

>> No.4970071

Nothing. To me its just another day. Then again don't realy celebrate holidays anymore.

Just job searching, finishing Uni and playing battlefield 3

>> No.4970080

You have it all wrong. We are celebrating the wonderful things the natives gave us before we killed them off.

>> No.4970112

Going to a friend's house. He's making a fried turkey, gravy, stuffing, some other sides like mashed potatoes and/or corn, rolls/biscuits, maybe some sweet potatoes I'd imagine. His wife is making a couple of pies; pumpkin and apple I believe, perhaps pecan as well.

I'll be bringing a ham, home made green bean casserole (not that shit with canned mushroom soup either) and probably a bottle of wine.

>> No.4970116

A.K.A. "Thanks for all the land, enjoy the small pox blankets and have fun in your trailer parks while we gorge ourselves on excessive, wasteful amounts of food and rape the land with destructive resource gathering methods!"

>> No.4970125

Roasted turkey (gordan ramsey's version), honey ham, pumpkin cake, lemon pie, dill and garlic butter monkey bread. quiche lorraine, fondant potatoes, and southern green beans.

Cooking solo for about 8 people, not including the ones that just happen to drop by like every year. Expecting upwards to 15.

At least I'm not buying the ingredients.

>> No.4970138

For sure green bean casserole, sweet potatoes (trying a new recipe this year), challah, and cranberry sauce. Still trying to decide on what dessert(s) and if I want to go with a roast chicken or some duck shenanigans (not the biggest fan of turkey). It's just my roommate and me, so we tend to go all-out on trying new recipes for things.

Last time the two of us cooked for Thanksgiving we were both in the kitchen for nine hours straight making everything from scratch--I'm hoping this year since we've had some practice it won't be that bad.

>> No.4970146

Yo dudes. I got the pleasure of doing this years' breakfast and stuffing.

Want to make a giant, almost cake sized cinnamon roll.

Can't really find much on the web that insures me of what I want (gooey, extremely large). You know what I'm talking about though? Those platter sized rolls that you see when walking into a cafe.

Also, any good stuffing recipes?

>> No.4970164

I'm going to my mom's house, where every fucking thing comes from a can and if I suggest we MAKE THE FUCKING CRANBERRY SAUCE or something, I'm criticized and made to feel like an asshole.

Ugh. I just want some legitimate TG food. I need a new family. Anyone adopting?

>> No.4970165

Hold up. Is Thanksgiving a Christian holiday? Because if it is, then I can't celebrate it; that would compromise my edginess.

>> No.4970168


America is a Christian nation founded on a legal system that traces its roots to Biblical law. If you don't like it you can GTFO

>> No.4970170

>that would compromise my edginess

This made me chuckle a little.

>> No.4970176

i'll be heading to the parents' house. they're pretty good at maintaining a balance of classic dishes and experimental stuff (nobody wants a multitude of crappy dishes)

you could probably suggest one year to have it at your place if you're willing to prep everything. unless you have some annoying roommates like i do.

>> No.4970177
File: 20 KB, 224x261, BanquetTurkeyMeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably get the turkey one in keeping with the season and a bottle of jack and just try to forget.

>> No.4970227

This. If you are American, you are Christian. You don't get a choice in this.


>> No.4970231

That sounds way better than cooking for and cleaning up after 15 people

>> No.4970281

Thanksgiving was last month, silly.

>> No.4970283

Started out that way, sort of. In the 1700s and into the 1800s, Christmas was shunned by non-Hibernian English-speaking people, particularly Americans. It was derided as a filthy Papist holiday, based on paganism, evil and baby-eating (I wish I was making this up). Before Lincoln made the holiday official in the US, many Americans were celebrating Thanksgiving as a Christian festival to give thanks to their god for destroying the horrid savages that lived on American territory and for giving them the land for them to practise their witch-burnings and persecutions without being persecuted by other persecutors (funny that and I wish I were making this up, too, but I'm not). It was meant as a church day to give thanks to their god.

In Britain, Thanksgiving was celebrated not by feasting but by fasting. The Thanksgiving holiday eventually lost all religious connotations on both sides of the pond, in Britain by the early 1600s after the whole gunpowder fiasco and eventually morphed into Guy Fawkes Day and in the US by the mid 1800s eventually becoming the Thanksgiving known today, complete with mythologised history of sharing meals with axe-wielding pagan savages in kindness and acceptance.
So now you know. Christmas bad. Thanksgiving good. So any time some douchebag American nutjob fundie Christian complains that someone is trying to take the Christ out of Christmas, tell him/her than unless s/he is a Catholic, his religion never found Christmas suitably Christian to begin with.

>> No.4970302

>Celebrating genocide

Regardless of most people's ignorance of our history, the holiday is definitely not about killing the Native Americans. It really is about family and being thankful, at least for those of us that aren't complete ignoramuses. Even people who talk about the (mostly false) story of the first Thanksgiving focus on the sharing and cooperation between early settlers and natives.

>> No.4970306

>Christian nation

Do you even living Constitution?

>> No.4970309

You silly Canadians!

>> No.4970347

I'm doing all the cooking this year, but I've done it before, so it's no biggie I have to start prep on Tuesday, though, lol, because I make everything from scratch. Anyway, I'll be making roasted turkey (using my finely tuned method for a perfect bird), cider gravy, sourdough stuffing, cranberry sauce with orange zest, baked mashed potatoes, green bean casserole (no canned crap here), Waldorf salad, cloverleaf rolls, relish tray (gherkins, stuffed celery, cherry tomatoes, olives), pumpkin cheesecake bars, bourbon pecan pie bars, and for breakfast that morning I'm making sausage balls.

>> No.4970353
File: 473 KB, 880x495, lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to put one of these into a pot of boiling spices until it turns red. Then I will open it up, dip its soft parts into butter and lemon juice and eat them.

Dessert is still up in the air. Maybe a creme brulee.

>> No.4970382

I'm making a duck for the first time.

Not sure what kind of glaze I should put on it, though.

>> No.4970394

I go to my friend Rob's house every year for thanksgiving, but he died in March.

I haven't even thought about it, and it was my favorite holiday.

>> No.4970399

>implying that rag still means anything

>> No.4970408

I always do lobster for Christmas, but I butter poach 'em. I'm addicted to that prep method. (or maybe I'm just a fatty who loves butter, LOL)

>> No.4970416

If anyone who's dong turkey for the first time (or not) is looking for an easy roasted turkey method that yields an excellent bird, I'd be happy to give out my method.

>> No.4970425


>> No.4970423

I'd live to know how to dong a turkey.

>> No.4970432

No, you idiot, he's obviously asking for anyone who _is_ a dong turkey for the first time. I was a dong turkey for the last 5 years, but last year I got botulism and the rules say that once you get botulism, the next adult male in line has to take over. So my nephew is the dong turkey for the first time this year. He'd love the recipe.

>> No.4970439

LOL I didn't even notice that. Too funny...
I think my family would get mad if I donged the turkey.

*doing* turkey, DOING

>> No.4970519

Hey kindof a newfag to this board but this thanksgiving I would like to roast a duck does anyone have any helpful tips?

>> No.4970522
File: 1019 KB, 2048x1536, 190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my options:
1. Go to best friend's house where there will be curried goat
2. Chinese restaurant
3. hotel restaurant
I'm going to be alone.
I like the variety of chinese food, but turkey and dressing comes once per year.
and who knows when the hell curried goat will swing my way again?
What do you think Anon
help me

>> No.4970647

i'm spending thanksgiving volunteering with my local food bank. i figure its a win-win: i have an excuse not to cook anything fancy, plus i get to give back to my community.

>> No.4970649

you realize that all hoidays are made up

>> No.4970651


turkey and dressing once a year? boston marker open 7 days a week

>> No.4970657

Go for the Goat.

>> No.4970682

The basic stuff like turkey, mac & cheese, mashed taters, cranberry sauce, etc
They asked me to make some biscuits this year so I'm thinking cheddar & scallion with some turkey stock mixed into it
Also considering a sweet potato gratin but it depends on what work is like the night before thanksgiving
If it's busy I wanna sleep late, if it's slow we might all just get drunk at work & again I'll want to sleep late

>> No.4970704

>mfw most of the people around me came to this country long after the genocide of the native American peoples and celebrate Thanksgiving as a matter of course.

I'm thinking prime rib this year, no turkey.

>> No.4970710

where you work?